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Survivor: The Yu-Gi-Oh Edition!


The Yu-Gi-Oh crew is signed up for Survivor: Azores! There's only one person behind this, Kaiba's cousin Sparkie Spiritra! Will they survive not only the island, but the suprise on the island? R&R, dudes and dudetts.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: What the fuck!?

Chapter Text

"I may be deaf or stupid but what the fuck did you just say, Kaiba!?", Mai yelled. "My stupid demon-in-a-13-year-old's cousin put us on Survivor." "What the fuck!?", Joey yelled out of frustration. "Aw, come on, Joey, it'll be fun!", Serenity said. "Not with that bitch co-hosting!", Kaiba said. "She's the CO-HOST?!" "Yeah, she's so pleased with herself. Wonder how Mr. Jeff will survive.", Mokuba sighed. "All of us?", Malik asked. "Yeah, cuz all of us know the surprise she's got planned.", Tea read on the letter. "Yeah, when?", Ryou asked. "Next week is the doomsday for us all."