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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Chosen One


Distribution: Just let me know
Rating: FRT nothing that couldn't be on the show.
Category: Story, alternate reality and this reality. (no cross overs with other tv shows, only Buffy and Angel)
Spoiler Warning: After Parting Gifts.
Couple Pairings: no romance at the moment, some later, but still FRT
Disclaimer: None of them are mine, they are all based upon the characters from the tv shows, although for the alternate reality I have changed some personalities and stuff but they are still Joss' original ideas.
Summary: Doyle comes back but not as you know him.
Dedication. To Danielle for agreeing to write this with me, her part will follow, and thanks for the descriptions of the Oracles. To Emma for the encouragement (yes I do mean you, you can stop screaming now :)
Please I need feedback from this so I can go on with it, also I need to know if people are reading it and if it is worth finishing it.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

The Chosen One
by Susanne and Danielle

"Hi, is this Angel Investigations?"

"Yes, this is Angel Investigations, we help the hopeless. My name's Cordelia, how can I help you?"

"Oh, um, I don't know"

"Listen, we're very busy, either you need our help or not, it's not a hard decision." The strain of the past few days began to show.

"Hi, I'm Angel" Angel appeared in the doorway and gave astern look at Cordelia. "I apologise for Cordelia. We have just lost a dear friend."

"There's an Angel of Angel Investigations?!" The visitor looked Angel up and down, Realising herself she said "Sorry about your friend."

"Thanks, how can we help you? Would you like some coffee?" Angel offered.

"Erm...Yeah sure. I'm sorry I don't really know why I'm here, or where exactly here is"

Cordelia and Angel gave her a puzzled look. She smiled.

"Sorry, I guess I should introduce myself. My name's Doyle. Francesca Doyle."


"Is this some sort of sick joke?" Cordelia demanded

"You know I wish it was, 'cos all I want is to go home" Doyle, Francesca Doyle shouted back.

Recovering himself Angel stepped in between the two. "Please, let's not yell at each other," looking at Doyle he said, "I'm sorry, it's just that, that friend I mentioned, he was called Doyle." Angel continued to look between them as they each backed down.

"Yeah so don't go claiming to be some estranged relative or something, 'cos lady I'm not buying."

"Cordelia!" Angel hissed.

"Look, I'm sorry." Doyle began. She half turned to leave, "It's just that, well, I don't belong here."

"You got that right." Cordelia threw back. A look from Angel silenced her.

"I had a dream, -" Doyle continued, " I saw your sign, out front, Y'know. I figured you could help, that you could send me home, or at least tell me why I'm here."

"Why you're here?" Angel folded his arms trying to figure out what was going on.

"Ok! I don't know what you know about y'know, so well y'know?"

"What!? What do I know?" Cordelia demanded looking wildly around.

"Yeah I know" Angel answered and waited for her to continue.

"Well a few days ago, I was in my house and then suddenly I'm not, I'm here, well not here here, but, in, what do you call it, LA?"

"You'd have to be like totally from a different planet not to know LA" Cordelia retorted, throwing a disgusted look Doyle's way.

"Yeah well I guess I am."

Everyone was silent.

"A couple of days ago - " Doyle began after the shock had worn off and they were seated in Angel's office, "- I was home, just reading, waiting for Cameron to come by and them WHAM, I was surrounded by this blinding light and it was like 'beam me up Scotty.' When I could finally see again I was in an alley, in the pitch black. I had no idea what was going on."

She looked over her coffee mug at Angel and Cordelia, they both just stared at her, she was unsure whether they believed her or not, or just thought she was plain mad. Angel was the first to speak; his confusion was evident,

"Other world?"

Doyle half smiled, "You want to know how I know this is another world?" They both nodded. "OK! For starters we have no LA not any more, and we are over run by demons and big ugly things, plus," she glanced at the windows where rays of the bright afternoon sun could be seen filtering through the blinded window, "we don't have half as much sun as you guys do, the light's quite scary."

Angel half smiled "Yeah I know" he muttered quietly to himself.

"Ok, is it just me, or is this really weird? Oh and did I mention weird?" Cordelia put her mug on Angel's desk and began to walk around the room.

"Ok, monsters, demons, huge ugly things I can relate to, I can understand but, - " Cordelia stopped pacing and stood facing the others, "but alternate realities, I'm having a little trouble relating to." Her eyes shifted to Doyle, "And, I think 'she's' a fake, it's sick, really sick!"

Angel rose from his chair and approached Cordelia. She looked at him, tears welling in her eyes. "Make her go away Angel, she's not Doyle, he's gone, gone, he's never coming back is he?" Tears rolled down her cheeks as her big brown eyes met Angel's. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her into an embrace.


"I'm sorry if I upset her," Doyle said after Cordelia left the room.

Angel glanced at her, taking his eyes only momentarily off the door Cordelia had just walked through. He could still see her outside sniffling and trying to calm herself. "It's ok!" He forced his attention back on Doyle. His mind was hard at work trying to find a way to help her.

The Oracles.


"Cordelia?" Doyle stood in the doorway to the office, not wanting to frighten her by sneaking up on her, and hanging back a little unsure of what to actually say. "I just wanted to,...well I just wanted to apologise for what happened before."

Cordelia half turned away from the filling, her eyes were still red and puffy. "Forget about it ok!"

"Ok, but I am sorry." Doyle started to leave but turned around. "Apart from the name, well, we're not the same person you're right. I can't help having the same last name as him, there are probably a lot of people called Doyle." She gave Cordelia one last look and went back down stairs to wait for Angel. She didn't hear Cordelia when she said,

"Yes, but that 'lot' of Doyles' aren't turning up on my doorstep." A tear ran down her check.



Doyle, Francesca Doyle, lay asleep on Angel's couch. It had been a hectic few days and they had finally caught up with her. Angel had returned from the Oracles to find her asleep, deciding not to wake her he sat on the edge of the coffee table and watched her. Apart from the surname she looked nothing like Doyle, his Doyle. She wasn't Irish for a start, she had a British twang to her voice, he had noticed that straight away. She was about Doyle's height but to his short dark hair she had a cascade of red hair with loose curls. She held herself confidently, yet the look in her big green eyes told him that she was barely holding together. Asleep she looked so peaceful. He gave her one last look, then decided that he needed help. The Oracles weren't much help; the next best thing would have to be Giles.

Francesca's sleep was anything but peaceful. She dreamt of home, of happy times, but just as everything looked normal and happy again it would all disappear and go dark and in the darkness she would hear thousands of whispering voices repeating the word 'Destiny'.

Fighting against the darkness Francesca struggled for the light, she tossed and turned on Angel's couch desperately searching for the light place and an escape from the whispering voices. What she found wasn't exactly what she was looking for. She felt a sudden jolt of pain in her left side as she fell off the couch with a loud 'thud'. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around, she expected to see Angel's apartment, but longed for it to be her own room, however, what she saw was quite different.

Lying heaped on a cold stone floor, the couch now nowhere to be seen she saw two people standing nearby. The room was bare and made of stone, with two stone pillars supporting an archway that led off into the distance.


One of the two people spoke to her. For the first time she looked at them. One was male and the other female. The female had her dark hair in a bun on the top of her head with a burgundy headband with gold designs on it. The male had blond, almost gold, short hair. Their skin was white with a gold tint to it. They had blue veins and wore tight blue
gowns. They stood together just in front of the pillars.


"Where am I? And who are you?" Doyle asked

"We are the Oracles, we speak for the higher powers" the female answered pressing the palms of her hands together.

"What am I doing here. Angel came to see you earlier?"

"That warrior is now to be yours"

"Mine?! What are you talking about? I don't want him, I want to go home." Rising from the floor she dusted herself down, although not a speck of dust was to be seen. She was becoming slightly annoyed at their flippancy, the way they expected her to do exactly what they wanted.

"It is your destiny" the male simply replied.

"Wow! Hold on! Destiny? Not you guys as well? Every time I sleep I keep hearing that word whispered over and over again."

"Yet you ignore it, that is why you are here."

"Ok, I officially have no idea what you two...Oracles are talking about. If it's ok with you I'll just be going now, I can see there's no help coming from you to get me home." She turned to leave I hope Angel made more sense of this than I did. she thought to herself.

"Higher Mortal! You can not ignore your destiny."

"Just watch me" she threw back at them.

"These people need your help. You are the chosen one."

That got her attention. Head snapping back round she glared at them.

"Chosen one! I'm not the bloody slayer you know! I think you made a mistake, His name is Cameron Stephenson. If you meant to take him you were about ten minutes too soon. Sorry for the confusion, I'll run along now!" Doyle was seething now. Bloody Chosen One, yeah right, she wasn't some blind mortal, she knew all about the chosen one, - 'To each generation there is one boy who stands against the forces of darkness with only his three aids to light the way.' Oh they weren't going to fool her easily.

"You are correct," the male said raising his voice to bring her back. Doyle smiled despite everything; she'd gotten a rise out of them at least. She stopped, waiting, listening for the rest, her back still to the two Oracles.

"You are not the slayer. Your chosen destiny is of far more importance. You are unique."

Doyle slowly turned around, "Unique?" she half muttered to herself.

"That is correct. There is a slayer in every generation, but you, - " the female Oracle took a step forward, " - you are the one and only in all the known universes'. You can not escape your destiny."

"Unique?!" Doyle was still stuck there, "Giles used to say that to me when I was younger."

The male Oracle now stepped forward. "Your mortal guide was correct, he instructed and trained you well. It is now time for you to finish what he started."

Doyle just stared, what the Hell is going on here? She thought. Ok, I'm asleep still on Angel's couch, this is a dream. This is some weird otherworldly dream, ok then; I'd like to wake up now please. Vaguely she became aware of the female talking to her.

"Angel is the chosen warrior for this world, he is unique too. You are to join with him, it is his destiny just as much as it is yours."


"Yes, the one you are now staying with."

"If you have Angel, then why do you need me?"

"Higher Mortal you are not listening." The male Oracle said as he turned and walked back to the archway followed by the female. "The reason will become apparent in time. Go now."

The Oracles vanished. Doyle was once again surrounded by darkness. That soon faded as the pain in her left side reappeared. This time when she opened her eyes a worried pair of deep brown eyes and a strong hand helping her back up met her. Looking around she found herself back in Angel's apartment.


"You saw the Oracles?" Angel asked. They were now sitting in his kitchen drinking tea. Doyle was relaying her 'dream' and what the Oracles had told her.

"Yeah. Well that's who they claimed to be, I didn't ask for ID or anything."

Ignoring her sarcasm he mentally ran through the conversation he had had with them earlier.

"When I spoke to them they said there was no way for you to return home and that you were to stay with me."

"That's it?!" Doyle exclaimed. "No 'This is you destiny' lecture, no 'You are the chosen of the chosen'? Jeez you got off easy!"

"Wait a minute, - " confusion was beginning to become a permanent feature upon Angel's face. "Chosen? You're a slayer?"

Doyle loudly exhaled. "No! Jeez Angel keep up. The slayer is the chosen of the generation; I'm the chosen of the chosen. Apparently the only one." She stood from the table, realisation hitting her smack in the face. "I'm the last and only line of defence. The fate of humanity is in my hands." She spread her arms out to emphasis the point; her green eyes were wide as she stared at Angel. "Oh, and you as well."


"Yeah. Apparently you're part of the whole deal. Didn't you know?"

Angel just stared at her. Taking it as a no Doyle continued. "You're the unique chosen one from this world, as I am from mine o something."

"Or something?" he repeated.

"Well they said I was the only one in all the known universes, then they turned around and said the same about you." "She raised her eyebrow and pointed her finger at him. "I bet they have no idea what's going on and are just making it up as they go along."

"Chosen one?" Angel quietly said to himself. Doyle was about to reply with a sarcastic comment when the telephone rang.

"Giles!" Angel announced as he leapt for the phone. Doyle stood gaping after him. 'Giles? Giles GILES? Wasn't he dead?



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Susanne.
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