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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Hide and Seek


Pairing: Tucker/Reed
Rating: PG13
Feedback: Would be fantastic
Archive: MEGA, EntSlash, WWOMB, Reeds Armory, and anywhere else that wants it.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Damn.
A/N: A fluffy ficlet. Quelle surprise! Unbeta'd,sew hall misteks myne!!!

Work Text:

Hide and Seek
by Zoë


"Malcolm. Where are you?"

"Here, Commander."

"Where's here?"


"Oh. Can you see me?"

"Not at all. Can you see me?"

"What, in the dark? C'mon, give me a clue, willya?"


"Oh. Right. Okay then. I'll just sit right here then, shall I?"

"Fine. Whatever you want."

"Did I hear panic in your voice just then?"

"No, you didn't."

"Yes I did. Why the panic?"

"I didn't panic! What's your problem?"

"No problem. Just wondered why you were panicking!"

"I'm not panicking. Just.just turn the damn light on, Trip."

"Why? I'm enjoying this."


"Ahh, now I get the pleading."

"Come on Trip.please?"



"You're sulking, Malcolm."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"



The silence continued.

"Trip? Commander? Oh, this is so childish. Right, I'll turn the lights on, shall I?"

Muffled bumps, scraping sounds and stifled British swearing all echoed around the room. Before Malcolm could reach the panel, a pair of arms grabbed him from behind and manhandled him onto something large, soft and springy.

Apart from a squeak and soft nuzzling, kissing sounds, silence reigned in the shuttle pod. Trip demonstrated just how much Malcolm had been sorely missed during the past week, being as Trip had been ensconced in engineering with some important upgrades to the warp engine.

Malcolm gave in to the blond-haired man immediately, as he'd always known he would. The engineer had certainly dropped enough hints during the day about the shuttle pod being completely safe from prying eyes and that it had a very comfortable fold out bed in it - one that had been placed there intentionally that very morning. And it was certainly serving its purpose extremely well.

In their post-orgasmic haze, with Trip snoring gently into his shoulder, Malcolm couldn't help reflecting on the conversation that had taken place the night before. There was no doubt about it, he mused, Trip occasionally, very occasionally, had some marvellous ideas and this was indeed one of his better ones. And if you were going to try and have wild, exciting, outdoor sex, Malcolm supposed, without actually having to take shore leave and risk dangers, this was as near to it as possible on a spaceship.

He snuggled nearer to Trip, curling an arm over his waist and drifted gently off to sleep, dreaming of sex in his armoury next to his beloved weapons. His final thought was of phallic shaped torpedoes with Trip's face implanted on them.