Title: Twisted Family

Pairing: Angel/Lindsey, Spike/Xander, Spike/Angel, Spike/Xander/Angel, crap, every damn combination with those characters in future parts.

Rating: NC-17. LOTS of questionable content in future parts.

Disclaimer: Everyone mentioned here belongs to Joss Whedon, FOX and UPN.

Feedback: All you nice people with loving hearts can email me at fluent_fag@hotmail.com

Archiving: Just ask. I’m unbelievably easy.

Summary: Set in Season 6 BtVS, Season 3 A:tS. Connor dosen’t exist. Just ‘cos I don’t want him.

Twisted Family
By Lawrence

"Hmm…chocolate covered vampire cock. Does it get any better?"

"Maybe you should get to sucking said chocolate covered vampire cock before said vampire’s balls go errantly blue?" Angel looked down at his boyfriend of six months with a stupid horny grin plastered across his face.

"Maybe said vampire should shut his mouth and enjoy the ride." Lindsey returned the same stupid horny grin. With that Lindsey licked alone the underside of Angel’s fully erect cock, eliciting a groan from the vampire and a mouthful of chocolate for the ex-lawyer.

"Hmm…dairy milk. You know how to treat a boy, Angel." Lindsey smiled as he engulfed his lover’s cock.


"What you haven’t told me is why you want to perform this task. Especially as you could be risking the wrath of my firm if they find out you did this. Not to mention they’d skin my ass and sell it in the underworld." Lilah hid her small feelings of terror at that possible outcome from going being Wolfram & Hart’s back.

"You have risked many dangers in summoning me, mortal. I am not scared of your threats, and the task will be performed as and when you wish." A hooded figure, with piercing yellow eyes, skin so dark against his hood you’re not sure it actually exists, sat across from Lilah.

Raising a finger to indicate that she would need a few seconds to contemplate when she would like the task to take place, Lilah looked away from her guest to the computer on her desk. Black and white images of Lindsey McDonald and Angel lying together in bed danced across the screen. Smiling to herself, Lilah answered the demon sitting in front of her.

"Do it as soon as possible."


"Hey guys." Cordy eyed up Lindsey and Angel, seeing their bed-hair, and smirked. "Get any sleep last night? ‘Cos the walls here? Pretty darn thin."

Lindsey blushed, while Angel couldn’t keep a grin from spreading across his face. "Pretty hard to sleep with Lindsey in the same bed." Angel placed a gentle kiss on the ex-lawyer’s forehead. Lindsey tensed.

"What? What’s wrong?" Worry was etched over Angel’s face.

"What the fuck is that?" Lindsey pointed at the door, where a hooded demon with a face so dark you could only make out the eyes. Chanting began to echo through the halls of the Hyperion, not even Angel could’ve realised where it was coming from if it wasn’t for the demon floating towards them.

Demon, your soul no longer
belongs to you, Mighty
Rofocale, scatter his soul
to the four corners of the world.

"Jesus, where the hell did he come from?!" Cordy yelled, running for the weapons cabinet. The demon ignored Cordelia, and kept his eyes on Angel.

Spirit, depart! Soul
depart! Leave this one and
leave him bereft and unclean!

Angel suddenly began violently shake and rise into the air. Lindsey screamed his lover’s name and tried to grab him. An energy bolt surrounding Angel hit Lindsey and threw him across the hotel lobby.

Leave this one and leave him bereft and unclean!

A burst of light rose from Angel’s chest and left his body, as he fell to the floor. The demon slowly walked backwards towards the door, and disappeared into thin air.

Lindsey stood, and walked slowly to Angel’s still body. "Angel? Are you ok, baby?"

Angel’s body flinched slightly. In one blurred motion, Angel was standing over Lindsey, with his fangs buried in his lover’s neck.

Part 2

So I saved the world. Me. All by myself. You’d think that’d give me some kind of happy, right? Well, it did actually. For about a day. That was when he came back. He didn’t tell me where he was, and what happened to him, but I got the gist of what happened when he snapped the neck of a passerby when I screamed for help. Learned very quickly not to do that again.

Its not like I’m addicted. I just want to keep my friends alive. He’ll do the whole killing-my-friends-while-he-fucks-me-silly thing. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not stupid. He’s gonna kill me, or break his promise and kill my friends. But as long as I keep busy with being his little fucktoy, I can put off the inevitable. At least for a little while, until I come up with something better than offering my body to him.

Fuck, that hurt. He gave me a good slap to remind that he’s fucking me dry and not to wander off into my own little world. Like I could ever forget.


You know why I went after him? He saved the world, and he had this attitude, this Look-At-Me-Ain’t-I-The-King-Of-Shit attitude. So instead of going after the Slayer, I decided to make him my little human pet. Pretty fun too. Nice play to put my cock whenever I want.

He cries when I’m pounding into him. Not every time, but enough to know that I’m breaking him. There was this time when I fucked him while he was on all fours in the park, literally minutes after sunset. I set it up so that we were partially hidden by a patch of bushes. Partially meaning I was, he wasn’t. That was one of the first times. But something’s changed. I can
sense it. Not with the boy. With my Sire. And its very new.


I’m drinking from my lover. You’d think my senses would stop at that action, that all I’d be able to feel was his pulse stopping. But that’s not the way it is. I can feel every movement in the hotel. I know Cordelia is coming at my back with a stake she keeps in her handbag. One kick at her head, without even removing my fangs from Lindsey’s neck, and she’s out for the count.

Five seconds later and I pull my fangs out of Lindsey. I bite my own arm, and bring Lindsey’s head down onto my bleeding wound. He’s sucking on my wound like he asked for this. Hell, maybe he wanted it. Then I feel his heart stop. I lay him down on the floor. He looks so…well, dead. Which just adds to the hardon I got from feeding for from a human for the first time in a year.

I walk up to my room, remembering to stamp on Cordelia’s throat, and grab a change of clothes for Lindsey. He’s gonna need a new pair of clothes when he meets his brother. Spike always was a horny little fucker.

Part 3

Ok, so remember how fucked I was about a few hours ago? Spike was fucking me raw, and slapping me ‘cos I was drifting away in my head? Yeah, that was heaven compared to what I know is gonna happen now.

Just before Spike started cumming inside me, the door to his crypt opened, very loudly. I figured it was Buffy, seeing as how that’s how she usually enters Spike’s crypt. But it wasn’t. It was Angel. At least I thought it was. And he was carrying a dead body. That part scared me. That, and the fact that Angel wasn’t staking Spike when he saw what he doing to me. Angelus. It hit me when I saw the obvious hardon tenting his leather trousers.

"Angelus! I knew I sensed you. Just let me finish up here. He’s a good little bitch, aren’t you, boy? Ahh, I’m cumming in you, boy. You like that, don’t you, boy?" Waiting for a few seconds for a reply, and not getting one, Spike reached around to Xander’s cock, and pulled hard. "Don’t you, boy?"

"Yes, Sir, I love it when you cum in me, Sir." Xander managed to throw out those words through the pain and tears. More tears came when a flood of cold semen filled him, and trickled down his legs.

Pulling out of Xander with no care, Spike left the bed, knowing Xander would stay in the same position until Spike allowed him to move. "Sire, what brings you here?"

"You do, Spike. We’ll be a family again, with no Darla to hold us back. I see you’ve got a new pet, you never were one to stay put, where you, boy?" Angelus smirked at the blond vampire.

With a cocky grin, Spike replied, "Could say the same about you.".

"Ah, Lindsey. The soul was fucking him. He’s really tight. He could be Xander’s brother. Imagine it, boy. These two beautiful pets serving are every need. All you need to is turn him. Don’t give him too much blood, mind. Don’t want him to be too wilful." Angelus said, gently lying Lindsey’s body on the ground, rubbing his own cock through his leather pants.

"So you want to be a family? The four of us? What about the Slayer? She’s gonna be pissed that one of her friends got turned. By us, no less." Spike looked to the floor when he mentioned Buffy. Angelus grabbed Spike by the arms and looked into his eyes.

"This is not like last time, Spike. I’m not obsessed with Buffy. But I do want the Hellmouth. There’ll be no fancy shit with swords and fights to the death. We kill her however we can. Gathering all vampires on the Hellmouth, we could easily overwhelm her and her remaining friends. Tell me, does she have that soldier running around after her? He always seemed like he’d make a great Master Vampire."

The grin re-establishing itself across Spike’s face, he shook his head. "He left last year. He got addicted to the bite, so Buffy left him. He came back a few months ago. An’ he saw me naked too. Could smell his arousal across the room. He still wants me, wants the bite. He shouldn’t be too hard to track, if you want to, Sire."

"In time, Childe, but I definitely want that boy. First of all, we take Sunnydale from the Slayer and her friends, then we track Riley."


The world was different. At least that was how it looked to Lindsey McDonald. He could hear and feel so much more. There was a human male lying on the bed above him, who stank of sex. He could sense two other vampires behind him, very powerful vampires. Realising what had happened, he jumped up from his position on the floor.

Lindsey bowed his head in front of Angelus. "Sire."

"Lindsey. Welcome to the world, boy." Angelus sneered, before capturing his Childe in a dominating kiss. Pulling away from the kiss, Angelus took the young vampire by the hand. "Time to get something to eat. You’re coming too, slut." Angelus dragged Xander too his feet by his arm.


"Go in there, and do whatever you usually do. Betray me in any way, and I’ll kill your friends while fucking your sweet hole. Got it?" Angelus whispered into Xander’s ear, Lindsey standing next to him, afraid to move away from his beloved Sire.

"Yes, Master Angelus." Xander whispered, never looking into Master’s eyes.

Angelus rubbed his hand along the outline of Xander’s cock, making the human moan. "You want me, don’t you? You’ve always wanted me. I could tell, from the first time we met. Remember that time in the hospital? I was so close to taking you as mine then. I could smell your arousal then, just like I can now. Tell me you want me."

"I want you, Master Angelus. I always wanted you." Xander continued moaning, knowing in the back of his head that this was sick, but he felt so alive. On the edge of death.

"Go now, boy." Angelus shoved Xander through the door, into the Bronze. Once Xander was into the night club, Angelus turned to his Childe. "On your knees."


Spotting Buffy, Xander moved through to the crowd to where the Slayer sat with her sister, Dawn. "Hey guys."

"Xander!" Buffy and Dawn jumped from their seats and hugged the dark haired man. "Where have you been? We haven’t seen you in days! And what happened to your face?" Buffy gestured towards the numerous bruises painting his face a dark purple.

"Vampire. Got attacked, but managed to stick wood in his chest. Listen, I’m not staying, I just wanted to ask Dawny if she wanted to stay over tonight. So we can hangout, how about it, Dawnster?" Xander thought he was going to be sick.

"Sure! I’d love to! That ok with you , Buffy?" Dawn squealed, jumping up and down.

"Of course its ok with me. You get time with Xander, I get time with myself. It’s all good." Buffy grinned.

"Come on then, Dawnie. Let’s go get some of your stuff." Xander started to walk from the table, glancing back at Buffy, mentally apologising for killing her sister.


"Angel? What are you doing here?" Dawn asked, as she and Xander walked out of the Bronze. As soon as Xander left the building, he let the tears flow. "Xander? What’s wrong?" Then Dawn’s world went dark.

Xander looked at Angelus, horrified. "She’s not dead yet. Just knocked out. Now put her up, and bring her home."


Angelus and Lindsey walked into Spike’s crypt, Lindsey’s face holding evidence to the sex acts committed outside the Bronze, with Xander trailing behind them, holding Dawn’s unconscious body.

"Xander, get over here." Xander looked up as he heard Master Spike’s voice command him. What he saw made his cock twitch. Spike was lying naked in his chair, with his hand wrapped around his erect cock.

"Yes, Master Spike." Xander made his way to his Master, already knowing to kneel between the blond’s knees. Xander licked the head of Spike’s head, swallowing the precum. Swirling his tongue along the head, Xander slipped his tongue into Spike’s piss slit, making Xander’s Master moan in pleasure. Spike pulled out of his boy’s mouth, and stood.

"Take off those fucking clothes."

Xander stood and pulled off his shirt. His jeans came right off, and exposed his hard cock. It had been months since he had worn underwear. Or socks. Xander was only allowed three items of clothes on at one time. Shirt, jeans, and trainers. Trainers off, Xander waited for more instructions.

"On all fours. Now." Xander obeyed immediately, knowing any protests about the hard floor would only make Spike fuck him harder. Out of the corner of his eye, Xander could see Lindsey riding Angelus’ cock. It sickened him that it turned him on.

The dark haired human screamed when Spike entered him, with no preparation other than the numerous other fuckings he had received in the last few months. Spike pulled out until his cock head was resting on Xander’s ring of muscle and slammed home again. Another scream escaped Xander’s mouth. Xander reached down to his hard cock, and started pumping. Seconds later he
received a punch to the face.

"You don’t fucking touch that cock! I own you, and I tell you want to touch it, you fucking hear me?!" Spike’s face was contorted in anger and desire.

"Yes, Master Spike. Sorry."

Spike rammed into Xander again, hitting that special spot, and pulled out. Knowing that his Sire wanted to move the plan along, Spike fucked his pet harder and uttered his completion. "Good boy."


"So you got the girl, now what?" Spike walked over to where Angel and Lindsey had been fucking, all men still stark naked.

"Now we send a message to Buffy. I think Lindsey needs to learn these things, so he can have the pleasure." Angelus smiled down at this Childe, who had a look of glee plastered across his face. Lindsey looked up at his Sire, who merely nodded. With a smile, Lindsey walked over to the still form of Dawn Summers. With one quick motion, Lindsey buried his hand inside Dawn’s ribcage.


Two hours after Xander and Dawn had left The Bronze, Buffy decided to call it a night. Walking onto her street, she could see her house. With the door wide open. The last time the door was open, she had found the dead body of a friend. Her heart jumped.

She ran threw the door, searching the living room, kitchen and dining room. Finding nothing, Buffy cried out for her sister.

"Dawn? You here? Xander?" Walking up the stairs, fearful of what she might find, she pushed the door to her room open. Walking away from her empty room, she slowly pushed the door open to Dawn’s room.

The white walls are now red. The curtains had intestines hanging from them. The chest of drawers had a human heart and an eyeball resting in a pool of blood. But the bed was what made Buffy’s heart break into a million pieces. Dawn’s body, what was left of it, was laid there. A huge hole in her chest that went all the way through her body. The remaining eye falling out of its socket. Legs and arms pointing at an impossible angle.

She could feel it coming. For the first time in years, Buffy screamed in fear.


Xander cried. He cried for Dawn, he cried for Buffy, he cried for himself. While Spike and Angel were figuring out the kinks of their plan, Lindsey had been given access to the human. Right now, Lindsey was moving on from pulling off his toenails to whipping his back. He knew he shouldn’t like this, that he should be bogged down with guilt, but the pain he was receiving from Lindsey turned him on. Made him forget. Made him move away from his feelings. About his friends. About his life now. He wanted it. He liked it. He cried.


A tear-stricken man put his arms out to the sides to allow himself to be searched. Told to move on, the man entered the private room the Council of Watchers had managed to get him.

Two minutes after he had entered the room, a woman entered and sat in front of him.

"There’s a problem. We need your help, Faith."

Part 4

Freedom never tasted so…shit. I always imagined the time I left prison to be great. No more looking over my shoulder, and I’d have found some peace with myself. But I’m still looking over my shoulder, which I should’ve expected never to stop, seeing as how I’m a Slayer, and I’ve found no peace. But that dosen’t matter right now. Cordelia is dead, and Angel is evil. The Watcher’s Council rehired Wesley once they found out, probably an attempt to get themselves back into the fight. Wesley got me out on good behaviour, and know we’re heading down the motorway to Sunnydale. Apparently Angel’s boyfriend was missing too.

Guess we’ll see what we can find in Sunnydale.


It’s been two days since Dawn was killed. I killed her. I got her killed. Dawnie. The girl who had a crush on me. The girl who I’ve known for six years. And I handed her over to the enemy. To Angelus. And he rewarded for me. He fucked me until I bled, then he masturbated me. What did I do after that? I thanked him. I thanked him for letting me cum for the first time in weeks, I thanked him for letting me set up Dawnie’s death. But mostly I thanked him for making me feel alive. You’d think I wouldn’t want to feel alive. I’d want to feel dead. A lot. But I don’t. Spike saw me crying and kicked the crap out of me for it. He asked why I was crying over a little
fifteen year old girl who could only cry in the face of danger, and in the face of those who loved her. I couldn’t reply. I wouldn’t. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not insane. Yet.


"So we’ve got the plan wrapped up, right?" Spike asked his Sire, who looked over at Spike with a raised eyebrow.

"You know I have. You know, Lindsey gives great head. Don’t you, boy?" Angelus looked down at this dark haired Childe, who merely smiled around his Sire’s engorged cock.

"So when do we go into action?" Spike moved towards his Sire, and played with his nipples.



I can’t believe I’m planning another funeral. A person should never have to plan a funeral. Never two. Never a mother and a sister. No, gotta keep busy. Keeping organising stuff. I can’t find Xander. I have no idea how it happened. Xander could be…Willow. I need to call Willow and Giles in England. They’ll want to be there. What’s the number? Where is it?

"Rupert Giles."

"Giles? Oh, Giles."

"Buffy? What is it? What’s wrong?" Giles tensed. He had learnt this tone in his Slayer’s voice. He had learnt to hate it. Bad things always came from it.

"D…Dawn…I came home from The Bronze, and the door was open…so I checked the house. I got into Dawn’s room, and she was there. Oh Giles…"

"Oh God, Buffy I’ll be there on the next flight. Willow too. I’m so sorry."


They want to go to Buffy tonight. I tried to tell them I couldn’t, that’d it’d all go wrong, but that earned me a punch to the face and kick to the groin. So I’m going to her. And they’re going to follow me. I know that much.

Apparently they want me to leave me now, as they threw my clothes out of the crypt door, and throwing my naked body out with them. So, now to go help Buffy.


A few more miles to go to Sunnydale. Looks like we’re not gonna make it before nightfall, so I need to be at the top of my game. All hell’s gonna break loose tonight, I can feel it.

"Buffy, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how it happened. We were walking to my place, and we got attacked. A vampire knocked me out, and took me to his lair. Tortured me a little --Xander gestured towards his bruises—and eventually I broke free. I didn’t know what happened."

Buffy sobbed, lying on Xander’s lap. "I can’t deal with this... It’s all too much…Angel?" Buffy looked surprised, while Xander let the numerous possible outcomes of this encounter run through his brain. Xander bowed his head, never looking Angelus in the eye.

"Buffy, I just heard about what happened. Xander called me. I’m so sorry." Angelus walked over to Buffy and hugged her. Pulling a taser out of his pocket, Angelus shocked Buffy with a jolt of electricity aimed at her spine. She fell in his arms.


"She’s all helpless? Great, can’t wait to get some of her blood down me." Spike walked around the unconscious Buffy, who was now tied up with leather strips in the lower part of Spike’s basement.

"Not yet. I want to make her suffer first." Angelus grinned, as he pulled out a small handgun. A swift punch to Buffy’s face woke her up quickly. Her eyes filled with terror, and she cursed herself for showing it.

Not bothering for idle chit-chat, Angelus cocked the handgun, and aimed for Buffy’s left knee. And pulled the trigger.


I pulled into myself even more than I had these last few months when I heard the first gunshot downstairs. I knew what was happening, and it scared me how much I could detach myself from my friend’s murder. Master Lindsey was the only one up here with me, and he was busy looking over the plans for the Taking Over Sunnydale operation. Knowing I wasn’t allowed to walk unless told, I crawled on all fours to Master Lindsey. He noticed me crawling, and laughed.

"You want me that bad, boy? Tell me how much." Lindsey drawled, rubbing his cock through his jeans.

"I want you so much, Master Lindsey. You’re so hot, you make me hard whenever I see you. I want to feel you inside me, fucking me and not caring about my needs. Use me, Master Lindsey. Please." That last word lingered in the air, Xander knowing his addiction had gone beyond that. This was his life from now until the day he died. And he liked it, dammit. He liked how his Masters needed him, even if they would never admit it. His friends were a moot point. In his heart of hearts, he knew he was there for comic relief when things got bad. He stuck with them to feel needed. And know there were three guys who really did need him. Maybe not in the healthiest way possible, but need was definitely in there somewhere.

"Unzip me. Get my cock out." Lindsey growled, eyes full of lust. Xander obeyed immediately.

Knowing that his Master’s never wore any kind of underwear, Xander unzipped Master Lindsey’s jeans, and fished his perfect eight inch cock out. Loving the sight of his Master’s cock, Xander licked the head, collecting the precum on his tongue. Greedily swallowing the precum, Xander took Lindsey’s cock back into his mouth, not stopping until his nose was buried in the vampire’s pubes.

"Yeah, that’s it, take it all in…gonna fuck your mouth…gonna cum all over you…you want that, bitch?" Lindsey pulled his cock out of the human’s mouth. "Not here. We’ve got some more plans for you and the Slayer." Lindsey bent down, and picked Xander up, carrying him down to the lower level.


Buffy wanted to sink into unconsciousness, but they wouldn’t let her. They wanted her to see what was happening. And know she knew why. Another vampire was carrying Xander down from the upper level. What really scared her was the fact that her friend was naked, and kissing the vampire holding him.

That was when Buffy Summers broke.


"Hmm…look what we have here, Buff. The White Knight. Not so innocent now, though." Angelus smirked, grabbing Buffy’s face, giving her no choice but to watch Xander. "Did you know he likes it? He loves the way we use him. He’s addicted to us. Sorry, I forgot you can’t answer. Kinda hard to talk with no tongue, isn’t it?"

"Xander, over here." Spike pointed to his feet. All vampires were naked, proudly stroking their erections. Xander was now on the floor, crawling to Spike.

"Stay on all fours. You’re gonna get all three of us at once, boy. You want that, don’t you? Want to feel all your Master’s in you at once?" Spike leaned in close to Xander, wanting to see the change in expression on the boy’s face. The human’s face displayed a variety of emotions. Panic was what registered first, but that quickly turned to desire. And something else that shocked Spike. Trust. Xander trusted them.

Angelus and Lindsey moved behind Xander. With a nod from his Sire, Lindsey bent down and prepared Xander. Moistening his fingers with saliva, Lindsey slipped two fingers into Xander’s tight hole, working them in and out. Moans could be heard from the dark haired human pet, and sickly noises from the chained up Slayer. Spurred on by Xander thrusting back onto his fingers,
Lindsey slipped in another finger.

Tired of not being in on the action, Angelus grabbed Lindsey by the shoulder and pulled him aside. Xander yelped as Lindsey’s fingers roughly left his body. Spike’s cock massaged Xander’s lips, leaving a trail of precum behind. Almost immediately, Xander opened his mouth and granted Spike access. At the same time, Angelus and Lindsey both penetrated him, all vampires screaming with delight. Xander screamed around Spike’s cock, making Spike fuck his mouth harder. Angelus and Lindsey pumped into Xander, desire overwhelming them. Seeing his Childe’s natural beauty, Angelus slipped a hand between Lindsey’s cheeks, and penetrated his sweet hole. The moans from his Childe drove Angelus wild with lust, so he pulled out of Xander, and rammed straight into the eager Lindsey. Lindsey fell into Xander, shouting his completion as he emptied his seed deep inside the human. Muscles contracted around Angelus’ cock, as he Childe came, and with one last thrust, Angelus took his cock and masturbated until he came over Lindsey’s back, marking the boy forever his.

Spike knew his orgasm was coming, the sight of his Site coming too much for him. Not bothering to pull out of the boy’s mouth, he came in Xander’s mouth. Xander swallowed greedily, his own need gone unwanted again. He hadn’t expected anything else. It turned him on even more.

Spike pulled his cock out of the boy, and dragged him across the floor to a corner.

"I know what I saw before you sucked me off. You trust us. Don’t you?" Spike asked, with a deadly serious voice.

Xander’s head was bowed, oddly not scared of the consequences of this conversation.

"I do, Master Spike."

"Thought so. We’ve proven that we trust you by letting you go alone to get the Slayer’s sister, and the Slayer herself. Don’t worry, you’re not gonna get punished for trusting us. Its just natural." Spike played with Xander’s hair as he talked. "You know you’re going to have prove that you trust to Angelus and Lindsey, don’t you, boy?"

Xander nodded.

"I’ve got the perfect idea. Take this. You know what to do." Spike handed Xander the handgun.


The door was open. Faith knew this was never a good sign. Searching the house, she found nothing. Except the blood stains in Dawn’s room, which chilled her to the bone.

"No-one’s here. We’ll hit The Bronze, then do a patrol." Wesley followed her out of the door of the Summer’s home.


"It’s ok. If you trust us, you can do this. No need to feel guilty, no need to wallow in it. You’re with us, part of us, you have us in you. Get rid of that bitch, and you’ll be free forever." Spike let a finger trail along Xander’s face, giving comfort.

"I can do this, Master Spike. I want to be yours forever." Xander replied, looking into his Master’s eyes, seeing the yearning in them.

Standing and walking over to Buffy, Xander tried to avoid eye contact with his ex-friend. But he couldn’t help looking at her. She tried to shake her head, but she stopped as soon as the pain travelled through her body.

Xander raised the gun to the Slayer’s temple. Looking into her eyes, he gave her a sad smile.

Lindsey was standing on the other side room, and still managed to get part of the Slayer’s brain on his chest.


"Sire, now the Slayer’s dead, what do we do next?" Lindsey knelt before Angelus, trailing his tongue along his Sire’s thigh.

"We move out of this damn crypt, and back to my mansion. Now Buffy’s out of the way, Sunnydale is ours. Time to get moving, Linds." Angelus ruffled his Childe’s hair.


"That was a great thing you did, pet. We’re proud of you." Spike murmured as he licked Xander’s cheek. "You looked so sexy when you pulled the trigger. I wanna be in you so much right now, wanna hear you scream, but we need to get moving. Don’t need to worry about a replacement Slayer. Now Buffy’s dead, the world only has Faith. So opposition shouldn’t be much of a problem, but we’re ready if there’s any."

Xander nodded. "Where are we going, Master Spike?" Only a few hours ago he would’ve been beaten until he lost consciousness for asking a direct question. Now he was accepted as one of them, even if he was their human whore.

"Angelus’ old mansion. Then we put the plan in motion. We need to turn a few people tonight, then you’re all mine." Spike invaded the human’s mouth with a scorching, dominating kiss. "All mine."

Part 5

We’ve moved to the mansion. It’s about two hours since I killed Buffy. Plenty of time before dawn. On the way over here, Master Spike told me why he didn’t want to turn me. He loves the feel of my hot hole surrounding his cock, and that I’d be different if he turned me. Angelus also told me its essential to the plan that I stay human. If I wasn’t convinced before, that did. If the plan needs me, then I’ll help as much as I can.

I’m their whore, I know that. But I love it. And its not sex I’m helping them with. They need me, and I need them. No-one is gonna stop us from being together. I’ll kill them first.


Quick patrol turned up nothing. So I’m heading for the hot spots. Willow’s house, Xander’s place, and Angel’s old mansion. Gotta find those bastards soon, or the shit’s really gonna hit the fan.


Me and Spike are starting the first phase of the plan, we left Angelus and Lindsey fucking their brains out back at the mansion. He’s told me what I’ve got to do, so I’m all set.

We walk up a path to one of the houses in the rich neighbourhood. The Chief of Police lives here, Spike told me. Spike hides in the shadows as I knock on the door.

"Hello…who are you?" A middle aged man answered the door, obviously just having got out of the shower.

"Sorry, I’m Xander Harris. My car just broke down. Could I use your phone please?" Xander moved a step closer to the older man.

"Oh, sure you can, son." The older man stepped aside, allowing Xander access to his home. Xander walked through the door, gripping the gun that he’d already used that night. Xander pulled it out of his pocket, and pushed it into the Chief of Police’s back.

"You’re gonna invite my friend in now. You hear me?" Xander managed to stay calm, as Spike appeared at the doorway.

"Listen, son, you don’t want to do this, ok? You want to put down the gun, and leave. I won’t report this, if you just put down the gun." The older man was shaking, sweat beginning to pour down his face.

Xander twisted the gun, reasserting its position. "Invite. Him. In. Now."

Spike smiled to himself, never wanting the boy more than he did at that moment.

"Sure…sure...come in"

Spike walked in, not bothering to close the door, as he sank his fangs into the Chief of Police’s neck. Creating a cut on his arm, Spike let his own blood slip down the human’s throat. Letting the body drop, Spike walked out of the house, letting Xander drag the body back to the mansion. In Sunnydale, there’s no-one out at three in the morning. No-one who cares about a dead body, anyway.


"There’s a couple of vamps in here, I can feel them." Faith gestured for Wesley to stay back. Quickly checking the living area, Faith moved on to the main bedroom. Not opening the door, she could hear Angelus, and another guy. Probably his boyfriend. Who’s now a vamp. Faith opened the door, and stepped into the bedroom.

"I heard you had a guy now. Plus the whole evil thing." Faith gestured to Lindsey, who was pumping Angelus’ cock.

"Faith! Really wasn’t expecting you, but now you’re here…" Angelus lifted Lindsey off of him, who then proceeded to stand by his Sire’s side.

Time for quick remarks and snappy comebacks were gone. Angelus faked right, and aimed left. Faith’s head snapped back. If she was anyone but the Slayer, she’d be dead. Stunned, but still in the right, Faith swept her legs underneath Angelus, trying to knock him off his feet. It worked. Faith raised her stake, but made one mistake. She mistook Lindsey for just a minion. With a chop to the back of her neck, Faith fell to the ground. Wesley was alone. Two seconds later, Wesley’s neck was severed from his body.

"Nice job, Linds. Chain the stupid bitch up." Angelus grinned, remembering the last time Faith was chained up in his mansion. His souled counterpart would probably find this ironic.


"Where do you want me to put the body, Master Spike?" Xander asked, out of breath from dragging the body of the Chief of Police.

"Anywhere. Dosen’t matter, he’ll be awake in a hour or so. I didn’t give him a lot of blood. Means he’ll follow instructions more. More blood when he’s turned means he’s more wilful, but that wouldn’t go with the plan." Spike took a long drag on his cigarette, as he watched Xander lift the dead body onto the couch. Two seconds later, Spike noticed the unconscious woman chained up.

"Sire? Lindsey?" Spike called out.

Lindsey emerged from the master bedroom, naked. "Yeah?"

Spike nodded towards Faith. "What’s with the bint?"

"She’s Faith, the other Slayer. Angelus wants to keep her, so we don’t get another Slayer anytime soon." Lindsey grinned.

"Makes sense." Spike turned back to Xander. Sensing the dismissal, Lindsey went back to the master bedroom.

"Come here." Xander got on his knees, in an attempt to crawl to his Master. "Walk over here." Came the command from the blond vampire. Xander stood, surprised, and walked to Spike, head bowed. "I’m gonna need to tell you some stuff." Spike sat on the couch, gesturing for Xander to do the same. "The last few hours, I’ve been thinking about you. Us. I want…I want to take you as my human pet. Which means you’d be mine for as long as you live." Spike stroked Xander’s thigh.

"I…I don’t understand." Xander whispered, entranced by Spike’s voice, and the stirrings he was causing with his touches.

"I’ll explain. This isn’t like human love. You wouldn’t be my equal. You’d still do the dirty work, but you’ll have more power. Other vampires and demons will know not to touch you. Except Angelus and Lindsey. Immediate family have the same rights as me. Which are I can make love to you, or downright fuck you, whenever I want, but you have the power to act more during sex. Same goes with the other two guys." The blond vampire waited for an expression to register on his boy’s face. He smiled when he saw pure, unadulterated happiness.

"So you want to be with me? Forever? You’re in…love with me?" Xander asked, tenderly.

"I guess it’s the vampire equivalent of love, yeah." Spike smiled. "You’re still gonna have to know your place, though, luv. In this family, there’s a chain of command. Angelus is at the top, ‘cos he’s the oldest and Sired me. Then it’s me, ‘cos Angelus sired me, and I’m older. Then Lindsey, then you. But for now, I’m gonna claim you. Make you mine forever." Spike growled,
pulling Xander’s head in a for a deep, passionate kiss. "Bed. Now. Gonna fuck you right next to Lindsey and my Sire." Xander returned the kiss, before turning to move to the bedroom, never letting go of Spike’s possessive hold of his hand.

Not sure whether he should knock on the door or not, Xander glanced at Spike, the question in his look.

"Just go in, pet." Spike nodded, a grin across his face.

Xander opened the door. If he wasn’t hard already, he definitely was now. Angelus was drilling into Lindsey, who was teasing the older vampire’s nipples, while screaming his pleasure.

"Go lie down, just like Lindsey is." Spike whispered, inches from the human’s ear, sending shivers down his spine. Xander climbed onto the king size bed, his cock getting harder as he brushed past the two busy vampires.

Lying on his back, Xander lifted his legs onto Spike’s shoulders, who was gently stroking his own cock. Sliding his fingers between Xander’s cheek, the blond vampire teased Xander’s ring of muscle, before slipping two fingers in.

Xander’s body arched upwards, moans of ecstasy escaping the human’s mouth. Xander yelled with pleasure when another finger worked its way into his hot hole.

"You ready?" Spike asked, desire overwhelming him.

Xander looked into his lover’s eyes, surprised that he’d bothered to ask. "Always." He whispered. The world dissolved when Spike entered him, slowly at first, and then slamming home until Xander could feel the vampire’s pubes brushing against him. He was faintly aware of Angelus and Lindsey still fucking, neither willing to let their ecstasy. Vampires truly did have excellent stamina. As if he were aware of Xander’s thoughts, Lindsey turned to right and kissed Xander deeply. Xander replied by letting his hand brush through Lindsey’s hair, then down to the young vampire’s nipples, eliciting several moans from the ex-lawyer.

The sight of Xander and Lindsey proved too much for both Spike and Angelus, who both slammed back into their mutual lovers, and screamed their completion into a searing kiss.

Shouts from the living area distracted the two older vampires, who pulled out of their lovers, and went to investigate.

"Damn, I’m still hard." Lindsey muttered. "Wanna help with this problem?" With a smile, Xander moved down the bed, and engulfed Lindsey’s cock into his hot human mouth.

Xander began to tease the vampire by licking the cockhead, and nearly choked when the cock was forced down his throat, and out again. Slamming his cock began in, Lindsey screamed with delight. Three more thrusts, and Lindsey was cumming in Xander’s face, hitting his cheek and nose.

Xander looked at his cock, still painfully hard. "Can…can you please…?"

Lindsey grabbed the dark haired boy’s cock. Hard. Xander began to scream, but was muffled by Lindsey’s hand. "You’re a whore. Our whore. I don’t care if Spike’s falling for you, and neither does Angelus. We won’t kill you, or hurt you. Much, anyway. But we will never let you forget your place. At our feet." Lindsey squeezed Xander’s balls, before letting go and storming out to join his Sire, and Spike. Xander lay on the bed, tears beginning to fall.


Angelus and Spike walked into the living area.

"Hey, you’re awake. I never got your name." Spike jumped onto the couch, absently stroking himself. "Might wanna get your fangs out of the Slayer, if you wanna live. We want her alive. Was that the Slayer we heard screaming?"

The minion nodded, before Angelus pulled his fangs out of Faith’s neck, and threw him across the room. "NEVER DO ANYTHING WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION!" Angelus bellowed, as the vampire was still sailing through the air.

The minion scrambled to its feet, muttering apologies.

"Spike, take Lindsey and go get something to eat. Explain to the Chief what we want him to do." Angelus walked back to the bedroom. Seconds later, Lindsey emerged, pulling on dark blue jeans, and a denim jacket. Add to that a pair of Adidas trainers, and that was all he was wearing. Spike found his clothes, and began to put them on.

"You know what we gotta go?" Spike asked, pulling his leather pants over his cock. Lindsey nodded, in reply. "So let’s go." The Chief of Police followed without question.


Outside the house where Spike and Xander had killed the Chief of Police just hours before, Spike and Lindsey gave the newborn vampire his instructions.

"Act like everything is normal, ok? Go to work tomorrow, call all the people who work directly under you, your deputy, for example, and make him one of us. Once they rise, get them to do the same." Spike gave the instructions, while taking a drag on his ever present cigarette. The Chief of Police, Peter Simmons, Spike had been told, nodded in agreement. Spike gave a gesture with his hand, telling Peter to go back to his home.

"One more thing." Lindsey shouted, as Peter walked down the path to his front door. "Whatever you do to your family is your business. But keep it quiet, ok? Don’t want you to get booted off the force. Which would kinda defeat the purpose in you being alive, which wouldn’t be good for you, got it?" Lindsey smirked, revelling in the fear he could see on the newborn vampire’s face. With a quick nod, Peter knocked on his own door. Seconds later a distraught woman opened the door, and foolishly invited him in.

Waiting for a few minutes, both Spike and Lindsey were satisfied that there Peter hadn’t killed his family. At least, not in a loud way.

"So, wanna head for The Bronze?" Spike asked. The reply came with a passionate kiss.

"What do you think?"


Angelus entered the bedroom, immediately noticing the crying form of Xander. "What the fuck are you crying for? You know your damn place." Angelus stroked his cock, well aware that they were both still naked. "Get on all fours."

Xander tried to stop the tears, while he got on all fours, knowing that the only lubrication he’d get was Spike’s cum, which was still leaking out of his hole. "Yes, Master Angelus."

Angelus kneeled behind Xander, letting his cock rest on Xander’s back. "I’m gonna fuck you so hard…Spike dosen’t want you, he’s fucking with your mind…you know he is…"Angelus pushed his erect cock into Xander’s hot hole, making Xander scream with pain. "He wants to do this to you…he dosen’t care about you, no-one does. You’re ours. You’ll do anything we want. You proved that when you killed Buffy. The three of us could fuck you all at once, rip your insides up, and you’d still beg for more." Angelus pulled out of Xander, only to push back in, burying himself in the boy. "You know…we’re thinking of turning you, once the plan’s done, of course. Need you for that…who’s gonna get into the houses to get all the powerful people if you’re a vamp too, huh? You’d still be our whore…but you’d heal so much quicker…we could fuck you all day long…and try new stuff out on you." Angelus was still pumping in and out of Xander, who was beginning to feel pleasure despite of the pain. "I knew you liked this…look at you, thrusting back on my cock…I’ve got plans for you…tomorrow night…you’ll find out." One more thrust and Angelus came deep inside Xander. Still inside Xander, Angelus leaned in, and whispered into Xander’s ear. "I meant what I said. Spike dosen’t care about you, I promise you that."


Spike and Lindsey has split up when they entered The Bronze, both intending to leave with a meal, or a fuck. Maybe both. Spike had spotted a good looking college boy, and was making his through the crowd. Mere inches from the boy, Spike made his intentions obvious. The college boy smiled one of those All American TM smiles, and began to dance against Spike. The human
pressed his hips against Spike’s, both feeling the other’s hardness.

"Wanna go somewhere quieter?" Spike whispered into the boy’s ear.

"Yeah, dude."


Lindsey followed Spike into the alley by The Bronze, minutes later, with his own guy. Noticing the dead body, Lindsey frowned.

"You didn’t fuck him? How come?"

"Didn’t feel like it. Its…its not a challenge. With Xander, its more personal ‘cos he used to fight against me. I need someone who’ll give me a run for my money, y’know?" Spike searched for his cigarettes, finding them in his inner pocket. Which was when Lindsey’s guy noticed the dead body. Screaming, he turned to run, but didn’t make two steps before his neck was snapped. The body fell to the ground.

"So who’s gonna give you a challenge? There’s no-one left in Sunnydale. From what you and Angelus told me, there used to be more people fighting the good fight, but they left. What about tracking them down?" Lindsey gestured to borrow a smoke from the elder vampire.

"Not a bad idea. There’s a few I know are still roaming around. Dog boy, Captain Cardboard…couple of them went to L.A, but they’re dead…there’s Xander’s ex…don’t know what happened to her."

"Let’s go find out."


Xander made sure the tears weren’t noticeable before Spike got back, but Angelus wasn’t about to let that opportunity go to waste.

"I found him crying in the bedroom. He thinks you’re in love with him." Angelus laughed, as Spike and Lindsey entered the mansion.

"He thinks what? Fuck me, why would I love that thing?" Spike kicked Xander’s bare leg for emphasis. "Guess I better go show him how much I fucking love him." Spike picked Xander up, and headed for the bedroom.

Spike dropped Xander on the bed, closing the door behind him. "I told you before. It’s not love." Spike crawled onto the bed, licking his lips. "You’re gonna be my pet. Which means you’ll be mine forever. You’ll be there when I need you, and vice versa. It’s not love like you know it, I guess it’s a variation of love. But its there. And we can’t be here, with Angelus and Lindsey, and be together like that. They won’t accept it. Which means we need to leave."

"Leave? But…but where would we go?" Xander asked, fear pouring off him.

"Not sure yet. But if we leave, that means Angelus and Lindsey are gonna be our enemies, ‘which means we’re gonna have to set up our own little family. Maybe get a deal like this going on. Take over a town, live comfortably." Spike smiled, kissing Xander like he hadn’t been kissed since Anya.

"I like that…but can we go soon please? Angelus said he had plans for me tomorrow night." Xander sobbed.

"Sure, we can go right after sunset tomorrow night." Spike whispered reassuringly.

Xander slowly nodded, as if he were processing all this new information. "What about the new family? Who is it?"

"Lindsey gave me a few good ideas earlier. Time to visit old friends."

Part 6

Angelus and Lindsey had only been awake three hours, and they’d already fucked Xander three times. Each time Xander looked at Spike, silently asking if they could leave now, even though he knew the answer. There was no way they could hope to leave until sunset. Which would be in a half a hour.

Faith was finally awake too. Cursing their names, she also tried to persuade Xander to help.

"Come on, Xand. You know this can’t end good, you gotta help me. Shit, you think they love you? All they fucking want is someplace to put their cocks! Spike too! You think I didn’t hear you and Spike, sitting on that couch, talking about leaving? You can’t do this, Xand. Untie me, I’ll get us out of here, and I swear, I’ll help you as much as I can." Faith pleaded, fighting back the tears. Her answer had been a kick to the head, knocking her out, and adding to the numerous bruises across her body.

"She tried to get you to help her, pet?" Spike asked, walking out of the bedroom where Angelus and Lindsey were residing.

Xander nodded in reply. "When…" Xander was silenced by a finger on his lips.

"Not long now. I can feel the sun setting. But if we could make it to the car now, the sun wouldn’t be that much of a problem." Spike paced, keeping his voice low. Moving back to Xander, Spike held him by the arm. "Time to go."


"We made it, pet." Ten miles after the Sunnydale county line, Xander allowed himself to breathe when Spike grinned at him.

"Um…where are we going?" Xander asked, scared he’d overstepped his boundaries.

"Look, I’m not as strict as the other two, and like I said, there’s feelings involved, but you’ve still gotta learn the rules, pet. You don’t ask questions, ok?" Spike waited for an answer.

"Sorry, Master Spike." Xander kept his eyes fixed on his feet.

"Hey, none of that. You’re my slave. Now, I know that sounds bad, but its not. You get my respect and my help whenever you need it. I expect the same from you. I’ll tell you more when we stop." Spike kept his eyes on the road, as he placed a hand on Xander’s knee for reassurance.

"Can…" Xander stopped himself as he remembered the rule Spike had just told him.

"It’s ok, you can ask."

"Can we stop for something to eat? It’s not that late, there might be somewhere open." Xander asked, nervousness pouring off of him.

"Sure we can. I reckon we’re far enough away from Sunnydale."


Ten minutes later Spike had pulled into a all-night café, and they both ordered. Xander because he needed to, Spike because he felt like it.

While they waited for the waitress to return with the food, they sat in comfortable silence.

"You’ve probably got a few questions…so shoot." Spike told the dark haired human, gently rubbing his hand absent-mindedly.

"You…you said before we were making a new family…have you decided who’s gonna be in it?" Xander still didn’t have enough courage to look Spike in the eye.

"Yeah, I have. The Slayer’s ex boy-toy. Always wanted a piece of him." Spike smiled to himself.

Xander’s eyes widened. "Riley? But…he’s with the Government, and, no offence, but the last time you messed with the Government, it didn’t end well."

"None taken, but watch how you talk to me. If I want Riley, the Government can’t stop me. What about you? You killed Buffy, but what about Riley? He’s gonna be part of the family, can you deal with that?" Spike stroked Xander’s arm as he talked.

"Oh, I can deal with it. I just don’t want the Government coming after us. Or his wife." Xander smiled at the sensations Spike touching him caused.

"Wife? Bloody hell, no-one told me that. What’s she like?"

"Strong. Pretty good fighter. But she’s not gonna be good enough." Xander grinned.

"Thanks, pet. Any other questions?" Spike returned the grin.

"’Got a few more. Will Riley be a slave? Will he be my powerful than me? Like Lindsey was?" Xander cringed as he thought of the ways Lindsey and Angelus had used him.

"Socially, he will be. But he won’t get anywhere near you, I promise. Unless I, or you, want him too. And since I’ll be busy setting up the family, when we’re getting Riley, you can pick yourself a marine too, ok?" Spike sat back as the food arrived. Seconds later, the waitress left.

"All for myself? Really? ‘Cos there was this friend of Riley’s I kinda liked a couple of years ago. Riley went back to the Government ‘cos of him, so they’re probably still working together." Xander smiled, his cock getting hard at the thought of having a marine to himself.

"We’ll grab him too. All we gotta do is find them."

"Um…I know one way."


"You sure this is the only way, pet? It’s not exactly safe." Spike drove through the streets, going against his character as he drove slowly.

"Sorry, but it’s the only way I can think of." Xander replied, keeping an eye out for Angelus and Lindsey, as they headed for Riley’s old apartment. "I’m guessing the Government kept it available in case they needed to get to Sunnydale quickly, or something."

"This it?" Spike gestured to an empty apartment, with a few broken windows.

"Yeah, looks like kids got at it. Hope this works." Xander looked out the window, still scared of Angelus and Lindsey finding them.

Spike and Xander left the car, and headed for the run down apartment. Easily knocking the door down, Spike found he was able to enter.

Cobwebs dusted the phone, and fell away when Xander picked the receiver up.

"Agent Riley Finn and Graham Miller are needed."


"How long do you think we’ve got to wait?" Xander asked, lying at Spike’s feet on the old bed.

"Not sure. I’d give it a few hours, depending on where they are." Spike poked Xander with his bare feet, gesturing for Xander to lie next to him. Both men were already naked. "I want to tell you some stuff." Xander shifted on the bed, now lying directly next to Spike. "You need to know what’s gonna be expected of you, what I’m gonna expect. Then you can tell me what you want from me, ok?"

"Sounds good to me." Xander swallowed, but felt no fear.

"From now on, you call me Sir. That shows respect. When we get settled you sleep on the bed, at my feet, just like you were just now. When you’re alone with me, you’re always gonna be naked. When we’re going out, you’ll have the best designer clothes. They’re the basic rules, and I’ll add more when we’ve got all this sorted, and out of Sunnydale. All that sound good?" Spike reached over to Xander’s hair, and brushed his fingers through it.

"Yes, Sir. That sounds more than good, Sir." Xander smiled as Spike let his fingers fall, brushing Xander’s cheeks.

Spike kissed Xander, letting his tongue invade his boy’s mouth. Xander melted into the kiss, letting moans escape.


"Come in, Agent Miller. Over."

"Agent Miller here. Received confirmation of vocal match to one Alexander LaVelle Harris. Please advise. Over."

"Head for Sun Cinema in Sunnydale. Will meet you there. Over."


"Someone’s close. Sounds like two humans." Spike pulled his cock out of Xander’s mouth, and jumped off the bed, not bothering to put his clothes back on. Xander stood, listening for whatever Spike was hearing.

"One of them’s Riley, don’t know who the other one is." Spike gestured for Xander to stay behind him. Seconds later a figure dressed in camouflage entered the bedroom, standing face to face with Spike. The figure managed to get a left hook to Spike, before he was knocked out, his head hitting the framework of the door.

"Check him out. If you want him, he’s yours. I’m going after Riley." Spike left the bedroom, leaving Xander alone with the unconscious marine. Bending down, Xander lifted the mask off of the unknown man, to reveal the chiselled face of Graham Miller, the object of his lusty affections a few years back.

Minutes later, Spike dumped the dead body of Riley Finn on the floor next to the bed, small amounts of blood oozing out of two puncture wounds in his neck, and around his mouth. "Give it a few hours, and he’ll wake up." Spike jumped onto the bed, patting the pillow next to him, in a gesture for Xander to lie next to him. Xander climbed onto the bed, looking to Spike’s eyes.

"You’ve got a choice now, pet. Do you want your little clean marine as a human, or a vampire?" Spike reached for Xander’s balls, fondling them with his hands.

"But…but if he’s a vamp, wouldn’t he just use me, instead, Sir?" Xander moaned as Spike’s attention moved to his erect cock.

"Listen to me. That’s never gonna happen to you again. You’re mine, and no-one else’s. Got that?" Spike emphasised his words by tugging harder on his pet’s cock, eliciting groans of pleasure from Xander. Unable to form words, Xander nodded. "Anyway, if I give him just a few drops of blood, he’ll obey anyone I tell him to." Spike masturbated Xander, moving his hand as fast as the human could stand. Groans turned into screams.

"Ahh…I’m coming…Sir, I’m coming!"

"That’s it, pet. Keep it coming." Spike grinned as Xander spilled his seed into the vampire’s hand. Sighing contently, Xander reached for Spike’s cock, but his hand was batted away. "No time. Gotta turn whatshisname and get the hell out of here. Don’t like the idea of just lying around in Sunnydale for no reason." Spike jumped off the bed, pulling on his clothes. Xander pulled on his trousers and trainers, his only clothes that didn’t get left behind at the mansion, or torn to pieces by Spike in a lusty rush.

Xander carried Graham to the car, which wasn’t an easy feat, while Spike carried the body of Riley Finn. Riley was left in the boot of the car, Graham in the back seat.

"So, pet, we’re headed for Oxnard. It’s far enough from here not to attract attention, but close enough to keep tabs on Angelus." Spike drove down the street, headed east.

"Oxnard? I…um…I’ve been there before, Sir. I kinda…had to strip, Sir." Xander muttered the last few words, his eyes facing down.

"Strip? You stripped? Oh, you’re gonna be using those skills again, luv." Spike leered. "And you need to stop being so shy, pet. I’m gonna be sharing everything about myself with you, and I expect the same from you."

"Sorry, Sir."

Silence filled the car, until they pasted the Leaving Sunnydale sign, both letting out an unconscious sigh of relief. Spike placed his hand on Xander’s knee.

"Have you decided what you want to do with Graham? Want me to turn him?"

Xander nodded, surprising himself with feeling no emotion about the loss of a life he had just agreed to.

Spike smiled to himself. His plan for Xander was going exactly to plan.

Part 7

Two months later

San Francisco City Hall was full of shadows, even at night. For the last three weeks number of humans actually working in the building had dropped significantly. Now vampires ruled City Hall, and as a result, they ruled San Francisco. A handful of humans remained in the building, some to run the building during the day, to keep up appearances, others were there merely as
slaves to the vampires.

In charge of the City Hall was one Riley Finn. In life, he had liked to be in charge, which would explain the destruction of his relationship with the dead Slayer. But in death, he loved being in charge, and he let everyone know it, vampire and human alike. Only one vampire could control him, and Riley accepted that, knowing it was a part of the Vampire lore.

The door opened, without an invitation, which could only mean one person was coming into Riley’s office.

"So how far are we now, kid?" Spike perched himself on Riley’s desk, lighting a cigarette. Xander followed behind Spike, standing beside the elder vampire, eyes fixed on the floor. Spike was wearing his trademark leather jacket, with black jeans. Xander was wearing the clothes Spike had given him, which consisted of a white t-shirt, which was torn in three lines down the front, as if a lion had slashed at him, the same with the white shorts.

"Our spies in Sunnydale confirm that Faith is still alive, but she’s not in a good way. Angelus and Lindsey have taken Sunnydale. They appear to have the same arrangement as we do. They keep some humans in the town, running their businesses, and they do whatever they want with the rest. Everything appears normal to the human world."

Spike nodded to himself, his thoughts flowing through his head. "What about the Watcher’s? They must’ve figured out that Sunnydale’s been taken over."

Riley nodded. "They’re planning a full scale attack. They’re being lead by Rupert Giles and Willow Rosenburg. Good news is that they either don’t know about us, or they want to take care of the Hellmouth first. Either way, we have time to prepare ourselves."

"So the Watcher’s Council could take care of Angelus and Lindsey for us. By the time they’ve finished in Sunnydale, it’ll be too late." Spike grinned, thinking of the power they’d all receive once his plan was fully achieved. America would never be the same again. Spike’s attention moved to Xander, as Riley left the office to go about his business.

"How’s Graham doing then, pet?" Spike leered. Xander twitched at the mention of Graham.

"I don’t think he can take it anymore, Sir." Graham had yet to be turned into a vampire, so, of course, the human wasn’t doing too well. Numerous rapes and beatings had made the ex-marine crawl into himself. The only person Graham felt close to was Xander, the only person who made love to him, instead of fucking him. Graham had confided in Xander, his feelings, how’d he rather die than live the rest of his life like this. Xander had been in tears when Graham had asked Xander to ask Spike if he could be turned.


Graham had his own room in the mansion, right next to Spike and Xander’s room. He knew Riley had his room, but had no idea where it was. Spike and Riley were the only vampires who lived in the manision, with other minions to wait on them hand and foot. Riley was the vampire that filled him with the most fear. His ex-friend took the most pleasure in fucking him, leaving
him on his hands and knees, with cum tricking down his legs.

Half an hour after Graham was fucked, as many times as he could, Xander would come into his room, and do his best to clean him up.

"Was it bad?" Xander asked, as he ran a wet cloth over the ex-marine’s thighs.

Graham nodded. "Why…why do you…go back to him?" A month ago, Graham would never have asked such a question, but now he could trust Xander.

"I have to. And, I, uh, want to, I guess. Anything’s better than what I had." Xander focused on the task at hand, than the memories of his family, Sunnydale, and Angelus and Lindsey that flooded his mind.

"I can understand that. My father used to…and everyone’s heard the stories about the marines." Graham stood, wincing at the pain in his ass, but decided to ignore it. "Xander, I have something to ask you. Something important."

Xander followed Graham to the other side of the room, away from the door, and possible eave-droppers. "Sure, you can tell me anything."

"This…this life…I know you had something to do with bringing me here…Riley told me…but I don’t care…just…can you get Spike to bite me?" Graham blurted out the last sentence, fresh tears flowing down his cheeks.

Xander started to cry too, well aware he had become very emotional since the beginning of his life with Spike. "You’ll be dead, you know that, right? Your soul will be gone. You’ll just be a demon."

"I know that, but I was thinking, there has to be something Spike can do. All my time with the Initiative, and I met a few vampires that were more human than demon. It has to have something to do with the turning process. Maybe you could persuade him that I’d be better like that, than a normal vampire."

"I could try, but I’ll have to use some…sadistic reasoning to convince Spike."

**end flashback**

"There’s a way to do that, but why would I want that?" Spike asked, still perched on Riley’s desk, taking a drag from his cigarette.

Xander pouted, giving Spike his puppy dog eyes. "You said I could do anything I wanted with him, Sir." Xander walked over to Spike, and stroked his arms through his leather jacket.

"I did, but humour me. Why do you want him like that?" Spike pressed his semi-hard cock into Xander’s thigh.

"It’ll be easier for me to control him. And I figured if he was more human, he might suffer more. I thought you might like that." Xander grinned, cupping Spike’s erection through the leather trousers.

"You know me so well, pet." Spike laughed, placing his hands on Xander’s shoulders, pushing him onto his knees. "I’ll do it, if its what you want, pet."


"He agreed to it." Xander walked into Graham’s room, knowing he was safe as Spike was still working with Riley. "He’ll do it when he gets back."

Graham swallowed, fear overwhelming him. "Listen, Xander. Thanks for everything. You helped me when you didn’t have to. I appreciate it."

Xander smiled. "It was nothing. But just so you know, this doesn’t change anything. You’ll be evil, no matter how human you feel." Xander moved closer to Graham, pressing his body against the older man’s. "You’ll be mine. I can do anything with you, and you’ll beg me too. At least, that’s what Spike wanted me to tell you."

"I…I don’t understand."

"Spike wants me to be this sadistic little boy, and, hell, I guess I am since I stay with him, but having that kind of control over you? Not interested. Don’t get me wrong, I expect respect from you, but I *won’t* rape or abuse you. And I’ll see what I can do about getting Riley to stay
away from you."

Graham watched Xander as he said this, and the boy’s eyes told him Xander was telling the truth. Deciding words couldn’t fit for this occasion, Graham nodded in reply.


Riley stalked into his office, slamming the door behind him.

"What the fuck do you want?" Riley snarled at the vampire standing in front of his desk. When the uninvited vamp turned around, Riley recognised him as their Hollywood contact. "I’ll assume you’ve got news."

The younger vampire nodded, never once looking Riley in the eye. "Yes Sir, I do." The vampire remained standing as Riley sat behind his desk.

"Spit it out, Marc."

"S-sorry Sir. We now have control over Paramount Studios, and we have began turning smaller name actors. We predict that in one to two months we’ll have the majority of Hollywood under control, Sir." Marc rushed through his statement, as if it were rehearsed.

"You can leave now." Riley muttered, not looking up at Marc. Once Marc had left, Riley picked up the phone.

"It’s Riley. We’ll have Hollywood in a couple of months. But there’s something else."

"Luv, if we’re getting Hollywood, the other news can’t be that bad." Spike replied, a chuckle in his voice.

"We’ve got a leak somewhere. Someone on our side is giving information to Angelus."


"I told you Spike would fall for it. He always was a dumb shit." Angelus growled, standing over his Childe, Lindsey, who’s perfect naked body was waiting to be invaded. Lindsey was on all fours on their bed, Angelus kneeling behind him, teasing his Childe’s willing hole with his hard cock. "Now we’re prepared for the Watcher’s attack, and we have a chance at taking all of Spike’s work so far."

"Please, Sire, please fuck me. I need you in me, touching me, Sire." Lindsey begged, his cock brushing against the mattress, only making it harder.

With one quick push, Angelus buried himself to the hilt inside Lindsey, just as their was a knock on their door. Angelus grunted an invitation, knowing who would be on the other side of the door. Smiling at the screams he elicited from his Childe, Angelus grinned as a brown haired man walked into the room. Angelus withdrew out of Lindsey, only to slam back home again.

"Report." Angelus grunted.

"Sir, Spike will have control of Hollywood in under two months. I’ve also managed to gain the trust of Graham Miller. He asked me to get him turned, but he’d rather be more human than demon." The man checks his watch. "Spike should be turning him around now."

Angelus grinned again, slamming faster into Lindsey, and screaming his completion. Pulling out of his Childe, Angelus walked over to the brown haired man, leaving Lindsey panting and hard.

"You did well, Xander."