Weeping The Whirlwind: Storm Warning

by Ryan

E-mail: willow.codex@virgin.net

Rating: 12 (Hey, I'm using the system we use in England) other parts maybe higher or lower

Type: Crossover Buffy/Harry Potter

Violence: Some.

Language: Mild.

Willow and co. are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN and WB.
All characters and places from the Harry Potter books are owned by J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury paperbacks and WB.
No copyright infringements intended.

Summary: Set after three years after 'Grave' and three years after HP book 4. This is the first story in the second arc of the The End of Azkaban series


Weeping The Whirlwind: Storm Warning

by Ryan

Jessie's POV

I observe Willow free the slayer from the control of the demon's magic's.

I smile. The First's servants are by now running about trying to work out what's happening. Bringers are simple fools.

The storm front is here! I can feel the winds of change. They are meta physical at the moment.

Soon the First will manifest and the First will understand the folly of it's plans.

Okay two off my list.

One more thing and the party starts. Note to self spend less time with Buffy.

Ah, time to delivery justice again I smile. Cho Chang's been a very naughty girl.

Doesn't this Cho realise she's betrayed her friends, family and herself.

end part 1