
Work Header

Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Jethro's Secrets


Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo astablished relationship
Rating: for now? FRT
Disclaimer: I don't own these charaters except for Kenda whom I made up. I wish I owned the rest but my christmas wish didn't come true.
Notes: A while back I wrote a little Ficlet called 'Mornin Wake-Up' this starts at the end of that or it could just be another day. Any way they start out in the break room of the office just so you know.
Summary: A women from Jethro's life comes for help. Tony wants to know about her and how come she seems so much like Jethro himself.

Chapter 1: Part 1

Chapter Text

Jethro's Secrets
by Keyla Sheppard



Jethro gets up off his chair, almost tipping over his coffee as he sets it down on the table.

"Lee! You here?!"

A woman's voice has made Jethro as worried and excited as Tony's does. Jethro walks towards the door, trying to let go of Tony's hand but only succeeding in pulling him up while he walks away from him.

"Leroy Jethro!"

The voice again echoes through the empty bullpen. The yelling is not frantic, scared or worried, just loud. Jethro pulls Tony out the door of the break room and around the cubicles looking for the voice's source.


Finally the woman comes into view around the corner. Jethro had not been running, but he hadn't been walking either.

"Lee. Hey."

She starts walking up to the two men, her arms wrapped around her small frame in a self-hug, bundling up her loose sweater around her waist, her tight pants looking too small for her. Her short hair looks almost like a planned mess. The only bag she's carrying looks like Tony's book bag, only smaller. She stops for a second when she sees Tony's gaze, looking into his eyes she reveals blue, almost gray, eyes.

"Ken, what's the matter?"

Ken smiles, the same bright smile Tony sees Jethro show every once in a while. She walks to him, looking at Tony before giving Jethro a hesitant hug. Tony scratches his head, as if contemplating something, than releases his grip on Jethro's hand. Jethro looks over at the sudden cold and than up at the man's face, smiling as if to say 'thank you'. Tony turns his back on the two and walks to his desk, starting his work and leaving the two alone.



Kate is looking over at the closed break room door with a confused look on her face.

"Yes Kate?"

The statement is said in his usual annoying tone.

"Who's sleeping in the break room?"

Tony stands up and looks over the cubicle walls at the closed door.

"Who's in the room?"

Kate rolls her eyes at Tony's back.

"I don't know who you're talking about Kate... sorry."

Tony actually sounded believable, but with his back to her she couldn't make a good judgment. She looks over Tony's shoulder, trying to get a good view of the closed door.

Tony is smiling at the door that had been shut by his lover. He had been watching Jethro and Ken and had seen him lead her to the break room. Ever since the man had been in and out of that room like it was a hospital ICU. Tony himself had entered the room once or twice to get Jethro's signature and had seen the picture that Kate had seen.

Kate shakes her head when Tony doesn't move and turns to sit at her desk, only to run into the long elusive Gibbs.

"Sorry Gibbs."

"You in a hurry Kate?"

A knowing smile is playing on his lips as Kate looks at the ground and guides herself around her boss.


Tony spins around quickly at the yell of his boss and sits quickly back down in his chair.

"Do your work and stop worrying about the break room."

Tony all but salutes him and grabs a folder and starts working as Gibbs himself walks back into the room in question.


"Hey Kenda."

Jethro is whispering in the darkened break room as Ken slowly opens her eyes and smiles a little.

"Hey Lee."

Jethro holds up a cup of water and opens his palm to reveal a pill that was red and looked almost like a painkiller.

"Sorry I had to wake you."

Ken smiles up at Jethro and starts to shake her head slowly, as if all was forgiven and picks up the pill and places it on her tongue, washing it down with the water.

"Thanks for your help Lee."

Jethro turns and places the empty cup on the table next to the prescription bottle. When he turns back around Ken is starting to stand up.

"No, no, stay... I'll drive you back. Okay?"

She nods and settles back down on the couch, letting Jethro pull his and her jacket back up to tuck her in.

"See you soon, I have work to do."

A quiet 'humpf' comes from the pillow and Jethro gets up and walks out the break room to start to work on his own reports.



Tell me what you think please... I want to know, I really do.