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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Take My Hand


Jim and Blair think no one could know their secret. 6K

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Take My Hand -


Simon cleared his voice and said, "Everyone, we're having a major meeting in one hour. No one is excused."

"What's the meeting about, Simon?" Blair asked, loving the idea.

"Only you would love the idea of a seminar on abuse victims." Simon growled.

Jim stood up and said, "But that's something we all need to learn more about."

"I agree with them." Joel added.

Conner walked over and said, "It's about damn time."

"Oh, this is going to be fun, I can tell." Rafe snarled into his paperwork.

They all met in the conference room and took their seats. Blair leaned into Jim and said, "Will it bother you if I ask a lot of questions?"

"No. Ask away." Jim smiled over at him and then looked at the notes written on the chalkboard.

A very large man walked in and put his things on the podium. "Good-afternoon, everyone. My name is Stan Carver."

Everyone said at once, "Nice to meet you, Stan."

"I'm passing this paper around for you to sign, so I'll know who you are." Carver sent the paper off.

When it got to Brown, he said, "Ellison, you got an extra pen?"

Jim leaned across Blair and just stayed there as he talked to H. Simon watched this and wondered if there was something going on or they might just be really comfortable with each other. Once Jim got his pen back, he sat back in his chair.

Simon saw Rafe and Joel watching him, too. So he didn't think it was just him. Well, he would have to think about that later. It was time to begin the conference.

Stan began to speak about what you should or shouldn't do with abuse victims and then had a question and answer segment. Blair was asking things right and left, as fast as he thought of them.

Simon looked over and Jim was rubbing Blair's hand. Blair didn't even seem to notice. Simon then looked over and saw Rafe, Brown, Conner and Joel watching them, too. Jim and Blair didn't even notice.

Simon thought it was one of the cutest things he had ever seen. They were perfect together. Stan asked Simon a question and, of course, Simon didn't know because he was watching Jim and Blair.

Blair whispered to Simon what the answer was and Simon repeated it. "Very good, Captain."

Before long the session was over and everyone got ready to go back to the bullpen. After everyone walked out, Simon stopped his crew and said, "Could you all sit down?"

They all sat back down, grumbling, and Simon stood in front of Jim and Blair. "So, Ellison and Sandburg, do you have anything you want to share with us?"

Jim looked around the room and saw the smiles on all of their friend's faces. "No, sir."

"Sandburg, would you like to clear the air?" Simon asked.

"Did you find out that we left one hour early on the stake out?" Blair asked, clearly upset.

"Why no, I didn't know that. But I know it now."

"I'm sorry, Jim. Really I thought he knew about that. I'm sorry." Blair was really upset about it.

"Chief, it's not a big deal." Jim smiled at him and rubbed his hand again.

"Does anyone else have a question?" Simon hoped one of them could find some answers.

Joel stood up and said, "Jim, do you know any gay officers?"

Jim looked over at him oddly and said, "Yeah, I know quite a few, Joel. Why?"

Rafe had to get this. "So, do we have any in Major Crime?"

Jim stood up and said, "Is that what this is about? You're pissed off?"

Conner jumped up and stood in front of Jim, "No, we're just worried about you and Sandy."

"Why would you be worried about me and Sandy? Shit, now you have me saying that." Jim growled.

"Jim, they know." Blair said quietly.

Jim looked at him and said, "Know what?"

"Ellison, don't act stupid. WE fucking know." Brown finally yelled.

"You fucking know what?"

"About you. And Hairboy." Rafe answered.

"What about Hairboy?" Jim was not playing; he was obtuse.

"Jim, I'm going to slap you senseless if you don't stop this shit. Now tell us how long you've been fucking Sandy." Conner screamed right into his face.

Jim's mouth opened and closed like a fish and everyone started to laugh. "Should have sent the woman in first," Simon said laughing.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck..." Jim said hitting his head on the table.

"Ellison, it's all right," Rafe said patting his back.

"It's never going to be all right again." Jim stood up and started to walk out of the room.

"You ashamed of us, Ellison?" Blair shouted.

Jim turned and looked at the hurt look on his lover's face. "I'm sorry, Chief. I'm embarrassed."

"No need to be," Joel said hugging him. "This is great news."

"But it'll get around and they'll pick on Sandburg every chance they get," Jim said sadly.

"And you don't think they'll pick on you?" Blair moved into Jim's space, but Jim moved back.

"This is work, Chief. We don't do this at work." Jim sounded irritated.

"I beg to differ, you were doing it all during the conference," Simon stated.

"What are you talking about?" Jim asked.

"You're so comfortable with each other that you just touch. You didn't even notice that you were rubbing his hand and he was rubbing yours." Brown smiled.

"And this doesn't bother any of you?" Blair asked.

"Not in the least, Sandy. We love both of you." Conner hugged Blair and Jim as she walked out to the bullpen.

"Come on, guys, we need to get out to the bullpen." Brown walked out with Rafe and Joel.

"Ellison and Sandburg, isn't it great to be out?" Simon smiled at them both.

"I think it is." Jim smiled back.

"I know it is." Blair walked out of the room and Jim whispered, "Jesus, he has a great ass."

"Ellison, I could have gone all day without hearing that." Simon slung his arm around Jim's shoulder and they went back to work.

Jim leaned over Blair and said softly, "Take my hand and I'll follow you anywhere."

Blair beamed up at his love, and said, "You got it."

The end.