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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Snow and shoveling and concussions, oh my! Tsk tsk tsk. Oh, shoveling, what problems you cause.

Work Text:

Gibbs awoke slowly, for once, not inclined in the least to disturb his lover from their warm nest. Not inclined in the least to move period. He could hear the winds whipping around outside, shaking the storm windows.

Blargh. He hated winter. Too much snow, and wind, and shoveling. Oh, how he hated shoveling. And, of course, when he and Tony fell into bed last night, it had been snowing heavily. So that meant - he shuddered slightly - shoveling.

His slight shiver had been enough to rouse Tony. He lifted his head from Gibbs' chest to look at him blearily.

"I know tha' look," he said, sleep slurring his speech slightly. "We gotta shovel."

Tony hated shoveling as much as Gibbs did.

Gibbs sighed and said, "Yeah."

Tony scowled but didn't move from his spot. He merely settled his head back down on Gibbs' chest and sighed, ruffling some chest hair.

"C'mon Tony. The sooner we get it done, the sooner we get to laugh at Kate and her heater-less car."

"Even that's not enough incentive," Tony mumbled into Gibbs' chest. Gibbs chuckled.

"Then how about, the sooner we get it done, the sooner we get to come back to bed and . . . warm up." Tony lifted his head at that, and eyebrow raised in interest, and a seductive smile on his lips.

"Now that's what I call incentive."

Half an hour later, both men were showered, fed and watered - or rather, 'coffee-ed' - and bundled up to ward off the worst of the nipping winds and cold.

Most of their early morning was spent shoveling Gibbs' driveway with plenty of curses from both. Not an hour later, they were at the end of the now mostly snow-less stretch of asphalt with no untoward incidents.

So, of course, something went wrong.

Leaning on his shovel, Tony smirked at Gibbs and said, "Clean enough for your OCD?"

Gibbs snorted. "I'm not obsessive-compulsive about the damn driveway. Now lets go inside and warm up."

"Right behind ya, boss."

Gibbs turned to go inside, and fuck the living daylights out of Tony before they headed into work, when he slipped on a patch of ice.

And, oh mercy, did he go down hard.

Right on top of Tony.

Who also fell.

And cracked his head on the asphalt.

A snowplough decided to go by at that moment, showering both men with snow and blocked the end of Gibbs driveway. Again.

Gibbs bumped his head on Tony stomach, muttering darkly, "I hate winter."

"Couldn' agree more, boss."

~ ~ ~

Gibbs was half an hour late for work, for the first time in twenty years of working at NCIS. But he had to take Tony to the hospital. No way in hell was he gonna let Tony come straight into work after cracking his head like that, even if he said it was only a slight headache.

At the hospital, Tony waved him off and told him to head into work without him. It would be too suspicious if both men came into work late, at the same time.

As it so happened, even late, he was the first one in. Kate and McGee weren't there yet. They probably had snow problems, too. He shrugged and headed into the breakroom for coffee.

Reentering the bullpen, he saw Kate there, shucking her heavy winter coat and accessories.

"Car problems?" he asked, sipping his coffee.

"Stupid thing wouldn't even start this morning," she growled. "Had to call Tom to drive me into work."

He chuckled. Oh yes, Tony would enjoy that one when he got into work.

"Tony and McGee aren't here yet?"

"Nope." He headed for his desk and sat down in his chair with a grateful moan.

Kate looked over quizzically.

"Back problems?" she asked innocently. He shot a glare at her.

"Shoveling." She snickered. McGee decided to show up just then, shaking snow off his hat as he exited the elevator.

"So," Kate said. "Car problems, shoveling problems, why are you late McGee?" His already pink cheeks turned pinker as he mumbled an answer in passing to Kate. She started snickering again.

"Abby problems. Go figure. Can't get that girl going without her morning 'Caf-Pow!'," she said in between snickers. "Just leaves whatever problems Tony's having."

Tony showed up nearly an hour later, scowling and limping slightly.

"Woah, Tony. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Kate asked. He leveled a glare at her and sat down at his desk with a groan and lay his head on its surface.

"So, why are you so late today?" she asked.

"Yes, DiNozzo, and explanation would be nice," Gibbs said smoothly. To tell the truth, he was a little worried at his lover's pale and drawn face.

Tony's eyes flicked to Gibbs. Under his desk, where Gibbs could see and Kate couldn't, he made the sign for 'concussion - minor' with his hands. Gibbs had been delighted to learn that Tony had picked up some ASL, after the younger man had learned that Gibbs knew it.

He stood up to head to the breakroom for coffee and said to Kate, "Shoveling problems."

"Really? Gibbs, too." He waved it off as he went in search of coffee.

~ ~ ~

At the end of the day, everyone was tired, and extremely grateful it was finally Friday. Nothing eventful happened, so they all spent the day catching up on paperwork. As it was, all any of them wanted to do was go home and cuddle with their significant other. And in Tony's case, take a friggen' lot of painkillers.

McGee had already snuck downstairs to pull Abby away from her computers, and Gibbs and Tony were heading for the elevator as Kate was donning her winter gear. It was then something occurred to her.

"Wait a second . . ."

The elevator doors hissed open to let Gibbs and Tony inside.

"Tony doesn't have a driveway!"

She whipped around to question them, when she saw Tony's tired face smirk at her and Gibbs pulling Tony close, watching her carefully.

"You could've told me!" she yelled at them as the doors closed.