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Part 2 of What the Hell
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Dating the Devil


Author: Elizabeth Wilde (Gabby Spike)
Title: Dating the Devil
Series: What the Hell
Distribution: Anyone who has my fic, anyone who asks me for it,
my site []
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Buffy people. I make no money. Don't sue me.
'Ship: S/X
Classification: comedy, romance
Summary: Xander makes Spike take him out.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none, maybe some season 3 of Buffy
Feedback: to if you really love me

Work Text:

Author: Gabrielle Collins (Gabby Spike)

Title: Dating the Devil

Series: What the Hell

Distribution: Anyone who has my fic, anyone who asks me for it,

my site []

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Buffy people. I make no money. Don't sue me.

'Ship: S/X

Classification: comedy, romance

Summary: Xander makes Spike take him out.

Rating: PG

Spoilers: none, maybe some season 3 of Buffy

Feedback: to if you really love me

When the phone rang, Xander almost jumped out of his skin. "He-hello?" His voice shook and he

knew whoever was on the other end probably thought they had the wrong number.

"Xander? Are you sick again?"

"Anya!" He heard Spike laughing softly behind him and turned bright red. "No, not-yeah,

sick." Xander faked a cough. "Bad cough, nausea. Puking a lot. It's not pretty."

"I'll be right over. I'll bring soup."

"Better not," Xander warned quickly, mind feverishly searching for any excuse. "I'm highly

contagious. Don't want you to catch it." He added another obviously fake cough before hanging

up. The phone rang again almost immediately and Xander stared at it blankly, eyes wide.

Spike heaved a sigh and grabbed the receiver. "Look, he's busy, alright?" Xander could hear

Anya yelling from across the bed. "Fuck off!" After slamming the receiver down, Spike glared

at the phone as if daring it to ring. It didn't. "There, luv," Spike soothed, "she won't call


Xander continued to stare at the phone.

"Well at least bloody say something! Wasn't such a bad kiss now was it?"

Xander shook his head mutely.

"There, then. Admit it, you enjoyed every second." Spike's hand was on Xander's thigh, his

face close. "And you'd like to go again."

Tearing himself away from Spike's intense gaze, Xander jumped off the bed. "This is a bad


Spike narrowed his eyes and then rolled over onto his back. "Fine, then. But I'm not

leaving." He grabbed a Playboy from under Xander's bed and began reading the first article.

Xander stood watching the vampire for several minutes. "You really aren't leaving, are you?"

"Not a chance."

"Then come with me." Xander grabbed Spike's hand and pulled him off the bed. "You're taking

me out."


"The fair?" Spike asked, eyeing the bright lights and garish colors skeptically.

"Yep. You wanna date me, you gotta win me a big ol' stuffed animal. A cute one."

Spike smirked. "Alright, I will. But you 'ave to hold m'hand."

"Deal." The Slayerette's warm hand closed around Spike's cold one. "There's a booth over


He indicated a ring toss game and Spike strode toward it purposefully. He forked over two

dollars and the man handed him a pile of rings. "Get five of them on the bottles and you can

have anything you want," the man announced with a frighteningly large smile.

"Alright, mate." Spike tossed the first ring, frowning darkly when he missed all of the

bottles entirely.

"Oh, come on," Xander protested, "you can't possibly be that bad at this! Cordelia has a better


A sharp glare from Spike silenced him. "Just warmin' up." The next ring flew with similar

results. "Bloody hell!"

Xander shook his head. "You know, I thought you were a lot more interested than that. Looks

like I should go call Anya back and-"

"Don't you dare!" Spike warned, picking up the third ring. It landed neatly around the neck of

one of the center bottles. "Told you, luv. Just warming up." Grinning, he proceeded to neatly

circle a bottle with each of the remaining six rings. He leaned across the counter and pointed

to a large, pink teddy bear. "That one."

The smiling man picked up the prize. "Here ya go! Come back again!"

"Not if it was the last place on the bloody Earth," Spike replied, handing the teddy bear to

Xander as they walked away. "There you 'ave it. A deal's a deal with you people, isn't it?"

He quirked one eyebrow. "I passed the test."

Xander seemed suddenly nervous. "Uh, yeah, I, uh, guess you did." He forced a smile.

"Oh, for God's sake, if it's that 'orrible a thought, nevermind!" Spike huffed, walking ahead.

"Hey! No, wait!" Xander caught up a second later. "It's just... different, ya know? Scary."

He reached for Spike's hand again. "It'll just take time to get used to."

Spike smiled and raised Xander's hand to his lips, kissing it. "We'll take all the time you


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