TITLE: Things To Do On A Rainy Day In Sunnydale

AUTHOR: Goddess Isa

EMAIL: slaythis99@aol.com

SUMMARY: This was actually going to be a part of a series, but I forget what fic it goes with. Seriously, I didn't *want* it to be a series, but then I realized it would make a good one, but now I forget the circumstances so let's just pretend all that never happened, k? Oh, I just remembered, so ignore me. This goes with On A Friday Night In Sunnydale

SPOILER: Just my story, On A Friday Night In Sunnydale

DISTRIBUTION: Sandee, of course - My site - http://members.aol.com/slaythis99/slay.htm - Crystal and Butterfly if they want it - A Soul's Redemption - Buffy & Angel Star Crossed Lovers - Anyone else - sure, just email me & lmk where it's going - I like seeing my name in print =)


DISCLAIMER: Stupidhead Joss owns da characters. I own da insanity. Ooh, and a new NSYNC tee shirt. =) Damn song is BSB's.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thanks to the Backstreet Boys. Their music isn't in this fic, but they are, the limey bastards.

AUTHOR'S NOTES2: Don't ask about the ending. =)




By Goddess Isa

"Look at them," Buffy said when Xander turned MTV on. Unlike the others, she was over the initial shock that Giles *had* MTV.

"I mean, just *look*." she pointed to the Backstreet Boys. "They're all wet and they look good."

"Good? They look amazing." Anya corrected.

The Slayer just looked at the boys with envy. She was drenched and there was no relief in sight. She and Angel had been patrolling when a storm came up and hard as they tried, there was no escape.

They were sitting in Giles' living room, stuck riding out the storm with the rest of the gang, soaking wet and in Buffy's case, extremely horny.

Willow had gone shopping just before the storm hit, and Buffy was wearing her brand new red sweater and toweling off her hair. Angel was wearing his own pants and a tweed jacket on loan from Giles. It fit him funny and looked funny, which seemed to please Giles since he knew he wore the jacket well.

"I could look like that wet." Xander announced.

"Then why don't you?" Anya asked in between popping little Reese's Peanut Butter Cups into her mouth.

"'Cause they don't pay me to." he replied smugly.

"Bloody Hell," Spike declared. "It takes quite a man to look that good."

"You're into checking out the competition for Leather-Clad Ass of the year, huh Spike?" Buffy asked, smirking.

"All I'm saying is, you can put all of us guys out there in dis rain, an' only one of us is gonna look that good."

Buffy, Willow and Anya exchanged a look.

"No way." Angel said.

"Absolutely not." Giles said.

"All in favor?" Buffy asked.

"I," she, Willow, Anya and Spike said.

"Opposed?" Willow polled.

"Nay," Angel, Xander and Giles muttered.

"Ha, we won." Anya said. "Get out there."

The guys shrugged but stood up. Angel traded Giles the tweed back and put his own shirt on again. Anya produced a stereo that could "blast Backstreet music into the next town" and then they went outside.

The girls shivered, and the guys were uncomfortable with the whole scenario. Anya started the tape and waited.

"Sing!" she commanded.

"I don't know," Xander started, surprising everyone that he actually knew the words. "What he does to make you cry, but I'll be there to make you smile."

Not to be upstaged, Spike took the next verse. "I don't have a fancy car, to get to you I'd walk a thousand miles."

Giles gave up on all lyrics and tried to dance, but it just came out corny and the girls cracked up.

Angel went last, not singing even though he knew the lyrics from Buffy playing the CD so much. He shook his bon bon with the best of them and then somehow, they all wound up in sync (no pun intended) for the chorus.

"My love is all I have to give. Without you I don't think I could live."

"I wish I could give the world to you," Xander soloed.

"But love is all I have to give."

"When you talk," Spike sang, "Does it seem like he's not even listenin' to a word you say?"

"That's okay, baby," Xander said. "I'll try my best to kiss them all away."

Angel felt like an ass, but he knew the dance from the concert Buffy had drug him to so he started doing it and sang the next verse. "Does he leave, when you need him the most? Does his friends get all your time? Baby please,"

"I'm down on my knees," they all knelt at the same time. "Prayin' for the day that you'll be mine!"

"Enough!" Anya turned the music off, clutching her stomach from laughing so hard. "You guys can cut it now."

"That was the funniest thing I've ever seen." Willow said.

"And Angel wins, hands down." Buffy went over to her wet lover and gave him a sloppy kiss. "Sorry, Spike." she added, smirking.

"Don't worry," he stalked away. "I'll get you the next time. Ain't nothin' that bloody poof can do when I start actin' like Ricky Martin."
