TITLE: Green-Eyed Monster

SERIES: On the Couch #3

AUTHOR: Firestorm17

{eaherbst@prodigy.net }

FANDOM: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer

COUPLE: Xander/Spike

RATING: NC-17 for m/m sex, bloodplay, and mild bondage.

ARCHIVE: Just tell me where.

DISCLAIMER: All Buffy characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Fox. If they belonged to me, I'd find better uses for them than fan fiction. Damiane on the other hand, does belong to me. Please ask before writing about her.

FEEDBACK: Please do.

SPOILERS: Out of My Mind, Fool for Love sort of (Only it ain't Buffy that Spike's, ahem, beneath.)

SUMMARY: Xander's jealous as hell and bent on staking Spike, one way or another.

NOTES: Writing this was the only thing that kept me sane through finals. The title's out of Shakespeare, as in "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on" Othello, Act 3, Scene 3. It seemed appropriate. Also, fair warning, this one has Xander displaying his considerable talent at brooding. This is my first attempt at writing actual sex, slash *or* het, so please bear with me. Oh, right, and this isn't beta'd so all mistakes are mine.

By Firestorm 17

Xander fingered the stake in his hand as he stalked along the pavement. Tonight it would be all over. {No more obsession. No more pain. No more sexy evil dead guy invading my home, complicating my life, strutting around in those damn skin tight jeans that he *knows* make his ass look so damn hot that I just want to-} The young man choked off that thought just as it started to redirect his blood supply. {Hey! You down there! We're supposed to be angry here, remember? Besides which, the guy *is* a vampire. Chances are he's going to notice where all my blood's gone.}

Of course at that thought, Xander's traitorous mind concocted a visual of the blond bloodsucker on his knees, searching out the mortal's errant lifeblood. Sometimes a vivid imagination was truly a curse. The dark-haired human could practically feel Spike's cool fingers brushing his own warm body as the vampire slowly lowered the young Guardian's zipper, freeing the other man's straining erection. In his mind's eye, Xander watched the undead object of his affections lick his lips in anticipation before that talented tongue was put to far better use elsewhere.

Unconsciously, the mortal reached out his hands to entwine in the blond vampire's hair, trying to coax that wonderful mouth to take him in deeper, but his fingers closed on empty air.

As the fantasy dissolved into nothing, Xander blushed a dark crimson. {Stop that,} he told his disobedient brain, {We want Spike dead, remember?} A voice in the back of his head snickered at that. {I think you're forgetting the fact that he's *already* dead. I'm not saying we don't want him though.} The brown-eyed Slayerette didn't bother to deny something that he already knew was true. He'd long since admitted to himself that with the blond vampire, it had practically been love at first bite. An idea which, as thoughts go, wasn't exactly conducive to getting his mind and body back under control. Ever since the first time he'd met Spike, he'd had a recurring dream of what might have happened if Buffy's hair-gel abusing boyfriend hadn't distracted the other vampire. He'd tried to pretend it was a nightmare, but the stickiness on his sheets in the morning had said otherwise. Another wave of arousal crashed through the dark-haired man at the memory. The imagined feel of the blond's fangs sinking into Xander's exposed throat had always made the young man's mouth run dry, pun intended.

{And I'm practically drooling over the guy who as much as told me he'd consider it demeaning even to kill me. Can we say "pathetic", boys and girls?} If the peroxide poster child's words hadn't hit home before, they certainly had now. It really hurt that the vamp he loved would rather chase after his worst enemy than give Xander a second glance. Those words struck a familiar chord in the young Guardian's mind. {I'm so sorry, Wills. I know how it feels now, in spades.} At least his own animosity towards Cordelia had (barely) stopped short of the homicidal.

Xander still wasn't all that comfortable thinking about his ill-fated romance with the Prom Princess, especially with the way it had ended. Lying flat on his back in a burned-out factory courtesy of a microscope to the head, watching that beautiful demon openly weep on his best friend's shoulder had absolutely done him in. When he'd talked with Willow about making his move on a drunken and vulnerable Spike, escape had been the farthest thing from his mind. All he had been able to think about was taking the Bleached Wonder in his arms and making him forget Drusilla, forget Angel, and possibly even forget his own name. A seriously morbid part of his mind wondered what Cordy would have done had she walked in on that little scene. {Probably would have had Anya skip all that parallel universe crap and just start making things fall off.} That chilling thought made him thank every god he could think of that the ex-demon didn't have the same possessive attitude. But then again, how could she when she too was wishing she was with someone else?

And even that had been nothing compared to last Thanksgiving. Even half delirious from the vengeance spirit's spells, he'd wanted to comfort the frightened vampire. The mortal was just thankful that none of his friends had questioned how Spike had lost the collection of arrows that had turned him into a pincushion without it even leaving a mark. Hell, the Blond Menace himself hadn't questioned the disappearance of the offending projectiles. {That's Sunnydale for you. They should make it the town motto or something: "I Don't Want to Believe."} That night had been the start of nearly a year of pure torture. It had been hell living so closely with someone he wanted so much, but couldn't touch. There had been times when he hadn't been able to resist taking a quick look into his undead roommate's mind. Each time he'd been left wondering if brooding was an official vampiric pastime or something. He'd also learned more about Angelus
and Drusilla than he'd ever wanted to know, most of which made him want to grab a stake and hop the next flight to Brazil. The Guardian surprised even himself with an eerily vampiric growl. {You don't hurt what's mine, bitch. *Nobody* touches what's mine.}

Instantly, Xander wished he hadn't allowed himself that thought. The fresh emotional scar he'd been nursing as he tried to collect himself was ripped open and bleeding once again. {Where the hell did *that* metaphor come from? Xander, you have been spending *way* too much time around vampires.} Getting all snarling and protective over Spike had only served to remind the young mortal of what he wanted more than anything and now knew he didn't have a snowball's chance on the Hellmouth of ever having. In his mind's eye, he kept seeing his blond vampire wrapped around his best friend like she was the only thing that mattered in the world. Then came the unkindest cut of all, the four words that just made him want to die: [Buffy, I love you.]

If he was honest with himself, that was why he was doing this. Killing Spike, that was. He wouldn't be able to stand knowing that the man he loved was in love with someone else. It would hurt far too much to see his beloved and know the vampire belonged to the Slayer.

{If I can't have him, nobody else can either.} From long experience being, as the blond himself would put it, love's bitch, Xander knew that having to watch Spike making eyes at Buffy would tear him apart. That was the real reason the Blond Menace was going to die tonight. Because Xander loved him enough to kill him. A voice at the back of the dark-haired man's head seemed to recognize the concept. {You do realize that was Deadboy's line, right? It doesn't really say good things for your sanity when Angelus starts making sense, now does it, Harris?} The young Guardian pushed that thought roughly aside. He had to concentrate on his ultimate goal here. Xander paused momentarily and tried to focus on the cathartic sensation of plunging a stake deep into the bleached vampire.

He really should have known better. He'd been apprenticed to a psychiatrist long enough to have learned that at times like this a cigar was never just a cigar. {And sometimes a stake isn't just a stake.} The Slayerette froze on the pavement as painfully erotic images assaulted his mind. He saw himself skin to skin with the object of his long-standing obsession, his body pressed against the vampire's pale back. The human could practically feel Spike convulsing beneath him as the brunette thrust into that cool body. Although Xander knew it would be an exercise in masochism to let his cruel brain continue, he didn't push the fantasy away. Cold comfort though it was, he'd rather have that than nothing at all. The tormented mortal closed his eyes and let himself feel the lover he knew he could never have shudder as he reached completion, screaming the young man's name. His real name. Not "whelp", not "puppyboy", just "Xander". He didn't think there was a more beautiful sound in the world than his name on the lips of the one he truly loved. Even though he'd never heard it in real life. {And it looks like I never will.}

Hot tears stung Xander's eyes as the fantasy faded away. The dark-haired man let himself cry for a few seconds, mourn for what might have been, before he pulled himself together. {I'm almost there, and I don't want him to see me cry.} Clearing the last of the tears from his face, the Guardian pressed on into the cemetery. {Gods, I hope Harmony won't be there to see this.}

* * * * * * *

Luck was apparently with Xander, because when he shoved open the door of the crypt, the undead Cordette was nowhere in sight, and from the literal handwriting on the wall, she wasn't coming back. Then, the brunette saw something that made him forget all about Harmony. Spike was seated in an old leather chair studying Xander with a decidedly bemused look on his ravishing face.

"Well, good mornin' to you too, Harris. Mind tellin' me what you're doing here at four o' clock in the bloody a. m.?"

The mortal's fingers tightened around the stake in his hand. {You son of a bitch. You think you can just act like nothing's changed? Like you haven't just ripped out my heart and stomped on it?} Rage suffused the young man's mind, and the next thing he knew he was across the room, his free hand at the blond vampire's throat, pinning him to the chair.

"What am I doing, Spike? Something I should have done a long time ago."

With that, Xander pressed the stake against the blond's unbeating heart.

If the Guardian's psionic abilities hadn't kicked in right at that moment, Spike would have been dust right then and there. Xander had been more than ready to drive the stake home before his intended victim's emotions washed over him. What he felt in the vampire's mind made him stop dead: lust. A quick glance down confirmed that the blond was as hard as a rock and reminded the mindreader of how closely their bodies were pressed together. His curiosity aroused, not to mention a few other things, the mortal couldn't resist plunging deeper into the Bleached Wonder's thoughts. He'd expected to find Buffy in there or even Harmony or Drusilla. What he found was completely unexpected. The stake fell from his fingers unnoticed as Xander realized the truth. Spike's undead mind was completely focused on the image of a very familiar-looking human pushing the vampire up against a wall. The telepathic mortal's brown eyes widened in disbelief as the same mouth he saw in the mirror every morning crushed the blond's parted lips. And then, the unthinkable happened.

{God, pet, I love you.}

* * * * * * *

For a second, Xander was frozen in shock. {He *loves* me? *Me*? The guy he wouldn't have bothered to bite a year ago?} Then, life imitated art, or at least imitated bizarre vampiric fantasy as the dark-haired human leaned down and plundered the blond demon's mouth. After memorizing the sharp, coppery taste of the vampire's tongue, the mortal turned his attention to the already descending fangs. Flicking his own hot tongue over one pointed tip, Xander felt Spike arch against him, bringing their entire bodies into intoxicating contact. {Gods, I want him. Right. Now.}

Within seconds, the young man had his lover on his feet, the vampire clawing desperately at their interjacent clothing. One whispered word from the Guardian and the offending garments dropped to the floor, forgotten. In a single fluid motion, Xander pushed Spike down to the bed, pinning the vampire under his own warm body. The human's mouth moved down his lover's form, pausing briefly to trace his tongue over the long idle carotid artery, eliciting a low moan from the already agitated blond. His face pressing into a pale shoulder, the mortal again ceased his ministrations, wringing an incoherent protest out of the increasingly frantic vampire.

"You're mine, Spike." {Oh, Gods, why the hell did I say that? He's *so* going to freak out.}

The dark-haired Guardian felt the vampire tremble violently beneath him. {Fine, I'm all yours; just don't bleedin' stop.} Feeling the raw need in his beloved's thoughts made Xander give in to his instincts. Blunt human teeth tore into unresisting vampire flesh, grinding against the underlying bone of the clavicle. The mortal's tongue darted out to lick the rising blood from his lover's lacerated skin, leaving the blond vampire gasping for unnecessary breath.

"God, pet. Need you . . . inside me."

The urgency in those words had Xander drawing back from his Spike's body, ignoring the blond's protest at the loss of contact. The mortal hooked his fingers under the vampire's knees, carefully parting the pale, white thighs, drawing them up to meet the Bleached Wonder's chest. Now that he'd gotten the blond vamp into a more favorable position, Xander smiled. There was something to be said for getting a Master Vampire flat on his back, begging to be taken. Of course, there was much more to be said for the actual taking. The dark-haired mortal covered Spike's willing form with his own warm body, taking the time to explore the vampire's eager mouth again. Without taking his lips from his fair-haired demon's, Xander allowed one hand to find its way between his lover's legs, seeking entrance to the blond vampire beneath him. Tenderly parting the pale cheeks, the human pressed a fingertip against the tight ring of muscle . . . and froze.

{Jesus Christ! The Big Bad's a *virgin*?!}

In his present state, Spike could only manage a few seconds of indignation.

"I am *not*! It's just that vampires-" The bleached blond broke off and blushed to the dark roots of his hair. Fortunately for Spike, the blond vamp didn't have to finish that sentence. Xander got the message: if you were turned a virgin, you were always a virgin. It would have been an interesting idea any other time, but at the moment, the little fact was causing the mortal a rather troubling predicament. He hadn't exactly come prepared for this kind of "staking". To put it bluntly, the brunette hadn't brought lube, and from the look, not to mention feel, of things, taking Spike dry was definitely not an option.

Oddly enough, it was the Blond Menace himself who had the solution to that problem. {Left front pocket of my duster. Now, Just. Shag. Me!} With that tempting invitation ringing in his head, Xander was in no condition to question the strange way his vampire seemed to be reading his mind. With barely a thought, the Guardian had Spike's leather jacket in his free hand, rifling through the pockets. Finding what he was looking for, the human coated his digits with the slick gel. Slipping a warm fingertip into the blond's tight opening, Xander could hear the vampire whimpering in his ear. Pleased at causing such a reaction, the dark-haired man let a second finger join the first, working them both deeper into his lover's body.

When the warm fingers inside him found the sensitive spot within the blond vampire, Spike moaned, his fiery blue eyes rolling back into his head. Instantly stilling, Xander cursed himself mentally. If the bleached wonder was this far gone already, everything would be over way too quickly. Then, the young Guardian remembered something, an incantation that so far he'd only used on himself. Murmuring the words from memory, the mortal youth smiled as he felt the spell slip into place, even as the vampire started at the sudden pressure around the base of his shaft. Confident that he wouldn't send Spike over the edge until they were both ready for it, Xander returned to the enviable task of caressing his blond lover's prostate.

It didn't take long before the brown-eyed human had the vampire moaning in ecstasy, thrusting back against the penetrating fingers. Realizing that any further preparations would only serve to drive Spike completely insane, the younger man withdrew his still twisting fingers. Before the blond vampire had a change to protest, the dark mortal buried his lubricated flesh deep inside his lover's body. Suddenly remembering that the bleached one most likely hadn't been sufficiently prepared for this, Xander forced himself to remain still. {Spike? Are you all right down there?}

The brunette had stopped his own movements, but the same could not be said for the frantic writhings of the blond underneath him. He could literally feel the irritation in the vampire's response.

{Oh, I'm just peachy, luv. Now will you bleedin' well move already?!}

Xander grinned ferally at his blue-eyed demon. He definitely didn't have to be asked twice. Rocking his hips in a rhythm older than time, the Seventh Guardian plunged into his undead lover's tight passage again and again, every stroke raking over the sensitive gland inside. The uninterrupted waves of blinding ecstasy turned the blond vampire savage. Painted black fingernails tore into the mortal's back just as a surge of his beloved's agonizing pleasure flooded his receptive mind, and Xander was lost. Abandoning the last vestiges of his control, the powerful youth pounded ruthlessly into the Master Vampire's unresisting flesh, the supernatural tightness of the other drawing him to completion.

"Oh, Gods. Oh, yes! SPIKE!"

Shuddering in violent passion, the mortal let the climax overtake him, spilling himself deep within that precious form. Pushing aside his own exhaustion, Xander turned his attention to the peroxide abuser's as-yet unsated flesh. The infamous vampire was practically vibrating with need. Tracing his tongue down the cool, quaking body, the dark Guardian paused to tease the pale nipples, letting his warm fingers play over one while his mouth suckled the other. Feeling Spike arch into the touch, whimpering, Xander moved on. This time, his heated lips pressed against his pale lover's navel. Working his tongue in and out of the natural indentation, the human felt strong fingers tangle in his dark hair. Brushing the cold hands away, the young man lowered his head to bury his nose in strawberry blond curls.

William the Bloody screamed out loud when a hot human mouth engulfed each of his balls in turn. Fairly beaming at the reactions he was causing, Xander bared his blunt human teeth, nibbling gently along the vampire's aching member. Circling the weeping head with his tongue, the mortal man barely noticed polished nails adding to the scratches across his shoulders. When those burning lips wrapped around his throbbing shaft, the bleached blond convulsed, thrusting hard into the young man's inviting mouth, only to find his hips pinned to the mattress by surprisingly strong hands. Xander was enjoying the control far too much to give it up now. The brunette returned to the deliciously cruel task of taking in the pale erection millimeter by millimeter, unmindful of his demon's pleas for release.

{Bloody hell, Xander, please!}

The Guardian's gaze snapped up to meet the vampire's, chocolate eyes locking onto blue. Without breaking the visual contact, the dark mortal swallowed his lover to the root, the restraining spell shattering in a flicker of will. The Blond Menace virtually exploded into the demon magnet's mouth, flooding the youth's throat with his essence. Xander swallowed, grateful that Guardians didn't choke. Pressing his mouth to Spike's parted lips, the satisfied human allowed his lover to share in their combined taste.

"Love you, Xanpet. Love you so much."

Thoroughly drained by the force of his climax, the blond vampire quickly slipped from consciousness, collapsing back onto the mattress. Smiling to himself, the satiated mortal snuggled into his new lover's slumbering form.

"Love you too, Fangless," he murmured as he joined his beloved in sleep.

End Part Three