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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Interview with Superman


Journalist Jimmy Olsen is offered an exclusive, in-depth interview of Superman, and readers catch glimpses into the inner workings and sophisticated worldview of the mighty Man of Steel.

Characters: Superman/Kal-El, James (Jimmy) Olsen
Rating: FRT (Contains much serious discussion about broad and deep topics, such as politics, war, religion, and spirituality. Many readers may find this story to be intellectually "heavy" or "dense", though it is sprinkled in a few places with humor.)

Categories/Warnings: AU, Futurefic, OOC (for Jimmy Olsen, a journalist who is more mature and worldly here than how he is usually portrayed)

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Superman/Kal-El, Jimmy (James) Olsen, or Lois Lane (whom I make a passing reference to in this "interview"). I will not be making any money off this piece. Superman/Kal-El, Jimmy Olsen, and Lois Lane are the property of DC Comics, Warner Brothers, and Millar/Gough (with the possible exception of Jimmy Olsen not being owned by Millar/Gough at this writing). There may be other corporate entities, which I've unknowingly left out, that have full or partial copyright to all or some aspects of the above-noted characters, THE DAILY PLANET, and the fictional place, the Fortress of Solitude. Superman/Kal-El, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, the DAILY PLANET, and the Fortress of Solitude (at least I think this place as well) are all the original creations of Joe Shuster and Jerome Siegel. I've written this tale purely for entertainment purposes. Enjoy!
(Author's Note: I wish to extend my deepest thanks to my dear friend Shimmer, who not only listened with patience and good humor as I talked with her about my work on this fic, but also proofread it, and gave me a lot of extremely helpful feedback and suggestions, such as a more precise definition of yoga. You're the best, Shimmer. This piece may be archived on any and all sites that are deemed appropriate for fan fics such as this one. Please just inform me first of where you are archiving it. I gladly welcome any positive, genuine feedback. No flames please. Thank you.)

Work Text:

"Interview with Superman" by James Olsen (First published in the August 2___ issue of METROPOLISMONTHLY, a publication of the DAILY PLANET SYNDICATE.)


Like so many, I first met the great and mysterious Superman in a very public situation shortly after he burst onto the world scene. For some reason I have yet to fully understand, he recently granted me, out of countless thousands of journalists and highly esteemed writers, an exclusive interview. This is the most personal and comprehensive one ever published to date. The circumstances for arranging our meeting were clandestine. Talking at length with the Man of Steel led me to understand why. I hope what soon follows answers this question, among many others, for readers.

Superman literally dropped out of the sky before me one evening. Cutting right to the chase, he succinctly stated that I could interview him very soon, exactly where and when we would meet, and to not tell a soul or the appointment would be off. He finished with a piercing look which left me shaking in the knees. (He has that effect-- among others-- on you.)

A few days later, I followed his instructions to the letter. We met up in the cover of night and he took me to a place of wonders. I have no idea where it's located. Superman somehow made sure of this, but I honestly can't remember exactly what he did with me. I vaguely recall briefly flying in total, protective darkness before reaching our destination.

I can't begin to describe where we ended up. Perhaps it was a cave, a lair of crystals in virtually every color, shape, and size, though they were mostly shaped like that of long quartz pieces, smooth-sided with multiple edges. However, the variations upon this particular form seemed limitless. I still have dreams of that vast chamber of crystals. Some flashed with an inner light, others shined and glinted by those that were illuminated. I could have spent months or years there in that strange and beautiful place, studying those rocks. They seemed to be alive somehow. I have no actual proof of this, just a strong feeling.

Eventually, my mind would have probably blown like an appliance on electrical overload if I dwelt for long in that crystalline cathedral. My host seemed to anticipate my sensory overload. Superman ushered me into a dim room, undoubtedly lit by more crystals lodged inside its walls. The space held nothing but two black stone chairs and a small table. Using an old but apt phrase here, the silence was deafening-- at first. I heard the blood rush through my ears, felt it pulsing in my neck. He bid me to sit. After I did so, he followed suit, crossed his legs and leaned back comfortably in the chair across from mine. The Man of Steel softened when he flashed me that world-renowned grin. I instantly relaxed, placed my tape recorder upon the table, and turned it on. I'd spent hours writing out and rehearsing what I'd ask him. This helped me to get started.


JO: "Superman is more like a title really, given to you by someone from the media, a Ms. Lois Lane?" [He nods.] "You're referred to by assorted other titles, especially the Man of Steel, the Man of Tomorrow, and the Man of Mystery respectively. What is your true birth name, if you actually have one and know it?"

SM: "Kal-El."

JO: "Kal-El." [I let the short name roll off my tongue, which it does with an ease and grace.] "Does that translate into anything in English?"

SM: "Well, 'El' translates closely to 'light' or 'shining.' 'Kal' means 'child.' The hyphen can either be ignored or understood as standing for 'of.' So, roughly, my name means 'Child of Light' or 'Shining Child.' I am the last of the House of El besides of all my kind."

JO: "Your 'kind?' Tell me more."

SM: "As many have accurately speculated, I'm not of this world. I'm from a long-destroyed planet called Krypton, whose single civilization was extremely advanced both technically and culturally."

JO: "How did you come here to earth? How was Krypton destroyed? How and when did you come to know of your true origins?" [I somehow manage to fire off these questions in rapid succession.]

SM: "Well, I'll answer all that but without elaborating further on what I'm about to say. I came to earth via a small spaceship that no longer exists as it once did. Out of that vessel grew what you just saw all around you, my home away from home." [He manages a smile, displaying levity within this personal disclosure.] "Krypton was annihilated when its double star went supernova. My parents, Jor-El and Lara, studied and anticipated this cataclysmic, cosmic event and prepared for my safe departure. It took all of the resources at their disposal to design and complete a ship just for me, all done before my birth and into my infancy." [He pauses before continuing.] "My loving parents were extremely gifted, each one from families highly and widely respected for several generations. Still, there was only so much they and other Kryptonians could do. Ultimately, the masses let their lives and world go the inevitable way of all matter: dissipated into the great void of space. However, for all I know, perhaps some other fellow Kryptonians managed successful escapes to hospitable planets like the one I had the good fortune of landing on, thanks to the scientific and mystical precision of my father and mother.
"I came to know of my true origins through the vast storage of information contained within my spaceship and, subsequently, this place. That's all I will tell you."

JO: "Can you tell me about your actual landing on earth and what happened right afterwards?"

SM: "No, I can't and I've nothing more to say about it." [His strong, chiseled jaw grows firmly set as he closes his mouth.]

JO: "Understood. So, how long have you actually been on earth?"

SM: "Not long at all, in the whole scheme of things." [He ends with a finality like in his two previous answers.]

JO: "You seem guarded around divulging many details. While I do, and will, respect your reticence, can you tell me why you feel the need to be so private?"

SM: "Unfortunately, there are malevolent forces in the world, all within each of us to different degrees and under differing amounts of control. Divergences from sets of physical and social norms are threatening to most people, granted to varying degrees. This is normal for humanity, though, hopefully, not a permanent condition. Now, I am *very* different from everyone and this scares many, though almost all respect me. For some, their fear and ignorance solely dictate how they lead their lives. So, I am a primary target for a select few-- and you know who you are out there. Some I know of while others I have yet to discover. Consequently, those very few who are close to me must be protected."

JO: "Will this now include me, given my interviewing you like this?"

SM: "Undoubtedly."

JO: "You trust me quite a bit then, don't you?"

SM: "Yes."

JO: "Why?"

SM: "Jimmy, look hard in the mirror at yourself sometime and you'll find the answer."

JO: "What, I'm your type?" [He laughs. I laugh too then fall speechless for a few moments as I fully take in what he's just said. This mysterious being somehow knows me better than myself, or certainly seems to. I turn to another line of questioning.] "Time and again, you've demonstrated your enormous powers to the world, always using them to save and help better the quality of countless lives. No one can accuse you of taking a life, only saving millions, be it from natural disasters or human-made ones. Where and how do you get this strong moral compass you unswervingly live by?"

SM: "My ancestry holds a deep respect for all sentient life forms. You might say it's in my DNA, or the equivalent I have for that. I know no other way to be. Giving in to ignorance and subsequent fear goes against my very nature. Hence, I will always enjoy learning. I have observed that most living things just want to live and let live, including animals that naturally prey on others. That is simply the cycle of life, whereby sheer energy is absorbed within other energy but not destroyed. Yes, nature sets up apparent battles, but the end result is simply change, not victors over the vanquished. Some humans get this more than others, I've noticed. In the end, everyone dies and her or his energy disperses, moves on, regardless of how successful and powerful someone happened to be in life."

JO: "You wax eloquently and philosophically like a spiritual leader, not to mention like a wise statesman. Many in the world see you as one or both of these. One can't help these days but to notice all the religious and spiritual organizations and cults cropping up, touting you as being some sort of great savior, god, or a combination thereof. Then, there are a handful of groups that say you are the Antichrist, a false prophet, or a demon disguised as an angel. What do you make of all this?"

SM: "Not much, to be honest. People tend to see me through a lense made up of their own unquestioned biases and religious constructs they hold in their hearts and minds. I have no time to give to being worshipped or demonized. To me, these are two extremes along a continuum of thinking that speaks to a primal, understandable need for most to believe in a higher power or powers and to somehow make sense of the negative, destructive forces found in nature, including within ourselves. Now, since no fleshly being, myself included, has full omnipotence over the workings of earth, let alone the universe, there clearly is some higher power, or collaborating and sometimes conflicting powers, at work. I deeply respect everyone's right to worship and believe in whatever they choose, but I don't feel it's the least bit helpful to humanity and all other sentient life for me to claim that I am a god, savior, demon, or what have you."

JO: [Another question quickly comes to mind, so I boldly jump in.] "All right, how about the other, more practical domain of life, compared to religion and spirituality: politics? What about you becoming a statesman and formal leader? Heads of governments around the world seek you out for counsel and even official leadership. You do seem to selectively participate in the political arena."

SM: "Yes, the key word here being 'selectively.' Since I am not an actual citizen of anywhere by birth, I'm not eligible to be elected or appointed into any public office. That is as it should be. However, I step in where I can to help stop major crises, such as the senseless massacres of one ethnic group or political movement of individuals over another. Nothing is accomplished by killing, except to perpetuate a cycle of more oppression and killing. Humans can love so very, very deeply while also being the most vicious and cruel of any life forms I've known about or come across. So, for example, I have helped to neutralize oppressive military forces and their actions. I also try and address the root causes of wars and violent uprisings by availing myself as an independent counsel to world government organizations, namely the United Nations. While in this specific role, I've talked with the mass media outlets, usually via giving occasional press conferences. Otherwise, I leave the actual workings of politics to the world's people and their governments. I gladly and publicly endorse democracy, all in the name of what the media has decidedly summed up for me in these few words: 'Truth, Justice, and the Way.' You'll readily notice, though, that I personally dropped the adjective 'American' in front of 'Way', as I am not patriotic to any one country, but to all countries and this entire planet."

JO: "I see. So, 'the Way' is the way to?..."

SM: "The path towards achieving the former two, Truth and Justice. This includes establishing and maintaining Peace, admiring Beauty in everything-- not simply where it's easily found-- and accepting a sense of Completion within the Harmony to be reached by this rigorous path or life journey. Your people's ancestors from all around the globe, and exceptional thinkers of today, have written extensively about all of these concepts."

JO: "Given that you appear to fluently speak every current language, have vast sums of knowledge, wisdom, and powers, you surely realize that you could be the entire world's leader right now if you wanted to-- regardless of any prohibitive technicality towards granting you legal citizenship somewhere."

SM: "I could, but that would be intruding too much-- and I feel I intrude enough as it is-- into the natural evolution of humankind and the rest of life on this planet. I don't dare don such a heavy crown and mantle. Doing so would lead to hubris and, as Lord Acton astutely said, 'Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.' Every day, throughout each day, I always remember that I am simply Kal-El of Krypton, sent here to survive and keep the memory of my ancestors and their great civilization alive. While doing so, I am also here to help sentient beings. This includes helping people to help themselves."

JO: "Which brings us back to me looking in the mirror, *really* looking into it. I take it then that a message from you to the masses would be for everyone to truly look at him or herself in the mirror, i.e., that folks look within themselves?"

SM: "Exactly. From there, they will begin to find answers and clues to so many of life's questions, including what I fully mean by my adopted slogan, 'Truth, Justice, and the Way.' If I happen to successfully guide others in the right direction, such as when I'm in my periodic role as independent counsel for institutions like the U.N., and effectively lead by example for many, then so be it, I've truly been helpful. I see the best in everyone. Perhaps you could say that's a bias of mine." [He smiles broadly.]

JO: "Not a bad bias to have, Kal-El. You're clearly living out your name. May I call you Kal-El?"

SM: "Certainly. That is my actual name."

JO: [I steer the conversation back to more personal matters.] "Have you ever been in love?"

SM: "I don't wish to discuss that." [He grows quiet and his large, blue-green eyes darken over with moisture.]

JO: "That question seems to have struck a raw nerve."

SM: "Hm." [He gives only a brief grunt of acknowledgement.]

JO: "You are clearly someone who makes the best of the hand you've been dealt in life." [He blinks and slowly nods. I'm certain that I see a little tear fall down his cheek.] "But, do you ever get lonely, given who and what you are and with everything you constantly do for others everywhere?"

SM: "Yes, but I think loneliness is largely an existential condition and one that I and so many people have learned to cope with. I have my ancestral haven of technical wonders which yield fascinating information about the universe in general. Then there are my studies of this whole planet, including its complex ecosystems and human cultures, and my work as a helper to others. All this keeps me occupied and feeling connected. I actually think I'm very fortunate."

JO: "There's that tireless optimism of yours again. Many have said and written about how it's infectious. That leads me to another question. People from all walks of life surely fall in love with you all the time. Your mind is beyond brilliant, your kindness knows no bounds, you're extremely strong yet tender, and the vast majority would say you're heavenly to look at. How do you handle such admiration and adulation for, well, simply being you, irrespective of the large religious, spiritual, and political spheres we've already discussed?"

SM: "Well, I just came this way. In the short lifetime thus far that I've been here, I've only recently learned to practice compassionate detachment-- as much as I possibly can. You humans are like children. You need to be given room yet guidance to grow and improve relations among yourselves. It is a disservice on my part to encourage the development of a prolonged, strong attachment to me to the point of worship, obsession, or even as a primary love interest. Heck, I'm not even human. My species is analogous to yours; I'm built very differently inside while I look human on the outside. Mind you, I personally know what human emotions and feelings are. That is unquestionably what I especially share in common with homo sapiens. Only, as I think faster and more broadly than humans, so I seem to feel more deeply and intensely. It's the fortitude of my Kryptonian mind-body that enables me to tolerate the latter."

JO: "And perhaps why you care so deeply for us child-like human beings?"

SM: [Grinning] "Yes!"

JO: "On a possibly lighter topic, but one people constantly wonder about is your costume. Can you explain the choice of colors and the meaning, if any, of the 'S' emblem across your chest? Also, your thick, black hair always displays a perfect 'S' curl over your forehead. Is that part of your outfit somehow?"

SM: "Actually, my costume, or uniform, if you will, probably holds the most mysteries about myself and my origins that I don't even claim to fully know at this time. The colors red, blue, and yellow-gold were the key, primary ones in my homeworld. They have something to do with energy in the form of heat and light. Each of the three colors represents a progression of intensity and energy expansion. I've seen these colors in dreams and visions. Red seems to be very physical, very primal. Yellow-gold somehow follows from out of that. It's more gentle and radiates more readily towards others, beyond the boundaries of myself. Then, there's the blue and it's sub-set blue-white. This is the most expansive and ecstatic energy level, resulting in a sense of total connection with everything, including outer space coupled with inner space; the division between the two dissolving like a mirage in the desert. None of these colors is superior to the others. They all flow one from the other. Hence, they exist together along a spectrum, going from bottom to top and back again. Now, between these three primary colors are the subtler ones, forming a rainbow like what you see so many of here within the great outer chamber of what I call my Fortress of Solitude."

JO: "All of what you just said, culminating in 'Fortress of Solitude,' sounds very mystical in an Eastern kind of way. Would I be correct in surmising that your studies have included researching Hinduism and/or yoga?"

SM: "Yes, and I've studied both in depth. You might say these colors are parallel to chakras."

JO: "'Chakras?'"

SM: "Energy centers of the body as they are understood and explained within the ancient systems of yoga, of which there are different kinds, all originating out of India. Yoga comprises a repertory of several varied disciplines of physical, mental, and spiritual exercises. Many have made their way into Western, mainstream culture. My research into yoga, Hinduism, and other Eastern disciplines, philosophies, and religions has been encouraging. There is so much wisdom to be found in all the old and new systems of thought, beliefs, and applied life disciplines arising from out of earth's civilizations, past and present. The key is to unflinchingly integrate this vast, collective wisdom, which most definitely includes the ethical and prudent applications of modern science. It's a tall order, but such thoughts and the actions arising from them can only bear great fruits for the good of all. I harbor strong hopes for this world."

JO: "Why do I get the sense you can talk at length about anything under the sun? Your great mind and body-- or mind-body as you put it-- must draw from a source that never runs out."

SM: "Ah, perhaps because my most direct source of power is the very sun itself." [He smiles, holds up an arm, and points skyward.]

JO: "Information gleaned from your crystalline technology, I take it?"

SM: "Yes."

JO: "Back to your uniform for a moment. So, how about the 'S' inside the diamond pattern across your chest, and that 'S' curl in your hair?"

SM: "Well, on the face of it, the 'S' appears to simply stand for 'Superman.' However, I know it represents something else, something very powerful and mysterious. My hair has always formed an 'S' curl over my forehead. Now, notice how the diamond emblem has five points and five sides, the number five recurring in both nature and mysticism, such as the five points of an outstretched human body or the five basic elements in the physical world: air, earth, fire, water, and aether, the latter being the cosmic void and holder of all the other four. In sum, my hair's 'S' curl and this same pattern in red enclosed within the emblem are indicative of a great, natural energy that I won't explain further here, partly because I don't quite fully understand it myself, though I am beginning to. For the record, though, I feel no sinister underpinnings or implications behind this defining symbol on my uniform and forehead. You see, I too am still making some self discoveries, while encouraging all others to allow themselves time and energy to make them in their own lives."

JO: "My, and here I was thinking that your uniform would be a 'light' topic! So, did you make the outfit yourself or?..."

SM: "It was created for me immediately after the formation of this whole Fortress of Solitude. The cloth was directly formed upon my body and feels like a removable second skin. It's indestructable, thus far."

JO: "Are *you* absolutely indestructable? Do you have any limitations you've come upon?"

SM: "Well, I can't see through lead. I haven't yet pushed the limits of all my powers, to be honest. I have one other definite physical weakness, but that I won't divulge."

JO: "Understood. Do you happen to know why you can't see through lead?"

SM: "It has to do with the unique molecular density and makeup of that specific metal."

JO: "I see-- so to speak."

SM: [Laughing] "Yes, so to speak."

[I find that I've lost track of time, which seems to stand still where we happen to be sitting. I vaguely realize that hours have gone by since he met up with me, flew me to his Fortress of Solitude, and brought me into this dim, quiet room. At this very moment, our stimulating discussion has naturally wound down. I feel somehow blessed and satisfied to have talked so freely with such a kind and powerful humanoid alien who's taken it upon himself-- be it his destiny imprinted within his DNA (or its equivalent) or whatever-- to be a steward of humanity and the earth in general. His hope, warmth, and understated cheerfulness are palpably life-affirming. I can't remember ever having such pleasant, thought-provoking conversation. I do manage to keep my wits about me enough to pull out my camera and ask to take a few pictures of him. As if expecting this request, Kal-El readily stands up and smiles. No doubt, since he's posed before for thousands of pictures and had countless others snapped of him while in action, I'm not asking for anything out of the ordinary. He touches something against the wall directly behind him. Instantly, a large photograph of the bright yellow sun illuminates the black surface. He folds his arms just below the great emblem over his chest and stands directly in front of the image, its rays of light surrounding him.]

SM: "How's this?" [He smiles broadly and brightly, "turning on" for the camera.]

JO: "Perfect." [I point and click.] "Now, just a few more, if you don't mind. Let's have one with your hands on your hips." [He readily complies. Clearly, he's used to being the focus of attention like this. I take two more photos.] "Wonderful." [I stash my camera and tape recorder in my bag.] "Kal-El, you've shared a lot about yourself and much of your sophisticated take on, well, life and the universe. Your priorities about where humankind can and should next proceed will make interesting reading that people will undoubtedly ponder and discuss in many venues, such as in schools, and for a while to come. Your answers beg more questions, but I think the world at large can make do for now with what you've said today. I don't know how to begin to thank you for all the time you've taken out of your phenomenally busy schedule."

SM: "A pleasure, Jimmy. It was great to stop and reflect a bit with you."

JO: "There's one last thing I need to mention and request. No doubt, people will go over this interview with a fine tooth comb, questioning the actual occurrence of it--"

SM: "Worry not, Mr. Olsen. I'll make it a point to repeatedly stress to the public that I was indeed the subject of this interview and that every word spoken by me is truly mine."

JO: "Then it's a wrap."

SM: "All right then. Let's get you back home." [I offer my hand to shake, but he takes me into a bear hug. For a moment, I'm like an infant or small child in his father's arms, comforted by such amazing physical warmth and so much firm flesh. This embrace is yet another reminder that I'm not in the company of a mere man; his body heat definitely runs too high for a human's.]


Leaving Kal-El's home remains vague to me. The next thing I remembered was another quick flight, protectively wrapped in darkness, and then standing at the doorstep of my apartment building. Kal-El made sure that I was safe inside my flat, then he flew up and away into the night sky, rapidly disappearing there amongst the stars. I knew right then that he would always be watching over me, like a guardian angel.
