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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Before you know it


Disclaimer: I don't own them, even though I want to REAL bad! Nope, they're all property of Joss Whedon, Fox and the rest of the Bunch.
Archive: Want, take, have... But please leave me a note where my children are heading to, so I can pay them a visit once in a while.
Rating: This parts : if you watch the show, you can handle this.
Spoilers: None, really, since this kinda takes place in an alternate universe, where the characters of `BtVS' season 3 and 4 and `angel' season 1 are al united.
Pairing: Buffy/Riley, Buffy/Xander
Note: Okay, this is a mixture of fluff, angst, hot scenes and tear- moments. I hope it worked out well, since this is *my very first fanfic*, so don't be too hard on me.
Feedback: I like it, I love it and I NEED it!
Summary: Actually I wanted to keep the surprise, but I hate reading a story without knowing what's in it myself, so here you go...


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:


Before you know it
by Angel Wings

:: Part 1 ::

She felt his hands caressing her back and his tongue brushing her lips. This felt so good. She sighed softly, "Oh Riley ... "

He pulled away from her and smiled. "Buffy," he said softly, "I got to go..."

"No," Buffy pouted, "I don't want you to. Really, I don't understand why The Initiative sent you away, so far far away."

Riley smiled again at his girlfriend. He hated to be sent on that stupid mission just as much as she did, luckely, it'ld only be for a two weeks. "I'll be back in two weeks..." he tried to comfort her.

"Too long", Buffy murmured before she pulled him closer for another kiss.

`Oh God' Riley thought, `how am I gonna survive these weeks without her?' He hugged her and held her really tight, as if he was scared someone would draw her away from him. Buffy placed her head on Riley's shoulder and put her hands in his neck.

*All passengers for Flight 102 to Texas, please exit through Gate 5*

This time it was Riley who sighed.

Buffy looked up to him and said "You should go now".

"Yeah, I guess so..." Riley replied. He gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and brushed her cheeck with the palm of his hand as he looked deep into her eyes. "Ill be back before you know it..." he managed to say. Then he turned around and left through the gate without looking back, afraid of having to cry before her and the other people at the airport. She watched him leaving as in a dream. Everything became blurry, and it took a while before she realized tears were rolling from her eyes.

Suddenly she heard a familiar voice from behind her. "Cheer up Buffy, he `ll be back before you know it". The voice was Xander's. He knew Buffy was going to the airport with Riley to wave him goodbye, and he knew she would be a bit sad afterwards... "So I thought I'ld brighten up your day with an ice cream and a movie?" he said to Buffy while he handed her a tissue.

Buffy gratefully smiled at him and accepted his offer to have some fun.

`Just like him to think about me when I'm down. He's a real good friend.' Buffy thought. "You're a real good friend you know, Xander" Buffy said when she cleared her eyes and putted her arm through his, walking towards the exit.

Xander blushed a little bit. "I'm happy I can be there for you Buffy, it seems, sometimes, you know, now you're with Riley, like..." he paused, trying to find the right words to say what he had on his mind, "Like you don't like hanging with me , I mean... us, Willow, Oz, Cordy, Anya... all of us, you don't like hanging with us anymore..."

Buffy looked surprised to Xander. "Hey" she said loudly, "I *do* enjoy hanging with you guys! A lot! I mean, you guys are like the best friends *ever*! But you know, now I'm dating Riley, it could be I was neglecting all of you a bit... I didn't mean to, though." She smiled at Xander, "How could I *not* want to hang out with you guys?"

Xander smiled back at her. "Lets go eat ice cream `till we throw up" Buffy said when she crossed the street just before the airport.

"Uhm... Buffy!?" Xander sounded kind of panicked.

"I know, I should be watching my diet, but just for once, ..."

"No, Buffy watch out!" Xander screamed.

She saw the car progress towards her. She froze. She managed to
whisper "Xander". Then all went black...

:: Part 2 ::

Buffy opened her eyes and immediately closed them again, not used to the intensive light in the room. Then she realized she didn't recognize the room where she was in. Panicked she opened her eyes again and looked around her. `It seems like I'm in a hospital... What am I doing here?' Then suddenly she started screaming.

Xander dashed in like a mad man, "Buffy, you're awake! What's wrong?" He pulled a worrying face.

Buffy panics again and answered Xander "What do you mean what's wrong? Why am I in a hospital? Who are you? And, who's Buffy?"

Xander couldn't believe what he was hearing. `Buffy has amnesia?' "Buffy," he said, "your name is Buffy. I am Xander, I'm your friend?"

"Like boyfriend like?" buffy asked him inocently.

Xander blushed.

At that moment the nurse walked in.

"Oh, I see you're awaked now." she said. "That's good, can you please tell me what exactly happened?" she asked Buffy.

"I, I, I don't know... I don't know what happened, I don't know why I'm here... I don't even know who I am! I don't know who that guy is" she pointed at Xander, making Xander blush even harder.

"Oh? Okay." the nurse replied. "You have amnesia. And according to your boyfriend over there," she also points at Xander, who now is as red a a lobster, "at least, I'm assuming he is your boyfriend since he has been watching over you all night, your name is Buffy and you live here, in Sunnydale." The nurse presented herself as Nurse Lilian, and assured Buffy that the amnesia would dissappear in a couple of weeks, maybe months. She took her tempature, noted some things down and left, telling Buffy her breakfast was on it's way.

"Buffy... So that's my name?", Buffy murmured, "And I live here, in Sunnydale. So... are you the only friend I have around here?"

"Oh no," Xander replied, "you have a whole bunch of friends, but it's summer holliday, and most of them are on vacation." Xander sat next to her on the edge of the bed.

"Oh" Buffy said. `He's cute' Buffy thought to herself. `He smells good. And he's sweet, he has been watching over me all night, well that shows how much this guys cares about you doesn't it Buffy...' She liked the guy, Xander `it's a pretty name also' better and better. "And you're my boyfriend then..." Buffy suddenly breaks the silence.

"Uhm... Well actually..." Xander tried to avoid the question. He didn't really wanted to lie to her, he knew the truth has to come out some day... But then again, the guys were at least gone for a week or two and the amnesia... `She won't remember Riley. Imagine the possibilities Xander...' Xander thought. `You can't use her like this Xander, she's Riley's, he'll come back and then she'll remember and she'll be furious at ya...' He shook his head, and reopened his eyes he had closed when thinking about it. As he opened them, he saw Buffy's eyes only a few inches away from his, her lips moving closer to his. `Uh oh' he thought, deciding wether to pull away and be honest with her, or to enjoy this kiss he has longed for since... Well, since forever...

As her lips touched his, a shiver crawled up Xander's spining, letting loose all the butterflies captured in his stumach for so long. As her tongue brushed againts his, he felt like the ground was sinking beneath his feet. He returned the soft kiss passionatly, wrapped his arms around her and gently strokes her golden, blonde hair. `Oh man, oh man, this feels even better as I imagined...' he thought. Buffy felt in heaven. `This feels so good, so familiar... I think I must love him a lot when a simple kiss feels like this...'

They were interrupted by a soft cough, coming from another nurse, bringing Buffy's breakfast. Xander quickly pulled away, feeling cought. He blushed once again that day when he saw Buffy looking at him, trying to catch his eyes.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything" the nurse said, "But Miss. Summers should really eat something." "It will make you feel a lot better" she adressed Buffy.

"Oh, but I already feel a lot better" she said looking at Xander's red face, thinking `He's so cute...'

:: Part 3 ::

The next day, Buffy is excused from the hospital and gets to go to her dorm room. Willow's on a holliday so Buffy's all alone.

Xander worries about her being all alone.

"Buffy, I really don't think it's a good idea, you being alone all the time... I mean, what when you suddenly feel dizzy and you faint or something like that...?" Xander asked Buffy.

Buffy nodded. She agreed with Xander it wasn't all that safe.

Xander looked at the ground, he didn't dare to propose him staying with her. He still wasn't comfortable with the fact he hasn't told Buffy the truth. Every waking moment he's wondering if he should tell her or not...

"Helloo?" Buffy interrupted his deep thoughts. "I asked you something" she continued.

Xander looked astonished to Buffy. He didn't hear at all what she said. "Did you?" he said, "I mean, I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said..."

"I asked you if you would mind staying sith me here,... For a while?" Buffy asked again. she walked towards Xander putting her hands into his. She leaned in to him, layed her head on his shoulder. "I'd feel so much safer" she whispered into his ear.

Xander felt all kinds of feelings rushing through him. Love. Passion. Fear. Hope. "Okay." he whispered back to her, "I'll stay here as long as you want me to."

Buffy pulled away from him and smiled. "Thank you."

Xander thought he was dying. He wanted to pull her back against her, to hug her and to kiss her. He wanted to lay her on the bed and make love to her. He pushed away all these thoughts. `Xander! What for heaven's sake are you doing? Not only are you letting her think she's your girlfriend, now you want to sleep with her as well? I mean, what are you? Sick or something?' Xander was worrying so much, Buffy could se it on his face.

"What are you thinking about?" Buffy said. "It must be something awfull, I can see it in your eyes."

For a quick moment, Xander wanted to tell her everything. But then the phone rang.

"The phone..." Buffy said. "The phone is ringing."

"Well, they happen to do that fro time to time" Xander tried to be funny.

"But what if it's someone who knows me? I don't remember them! What do I have to say then? Xander... I..." Buffy started babbling.

Xander saw Buffy really was upset about this and he camly said, "Let me take that." He answered the phone; -"Hello?"



Buffy looked curious to Xander and mouthed; "Who's Joyce?"

:: Part 4 ::


-Xander? What are you doing in Buffy's appartement? Oh well, it's okay, Can I speak to Buffy please?

-Uhmm... Joyce, there's a little problem...


-Well, Buffy had... A little accident...

-What Xander, what happened? What happened to my little girl? Is she alright?

-Calm down Joyce, she's in good hands. No big injuries... She got hit by a car, now she only has some bruises... And amnesia...

-AMNESIA? Oh my god...

-Joyce, it's really... really not that bad. The doctor said it would go away in a week or so... Maybe more...

-I, Xander... Oh gosh. This is... Listen Xander, I can't come to Sunnydale yet. For another three weeks... There simply are no planes `till then that go to Sunnydale from here. But I feel really guilty about leaving her there... Alone?

-She's not alone Mrs. Summers. I'm with her.

-You are? I mean, you are. You will stay with her `till I return?

-I will.

He gazed at Buffy. Buffy looked at him with questions written all over her face. "Care to talk to your mum, Buffy?" Xander asked her.

"Uhm, sure" Buffy replied. -Joy-, I mean, mum?

Joyce felt like someone just putted a stake through her heart. Her own daughter called her Joyce, `cause she doesn't know her. -Buffy? Are you okay?

Xander quietly left the room. He stood there, waiting in the corridor. When suddenly Buffy walked out and closed the door behind her. She had a frightened face. "Buffy?" Xander asked, "Alright?"

"No, I'm not alright! I don't recognize my own mother! My own boyfriend! My own dorm! Nothing! I RECOGNIZE NOTHING!" Buffy yelled now, really panicking.

"Sssh, it's okay" Xander tried to comfort her, he opened the door again and took Buffy in his arms, gently leading her to her bed. Buffy sunk downon the bed starting to cry. Xander sat down next to her, still holding her tightly. He kept on saying `Sssh' and he rocked her like a baby, `till she was only sniffing softly. He slowly layed her down on the bed. Ran through Buffy's hair with his hands. Buffy sighed. She closed her eyes.

Xander tried to pull away from her and to stand up from the bed when Buffy opened her eyes again and looked at Xander. "Stay..." she whispered.

"I'll be right here" he responded.

"No, I mean, stay next to me..."

"Buffy, I..." Xander turned red. Fortunately Buffy closed her eyes again, still holding Xander's hand that she grabbed when he tried to stand up. "Okay. I'll stay with you"

With these words Xander finally gave in. He couldn't resist anymore. It was tearing him apart. He couldn't care about Riley anymore when he gently layed down next to the beautiful face of the girl he loved since he met her. He placed his arm around her and hold her firmly. He could hear a soft moan. He closed his eyes, feeling her breath in his neck as she cuddled up next to him, she twined her legs with his, her fingers with his. He could feel her breasts against his chest as she pressed herself to him and he gasped without making noice. This was what he had longed for. To fall asleep next to her. To know he was going to wake up next to her. To know he could kiss her whenever he wanted...

:: Part 5 ::

Riley hated being away from home for so long. He wanted to call her, `cause he missed his lover so much. He hated the `Initiative for sending him away and not letting him make contact with others `for his own safety'... He tried to think of someone else, but the picture of Buffy kept popping in his head. "It has been two days, and I miss her like hell" he thought by himself, "you must really love this girl, Riley...'

:: Part 6 ::

The next morning Xander woke up first. He woke up with a wonderful feeling, not knowing why. Then he looked at the face of the girl lying next to him. The face of an angel. Buffy's face. He couldn't help himself kissing her cheek, the top of her nose and finally gently stroking her lips with his.

Buffy slowly opened her eyes and looked straight into the ones of Xander. He smiled at her, leaned over her and carried his weight with his arms. He bowed over her and kissed her again, now gently letting his tongue meet hers. Buffy immediately answers his kiss passionatly sliding with her hands over his back. he melted for her, he longed for her. He carefully udressed her, dropped her dress next to the bed. She also started unbuttoning his shirt. "Let me get that" Xander said with a hoarse voice. He couldn't believe she was lying in front of him, naked, helping him getting his clothes off. He couldn't believe it was him she wanted. He ignored the little voice in his head that was screaming "It's because she has amnesia... She doesn't remember you, nor does she remember Riley, she wouldn't be with you without that..." He ignored it.

She gasped when she saw Xander's muscled body... She let her hands once again sliding over his warm back, her skin was humming for him, she needed him. She felt so safe in his arms, she felt home in his kiss. She pushed herself to Xander, whispering tender words in his ear, he responded by peppering kisses on her neck, breasts and belly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment, ignoring the voice in her head... "Something... Something's different." `Of course something is different, I have amnesia, I don't remember this. It's like the first time I do this with him.', she thought. Somehow that last sentence kept buzzing in her head.

:: Part 8 ::

Riley felt sick when he saw the demon appear, as a reflex he started running after it. But he wasn't thinking about catching the demon, while he was running he felt like running away, never stop running and go home. Unfortunately he couldn't. He had a job to do. And in fact he loved it very much, saving the world from hideous creatures... But now he hated it. He saw once again the face of Buffy flashing before his eyes. He sighed, and ended the fight he had with the demon, capturing it and dragging it behind him. He sighed again.

:: Part 9 ::

Xander woke up. He turned around facing the most beautiful face he had ever seen. He felt so happy. Then he came back to reality. He sighed. Again. He felt like that was all he'd done the last few days. "She'll kill me," he thought. "She'll remember Riley and she'll kill me. No, she'll torture me. Torture me with her eyes full of pain when she'll realize what I've done to her." He felt weak. Why couldn't he have resisted her? Why couldn't he have told her the truth? He used her... This was unforgivable. He closed his eyes. How was he going to solve this?

Buffy suddenly moved a bit and whispered, still with her eyes closed, "Riley..." Xander turned pale. He sat up. Buffy slowly opened her eyes. "Riley" she said again.

Xander felt like he was going to die. He never thought hearing her saying that name could hurt so much. Buffy had a puzzled look on her face.

"Xander?" she asked.

Xander sat on the edge of the bed holding his head between his hands. Buffy also sat up, staring at Xander. "Xander, who's Riley?" she asked nervously, "I know him don't I, but why did I call for him?" She started feeling panicked.

Xander felt a tear rolling from his eye. He messed up. Big time. He couldn't do anything but telling Buffy the truth, and dealing with the consequences. He turned around, looking into Buffy's frightened eyes. "He's your boyfriend," he said softly.

Buffy heard what he said, but it didn't come through to her brains. "Riley" she said slowly as if she was tasting the name. "But Xander, I thought..." "I couldn't..."

Xander suddenly breezed. "The nurse in the hospital introduced me as your boyfriend, and I know I should've told you then it wasn't true, but I couldn't. I kept telling myself I would do it later. But I couldn't."

"Why?" Buffy whispered.

Xander turned his head again. Another tear escaped his eye. With a crop in his throat he started telling her the reason why... "Because I love you... Because I've loved you since the moment I met you. Because I am weak. When you still had your memory, I mean, before, I tried to explain you so many times, but you didn't seem to understand. You didn't seem to care about me that way. I... I know this was wrong, this is wrong. I never intended to hurt you, that was not what I wanted to do... But..." Xander stood up and walked towards the bathroom. "I'll clean up myself a bit, and I'll leave, you'll probably not want to see me anymore." He tried hiding his wet face, and the tears rolling over his cheeks.

Buffy also stood up from the bed. She walked to Xander until she was right behind him and she putted her hand on his arm. "Xander..." she whispered. "You can't leave me here. You can't just walk away from me. Not after what I experienced with you." Xander turned around, his face turned to his feet, trying to avoid her eyes.

"Look at me Xander," Buffy felt the crop developing in her throat... She didn't know what to say. She felt so many things. She was angry, sad, afraid, curious... But it didn't matter how mad she was at him right now, `cause deep in her heart she felt something else... She cared deeply about him. And she couldn't be left alone now. "I do need some time. But I can't, I can't be alone... Not right now. I really thought you were my boyfriend, I did, and I, I thought you loved me..."

"I do!" Xander interrupted her.

"That's not true," Buffy said cold, "If you had loved me you wouldn't have done this."

"I do love you Buffy Summers. I've loved you while you loved Angel, while you loved,... love Riley. I'll always love you. But... I'll also never be able to resist you. The way you kissed me at the hospital... It was like my dreams came true. I sunk into another reality. Where Buffy seemed to love me... I was in heaven..." Xander cried now. He couldn't hold it back. He couldn't help it.

Buffy also was in tears.

Xander gently grabbed her arm. "You have to believe me." Xander whispered.

"I believe you..." Buffy managed to say before laying her head on his shoulder, letting the rest of her tears roll from her cheek over his bare muscled chest.

:: Part 10 ::

Buffy suddenly pushed Xander away. "Oh no, you're not gonna solve this by getting all emotional and, and influencing me with all of your, well, emotional stuff, and..." Buffy yelled at him.

Xander startled. He opened his mouth to say something, but then he closed it again. Knowing that he couldn't say or do anything to make up for what he had done.

"I, I, I'm mad at you now, and I have the right to be mad, and, and..." Buffy gasped to catch her breath, "I should slap you in the face and, and..."

"You should do that" Xander agreed, "In fact, you should beat me up for what I did." He wiped away the tears on his cheeks.

Buffy stepped closer to him, lifted her hand... And then she dropped it again. "I can't hit you" she whispered. "But I can't forgive you right away either.

"Understandable" Xander said softly.

Buffy suddenly felt scared, "Are there other things you didn't tell me yet? Or lied to me about?"

`Ouch,' Xander thought, `I deserved that...' "Uhmm... Well there's this little, actually not so little thing, but I'll talk to you about it later... When we are fully dressed again?"

Buffy looked down at Xander's oversized T-shirt she wore. She suddenly felt a little embarrassed and agreed with Xander. "I'll take the bathroom" she said, gathering her clothes and closing up the bathroom door behind her. Xander sighed.

Xander was waiting for her, sitting on the bed, thinking about the last couple of days. He realized it wasn't over yet, after this short discussion with Buffy. He knew he still had to tell her the whole `slayer thing'... That was what he was up to right now. He was only hoping this wouldn't be too much for her at one day...

As Buffy stepped out of the bathroom, Xander gasped. She looked like she walked away out of a fairy tale... "So what was it you wanted to say to me..."

"Let's go and have breakfast while we talk, I'm hungry."

"Okay, fine, but remember this is not a friendly, kinda, sorta date, `coz I'm still mad at you!"

"How could I forget", Xander whispered softly so Buffy wouldn't hear it.

They arrived at a new cafe in town, sort of a bistro where they could eat breakfast. They sat down at a quiet table in the back. "Okay" Xander started of, "So here's the deal. You know anything about vampires?"

"Aren't those those huge bats that suck up the blood of other animals? Or do you mean like fairy tales vampires? What has that got to do with the thing you wanted to tell me?" Buffy started babbling.

"Ssh, let me finish," Xander interrupted her, "Yeah, like the fairy tale kinda vampires... Well, truth is, they're not so fairy tale after all..." He carefully watched Buffy's puzzled look on her face. Then he went on, "They exist... They actually exist. And then there are the slayers who kill them and the watchers who teach the slayers how to, and then there are the slayerettes, though I'm not sure that's an official thing, but anyway..."

Buffy just stared at him, "Are you trying to be funny?"

"No, no I'm not, listen Buffy, I know this sounds crazy, but, but... It's true! I mean... The slayer? That's you..."

"This really isn't funny Xander." buffy was getting up, shoving her chair rudely away.

"Buffy," Xander said, "Buffy sit down."

"I'm not gonna stay, listening to your babbling about fairy tales. You've gone mad Xander, you ought to go lie down."

"Sit down!" Xander hissed at her.

She sat down, looking angry with Xander, but curious why he made such a big deal out of this.

In the next hour, Xander tried to explain all things over and over to Buffy, who slowly was starting to believe him. `He couldn't want to lie about something like this, could he? He lied about the boyfriend stuff... But he had a reason for that, this is just nonsense... He couldn't have a reason to lie about this... Could he?' she thought.

Xander watched the puzzled look I-on her face and saw he was getting through to her. He called the waiter, paid the bill and gently grabbed Buffy by the arm. "Let's go for a walk."

:: Part 11 ::

Giles started unpacking. The reunion at England ended sooner than he expected. He was glad to be back. `I should stop by the library this morning, maybe I'll meet Buffy over there...' He was very concerned about his favourite slayer. He just hoped nothing bad happened to her while he was gone. He didn't want to leave when he heard everyone was going to be out of town for at least a week, he didn't want to leave her alone in Sunnydale. But then she convinced him to leave, saying she wasn't a little girl anymore... He knew she was right, but still.

He looked forward to see her again.

He decided to go to the library right away.

:: Part 12 ::

Buffy asked Xander "Where are we? Where have you brought me?"

"It's our school. We're going to the library, maybe if you get there, you remember some things of slaying..."

"You're really serious about the slayer thing?"

"I am..." Xander still held Buffy by the arm, he hadn't loosen her since the cafe as if he was scared she might slip away from him. It felt that way, she couldn't remember anything. And the doctors said she should be picking up some memories by now...

Xander pushed against the library door with one arm, gently moving Buffy through the door hole.

"Oh Buffy, great to see you again!" Giles said calmly in his British accent.

Xander peeped over Buffy's shoulder, surprised to see Giles. "Giles! You weren't supposed to get back `till next week!" he said.

"The reunion ended earlier because of some major demon alert in

"Oh, good to see you back," Xander responded.

This was all too much for Buffy, the man with the British accent seemed so familiar to her, and the library too, and then he said something about demons, it couldn't be true... Could it?

"Buffy, are you all right?" she heard the man, apparently to be called Giles, say. But before she could even open her mouth to answer the question, she felt the floor hitting her hard on the head, and she saw everything getting blurry, before it went black.

:: Part 13 ::

Buffy opened her eyes, recognising the worried face of Giles above her and Xander's too, next to it. It made her giggle. She saw the look of relief on Giles face. "Are you okay?" he asked her.

"What happened?" she said, without responding to the question.

"You fell. On the floor." Xander said.

"Giles? Why are you here?"

Giles looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"You were in England weren't you? And we're in Sunnydale here, right? She looked around her, realizing she layed on the floor in the library. She tried to sit up, which caused her head to hurt maddingly. "Ouch..." she murmured.

"You remember?" Giles asked surprised now he knew what happened to Buffy after Xander explained him. Without the Buffy/Xander thing...

"Remember? How could I forget, I practicly had to put you on the airplane myself `cause you worried to much `bout me!" Buffy said, a little surprised why they acted this way.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Giles asked her.

"Uhmm, well, actually the last thing I remember was at the airport! Xander came to pick me up after I said goodbye to Riley. Yes, that's it. But how did I came to the library?"

Xander looked at Giles, who was looking back at him. "She forgot..." they said practicly at the same time.

"Uhmm... Guys? Could you refresh my memory please? Amnesia girl over here..." Buffy laughed. She started to worry when she didn't see Giles nor Xander smiling... "Guys?"

"You'd better sit down" Xander adviced her.

Buffy stood up carefully, walked over to the table and sat down on a chair, moving very slowly, trying not stir her head too much.

Xander quickly sat down on the chair next to her and explained to her about her getting hit by a car, loosing her memory... But he left out the same thign he hand't told Giles.

"Gosh, a whole lot of amnesia for one girl at a time, don't ya think?" Buffy simply said after he ended talking.

He smiled. Then he looked down. He couldn't look her in the eyes.

The next day Xander xent over to Buffy's dorm, to check if she was okay.

-Xander! How nice of you to come by!

-Hi, just checking you didn't faint... Again...

Buffy smiled at him, closing the door behind him.

-So how are you? Xander asked.

-Me? I'm fine, just my head... I have a huge bump!

-Not hard to believe!

-I also miss Riley, a lot... she pouted.

That last sentence was enough for Xander to forget about his plans to confess everything to Buffy. He couldn't ruin her relationship with Riley, and he didn't want to ruin his friendship with her... He decided to keep it or himself.

-Oh, don't worry, Xander said pulling her into an embrace, he will be back before you know it.

Buffy didn't feel the tear falling on her hair.



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