Title: William The Bloody Professor?!

Author: Kate R.

Disclaimer: JKR owns Harry and Company, Joss owns Spike et al. I don't own anything but the evil plot bunny that bit me on the ass.

Rating: PG-13 to R

Warnings: Mentions of Slash but nothing Graphic between Giles and Ethan

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, not sure of anyone else yet

Summary: Spike leaves the Hellmouth taking Giles, Xander and Dawn with him to his New Job in at Hogwarts.

William The Bloody Professor?!
by Kate R.

Part 1: The Train

"I can't wait for school this year to begin," Hermoine Granger said as they got aboard the Hogwarts Express. Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley followed her aboard the train and shrugged. Hermoine waited all summer just for school to start again, they swore.

"So, what are we doing?" Ron asked as they made their way to their usual compartment. They got a shock on entering, as it was already full.

"You can come in," a harsh accent said from the seat by the window. "But you keep it down. You disturb him and you find someplace else, get me?"

Harry looked and saw a man lying asleep on one of the benches in the admittedly rather large compartment. The man looked pale and wan as if he hadn't been resting well and the man who had spoken didn't just look pale.

He was pale. He had blue eyes and bleached blond hair and there was a scar bisecting his left eyebrow. There were two other people in the compartment with him. A girl with long brown hair that looked student aged and a guy dark haired and eyed who looked too old. They shrugged but took seats as far from the sleeping man as Harry could see the man needed rest.

"Crap," the man who had spoken muttered softly. "Crap, crap, crap, Bullshit, crap, pile of shit, doesn't work, untrue, Peaches never went there. Are they crazy? All that'll do is make it mad."

"Excuse me, sir?" Hermoine asked. The man looked at her over the top of the Dark Arts textbook for the year. "But what are you muttering about?"

"Book is wrong," he said. "Faced several of these. None of the shit in this book works. Trust me on that, poodle."

She huffed looking at him. Like he'd know she thought. She bet money the guy sleeping was the teacher. And the girl watching her smirked thinking she'd be wrong.

The train sped on through the day. Harry and his friends got bored being quiet and started talking softly amongst themselves. Ron raised his voice once and got a glare in return for it when the man on the bench shifted slightly and made a soft moaning sound. Harry told him to keep it down after that. Something about the way the sleeping man looked told him the man desperately needed the rest.

"Uh, excuse me," he said to the girl. "What's your name?"

"Oh, sorry," she said. "I'm Dawn, that's Xander. Spike is the one going through the textbook and the man sleeping on the bench is Giles. I'm starting this year. Xander is going to help out."

"And what are Giles and Spike going to do?" Hermoine asked. She did not like Spike.

"Wait and see," Xander said as he dealt another hand of cards.

'You guys want to play with us? It'll pass the time and has less of a chance of waking Giles."

"Sure," Ron said as he and Harry sat. Hermoine sat as well and played a few hands of penny poker. The witch with the food cat came by and Spike bought them all food off the cart. He moved to the bench and woke the man sleeping there enough to get him to drink the pumpkin juice and eat a pumpkin pasty.

"Just a bit of a snack, Rupes," Spike said. "Need to be rested for the feast and all, right?"

"Mmmhmmm," the man said. "Thank you Spike."

He finished eating and then drifted right off to sleep again.

Spike gently brushed his hair off his face ad sat with his group watching as the man dozed. He was worried but doing his best to hide it.

"So," Spike said finally addressing the three students. "What's your least favorite subject?"

"Potions," they all said. "But only because the teacher hates our house and shows favoritism to his."

"Sounds like a Slytherin," Spike said. "Points matter more if you earn em though. Even if you don't win the house cup, it's best if you know you own each pint through your own merit rather than through the whim of a teacher, aye?"

"Suppose," Harry said. "But it still isn't fair."

"Lesson the first, mite," Spike said. "Life ain't fair. And even when you think you've suffered enough, Life will kick you in the balls again. Best accept it now, get over it and move on cause Life never gets easier.

You take out one Big bad and there are fifty more behind it."

"That sucks," Harry said. Spike laughed.

"That's Life, kid. Ain't matter who you are or what special ness you got about you. In the end you're the same as everyone else and so subject to the same rule of "Life Sucks". Best get used to it."

Hermoine stared but Harry looked happy. For once someone who knew who he was not acting like he was Big Special. Harry sometimes just wanted to be treated like everyone else.

"What's going on in here, Potty?" Malfoy's loud, obnoxious, grating voice spoke. "Brown nosing?"

"Keep it down boy or I'll toss yer ass out of this compartment," Spike said.

"Why should?" the pale sneering boy asked. He looked like a little Spike but he wasn't even close to being Spike in any way, shape or form. "Cause if you don't, the school year will be hell for your entire House," Spike said.

"That's not fair," the boy snapped loudly.

"As I just finished telling this lot, pasty, Life isn't fair.

Get out or sit down and shut up. I don't care which. But I swear if you wake this man up I'll sodding kill your arse."

Malfoy stepped into the compartment and Dawn moved in front of him.

"Go away," she said.

"Make me Mud blood," he snapped. And then found himself being pinned to the wall by an angry, pissed off Spike.

"How about I make you?" Spike asked. "Figure I can at this point. What with you being that small and three years behind. Yeah, I know who you are you little prick. Get out of ere before I start taking points now."

He left and Hermoine looked at Spike.

"Assistants can't take points," she said. Spike chuckled as the train stopped but didn't reply. She'd find out soon enough.

"Rupes," Spike said. "Wakey, wakey. We're here."

"Mmm, are we?" the man asked. He shifted and got up. He was a tall man with a broad build but he looked so tired. "This is nice, Spike. Good to be home."

"Feel that way meself, mate," Spike said. "Come one. Betcha he's waiting for ya."

"Too much to hope for but it would be nice," Giles said.

"Hope nothing, Rupes," Spike said. "That is Ethan Rayne on the platform and he is waiting for you."

Giles' face lit up and he turned leaving the compartment before anyone could say a word. Spike chuckled as he watched Giles and Ethan hug and then he and his group left the train. Spike grabbed his satchel though. That he did not leave to chance.

"Home again, home again," he said. He left in his wake three very confused Gryffindors who were watching wondering what was going on. They'd find out soon enough.

Part 2: The Teacher Is...Who?!?!

"Welcome students, to another year," Albus Dumbledore said after the sorting. Dawn was sorted into Gryffindor not surprisingly. "As you can see we have several new teachers so I will start with the one immediately to my right. Professor Ethan Rayne will be taking over divination and alternative magic, which is an advanced class. Those of you who are eligible for it, it has been marked on your schedules. Take it or don't, the choice is yours. Professor Rupert Giles is sitting next to him. He will be assisting Professor Rayne and teaching some classes as well. And we have Professor William the Bloody who will be teaching Defense against the Dark Arts this year. He has much to teach you all and I am sure you will learn a great deal about..many things while under his tutelage. Now, on with the feast."

The headmaster clapped his hands and food appeared. Dawn was grinning as she dug in and Hermoine was just staring

"Yes, Hermoine," Dawn said. "That is The William the Bloody from your books. Spike is what he prefers but he knows he has to have Professor something or other here. The Headmaster guy is right though, not many people better equipped to teach you to fight than Spike. Except maybe Angel who I think Spike wants to try to get to come out and help one class or maybe two. You never know with the Sire/Childe bond."

"Angelus is coming too?" Hermoine squeaked in outrage. Dawn shrugged.

"Angel," the girl said. "He's only Angelus on his bad days.

Thankfully not too many of those. But, if you want to see Angelus, insult Wesley. Good way to wake Tall, Dark and Evil up is to insult one of his. Anyway, no worries. They wont hurt you. Giles needs rest by the way so you likely wont have too many classes with him unless Ethan does a restoration which knowing Ethan he will but for more reasons than just helping with a class and I so have to stop letting my mind go places like that."

"You surely do, Nibbles," Spike said from behind her. "Right or not that is just freaky how you know Rupes and Captain Chaos so well."

Everyone jumped not having realized Spike had moved.

"Xander has his own room same as I do. We know Rupes will be with Ethan, no big shock there by the way they hugged when we got here. I'll be about if you need me. No DADA until after ten AM children. Professor Bloody doesn't get up before then. Now, Dawnie, try not to shoot off before I've disproved the sodding text books and children, I WILL disprove them."

Spike sauntered off leaving all of Gryffindor staring.

Finally, Lee Jordan spoke. "I thought vampires lived off blood?" he asked.

"They do," Dawn, said. "But Spike likes the taste of human food. He's never lost that. I hear Angel has learned to love Chinese food. I think it's Wesley's influence personally. Anyway, so what's up? Do we go to school in the morning and everything? Spike said to be enthusiastic because it's cool here. I think he and Giles and Captain Chaos all went to school here so that's cool."

"They All went to school here?" Hermoine asked in a squeaky voice.

"Bet Wes and Angel did too. Angelus sure knew a lot about magic. But yeah, Spike had to have magic to be a full teacher, right?"

"Yes," Hermoine said as she thought about it. But I mean, all three of them went here? And wow, I'm eligible for Professor Rayne's class."

"Yeah, better be careful. Ethan teaches hard so no one else becomes what he was for nearly 20 years. Do not screw around in that class and do not assume you know anything about it. Ethan teaches hard stuff but he says books are only part of it. You have to know yourself, physically, emotionally and mentally. Magic is more than words. Magic is a part of your physical form. You Have to learn that. There is more to magic than what is in the books and wow, I just channeled my inner Giles for the first time. I think it's time for bed."

"Yeah, it is," Harry, said as they left the great hall. Dawn was giggling as he heard mutters of the "Teacher is WHO?!?!" Going around. She laughed. This was going to be fun.

She got into bed in the dorm she was in with Hermoine and crawled in to bed and turned off the lights. Yeah, she was tired. Very tired.

"Long day," she said to Hermoine. "Really LONG day. Course we had a pretty long week. Spike taking Giles away from Buffy because she raped him, Xander and me crash packing and then flying over here. Spike getting everything I needed for school because Giles was too tired to get out of bed and getting his things as well. Giles needed to sleep. So, we let him sleep and Spike explained everything about the school and all. And Angel sent money for odds and ends and money to be converted. He said it's a Sire's job and I'm babbling so I need to go to sleep and don't say anything about what I said about Buffy and Giles. It hurts Giles to think about it right now."

Dawn yawned and was soon asleep dreaming of her first day of school and remembering Giles' words about being confident and believing in herself and there was nothing she couldn't be or do successfully. Dawn trusted Giles. She always had and always would.

Hermoine sat thinking as Dawn went to sleep. Giles had been hurt and he was tired so he'd slept. Spike was teaching them, Dawn was taking classes and Xander would be around. But Giles had been hurt kept running through her mind. Giles had been hurt. That's why Spike had said to shut up on the train and let the man rest. Hermoine thought long and hard and decided to let this year happen as it would. She would take the Alternative Magics class and she would learn new magic. It was scary but she would do it. After all, she'd never met a challenge she couldn't face.

Chapter 3: The Teacher Says What?

"Good morning class," Spike said as he stalked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Harry Potter stared as he watched Spike take his seat on the desk. 'Damn,' the boy who lived thought. 'He looks menacing even during the day.'

"So, what have you snack-sized peoples studied so far eh?" Spike asked.

The Gryffindors named off things and Spike chuckled as he listened. Finally he raised his hands signifying enough.

"So, you've fought the baby things eh?" he said. "Well, this year you'll be learning about Real "Big Bads". We will not be using the textbooks because the bloody things are wrong. Unlike the gits who wrote that pile of bullshit, I, Mr. Giles, Dawn and my Sire, Angelus, have all faced the demons in the book. One thing about this class: I hear one single syllable about werewolves being evil, vicious monsters and I'll laugh my sodding head off. Right before I fail your pansy arses.

"Welcome the School of Hard Truths, where you get it told like it is instead of how people want you to see it and how you want it to be. The greatest Evil on this planet, in your world or the muggle one, is Man. Why you ask? Because man, unlike a werewolf in wolf form under the full moon, always and here I repeat ALWAYS has a choice in what he will or wont do. What actions she will or will not take. Man has a conscience and supposedly a soul and yet the greatest atrocities in this world have been committed not by demons or werewolves but by Jane and Joe Regular. Man is also capable of great good if he so chooses but that rarley seems to happen. People like Rupes and them are rare. So few people choose to do their best against the darkness in either world. However, IF he so chooses, Man can be a great force for good. IF he or she so chooses."

Spike leaned against his desk and waited. It took a few moments before Hermoine's voice spoke in the deadly silent classroom.

"So," she began nervously. "What exactly will you be teaching us?"

Spike chuckled amused and thought before he spoke. It was obvious to Dawn he'd already planned what he would say but no one else had the advantage of knowing Spike.

"I will teach you the difference between what Looks Evil and what actually Is Evil. You wont be using those books at all in this class so I don't want to see them again. I hear one word out of your mouths from those books or any textbook you've used in this class in the past and the lies and prejudices you learned with them and I will fail you for that class day. This is what you will learn in this class: Evil is NOT what you have been told all your sheltered, prejudicially raised little lives it is.Evil can wear any face, be anything, and look like any one. You, me, Dumbledore. Anyone at all. Anyone and Everyone have the greatest capacity for Evil within their beings.

"I am a vampire. I am soulless, Bloody and Violent. I didn't get this name William The Bloody for nothing you know. And yet...and yet I Choose to do go. To be good to find the good worth fighting for in this world and fighting for it. Everyday I choose Good over Evil. That is why man is the greatest Good as well as the greatest Evil. Man can choose.

"Lets take for example your former professors Quirell and Lupin. Lupin was a werewolf. A supposedly Evil creature. Quirell was a human man. Supposedly a Good person. Quirell sold his soul to your equivalent of Satan for Power and fame and just because he hated being a weakling who had little to know Power. He killed people for no reason other than his Master told him to. He hurt people deliberately and with intent to do worse than hurt. Lupin was a four-year-old child bitten by something through no fault of his own. He cannot control what he is and does under the influence of the full moon so he takes steps to ensure he is no danger to anyone on those nights.

"Seeing what each one is and does and how they behave in accordance to their circumstances, you all tell me, right now, which is Truly Good and which is Truly Evil."

Dead silence filled the room as Spike had systematically destroyed their philosophies and shown them all a truth the Wizarding community tried to hide. Spike simply leaned against his desk and waited. Once everyone had the same look of dawning realization before he spoke again.

"Class dismissed," he said. "See you all on Wednesday."

The room slowly emptied out and Spike finally looked up at Dawn and her friends standing watching him.

"Nice lecture," Dawn said with a grin.

"Glad you liked it Nibs," Spike said. 'You all got potions next aye?"

Dawn nodded so Spike chuckled.

"You'll do fine there, pet. You have Rupes in you too and he kicked ass in potions. Severus Snape is no longer the best in potions in this school. There was one better in his year: Ripper Giles. Off with you all now. I got to get ready for the next lecture."

The group trooped out and Spike sat and waited. He presence arrived at his door right on schedule.

"Allo Albus," he said. "What can I do for you?"

Chapter 4: Attitude...Unacceptable

It was Wednesday when it happened. Spike was having his first Slytherin class and it happened to be the fifth years. He was leaning against his desk waiting, still not wearing robes; still wearing jeans, doc martins, a t-shirt and his leather duster. Spike was waiting, slouched against the desk as the children from the richest, snobbiest; most prejudiced families trooped into his classroom and took seats.

"Glad you all could be bothered to show up for class," Spike said as he looked at the time. "20 points from Slytherin for each of you. I'm not playing this game of money equals not having to show up for class. Contradict me and your house loses another 30 points, Mr. Malfoy. This is a brand new day, children. You disrespect me or anyone else in this school and I will take points from your house. You play your games and I'll play mine and no way will you earn enough points to win the cup if you go to your teacher because I will revoke undeserved points."

"That's not Fair!" The Slytherins yelled. Spike laughed.

"Fair? Whoever said Life was Fair," he said. "And how about this kiddies, I'll be as fair to you lot as your Head of House is to everyone else. How's that sound? I will teach you that you may think you have power because of your money but you don't. You can't buy your points from me; you can't buy your grades. I am a vampire. There is nothing you can offer me that will make me pass you for work you have not done or done poorly. Mommy and Daddy can't threaten me, you do not impress me, and you will learn the hard way that I will not play your games. You all have detention on Friday with Filch. Get out of the room, after twenty minutes; there is no point in being here. Get out and you've all failed for today."

The children sulked out staring in shock as Spike left the room. Professor Snape who stared at him met him in the hallway. "I'm not playing this game of favorites Sev," Spike told him.

"I'm just balancing things out a bit. Your House is about to pay for your Playing favorites. As well as their "I'm Rich so the world revolves around me" attitudes. Also, you make one nasty comment about werewolves and I'll show you William the Bloody."

"My father will hear about this!" Draco yelled angrily as he stormed out of the room. Spike chuckled.

"Go right ahead and tell him. And if he harasses me? Well, I'll tell My Father. You may have heard of him: Angelus, the Butcher, Scourge of Europe. Welcome to the real world, little boy. Welcome to a place where your Daddy isn't the scariest Mother on the planet. Welcome to the Bottom of the food chain."

Spike walked away then and Draco looked at Snape who gave him a 'nothing I can do about it" look and walked towards the dungeons. He was impressed that Spike had reacted so early in the year and Dawn Summers and her skill in potions amazed him also. Yes, she definitely had some of Ripper in her.

Snape sat at his desk and wondered how potter felt that he was not in Alternative Magics. Ethan had said it was not a class for children who were still thinking they were different from everyone else. To Ethan, Harry was not. He was just a little boy who had gotten off lucky.

It appeared that both Potter and Malfoy were going to be learning some hard truths this year. For some reason, that idea appealed to him greatly. He sat and sipped his tea and silently toasted William the Bloody and his School of Hard Truths. It was an idea whose time had come.

Snape couldn't wait for the harder sessions.

Chapter 5: Alternative

"Good morning, class," Ethan Rayne, said as Hermoine took her seat. He looked and realized Harry wasn't here but Neville was. "Welcome to
Alternative Magics. This class is also known as Wandless Magic 101. I am your teacher. For those of you who did not pay attention at the Feast Sunday Night, my name is Ethan Rayne. I am a Chaos Mage, 1st Class. My skills are in herbal potions brewing, Wandless magic, conjuring, scrying, locating and transmogrification. I do not use wands at all. I may have one but I do not use and I do not rely on it. My concentration is better than a wand for focus."

"How can that be?" Gregory Goyle asked. Ethan chuckled as he slouched against his desk.

"It can be because I have faith in my own, personal power and I do not rely on something else to amplify it. For instance...try to curse me. Go on, I promise you won't get into trouble."

Hermoine watched as Goyle drew his wand and pointed it at Ethan.

"Stupefy!" Goyle yelled.

"Thicken!" Ethan said raising his hand, palm flat. "Freeze! Repel! Rebound!"

The power bounced off whatever field he pulled up and flew back at Goyle.

"AVERT!" Ethan barked. Hermoine stared as the spell simple fizzled into nothing and Mr. Rayne resumed his casual pose against his desk.

"That was an example of the things you can do with Wandless Magic. Now, for this class, you may have noticed, there are no textbooks. That is because this is a hands-on class. It's practical experience and learning by doing. I promise nothing seriously harmful until you know the basics. Yes, Miss Granger?"

"I just wondered," she began. "That is...I noticed there are some students I think could benefit from this class who aren't in it and I wondered why?"

"Ah, you mean Mr. Potter?" Ethan asked. "Also Mr. Weasley? And Possibly Mr. Malfoy"

"Yes," Hermoine said. Ethan nodded.

"They are not in this class simply because they have one thing that blocks them from being here. To be honest I was leery of allowing you in but I was assured you could....what is the phrase children use? Ah, yes, Get Over Yourself, enough to learn anything in this class. I have been told form
sources other than Albus Dumbledore that Harry still thinks surviving Voldemort makes him different from everyone else and that Mr. Weasley agrees with him. I have also seen that Mr. Malfoy has this idea Pure Blood is better than Muggle born. Until those attitudes are lost, none of them is allowed in this class. Magic does not care what you have survived or what marks you bear. T does not care from where you come either Muggle-Born or Pure-Blood. It does not differentiate between The Boy Who Lived and the Girl Who Never Was anymore than I differentiate between houses. There are no houses in this classroom. There are students here to learn. Should any of you show prejudice against any other student in this class, you will be asked to leave. Yes, Miss Granger, that includes Gryffindors making snide remarks about Slytherins. Mr. Goyle and Mr. Longbottom while not the best in wand magic or potions have all the potential to be master wizards in Wandless magic and I will not deny one student training because of the house he or she belongs in. Houses are left at the door in this class. Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes, Professor Rayne," the children said. Ethan nodded and took his seat at his desk. "Tomorrow, I want you to bring something small to class that means something to you. Don't care what it is or where it's from. If it means something special to you, I want it here. That's all for today, you can go."

The class left an Ethan walked into his office where Giles was laying against the couch still looking tired.

"Ready for the last step, Ripper?" Ethan asked as he dropped to his knees across from Giles. Giles nodded so Ethan took from his pocket a small figurine of a unicorn.

"Focus on the unicorn, Ripper," Ethan said. 'Stare at it and only it."

Once Giles' attention was solely on the statue, Ethan touched his face with his hands.

"Restore," he chanted over and over again. "Heal, restore, enervate, recharge."

Giles jerked as the power surged through him and he suddenly felt better than he had in awhile.

"Never go three weeks with little to no sleep again, Ripper," Ethan said as he stood and put his figurine away. "That kind of restoration charm while seemingly simple is extremely hard to do. You have to build up the power for it."

"I see, Ethan," Giles said. "When did you learn magic like that?"

"Ah, you didn't see my last three years of study did you? I studied healing and applied it to Wandless magic, which I excelled at. Now, are you ready to help me teach these children starting tomorrow?"

"Oh, you know it," Giles said sounding Ripperish. More than ready."

"Good," Ethan said laying a gentle kiss on his lips. "Very good."

