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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Way Things Can Get


it's the end for one of the members of the 4077th MASH. (You'll never guess who it is, either.)


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Better Saved Than With Frank

Chapter Text

Hawkeye and Trapper were sitting in the Swamp. They had just pulled another prank on Frank and Margaret. This time, they decided to bolt down the door to Margaret's tent right after Frank had walked inside.
Of course, Captain Hildebrand was at the 4077th to investigate everyone there and to determine whether or not the camp should be broken down.

"Listen," said Hawkeye as the two of them were rejoicing over a job well done. "The next time those two need to be behind closed doors together, they'd certainly be locked in."

As soon as he said that, Trapper stopped laughing.

"What? You don't think my joke was that funny? Tell me...what's the matter with it?"

Trapper stood up. "What do I think of that? I think nothing about it. Besidesmy mind was somewhere else."

"What were you thinking about? Another gorgeous nurse you'd like to get your hands on?"

"Yeah," Trapper noted. "That nurse's name is Margaret Houlihan. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going to take the board off of the door and let the two of them go." And with that, he took off towards Margaret's tent with a hammer and a few choice words in hand.

Meanwhile, Frank and Margaret were still trying to get themselves out of the locked tent. But they used up everything that could take a nail out of a piece of wood. Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door.

Frank snapped as usual. "Who is it, and what don't you want?"

"It's me, Frank." Trapper replied. "I'm here to take the board off of your door."

Margaret was stunned. "Now that's something you don't hear every day," she said. Then she called out to Trapper. "What are you using? It better not be superglue or something you'd use to keep us in here longer than expected."

"It's not what you think it is. It's a hammer. Now stand back from the door."

Trapper turned the hammer around. With one pull, the nails came flying out of the tent and he opened the door. Of course, Frank wanted to run out and grab some air, but the door shut on his face before he had the chance to get his foot out of the doorway.

"You jerk," Frank said. "Now I'm late for my post-op duty. I hope you're happy!" He stormed out of the tent and headed to post-op. Trapper and Margaret remained. Before the door shut, Trapper held the door open so Margaret to leave the tent.

"Listen, Trapper said, his eyes sternly looking upon the face of Margaret. "I know I've been a real pain the butt recently, but I have good reason for it. Well, I don't know how to say it, but..."

Margaret's eyes were focused on those of Trapper's. He continued.

"...I think you're the most gorgeous nurse on the base of the camp. I think I love you."

Before Margaret could reply back, Hawkeye came by the tent to check up on his buddy. "So," he said, "it seems you two finally agreed to terms."