Title: Time Turned Backwards

Author: Caliadragon


Spoilers: Indigo on Buffy and latest episode of Angel.

Category: AU Crossover

Pairings: Xander/Graham, Doyle/Oz Spike/Angel

Rating: PG 13 - NC 17

Warnings: Character Deaths, Angst, Slash, Violence

AN: Answer to my own What If Challenge. What if Buffy confided in Xander what happened between her, Wood, Spike and Giles. What if she told Xander everything that was said. And what if those words began to plague on him. I don't remember the name of the episode, but I remember that the big eye thingy said that Buffy, brought on the first evil herself. This will go AU after Indigo. Fred calls back to tell Willow that Cordy has been corrupted by the first. This is the last step for Xander, he sees everyone around him falling apart. Part one of the challenge is that Xander knows magic. Secretly he has been learning it since Buffy's resurrection. He performs a revelation spell that tells him the exact moment that awakens the first and what it was that made Buffy lose hope. Part two: The Spell reveals that Buffy loses hope after Riley leaves town. She really did love him and was unable to express it. Buffy was suppose to call on Angel and the LA gang for help, but pride prevented it. Part three: Knowing the truth Xander performs a spell that turns time backwards back to just after Adam's defeat. Xander must keep Riley and Graham in town and bring Angel and Crew there. In the midst of performing the spell Xander brings with him a savior and a unifier: Doyle. How you put this all together is up to you, but here's the spell.


Time Turned Backwards
by Caliadragon

Chapter 1:

Xander listened as Willow told them all what Fred had just told her. Pain and rage filled him. He looked over to where Buffy and Spike sat side by side. Spike was still covered in bruises and Buffy was ignoring Spike. It hurt to see everything that was happening. His friends were falling apart and now Cordy had been sucked in by the First.

Taking a deep breath he stood and made his way towards the door. "Xander?" Willow called softly. Xander turned back to her and shook his head. He then walked out the door. It was time to stop this all he had to do was find out what started it in the first place and how to fix it.

Four hours later....

Xander sat in the middle of a circle of power. Around him white candles burned at the four corners. In his cupped palms were two clear crystals. Closing his eyes he began to chant.

"Reveal to me the moment of change.
Reveal to me the moment of evils awakening.
Reveal to me what can reverse the awakening."

A few seconds later images and feelings began to play through his mind. Riley getting onto the chopper, the feel of Buffy's heart shattering. Then Glory's coming and Buffy ignoring her instincts in care of pride and not calling Angel in for help, because she didn't want him to see that her life had fallen apart. Then words poured into his mind and a spell took form.

Xander gasped and looked around him in shock as the spell ended. Knowing that he already had what he needed to complete the spell Xander began to chant again and to pray that it worked.

"Darkness has descended
Darkness has called
Evil is taking hold
Send away the evil
Bring back the light
Bring back the soul
Send away the evil
Turn time backwards
Turn time straight
Changed the worlds doomed fate
I offer my blood
I offer my heart
Turn time backwards
Turn time straight
Change the worlds doomed fate."

As the last word is spoken dark golden light fills the room and Xander disappears.


Xander groaned and opened his eyes, for a few minutes he was confused and disoriented. Then memory returned and he shot up right in the bed. Looking around him he wept in relief. He was in the basement. Shock ripped through him as he saw the man laying beside him.

Doyle was a bit startled himself. He looked up at the handsome boy in confusion for several seconds then cleared his throat and sat up. "Hello there, it seems the spell worked." Xander nodded in dazed agreement. They sat further up and leaned against the headboard.

"Okay first thing we need to do is get a hold of Angel and Buffy. We need to bring the LA crew here and keep Riley and his friends from leaving. Then we need to get Spike." Xander ticked off as he rubbed his forehead.

Doyle grinned and looked over at the boy. "Right then, how do we explain to them that I'm alive and that you changed time?" Doyle asked amusement in his voice. Xander looked at him blankly for a moment then grinned.

"Well Angel and Cordy trust you and the Scoobies trust me. So you get The LA crew and I get the Scoobies. Though I think you got the better bet. Then we need to find a way to get Oz back here. The group needs him even if he didn't realize it. Also we need to get our hands on Andrew and Jonathon. I want to keep them from falling under Warren's influence." Doyle shook his head in amazement. Xander was not content with saving a few people, he wanted to save them all.

"I think we should start with those two and Spike first. Then move on to the others. We can chain them up her if we have to." Doyle and Xander snickered over that. "Okay lets go get Spike." Xander nodded in agreement.

The two men stood then froze as they realized they were naked and blushed. "Maybe we should get dressed first." Xander said looking away shyly. Doyle agreed and they raided his closet.

Doyle chose some of Xander's less loud clothing. "I'm getting out of this basement again as soon as possible." Xander growled as he pulled on his clothes. "Shit I gotta break up with Anya. So not looking forward to that."

Doyle winced, the boy had a lot of changes to make and very little time before Glory showed up. They could kill Ben, but neither man wanted to do that. Instead they wanted to find a way to separate the two and kill Glory. To do that they needed to get everyone together.


Chapter 2:

Xander stood outside of Spike's crypt and wondered how he was going to get the vampire to come with him without actually hurting the other man. Looking over at Doyle they both shrugged. Doyle made shooing motions and Xander sighed then knocked on the door of the crypt.

Spike sighed as he heard the whelp finally knock on the door. Unlike the others the boy actually knocked on the crypt instead of just barging in. It was just one of the many things he liked about the boy. Not that he would ever actually admit it. Though he did wonder who the other human with Xander was.

Finally he called, "Come in whelp, before some beastie decides ta eat ya!" Spike heard snickers coming from outside the door and the whelp's rueful laughter. A few seconds later Xander and a man that Spike thought was dead walked through
the door. "Oi! Whelp what's with the dead man look alike?"

Doyle rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Your humor hasn't improved any since the last time I saw you Spike."

Spike raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were dead."

"I was, now I'm not." Doyle told him.

Xander chuckled again and walked over to Spike. "I need you to come stay at my place for awhile. Doyle will go with you. There's a Passions marathon on that you can watch." Spike's eyes widened and he wondered for a moment if something was wrong.

"Why? Somethin wrong?" Spike asked figuring there was no other reason for the whelp to want him around. Especially after the Adam incident.

Xander sighed and thought for a minute. Should he tell Spike the truth?


Chapter 3:

"Let's sit down and I'll tell you everything thats been going on." Spike raised an eyebrow, but sat down in his recliner and watched as the boy found a way to make himself comfortable on the floor.

Taking a deep breath Xander began to tell Spike every thing that had been happening since Adam's defeat. As he spoke Spike surged to his feet and began to pace as he listened in growing horror as the boy told him about the future. Spike cringed as he was told that he fell in love with Buffy, nearly raped her and ran off to get himself a soul. The whole idea sickened him. When Xander got to the part about the First Spike actually whimpered.

When he was finished he waited to see how Spike would react to the news. Doyle was also shaken. He knew why he had been brought back, but hearing all that Xander and his friends had suffered was shattering to the former demon.

"I want to help. We've got to get Buffy to admit she loves the tosser and we need to get Joyce into the hospital as soon as possible. She's a good woman, she invites me over for cocoa." Spike told Xander as he passed.

Xander reached up and pulled Spike down into his lap. Both Spike and Doyle were surprised by this, but Xander didn't give them time to question. "Don't worry about Joyce. I know how to heal her. right know I'm worried about you. You
need human blood or Sires blood to heal from what happened with the Initiative right?"

Spike was confused, but nodded in agreement. He yelped in surprise when Xander lifted him up and turned him around so that they were face to face. "I want you to feed from me."

"WHAT?!" Doyle and Spike shouted at the same time.

"I want you to feed from me. I know it won't set you chip off, so feed. You won't kill me." Xander's voice held utter confidence and trust. That alone was enough to convince Spike that he was telling the truth. The Xander he was used
to didn't trust him or care for him in anyway.

Hunger began to drive at him and Spike could admit, if only to himself that he was starving. When Xander offered his throat to Spike again, Spike tool the offer up and delicately bit the boy's neck.

Doyle watched in bemused silence s Xander fed his blood to the vampire. He feared that Xander's trust was misplace, but Spike stopped after only a few minutes. Doyle released a deep breath and watched as the pair parted.

Spike shivered with suppressed emotion. It had been far to long since he had fed off of a human. It was even more incredible for him that it was offered so freely. From Xander no less. "What do we do next?" he asked euphoric.

"I gather the other two and take them back to the basement and you go there with Doyle. Then I go get the components of another spell and get rid of that fucking chip." Xander told him.

Spike looked at him in confusion. "Why would you remove my chip, are you going to soul me?" Fear made his voice crack.

"Never! Getting your soul drove you insane for awhile. I wouldn't do that to you. However I will bind you so that you can only feed on murderers and rapists, you know evil humans."

Spike gapped at him then laughed with relief.

Doyle chuckled, "There's an idea we need to give to Angel, the broody one needs more than animal blood also." The other two looked at him for a moment before laughing again.

"Look out world here we come." Xander chuckled again and looked at his helpers.


Chapter 4:

Xander waked up to the front door of Jonathan’s apartment and taking a deep breath knocked on the door. He was startled when Andrew opened the door. His chest ached lightly at seeing his reluctant friend alive. Andrew had been killed by a vampire the night before Willow told him about Corrode. Xander had been surprised by how much he missed Jonathan until he was gone.

"m hello, can I help you?" Andrew asked shyly. He was surprised to see Xander Harris at Jonathan’s door. He and Jon had a crush on the good looking boy. Xander was the outcasts hero. Buffy wasn't the only one who had saved people and they knew it.

Xander smiled down at Andrew and nodded. "Is Jonathan here? I need his help with something."

Andrew gapped at Xander in stunned awe. He wanted Jonathan’s help? Cool! "Ah come on in." Andrew said and stepped back to allow Xander into the apartment. When they reached the living room, Jonathan gapped at them. "Xander?" he squeaked.

"Hey Jonathon, listen I need your help with something and I think that Andrew here can help as well." Xander told them as he sat in a chair and smiled

The two boy were shocked. Andrew didn't even think that Xander knew his name. "What do you need us to do?" Jonathon asked excitedly.

Xander smiled and thought, *Gotcha!*

"Can you go over to my place, I have two friends that are waiting for you and they'll explain everything. I need to go gather a few things up and get ahold of a few people. Will you go over there for me, now?" Xander asked again using all of his considerable charm. Both young men agreed and Xander gave them directions. A few minutes later they all left the apartment and Xander headed towards the Summer house. He knew that Buffy was there visiting her mom and he wanted to see Joyce.

His mind was filled with knowledge and he knew he needed to use it to heal Joyce. Her death was part of what destroyed Buffy and set the world on its dark path.


Chapter 5:

When Xander knocked on Buffy's door he was elated to see Dawn answer. He chuckled when she squealed his name and hugged him. "Hey Dawnie, hows my favorite girl?" Dawn giggled and pulled him into the kitchen where Buffy, her
Mom, Willow and Tara were sitting. As she did she told him how good things were going and how wonderful school was.

Dawn looked at Xander in confusion when he came to an abrupt halt at the sight of the four other women who dominated his mind and heart. "Hello Xander." Joyce said pleased to see the young man. They were shocked when Xander was suddenly rushing across the room and pulling Joyce into his arms. Joyce was unsure what was going on, but she let herself be held by the shaking and distraught young man. After a few minutes he turned and repeated his actions
with Tara which he had come to love like a sister.

Willow was shocked and concerned by Xander's behavior. There was also the fact that he felt different to her than usual. More powerful and confident. "Xander what’s wrong?" Buffy asked as she lowered him onto a stool. He looked up into Buffy's eyes and couldn't help the tears that ran down his face. Her eyes held the same fire that they did before Joyce's death and her own.

Buffy allowed herself to be pulled into a three way hug as Xander pulled her and Willow into his arms. They were all alarmed when he began to cry.

Xander hadn't thought he would be affected this way, but the sight of his girls so happy and full of life broke apart the shell he had kept over his emotions. He desperately wanted Giles. "Call Giles please? Have him come her I'll explain
every thing." Xander told them as he fought to get control of himself.

He had not intended to tell any of them about the spell, but they were his life and he knew that he couldn't keep the truth from them. Still shaken, but beginning to get control of himself he sent out a mental call to Doyle. Their minds were still linked.

*Doyle, bring Spike, Andrew and Jonathon here to Buffy's. Have you called Angel?*

*Yeah, don't think he believed me though, actually on the phone with Mr. Broody now.* Doyle answered. He was concerned by what he was feeling from Xander.

*Tell him to come tonight and tell him to come to Buffy's. Make sure he brings the whole Fang Gang with him.* Xander told the seer.

Doyle agreed and the two broke contact. Xander wondered if he should bring the others in or if this was enough. He still had to find Oz and keep the soldiers from leaving town.

Chapter 6:

Xander had refused to say anything to anyone until Angel and the others arrived. Spike, Doyle, Andrew and Jonathon had shown up at the same time as Giles. The older man was surprised to find himself in a tight hug. He just let Xander hold him for several minutes before Xander broke away with a watery smile.

What was even more unnerving was the fact that both Doyle and Spike were squeezed up against him and seemed to be giving Xander the comfort he needed. In the three hours they sat waiting and trying to get information out of Xander, Riley and his friend Graham showed up. When Riley was told what was going on, he was confused and decided to wait.

The fact that Angel was coming made him even more unnerved. Or at least a little more unnerved, the sight of Xander pressed against Spike was as unnerving as hell. Obviously something was wrong.

The knock at the front door was a relief for all of them. Xander wanted to tell everyone the truth and get it over with. He stood as Cordelia, Angel, Wes and Gunn came through the door. They were given another shock as Xander greeted Wes and Angel with a warm smile. Cordy started in surprise when Xander gave her a warm kiss on the forehead. She was confused by what was going on.

He nodded hello to Gunn, then stepped back so they could see who was in the room with them. At their first sight of Doyle, Angel and Cordelia swarmed all over him. They hugged him tightly and began to demand answers. Doyle silenced them and turned to Xander. "It's your show boss." Xander nodded and took a deep breath.

"I'm not your Xander, I'm from the future. Three years to be precise. In the time I come from, things are bad. Actually they're worse than bad." He stopped speaking and tears streamed down his face.

He took another breath and turned to face them again. Slowly he began to tell them everything. The girls were all sobbing by the time he was finished. Riley was sitting with his head in his hands and the others looked ill. "I came back to stop this from happening. To do this we have to stop Glory. To stop Glory we have to separate her from Ben." He turned to look at Dawn, who was staring at him with wide, horrified eyes.

Remembering how Dawn had acted the first time the truth was revealed, Xander went to her and pulled her into his lap. Cradling her close, he smiled. "Dawnie, you're thinking you're not real now, but you are. You're my Dawnie, my best girl. You're a gentle, sweet girl who is loved and cared for. Being the Key is just second place. No matter what happens, you are real and a vital part of our lives." Dawn burrowed into Xander's arms and felt safe there. That was Xander's gift, she thought, as she snuggled close to him.

Andrew looked at Jonathon with tears and fear in his eyes. "I won't kill him now will I?" he asked brokenly. The two held hands and looked at Xander in appeal.

Xander shook his head. "No, but we need your help. The stuff you did with Warren could be used to help us. You're both good with magic. We can always use extra back up. Are you willing?" They both nodded.

Xander turned to look at the Fang Gang and smiled. "We need you here. I realize that you helped a lot of people in the original time line, but a lot more are going to die if you stay in LA. Come home, Angel. This is where you're needed, where you belong. Your Childe needs you. We need you." Angel could only stare at him in dazed silence.

Xander turned his attention to Cordelia. "I have a way to make your visions easier to bear, but it will change you. You won't be completely human anymore."

His attention turned then to Wes. "Wes, I'm sorry for the way that I treated you. You're a good man and a damn good researcher. We could use your skills here. I hope you decide to stay. Gunn, I didn't get to know you in the other time line, but I know from Cordy that you're one hell of a fighter. We need you in Sunnydale. I hope you all decide to stay."

He then turned his attention to his family. "Buffy, you've got to tell Riley how you really feel. He thinks you don't love him." Buffy's eyes widened in shock, and her eyes went to Riley. "Riley, Graham, you guys need to have the Initiative doctors look you over. Those drugs that Walsh was giving you have messed with your heart. All of your buddies need treatment as well."

He looked at Giles and smiled sadly. "Giles, I'm so sorry for not seeing you for who you are. We need you. You're our rock and our father. Please don't leave us. You are not useless. Joyce, all I need to do is get the ingredients to the spell to heal you. I love you. I just wish I had a mother like you."

Finally he turned his attention to Willow and Tara. "Wills, I love you. You're my oldest friend and my sister. I am telling you now, you have to learn to control your magic before it costs you the best thing to ever happen in your life. Tara loves you so much. I don't think you realize just how much. I found a spell to help you control your magic, but you have to be the one to perform it."

"Tara, you are my family now and I want you to know, you're not a demon. Your family used that as a way of keeping control of the women in your family. You're human and you're beautiful and you're ours. So when your family comes, we're going to kick their asses and send them packing." Tara's eyes were wide and she began to cry. Willow pulled her into her arms and cuddled her.

"Any more bombs you need to drop Xan?" Buffy asked weakly.

Xander nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to bring Faith out of her coma and back into the fold, and find Oz and bring him home as well." They all gaped at him in astonishment.

That was a big bomb to drop.


Chapter 7

No one said anything for a long time; they just stared at him in stunned silence. Then Willow spoke, "I know where Oz is. He wrote to me and to Tara."

Xander smiled at her warmly. His family was together. He just needed to find a way to keep them that way. Though right now he was exhausted and in desperate need of sleep. He cuddled Dawn close and stroked a hand through her hair distractedly. As he did, memories of the other time line assulted him and he shivered.

"Xander?" He blinked and looked around him. Buffy was looking at him with worry in her eyes. "Are you alright?"

"No, but I will be," he answered softly.

"Damn right you will be. We'll make sure of it. We need to go back to LA and pack. I'll need to start looking for a place to live and we'll need an office. Xander, can you scope out a place for us while you're looking for your place? It'll need to be vamp proof and maybe have a living space as well." Everyone looked at Cordy in shock and confusion.

"What, you heard Xander, we're needed here. Besides, Doyle's here and I'm not letting him out of my sight," Cordy growled.

Xander laughed, the others grinned in relief and Cordy smiled in triumph. "You're one of a kind, Cordy," Xander told her.

She preened. "Well of course I am. So what are you going to change me into? Will it be alluring and special like me?"

"Of course, only the best for you. I'll get the ingredients for the spell when I get the ones for Joyce's. OH SHIT!" His eyes widened and he gulped.

"What, what's wrong?" Angel asked.

"Anya, I haven't told her we have to break up."

"Oh Shit!" the Scoobies echoed.


Anya hummed to herself as she got ready to go and see Xander. They were going to be seeing the other Scoobies tonight so they would get to tease them by pretending she didn't know how to behave around humans. It was a harmless game, but they enjoyed teasing the others.

It was just one of the many things that Anya enjoyed about being with Xander. He was funny, attractive and excellent in bed. She loved him, but not the way he deserved. Sometimes she felt guilty for not loving him enough, but still hanging on to him.

The world was so different from what it had been when she was human. So much faster and so much crazier. Even as a demon she had very little contact with humans unless they were wishing for vengeance. Mostly she spent her time with D'Hoffryn and her friends. Now she was mortal, and stuck trying to find a way to belong again.

She shuck off her thoughts when she heard a knock at the door. When she answered the door she knew something was wrong, just from the look on Xander's face. There was pain and despair in his eyes, and he looked exhausted. She hated that look. Often times it was brought on by his friends. Secretly, she thought they used and abused him, but she never said it out loud.

"Xander, what's wrong?" she asked, as she pulled him into the apartment and to the sofa.

"Anya, I have something to tell you and it's going to hurt." She tensed, but listened as he began to speak. When he got to the part about him standing her up at the altar, she winced at the self hatred in his voice. Finally, as he finished, she felt numb.

Xander looked at Anya and waited tensely to see how she would react to their break up. He was pleased, and felt his heart break all over again, as she climbed into his arms and held him. Like Dawn, Anya always had the power to calm him. Despite the way they behaved around the others, Anya was loving and unselfish. It was because of her that he got over the way his parents and friends treated him.

They sat holding one another for a long time, before Anya straightened away from him and looked into his eyes. "Xander... You still want me around, right? I don't have to go away?" she asked hesitantly.

"Of course I want you around. I love you An, you're my friend. Besides, who else is gonna help me embarrass Giles?" The two laughed. They loved teasing the Englishman. They liked when he went all Ripperish.


The next night found Xander walking through a house near the old mansion. Spike, Willow and Anya with him. They were all watching Xander. He was so different from what they remembered. He didn't talk to fill the silence, nor did he seem to vibrate with impatient energy. Instead, he was quiet and calm and had a feeling of surpressed action about him.

They had all been surprised by Xander telling them the truth about his family. Xander was wealthy, but he had wanted to do things on his own without touching his inheritance. Now that he had come back in time, he didn't care anymore. He could use the money to get a safe place to live and still work if he chose to.

They were all surprised that he would want to go back to construction, but he merely told them it was something he liked and was good at. Spike had just shook his head and agreed with the boy. After all, he had money he hadn't touched since Dru had gone off with the antler freak. Besides, pretending to be poor had gotten him in with the Scoobies, and closer to the source of his and Dru's obsession.

Spike wondered what they would do if he told them that Dru had released her Sire's hold on him, and that was why he had returned to Sunnyhell in the first place. Spike had become obsessed with Xander after Angel had given the boy to him. He figured it was the lack of fear, but excess of rage he had smelled off of the boy. Even Angel had been surprised by the boy's reaction to the ruse.

Spike also knew that the boy would have gladly staked both of them that night. Xander never forgot what they were. He worked with them, but he knew the potential they had for violence. During the whole Adam debacle he had had to work hardest on Xander, because the boy knew he was a liar. It was one of the many things Spike liked about him.

Xander stopped and turned back to the others. "Well, what do you think? I know it needs a little work. No one's lived here since Grams died, but I think it will work for us. Not to mention it will give us a place to live." Spike blinked when he realized the boy was talking to him.

"Us?" Spike asked hopefully.

"Yeah, us. Just think, hot water and free cable," Xander told the blond with a slight smile.

Spike chuckled, "I'm in, Whelp."

Xander's smiled widened, and for a moment some of the sadness left his eyes. Then he sobered. "I've got to go to the hospital now. Spike, can you walk the girls back to Giles'?"

Spike nodded, "Sure thing Pet, shall we ladies?"


Xander walked through the hospital and down the corridor to the ward where Faith was staying. His dark eyes took in everything around him. When he reached her, his breath caught and he took a slow deep breath. She looked a lot like sleeping beauty.

Going to her bedside, he dragged a chair with him and sat down. Very gently he took her hand in his. Closing his eyes he began to chant:

"In the dark she lays,

No light to pierce her daze,

Into her mind I go,

to bring her back into the fold."

Xander's head slumped forward, and his head lay on his and Faith's joined hands.

When he opened his eyes he was standing in a surreal dreamscape. Faith was screaming at the night and the creatures that clawed at her skin. "Faith!" Xander cried, rushing to the wounded slayer.

Faith looked up at him in confusion and fear. "Xander? Have you come to punish me?" she asked brokenly.

"No, Faith, I've come to heal you and bring you home," he told her as he took her hand. As he touched her the dreamscape changed and they stood in a park. Faith looked around her in wonder.

Xander hugged her gently. "Wake up Faith, wake up and come home."

Faith gasped and looked around her in confusion. Her eyes widened as she saw Xander sitting beside her. "Are you ready to come home, Faith?" Tears filled her eyes and she nodded. She was going home.


Chapter 8

Xander rolled over onto his back, whimpering softly. Across the room Doyle looked up and sighed sadly. Xander still had nightmares from the other timeline. When Doyle asked about them, Xander had told him they were nightmares he'd been having for a while. Changing the timeline wouldn't change his dreams.

It had only been two days since Xander had awakened Faith. She was out of hospital and living at Xander's with them. Doyle had thought that demon recuperating powers were intense and quick, but they were nothing on Slayer power.

Faith and Spike were currently arguing over the merits of swords versus axes. Doyle shook his head and turned his attention back to Xander. He frowned as he watched sweat form on the teen's brow. They all jumped when Xander started screaming, but it was Spike who reached him first. The blond vampire curled himself around Xander and ordered him to wake up.

They all felt his pain as he began to beg, "Willow! I love you, Willow! Don't do this, Willow! I love you! Please?" He screamed with pain for several minutes before Spike was able to help him surface from the dream. Spike was sickened by the fact that he was soothing Xander from his nightmares the way he used to soothe Dru.

Faith went into the rest room and returned with a cool cloth, which she handed to Spike, and they watched as he used the cloth on Xander and calmed his ragged breathing. Their hearts clenched at the pain and sorrow that shone so brightly in Xander's eyes. "Want to talk about it, luv?" spike asked softly. Xander shook his head and looked down.

Licking his lips, Xander sat up and sighed softly. He didn't want to talk about Willow or the pain she caused. He didn't want to think about the scars on his chest from where she had used magic to burn him. Xander didn't notice that he was unconsciously grimacing and rubbing his hand across his chest. He had a haunted look in his eyes as he focused on a memory only he could see.

Doyle reached out and caught Xander's hand. As he did Faith pulled his shirt up and whistled. Xander blushed and was glad that he was in his younger body. The only scars to be seen were the ones he had as a young man.

Shaking off the bad memories, he smiled sheepishly at the three. "Sorry."

"No big, Xan, we all have nightmares. Shit, you were in one of mine," Faith answered, and they both shivered at the memory of the dreamscape that Faith had been locked in until Xander arrived.

"Yeah, we all have them, no need to apologize. Actually you stopped me from having to listen to any more of their prattling on about the swords verses axes. It was getting bloody boring," Doyle said slyly.

Xander laughed as Faith and Spike groused. Doyle smiled smugly as he watched the haunted look leave Xander's eyes. Xander yawned and looked around. Someone had moved his clock again. "What time is it?" he asked.

Faith looked over her shoulder and read the clock that Spike had placed on the television. "Its about 8am," she answered.

"Shit! I'm going to be late!" Xander exclaimed as he shot to his feet and ran over to the bed. They watched as he ripped his t-shirt over his head and began to look for clean clothes. He yanked a pair of baggy cargo pants up over his hips as he looked at the shirts in his closet. "Spike, shouldn't you be asleep?" he called over his shoulder.

"Was havin' too much fun arguing." Xander's laughter made them all smile again. They were all watching as he searched through his closet. They could see faint scars on his back. Spike knew that they were from a belt being used as a whip. He had similar scars from his years as Angelus' childe. His Sire used to dip a belt in holy water when he punished him so that it would take longer for the wounds to heal.

"Where you headed, pet?" he asked to distract himself from his memories.

"I need to go meet with Bobby and the other contractors I've got lined up to start on the house," Xander answered as he tossed shirts right and left. When he got to one shirt he exclaimed, "What the hell was I thinking?" Then tossed the shirt over his shoulder.

"Is that shirt possessed?" Faith asked sarcastically. The shirt was purple with orange flowers.

"No, but I must have been when I bought it," Xander answered making the trio laugh. "I have to have a normal shirt in here somewhere." Finally with an 'aha', he found a navy blue shirt and pulled it on. He then turned his attention back to the three on the bed. "You guys want to come with me? You can tell them what you want done with your rooms."

"Our rooms?" Faith asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I just assumed you'd be moving in too. Did I overstep?" Xander asked anxiously.

"Nah, I was just surprised is all. Didn't think you'd want me there too," Faith answered quickly.

Xander smiled, pleased, "Hey this is a done deal. The past is just that: the past. We're working towards the future. New chances for everyone. You included. So are you all coming with me?" The three grinned at one another then jumped up and began to get dressed.

Twenty minutes later.....

Faith walked around the house looking at everything. She had already picked one of the upstairs rooms. She really liked the place and was glad that Xander had accepted her. She couldn't believe she was going to be living here. She loved the large, open feel of the place and the fact that it already felt like home.

Spike and Doyle were leaning against the wall. They had already seen and fallen in love with the place. They were amused by the fact that the contractors were all following Faith's every move. She was ignoring everyone but the two of them and Xander.

Spike had been impressed with Xander's negotiation skills and by the fact that he got them to agree to start work as soon as possible on both places. The three of them had waited at their new home while Xander had taken the four men over to the Mansion and set up what needed to be done.

There were several things that would have to wait until after Angel, actually Cordy, was consulted. They had decided it would be better to just work out of the Mansion instead of searching for a building. Within a few months everything would be ready at the Mansion and there was only a couple of weeks worth of repairs to be done at Xander's house. They were all excited and wanted to move in as soon as possible. They all wanted out of the basement of doom. Xander had already informed the contractors that they would be living in the house during the work. The men had said it wouldn't be a problem. They would be sure to get the bedrooms done first. They may have to shift around a bit during the work, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

After the four men left he turned his attention back to his roommates. They all grinned at him, but Spike was the first to speak. "When can we move in?" The other two looked at him eagerly. Xander grinned and looked at them for a moment before he pulled out his cell phone and began to make calls. He had already had the utilites turned on so that wasn't a problem. He called a cleaning service and arranged for them to come in while he took the others shopping for furniture and necessities. They would need to stop by Willy's so that Spike and Angel could have blood. After he was through with the cleaning service he called Joyce and Anya and set it up so that they could meet at a local furniture store. Xander thought it was a good thing for the others to come with him so he chose a place he knew Spike could come to as well.

After the cleaning service arrived they all left to shop. When they arrived at the furniture store Xander was glad to see that Dawn was with Joyce. He wanted to nurture the friendship that Spike and Dawn had had in the other timeline. It had been good for both of them.

Xander was eager to get everything done and out of the way before he left this evening for LA. Oz was there and he had a sense of dread. It was like he was running out of time. Time for what Xander had no idea. The rest of the morning and most of the evening was spent shopping and enjoying the company of his friends. When they were halfway through the furniture decisions Buffy, Willow and Tara arrived. They took one look at Faith and decided that they needed to
take her shopping.

Xander had laughed evilly, handed his credit card to Buffy and thrown Faith to the wolves. Joyce, Anya and Dawn had all decided to stay with Xander and the two men. By the time it came for Xander to leave all, but his Suburbun were filled with shopping bags. Xander was a little unnerved by the feral looks on the girls faces when Faith and Spike laughingly told them about Xander's adventure getting dressed that morning. If he wasn't mistaken the girls would be going after him soon.

Before he left town, they all stopped by his basement apartment and packed up his and Spike's things, as well as the clothes that they had bought Xander. By six, Xander was on his way to LA, and Oz.


Xander checked the paper one more time and then looked at the building, confirming that he was at the right address. Scowling, he climbed out of his SUV and walked into the building. The place was a flop house and Xander worried about Oz living here. What condition would Oz be in? He really, really hoped that Oz would come back with him. Xander's nose wrinkled with disgust and he tried not to breathe oto deeply as he made his way around the stinking drunk that had passed out at the base of the stairwell. The man smelled of vomit, whisky and piss. It was enough to make his stomach roll. It brought back too many memories of days spent cleaning up after his parents.

With another shudder of distaste he walked up the stairs and headed for Oz's apartment. As he raised his hand to knock he could hear movement inside the apartment and suddenly the door was flung open. Xander was shocked and saddened by the sight before him. "Xander?" Oz asked, shaken.

Xander gave him a tender smile, then lifted the smaller man into his arms and just held on. As he held Oz he could feel just how thin his friend had become. It angered and worried him. Without puting Oz back onto his feet he walked into the apartment and kicked the door shut behind him.

He gently set his friend back onto his feet and looked around him. Again he felt disgust and anger fill him. What had happened to his friend? The apartment was clean, but was bare of any life. It was dank amd smelled. You could sense the despair in it. When he looked back over at Oz, some of his concern must have shown in his eyes because Oz looked away.

Oz had never been big by any means, but now he was skin and bones. His skin was grey and his eyes were dull and lifeless. It scared the hell out of Xander. "I've come to take you home," Xander said calmly. After seeing Oz, he didn't care what he had to do; Oz was coming with him.

Oz looked back at his friend in shock. Home? After what he had done to Willow and Tara Xander wanted him to come home? Oz squeezed his eyes closed and wondered what god had blessed him with this gift.

Minutes later Oz found himself cradled in Xander's arms and he felt at peace for the first time in months. The despair and hopelessness were bleeding away and he knew he was where he needed to be.


Xander placed the last bag in the back of his SUV and breathed a sigh of relief. Oz was already settled in the front seat and the apartment manager had been given the keys. Xander was wishing there was some way he could get Oz's van back to him. Oz had had to sell it so that he was able to rent a place that he could be caged during the full moon.

Xander knew how much the van had meant to Oz and felt bad that it was gone. Shaking his head at his regrets Xander climbed into the vehicle and started it. "I have to make two stops before we head back to Sunnydale. I need to stop at the magic store here in town and pick up some ingredients for a couple of spells, then stop by the Hyperion and visit Angel and the Fang Gang." Oz nodded and closed his eyes as he leaned back against the seat.

He was unaware of falling asleep or of the fact that they reached the magic store. Xander was careful to be quiet and lock the doors to protect Oz as he picked up his supplies. While he was there he picked up a spell book that the woman had found for him and a book to record his spells. He was glad to find one that was a copy of the one he had in the future.

Though he really didn't want to disturb Oz, he knew that he would be a some time in the hotel. Gently so as not to startle his friend, Xander reached over and shook Oz awake. Oz opened his eyes and looked at Xander in confusion for a moment. "Xan?"

"We're here," Xander told him softly, and motioned towards the hotel. Oz sat up straighter and took stock of the new smells in the car. He realized that Xander must have already stopped at the magic store and picked up his supplies. Oz covered a yawn and they both climbed out of the truck. Xander stopped long enough to grab three bags before locking his car and following Oz into the hotel.

They both paused and had to stifle a laugh as they heard Cordy yelling at Angel, "What do you mean Xander already picked the color scheme? I want to have a say in it! Have you seen the way he dresses? I'm going to be living there too."

Angel looked over in relief when he sensed Xander and Oz enter the lobby. He was stunned by the sight of Oz. The young werewolf looked as though he were extremely ill. He resisted the urge to laugh as Cordy spun and turned her wrath on Xander.

Before she could start to yell at him, Xander lifted a hand. "Relax Cordy, I brought color samples and carpet swatches." Cordy squealed in delight and Xander resisted the urge to laugh. She was acting as though he had given her a shopping trip to Tiffany's.

All humor fled from her face as she looked Oz over. "What the hell have you done to yourself, Oz? You look like shit." Oz burst into laughter. It was good to see that some things never changed.


Chapter 9

Xander led Oz over to a chair and sat him down before turning his attention back to Cordy. He grinned at her and marveled at the changes in the girl that he knew. It was wonderful to see her there and happy. Even if she still had more attitude than Angelus on a bad day. "So, are you ready for your change?" he asked her with a smile.

Cordy nodded and dragged him away from the others and towards the stairs. "Gunn, mother Oz!" Cordy yelled as they disappeared. Gunn grinned and looked Oz up and down. With a scowl he walked over and helped ease Oz from the chair and through the hall to the kitchen. Wesley and Angel shook their heads at the display. "Poor Oz, he'll never know what hit him," Angel murmured. Wesley snickered. His lover was known for his protective and mothering habits. Though they both felt that the young man needed someone to look out for him.


Xander looked around the room that Cordy had dragged him to and grinned at the way that it looked. Though shabby, it was wonderfully built. Xander thought that it was too bad that they had to leave LA. He would have loved to have lived in the hotel. Xander pulled his thoughts away from the room and turned his attention back to Cordy. Blushing slightly, Xander began to explain what she would need to do. "You'll have to strip out of your clothes and rub this creme onto your pressure points. Then, after I set up the circle, you will come inside it and kneel. I also need you to swallow this really nasty potion and then I'll say some words over you and you'll be transformed."

Cordy also blushed as he told her she would have to strip. Many people would have been surprised to know that Cordelia was blushing. Despite her reputation of being a hard nosed bitch, she was also relatively innocent when it came to relationships with men. She and Xander had groped in closets, but that was about all that they had done. It was awkward for both of them as she disrobed and began to apply the creme to her body. Xander was doing his best not to look at Cordy so that he could concentrate on setting up the circle and preparing the potion. They both wrinkled their noses up over the smell and Xander grimaced in sympanthy as Cordy drank it down. A few minutes later she was kneeling in front of Xander with her eyes closed and Xander began to chant softly

"Hectate, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, heed my call, answer your servant in this endeavor.
Hectate, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, I, Alexander, call on you to complete this change.
Hectate, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, I place before you a servant of your powers.
Hectate, Hera, Aphrodite, A thena, I, Alexander, call upon you to complete this change.

By your will and by my magic I call upon the powers to change this your servant.
Let her become your strength. Let her embody your powers. From this moment.
From this hour. Cordelia; seer and adjutant of the ancients will become all you are.
From Hectate your magic and your beauty of will.

From Hera your strength and compassion.
From Aphrodite your passion and your love.
From Athena your cunning and your wisdom.

I, Alexander, call upon you to complete this change.
From this moment your daughter mortal no more.
In her place a daughter of immortal strength and fire's will.

By your will, Cordelia Chase, mortal seer, is now immortal bearer of flame."

As the last of the words left him the room burst to light and Cordelia felt her body arch with pleasure and heat. Her eyes closed and she cried out in sho ck. When she opened her eyes, Xander was lying beside her. She gasped at the sight of him. He held an unearthly beauty and for a moment she could have sworn his eyes were silver.

Xander was also stunned as he looked at Cordy. Just looking at her it was obvious that she had changed. Cordy was still beautiful, but now she seemed to glow with the fire that lived inside her. Her eyes were now an amber-gold and Xander knew that they would never change back to their natural color. She was stunning and he told her as much. Cordy just giggled. It was nice to be complimented by Xander, especially since she knew he meant it.


The four men looked up as they felt the power ripple through the hotel. Oz and Angel shivered as they felt the magic ripple over them. It did not feel the way that the magic they were used to felt. It was more power ful and seemed suffused with light. It was ten minutes later that Cordy and Xander came down the stairs. The men all gaped in wonderment at the sight of her. "You're beautiful," Wes said, awed.

Cordy laughed and winked at him. Xander chuckled and walked over to one of the chairs and lowered himself into it. He was exhausted and needed to get back to Sunnydale. He still needed to see to Joyce and he was worried about how close it was getting to Glory's arrival. He wanted to save the Monks if it was possible. He grinned as he watched Gunn try to ply Oz with another sandwich and soup. Oz was shaking his head and Wes was staring at Cordy.

"What are you now?" he asked suddenly.

"I have no idea, what am I, Xander?" Cordy asked the tired boy.

Xander grinned. "She's a fire elemental. She's not human, but she's not a demon either."

Wes and Angel gaped at Xander in astonishment. "Only a true follower o f Hectate can change a human into a fire element. I had no idea you followed the ancient ways. Who are your gods of choice?" Wes asked.

"I don't follow any one god or goddess. I believe in them all, I worship and offer to them and call on them only if I can't solve a problem myself," Xander answered.

Cordy frowned as a memory came back to her. At the time she had believed Xander's story, but now she wasn't sure. "You prayed for Angel's return from hell!" she exclaimed.

They all looked at Xander in stunned silence. For a moment Xander thought about lying, but changed his mind and nodded. "It was my fault he was there. I lied to Buffy about the spell to return Angel's soul. I'm sorry you ended up in hell, Angel. I don't expect your forgiveness, because I don't deserve it."

Angel shook his head. "I forgave you a long time ago, Xander. I knew about the lie while I was still in Sunnydale. You did the right thing. If you had told Buffy about the spell she would have held back and Angelus would have killed her. As it was, she barely defeated us. I never blamed you nor did I blame Buffy for sending me to hell after I was souled. The only thing I regret is that she was put through that in the first place."

Xander nodded. He remembered how it had torn Buffy to shreds and he knew that she had barely survived it. It was one of the few things he completely regretted doing. He loved Buffy and hurting her had torn him apart. No matter how angry he was about the whole thing or about what Angelus had done to him.

Oz looked over at Xander and wondered if he really knew the younger boy. Even being told of how Xander had come back in time, Oz couldn't help but think Xander really wasn't all that different from who he was before he came back through time. Oz just felt that Xander decided to no longer hide who he was.

End Part 8