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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

An Unexpected Return


DISTRIBUTION: Anyone want it take it, let me know if you don’t mind. I have no idea where any of this goes.
DISCLAIMER: Alas they do not belong to me, only in my dreams, and what lovely dreams they are. They all belong to Joss and such people that get paid the big buck.
SPOILERS: After Hero in Angel. Season 4 of Buffy, slightly changed the plot.
PAIRING: None yet, but watch out
SUMMARY: Willow feels a disturbance.
FEEDBACK: Yes please. I know where Ripper lives and I’m not afraid to use him and send him after you!!!
DEDICATION: To everyone who has been really kind to me and send me wonderful feedback for my fic’s yesterday. Also to Doyle fans, don’t worry he will show up here.
AUTHORS NOTES: This story differs from the time line and plot of BtVS Season 4. Spike is chipped, but he never went to Angels, neither did Buffy. There is no Willow and Tara (so I guess you know where I am headed with her!! *snicker * Riley and the Intiative are there but they don’t know about Adam and Riley doesn’t know about Buffy hiding Spike. Doyle did die however, but you will have to read the rest of the series to see what happens.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Part 1: A Disturbance in the force

Chapter Text

An Unexpected Return
by Susanne

Part 1: A Disturbance in the force


"Willow are you ok?"

Buffy stood in her dorm room looking at Willow. Willow sat on her bed looking out the window, she hadn't moved in over three hours now and Buffy had just timed, three minutes without blinking. Something was going on.

"Willow" Buffy repeated and walked toward her. There was still no response and still no blinking. She placed her hand on Willow's slender shoulder.


Willow jumped at the contact and small scream of surprise escaped her. She looked at Buffy.

"Buffy?" She began blinking rapidly and tried to work through the fog that invaded her mind.

"Will, you alright? You scared me there."

"I don't know Buffy." She looked back out the window as if the answer would be there.

"What happened?"

"Something's wrong."

"Something I can kill kind of wrong?" Buffy said with a smile. She needed some slayer action it had been kind of quiet lately.

"I, ... I don't know. It's magic."

"Magic? Dark magic as in Ethan Rayne again 'cos I though we'd dealt with him?"

"Um, I don't think so. It's something to do with me."

"You? What do you mean? You're not going all dark side on us are ya Will?"

Willow didn't answer; she was staring of into space again. Something was pulling at her; something she knew shouldn't be there.

"Earth to Will!" Buffy waved her hand in front of her friends eyes.

"What? Oh no, I'm sure it will pass."

"You think we should tell Giles, I mean he knows about magic and stuff?"

"No" Willow smiled and shook her head. "It's probably just me, you know me and spells." Not to mention the one that didn't work last night.

"If you're sure." There was a knock at the door, Buffy smiled. "That'll be Riley, I gotta bail. You be ok on your own?"

"Yeah sure go." Willow smiled.

"I can stay if you want?"

Willow climbed off the bed and smiled at her friend. "No really, go, have a good time, I'll be fine."

Buffy was already grabbing her coat. She opened the door. "Hey Riley. Ok if you're sure, see you later." She said smiling at Willow.

"Bye." The door closed before Willow had finished speaking. Sighing she sat back down. The nagging feeling in her just wouldn't leave. Maybe some fresh air will help. She thought as she headed out the door.



Willow inhaled deeply, grateful for the slight breeze that gently blew her red hair off her face. The sun had just set. She was armed with a stake, just in case she got some unwanted company, although she doubted it, it had been pretty quiet. She began to wander, she had no idea where she was going, it was as if she was being guided.

The nagging feeling she had felt since the night before now began to grow stronger. The feeling began to turn into a pain, a hot searing pain coursing though her body. Her mind took her to a place that she did not recognise. There was a burning bright white light and a room full of demons all hiding their eyes; in fact they were all cowering in the corners huddled together.

The wind began to pick up and it whipped her hair around. The pain of the light became too much; a scream escaped her lips as she fell to the ground.
