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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Pressing his buttons


Everyone has an Achilles heel. But Gibbs is just feeling mean.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Disclaimer: The characters from the show aren't mine, they belong to others. No copyright infringement intended. Any characters you don't recognize are mine. Feedback would be nice, positive feedback would be nicer. Enjoy!
Category: NCIS angsty ficlet
Rating: PG for language
Characters: Gibbs/Fornell
Series: No
Spoilers: Enigma specifically but anything from Season One might get a mention
Summary: Everyone has an Achilles heel. But Gibbs is just feeling mean.
Archive: Just tell me where it's going
Additional 'stuff': Just came to me when I was watching the ep today. Fornell's POV.

Title: Pressing his buttons

Dammit! Here we go. He just wriggles his finger and clicks his tongue and thinks I'll just trail after him like a little puppy dog. No. Way. We are *not* going in there. Last time he wanted something he kept me in there for an hour. No. No. Way. Oh no...

Okay...I can do this. Just hold onto the rail and don't think about being stuck in a small silver-walled space with an empty shaft a couple of feet underneath my feet and a thin cable holding us up. I. Hate. This.

Dammit Gibbs, just let me out. Now. Right this minute. I have to get some air. Okay...deep breath. Don't show any sign of weakness or he'll know. Who am I kidding. He knows. Mr Smug. And what is about Gibbs and neckties? Is he worried someone's gonna grab and strangle the air out of, that is an idea. No more elevators.

Oh and no more umbrellas in doorways. Two highly-trained guys and he got away from them with a ten-dollar umbrella. Only Gibbs would have done that. Sneaky bastard. All he had to do was lead us to the Colonel and he wouldn't even do that for me.

My Director damn near tore me a new one when I told him Gibbs had given my men the slip. Of course, I yelled at them. But I didn't feel better afterwards. All I could see was Gibbs' smug smile. I wasn't there and I still know what he looked like when he got on the other side of the door. He only has one expression when he thinks he's done something really smart. I've seen it before. Several times.

I gotta get to the door. Now. Right. Now. One of mine is dead. Oh, and I can't stand being stuck in here another second. Dammit, doors, open!!

'Hey! Fornell! Doors are open!'

Gibbs walks away without looking back at me. I'll just wait a second before I try to do anything complicated like walking.

One day day.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author fanficwriter101.
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