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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Drabble: Final Transmission


small scene based on ep "Final Transmission"

Work Text:

Danny was in charge of the crime scene at the television studio after Mike left to take Julie home. After forensics was finished with the body, he gave the signal to have it removed. He watched the sheet-covered stretcher pass.

Joey stood next to Danny. "Why do you think he shot himself?"

Danny shrugged. "He killed a bunch of innocent women, wore antenna wire, and thought his mother lived in the TV. Who knows why that nut case did anything?"

"That's true."

Danny waved his arm to encompass the various props and TV cameras. "He finally got on TV. Maybe he finally got his message out."

Joey nodded in thought. "But the signals in that guy's head were so scrambled, we can't know what that message was."

It was after eight o'clock when they could finally leave. They grabbed a quick dinner with Walter and Nate before heading to Joey's place. "Do you think your neighbors ever wonder why I'm here so much?" Danny asked.

"As far as they know, we're working. They won't be any more nosy than that because I've got dirt on all of 'em," Joey answered seriously.

Danny chuckled and hung his coat in the closet next to Joey's. "That's my boy."

"What about your neighbors?"

"Pretty much the same." Danny sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh. "God, I'm beat."

"I know what you mean," Joey agreed. "Three days of climbing stairs in all those tenements, trying to find that guy." He started for the kitchen. "Want a beer?"

Danny covered his mouth to hide a yawn. "No thanks."

Before Joey got toe the refrigerator, the phone on the wall rang. He grabbed the receiver. "Hello."

"Joey," a feminine voice greeted warmly.

Joey grinned. "Hi, Eve. How are you?"

"I'm great. You can tell Danny that it worked," Eve said excitedly. "Paul was at the hotel when Danny brought me the flowers."

Joey laughed. "Let me guess. Paul was insanely jealous."

"Let's just say that he's changed his mind about us seeing other people."

Joey was pleased that at her happiness but had no idea what she saw in the guy. "I'm happy for you, Eve, but I still say that Paul's a bum."

"I know but I love that bum," Eve answered ruefully.

Joey sighed dramatically although he was pleased that Danny didn't have to pretend to date his cousin any more. "I'll break the news to Danny that you're dumping him after two dates."

Eve giggled. "I'm sure that you'll be there to comfort him. But I've gotta go. I'll call you later."

"Okay. Bye." Joey hung up and yelled into the living room. "Hey, Danny."

There was no answer and Joey went back to find Danny stretched out on the couch, dozing. He knelt on the floor at Danny's side. Danny looked so peaceful and he just had to disturb him.

Joey reached out to shake Danny's shoulder but thought of a better idea. He leaned in close and lightly kissed Danny's lips. Danny didn't stir and he kissed along Danny's jaw up to the ear. "Danny," he whispered huskily.

A lazy smiled crossed Danny's face. He didn't bother opening his eyes. "Joey," he murmured.

Joey nipped Danny's earlobe. "I just got off the phone with Eve."

Danny moaned softly and brought a hand up to rest against the side of Joey's head. "What did she have to say?"

"Paul begged her to take him back."

"I hope she made him get down on his knees."

Joey laughed. "Knowing Eve, she milked it for all it was worth." He paused and put his hand on Danny's chest, over Danny's heart. "She left it up to me to break the sad news that she's dumping you."

Joey's hot breath on his neck sent a jolt of anticipation through Danny. However, Danny still didn't look at Joey. "That's a shame."

Joey's tongue retraced its path back from Danny's ear until his lips hovered just above Danny's. "I knew that you'd be heartbroken but I think I can take your mind off the pain."

Danny licked his lips and opened his eyes to see his handsome Joey hovering above him. "You're welcome to try."