Title: Unexpected Journey

Author: Kate R.

Email: abelard950@aol.com

Fandoms: BTVS, ATS, Beauty and the Beast crossover

Disclaimer: Beauty and the Beast and all characters thereof belong to Davis/Panzer, Wes and those characters belong to Joss

Rating: PG-13 to R. May contain mention of Rape, not sure yet.

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Wes/Angelus, Xander/Spike

Summary: Wesley is grabbed off the road to Sunnydale and vanishes for a year and a half. During which time he discovers things.

Unexpected Journey
by Kate R

Prologue: Discovered Missing

"What do you mean his apartment is empty? Angel, I swear! I entrusted him to your care!" Angelus was screaming into the phone by this point and Xander and Spike were getting worried.

"I don't care! I trusted you with him! How the hell could you treat him that way?! Forget it! No! You stay the hell out of this now! I'll find him. I swear Angel, this is the last time! You do not get to have Any of Mine ever help you again! Pray, Angel. Pray I find him alive and whole or it will be your head!"

He slammed the phone down and looked at those who had been brought into the room by his yelling.

"Wesley is missing," he whispered as a few blood tears leaked from his tightly shut eyes. Angel said he let after they told him they had nothing for him to at their latest celebration. He was on his way here but he never got here and his apartment is empty. It's been several hours. I don't know where to begin looking."

"We'll find him, Sire," Spike whispered. "I swear we will find him. It's okay."

"It's not okay!" Angelus roared. 'It wont be okay until I have my Mate back! My mate..."


In a van heading east on RT: 66, a man lay slumped against the wall as it drove steadily through the night. His shirt had been stripped off but nothing else as they had stopped seeing the scars on his back. His face was pretty but his body was too scarred. Still, they had been told to dump him as far away from LA as they could. And they could have some fun with him while they drove. Fun like shattering his knee as Bruno had done when he kicked.

He laughed as he bent over their prisoner. The man had gall. He'd sat at them and gotten smacked across the face for it and then spat blood on them.

Bruno had shattered his knee then. They smiled as they ran their hand over him.

They'd enjoy breaking him but no. They couldn't. They were to get rid of him in New York. He was too scarred to be used effectively as a slave. No one would want his flawed body.

"You're lucky, buddy," the man said as he looked at the unconscious man. "Damn lucky."

Chapter 1: Finding

He'd been walking through the park, as was his want at night when he saw the shape lying on the ground. He approached slowly and carefully rolled the shape over and uncovered it so he could see it. He froze as once the covering was removed he found himself looking at the badly beaten body of a man. A man who…smelled like Father?

Vincent did not understand. How could this man smell like Father? Why did it smell as if Father was the parent of this man? Vincent shrugged. Father could maybe explain it. He lifted the man carefully and walked towards the culvert, gently carrying his burden. He arrived to find his son waiting. He opened the grate for Vincent and he slipped in carrying the man.

He said nothing as they walked, as his mind was busy working out this puzzle. Hs son, who was 4 but looked 7, walked with him, watching his father carry the man he'd found in the park. Once they got low enough, the boy sent a message through the pipes and they kept walking. People came to watch as Vincent carried the man through their world and to a room where an older man was waiting.

"Vincent?" the man asked as Vincent laid his burden down on the table.

Vincent looked at the older man and sighed. "I found him in the park," Vincent said. "He smells like you, Father. I scented him and he has your scent all through him. I do not know why or how. All I know is he smells like you."

The older man, Father, walked forward slowly and looked down at the face of the man on the table.

"Wesley?" he whispered softly as he touched the young man's face. "Is that you?"

"Father?" Vincent asked. "Who is this? Who is Wesley?"

"Wesley is...Was my son, Vincent," Father said softly. "I thought he died years ago. My brother took him for a weekend and I was told he fell into a lake and drowned. I...I never really believed it because Wesley was a baby and couldn't even walk then so how did he get into the lake? But I...Roger had everything because of the council. Wesley...Wesley was my son. My beautiful son. He was everything I ever wanted and I lost him. I lost him and the pain of it, mixed with everything else...."

"Drove you Below," Vincent whispered as he looked at the man.

Father had begun to tend him even while he spoke with his voice breaking. In the time since Jacob's birth, Father had spoken to Vincent more freely when he asked him things. Jacob was getting things as Father pointed them out and bringing them back to the table for Father. The man was badly beaten and his body had years of scars on it. Father gently bandaged each wound until he came across a birthmark on the young man's hip. He froze then and his hands shook.

"Wesley," he whispered. Vincent stared as tears began to fall. "Oh, Wesley, my sweet baby boy."

"Not dying," the man whispered hoarsely.

Father jerked back and stared as eyes the same shade of blue as his own were looking at him.

"You don't look like him at all anymore," the man said. "Your hair still has some dark in it."

"Wesley?" Father asked as he stared at the young man. Slowly, painfully, the man nodded.

"Wesley Wyndham-Pryce," he said. "But that wasn't my name. I knew that. Ow. Hurts."

"Shhh, just rest," Father said. "You'll be okay now. You're home."

"'S good," Wesley whispered. "Better than good. Good, Better, best."

He drifted off and Vincent looked at Father who was staring at Wesley in shock. His hand crept up and gently brushed the hair off the young man's face and Vincent smiled.

"Shall I take him to one of our guest rooms, Father?" Vincent asked.

"Yes," father said. "I think that would be good. Just a moment and I'll come with you."

Vincent waited understanding Father wanted to be near this man. This man who was his son.

They went to a chamber not far form Father's own and Vincent laid the younger man down on the bed. Mary joined them a moment later with an extra blanket as it was getting cold, and some clothes to change the man into.

Vincent took care of that and then they tucked him in. Mary and Vincent both watched as Father took the chair in the room and sat and just watched.

"Did you know, Mary?" Vincent asked as they left the chamber.

"About Wesley?" she asked. "Yes, I did. Jacob told me about him when we were building this place. That Chamber has never been used. It has always been waiting for Wesley to come home. It's his Chamber. It always has been and it always will be."

Vincent nodded then as he picked his son up and headed for their chambers. The morning would tell everything, he knew. Father would tell them when he was ready about Wesley and the secret pain he'd been carrying alone for all these years.

In time.

Chapter 2: Waking

He hated waking up. He hated it because that meant his dreams were over. And last night's had been wonderful. He'd looked into the eyes of his real father and the man had smiled at him, bandaged up his wounds and told him he was home. Oh, he wished he could be home. He'd give anything for the chance of that dream being real.

"Wesley?" the voice asked. It wasn't Roger's voice though. The Timbre was warmer and gentler. "Wesley, can you hear me? It's okay. You can wake up."

"Don't want my dream to end," Wesley answered the voice. "Wanna be home with you."

"Wesley, you are," the voice said. "It isn't a dream. Come on, little one. Open your eyes and look at me."

Wesley groaned by obeyed. His breath caught when his eyes focused on the man in front of him. The man who was smiling warmly at him and holding his hand.

"Welcome home, Wesley," the man said. "I'm glad to see you again."

Wes reacted on instinct and lunged into the arms of the man he knew was his father. For the first time in forever, he was hugged back. "I've got you, Son," the man said softly. "I have you."

"Where am I?" Wesley asked after ten minutes of silence.

"You are in a world I built when I lost you. A world I built a place into for you. This chamber was always meant for you. No one else has ever used it. No one else ever will."

Wesley looked around the bedchamber and found himself smiling slightly. He knew this place had been made for him because it felt warm to him.

He had grown up with opulence and hated it because of how cold it was. But this place was simple and it was warm and inviting and he liked it.

"Thank you, dad," he said softly. "I like it here."

"Really? Even though it does not measure up to Council Elegance?" Father asked.

"It surpasses the Council," Wesley said. "Because it isn't cold and hate filled. I feel like I fit here. Like I belong and I like that feeling."

"They hurt you?" Father asked. Wesley shrugged and nodded.

"It made me strong enough to tell them to go to hell though," he said. "I am what I am now because of it. I can fight as well as read most any language, Demon or Human. I can tend injuries, teach, learn and try to do well. I am however missing a few things."

"Oh?" Father asked. "Like what?"

"Knowing someone cares about me in a parental way," Wesley began. "Feeling like I have a family that won't turn me away because I made a mistake. That sort of thing. I have my adopted family but it isn't the same and I.... I want to know that someone I'm related to by Blood wants me. If...if you do at any rate. If not I can leave and never come back."

"No," Father said adamantly. "You are wanted here. Wesley I have thought you were dead for 26 years. I want to know you. My son. I want you to be here with me. I want to show you my world."

"Then...show me," Wesley said softly. He knew his knee had been shattered and he knew he needed clothes before he could get up, but he also knew that would be taken care of.

Ten minutes later, Mary arrived with a bundle of clothes, heavy materials for the chill down here, and a walking stick that on closer inspection turned out to be a sword cane. Wesley chuckled think it was apropos.

Being who and what he was a sword cane suited him. He got dressed after having his knee wrapped as best it could be. After a week the damage had become irreparable so Wesley would just endure it like he did everything else. But now...now he wasn't enduring alone. His father, his real father was with him and was going to help him.

"Are you ready to meet the others, Wesley?" Father asked. Wesley nodded and got to his feet leaning on the cane. He was aware of how to use one and this one was not for show as the man who raised him's had been.

Father led him out to his study area where a large group had gathered and was waiting.

"Everyone," father said as he got their attention. "I'd like you to meet Wesley. Wesley is my son. Yes, Pascal, the one I thought died 26 years ago. Wesley, this is Mary, John, Pascal, Winslow, William, Vincent and Vincent's son, Jacob."

"He doesn't need the hood," Wesley said. "I remember what I saw last night and who. After seeing Angelus in full demon face, I have no issues with Vincent."

Vincent lowered the hood and Wesley smiled.

"Much better. Uh, Hello, everyone. My name is Wesley and I'm... not exactly sure how to say anything or even if I'm supposed to but hello."

"Hello, Wesley," he was greeted by each person.

His father would give him a tour later but right now he was meeting the core group of the Council. He was watching everything and everyone, and was greeted warmly by all in the council when a blondish young man suddenly skidded into the room and bounced off Wesley whose arms shot down and stabilized him.

"What's going on, Mouse?" father asked.

The young man looked at Father and smiled sheepishly.

"Diana come. Want to see you and want to see Vincent. She upset."

Chapter 3: The Adopted Family

Wesley followed his father and Vincent through the tunnels as they went to meet this woman named Diana Trent. Wesley didn't know how but he
Knew this had to do with him so he walked with them. He found himself walking to a tunnel where there was a blond woman waiting and she looked agitated.

"A man claims someone who is his was left in the park. I didn't see any reports so I was hoping maybe you had him. This man is very dark and very scary and he growls worse than Vincent does. He has everyone in the park terrified. He's taken down drug dealers and killed more than his fair share of muggers in his quest to find this person. I don't know who he is but he scares me. I didn't catch his name but I've been told when he's really angry his eyes turn gold. The only name he has is Death."

"Diana, you were upset," Father began. "Are you sure you weren't followed?"

"No, Father," Diana, said. "I was not followed."

She sounded offended and Wesley couldn't help the laugh. "If it was who I think it is I have to say in response to that madam, 'Yeah, Right.' Angelus!"

Out of the shadows he came, with the others, and Diana stared in shock.

"Hello, Luv," Wesley said as he was enveloped in a tight hug. "I know. I missed you too. I'm alright, luv. I'm alright."

"Idiot boy and his crew in LA told me what they did to you. I'm not lending any of you to them again. Who are these people?"

"Oh, uh...I found my real father. Angelus, Giles, Spike, Xander, Ethan, Dawn, this is Jacob Wells. My real father. This is my foster brother Vincent. I suppose that makes Jake my Nephew? And that is Mouse. I'm still learning everyone's names. From what I gather this is a safe place. A place for those who are not wanted Above."

"Can we ask for shelter here then?" Xander asked as he shot a worried look at Giles. It only hit Wesley then something was wrong with him because he had been in the shadows.

"Who did that?" Wesley asked.

"Buffy," Dawn said. "Then she told him to take care of me since I was a burden to her and her Watcher is supposed to ease those. Uhm, I've been with them since Angelus decided to follow his blood trace to you. Uhm, Mr. Wesley's father, sir, Giles is a Watcher yes but he got fired for having a heart. I'm guessing you lost Wes to the Council and they hate Giles so it isn't likely he'd tell them a damn thing and please don't turn us away. He's sick and I don't know how to make him better except by maybe finding a safe place for us and I'm out of options so...."

"Easy, child," Vincent said. "Father is tapping that pipe to tell others to prepare rooms for you. I believe you are the only one who need a room to yourself correct?"

"Yeah," Dawn said. "Goes Spike and Xander, Giles and Ethan, Wesley and Angelus. Yes, That Angelus, Mr. Wells. Wes really spat at the Council
when he and Captain Evil here fell in love."

"He has I walked away from them," father said. "Diana, we will take care of this now. Come along and we will take you to our main area."

Angelus nodded and they all followed.

Giles staggered and Vincent turned back and gently lifted him into his arms. It seemed because Wesley trusted they all would so they all followed. Diana called them and they turned back.

"How did you know he was there?" she asked Wesley.

Wesley chuckled as he looked at Angelus standing behind him. "Because I know him. If he even suspected you knew where I might be he'd follow you and you'd never know he was there. He's had a great many years of practice at stalking after all."

"Really?" she asked. "How many?"

"248," Angelus said as they walked into the shadows and vanished.

Wesley caught Diana's expression before the shadows swallowed her as well. "That was evil, beloved," Wesley said.

"Of course it was," Angelus replied. "No one ever said I was good. Unless I want to be."

And Wesley laughed, as did Father strangely enough.

"I think you all will fit in nicely here. Angelus, Spike, I'll contact some of our helpers about blood for the two of you, is that acceptable?"

"It's fine, sir," Angelus said. He laid his hand on Wesley then lightly and Father knew.

"Boys," he said as they got into the main area, "Please try to keep the noise from your...nighttime activities quiet?"

Spike laughed then as they walked in to be introduced to everyone and no one understood why he was laughing but Wesley knew they would soon get to know his adopted family and then they would understand. They'd understand everything.