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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Formed from clay, Princess Diana of Themyscira was gifted with special powers. She is strong. She is invincible. SHE IS WONDER WOMAN.
NOTE: Wonder Woman and related characters are tm and © DC Comics. No infringement of copyright is intended. Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston.
classification : gen
Rating: FRT ˜ Fan Rated Suitable For Teenagers
This is "Wonders," which is my attempt to do a consolidated version of Wonder Woman's origin.

Work Text:

by Broken Promise Productions

I guess it all begins with the dawn of the universe itself. Some contend that a huge bang spawned it while others say a deity caused it. That does not matter though; the important part is it happened. My name is Diana, I am a princess, and this is my story.

It begins with this moment. From Chaos comes Order and from Death, Life. The blessed union of Mother Earth and Father Sky brings about life itself. Soon thereafter, cavemen came about and roam the Earth in search of survival. This is when my mother was first alive. She became the first to die from the brutality of man. Her husband had lost an arm, and was kicked out of the group because there was no more use for him within the group. So he takes his own aggressions out on my mother, the only one who loved him after such a horrible event. I guess it is true--you do hurt that which you love. My mother died but not before I was conceived. My own father doesn't even know I am in my mother, but we both wound up dying. I often wonder myself what would happen if I were alive then; just being able to see my father would be a gift unto itself. This is where my first story ends and it is awful that my life was cut short, but my life was not taken forever. Gaea took pity on us, since we were the first killed by this aggression. We were taken to the Chamber of Souls, where us and many more women who died due to violence were kept and stored under what I refer to as a mother hen in Gaea, our Mother Earth. Many more women come to join us in this eerie stasis. I found it weird that we would have been stored like this. None of us knew why we were, but we were fully aware that we were being kept by Gaea. There were women tried and killed as witches and so much more. Yes, they were burned before the Christian Bible was written. All of us in there were women, and all who died from the brutality of man. We found out why were stored like this many many years later.

From death became life, as the Amazon race was born many years later in what would become known as Ancient Greece. We didn't really think of it as ancient, but it did wind up that way to present day historians. Artemis led a group including Athena, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Hestia to the Cavern of Souls in order to find our chosen spirits. My mother, who was the first to die, was the first to get reborn and was made the Queen by none less than the Goddesses themselves. All but one of the spirits was set into flesh once again; I was the only soul left in the cavern. You truthfully have no idea what it's like to feel alone like this. I had many more souls to be with until then. At that point, I knew what it was like to be alone and I guess you could say I got used to it. I can still feel the cold of that cavern today.

My mother decided that it would be best if we were to find out what happened to the world since our respective deaths. After all, we were in this cave for thousands of years and a lot has changed. The Amazons would go out in the world and learn just what this new world had to offer. Athens gave us the ideas of democracy even though women did not vote there. My mother went there and found out about it. She thought that democracy should work for everyone, not just the men. So everyone in the Amazon tribe was given a voice in matters. Sparta gave us a love for sports and combat training in general. We were a group of warriors and as such had to be ready to fight for our beliefs. The oracles at Delphi taught us how to look into the future. There were, of course, many more ideas that we borrowed, but if I told you about those, we would be here all day.

We finally had everything to set up our society. It was one based on three undying principles--Peace, Love and Equality. Those three words are still our driving force today. We were given the Golden Girdle of Gaea and were told that so long as we had this in our possession, nothing horrible would befall us. Such a society should have been a fabulous thing to the world. Here was a society of women who were every bit as strong-willed and independent as the male-dominated world. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case; we Amazons were demonized by the very same world that destroyed us all those many years ago. I guess old habits do die hard. But we did toil and trouble and had a good life. At least we did until Heracles came into our realm.

Heracles was one of the many bastard children of Zeus and I think at last count there were over one thousand of these children of Zeus roaming the earth at this time. Today, there's only five, but that really isn't the point of this time in our story. He was there and he did come to see us in our society, but not for the usual diplomacy. I think the proper term for his visit was "to put a notch in his belt." He was sent at a bad time in our history too; my mother always told me about the big debate over how involved we should be in Man's World considering how much they have demonized us. He challenged us to a contest for the Golden Girdle and, of course, we beat him. It was a great victory for us, but it wouldn't last long as Heracles used trickery to get what he wanted. He seduced my own mother and stole the Girdle from her. Without the Girdle, we were vulnerable and became victims of Heracles and his men. We were taken into slavery. This would be the first and only time we would ever be tricked by men. We did rise up against him eventually, but the damage was done. We have neglected our mission and in so doing, neglected ourselves.

The Gods of course saw all of this and were dismayed; we Amazons couldn't go back to life the way we were living given what happened. As punishment, they made us immortal, which wouldn't seem to be a punishment at first. It was so we'd "always be reminded of failures past." A lot of the Amazons didn't think of it as punishment, though; they saw it as a way to cheat Hades. Furthermore, they exiled us to an island where we would live out our immortal sentence by guarding Doom's Doorway, a gate to the beasts of Tartarus. Now we were getting a bit worried because we finally figured out the sick reason of our punishment. Next, they took away the Golden Girdle of Gaea. It would up in the forge Hephaestus' hands to make into whatever he wanted. The final indignity was the exiling of the Amazon people from Greece to a special island created by Poseidon himself. He even parted the waters so that we could walk from Greece to the island soon to be named Themyscira. Heracles would become the literal holder of the island but only after his other labors were finished. He supported the island, forever reminding him of the one thing he truly could never have. Some of our sisters didn't agree with the ruling of the Gods though.

Antiope was the prime objector to the ruling the Gods handed us. They looked at the Gods as hypocrites because they thought Heracles got off "scott free" while we had to change to guarding against hideous beasts. They forsook their immortality to punish Heracles in the here and now, so to speak. They instead found the army of a man named Theseus. Antiope did wind up marrying the man, but Circe's magicks caused his former wife to slay her. My mother's group of Amazons didn't know this until much later because we were already on our march to this island.

When we finally arrived the Gods did everything in their power to isolate us, since that was the way we were heading in the first place. Clouds in the area of the Atlantic Ocean called the Bermuda Triangle shrouded the island, now named Themyscira. The spell put on Themyscira was also one of anti-technology. No piece of electric equipment would work in the area. For many years, we toiled and worked on Themyscira, building our society based on peace, love, and equality. We also had to keep ourselves ready for war at any time, because Doom's Doorway could open at any point. Menalippe, the only Amazon who studied at Delphi, who would only get vague pictures of what was to come, kept us up in the affairs of the Gods. A long time after the God's reign on the planet was over, she received a horrific vision.

The vision in question was interesting to say the least. It went something like "The door has broken and many will die. The eagle on a silver bird will be our only hope." At the time, nobody even knew what to think, for it was the single scariest prophecy that ever came from her. The real truth would be even scarier that anything that came into Menalippe's head.

The door breaking was actually Doom's Doorway, and of course, it broke. The monsters behind it were set loose to wreak havoc on the world and only the Amazons were the first line of defense. Given that we had thousands of years to prepare for this event, it should have felt like a drill, but it wasn't. The first wave killed quite a few Amazons and the monsters weren't spared from dying either. After days of battling, we were starting to lose the Great War, as it would be called. Things looked hopeless, and many were praying for "The eagle on the silver bird." Our prayers were answered.

Diana Rockwell Trevor crash landed her airplane in the area of Themyscira while on a mission for the Women's Air Force. She washed up on the island in the middle of the war in which we were losing more ground by the minute. Diana was very brave; without even knowing who any of us are she took up arms against the monsters. Thankfully she was better armed too, with a service automatic to be exact. She drove the monsters back, killing a great many of them in the process and unknowingly saved the world. However, this would come at a great price--her life. In her death, many more lives were saved and the battle was won. She was honored as a hero, possibly the greatest one ever. We hand crafted battle armor for her funeral along with the rest of the dead, but hers was very different. We saw symbols on her outfit, which was actually the symbol of the Women's Air Force, or WAF. We saw the eagle and knew immediately she was from the prophecy, but we didn't figure out the silver bird until much later. We crafted a suit of armor using this insignia and whatever else we could identify, like a tattered cloth that eventually we found out to be an American flag. The armor and the gun waited patiently in the Temple of Hades, waiting for a special event.

My mother all this time had been grief stricken and could never figure out why; you'd think that after thousands of years she would know. The Gods themselves enlightened her on the situation. She was originally killed while pregnant with me, and the fact that I was never born left her empty. They told her to build a child out of clay and they will breathe life into it. The other Amazons thought she had finally lost her mind, because all she would talk about is this clay child that will come to life. The clay child was built and she began to pray for it to come alive.

The Gods at this time were wondering what to do with this child. There was still one more soul left in the cavern and it was the perfect choice for inhabiting this form. The Goddesses and Hermes went underground to the Cavern of Souls and I had company once again. No matter how much you get used to being alone, it's wonderful to have someone to see. They knew this child was special and I thought so too but my opinion is rather egotistical. The Goddesses and Hermes decided to give this child special gifts. Demeter gave me the renewing power and strength of the Earth itself, which makes it hard to find people to spar with later in life. Aphrodite gave me great beauty and compassion while Athena gave wisdom. Artemis gave me the eye of the huntress and kinship with animals. Hestia gave me the Fires of Truth, which made people trust me and open up to me. Finally, Hermes gave me great speed and the ability to fly, which I constantly love. These gifts were truly wonderful things and to this day I constantly thank them for giving me these.

The clay child (who was me) started to squirm and bust her way out of the clay form she was originally given. I worked my way out and my mother was there to greet me into the new world. She decided to name me Diana, after Diana Trevor. Of course there were many problems because my sisters never had a child before, so nobody really knew what to do with me. I think they did a good job of raising me though. I had thousands of doting mothers showering me with attention while teaching me the skills of a warrior even as an infant. By the time I was three years old, I was showing great prowess as a warrior who lived by the terms of peace, love, and equality. I know this is very paradoxical and sometimes it makes me wonder how a warrior of peace can truly exist. There were thousands of peaceful warriors though, so no matter how weird it felt to me, I knew it could be done.

When I was about five years old, I felt lonely. Here was this one child among thousands of fully-grown women. I went to the witch Magala and asked her to create a playmate for me and she did. She made a mirror image of me come to life and we had a lot of fun together. She's known as Donna Troy now. Then one day, she disappeared and I thought the spell had just worn off. Little did I know that her life was going to take a horrible turn after turn after turn. I had a couple of years of loneliness again, because I was the only child. At least until Julia.

The Gods rescued Julia Deneiros after a wreck at sea. She floated to the island where some of my sisters brought her in. We became instant friends and grew up together all the time honing our skills and learning of peace, love, and equality. I don't think I can stress those ideals enough. We grew up and Julia had to go back to Patriarch's World. It was a very tearful event for me, because I felt like I was losing my only friend. Here was this one person who was my age, who grew up with me, who actually understood me, and now she had to go back to where she came from without any memory of the Amazons or me. She would remember the teachings though and would put them to good use. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Days passed into months and months into years and after a while, Julia seemed more like a memory instead of a living person. All this time though, Ares was planning to create the war to end all wars. He grew stronger while the other Gods grew weaker, since man still worshipped him by waging war. With nobody to stop him, he began to work his magick on the two biggest countries in the world, hoping to start a global holocaust. Menalippe received this vision, of course, which was as follows: "The skies wreak of fire and burning flesh. All life will leave unless the child defeats him." She immediately relayed this to my mother who convened the Amazon Senate for the first time in years.

The debate went for hours on what to do. Many were still opposed to directly intervening in Man's World. After all, they demonized us last time we were there. Thankfully, the Goddesses stepped in and called for a challenge. All Amazons who wanted to could try out to be the ambassador to Man's World, but at the cost of her immortality. Many jumped at the chance, including myself, over my mother's objections. We wore masks so none of us would know whom we were facing and being the gifted child of the Amazons, I won every event, thus earning the right to be the ambassador. I removed my mask and my mother was in tears after she saw my face; imagine sending your daughter off to war and you have exactly what my mother felt. The final test wasn't over though.

The last test was the Trial of the Flashing Thunder. I was given a special pair of bracelets to wear, made from Zeus' Aegis. Philippus was given the awesome task that I will now describe. She took the gun that Diana Trevor used and measured one half of an arm's length from me. I was to keep my arms down until the gun was fired and then try to deflect the bullets. It was an awful time for me and I was actually shaking the whole time. She fired the gun more times than I would care to remember and I was able to deflect all the bullets. I hated it the entire time though; here was this weapon, which could be used for no more than taking another life. Even today I can't stand guns and in the back of my mind, I wish they were banned entirely. They scare me every time one is fired.

Passing these tests, I donned the armor we made in memorial to Diana Trevor. I was very hesitant at first, because I didn't feel like I deserved to wear HER armor. She was the best, and I felt like I was nowhere near her level. Hestia then appeared to give me one more present. It was the Goden Girdle of Gaea, which was forged into a peaceful weapon of a lariat by Hephaestus. She even blessed it by granting it magical powers above and beyond everlasting life. She made it such that anyone caught in the lasso would tell the truth or to see the truth when they were being deceived. Truth is a powerful weapon and it can set you free. With these great gifts I went to face Ares and won, but that battle is another story entirely. Of course during that time, I met Steve Trevor.

He came to the island during the Ares' saga, after serving in Vietnam. His plane crashed after his copilot attempted to decimate us with a bomb. Thankfully, Steve survived, because he is truly a noble soul. He went back to Man's World after being severely wounded. He made a full recovery, and we're good friends now. Not dating, just good friends.

I went to Patriarch's World at the expense of my immortality to teach peace, love, and equality to the world, but the part about losing my immortality still hits me very hard. I can age and I can die; I always wonder what will happen if I die. There are many different viewpoints of the afterlife and how can I be ultimately sure that my version is right? I hope to see my mission end with success before that event happens though.