Title: The Return Home

Author: CaliaDragon

Fandom: Buffy/Angel

Category: AU

Rating: R

Pairings: Xander/Spike/Buffy/Willow/Faith/Larry

Warnings: Femmeslash, Het, Slash, Extremely Bizarre, violence

Spoilers: None really

Disclaimer: Not mine or Xander would have been nekkid more often.

Archive: Any list I send it to, those with prior permission and BC

Feedback: On list or at caliadragon@myself.com

Series: Part 5 of the Trinity

The 1st 4 parts can be read here: http://www.brain-insane.com/beyondcanon/viewstory.php?sid=95

Trinity 5: The Return Home
by CaliaDragon

Angel, Oz and Wes were running towards the sound of a battle. They were each hoping that, if it involved their friends, no one had been hurt. When they finally arrived they all froze in shock as t hey watched the six fighters taking on the group of fledges and two O'tiba demons. It was amazing the way the seemed to move in sync. What was even more amazing was that both Oz and Angel could sense a blood bond between the six. Three of whom they had been searching for and three that they had not even thought of as in danger. This was more than a little shocking.

When the battle finally ended and the demons had been defeated, almost as one the six turned to face them. Angel and Oz shifted nervously; they both remembered having to run from the Scoobies earlier in the week. "Hey guys, long time no see," Faith said with a smirk.

Oz nodded and Wesley smiled happily at her. "Faith, it is good to see you again," he called and walked to her. Both Angel and Oz sighed as he bypassed their attempts to stop him from getting closer. Xander shared an amused look with Buffy and counted to three. As soon as Wes was close enough, Faith grabbed him and hugged the breath out of him.

"Faith, he has to breathe," Xander said with amusement. Faith laughed and released the stunned Watcher. For that matter both Oz and Angel were stunned by the dark haired Slayer's behavior. They had never seen her so carefree nor had they ever seen the light in her dark eyes that now shone there. After a few minutes Wes grinned at her.

“It is good to see you well, Faith. How have you been?” Wes asked her. Faith smiled brightly at him. Wes was one of the few people in the world that were honestly interested in her welfare. It was one of the reasons she liked him so much.

“I’m good, better now that the six of us have joined. Where are the others?” she asked as she stepped back to her mates.

“I’m assuming everyone has returned or are returning to Rupert’s apartment. Shall we go there as well? I am interested in hearing about the changes in all of you. By the way, welcome home, Spike, Larry, it is good to see you again,” Wes sai d with a friendly smile, curiosity shining in his blue eyes.

The six grinned and the Scoobies wondered why they had ever given Wes a hard time. The younger Watcher was highly intelligent and had a natural curiosity that was well matched to their group of misfits. Xander was the first to walk over to him. He took Wes by the arm and led him back towards Giles’ apartment.

“Well, it all happened with a spell that this really badly dressed demon used on us,” Xander told him with a grin. As they passed Oz and Angel, Xander grinned wickedly at him and the other five followed closely behind, arms wrapped around one another and reeking of sex and power. It was almost enough to make Angel shift into his demonic face.

Neither the vampire nor the werewolf could understand the change in attitude toward Wes and themselves. The six seemed honestly happy with themselves and everyone around them. It was a drastic change from the people they had seen a week ago. There was none of the predator about them, though it was there like an undercurrent of electricity that played across the skin.

The pair followed along behind the group and listened as Xander and the others cut up and teased Wes all the way to the elder Watcher's home. By the time they arrived, they had learned about the claiming of the three people that comprised the mates of the Trinity. None of them would have ever assumed that Spike or Faith would have been included in the hunt for a mate and they definitely hadn’t considered Larry as someone to watch over. Angel felt that that must have been the point.

The show at the club, the chase, even sending Ethan to warn Giles had been an act to get them all where they wanted them. Where they wanted them, was out of the way and watching Sunnydale while they were gone. Angel shook his head in disbelief as he realized just how deftly they had all been played.

When they walked through the door at Giles’ apartment they were all stunned when they realized that Spike hadn't needed an invitation. Giles had rescinded his invitation to the vampire quite a while ago, and yet here he was walking through the door as though it were nothing.

Willow smiled smugly. “Spike can enter anywhere that the rest of us can. He isn’t as tied to the vampire weaknesses as he used to be,” she told him calmly.

They all turned to look at Tara and Anya as they heard a soft exclamation from both women. It was obvious what had happened between the six. There was pain in their eyes. The original Trinity rushed to the two women. Both Willow and Xander took them into their arms while Buffy placed a hand on each of them. “You are together,” Anya said dully.

“Do you want us to leave?” Tara asked painfully.

“NO!” The three and their lovers shouted.

“We want you to stay. You belong here with us, you’re our family, but you’re also meant for one another. Whistler told us so when he hexed us,” Buffy told them. The two looked at one another, before Tara turned away with a blush. Xander snickered at the interested look that came over Anya’s face. Willow and Buffy giggled and pushed the two women together between the three of them.

"Well, I see that you no longer want to hunt us down. I am assuming that the prophecy and the act you pulled at the club was an act?" Giles asked from where he stood at Ethan's side. The six turned to look at him and grinned in unison.

"Yep, Whistler said that we would be stronger together, so he hexed us. He told us that we had to distract the rest of you so that we could get our mates," Buffy said with a light hearted smile for her Watcher.

Giles felt something in his chest constrict. It had been nearly a year since he had seen that lovely light that now shone in his children's eyes. "Why did you have to be stronger?" he asked.

This brought a frown to their faces. "Something bad is coming and it's after our sister. We have to stop the hellgod, Glorificus," Xander told him.

"Glorificus?" Anya asked, and clutched Tara's hand.

Xander and the others nodded. "We know how to destroy her, but it's not going to be easy. If we hadn't united, Buffy would have died fighting her. At least that's what Whistler told us. We need everyone here to fight her and her minions. Will you stay and fight?" Willow asked.

Angel and the others immediately agreed. If there was a hellgod coming, then they were going to need all the help they could get.

The End For Now