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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Be Mine


Gibbs had a secret admirer. This is in response to Peja's challenge- Be My Valentine

Work Text:

11th of Feb.

Gibbs looked at his desk. Smack dab in the center was a mocha flavored chocolate heart, the writing in white chocolate not saying the usual cliché of 'Be mine' or whatever, but saying, 'Hot'.

"Secret admirer?" Came Kate's dry voice, and Gibbs actually felt himself jump. "Did you see who put this here?" He barked, more out of irritation for not hearing her come up behind him, than actual anger.

She shook her head, a smile playing on her lips, "Are you sure it's not your redhead?"

Gibbs was sure it wasn't his redhead. They'd broken it off several weeks past, agreeing to stay friends. He shrugged and broke off a piece of the chocolate and savored the mild coffee flavoring. Whomever it was had excellent taste. And they knew he adored coffee.

"Hey boss. Whatcha got there?" Tony leaned over and pretended to try and snitch a piece, grinning as Gibbs growled, "Get your own secret admirer DiNozzo."

"Gee Boss, bit possessive of your chocolate, are we?" Tony teased as he moved to his own desk.

"And my coffee." Gibbs agreed. He checked the calendar and saw it was only the 11th of February. Whoever had placed it on his desk was early. He approved.


12th of Feb.

Gibbs slipped off his jacket and then turned and stopped. On his desk, same place as yesterday, were a pair of red satin boxers, with 'Be my Valentine' written in some sparkly shit, right across the ass. A smile crossed his face and he shook his head while he folded them up and stuck then in his coat pocket. He glanced around but he was the first one in the office.

The rest of the morning went predictably. He had to bark at DiNozzo to get his report in, harass McGee to find information for him. Well, actually, that was fun. Then shared a pizza with Tony while Kate went on a lunch date and McGee went to a doctor's appointment.

Tony's eyes sparkled as he munched on the pizza, "So, did you get anything today boss?"

Pretending ignorance, Gibbs asked, "Get what?"

"Oh, you know, something shiny and red."

Gibbs head snapped up and his eyes narrowed, but Tony was looking meaningfully at his coat. Gibbs looked over his shoulder, and sure enough, the underwear was peaking out of his pocket. "Oh that." He turned back and smiled mysteriously, "Maybe."

"Way to go boss." Tony drawled, "I hope that she's a looker."

For shock value, Gibbs shrugged, "Or a he. I'm not choosy."

It was all he could hope for. DiNozzo inhaled in surprise and began to choke on his slice of pepperoni pizza. Gibbs got up and patiently banged on Tony's back until the younger man squawked for mercy.

"Don't DO that boss." Tony protested, wiping his streaming eyes with a napkin.

Gibbs grinned, "Why DiNozzo, are you homophobic?"

Tony sat up indignantly, "I am not. I was just surprised, ok?" He tore into another piece of pizza, eyeing Gibbs speculatively. "So, what do you look for in a guy?"

The older man chewed his pizza, then swallowed, "It's been awhile. I guess, someone with integrity. Someone not afraid to stand up for themselves." It was the most he'd opened up to Tony, and as he chewed another bite, he pondered why. He glanced up and saw that the younger agent was watching him, his green eyes warm. "What?"

"You're looking for yourself boss. They call that narcissism." He laughed when Gibbs threw his balled up napkin at him.

"Very funny DiNozzo." The older man growled, inwardly pleased.


13th of Feb.

Gibbs strode to his desk, eager to see what was on it this time. In the center of it was a small wicker box with a lid. He opened it and found gift certificates to Starbucks. The perfect gift.

"What's that boss?" McGee asked. He was belatedly aware of the fact that someone was leaving gifts on Gibbs desk, and was insanely curious.

"It's a box, McGee." Gibbs drawled, this side of sarcastic. "Being an investigator and all, it should have taken you about 2 seconds to figure that out."

"Yes boss." McGee said, suitably chastened. He sat and resolved to brainstorm with Abby at the earliest opportunity.

Tony raced in, throwing his leather jacket over the back of his chair, "Am I late? Damn tire was almost flat when I came out this morning." He panted.

Gibbs checked his watch and then looked at Tony, and froze. Tony was wearing a dark green turtleneck which made his eyes positively glow, and his face was flushed with cold and annoyance...he was beautiful. "You're not late DiNozzo." Was all he said and he collapsed into his chair. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

The ringing of his phone made him put the latest personal crisis aside so that they could solve the case.

14th of Feb.

There was an large red envelope lying on Gibbs desk. Unfortunately he wasn't there to open it. He was at the hospital.

Tony moaned quietly as he opened his eyes, "Ow, who hit me?"

Gibbs shook his head as he watched over his agent, "The suspect popped you one and your head banged on the terrazzo floor. The doctor isn't sure that your brains aren't scrambled this time."

"So not funny boss." Tony said crankily. His eyes slipped shut, then popped open, "It's Valentine's day!"

The older man nodded, "It is."

Turning his head, Tony looked at Gibbs, "Go ahead and go to work boss. I'll be ok."

Gibbs slowly smiled, "It's ok Tony. I'll see what you got for me later."

Busted. "How did you know?" Tony whined. He thought he hid it so well. Damnit.

"I didn't, not until right now." Gibbs smiled. "So, what do you want to do tonight?" He asked, taking one of Tony's hands in his, watching as the younger man twined their fingers together. It felt good. Felt right.

"Can we eat in?" Tony asked huskily.

"I'd like that." Gibbs smiled and got up, "I need to head in."

Tony smiled, "Ok." As Gibbs was almost out the door he called, "Hey boss?"

Gibbs turned, "Yeah DiNozzo?"

"Wear the underwear."

And Gibbs could only laugh.