TITLE: Truth or Consequences

AUTHORS: Salustra and Pet

E-MAILS: Salustra: goddess_salustra@juno.com; Pet: spikespet2001@yahoo.com.


PAIRING: Angel/Spike

SUMMARY: An answer to GhostForge's Anniversary Challenge #4, which starts: When Angel is poisoned, only blood from his Lineage can cure him...

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Thank you to Ghostforge for the wonderfully inspirational challenges. This one got us, the schmoop chicks, to actually do some angst.

DISTRIBUTION: Various lists and Wierd Romance RP- BtVS/Ats RP http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WierdRomance, and on our website, http://www.geocities.com/pet_salustra/FateDestinyAlwaysForever.html. Anyplace else is fine, just let us know where it is going.

SPOILERS: Season 5 Ats: Nothing specific.

DISCLAIMER: We don't own any of these characters; they belong to Joss and ME. We really wish we could borrow Spike and Angel for a little while though.

FEEDBACK: Yes please.

Truth or Consequences
by Salustra and Pet

Angel stops at Harmony's desk and taps it. "Blood in a mug, hand it over...meeting to attend."

Harmony hands Angel his usual morning mug of blood. "Here you go, boss!" She chirps.

Angel rolls his eyes and walks to his office and into the conference room. He throws the files on the desk and looks at everyone. "So what do we have?"

Fred chirps, "I've just been running tests nothing real exciting."

Angel nods and picks up his mug looking at everyone else.

Wes nods. "Some pesky small cults are popping up that might prove to be troublesome, but we're doing more research on them. Not enough information to move yet."

Angel nods again and takes a few gulps of his blood. But before he sets the mug back down it slips from his fingers onto the table and his vision starts to blur, his equilibrium falling off. "Oh this isn't good."

They all look at him, concerned. "Angel, are you okay?" Wes asks. "What's wrong?"

Angel opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. His eyes blur totally, and before he can even lift a finger his body collapses to the floor, his eyes open but far away.

Fred jumps up and screams, "ANGEL!!"

Spike jumps up. "Back off. Taking him to Medical." He picks up Angel in a fireman's carry with a groan. "Someone open that door!"

Wes moves quickly to open the door and Spike moves out. He gets him to Medical and the doctors take him.

A short while later a doctor comes out and speaks to the assembled gang. "He's conscious now. Some sort of poison. We've replaced his entire blood supply and it's helping some, but it's in the tissues. Some sort of magical poison. If you could find the original poison, it would help."

Wes looks up. "The blood! He was drinking right before..." and gets up, heading up to the office.

Fred wrings her hands, her voice soft and stuttery as she babbles, tears barely restraining, "You said he was awake? Is he talking? Can he move? Can we see him?"

Spike moves over to put his arm around Fred. "Yeah, Doc. What she said."

The doctor nods. "Certainly. But don't strain him."

The assembled gang pours in where Angel is propped up in a hospital bed.

Angel waves weakly with one hand his other scratching the back of his neck. "Hey."

Fred lets a few tears fall now she runs to the bed throwing her arms around his neck. "My handsome man...oh god Angel I was so scared...I'm still so scared."

Angel smiles softly and pats her back as much as he can in this position Fred's body and the wires and tubes limiting his movement. "Hey, still right here."

Fred sniffles and hiccups, nodding but not letting go.

Spike looks over. "Good to see you awake. Damn but you're heavy to carry."

Angel looks at Spike and simply nods. "I blame it on the bulk." He keeps rubbing Fred's back, looking at her. Feeling a bit embarrassed about all this, he speaks to Spike again. "Thanks for bringing me up quick though."

Spike shrugs. "No problem, mate. Consider it payback for giving me the second car after I dumped the first one in the drink." He smiles.

Lorne speaks up, "How you feeling, Angelcakes? You had us all pretty worried there."

Angel looks at Fred again almost afraid to give any negative response as she hugs him, but he takes a unneeded breath, then talks. "My eyesight comes and goes. Not as fast as when it happened but in small gradual bouts. There isn't any pain just my muscles and eyes and everything. But they don't know the extent of the poison and since it's in my muscles they think pain will start as they well..." Angel trails off and looks at Fred again, telling the guys without words he didn't want to continue with her here.

Spike speaks up. "Hey, Fred? Maybe you should go find Wes and help him with the poison. You know, you being science girl and all."

Fred lets go of Angel, covering her mouth. "Oh, oh yeah...I mean yeah...I'll go help Wes. I didn't think, sorry, sorry. I'll help you I will I swear." Fred jumps up and rushes out.

Angel smiles then looks at Lorne and Spike. He tries to cross his hands over his chest, but the wires pull, so he just lets them fall and says without emotion, as if it's nothing, "As they deteriorate. The doctor says it's highly probable."

Lorne looks down and says nothing.

Spike purses his lips and nods. Then he says, "Don't you worry, Percy and Science Girl will figure it out. It's what they do. And then we'll fix it."

Angel just nods and starts to fiddle with the blankets.

Lorne speaks up. "I guess we should let you rest, my Prince. The doc said not to strain you. Come on, Spike."

Spike nods and looks at Angel. "Be down later, mate. Bring you one of your books or something."

The two of them head back into the corridor.

Angel closes his eyes and whispers. "Prince...prince of lies...that's who I am. And now the lord brings his punishment upon me. Never a Shanshu." He threads his fingers in the blankets rubbing them back and forth as he starts to sing softly. "Over in Killarney Many years ago, My Mother sang a song to me. In tones so sweet and low. Just a simple little ditty, In her good old Irish way, And l'd give the world if she could sing that song to me this day. Toora loora loora, toora loora li, Toora loora loora, hush now, don't you cry!Toora loora loora, toora loora li, Toora loora loora, that's an Irish lullaby."

Lorne stops in the hallway as they leave and turns to Spike. "Heard him sing...Spike. He's scared. But he's ready to die. Not good."

Spike shakes his head. "Definitely not good. Doesn't sound like Angel. Something must be really wrong."

Lorne nods. "I agree. The big guy usually doesn't give up this easy."

Spike growls. "Must be something else going on here. I hope they come up with something on that poison soon."

"You and me both, kitten. Until then, though, all we can do is wait."

The two of them head on together, talking as they go.

Meanwhile, in the lab....

Fred holds a vial and smiles at Wesley. "We need to try this one now...I know...I know I was close-- that last one almost gave me a clue I swear it. You mixed up everything like I asked right?"

"Exactly as you instructed, Fred. The magical tests should be back soon as well. I have the whole staff working on it." Wesley says.

Fred puts the vial's contents into little slots and watches as yet again the colors change to a negative color and not a positive one. She slumps onto her stool and takes her glasses off, distressed.

A woman comes in then and hands a file to Wesley. "The test results," she says, and walks back out again. Wesley looks them over and sighs. "Fred. No more tests. We have the answer. Everyone needs to meet down in Angel's room. Gunn should be back as well. Call everyone, would you? I'll see you down there."

A short while later everyone is assembled in Angel's room. Wesley sits down on a chair next to Angel. "We have the results. We know what it is, and how to cure it."

Angel who looks a bit paler than before but still sitting up, nods. "Well then, lets hear it."

Wes nods. "It's a nasty little piece known as Ichor of Draughir. It's a specific poison used on vampires, ingested, in the blood. It's slow and degenerative. But it *can* be cured." Wes sighs. "That's the good news. The bad news is that it requires Lineage blood to do it."

Spike shrugs. "How is that bad news? I'm of the line. Hook me up and let's go."

Wes shakes his head. "No. It has to be close. Sire or Childe only. Your blood won't do it."

Angel looks down nodding. "Yeah, your blood won't do it. So that means Drusilla then. Rest of my childer are dead."

Gunn nods. "We already starting a search for her, Angel. We'll get her here I promise. I'm already drilling the staff and the blood suppliers to figure out how you got the spiked blood to begin with. I'll flush them out."

Fred smiles and walks forward, taking Angel's hand, rubbing it. "See, Angel? You'll be better in no time, good as new."

"Good as new. So you looking for her and scaring the staff. Drill Harmony already?"

Gunn grins. "Saving her for me."

Angel smiles a small smile at that.

Wesley nods. "Until then, the docs will keep up with the complete blood changes every 12 hours. It will slow the degenerative process. And I'll work on some elixirs to help with the other effects. We'll beat this."

Spike nods. "Definitely. It's what we do."

Lorne smiles. "So keep your spirits up, Angelcakes. You need any dancing girls or anything sent down to keep you busy?"

"No thanks not much for girls...I mean dancing girls...I'm good...maybe a book though and a stereo tired of the whir of machines." *Angel says*

Spike produces a book from his duster. "Well the book I have. Brought you the one that was on your nightstand. I'll get your stereo down here next. And all your Barry Manilow cds." He grins.

Angel grabs the book and rolls his eyes, he knows Spike is having fun at his expense but Barry saved him more times then he could count from staking himself, so Spike could mock. "Thanks...don't go out of your way though."

Fred sits and looks at Angel's face. "You're so pale...maybe more blood...would more blood help that?"

"It all gets flushed anyway, Fred. I'm all right ok--no pain or anything yet." Angel says.

Fred nods, quieting, and looks at her hand holding Angel's.

Angel squeezes her hand. "Hey, it's ok, Fred. We'll find Dru and then cure me before you even know it."

Spike nods. " 'Course we will."

Wes clears his throat. "Perhaps we'd better all clear out and let Angel rest. I'm sure we all have work to get back to."

Fred looks up, wipes the tiny tears forming, and smiles bravely as she strokes Angel's cheek. "My hero, my shining white knight who rode in a gallant horse and saved me. We're going to make you better."

"Of course you will. Now go on go back to work-- don't worry about me."

Fred nods and hugs Angel, getting up and leaving, looking back once more before she disappears.

Angel looks at the others. "If you can't find Drusilla you make Fred go on vaction or an away assignment understand? Can't let her see me die."

Gunn steps forward. "Ok, Bossman, but no dying on my watch. I will find her no one here is letting you die. You're a Champion. This isn't your death."

Wes shakes his head. "No it isn't. We'll find her." He gets up and motions to everyone to follow him outside. When they get down the hallway, he stops them.

"This could be a long process. Drusilla *was* being watched by Wolfram and Hart until a few months ago. She somehow slipped surveillance and hasn't been seen since. So finding her could be tricky. Can't let him brood on this. Someone needs to keep him company. Keep him distracted."

Spike raises his hand. "Me. Not like I have an actual *job*, unlike you sods."

Lorne speaks up. "No offense, Spike, but you piss him off at least half the time."

Wesley smiles a half-smile. "Actually, Spike, I happen to think you're an excellent choice. Because you irritate him. You'll keep him busy and keep him from thinking too much. Start pointless debates. Anything."

Spike nods. "Got it. First gotta go get his stereo, though. Poof does love his Manilow."

Angel fiddles with the wires and tubes. He doesn't understand medicine. He supposes it has to do with not needing it *ever*. A perk of being an undead being that never aged or got sick. But for some reason now something as simple as poison held his very unlife in the balance. It was ironic and also very poetic. He looks at his book and he can smell the residual smells of Spike on it from the time he held it. He rubs the cover and berates himself. Why didn't you just say...be out of here in five minutes probably if you did. But he knows why. He didn't for the same reason he never has. He can't let it be known.But even at this point the many reasons why all blend and he can't remember the first excuse from the latest so he just closes the box that holds his many secrets and opens his book. They'll find Drusilla or he'll die-- he can't risk anything else.

A short while later Spike barges in with a large box and starts setting up a compact stereo system. "Glad you bought the tiny stuff. Electronics are so good nowadays. Remember those massive old consoles, that were like furniture? Things took up a lot of room, and were heavy as hell. Not like these dinky little things."

Angel keeps reading. He makes a singular noise of disinterest and he turns another page.

Spike snorts. "Yeah, thought you'd be grateful. See you're a bastard even in a hospital bed. At least you're 'aving to wear one of those horrible gowns that has your big arse 'anging out it."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you. Would you like a hug too?" Angel says sarcastically. "And don't make fun of me in this frock. I told them I had no problem being naked-- even told them I was the damn C.E.O. and I should be allowed privileges like not being humiliated. They thought different. And my ass isn't hanging out." Angel says with a huff.

"Yeah. Right. I'm a skinny little thing and *my* ass was 'anging out. So yours has to be. But you might try the naked thing. Would certainly cut down on visitors. Or might get you more. You never know."

Angel looks up from his book, his face already annoyed. "You just love calling me a fat big bastard don't you? I can't help it your under-nourished since like forever. And leave my ability to attract or scare away visitors out of this. I know I'm a sex god thank you." Angel silences then and coughs going back to his book.

" 'ave it your way, then." Spike finishes assembling the stereo system and pops in a Barry Manilow cd, his live album, and sits down at a table, pulling out a deck of cards, starting to play solitaire.

For the next hour and many page flips with no actual reading of words being done and quiet singing along to Barry, Angel looks up at Spike and makes his voice sound put-upon. "Is there a reason you're here?"

Spike looks up. "Yeah. I'm your designated nursemaid. Everyone else has jobs so I got the short straw."

Angel snorts. "Well, here, let me save you the trouble. I'm 277 years old I don't need a nursemaid and I definitely don't need you. So go on and go do your thing. Drink, whore, be a total worthless ass-- you know the usual Spike thing you do. No need to watch over the Peachy Wanker or whatever the fuck you call me nowadays."

Spike chuckles. "No good. More scared of Wes right now than I am of you, and he threatened me unless I made myself useful. So you're stuck with me. Besides, someone has to change out your cd's and bring you new books and so forth." Spike goes back to his cards.

A delivery guy walks in. "Uhhh, someone here order pizza?"

Spike smiles. "That would be me. Beer there too?"

"Yeah, a six pack." "Great, bill it to this room. Give yourself a whopping big tip too." "Thanks!" the delivery guy says, setting down the pizza and leaving before Angel can say a word.

Angel's eyes flash and he growls. "Well wasn't that cute? I stopped buying you shit ages ago. Plan on paying me back while I sit here dying? No, why would you? Maybe you would like to cut off the machines and watch me dust instead."

Spike chuckles. "What a terrible person you think I am. Want some pizza, maybe a beer? Doc said it was ok. I asked."

"As far as I know, maybe you did this to me. Some divine sick game so you could pull up a seat and watch while my friends think you're just playing innocent. So no, keep your piss water and your food. I also still act like a Vampire where you act like some kind of genetic crossbreed fuck-up. Which reminds me-- when they find Drusilla, I'll have to torture her for making you to begin with. My life would've been ever so less complicated."

Spike laughs out loud. "Yeah, right. Mr.Broody-atoning-fuck never-has-any-fun? *You* act more like a vampire? At least I enjoy what pleasures I can. You seemed determined to torment yourself. Might as well wear burlap and beat yourself with a scourge like some medieval monk."

Angel snarls, picks up his book to his face so he can't see Spike, and he mutters. "You're the only thing that torments me. And I'm fucking doomed to never be rid of you. Pain in my apparently big, fat arse."

Spike chuckles. "Other way around, mate. Never been in *your* arse." He waggles his eyebrows.

Angel lowers the book slowly, his eyes blank. "Don't remind me." He goes to pick the book back up and a sharp quick bolt of pain hits his side. The book drops as Angel grabs his side hissing.

Spike moves and catches the book before it hits the floor. His eyes meet Angel's. "Pain started already?"

"Maybe I've just been sitting up too long," Angel offers as a way to avoid the unavoidable admission that indeed the pain associated with his deterioration was beginning.

"Yeah. Probably. I'll put on that jazz album of Barry's you like so much and dim the lights then."

Angel just nods and lays down carefully, holding his side. He pulls the covers up and moves to his side, getting as comfortable as he can.

Spike moves around the room getting things quiet and comfortable. The soothing strains of Barry start up, and then Angel can smell a familiar odor of jasmine.

Angel closes his eyes and smiles a little, then hisses softly as another small shoot goes to his side. He whispers, trying to ignore it, "Good smells, nice music...feeling like I'm being lulled into a false security."

"You are. I'm planning on buggering you later and this is foreplay. Tosspot. Just enjoy it, okay? Relax a bit and we can fight later."

Angel laughs softly he opens his eyes a bit to peer at Spike. "That wasn't a fight-- that was me glorifying in your almost scary likeness to my own style of lulling people into false securities." Angel laughs again then yawns and hisses. He rubs his face into the pillow, then exhales needlessly as he falls into sleep, too exhausted to do much else.

Spike settles down. He can tell Angel is asleep. He eats the pizza and drinks the beer, mechanically. Nothing else to do. He's worried...worried about the wanker, though wild horses couldn't drag out of him how much he was worried. He does smile, a bit, as he inhales a whiff of jasmine. He was glad he remembered how Angel always liked the odor of night-blooming jasmine. He remembers Angel coming to comfort him while he was recuperating after Dana cut off his hands. Even listening to the Sex Pistols with him. Damn the man anyway. He's allowed to take care of people but no one can take care of him. Eventually he lays down on the cot in the room and drifts off to sleep himself.

The night goes and morning passes into afternoon and Fred walks in softly, sitting on the edge of the cot, nudging Spike's leg, whispering. "Spike. Spike, wake up."

Spike sits up. "Wha?" He shouts, eyes bleary. "I was just resting my eyes!"

Fred giggles and covers her mouth, peering at Angel to be sure he was still sleeping, then turns back to Spike, her voice still soft and low. "It's ok, Spike. The nurses desk said Angel and you have been asleep a while. I just want to know how he was doing and give you the latest news."

"He's fine," lies Spike. "So what's the latest?"

Fred smiles and starts to babble softly, clearly a bit distressed over her news, but glad to hear this bit of comfort. "Oh, good, good, good. Well the news isn't spiffy but since he is still good then I don't have to worry so much. But Gunn he said no go yet...and Wes he widened the search but we can't spare as many searchers because most of them went out last month for a big dig. Gunn's angry said he didn't." Fred makes air quotes, " `Sign no darn form for no darn dig and he was gonna darn well break some darn hands.' But he didn't say darn. But lesser people but we're trying really hard to find her."

Spike smiles at Fred. She was really the absolutely sweetest person he had ever met in his unlife, and one of the few who ever believed in him. "I wouldn't expect any less, sunshine. Do me a favor?"

Fred smiles. "Of course Spike what is it?"

"When you see Wes ask him to drop by here, okay? Wanna see how he's coming on those elixirs."

Fred nods. "No problem. I will. Going to see him here soon to let him know I dropped by to tell you the news. I'll tell him then." Fred hugs Spike and stands. She looks at Angel. "He looks so peaceful and still." Then she looks back at Spike. "Take care of him." She leaves to go talk to Wes.

Spike nods. *He always does when he sleeps. Lost the human habit of breathing before I even knew him. I've still got it, though. It irritates him no end.*

Spike cleans up, putting in a classical CD, something soft, as he putters around the room, humming softly with it. He remembers going to see it in concert with Angelus, in 1889. The girls were gone. He smiles at the memory.

Angel opens his eyes slowly and he whispers tiredly, "Have I been sucked into the past?"

"The wonders of the bloody digital age. Nice to see you still remember, though. It *was* a lovely concert." Spike plops down in a chair next to Angel.

Angel sits up with a groan, really slowly. "Contrary to popular belief, I'm just old and not senile. I remember everything. I just choose to ignore or deny most of it."

Spike lifts an eyebrow. "Yeah. Speaking as the number one target of most of that, I'm familiar. So, whaddya wanna do today?"

Angel rubs his eyes and goes for broke. "Move to New Orleans and die in peace without you, wires or tales of my seedy past."

"So sorry. I can order some Cajun food if you want though. Or we can act out that time in the Bourbon Street brothel."

Angel groans and looks up at Spike. "I *said* away from my seedy tales Wil..Spike. So how long have I been out anyway?"

Spike looks over at the clock. "About 12 hours. Long enough to have all your blood replaced."

Angel cracks his neck. "That's probably why I don't feel so bad. Any news about my wayward Childe?"

"Nope. Got every available searcher on it, but no news. Fred dropped by to tell me. I asked Wes to come down...maybe he's got some elixirs ready for the pain."

Angel shakes his head. "Don't want his mojo potions thanks. That's the kind of thing that got me in this. Potions, elixirs, poisons. This isn't Romeo and Juliet. I'm a Vampire not a romantic. Just kill me for fuck sake. Don't play with me first. Undignified being stuck in this bed. 277 years and nothing's really touched me short of a soul that was a good thing. And this is what will kill me. Have to say I'm a little bitter."

"Stubborn berk. You sure as hell made me use his nasty potions when I was stuck in the hospital bed. Oughta feed 'em to you when you sleep. It'd serve you right." Spike sighs. "And fuck, yeah, you're bitter. Good for you. Life sucks. Feel free to vent. It'll do you good."

Angel glares at Spike and he starts to tug on his wires, pulling them free and starts on the tubes. "You know what? Go to hell, Spike! I don't need your bullshit and I don't need this fucking room. If I die I die-- I don't fucking care. But I'm tired of listening to you and smelling sterile shit, so I'm going to *my* room to dust and be done with it."

Spike climbs onto the bed, eyes flashing. "Hell no you don't. Fucker. Bloody bastard. Not gonna fucking give up on *my* watch." He straddles Angel as frantic nurses and doctors rush in. "Do I have to fucking hold you down?"

Angel punches Spike once hard in the face, then goes to punch him again and it's weaker as clear signs of fatigue show on his face, and he screams in outrage. The nurses grab his arms and the doctor shoots him in the arm with a sedative and Angel's eyes glaze and he falls limply back to the bed. The nurses start to re-wire and re-attach all the tubing.

Spike pants unnecessarily and climbs carefully off the bed. He sits, rubbing his jaw. Angel was weakening fast. *Very* fast. Unless he missed his guess they didn't have as much time as Wes seemed to think.

Wes came down later. He looks over at the sleeping Angel. He nods, sighing. "I heard." He hands over a bottle to Spike. "Three drops in water whenever there's pain."

Spike nods. "There's pain. And he's getting weak. Really weak. Pull out all the stops, Wesley. He doesn't have all that bloody long."

Wesley purses his lips. "Yes. I suspected as much. I'll try. We'll all try." He sighs again and leaves.

Spike watches quietly over Angel as he sleeps.

A few hours later Fred comes back in with a vase of flowers...jasmine, roses, and daisies-- her own personal touch. She smiles at Spike, then places the flowers next to Angel's bed and sits on the edge, stroking his cheek. Her face is tired and sad but she has the sweetest smile upon her face as she gazes at Angel. She starts to sing softly, "A lovely twinkling message is in the stars that shine, Give me your tomorrows, and I will give you mine. The stars all nod their heads, and the moon has closed his eyes, To a lullaby of love's design."

Spike listens and then comes over, putting his arm around Fred. "That was bloody beautiful Fred. Too bad he's already asleep."

Fred settles her face in Spike's chest and she starts to sob out, "I knooooww...I sang it just in case I can't sing it to him ever aggggaaaiiinnn."

"Shhh. Shhh. Don't cry, Sunshine. Aw please don't cry. There's still time." Spike strokes her hair and gently cradles her against him.

Fred sniffles and hiccups and pulls back to look at Spike. "I overheard Gunn and Wesley talking. Everybody always tries to protect me. Why did he try to leave here when he knows he's sick? Why does Angel want to die?"

Spike shakes his head. "Dunno, sweet girl. Not like 'im at all. 'e's normally a fighter. Maybe it's some side effect of the poison or something."

Fred sniffles again and looks back at Angel, whispering, "I think he's sad and lonely. Sometimes at night he will just sit in his office and he seems so far away. In a memory from his past. He doesn't tell us much about him. I mean Wesley has the Watchers diaries. But Angel told Wesley those books were ridiculous atrocities of bullshit. Pardon my French." Fred smiles at the memory and looks at Spike.

"Can you tell me some things about him? I mean you're part of his family aren't you? The what was it Aurelion, Aureles...darn what was it?"

"Aurelius line. Yeah." Spike sits down and pats his lap for Fred to climb on. "Sit down and Uncle Spike will tell you naughty bedtime stories. 'Cause the Watchers missed as much as they caught, and got a lot of what they saw wrong."

Fred sits on Spike's lap meekly and properly and seems excited and starts to babble. "Ready...this is awesome. I know Angel's faces, guilty faces, bored faces, happy faces, broody faces, angry faces...but no Angel stories."

"Okay. Big bad secret. No telling-- especially Angel-- that I told you this stuff. But...back when I was William and he was Angelus...we were lovers."

Fred's eyes widen. She gasps but claps her hand over her mouth and mutters between her fingers, "Really?"

"Yeah. And since we were having to hide it from Darla, we were pretty discreet. Plus...Victorian age, Victorian watchers. Unless they had seen us actually shagging the fact that we were lovers would never have occurred to them. He really was a terrible perv, seducing a sweet innocent boy like I was then. Never even slept with a *woman* before Drusilla."

Fred look back at Angel full of wonder and says in awe, "Angel was a pervert?" Then she looks back at Spike giggles and says again, "Angel was a pervert. Did you I mean did you..like..like.." She trails off unable to say it.

Spike sighs happily. "Yes I did...once he got around to convincing me into doing it. And I took some convincing. I may have been a vampire but I was stubborn in letting go of mortal morals."

"Wow...I mean...wow Spike. But why...why do you two fight so much now then? If you two were so close...well close enough to be lovers, what happened?" Fred asks.

"He left, Sunshine. When he got his soul he up and left without a word of explanation. All I knew is that the man who was my sun, moon, and stars abandoned me. By the time we met again I hated him. I don't hate him now but... it'll never be the same. Too much between us. Besides, I remind him of the bad old days, and he hates that."

Fred sighs sadly and hugs Spike. "That's so sad Spike." She pulls back, climbs off Spike's lap and leans over, kissing Angel's forehead, then she walks back to Spike, rubbing his hand. "But I understand something now."

Spike looks up at her. "What's that, sweet girl?"

Fred touches Spike's heart with her other hand. "People who love each other fight like that when they have lost their ways. See they never stop loving, Spike, they just get lost and need to find their way back." Fred drops her hands and smiles sadly. "He stares off into space at his desk because he is lost and needs to find his way home. So I understand. Goodnight Spike. Take care of him." Fred blows a kiss then walks out.

Spike coughs after she leaves, wiping at his eyes. "Not crying, damnit. Got something in my eye." He shakes his head. "She reads too many romance novels."

Angel opens his eyes and they are bloodshot. His face is haggard-looking now that it is moving and not still, and his voice is cracked. "Who?"

"Fred." Spike says, trying not to let the concern show in his face. "She brought you flowers. And you missed a really nice lullaby."

Angel coughs and looks over, smiling weakly. "I love that girl. She's lucky I have a soul I swear. She would've been turned and made into my childe the second I saw her otherwise." Angel coughs again.

Spike smiles back. "Yeah, you did always know quality. Percy, now...he'd make a scary vamp."

Angel laughs, but that only sends him into a mad coughing fit that sends blood splattering out of his mouth. He sits up and covers his mouth to stop anymore coming out. He gestures for a tissue.

Spike brings him over a tissue and watches as he coughs out the blood. "Better call the docs to up your blood input."

Angel shakes his head and says weakly. "Just give it up Spike. I'm going to die. Drusilla isn't here and that's it. Let it go. I'm ready."

Spike shakes his head angrily. "You taught me how to fight and I've never seen you give up before. Why now?"

Angel wipes his mouth angrily and tries to yell but it only comes out in a strained low hum. "Because there is *no* *other* choice Spike. Now fucking get out and leave me alone..*please* and let me have this in peace."

"Hell no. If you're gonna dust I intend to be here til the fucking bitter end. Damnit. Not gonna let you give up. The solution could come walking through that door in five minutes. You don't know it's hopeless. Neither do I."

Angel throws his tissue at the wall and screams but his voice cuts out. He starts to take shaky and unneeded breaths. When he calms, he says in a tone not heard in a very long time, "Will, get the fuck out now."

"Already. Said. No. Fucking. Way." Spike says.

Angel, with the last bits of strength he can muster, grabs Spike's collar and wrenches him forward to spit in his face angrily, "You. Will. Do. As. I. Say. Boy. I am your Sire and my word is law."

Spike raises an eyebrow. "No. Drusilla is my Sire." Then he looks in Angel's face, and realization crosses his own face. "Isn't she?"

Angel realizes what he just said. He pushes Spike away, which causes another cough fit, and he tries to pulls the wires out again, his actions becoming hysterical.

Spike straddles him again, holding his arms down. "Don't you dare! You bloody wanker! What did you mean?"

Angel wheezes out, not looking at Spike, actually paying a great deal to make sure he doesn't look at Spike, "Nothing, ass. I'm dying and apparently going stark fucking crazy. Whoo hoo! Get off. I'm not dying in this room with you and your delusions of grandeur." Angel coughs again and tries to pull his arms free.

Spike shakes his head. "No. No. No. You couldn't even fucking look at me. SON OF A BITCH! I'm your fucking Childe! Been sitting here watching you die and you could've stopped it at anytime just by saying three fucking words ! Why? Was I not good enough? You ashamed of me? What the bloody fucking buggering hell is going on?!"

Angel finally pulls his arms away. He closes his eyes, his jaw ticking. When he speaks it's softly and with regret. "I just never found the right way or right time to say it, Will."

"Not bloody good enough. Let me sit here...watching you die...fuck..." His eyes tear up. "Not good enough. Rather die than admit it. You must really hate me. Fuck if I'd give a bloody drop to heal you, since evidently I'm barely good enough to spit on."

Angel opens his eyes and says coolly, but his voice wavers, "Then get the fuck out and leave me alone to die like *I* deserve William. You don't know anything..not a fucking thing understand?" Angel starts to shake and his voice starts reverting to his brogue. "So dinna presume to tell me how I feel or what I did or how it all came ta pass because ye don't know anything. Let me die then I deserve it and that's what I've been trying ta say but NO. William has ta be stubborn and not listen like usual."

"Yeah. You'd like that. 'Cause it would prove you right about me. About all the things you've said. How I'm useless and stupid. How you are ashamed you ever had anything to do with me. Fuck, you can barely even stand to look at me most days. Probably only let me stay around here *this* long 'cause you felt guilty. Fuck you. Not gonna let you win." He walks over and presses the emergency button on the wall. "Get Wesley, Fred, Gunn, and Lorne down here. Tell them I can cure him."

Angel roars, his gameface struggling to come to the fore, and he spits out, tears coming to his eyes, "You dinna have any right, Will! My choice. Do ye understand? Just let me die, you little spiteful son of a bitch. It's your revenge boy-- why don't you take it? Just fucking take it, Will, please--PLEASE!!"

Spike looks over. "You don't understand revenge. Hell, dying is the easy way out for you. Can't let you have it. Besides. I'm gonna get the fucking truth out of you. And you have to live long enough to give it to me."

Angel struggles against his wires giving it all he can-- then his body gives out and he just turns on his side, curling into a ball.

Fred runs in, then sees Angel, and looks at Spike. "What did your message mean Spike. You said you were Angel's grandechilde didn't you?"

Wes piles in shortly behind her. Spike looks at Wes. "I'm his Childe. Just found out, no time to explain. How do I cure him?"

Wes nods. "Need to get your blood into his veins." He steps outside and comes back with a large hypodermic. "Directly would be best. Hold out your arm."

Spike does and Wes draws out blood and injects it into Angel, directly into the jugular. He repeats it twice more. Then he goes over to the emergency buzzer. "Bring down ten units of human blood, freshest, any type, preferably warmed." He looks at Spike. "To be on the safe side we need to give him as much as possible. So we'll have you drink and then keep drawing and keep giving it to him, all right?"

Spike nods. "Yeah. Whatever." His voice is flat and hard.

Angel starts laughing weakly, then a low and disturbing laugh, walking that fine-tuned line that borders hysteria and complete madness.

Fred moves close to Angel and kneels so she can look at him. She notices teardrops falling and she whispers in concern, "Angel, Angel what's the matter? Please talk to me."

Angel whispers, "Tis not my name lass."

Fred reaches out and strokes Angel's hair. "What's your name, Angel? Tell me."

Angel laughs again and hiccups. "I'm the Prince of lies, lassie." Then he starts laughing again and he buries his face in the blankets.

Fred looks desperately up at Wes.

Wes takes Fred's hand. "He's very weak and sick and in pain, Fred. He'll feel better after he's cured and had some real rest."

Spike wants to say something spiteful, but holds himself back, seeing Fred's face. Instead he just looks over at Wes as the blood is wheeled in. "Let's get on with it, then." Spike drinks the warm human blood as Wesley keeps drawing and administering Spike's blood to Angel. It takes a while to do and Lorne and Gunn both wander in while it is happening. They have the situation explained to them and watch silently along with Fred. Finally it is done and Spike walks over to the cot and collapses, exhausted, falling asleep. The others try to talk to Angel but he just lies there.

Finally Wes says, "C'mon, let's let him rest. Probably needs time to heal," and herds everyone out, leaving a sleeping Spike in the room alone with Angel.

Angel just lays there, staring at the same spot he has been since he stopped laughing. He can't do anything else. He feels Spike's blood roaring inside him. His Childe's blood. The Childe that didn't even know he was his Childe until today. And just as he predicted hated him more when he found out. Angel can't blame him—hell, Angel can't even argue. Angel wanted to die. Angel still wants to die. He thought when the truth came out it would be as if a weight lifted but it hasn't lifted it has only piled ten times the weight. And he is bowed down by too many emotions to count, let alone sort.He moves finally rolling to sitting. His body zings and ebbs, and burns with a fire that shouldn't've been used for the first time again in this way. He sighs and closes his eyes and starts to pull the uneeded wires and tubes from his body until all that is left are tiny rivulets of his cured blood running down his arms. He stands on automatic and looks as the sun sets and he feels sick somehow that he is here to see another pass in this steel monolith. He walks over, grabs his clothes, and slips them on-- his movements robotic and without emotion. He moves to the cot and looks down at Spike, his eyes stormy, then they fade out as he turns and leaves the room. He will sleep in his own bed, let his mind close down until, as he knows will happen, Spike will find him and demand the answers he as Angelus should've provided so long ago. About how William came to pass to be part of the Clan Aurelius.

Several hours later Spike wakes up alone. He sighs. *Couldn't really expect him to stick around for the Inquisition, could ya now? * He gets up and prowls through the building. It doesn't take him long to discover that Angel went to the penthouse. He stops in Angel's office, taking off his duster. "Don't want you in the line of fire," he says to it. "You stay safe now." Then he steps into the elevator and goes up. He steps out, able to smell and sense Angel more sharply than ever. *Must be the blood transfer.* He thinks. He walks into the bedroom where Angel lies sleeping, and he sits down to watch until he wakes. He sees that handsome face that used to be the world to him and he cries, softly, as he waits for him to wake.

No more than a hour after, Angel opens his eyes slowly and says neutrally before they even focus, knowing he is there, "Hello, William."

Spike's eyes are still red but his tears are long since dried. "Hello, *Sire*."

Angel, who now sees Spike totally, nods slightly as if he expected this. He throws the covers aside to reveal his naked form. But he is not trying to impress. "Good, bitter then-- I can do bitter." He gets up and walks to the dresser where he takes out a pair of cotton pajama pants and slides them on. He turns back to Spike and gestures to the living room. "This way for the answers you seek."

Spike gets up and stalks quietly into the living room, pacing around as he waits for Angel to come in.

Angel comes walking out a minute later carrying a few boxes all with covers and all neat and clean. He sets them down and looks at Spike. "We'll need these later. Are you hungry?"

Despite himself, Spike is touched by Angel's thoughtfulness. "Yeah, a little. Took it out of me, the whole having blood drained biz," he says in a soft tone.

Angel nods walks to the kitchenette, getting out a blood container, pouring some into a mug and setting the mug in the microwave, saying softly, "Well, you could've avoided that, but you apparently felt otherwise."

Spike closes his eyes to avoid crying again. "Yeah. I'm stubborn that way. You can hate me for that all you want. Been watching your face for the past hour though and I'm not sorry I did it." He voice is still soft but a little tremulous.

Angel chuckles but it has no mirth. He takes the mug out when the microwave beeps and he brings the mug to Spike, holding it out. "Yeah, the one with the angelic face. Have to say not so fond of that anymore. Here drink."

Spike reaches out and takes the mug, somehow knowing where Angel's hands are without looking. He sips the warm blood. "Yeah, well call me a bloody nancy-boy if you like but I woulda missed it."

Angel pulls a plush chair forward close to the coffee table, separating him from Spike on the couch. He sits leaning back and propping his feet up on the coffee table. He doesn't lounge often if at all. But he will for this. Better to be as relaxed as possible for what he knows will be his finest story of just how much a bastard-- as Spike likes to call him-- he is. "So where to begin?" Angel sighs and continues. "I guess the beginning is best. The first, the start. Do you remember the first time you saw me?"

Spike's eyes open finally. "The day I was turned. When I bumped into you and yelled at you."

Angel nods and looks intently into Spike's eyes. "Yes, good. Now, the real question here. The one you really need to ask yourself, is when did I first see you?"

Now Spike sits up, alert, inquisitive. "When?"

"A long time before that day Will. 277 years and I know exactly the day the month, the year. But trust me I knew you, before Drusilla even laid her eyes upon you I knew you."

Spike breathes out noisily. "Why? How?"

"Why? You know why Will. How...clearly by accident. You were with your Mother and Father at a function. Darla and Drusilla and I were hunting like usual. We were at a function across the street. The chances of that were rare at best. A party across from a party. But everything with you and I since that day—well, you know how that goes. But I had fed and dropped my victim as I did then-- hunting was becoming tedious and boring. I longed to move and I had implored Darla for weeks just for that thing. But I'm glad she didn't or else I wouldn't of saw the dirty-blonde-haired boy sitting by a window with his glasses, looking meek and shy and all alone. I wouldn't've been sucked into your vacuum. I would've never admitted to that then. That, that was what happened. But I can now. Then I chalked it up to being devilishly curious and extremely addicted to innocence and purity," Angel says, talking sure and slow, taking great care.

Spike's eyes widen. "If Father was still alive...then...four years, at least. I was eighteen when he died."

Angel nods and looks away towards the window. "Yeah about that. Do you remember how he died?"

Spike nods. "Yeah. Beaten to death. The police figured it was a mugging gone bad, must've fought back."

Angel looks back and shakes his head a bit, saying softly, "No, actually-- he didn't have a chance to."

Realization hits Spike. "Ohhh." He sits for a minute. "Did me a favor, I guess. He used to hit me mum. I hated him for it."

"I know, I knew everything. For all those years if I couldn't watch I had someone watching. I knew you loved your Mom but I was soulless and driven and as long as he never touched you I let him be for your sake. But...but when that minion ran to me and said there was trouble. Telling me his argument with you was going further and escalating to the point of one of your father's arguments with your mother before he would hit her. I never ran so hard or so fast in my unlife to your home. I got there in time to see him hit you. He left shortly there after. He didn't get far. He went down a side street and I caught him off guard-- beat him till he died then beat him some more for clarity. I never saw a darker red then I did that night. All because he dared to hit you...ONCE..Once was all it took."

Spike shivers. "I remember that argument. I was eighteen and I was going to be a man and stand up and get him to stop beating Mother. I thought it was divine intervention when he ended up dead the same night. Guess I was right...in a manner of speaking. You always did say you were my only God." He swallows hard. "You were already that obsessed over me?"

Angel leans forward now and clasps his hands together, looking at them. "I was obsessed from the minute I saw first saw you in a window. And it grew steadily each and every day. Will, you have no idea. That's why I say that. That you have no idea just how much I did to have you."

"So give me a bloody idea. You've most certainly gotten my attention with that little opener," Spike says.

Angel stands now, walking over to the liquor stand, pouring himself a glass of whiskey, tipping it back, then pouring himself another, and then he comes back and sits. He takes unneeded breath, then begins. "Well, you know about how far back it was, four years. You know about your father's death. Did you ever wonder about the mysterious money or gifts you and your Mother received-- the clothes, the furniture, the wads of bills that just appeared disguised as charity?"

Spike shakes his head. "No. I was a bloody useless poet spending my time mooning over a girl who couldn't have cared less about me. Just took it as providence providing for us. Thought maybe it was some of Mum's relatives propping her up without wanting to take credit for it."

Angel shakes his head. "No, wasn't them-- say hello to your provider." Angel tips the whiskey glass in Spike's direction, then slams it back. "And then there's *that*, of course."

"There's what?" Spike asks, puzzled.

Angel leans back again, propping his feet back on the coffee table. "Well, Cecily of course, Will. How do you think she knew about you? About how you felt everything, your poems, your love for her?"

"From my poems, of course. Couldn't have been any plainer or more obvious about it." Spike sits and looks over at Angel. "You had a hand in that too?"

Angel's eyes flare now with a fire that, if Spike looked close enough, he would know was the very fire of jealousy that used to stoke in Angelus' eyes every time young William transformed into a new version just to spite him once things began to sour once Darla had found out. And this new creature Spike would parade and mock and do anything to cause Angelus to roar his anger to the rafters-- which more often than not were shows of rubbing and fliritng with men or women to get his very deepest demons seething. "Yes I did. You fell in love with a stupid, ugly, uptight girl who would never love you, never treat you with the tiniest amount of respect. She thought she was so much better than you. She would've rather spit in your face than speak kind words. So one night I had come upon her walking with some friends on the way home from a function and I had used my wiles on her. Then I had showed her one of your many poems about her. I had told her how you loved her so she would confront you and finally speak her mind about how she felt about you. And she did as predicted at that party. I was ready for you then anyway. It was time and I laid the pieces and she did her part I had already set the stage with Drusilla putting her mind just where I needed it to be. And when you left crying and weeping you fell into my trap-- right into me. And she saw you just as I knew she would and she remembered my words just as I knew she would. And then there's the end. Do you want to hear the end?"

Spike nods, his voice a mixture of awe and amazement as he says, "Yes. I very much bloody would."

Angel taps the side of his glass as he speaks the last of the tale. "Ok, then the end it is. As you remember Drusilla had followed you into that alley. She had spoke to you, did her little show and promised you so many fine things. You remember her biting you, drinking-- but that's where it ends for you. And that's how it was so perfect for me. Because it was all orchestrated, Will. I had taken Darla to a prime feeding ground and as she toddled off to find her meal, I ran back down the road and into that alley. I made Drusilla stop. I had her cut her wrist I told her to wipe it on your lips and she did and I said 'Voila lass-- you made a Childe. Now go on, find Darla, and I'll take care of dear William.' She had kissed me and clapped and talked about her soon-to-be Prince and ran to do as I bid her. As soon as she was gone, I bit into your neck, drank until you were almost dead, then I bit my wrist and fed you and you died. My Childe-- as I planned, as I wanted. The rest you know."

Spike sits, absorbing, nodding. "Yeah. Yeah. All but the important question. The big one. Why didn't you tell me? Was I such a disappointment? Good enough to be a lover but never a Childe?" Spike's voice is raw with emotion and his eyes red-rimmed as he looks up at Angel.

"I didn't tell you for the same reason we hid our love affair from Darla, Will. If she had found out I made another Childe. God, she probably would of staked me after she killed you horribly. I infuriated her wrath with Drusilla. I couldn't dare do that again but I did. I risked everything for you from start to finish. I did it all behind her back and it wasn't easy. Then eighteen years later I got a Soul and I didn't want to be near you because of the guilt-- so why would I tell you when I was disgusted with myself for doing everything I did to you to begin with. Then all this time passes and here we are hating each other and what was the use to spit it out?"

"You never got it, did you? Why I fight with you like this? Why I give you shit every single day? If I *hate* you so much what am I still doing here, in Los Angeles, spending every day with you?"

Angel stands and holds out his arms. "Like you said, Will. Revenge, punishment. You want me to pay for it, all of it. You being without me for so long. Me walking out on you without the why. And when I popped back up how I ignored and treated you so poorly right before disappearing again. Then again-- by then you knew about the soul. Then the souless period where you got the crazy pyscho. So I guess I figured just that. You're making me pay for it, your pain. And I get it, I understand it, I deserve it. And now you have saved me from death to suffer just a bit more. It's poetic." Angel points to the boxes on the floor. "Those are things I collected when you were human. Clothes, poems your threw out. They belong to you." Angel sets the glass down and picks up the decanter of Whiskey and starts to walk to his room. "There's your story Will, as I promised, now take your things and get out."

"No. That's not why. And you're going to listen to me at least once before I go. All I wanted...all I've *ever* wanted, my whole bloody unlife...is for you to be proud of me. To think I was worthy. But...you always made it clear, with the little jibes, how *unworthy* you thought I was. 'Oh, you'll have to forgive William, he's a little dim.' 'Oh, you'll get the hang of fighting eventually, boy, even if you'll never be up to my standards.' Then when we met back in Sunnydale...you didn't even have enough respect for me to figure I'd smell your damn *soul*. I guess 'cause you fooled me on that sub. Musta busted a gut laughing over that one. No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, it'll never be good enough. I *died* saving the world and your only response was, 'Come back when you've done it a few more times.' I've stayed here hoping I could somehow make you see, but you're never going to see me the way I want you to. I'm never going to be good enough for you. Finding out I was your Childe was just icing on the cake. It let me know once and for all to drop my illusions and stop hoping you might change your mind someday. Because you would rather have died than let me know." Hot angry tears pour down Spike's face as he speaks, and his vision blurs so much he can't even clearly see Angel anymore.

Angel stops turns and looks at Spike. He knows that because of Spike's tears he can't see him, so he reverts to his brogue. "Will, no matter where ye have been or what I've said, lad, I have always felt the same as the first moment I laid eyes on ye. That ye are perfect beyond measure. Beautiful, strong, and true. No one was ever above ye. And I had never loved or obsessed or wanted to possess anything like I did ye. I was proud of ye, I was so proud. Your were my Favored Childe Will. Just because the world never knew didn't matter. I did Will-- I did. I wanted to die because there is no solution to this-- what I kept from you. There's no fixing it and there's no forgiving it. Everything I ever said to hurt ye it was only a cover so no one would find out and hurt ye. I never even cared about my dying." Angel grabs the door knob. His brogue drops and it's his normal voice again "But if you need to know and hear it once more I have no trouble saying it. I'm proud of you Will. Everything you've done, everything you went through and been. And you're worthy-- you've always been worthy. It was never a question." And with that, Angel goes into his room, closing the door behind him. The sounds of the shower being started can be heard.

Spike wipes away the tears, breathing deeply in and out, struggling to come to terms with everything that has passed in this room today. Then he pulls the boxes over to him and starts looking through them. Clothes. Old journals. Carefully smoothed bits of paper he had discarded with rough drafts of poems. And finally, the reconstructed bits of the book of poems he was destroying in the alleyway the day he was turned. He just sits there, staring at, picturing Angelus grubbing in the dirt of that alleyway collecting bits of paper. Then Angel...carefully repacking and carrying these boxes with him everywhere he has wandered. He sets the book down and stands. He walks carefully and quietly into the bathroom and strips off his shirt. Then his boots, then his jeans. Then he quietly slips into the bathroom. Then into the shower, wrapping his arms around Angel from behind and kissing his tattoo.

The soap slips from Angel's fingers and he freezes. "What are you doing?"

"Forgiving you. You know me, man of action. Figured this would be more persuasive than a lot of words."

"Kissing my tattoo would be more persuasive?" Angel asks, knowing full well what a dumb stupid question it is, but not daring think anything else.

"For starters." Spike kisses it again and licks it, knowing full well what that does to him. "There was more to the plan than that, of course. I've got a lot of forgiving to do. Probably take hours."

Angel shivers, smiles and chuckles-- then the guilt sets in with the voices. Spike is only doing this because you're a hero and your friends will be sad if you turn into yourself and become useless. This is nothing more than pity. Angel takes the arms off his waist and turns, looking at Spike, his eyes blank. "No, you don't have to do this and I'm not going to let you. This isn't the old days and you don't owe me anything. We don't have to fight anymore, we can be friends but not this Spike, not this." Angel turns off the shower and grabs a towel and starts to towel himself dry.

"So those boxes were just nostalgia, then?" Spike says, swallowing hard. "You've really stopped loving me?" Spike steps out of the shower. "Stupid me. Guess I really *am* a moron." He starts to walk back into the bedroom to get his clothes, not stopping to dry himself.

Angel runs out and grabs his arm, turning him around to look at him. "Why do you do that? I never said that did I? I never said I didn't lov......." Angel trails off, grabs Spike's other arm, and pulls him a bit closer, resuming. "I never said you were a moron, I kept those things because I wanted them. They are more than nostalgia."

"Are they? I walked in here because I thought... maybe... maybe you'd kept them for so long because you still had feelings for me. That maybe we could make everything right again and stop hurting each other. So I walk in and lay my fucking heart out, like a fool, and you tell me it's not possible. That we can't be that way again. I may be stubborn Angel but even *I'm* not that stubborn. I mean, a bloke walks in naked and throws himself at you and you tell him to get out, that pretty much means you don't want him."

Angel growls and pulls Spike closer. "Why does everything have to be about you? What Spike feels, what Spike wants, how Spike was wronged? Did you ever stop to think that I might be afraid? That it has nothing to do with how much I want you? Because trust me Will I want you. I want you all the time, it's a catalyst to most of our arguments nowadays so I can cover. I do still have feelings for you, endless goddamn feelings... I'm just fucking scared. I've done it all wrong, everything and I'll do this wrong too. I've told you everything-- spilled my guts out-- and I could spill my heart out just as easily with three words. But then you have all the power, and when you decide you don't love me anymore-- if you even do, or you're going to finally really pay me back. I have nothing and I'm truly dead. So yeah, the mighty Angelus is scared. You happy?"

"No. No I'm not," Spike says softly. "So how can I prove it to you? That I love you. That I never stopped loving you, not for one damn minute. That I dreamed about you every damn night after you left. That I still dream about you. How can I prove it? Tell me and I'll do it."

"You don't have to prove it to me and even if you did I don't know how. But at least you can say it. Me-- I've always felt it and I've never said it." Angel sighs and moves to the bed. Sitting on it, he runs his hand through his hair. "And all I want to do is say it. Proof is minor for god sakes-- when humans need proof they marry for gods sake. Vampires-- we maaaattttee....." Angel trails off.

Spike moves in then, wet, naked, smiling, eyes glistening. "So *that* would be proof, then? Mating?"

Angel swallows and looks up at Spike and squeaks out, "Maybe."

Spike climbs onto Angel's lap, straddling him, wrapping his arms around his neck. He moves his mouth up to kiss Angel gently and then whispers against his lips. "Maybe. So are you saying *that* is what you want?"

Angel shudders with the feel of Spike's skin against his, and he whispers, "You're trying to distract me with skin and touches. Maybe, maybe means that's a definite way to prove it...but...but do you want to I mean...everything we've been through. This is a big step, Will."

"Let me ask you some more questions first and we'll see. I've already told you I never stopped loving you. Is there *any* time that you didn't want to be with me?"

Angel tilts his head and looks into Spike's eyes. "When I got my soul I made myself believe I didn't want to be with you. But it was a lie-- just like all the hate I've professed to having, all the disdain. I made myself believe I did, but I didn't really truly mean it. But this question runs deeper doesn't it?"

"Yeah. But go with me. Ever have say...as long as a week pass without thinking about me?"

Angel's eyebrow quirks* "No, I always think about you in some way or another-- always."

"Ok, so let's sum things up-- you think I'm perfect, you said. Beautiful, strong and true. No one above me. I'm your favorite Childe. You never loved or obsessed or wanted to possess anything like me. You've always wanted to be with me. You've never stopped thinking about me. I've always loved you, worshipped you, respected and craved your respect above all others, dreamed about you, thought about you, and wanted you. So the question is less should we get mated than why the bloody hell aren't we mated already?" Spike grins, his eyes dancing.

Angel smiles. "Stupidity maybe?"

Spike laughs out loud. "Or stubbornness. So yes. Yes, bloody buggering hell yes I want to mate with you. There, I said it. So now it's up to you. Do *you* want to mate with me?"

Angel straightens himself, takes a deep unneeded breath, and looks at Spike lovingly. "Something else first, ok?"

Spike nods. "Okay. Shoot."

Angel nods and lifts his hands to cup Spike's face. "I love you." Then he leans over, kisses Spike softly, then chants against his lips. "I love you, I love you, I love you Will."

Spike purrs happily and looks into Angel's eyes. "Been waiting over 120 years to hear that. It was worth the sodding wait. I love you, Angel."

"Okay now I can answer that question yes, yes Spike I want to Mate with you. I want you to be completely mine in all ways finally as it should be."

Spike shivers and his eyes glow as he looks at Angel. "If I still had a heart it would probably give out from everything that has happened today. From the pits of despair to the pinnacle of ecstasy. So when do you want to do it?"

Angel looks at the invisible watch on his wrist. "What are you doing in five seconds?"

Spike laughs and grins. "Apparently getting mated."

Angel laughs hard, flips Spike to the bed, and grins down at him. "Sounds like a plan to me." He calms, reaches out, and strokes down Spike's face. "I love you, my beautiful boy."

Spike sighs happily and touches the side of Angel's face and replies with a voice full of love, "And I love you, my Sire."

Angel rolls his eyes dramatically, but the warm smile never leaves his face. "You're so sappy." And then Angel is on the bed, the towel thrown aside, his body hovering over Spike's as he looks into his eyes. "Say it again for me."

"I love you, my Sire," Spike says, purring hard.

Angel grins, purrs and rubs his face along Spike's. He reaches over to the nightstand, opens the drawer, and takes out the bottle of lube. He opens it and covers his fingers as he whispers in Spike's ear, "Spread your legs for me, Will."

Spike spreads his legs apart and strokes on Angel's chest. His already half-erect cock is hardening fast. "Still Will? Still your beautiful boy?"

Angel nods and kisses Will's ear, then his nose, then his lips, as his fingers reach down and start tracing around his hole. "Still Will, still my beautiful boy, always my beautiful boy."

Spike moans and his hands continue to stroke down Angel's body, finally brushing across his cock.

Angel's eyes flutter and he presses his finger against Spike's hole and starts to push it inside gently.

Spike hisses in pleasure. "Mmmm. Too damn long since I felt that. Entirely too damn long." He wraps the fingers of one hand around Angel's cock and strokes across the head with the other.

Angel moans now as he joins another finger with the first inside Spike. He thrusts and stretches them as he looks into Spike's eyes. "Know....what....you...mean...self control already wavering."

Spike groans and shivers. "Want me to stop?"

Angel shakes his head firmly. "Don't you dare. It's just how much I want you. Please don't stop."

Spike nods. "Didn't really want to stop. Feels so good to touch you again." His hand starts stroking up and down Angel's cock, slowly and gently.

"I can relate, trust me." Angel says as he pushes a third finger inside Spike and brushes them over his prostate.

Spike cries out and arches against Angel. "Yes!"

"God I missed that, do it again for me." Angel says as he rubs his fingers slowly over Spike's prostate now.

Spike arches hard against Angel. "Angel!" he cries out. "Damn. Almost forgot how good it was when you did that."

Angel hums, kisses Spike, and removes his fingers, lining himself up slowly, pushing inside Spike after so long, panting needlessly as he revels in the ecstasy of it. "Oh god, Will."

Spike clings to Angel now, kissing and licking his neck, his hard cock rubbing against Angel's stomach. "Home. You came home."

Angel whispers, his eyes clear and open as he starts to move slowly back and forth, "I came home baby boy...I came home."

Spike wraps his legs around Angel's hips, hooking his ankles together at the small of Angel's back. He pulls against Angel, wanting him deeper, wanting him as far inside as he can possibly be. "Only yours. Never was anyone else. When a god touches you-- you don't go back to mortals."

Angel's eyes glisten and he moves harder, deeper wanting as well what Spike wants, the words spurring him, making his heart sing. He reaches between them and grasps Spike's cock in his fist and he starts to pump in time. "And when you touched me I never loved anyone else, no matter what-- I never really loved anyone like you. You're everything to me...forever. You're my forever."

Spike nods, whispering almost reverently, "Always and Forever."

Angel's movements begin to become erratic and he whispers, "Soon baby boy, soon, we have to do this soon. At the same time we bite each other ok?"

Spike nods. "Yes." He shifts into gameface and waits.

Angel shifts into gameface. "Now."

Angel and Spike slide their fangs into each other throats at the same time, moving perfectly together. They can feel the teeth penetrate as they begin to drink the blood of the other, Sire and Childe. At the same time, they cum, exploding in bliss, moving together as one, the bond between them never stronger or more glorious. The moment seems to last forever until finally their orgasms are done and they pull out their fangs together, quickly licking the wounds closed.

Angel just lays on top of Spike then, wrapping his arms around as much of him as he can, and he whispers, completing the bond, "Mine."

Spike nods. "Yours." Then he looks more deeply into Angel's eyes. "Mine."

Angel nods. "Yours."

Spike kisses Angel then, softly, tenderly, passionately. He doesn't do anything but kiss him for a long, long time. He finally pulls back. "Mated now. Happy?"

"Yeah, really *intensely* happy." Angel looks up then and grins, saying mockingly, "Should I be scared?" Then he looks outside and acts scared. "Don't think it will rain, do you?"

"Better not. I'd hate to have to stake you," Spike grins.

Angel gets a look in his eyes and they start to sparkle he sits up and covers his mouth halfway, looking back and forth. "Oh no, oh no we must prevent this. Quick, give me the lube." Angel holds out his hand and shakes it frantically, his face filled with amusement.

Spike raises an eyebrow and hands him the lube. "Here you go. Planning to fuck me some more to prevent it?"

Angel opens the lube, his face now getting that 'I'm about to do a evil deed' look. He pours it onto Spike's cock and starts to stroke. Once Spike's cock starts to grow hard Angel levers himself over him, guides Spike's cock to his hole and starts to push down, panting out as he lowers. "No, I plan for you to stake me to prevent it."

Spike's eyes get wide. "Sire. You know. You Sire. Me Childe. Uhhhh.... isn't this sort of thing against all sorts of bloody Lore and rules and everything?"

Angel keeps moving until Spike is completely seated inside him and he rolls his eyes playfully. "You're inside me and this is what you think about? We're mated, equals in *everything*. Now are you going to take advantage or ape speak me some more? Let me worry about lore."

Spike closes his eyes and swallows hard. "Ok, *mate*. Just a little much to wrap my mind around all at once. It's not like my cock is disagreeing." He starts moving in and out of Angel, starting slowly, moaning in bliss. "Fuuuuuuuuuck. So fucking tight. This is some secret plan, right, mate with me, then kill me with your sweet tight ass."

Angel laughs and moans all at once as he wraps his arms around Spike's shoulders. "Damn no, but that's a good one-- wished I would've thought of it."

Spike chuckles. "Ok. I've definitely performed a miracle now. I'm fucking you *and* made you laugh, all at the same time." He presses harder and faster, working deeper so that he hits the prostate.

Angel's arms tighten and he jerks, screaming, "FUCK ME!!"

Spike can't help it. He laughs. "Pretty much thought that was what I *was* doing." He thrusts up hard again, over and over, hitting the prostate again and again.

Angel slaps Spike's head as he sets his own on Spike's shoulder, panting out, "Idgit...oh god…oh my god...harder...harder Will."

Spike pulls his knees up to get more leverage as he thrusts harder and deeper still, starting to slam into Angel's ass. He chuckles internally. *I'm fucking...he's still in charge. As it should be.*

Angel cries out in ecstasy and he threads his hand in Spike's hair, pulling and flexing his fingers in it.

Spike arches his neck and then moves his hand down between them, gripping Angel's cock. He starts to stroke, knowing he himself won't manage to last much longer in Angel's tight ass at this pace.

"Oh no, oh oh oh...oh Will too good need to...oh god cum, cum now with me, with me!" Angel screams as he bucks, his internal muscles tightening as he cums hard.

Spike cums at the same time, shooting deep into Angel, his eyes rolling back in sheer pleasure. "Annnnnnnggggeeeeellllll!"

Angel slumps into Spike and he starts to laugh again.

"What's so funny?" Spike asks.

Angel says between giggles* "Who knew staking could be so fun."

Spike loses it then, dissolving into fits of giggles, not stopping until he finally yawns.

Angel laughs with him, never feeling so happy and able to laugh like this since he was human. When Spike yawns, he moves off him, groaning a bit at the loss. He rolls onto his side and holds out his arms. "Come here, Childe. Come to your Sire."

Spike scoots over into Angel's arms. "This is familiar." He purrs as he settles against him.

Angel hums as he covers them up with a blanket. He throws his arm over Spike's waist, pulling him tight against him and nuzzling his face into Spike's hair. "It is...sleep now, Will. I love you."

"I love you," Spike says sleepily as he nestles in, licking Angel's neck. He slowly drifts off to sleep, still purring.

Angel falls asleep close behind, lulled by Spike's purring.

Spike wakes up the next morning, held tightly against Angel. He grins and purrs. Some things never change. It was a *really* good thing he didn't need to breathe. He decides to wake Angel up the old-fashioned way and starts licking his neck.

Angel hums and smiles as he opens his eyes. "Good morning you. Sleep good?"

"Better than I have in ages. Never did learn to sleep well alone." Spike purrs and rubs his head against Angel's chest.

Angel kisses the top of Spike's head. "Me too, having you against me, listening to you purr. I didn't know how much I missed it til I had it again."

Spike smiles. "Guess I need to move out of my little apartment soon then. 'Cause I don't intend to sleep alone again if I can bloody well help it."

Angel tightens his arms around Spike, his voice firm. "We're mated and together again. You will not live in the rat hole. I'll help you move today after work. Which reminds me-- we have to shower and dress. The guys will be waiting for a meeting soon."

Spike nods. "Totally there with you. But you'll kinda have to let me go first before we can shower and dress." He grins and kisses Angel.

Angel sighs and lets go of Spike. "Well if I have to ok."

Spike smiles and cocks an eyebrow wickedly. "There's always showering together. Save time that way." He chuckles.

Angel chuckles evilly. "You're wicked, William."

"I am. So is that a yes or a no?"

Angel's voice reverts to his brogue. "Are ye suddenly forgetting who I am lad?"

Spike giggles. "Right." He gets up and starts sauntering to the bathroom, shaking his ass provocatively.

Angel laughs. "There now, lad, you're getting it." He gets up and follows.

Spike plays with all the knobs, getting the temperature just right as Angel slides in behind him. "Now *this* is right decadent, mate. Six showerheads. And fortunately, plenty of room."

Angel hands go right to Spike's ass cheeks, squeezing gently. "You know me. I must have the best of everything. I never settle for less."

Spike moans and he shivers at Angel's touch. "That include me?"

"You better believe it." *Angel says as he collects soap from Spike's hands into his own, bringing them back to soap his cock and line himself up. "Ready to remind me just how fine a choice I made?"

Spike purrs and nods, leaning forward and bracing himself against the wall of the shower. "Ohhhhhh, most definitely ready."

Angel leans over to Spike's ear and whispers as he starts to push inside him, "That's what I like to hear."

Spike shivers. "Fuck, never get used to that sexy whisper. Does it to me every time." He pushes back against Angel, feeling his massive cock sink deeper and deeper into him.

Angel shudders and grips Spike's hips. "God, it's good to be reminded."

Spike nods. "Ohhhh fucking yes. Too damn good." He cries out as Angel hits his prostate and his own hardening cock goes rock hard.

Angel grips Spike's cock and starts a punishing pace. "Love when you make those sounds for me, god I love it. I love you...only you do this to me Will, only you."

Spike moans and whimpers and pushes back harder against Angel. "And only you do this to me. Damn want you all the way inside me, so deep you can't come out again. Bloody hell I want you so damn much, need you, love you, crave you all the time."

Angel uses his vampire strength now, trying to give Spike what he wants. His cock drives deeper, farther, the excitement spurring him on, the muscles gripping him like a vise as he jerks Spike's cock hard in his fist. "So good, so tight, mine, all mine."

Spike pushes back with his strength. It is the first time he has been able to truly let go in far too long. "Yours, all yours, oh fuck can't last long like this, too good, too good, so big, hands so good, all this too much..."

"Cum for me Will, cum for me my Childe." Angel whispers, standing on his own precipice.

Spike throws back his head, screaming, "SIRE!" as he cums hard against the tiles, his brain exploding with stars of bliss.

Angel cums with him, his head buried in the center of Spikes back and he shutters and jerks his climax.

After the violence of his climax it takes Spike a while to come back to himself, Angel clinging tightly to him. "Ohhhh. Hell of a bloody wake-up that was. Feel all ready to face the day now."

Angel nods not trusting his voice just yet as he releases Spike to fall back to his ass. He runs his hands through his hair and finally speaks, his voice scratchy, "Haven't done that in a long time. Need to eat before we leave now. Can't have scratchy animal voice. They'll think I'm souless."

Spike turns around, eyes flashing. "You could snack off me."

Angel holds out his hand. "Come here then."

Spike moves forward and takes Angel's hand.

Angel pulls Spike down to kneel in front of him. "Tilt your neck."

Spike tilts his neck and purrs in sheer pleasure. "Yours," he whispers.

Angel kneels up and runs his hand over his mark, and he nods, speaking softly, "Yes you are." He then changes to his gameface, moving forward to sniff up the side of Spike's neck and lick over the mark. He whispers animalistically now that he is changed, "Mine."

Spike moans and licks his lips. He had no idea how sensitive the marks would be, how just touching them would send jolts of sheer electric bliss through him. "Yours. Yes, fuck, god, yours and only yours." His hands fumble a bit and then his fingers find his mark on Angel's neck, and he strokes gently across it.

Angel purrs, then opens his mouth and slowly lowers his fangs into Spike's throat, taking his time, drinking very slowly from Spike's veins. The slow partaking of blood lets Spike feel everything-- for a human it might be painful, but for another vampire, it's erotic, this slow sucking.

Spike gasps and shivers as Angel drinks from him oh so slowly. "Ohhhhh.... fuck. Angel. Angel my love. Oh this...this....this...yessssss." His one hand strokes Angel's mark over and over and the other moves back to caress his tattoo. They are both arousing the other almost beyond bearing.

Angel keeps taking until he knows he has to stop. He extracts his fangs and pulls Spike into his lap, lowering him onto his hard cock. He morphs back into his human face and guides Spike to his throat. "Now you drink, baby boy. Just let me be inside you while you do."

Spike nods. He whispers, "I love you Angel." Then he shifts into gameface, sniffing and licking, smelling his essence in the mark on Angel's throat. It was there, patently obvious to anyone with vampire senses. Proof that Angel belonged to him, the same as Angel's unmistakable scent in his own mark proved he belonged to Angel. "Mine," he purr-growls. Then he slowly sinks his teeth in, like Angel had done him, and starts slowly drinking, all the time impaled on Angel's hard cock.

Angel moans and runs his thumb up the underside of Spike's cock slowly, "Yours."

Spike keeps sucking, slowly, whimpering in his throat as Angel touches his cock. His hands reach up, stroking Angel's face, his hair, touching tenderly.

"Ummm, I love you," *Angel whispers, keeping his touches sensual and slow, as Spike's sucks are.

This is bliss...as slow and sweet as the first joining of the morning was hard and frenzied. Spike's excitement grows, slowly, and he knows that when he finally lifts out his fangs he will cum again. He strokes his fingers across Angel's lips as his other hand buries itself in his hair.

Angel feels himself growing close without a single tip of his hips inside Spike, and he whispers, his lips brushing Spike's fingers, "Are you close Will? I'm so close, I want to see your eyes, baby boy-- let me see your eyes."

Spike is pushed that last little bit by Angel's words and he lifts his fangs out, licking quickly and lifting so Angel can see his eyes as he cums.

Angel cries out softly as he cums, right behind Spike, "God you're so beautiful, I love you."

Spike strokes Angel's face. "You are my God...my handsome, strong God. I love you." He sits there for a while, just touching Angel's face. Finally he groans. "Damn. We still need to shower and dress and go see everyone, right? We can't just spend the day fucking each other silly?"

Angel shakes his head sadly. "No, we can't. I'm with you though-- it sucks. I promise though, once things have settled, you and I will take a vacation. How does that sound?"

"Heavenly." The two of them get up and shower and dress, stopping periodically to kiss and fondle each other. They can barely manage to keep their hands off each other long enough to get in the elevator to go down.

Gunn taps his fingers against the table. "So do you think they staked each other or maybe one staked the other and the guilty party won't come down to admit?"

Fred gasps and hits Gunn's arm lightly. "Charles don't say things like that."

Wes nods. "Yes, Gunn. I mean, I know they don't get along but I'm sure they just needed recuperation time and time to discuss things amicably. I mean, Spike just found out something Angel has been keeping from him for a long time. I imagine it will be ages until they manage to be comfortable with each other again."

Gunn nods and is about to grow quiet and start humming again when he sees them walking down and smiling. "Or not."

Fred smiles as well when she sees this. They walk in and she notices that on their necks are fresh bites marks and she smiles hugely at them saying softly, "You've found your way."

Spike can't help it. He grins back hugely and chuckles softly. "Got it in one, sunshine."

Wes looks over, confused. "Would someone care to enlighten me?"

Lorne smiles. "So when's the wedding?"

Fred starts to speak as well, but Angel kisses her head, placing his finger over her mouth, then looks to the group. "In Vampire terms it already happened last night. Spike and I have forgiven and forgotten and moved on. He's my Childe and I'm his Sire and we are mated. I do not want arguments or complaints or in not so nice terms, I'll snap your necks, got it? I'm happy and Will's happy and you're going to have to deal with it."

Fred breathes out happily, "I think it's wonderful-- like a fairytale. I'm so happy for you two."

Gunn raises his hands. "Hey, not a word from the black man. Just maybe let me throw you a Congrats party my style and I'm good."

Lorne beams. "Been pulling for you two. Glad to see you finally got around to it."

Wes sighs and shrugs. "No argument, no complaint. Congratulations." His face is carefully neutral.

Spike settles down in his usual seat down the other side of Fred.

Angel nods and moves to the head of the table. "Gunn-- you can throw us a party if you wish. Fred, Lorne-- thanks for your support I knew I would have it. Wes-- why the face?"

Wes sighs again. "I don't wish to throw cold water on your happiness. You certain you wish to hear my opinion?"

Angel nods. "I asked didn't I?"

"You've both just been through an emotional rollercoaster, what with your near-death experience and this sudden revelation, and whatever passed between you two after. It's just that...what if this decision was purely an effect of those strong emotions and you regret it later? Vampire mating is a pretty serious step, as best I understand it, and I would hate to see...repercussions of a hasty decision."

Angel calms his readied nerves. He was ready to snap a neck as promised, friend or no friend, but this, this he can do. "Wes, my and Will's history together has been nothing but a emotional rollercoster. Just because you just hopped on doesn't mean the world if going to cave from what we did. This actually is a good thing in a slew of bad things. There will be no regretting, no repercussions. I love Will and he loves me—there's nothing that could go wrong."

Spike smiles over at Wesley. "Yeah, Percy, what he said, so no more worrying, eh?"

Wesley nods. "Well then, on to a somewhat related matter of business. Drusilla is waiting in my office. She came in this morning just before sunrise, demanding to see, and I quote, the remains of her Sire. She said she felt you die yesterday."

Angel's mouth drops and he looks at Wes like he's grown another head.

Gunn holds in a laugh and snaps his fingers in front of Angel's face.

Fred looks at Wes and places her hand on top of his. "Wesley, maybe you should just bring her in here."

Wesley nods. "I suppose you are right. I'll go retrieve her." He gets up and comes back with Drusilla. She comes in, eyes lowered, face a perfect mask of proper grieving, until she sees Angel. Then she hisses. "I felt you *die*!"

Angel closes his mouth and quirks a eyebrow, this throwing him a bit. "Sorry to disappoint you."

Drusilla thinks for a second. "Willie healed you. His essence must have covered yours. That's why I didn't feel you." Then her eyes and her senses take in the two of them. " Mated?! But... he should hate you, you filthy liar!"

Angel crosses his hands over his chest. "I thought he would. But as usual, Will proved to be a better person again than you or I. But as you can see I'm still unalive and kicking Drusilla. And you don't seem the least bit happy about that and I'm starting to wonder if you had a hand in all this?"

Drusilla moves, snake quick, and grabs Wesley, pulling her to him, her hands ready to snap his neck. "Yes, dear deceitful Daddy, I did."

Spike leaps up. "Drusilla, why?"

Gunn reaches into his briefcase, grabbing a stake, and readies it. Angel holds out his hand and stills him.

Angel then walks forward and speaks softly, "Now Princess, no need for violence, just talk to me. Or at least talk to Will-- you like your Dark Prince."

"Not mine. Never mine. Yours. Always yours. I finally figured that out, Daddy. Remembered how you called him William in the alleyway."

Angel curses himself as he realizes his slip so long ago. He looks to Spike pleadingly to try his hand at it.

Spike starts speaking to Drusilla. "Let Wesley go, Drusilla. He didn't do anything to you."

"NO! Daddy will kill me now, like he tried to do last time. He cares about his little toys. Gotta hold one so I can break it if he comes too close."

Angel walks forward again and holds his hand out. "Princess, please let Wesley go. I'm not going to hurt you. But if you leave me no choice I will have to. Give him to me."

"Swear. Swear on William!" Drusilla screams, eyes wide. "He's the only thing you care about!"

"I swear, I swear on William, Drusilla. Now give Wesley to me," Angel says.

Drusilla lets him go and pushes him towards Angel, backing up and away. "Bad Daddy. Lying to Princess like that. Bad enough you take my Prince from me, make him love you. But he wasn't even mine. You lied. You used me to hide him from Grandmummy."

Angel looks at Wes. "You ok?"

Wes rubs his neck. "Yes. Sore neck, but I'm fine."

Drusilla stamps her foot. "Typical. Care about your little breakable toys more than Princess."

Angel flashes Drusilla a look, then nods at Wes. "Take Fred, Gunn, Lorne and yourself and take a break. Spike and I will talk to Drusilla."

Wes nods. "Excellent idea." The four of them file out of the office, carefully skirting around Drusilla.

Spike looks over at Drusilla, "Princess, don't be..."

Drusilla cuts him off. "*You* shut up! Traitor! You should hate him for what he did but NOOOOO you *mate* with him!"

Angel sits on the edge of the table and just looks at Dru. When he speaks it's calm and collected. "Drusilla, none of it matters anymore. It's over and done and cannot be changed. Accept it or don't-- but you won't change his mind or mine. I'm sorry you're hurt, but I made my choice and so did Will. You tried to kill me and it didn't work. You won't get another chance. Forgive or don't your choice."

Drusilla stands, staring at Angel, hate in her eyes. "How did you do it, Daddy? How did you make him love you and not me?"

"I told him the truth. I stopped lying and holding back from him." Angel says simply.

"No. All those years ago. When he came out of the ground he was a sweet little kitty, only hungry for my milk. Then you took him from me, Daddy. How did you do that? What nasty little tricks did you use? 'Cause I want to know. I want to be able to make me something all mine, like William was yours."

Angel looks at Spike. "I just loved him, above all things. He is everything to me. I never let him go for all that time and I never let him forget. So that when I was gone I was still inside him even then."

Spike looks back, eyes shining, and nods.

Drusilla cries out, "Damnation on you both. Bad, nasty, cruel men! Bad Daddy, bad Prince! I'll leave you to your nasty tricks, then!" She heads for the door.

Angel watches her go. Knowing this is not the time or century for her forgiveness. Once he can no longer see her he sighs, stands and looks at Spike. "Well-- that could've gone better."

Spike shakes his head. "Not really. We were together a century and I never mated with her. Never gave up on you. She's got a lot of hate stored up, and her revenge went *about* as wrong as it could possibly have gone. I'm amazed there was no bloodshed."

"Glad there wasn't. Are you ok?" Angel asks.

"Yeah. More than okay. At least we know who did this now, and why. I'll feel better when we know how she managed to get the poison planted, but yeah. Tell you what, though. I really, really don't want to sit through some meetings right now."

Angel walks over and pulls Spike into a hug. "And I'm sure they won't mind if I take the rest of the day off. Lets go back to the penthouse and climb back into bed-- what do you say? Starting to think we should've never left it."

Spike kisses Angel hungrily. "Excellent idea, Sire." He grins as they walk back to the elevator. "Say, you think you might need staking again? Just to make sure, of course."

As they walk in and the elevator doors close Angel mock clutches his chest, a grin on his face. "Oh, oh there's this desperate feeling...oh we must hurry. He may be trying to claw out...oh, oh my."

The sound of Spike's echoing laughter can be heard as the elevator closes.