Title: The Spectrum Secret Diaries

by jeanster


Note: You'd have to be familiar with the Supermarionation tv series "Captain Scarlet" to understand this.

Rating: PG-13

Category: Humor/Romance

Fandom: Captain Scarlet

Pairing: Captain Scarlet/Captain Blue and possibly others

Disclaimer: I don't own the tv series Captain Scarlet. But the character Captain Pink is my own creation.

Archive: Yes, please

Feedback: Yes, please

The Spectrum Secret Diaries
by jeanster

Diary of Captain Pink

Well, Diary, here I am. The newest member of Spectrum. The guys here all get colors assigned to them to use as names. I kid you not. It's to protect their real identities. Most of the really cool colors were already taken. I asked Colonel White what colors were available. Guess what color was one that none of the other guys wanted? You got it. Color me Pink. Captain Pink.

If the others here at Spectrum knew more about me, they'd probably say, "How appropriate."

Hey, I'm gay and proud of it. But no sense telling everyone here right off the bat. My sexual orientation is my own private business. I'll know if and when the time is right to tell anyone. Like maybe if I can get a date with either Captain Blue or Captain Scarlet. They seem very close sometimes, so they might be an item. Hmmm. If they are, I wonder if they'd be open to a threesome?

The women here are Angels and have really cute names: Melody, Harmony, Symphony, Rhapsody and Destiny.

Everyone here seems nice. But Colonel White can be gruff at times.

Well, that's all for now, Diary. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow's a new day.

Captain Pink

Diary of Captain Blue

It could be my imagination, but I think the new guy (Captain Pink) has the hots for my Paul. I saw the way he was looking at him while we were all changing in the locker room. It was the same way I first looked at Paul when I came on board here at Spectrum.

I'll be darned if I'll let anyone steal Paul away from me. The new guy better steer clear of him. I wish Captain Pink wasn't so tall, handsome, well-built and with a head of gorgeous chestnut hair. Then I wouldn't have to worry about him as competition.

Look at him. The show-off. Working out with the weights. Beads of sweat glistening on his smooth, clear, taut skin that covers that sinewy body. Hey, is it getting hot in here?

Captain Blue

Diary of Captain Scarlet

Adam has been especially attentive to me all day. How sweet. I don't remember the last time anyone's ever catered to my every whim and desire. I suppose I should enjoy this while it lasts. Never know when I'll have to allow myself to get killed again.

But then I can always look forward to the "let's make up for lost time" snuggle sessions with Adam that he always instigates when I come back to life. Those are always fun.

We have a new member here at Spectrum: Captain Pink. Seems like a decent enough fellow. But he appears to have rubbed Adam the wrong way. I noticed my Captain Blue scowling in the direction of Captain Pink. I couldn't see any reason for it. Maybe I'll ask Adam about it later tonight.

Captain Scarlet