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The Newness Of It All


A Mother's Day Drabble
Joss owns all
written for open_on_sunday

Work Text:

The Newness Of It All
by FemailoftheSpecies

"I'm sorry."

Plunging the stake into the heart of the thing that once was Mother, he didn't ponder how he knew this action would rid him of the unsavory demon with its twisted lies and half-truths, but was grateful it had.

And wasn't that strange? Being pleased that his mother was gone ... forever.

Dropping the stake, he snatched the decanter of sherry they'd kept for company, taking a huge gulp as Drusilla lithely wrapped around him. A kiss on his neck and he melted, suddenly sure all was right in his world.

"Don't worry, Pretty William, I'm your Mummy now."
