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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Hero Indiana


Tony plays the hero but the results aren't exactly what he expected.

Chapter 1: Hero Indiana

Chapter Text

Title: Hero Indiana
Author: Ceindreadh
Website: n/a
Permission to archive: Yes
Fandom(s): NCIS
Genre (general, hetero or slash) Slash
Pairing/Characters: Gibbs/Tony
Rating: FRT 13
Warnings: little bit of hurt/comfort
Disclaimer. I don't own the NCIS characters, I'm only borrowing them, and I promise to return them in minty fresh condition when I'm finished.
Notes: Little bit of fluff that I thought up, mainly because MW looked so hot in a wheelchair in Dark Angel - who me, shallow?


"You just had to play the hero, DiNozzo," growled Gibbs as he pushed Tony's wheelchair down the hospital corridor. "You and your damn fool antics nearly got you killed, *again*."

"Yeah, but we caught that creep, Boss."

Gibbs swatted Tony gently on the head. "You mean *I* caught him. As I recall you were lying down on the job."


They had been chasing a suspect through an abandoned warehouse. Tony had been in the lead when the guy had darted through a doorway. Moments later the heavy metal door started to lower into place.

"I can do it," thought Tony as he accelerated his pace. He could hear Gibbs yelling at him to stop as he dove for the ground underneath the door, intending to roll under it and back onto his feet to continue the chase.

It would have been a perfect plan if Tony hadn't misjudged the speed of the doors descent. Rolling under the door, he was almost clear, when the door slammed down on his ankle. The impact made Tony cry out. He tried to pull his leg free, but the slightest movement sent waves of pain shooting up his leg.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

A shadow fell across Tony's face and he looked up to see Sergeant Ward - his former quarry - looming over him. Tony tried to raise his gun, but Ward was quicker, and stamped heavily on his hand before yanking the gun from Tony's limp fingers.

"Nice of you to supply me with a weapon, Special Agent DiNozzo. But I guess I should see if it works." Ward aimed the gun squarely at Tony's head, his finger tightening on the trigger.

Tony tensed in anticipation of the gunshot, but when it came, it wasn't from *his* gun. One second Ward was standing over him, the next he was screaming on the ground, clutching his ankle, which was bleeding heavily. Almost in a daze, Tony looked back under the door and could just make out Gibbs flat on the ground the other side gun still pointed at Ward.

"Don't just lie there, DiNozzo," yelled Gibbs, "Cover him while I get the door raised."


And that was it. Ward was taken into custody and shipped off to hospital. His next stop after that was probably going to be Leavenworth. Tony too was shipped off to the hospital, only his next stop was likely to be somewhere a lot more palatable.

A few x-rays later and Tony was diagnosed with a broken left ankle and a few cracked bones in his right hand. The Doctor assured Gibbs that he would make a full recovery. "You can take him home in a few hours, just as soon as we've patched him up."

So a few hours later, Gibbs had Tony loaded into the wheelchair and was now pushing him towards the elevators.

Gibbs swatted Tony gently on the head. "You mean *I* caught him. As I recall you were lying down on the job. And what sort of damn fool stunt was that you were trying? Do you realize that if that door had been a little bit faster it could have cut you in two?"
He wheeled Tony into the elevator and punched the button for the basement parking garage.

"Boss," said Tony, "I knew what I was doing. I just mistimed it a little bit."

"What you were doing was trying to give me a heart attack. God Tony, when I heard you scream like that..." Gibbs hand snaked around Tony's cheek, caressing it gently.

Tony grabbed the hand before it could pull away. "I never meant to scare you Boss," he said softly. He turned his head and lightly brushed his lips across the hand before letting it go. "But I wasn't screaming, I was yelling...loudly."

Gibbs smiled and swatted Tony on the head, but so gently that it felt like a caress.


Tony stifled a yelp of pain as Gibbs helped transfer him from the wheelchair to the passenger seat. "You going to bring that back upstairs?" he asked, indicating the wheelchair with a nod.

"Nope," said Gibbs, shaking his head as he started folding the chair. "Doc said you've to stay off that ankle for a few days so we're taking this with us." He moved around to the rear of the car and loaded the chair in the trunk.

"Ah come on Gibbs," protested Tony, as Gibbs sat into the car beside him. "I don't need a wheelchair. Couldn't you at least have gotten me a pair of crutches?"

Gibbs leaned over Tony and pulled the seatbelt across him, securing it before answering, "And just how exactly would you manage them with your hand?"

"I could do it."

"No arguments DiNozzo, you try messing around with a pair of crutches and you'll end up breaking more bones. You're on strict bed rest for the next few days."

"Hmm, stuck in bed for a few days," Tony had a big grin on his face as Gibbs started up the car. "I can live with that." His hand reached out and slid along Gibbs's leg. "Especially if I've got somebody to keep me company."

"I said *rest*, DiNozzo." But Gibbs had a smile on his face. "Now get your hand off my leg while I'm driving or *I'll* break that wrist for you."

"Shouldn't you be nice to me seeing as how I'm injured?" Tony had a mock plaintive tone in his voice as he took his hand back.

Gibbs leaned over to Tony. One hand still on the steering wheel, the other on the back of Tony's neck as he brought their lips together. Tony was gasping for breath when Gibbs finally let him go. "That nice enough for you DiNozzo?"

"Oh yeah," gasped Tony, settling himself back in his seat. "That'll do...for now."

Gibbs shook his head in mock exasperation as he released the handbrake and zoomed out of the parking garage.


Possibly to be continued.
