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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

After Dinner One


Sequel to State Dinner.
Josh took the wrong pills and was indiscreet, so he and Sam have to live with the consequences.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Title: After Dinner One.
Pairing: Sam/Josh.
Rating: FRT-13, implied m/m sex. The boys need to work up to it.
Spoilers: ITSOTG.
Disclaimers: Sorkin's boys and gals. But they boldly go where no West Winger has gone before, and they are truly grateful.
Summary: Josh took the wrong pills and was indiscreet, so he and Sam have to live with the consequences.
Notes: Sequel to State Dinner.
I decided to split this into two parts, so you can skip the media fallout here and go straight to the sex in Part Two if you like. It also didn't turn out anything like I thought it would. And CJ's rant is a little long. But I couldn't stop her.


Friday evening, News Hour with Jim Lehrer:

"Five, four, three, two . ."

"Welcome back to the News Hour. And now to our Friday night wrap up of all things political in Washington. Mark Shields and Paul Gigot, good evening, and Paul, WHAT is happening at the White House?"

"Yeah, good evening Jim. It's a strange one tonight, isn't it?"
"I'll say. Here we were all ready to discuss the new Mexican drug deal and related immigration policy, and suddenly the hero of the hour, Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman, who is largely responsible for brokering this deal, is the star of the White House Love Boat opposite Sam Seaborn!"

"Mark, what do you make of last night's events at the State Dinner?"

"Well, Jim, everybody's had a good laugh over the past twenty four hours, but to be honest, it's all a bit gratuitous isn't it? I mean, you gotta feel sorry for Josh Lyman. The guy has worked his butt off the last fortnight to anchor this agreement, and to have everybody talking not about his achievements, but his love life and his medicinal habits must, you know, - "
"What's the official line from the White House?"
"The official line is that he took two doses of a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug which, on his empty stomach, made him delusional and euphoric."
"And amorous."
"Yeah!" (chuckle).
"The President wasn't too impressed, was he, Mark?"
"No, he wasn't, but you gotta give Jed Bartlet credit here. Quick as a flash he reminded us all of the good old days where the court Jester could be summarily executed if he didn't amuse the King. Naturally Bartlet wanted to know why he couldn't do this nowadays when he's always accused of being soft on crime*. Got a good laugh."
"The Press Secretary was very vocal in her defense of Josh, wasn't she?"
"Yes, she was, but to be fair, the briefing this morning was goodnatured to start with, very jocular, and CJ Cregg shared in the jokes, up to the point where Steve Davis asked her a question:"

"We'll show our viewers a clip from this morning's Press Briefing."

(On monitor)

CJ Cregg: "And now I'm going to turn you over to Josh Lyman, who will answer all your questions personally."
Reporter Danny Concannon: "Wow. Brave guy. Do you really hate him that much, CJ?"
CJ Cregg: "No, Danny, actually I don't."
Steve Davis: "CJ, any chance of Josh giving me some of that stuff?"
CJ Cregg: "Okay, Steve. Tell you what. You can get some of Josh's medication. But first, you have to get shot. In the line of duty, after which you undergo fourteen hours of life-saving surgery, which leaves you with some psychological trauma and permanent neurological damage in your right side. For which you take constant medication. A few months later, when you start to feel you've finally got your life back on track, you broker a deal with the Mexican government on border patrolling and drug policy, which might, just might, save a few thousand lives and considerably improve living conditions for thousands more. During this week you push yourself to the limit, and the day before you are supposed to get the reward and kudos you so richly deserve, your brain takes a holiday and you mix up your medication timetable and double dose, and because you work so hard, you forget to eat, and then that evening, when you're feeling relaxed, happy and proud of yourself, whatever cruel god there is up there intervenes and you make a complete fool of yourself in front of a roomful of international dignitaries, senior politicians and your President.
"The next day your name is plastered on newspapers and tv screens all over the world, not as the guy who will forge a new era in American-Mexican relations, but the idiot who hit on a colleague while under the influence. And after this, you decide to front the press who have amused themselves at your expense and try to salvage something from the wreck of your political career, and you do this because you feel you owe it to the American public to explain yourself in person.
"So, Steve, when you've done all that, you can laugh all you like. Personally, I think that in coming in front of you today, Josh is showing real guts and I admire the hell out of him for it."

End clip.

"Wow. Pretty aggressive stuff. Do you think that was a fair assessment, Paul?"
"I think there was a lot in what she said, and as Mark says, a lot of the jokes being bandied around today are fairly gratuitous. Having said that, I think the White House needs to rethink both its staff drug policy and its interpersonal relationships policy. And Sam Seaborn needs to stay a mile away from Josh Lyman."
"You're a hard man, Mark Shields. Okay, on to other matters."


Friday morning, Press Room:

CJ stalked off, pausing to whisper to Josh as she passed him: "You owe me so big you'll never be able to repay it."

"She did it," Toby remarked as they watched the denouement on the bullpen monitors. "Look at their faces. Clever, very clever."
"So Josh gives his head for washing and it's candy from a baby, so they'll take it," Sam said. "Pretty smart closure."
"They won't let him off that easy."
"Yeah, but it'll run out of steam. A coupla days in Mexico with these guys and it'll be over. Mind you, we could always rustle up something out of Acapulco - "
"Don't even contemplate it. I'm glad I'm not going," Toby said. "And don't look so happy."
"Two days in the sun and sand without you, Toby? Why would I be happy?"

Leo looked up as Josh entered his office. "That was good teamwork, Josh. You owe CJ, you know."
"Yeah, she told me."
"How you doing?"
Josh sighed and sat down. "Okay. I guess if that's the dumbest thing I ever do in my career, I can't complain too much. At least I didn't send us to war or rewrite any trade agreements."
"Neither did I." Leo paused. "Josh, I gotta ask ya - "
"No, you don't."
"Yeah I gotta ask. Is there a thing with you and Sam?"
Josh thought of last night, and Sam's suddenly pliant body against his, the brief crush of mouths. The raincheck. "No, Leo."
Leo looked at him for a moment. "Okay. Cos hitting on Sam, you know, these things come from somewhere."
"Leo, there is no 'thing!' Please. Gimme a break here."
"Okay, fine. Have a good one in Mexico. You prepped?"
"Yeah, it's covered. Should be smooth sailing."
"The President's really pumped on this, Josh. And that's probably saved your ass today."
Josh smiled. "I plan on being down the other end of the aeroplane!"
"Yeah, another long flight. See you Monday, then."

Leo watched Josh out the door. Lying bastard, he thought sourly to himself.

*I know this is pinching from TAP, but Sorkin's words are always better than mine and I couldn't think of anything funny. So I cribbed.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Ozwitch.
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