Title: The Prophecy

Author: Caliadragon

Fandom: Buffy/Angel

Category: AU

Pairing: Xander/Gunn/Spike/Angel

Warnings: Angst, Humor, Slash

Feedback: On list or at caliadragon@myself.com

Archive: Any list I send it to, those with prior permission and BC.

Spoilers: Bits and pieces of all seasons. AU up to 'Dirty Girls'. That Eppy never happened.

AN: This Bunny can be blamed on everyone who said there wasn't enough Gunn/Xander fics out there. Thankfully I have finished writing this out though.

AN2: In this fic as in most of them Doyle and Tara are alive. Doyle and Wes are in a relationship. Connor however doesn't exist and Cordy doesn't get visions. Oz works with AI.

Summary: A prophecy is found and Xander is caught in the middle of it.

The Prophecy

by Caliadragon

Chapter 1:The Prophecy Revealed

Xander Harris was pissed. Actually he was more than pissed, he was on the point of exploding. If the slayer wanna-bes said one more word he was going to hunt down a bringer and give the little bitches to it. From the looks of Faith and Dawn they weren't far from it themselves. Andrew and Spike were all but huddling in on themselves trying to ignore the girls.

The leader of this particular group, Rose, was saying something about staking Spike. That was the last straw for Xander. "Get up, pack up your bags. Dawn, call Buffy and tell her to come get the girls!" Xander's snarled words stunned everyone.

"Xander?" Dawn asked, looking upset.

"Spike and Andrew have earned their places here, and if you don't like dealing with them you can stay at Buffy's," he said to the girls. "Make the call, Dawn." Dawn nodded and pulled out her cell phone.

Faith looked at him, waiting to see if she would be going with the other girls. After Dawn got Buffy on the phone she turned back to Xander. "Buffy says she'll take the girls, but you have to take Giles, Willow, Tara, Kennedy and Anya."

"That's fine. Just tell them to bring their own ice cream," Xander told the teenager, making her giggle.

An hour later the girls were gone and the Scoobies were nearly reunited. The only one missing was Buffy, but she had to stay with the potentials. Giles was tipsy and lying on the couch. No one could figure out exactly what it was that was wrong with the Watcher, but he had not been himself since his return from England.

"Giles, we're ordering food. What would you like?" Willow asked him gently.

"I want the bloody prophecy to be a lie. I want Buffy to really be alive. I want not to sacrifice Xander to keep her alive. That's what I want," the inebriated man spat out.

"What?" Xander demanded.

Giles rolled into a sitting position. "It's not fair. The bloody Powers, they take everything for their blasted war. First they take Buffy, then they influence Willow and the rest of you to bring part of her back. Now this bloody prophecy. I can't kill her. I love Buffy, but I love you too. I can't let you be sacrificed to this convoluted prophecy. Stupid Spike had to get his stupid soul back. Tried to get Wood to kill him, but it didn't work. Should have known, no one can kill him. Not even Buffy." Giles rambled.

The others all looked at one another in confusion. "Giles, what does Spike's having a soul have to do with sacrificing Xander?" Willow growled. She was going to force him to answer even if she had to sober him up with a spell.

"The Slayer will fall to the god of hell
Returned by the magic of the fire witch
At her side the magic of gold, the demon no longer
And the one with no magical power
From heaven they will pull the essence of the Slayer
She will drift and join the bound demon
Through their joining the bound will seek his soul
And a demon he will be no longer
The evil from the beginning will come
And the one who sees, but has no power
Will join with the unbound soul
The cursed soul and the dark warrior
Will be joined to the one without power and the unbound soul
The four will stand and the humans will sacrifice the last of innocence
To save the world and give over their beings to the cursed and unbound souls
Only then shall the origin of evil fall."

Giles slurred the prophecy out, then leaned forward and cupped Xander's face in his hand. "What do I do Xander? The only other thing to do is reverse the spell that brought Buffy back. How can I lose you both?"

For a long time no one said anything. Then Xander spoke, "Giles, when did you read this prophecy?"

"Right after Willow killed Warren, when she thought Tara was dead," the now sobering Watcher answered. They all looked over at Willow and saw her wince. Tara pulled her close and rocked her soothingly.

"It looks like Spike and I will be going to see Deadboy tonight," Xander said grimly.

"What?!" the others asked.

"The cursed soul? That has to be Angel. The unbound soul is definitely Spike. The dark warrior must be someone who works for him or with him. We need to leave as soon as possible. I'm not going to let anyone or anything hurt Buffy," Xander answered harshly.

Spike nodded, the whelp was right. They had to make sure they saved Buffy and everyone else. That meant going to Angel. Dawn began to cry. She threw herself into Xander's arms and clung to him. "You can't go," she sobbed.

Xander closed his eyes and held Dawn tightly. Every since she moved in with him, they had only spent the time she was at school apart. "It's going to be okay Dawn. You're still safe here with Andrew, and Willow and the others will be here."

It had been a shock to everyone when Buffy had asked Xander to move Andrew and Dawn into his new house with him. Xander hadn't minded. In truth he had been glad of the company. The last few months had seen a drastic change, both in Xander and his circumstances. He had started exercising again and had lost all the weight that he had put on. Then his Uncle Rory had passed away and left Xander everything he owned. No one had know that the man had been wealthy.

In the letter that he had left Xander, he explained that he had been trying to find out who was worthy of receiving his money. Only Xander had been worthy in his mind. He also went on to tell Xander how proud he was that the young man helped out the Slayer. Xander had been stunned by it all, but had immediately put his new wealth to good use. He had moved out of his apartment, built a large house and paid a coven of witches, supervised by Willow, to come in and lay wards into the foundations themselves. No one could do anyone in the house harm.

That had been the reason why Buffy had asked Xander to take Dawn in. He and Buffy even shared custody of Dawn. No matter what happened, he would be coming back to his family and Sunnydale.

He released Dawn and watched as she threw herself into Spike's arms. "I want all of you to stay here. We will be back. I need one of you to tell Buffy where we've gone and why," Xander told them.

"I shall do it," Giles told him. Xander nodded. He then went to his room to pack. Spike followed his lead and went into the room he shared with Andrew to pack up a few of his things.

Twenty minutes later they were on their way out of Sunnydale, and on their way to Angel. Xander wasn't sure what their reception would be, but knew they had no choice.

By the time they reached LA and the Hyperion, both men were jittery. Neither of them were looking forward to dealing with the Fang Gang. There was really no love lost between them and any of Angel's people. They hadn't even told Angel about Spike's chip or his soul. Xander was worried about Spike being staked before they could tell them about the prophecy.

When they walked into the lobby of the hotel, Cordelia and Doyle were the first ones to spot them. Cordelia threw a cross at Xander, and he caught it before it could hit him in the face. Wes had turned and Gunn raised an eyebrow. "Cordy, why did you throw a cross at our visitors?" he asked.

"Because I wanted to make sure Xander wasn't a vampire, since he came through the door with Spike," Cordy answered.

"Spike?" Gunn asked warily.

"Hey Princess, is my Sire here?" Spike asked, ignoring everyone else. He was tired and afraid that if anyone started screaming at him he would go on one of his freak outs.

Doyle scowled at the blonde vampire. "Why, do you have more hot pokers?" he snarled.

Spike whimpered and Xander put his arm around him protectively. "Leave him alone," Xander snarled back. Cordy, Oz and Wes gaped at him in stunned silence.

"Xander, William," Angel said as he walked out of the office. His dark eyes were unreadable as he took in the sight of his Childe being held by Xander Harris, of all people.

"Sire," Spike breathed and raced to Angel, throwing himself into the elder vampire's arms. Angel was stunned, and the others surged to their feet thinking to protect Angel from Spike. They were confused by his behavior.

Angel looked at Xander in confusion, even as he wrapped his arms around Spike. "Spike has a soul," Xander said. There was silence for several minutes before they others began to yell questions.

"SHUT UP!" Xander roared, making them all gape at him. Xander turned his attention back to Spike. He could tell that the blonde was close to fading away and their screams weren't helping. Going over to the pair, Xander gently disengaged Spike from Angel and lifted him into his arms. They all watched as he carried Spike to the nearest chair and sat down, cradling the vampire close.

"What has happened to Spike, how did he get his soul back?" Angel growled. His eyes had turned amber. If it was a spell the practitioner would suffer.

Xander began to tell them about the Initiative, Spike's chip, Buffy's death and rebirth. Which they had already known about. Then the Buffy and Spike relationship, if you could call it that. Then about Spike going and getting his soul. The First, the bringers, the potentials and finally about the prophecy.

By the time he finished Angel was pacing and Gunn was staring at his lover with mixed feelings. What would happen with them if Angel went with this prophecy?

Chapter 2: The Warrior Revealed

Gunn sighed; he expected Angel to join with the men and the fourth warrior, whoever he turned out to be. Gunn called Angel his lover, but the most they had done was exchange hot kisses. Tonight was to have been their first time together. He and Angel had only begun to get close in the last few months. Most of the hesitation had been on his part.

Gunn had never had a male lover, nor had he even thought of having one until he fell in love with Angel. Now that was probably all lost. "So who is the Dark Warrior?" he asked wearily.

Xander looked over at him while he continued to soothe Spike. "It has to be someone here. I think the last innocence means virginity, cause I only have that left." Cordelia snorted at that.

"You, a virgin?" she scoffed.

Xander raised an eyebrow. "I've never had sex with a man."

Cordy blushed.

Gunn raised an eyebrow and looked at the other three men in their group. Wes and Doyle were obviously out. Oz shook his head. "Don't look at me, I'm a slut," he said bluntly. Xander laughed outright and shared a grin with his friend.

Gunn shifted uncomfortably when everyone turned to look at him. "Gunn is the fourth," Angel said calmly.

Xander nodded; he had to be. There was no one else. Unless there was another employee that they knew nothing about. It was obvious that Wes and the brown haired guy were lovers. "We need to go back to Sunnyhell. I know there's got to be more to it than us becoming bed friends. Giles was a little drunk, but sober, he may have more information. I also think that Spike and Angel have to officially mark us as their Consorts. The prophecy says we're joined to you guys."

Cordelia raised an eyebrow. "Since when are you Mister Know-it-all?" she asked with a sneer. This caused Spike to growl.

"Xander's not the boy you remember from high school, and if you had paid attention to him back then you would have noticed that he was the one who came up with most of the ideas that worked," Spike spat at her. Angel sighed; Spike was already beginning to defend Xander from others.

The pair were obviously close, but how did they feel about claiming other men as their mates?

"When do we need to leave?" Gunn asked quietly. He was unsure about this, but he could see that it needed to be done. He didn't want to be responsible for killing a woman who had already given her life twice.

"As soon as possible. You should also know that I have custody of Dawn and a former badboy named Andrew. We could use all of you, unless there's something tying you to this town," Xander said.

Spike's eyes were closed and he was letting Xander's heartbeat soothe him. It was nice to be held by his friend. Between Xander and Andrew he was never alone. He and Andrew shared a bed. Both of them were haunted by nightmares of what they had done.

Cordy scowled, then stood up and left the room. "Where are you going Cordy?" Oz called after her.

"To pack. If we have to leave as soon as possible I need to gather my clothes. You had better have room for all of us, Xander Harris, I want a nice room," she called back as she went up the stairs to her room to start packing. The rest of the Fang Gang followed her lead, and Angel went to call Lorne. They could use his help in Sunnydale. Then he was going to go pack.


At sunset the next day, the group headed back to Sunnydale. Angel and Gunn knew that they were probably leaving LA for the last time. Somehow, they thought, their future lay on the hellmouth with their potential mates.

Xander called ahead when they crossed into Sunnydale to have everyone meet him at his house. Though small in comparison to the Hyperion, Xander's house was still very large, and he did have room for the LA crew and the bunch already living with him. He just hoped that Buffy was up to date on what was going on. He doubted she would freak too badly, considering the fact that Riley had come back to town and that they were engaged.

Having Spike's chip removed by the Initiative had brought the soldier and several of his friends to Sunnydale. Riley and his friend Graham had turned out to be a godsend. Xander no longer remembered anything from his possessions, so their military know-how was helpful in the battle against the bringers and the First.

When they reached the house, Xander was not surprised that Dawn was the first one out of the house to greet himself and Spike. The teenager threw herself into their arms, letting them hold her and reassure her that they were home.

After a few minutes they all went inside. Xander was glad to see that there were no potentials there. The girls upset everyone. He didn't consider Kennedy one of the potentials. She was a future Slayer, but she was also a friend, now. Kennedy, all of the Scoobies, Riley and Graham were there. Everyone sat down, then Buffy began to ask questions.

"So, have you joined yet? Who's the fourth? Are you sure you want to do this, Xander?" Buffy's voice held weariness and regret.

Xander smiled and leaned forward to take her hand. "We haven't joined yet, Gunn is the fourth and yes I want to do this. It's okay, Buffster, I want to do this. Besides, this way I'll still be around when Dawn hits her 20's," Xander said gently.

Dawn glared and blushed softly. They had found out the year before that Dawn was aging slowly. As far as time was concerned she was only three. While she looked like and acted like a teenager, she was still a toddler.

It had been because of Xander that they had found it out. They were trying to figure out what the residual magic from all of the energy bursts that Willow had hit Xander with would do to him. They found out that he was aging slower and that his mind was a lot clearer. It was while they were doing the spell on him that they noticed that it had also worked on Dawn. Since finding out Dawn's actual age Xander teased her constantly, but no more so than she did him.

Xander squeezed Buffy's hands one last time before sitting back and turning to Giles. "So what do we have to do to be claimed?"

Chapter 3: Claiming

Giles cleared his throat and the Scoobies resisted the urge to laugh as he pulled his glasses off and began to clean them. "Well, there is of course the...um...sex. There is a spell that must be spoken and with your new physical makeup you will need to transfer some of the power into Gunn. Between the marks and the negative force magic the two of you will cease to age. You will all need to share blood as well," Giles told them with some hesitation.

Angel and the rest of the Fang Gang looked at Giles in confusion. "What negative force magic?" Wes asked. The group were all aware of how the Scoobies flinched and looked at Willow with concern.

Willow cleared her throat and began to speak. "Last summer, a man named Warren came to Buffy's and shot Buffy and Tara. I thought Tara was dead and lost control of my magic. It consumed me and I became evil. I attacked everyone. I removed the bullet from Buffy and knocked her unconscious. Then I tried to steal the magic that created Dawn, but the wards on Buffy's house protected her. Then that night I went after Warren, in the process I found Giles." her voice broke here. "I nearly killed both him and Anya in the Magic Box. I had observed the knowledge from all of the spell books at the Magic Box, and used a spell to kill Warren and tried to destroy the world."

She continued, "Xander was the one who found me. I kept blasting him with magic to try to make him go away. In the end his love and his belief in me brought me back from the brink, but I had hurt everyone in the process." Willow began to sob as she finished.

Angel didn't know whether to be appalled or feel sad for what she had done. He opened his mouth to speak, but Spike stopped him. "We all faced the dark; sometimes it comes back to bleed us," the blonde said, gesturing to the Scoobies.

Xander cuddled Spike, and Buffy reached out and claimed his hand. Together the two humans comforted and supported the vampire. Spike was one of them. While they regretted the return of his soul, they loved him as he was and as he had been.

Riley shifted uncomfortably, but said nothing. Spike was a part of their lives and, as crazy as it seemed, he found himself caring for the vampire.

"When do we need to do the claiming ceremony?" Xander asked. He could tell that everyone was becoming uncomfortable with the emotions in the air.

Giles smiled slightly and sighed. No one was oblivious to what Xander was doing. "As soon as possible; I recommend doing it tonight. Now, if you are all willing. Each vampire will need to claim the human they are closest to, then shift to the other vampire. I would also recommend that Angel and Spike reclaim one another while Xander and Gunn mark one another. I do not believe we have to worry about Angelus' return."

The Fang Gang nodded in agreement. Angelus would never return and everyone was happy about that. The four men looked at one another nervously. For Xander and Gunn it was a little overwhelming. While they both cared for a vampire, neither of them ever envisioned something like this. Angel and Spike were nervous for entirely different reasons. They had been lovers for all of Spike's years with Angelus until he was cursed with the soul. Neither man wanted the violence that usually accompanied their bed activities. Spike wanted the gentleness that had been given to him by his Sire when Angelus was seducing him, before he was turned.

Xander stood with Spike still in his arms. He turned and carefully placed the vampire onto the sofa. Andrew and Buffy immediately moved to hold the vampire.

"Giles, do the spell to transfer the negative magic into Gunn, then everyone get out." The tone of his voice meant no one argued. Even Dawn knew not to argue when he used that tone. Giles nodded and motioned Gunn to go and stand beside Xander. Once Gunn had obeyed, Giles stood as well.

"Two lives bound by light,
Two souls who join this night,
Magic leave one,
Magic forward in the other,
From this day forward their
Souls will forever share a light."

Both Xander and Gunn gasped as they felt their life-forces joined with one another, and in that moment their minds, hearts and souls were one. They were, in effect, one being in two bodies. The sensation seemed to last an eternity to the two young men, but in reality only lasted a few seconds.

Spike and Angel both surged forward and caught their respective humans as the spell weakened their knees. Giles looked at Spike and saw worry and adoration shining in the vampire's eyes. The same emotions shone in Angel's eyes as he looked at Gunn. Perhaps this would work out for the better.

Giles murmured the spell needed for the claiming in Spike's ear and quickly ushered everyone else out of the house. No one would return until Xander called them and told them the coast was clear.


Across town the First raged at the priest who now served her. The man, who was more monster now than human, watched his evil mistress and wondered what it was that had her so enraged. "What has happened, my delightful one?" Caleb asked in his drawl.

The First spun to face him; Buffy's face looked back at him. It was twisted in a mask of rage and fear. It was the fear that caught Caleb's attention the most and worried him.

"The one who sees everything is joining with my vampires and that foul human. He was the only one besides the slayer that even had a chance of defeating me. With him being joined with the other three I have less of a chance of seducing any of them to my side and defeating the Slayers," she spat.

"So the Bringers and I will just go and kill them all before the claiming is finished," Caleb offered soothingly.

"You can't! His house is warded so tightly that you couldn't get into the yard, let alone into the house. No, they will be joined. We'll just have to find a way to work around this."


Xander's back arched and he moaned low in his throat. Cool hands brushed over his skin in feather light caresses. He whimpered and tried to deepen the touch. A cool hard body pressed him into the mattress and his mouth was claimed in a deep soul kiss. Xander couldn't control his moans or the fact that he was squirming.

When the kiss broke he made a slight sound of protest, forgetting that he had to breathe. Reaching up he brought Spike back down to him and thrust his tongue into the blond's mouth, growling for a firmer touch.

Spike was glad to oblige him as trailed kisses down Xander's body. Stopping when something delectable caught his attention, he gave a long slow lick up Xander's erection. This brought another keening cry. Delighted by Xander's response Spike did it again. Only this time, when he finished licking, Spike deep throated Xander in a move so sudden that the boy screamed out his pleasure and exploded in orgasm.

Xander whimpered as his over sensitized flesh was gently stroked. His whole body felt as if it were one big pleasure burned nerve. Spike shivered with longing, but continued his gentle motions. He knew that Xander was a virgin to this, and was determined that his first time with a man would be more gentle than any relationship he had ever had before.

Seeing the boy he had wanted for so long and denied so badly that he actually turned to Buffy, made him gasp for unneeded breath. Carefully and lovingly Spike began to press kisses on Xander's thighs. He heard a low moan and looked over to see his Sire and their human in much the same position that he and Xander were in.

Picking up the lube that lay on the bed between them, Spike turned his attention back to his beautiful Xander. Slicking his fingers, the blond vampire gently began to brush his fingers against the rosette of Xander's opening, making the young man moan and shiver in longing.

Xander's legs spread further and he offered himself up to Spike freely and lovingly. They both stilled as the first of three fingers slid into Xander. Spike growled low in his throat at the sensation of tightness and heat around his finger. After giving the boy enough time to adjust, he began to move his finger in and out gently. He was startled by how easily Xander relaxed and was in no time taking three of Spike's fingers and begging for more.

Xander mewed in disappointment when Spike removed his fingers, but he purred with pleasure as the vampire began to slowly slide into his body. Xander's eyes were locked on Spike's as he came flush against Xander and filled him completely. Xander leaned up and caught Spike's mouth in another one of the soul kisses that the boy seemed so good at.

Ever so gently, Spike began to move. At first it was just rocking, eventually it moved to long, deep strokes. Both of them were moaning continuously and Spike found himself addicted to the breathless begging that Xander was doing. The more excited and near climax Xander got, the more vocal he became.

Spike felt as though he had died his final death and had made it to paradise. While this may be their first time together, Spike intended to be buried in his Xan as often as possible. Together they thrust faster. Xander was only vaguely aware of Spike chanting out words before he felt the blond sink his fangs into his neck and bite. Xander howled out his climax as Spike fed from him. Soon the blond vampire threw his head back and screamed out his pleasure before collapsing on top of Xander. The two lay wrapped around one another.


Angel was panting very softly; for the first time in years he was making love to someone. No longer furtive, anonymous encounters with whores or nameless demons. Finally he was able to cherish and caress someone. The added bonus of not having to worry about going insane and killing everyone he loved was a plus.

Angel had always wanted Gunn. From the first time he had seen the beautiful youth. His defiance and courage had reminded Angel of another young mortal that had stood for what was right and backed down to no one. That was what had drawn Angel at first.

Then he had gotten to know Gunn and was drawn for entirely different reasons. Angel fell in love and decided to slowly woo the mortal into his arms.

Now he had him there and was enjoying the taste and feel of his skin. Gunn made the most wonderful noises and Angel loved the way he writhed and arched into his touch.

Deep kisses and slow languid strokes of his hands. Gently teasing the younger man's nipples; a slight scraping of teeth over a collar bone and a brush of cock to cock. Feeling the hot hands on his cold body and hearing the vocal exclamations of Gunn's pleasure were almost too much for Angel to take. Only remembering that the younger man was a novice to this type of love making kept Angel under control.

Angel slowly, gently prepared Gunn for his invasion. The young man was so far gone in pleasure that he felt no pain. The feeling of fullness and the press of Angel against his body was driving Gunn over the edge. They moved together in concert, each needing to give the other pleasure.

Angel remembered the words and began to chant them softly as he looked deeply into Gunn's eyes. From this moment on he would never be alone again. Gunn turned his head to the side and bared his throat to his lover. The bite had Gunn tightening around Angel and screaming out his completion. Angel followed him a few minutes later. Angel had enough presence of mind to roll to the side
and bring Gunn against him.

He thought hazily that it was a good start to the night, and the claiming that would take place throughout the night. As soon as his mind cleared he would take Xander, then his wayward Childe. It would be a night of passion and possession.

Chapter 4: Continuing to Claim

Spike looked over at his Sire, and the two vampires shared a smile. They looked back at their humans and kissed them tenderly. It was time to switch lovers and both of them found themselves reluctant to part with their beloveds. They knew that the claiming was only half done. The humans had yet to taste their blood, but they decided that they would go to the next step. The spell had been spoken by both of them as they took the boys. It would not need to be repeated.

Spike tenderly kissed Xander and watched as the boy's eyes opened slowly. Spike felt wonder fill him as Xander smiled at him sweetly and placed a sweet, gentle kiss on his lips. "Spike," he breathed, before deepening the kiss.

Spike shivered and lay his head on Xander's chest, just above his heart. He began to purr as Xander stroked his hands along his body, gently. Spike had never guessed that Xander was such an excellent lover. He always assumed that Anya's bragging had been due to the fact that she had spent the last few centuries emasculating men instead of having sex with them. This was one of the few times he was glad that he was wrong about something.


Angel smiled down at Gunn. The normally tough young man was cuddled trustingly against him. Angel could only remember two other times in his life when a lover had lain against him with innocent trust. Both of those times had awed him, but led to him doing something terrible. The first time he had been Angelus, and the gentle lover had been his sweet William. In an act of desperation he had turned the man, and eventually turned him into the callous and vicious demon, Spike.

The second time had been as Angel, and that gentle soul had been Buffy. That had led to the return of Angelus. The demon had been insane and tried to destroy everything and everyone, including his favored childe. Angel was glad that Angelus would never return. Not just because he was glad to have his existence, but because he knew that Angelus would be just as insane. Just as he had been insane after his return. If Buffy and Xander hadn't defeated him when they did, the world would have suffered for it.

Now lying in his arms was the man who was chosen by both his soul and the demon that lay subdued and tamed inside of him. Just as beside him lay the other two men that both halves of him had chosen at one time or another. Angel kissed Gunn and felt pleasure course through him at the boy's response. Like Spike, he was stunned by the tenderness and the joy with which their joining had been met.


Xander was stunned by the depth of emotion swirling through him. It stunned him and it calmed him as well. Xander had always been alone. Even among his friends he was alone. There were times when he was close to being whole, but that had died the day he had staked Jesse. Cordy, Faith, Anya and all of the other women he had dated or loved were not what he wanted, not really. All of them had made him feel beneath them in some way. Anya hadn't meant to, but she had been a demon for centuries, and in the end they just couldn't be together.

Now he had been joined with two demons and one human. At first he had been shocked, but he was willing to do it for Buffy. Though privately he had been thrilled with the prospect of becoming Spike's mate. He had been serious when he told everyone he was 'going gay'. He knew that no one believed him, but he didn't care. The last demon woman had been the last straw. Xander was no longer going to suppress his true desires. Desires he had buried deep after losing Jesse.

As his mind wandered, he continued to gently stroke Spike. He looked over to the side and could see the same dazed, awed expression on Gunn's face that he knew was on his own.


Gunn wasn't sure what he expected from his first time with Angel, but it hadn't been this. None of his lovers had really offered tenderness, or wanted to hold him afterwards. He hadn't let anyone close for a long time. Not since staking the only person he had ever loved.

To be treated like he was special and loved was shocking and addictive. He wanted more of this, and knew that he would have it for as long as he lived.


Xander whined in protest as Spike suddenly pulled away from him. He gasped in shock as he felt a larger, more muscled body take his place. Xander's eyes flew open and he found himself staring into Angel's eyes. He tensed for a moment, unsure, but relaxed as he saw the tenderness in Angel's eyes. It was a look he had never expected to see directed at him.

Xander sighed in pleasure as Angel leaned down and kissed him. Angel moaned at the depth and feeling of the kiss given to him. In the back of his mind he wondered where the boy had learned to kiss; then he could think of nothing as Xander's legs fell open and he settled his body fully onto Xander's.

The young man whimpered, and the kiss became deeper and more urgent. While the tenderness remained, Angel wasted no time preparing Xander, knowing it wasn't needed. Xander screamed out in ecstasy as he felt Angel thrust into his body. The kiss became wilder and more passionate with every thrust. They broke away long enough for Xander to catch his breath, then began to devour each other again.

Angel growled softly as he felt the impossibly tight entrance tighten even further around him. He was awash with heat and pleasure as he angled his thrusts to stimulate the boy's prostate. Making him buck and whimper. Angel was as addicted to the sounds his boy made as Spike had been.

Xander arched his back trying to take Angel deeper into his body. He had no idea that pleasure could be so all-consuming, or that it could hold such tenderness even at its wildest moment.

Angel could feel Xander's release coming and wanted, needed to make the boy lose control completely. He began to thrust faster, making sure to keep his body angled so that Xander's prostate was stimulated both coming and going. He then reached between their bodies and began to fist his lover's hard flesh. Xander threw his head back and screamed out his release. Lost to the ecstacy, he was only dimly aware of Angel biting him, just below Spike's mark.

Angel took only a few mouthfuls of blood before pulling away and howling out his release. As he was collapsing, he moved them so that Xander lay in a boneless sprawl on top of him. Angel was never going to let Xander go.


Spike smiled down at Gunn and began to kiss him deeply, moaning as the larger man rolled them so that he was on top. Spike grinned up at Gunn as he broke the kiss and stared down at him. Reaching up, he spread Gunn's thighs wider and, with a shocking movement, entered the younger man. Gunn's eyes rolled back in his head, and he cried out in pleasure.

Spike sat up, keeping Gunn cradled against his chest. After he was impaled fully he began to rock them to and fro, causing Gunn to whimper. The slow rocking was driving Gunn insane, he needed more. Raising himself slowly he sighed in pleasure, before lowering himself just as slowly. Spike did nothing to stop him. This was about pleasure and claiming. They had all night.

Soon Gunn began to rise and fall faster. He was crying out and begging for more. Spike reversed their positions and wrapped Gunn's left leg around his waist. He then began to thrust, faster and harder. They were driven to finish. The heat and the pleasure too much for their bodies to take. The moment that Spike touched his cock, Gunn screamed out his climax. Spike shuddered in pleasure and thrust faster. Leaning down he added his mark to Angel's before losing himself to the pleasure bowing his body.

Gunn moaned softly as Spike's softened flesh slid out of him. He hummed in contentment when Spike kissed him softly, and laid his head above Gunn's heart.

There was still more claiming to do before dawn, but for the moment they lay still and enjoyed the contact that the claiming and their love making gave them.

Chapter 5: Another Bit Of Claiming

Gunn looked down into the face of his only human lover. Neither of them were certain what to do at this point. They had never done anything like this. Gunn's attention was drawn back to Angel as the older man shifted beside him.

When Angel saw Gunn's uncertainty he smiled gently and leaned over to kiss the younger man. "It will be okay," Angel told him gently. He looked down at his Childe and decided that things would be different this time.

Gunn leaned down and began to kiss Xander, who sighed with contentment. It was arousing and moving to be k issed by a warm, solid body. Slowly, then with more certainty, Gunn began to make love to the man beneath him. Xander arched under the bigger man's caresses. The feel of those slightly callused hands stroking down his body were driving Xander crazy. He needed more, needed to touch and taste the man above him.

In a move that shocked Gunn, Xander flipped them so that he was on top. Beside them Spike and Angel were extremely turned on by what they were seeing. Xander was showing them just why Anya called him her Viking.

Xander leaned back on the balls of his feet and smiled hungrily at Gunn. He then leaned down and began to memorize his lover in a way that he had yet to be able to do with Spike or Angel. Now that the first set of claimings had been taken care of they could take their time, and Xander intended to enjoy himself completely.

Spreading Gunn's legs wider, Xander leaned down and began to kiss and lick the other man's thighs. Growling in pleasu re, he ran his tongue up the crease of Gunn's pelvis, nipping gently as he did so. Gunn could only lie back and enjoy the sensation, while Spike and Angel enjoyed the sight before them.

Xander looked at the hard prick in front of him and proceeded to devour it to his heart's content. There were some things that you never forgot, and one of the few things he had ever done with a man was exchange blow jobs. Larry had been an excellent teacher. Before Gunn could come, Xander pulled off of him and tightened his fist around the base of the other man's cock. Gunn cried out in frustration, but Xander merely smiled. "Not yet. You don't get to come until you're inside me," Xander said teasingly as he straddled the big man's body. Keeping a firm hold on Gunn's erection, he slowly lowered himself down until he was seated fully on Gunn's long, fat cock.

Then, leaning down, he took Gunn's mouth with his own. There was no doubt in any of their minds that, while it was Gunn's cock in Xander's ass, it was Xander that was calling the shots.

Xander kissed his lover deeply before breaking away. He lifted himself slowly, then slammed down in a abrupt movement. Gunn howled in response. In, out, in, out. Faster and faster until they were both screaming in pleasure and need. Knowing that he was going to cum soon, Gunn bared his throat to Xander. Going on an insticnt that he couldn't deny, Xander leaned down and bit Gunn so that his bite joined Spike and Angel's. After a few pulls on the wound he bared his throat to Gunn. The moment Gunn bit down Xander howled out his release and, feeling Xander's hot channel tightening around him, Gunn exploded inside of him.

Together they collapsed side by side, gasping for breath and feeling something shift inside themselves. The vampires watched in awe as a golden light encompassed the pair for several moments before fading and leaving the young men asleep, curled against one another. The t hing that caught the two vampire's attention was the fact that the three claim marks had healed completely and now appeared as a silver indention on their skins. More like a tattoo than bite marks.

Spike looked at his Sire and smiled in joy. The two humans were theirs now and nothing and no one could take their mates from them. Angel smiled back and was glad to see a combination of Spike and his beautiful William. Leaning up, he captured the blond's mouth in a hot, sweet kiss. There would be no harshness and no pain this time. Angel would show his Childe what he hadn't been able to in over a hundred years.

They made love for the first time since Spike was turned. Their movements were languid and gentle. Softly, carefully, Angel prepared Spike for his invasion. The beautiful blond moaned and arched into the soft touch. When Angel entered him they were staring into one another's eyes and they sighed with pleasure. Kisses and soft words of dev otion and love were exchanged. Each expressing their love for the first time in far too long.

Deep, slow thrusts soon turned into hot, fast possession. Unknown to the pair, their mates had awoken and were watching them with pleasure and awe. Xander was moved to see the love the two expressed and he knew that, however long he lived, he would never forget the look on Spike's face as he bared his neck in submission. The beauty of the long, graceful neck. The look of aching pleasure on Angel's face as he reclaimed his favored Childe. Or the look of relief and love on Spike's face as Angel allowed Spike to place a claim mark on his Sire's throat. They both cried out softly as their climax rolled over them in a taut, sweet release.

Like Spike and Angel, the two young men were witness to the golden glow covering their mates and the silver tattoo branding their throats. As one, Gunn and Xander moved and shifted the pair until they were sandwiching their vampir e lovers between them. Then, joining hands, they slipped into sleep.

When they next woke, Xander groaned at the soreness in his ass and for a moment was confused as to why he would be hurting. Then, opening his eyes, he found himself looking into Spike's shining blue eyes. Spike felt his heart roll in his chest as Xander smiled at him with sweet welcome. "Good morning, sweetheart," Xander murmured before what he was seeing and said registered in his mind.

Looking up, he could see sunlight streaming through the window. Spike followed his gaze and stared in wonder at the sunbeam that played up on his pale skin. Looking over, he could see sunlight bathing Angel as well. Turning back to Xander, he could feel tears fill his eyes. Xander pulled him tightly into his arms and held him as Spike felt the sun warm his skin for the first time in years, without burning.


Chapter 6: A Walk In the Sunshine

Spike let Xander hold him as he gazed into the sunshine. Unable to contain himself any longer he spun and prodded Angel awake. "What?" Angel growled, turning to look at the pair. He froze in shock as he felt the sunlight caress his skin. Looking at his Childe in awe he felt tears fill his eyes. He had had one day of sunlight in all of his years as a vampire. Gunn sat up beside him looking at his lovers in awe.

He and Xander looked at one another in amusement and pleasure. Then suddenly Xander jumped out of the bed and began to look for his clothes. "Get up and get dressed," he yelled as he hopped on one foot and pulled his jeans up his left leg.

"What? Where're we goin'?" Spike asked, still dazed by the sun.

"Outside. Then we're going to see Buff and the others. Come on, get up!" Xander said as he pulled each of them to their feet. He laughed excitedly and began to throw their clothes at them. Angel was already dressing and soon Gunn and Spike were as well.

As soon as everyone was properly dressed and had their shoes on Xander started pulling them out the door. He was happy for the two vampires and wanted to see them in the sunlight.

Spike and Angel came to a halt on the front landing of the apartment building and let the sunshine beat down on them. Overwhelmed, they could only bask in the sunlight. Their mates however had other pl ans for them and began to drag them down the street. Bypassing all three of their vehicles they started down the street on their way to Buffy's.

The walk was made in happy silence. All four of them were thinking of all the things they could do now. Spike and Angel were both thinking of the fact that they would be able to protect their family during the day as well as at night. Spike wanted to go and do the things with Dawnie that she had always wanted. While Angel was wondering what else the mating would gift them with.


When they reached Buffy's place, Xander opened the door and walked through the living room with the others following behind him. When they reached the living room Dawn smiled at the four and went to close the curtains. Wes and Giles were looking at the four strangly. They had not seen a car pull up and neither vampire was smoking.

"Don't bother with the curtains, nibblet., Spike said happily. Then he and Angel walked to stand in front of the window. Dawn let out a cry of happiness while the others gaped in shock. Dawn threw herself into Spike's arms while Cordy threw herself at Angel.

"What, How?" Buffy asked, awed by what she was seeing. There was no jewelry that she could see on either vampire. Except for their normal rings.

"The joining. Somehow it made them impervious to sunlight," Xander told her happily.

They all looked at Xander and for the first time they could see a change in him as well. Turning to look at Gunn they noticed a difference in him, too. There was true happiness in their eyes. Both young men practically glowed with youth and vitality.

Considering the fact that they had mated the night before and had donated blood in the process they should have been tired, at least. Their friends noticed that both of them seemed more aliv e than they had in years. So much so that they were all wondering just what the two had gained through the bonding.

"Do you guys notice anything different about Boytoy and his friend? The human one, not the two vampires," Faith asked them, eyeing the pair strangely.

Buffy, Tara and Willow nodded distractedly. Willow and Tara could sense something strange in the pair. Especially in their Xander. He looked more alive and he felt different to them as well. Tara looked at the pair's auras and gasped at what she saw in Xander's.

"How the hell is that possible?!" She yelled, jumping to her feet and running to Xander. She pulled him away from the others and put her hands on his chest.

Tara's reactions surprised them all. Willow looked at her girlfriend for a minute, then read their auras as well. She screamed. Jumping up, she ran to Xander, putting her hands on his abdomen. When she sent a waft of power into Xander, she screamed again and faint ed dead away.

Tara stepped back and sank onto the floor, looking at Xander in awed silence before she joined Willow in her faint. Everyone else was looking at the two witches in shocked silence. "What the bloody hell was that?" Spike growled. The young man looked at his worried mates before turning his attention to his unconscious friends.

Wes had stood and gone over to Xander. Like the two witches he placed his hands on the young man and tried to see what had set the two into a faint. When he saw what caused it he squeaked. "R-Rupert? I-I t-t-think y-y-ou had b-better come over here," he stuttered.

Giles raised an eyebrow and walked to where they were standing. Wes stepped away and sank onto the floor. Doyle rushed to his lover and took him into his arms.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Giles roared, looking at Xander in wild alarm. "Sit down! Are you alright? Do you feel dizzy?" he babbled as he pushed the boy into a chair.

"What's wrong? Is Xander going to die?" Dawn asked, worried by the way they were all acting.

Wes shook his head. "No, he's going to have a baby," Wes said faintly.


Chapter 7: But I'm a Boy!

"No. No, you are so wrong! I'm a boy, with boy bits, and I enjoy my boy bits. I'm not having a baby! Spike, I'm not having a baby! Angel!" he yelled at them, panicked. Spike hurried over to his young lover and sat beside him, holding his hand.

He leaned forward and placed his ear against the boy's abdoman. He growled and surged to his feet, turning and glaring at the two ex Watchers. "What you lot playing at? My boy a in't got a bun in the oven. Stupid morons," Spike growled.

Giles frowned. "But his aura and his inner light have something extra. There is another entity there. Xander feels different as well. It's there," Giles argued.

Oz sniffed the air and looked at the two vampires, who were doing the same. "He doesn't smell like he's gestating. Could what you're sensing be because he's now joined so deeply with Gunn and the Fang Boys?" Oz asked.

Giles blushed and Wes coughed. "Well, hmm.. that is possible," Wes said, embarrassed.

The four rolled their eyes and turned to Dawn when she exploded. "That's just mean! I thought I was going to be an auntie," she pouted.

Xander groaned, "I wanna go back out into the sunlight and pretend this never happened."

Gunn laughed and nearly fell to the floor at the look of shame on the faces of the two wizards and the recently awakened witches. "Hey, this is Xander we're talking about. If it's possible for a man to become preggers it would be our Xan," Tara pointed out with amusement. Everyone laughed at that.

It was true. With all the other things in Xander's life that had turned out weirdly, there was no telling what else there could be. After all, he had been possessed by a female hyena spirit and was a severe demon magnet.

"Hardy har... Yuk it up, funny people. I'm going for a walk," Xander said huffily and walked out the door. Yeah, it was real funny. They could laugh all they wanted, but none of it was really hilarious to Xander.

Xander had been walking on his own for several minutes when he was accosted from behind. "Well, hello there. If it isn't one of the Slayer's sodomites."

Xander spun around to face a man of the cloth. "Is there a problem?" Xander asked uneasily.

"Yes, my boss, the First. Lovely lady, by the way. She really hates you and your friends. However, she wants a message to be passed on to the Slayers. You're going to help us do just that. My lady says you see everything. I wonder what you'll see after I'm through with you?"



Chapter 8: The Crazy Holy Hick

Xander looked at the man in front of him and felt a moment's panic before laughing in the man's face. Then, not even thinking about the consquences, he kicked the man in the shins and ran for all he was worth. Living on the hellmouth had given him a healthy sense of self-preservation and his instincts were screaming at him to run for his life.

He had only made it a few feet when he was grabbed from behind and thrown backwards. Xander cried out in pain as a heavy, muscular body was suddenly pinning him to the ground. Xander was taking in gasping breaths. Any other town or place and someone would have noticed two men, one of whom was dressed as a priest, struggling in the middle of a busy street. However, most of Sunnydale was empty and half of the town had suddenly decided a vacation was in order.

Panting and struggling weren't getting Xander anywhere. In the back of his mind he knew that he wasn't going to get away. Fear and anguish warred inside him and he silently begged forgiveness of his mates. It hurt to know that he had only just found them and was going to die the day after.

"So sweet, I never realized just how pretty a man could be. Obviously I was blind. Boys can be dirty too," Caleb murmured in his ear. Xander screamed silently as he felt the tip of a knife begin to push its way into his side.


Gunn and the others had stopped laughing not long after Xander had left. He and the othe r two could feel Xander's irritation and decided to leave him alone for now. They started explaining the light and showed the two Watchers the mark that was now on all four of their throats.

Gunn was suddenly forced to his knees under a wave of fear and desolation. He howled in rage and jumped to his feet screaming Xander's name. The others followed him out the door. Spike and Angel had felt the same emotions just seconds after Gunn had.

Now they could feel his pain and regret. Desperately they ran with the others hot on their heels. As they rounded the corner they saw Xander on the ground with another man pinning him down. Pain ripped through their sides and they saw the glint of silver as another wave of pain tore through them. Seconds later Spike and Angel were tearing the larger man to pieces, while Gunn was seeing to their mate.

Xander moaned as Gunn lifted him into his arms. Gunn swallowed harshly at the sight of the blood coming from Xander's ribs and stomach. He felt relief course through him as Xander opened his eyes and looked up at him. They both turned to watch as Buffy and Faith engaged the preacher in battle as well.

Hatred unlike anything he had ever known burned through Xander and he and Gunn were stunned by the silver-white light that tore from inside Xander. Xander arched his back and opened his mouth in a soundless scream of pain. Until all went black.


Xander sighed happily as he snuggled deeper into the warm arms holding him. Opening his eyes he was confused for a moment to find himself being held tightly. Looking around he could see his friends and family looking at him with various degrees of worry. Memory flooded back to him and he tried to figure out how he ended up where he was and wonder where the preacher was.

"What happened? Where's the First's hick?" Xander asked, confused.

His confusion increased when both Dawn and Willow gave a watery chuckle before bursting into tears. "You burned him into ash, luv," Spike told him.


Chapter 9: He's More Than The Boy We Knew

Xander couldn't grasp what they were saying. "What are you talking about?" he asked, confused.

"That light that came from you; it wound its way around the rest of us and just seared its way through him. One minute he was standing there and the next he was ashes and you were whole and healed," Spike told him in his best Giles voice.

Xander blinked for several seconds then shrugged. It was just another weird thing that was happening in his life. "Giles and I have been studying the prophecy and we've found another that it is linked to. A minor prophecy about the birth of the light. When you joined with the other three, it changed you and Gunn at a molecular level." Wes told him.

"So what does that mean?" Gunn asked, not releasing Xander.

"It means that you four are what is needed to permanently close the hellmouth and defeat the First. We have no idea how this is supposed to go. Or even when it is suppose to happen," Giles explained.

"What else is new?" Xander asked with amusement. He knew that he should be more worried or even more upset, but he felt warm and safe. Something he hadn't experienced since... ever.

Sitting up slowly, he straightened away from Gunn and stood. Looking around, he looked at the people he had come to care about and looked at those he had accepted into his life. A smile started, then laughter. For the first time since all of this began, he thought they could win.

"We're gonna win," he said with such assurance that the others looked at him in surprise.

Buffy looked at him for a moment then joined in his laughter. Her face lit in a smile and she nodded. Neither of them could understand why they suddenly knew that they were going to win, but they did.


The First was pacing back and forth in rage. All that she had worked for was going downhill. All she had set into motion for the last three years was falling apart. Her foolish servant had gotten himself killed. The boy had come into his power and the vampires had now moved beyond her.

Then there was the fact that, no matter what she did, she could not break the Slayer or her friends. All of her minions and faithful could not find one female vampire. Things were coming to a finish too fast and she was no longer sure of victory.


Dru hummed to herself as the limo cruised down the main street. All around her the town was empty. None of this mattered to her. All that mattered was that she was coming home to her family. She knew now that the Dark Kitten and her wicked light had joined with the Dark Warrior and her Daddy.

The prophecy that she had made the year before they had come to Sunnydale the first time was finally coming to pass. The dark madness that had plagued her was gone and she was ready to embrace her fate and her kitten. No one would harm her sweet boy. Now that he was filled with the light the origins of evil would fail. Soon, very soon. Dru would be back where she belonged.

Reaching up, she tangled her fingers in the cross that hung around her neck as a soft smile played across her face. Watching her from across the seats Jesse could only feel happiness that he would be seeing his best friends for the first time in far too long.


Chapter 10: The Return and the Change

Spike, Angel, Gunn and Xander all looked in confusion. They could feel one of Angel's Childer outside. Xander stood and walked to the front door. Looking outside, he shook his head in confusion, but opened the door anyway.

"Jesse, Dru?" he asked in a hushed voice.

"Hello, Kitten," Dru said happily as she stepped into the house and kissed him gently. Stepping to the side she allowed Jesse to pull the confused boy into his arms.

At Xander's greeting the others had run into the hallway. Spike and An gel gaped at Dru in stunned silence, while Willow rushed to Jesse and Xander. "How, how is this possible?" Willow asked tearfully.

"The Powers owed me," Dru said simply, before walking further into the room and sitting on the closest chair. She smiled serenely at those around her.

"You're not nuts anymore!" Cordy said with a gasp.

Dru laughed delightedly and shook her head. "No, I'm not." She turned her attention back to the five men who made up her life. "Hello Daddy, Spikey, Gunn. It's good to see you. Your light shines so pretty."

Angel walked over to Dru and knelt in front of her. He reached out and stroked her face gently. He gasped as he encountered warm flesh. "You're human," he whispered, awed.

"Yes. The Powers used me. They allowed me to be turned just so that I could find Spikey for you. I was a conduit of the light, but they used me for their own gain. Just as they allowed Jesse to be turned so that Xander would join the fight against the darkness. Now that you have all been joined I was rewarded with my returned sanity and humanity. Jesse was given back his life as a thank you and a gift to Xander," Dru explained.

"There is much more in store for the four of you before you can rest for awhile. The First will stop at nothing to destroy all of you, but she needs Xander and Buffy dead the most. The prophecy that brought the four of you together was made by me. I have seen more, but I can't tell you what will happen. Not yet, anyway. I can tell you where you need to go to retrieve an ancient weapon that will help Buffy destroy the Ubervamps. I have brought a talisman that Spike must wear and four matching manacles that all four of you must wear." Dru pulled the items out of her pocket and gave them to Angel who passed them on to the men in question.

Turning to look at Xander, she smiled softly. "Come to me, Kitten."

He walked to her and sat in front of her. She reached out and brushed a hand across his face. "There is so much more waiting for you. More danger than you can realize. You must take the battle to the First. Tonight. To do that the Red and the White Witches will have to awaken all of the Slayers. They must go from Potential to actual."


Chapter 11: The Battle

They all stood together in a tight knit group. Watching as the four came together for what could be the last time. All of the plans had been enacted but two, and now they were getting together, becoming the family they were and had been since the day Xander and Willow learned about the creatures of the night.

Xander and Buffy joined hands and watched as Willow and Giles walked off to take their places. Then, turning, they walked to the Seal and the battle to come.

Buffy looked at the girls around her and smiled. Xander looked at his lovers and prayed that they would all make it out of here together. Then, pulling out her dagger, Buffy made the first cut and began to pass the knife around. Xander was the last to cut his hand and then, as one, they held their hands over the Seal and let their blood open it.

Buffy was the one to lead them all into the hellmouth as Xander brought up the rear. Like always, protecting her back. When they got into the hellmouth itself, Xander had to take a deep breath at the sight before him. His heart constricted and, looking over at Buffy, he nodded. They would win, there was no other way.

Willow and Tara joined hands and began to chant, while Dru and Jesse stood guard over them. In another room Anya, Dawn, Graham and Andrew stood side by side waiting. While Robin, Riley and Giles waited in their part of the school.

Every fighter prayed, and every prayer made the light stronger. Unknown to them, it fed the power of the manacles on the four j oined. Dru looked over at Jesse and, seeing his fear, smiled. "Don't worry, Pretty, our Kitten won't let us down."

Down in the hellmouth the spell was reaching its apex and each fighter watched as the Ubervamps came running. Just as the spell took effect, Xander watched in awe as the world around him paused. The battle, even the vamps, were frozen in time.

A figure made its way to him, and he looked twice at the woman as she stood before him. "You're not Buffy," he said coldly.

The First smiled darkly. "No, I'm just me," she perkily said.

"What do you want?" he demanded, knowing that she was the one who had frozen the battle.

"I have an offer for you; join me. I will spare all of these pathetic do gooders for you. I won't hurt them or allow them to be harmed by anyone or anything. All you have to do is give yourself to me and my cause," First/Buffy said softly.

Xander felt something build up inside of him. It was the same feeling he had had just before losing consciousness, when he destroyed the First's preacher. "Never," he snarled, then let the power go.

The First screamed in rage as the power ripped through her. The battle began again, but then stopped as the warriors from both sides froze in shocked silence. The Ubervamps fled back the way they had come as the power of the Light filled the cavern.

The others watched in awe as the light struck the medallion around Spike's neck, which began to intensify the light. It struck the retreating vampires and they burst into flames as they ran. The cavern began to shake. "Retreat! Everyone get out! Move!" Buffy screamed as she began to push everyone to the entrance.

One by one the newly born Slayers retreated. Behind them were Faith and Buffy. Xander watched as the First Evil was made no more, before turning and walking to his mates. Angel and Gunn stood on either side of Spike and when he reach ed them, the four embraced.

Spike laughed softly, "I can feel my soul." He looked over at them and there were tears in his eyes. "Go before it's too late."

"This is our place," Angel said while the two young mortals nodded.

"Our place is here," Gunn told him.

"You are ours," Xander added.

The cavern began to crumble around them and the four huddled closer together. Just as they realized that they would be buried alive, the four felt the breath rip from inside them and they disappeared from the cavern.

Minutes later they heard screams of shock as they reappeared on the bus leaving Sunnydale. Dawn threw herself into their arms and wept in happiness. Clinging to them, they all held on tensely as they raced to escaped the crumbling remains of downtown Sunnydale.

As they raced through the town, Xander turned back to look as the only place he had ever been able to call home crumble into dust, and a small disbelieving laugh came from him as the Welcome sign collapsed behind them.

"Well, Spike, looks like the sign is finally gone for good," Dawn said happily. The listening Scoobies were silent for several minutes. Then someone giggled, and soon everyone on the bus was howling with laughter.

It wsn't really that funny and most of them didn't get the reference, but they needed the laughter to release the tension of surviving what they had. Only a few of the potentials were injured and Buffy had a belly wound, but no one had died.

"Looks like we survived Sunnyhell," Xander said, between chuckles.


 Chapter 12: The Aftermath

Xander opened his eyes slowly and looked at the man in his arms. A soft smile spread across his face as he remembered the day before. The First was gone for good. That wasn't to say that all evil was gone. After all, it may have been the origins of evil, but it wasn't the only evil in the world. Robin and Kennedy were already talking about heading to the new hellmouth and setting up shop there.

Everyone else wanted to stay in LA. It was time for them to live a somewhat settled life. Giles and Wes had already been in touch with the Watchers that remained and they were now out hunting for the newly activated Slayers. Everyone had stayed up for hours figuring out what they wanted to do.

In the end it was decided that Kennedy would go to the new hellmouth and that Robin would be her Watcher. That had caused the older man to grin, showing the first real signs of humor that they had seen from him.

The Scoobies had all found themselves employed by AI and Xander was already thinking of ways to fix up the hotel. Gunn had decided that he needed to introduce them to his crew and Xander was really hoping that things went well.

Gunn had confessed that Cordy had been telling them things about the Sunnydale crew for years and they respected what they had done. So in a few hours Gunn's crew was going to arrive and Gunn was going to introduce them.

Now, though, Xander was wondering what the rest of his life had in store. Almost as soon as the thought came to him, Xander felt a soft rush of power and disappeared.

Xander looked around the place he had appeared in in surprise and confusion. The temple looked ancient and Xander wondered where he was. "You're in the court of the Powers," a rough and sexy voice said from behind him.

Xander turned to face the voice and gaped in astonishment. He recognized the man in front of him from one of Giles' books on the ancient Powers. "Ares?" he asked hesitantly.

Ares nodded. "Hello, Xander. You and your mates did well. We're proud of you."

"Why am I here? Why not Buffy or Angel?" Xander asked, confused.

"Because they don't share my blood," the god answered.

Xander gaped. "I share your blood?"

"Yes, you're my many times removed great-grandson. Your grandmother was Xena, my greatest champion and daughter," Ares told the boy.

Xander frowned. "I thought Xena hated you."

"No, that was a story put out by the Way to cover the fact that th ey polluted the teachings of my grandson Eli and his mother Gabrielle. They went against their God, my mate Joxer," Ares explained.

"Oh, but why am I here?" Xander asked, stunned.

"I've brought you here to offer you a position. Not with me, but with your other great-grandfather. You have always wished for peace and have fought for it since you were fifteen. The gauntlets that your Aunt Drusilla gave you are the mantle of Joxer and my son Cupid. The symbols on them are the symbols Peace and Love. We would like you to be his champion on earth. Angel is my champion. Spike is my nephew Strife's champion and Gunn is the champion of Justice, my Grandson Bliss' title. You are the only one that has yet to take their place. Will you?" Ares

Xander thought about all he would be accepting, then he thought about what had already been given to him. His mates, Jesse, his friends. How could he say no.

"I accept."

Ares smiled at him and then two other figures appeared. One was a thin, lanky man with a soft, sweet expression, while the other was blond and breathtaking. If he wasn't already mated, Xander figured he'd be drooling.

Both men smiled at him and came to stand on either side of him. Joxer placed his hand on the boy's head while Cupid placed his hand on Xander's chest. "Accepted and bound," they said as one. Xander felt power envelop him and knew no more.

The next time he opened his eyes his lovers were sitting up around him and looking at him with worry. He smiled radiantly at the three and laughed with joy. He felt different and the same, and he felt whole.


Chapter 13: The Future

Willow looked around at the people that she loved and at her best friend, wondering why he had called them all together. He seemed brighter to her. Happier, as well. She knew that something had happened to him, something beyond the mating.

Xander locked eyes with Willow and smiled brightly at her. Willow gasped as she saw the look in his eyes. There was serenity in his eyes. Serenity and joy.

"Xander, what's happened to you?" she asked with awe. She had never seen that look in his eyes before.

"This morning, just after I wok e up, I got to thinking about all of the changes in our lives and how we had ended up staying together. I was wondering what I was going to do next. The next thing I know I'm standing in the court of the Powers." Gasps of shock interrupted him.

"But only champions with blood connections can get to the court of the Powers! Or so the legends say!" Wes exclaimed.

"It's true, I'm the many times removed grandson of Ares. This morning he called me there to take my rightful place as the Champion of Peace and Love. He told me that Angel was his champion, while Spike is Strife's champion and Gunn is the Champion of Bliss, God of Justice." Xander told them. They could hear the happiness in his voice.

Giles was struck by the change in Xander and he realized with a start that it was because he finally had a purpose. The job he had in construction had gone a long way to giving Xander back his self-esteem, but now he had a true purpose.

Cordy started t o laugh suddenly. They all turned to look at her to try to figure out what was so funny. "Love. It figures! Xander, this is perfect. You have always loved with all you are. Can't really see the peace part, but it's cool!"

Buffy began to laugh, then the others joined in. It was true, Xander had always loved well, if not wisely. "You know, having godly blood could be why you attract demons. Did Lord Ares tell you who your ancestors were?" Giles asked with a smile.

"He said my grandmother was Xena. He also told me that Gabrielle followed the God of Peace and that Eli was her grandson. The Way started the lies about her to cover up that they had betrayed their god." Xander told him.

"I see. It would hold true with some of the books I have about Xena and the Warrior Bard. It is said that they were the best of friends and that it was Xena who introduced both Joxer, then a mortal, and Gabrielle to the gods through their travels with her. Its sa id that the Goddess Aphrodite was the first to see the potential of the young bard and the healer. Her interest sparked the interest of other gods. I have several books if you're interested in your family history," Giles told him kindly.

Xander smile widened and he nodded. "It would be great to read about them. There is one other thing, Auntie Dru," Xander said as he looked at the former vampire. She giggled.

"He told you?" Dru asked impishly.

"Yes, so how are we related?" Xander asked happily.

"Angelus didn't kill all of my family, like he thought. I had a sister that married a Harris not long before he came to us. Not long after we brought Spike into the family, she and her family came overseas. Eventually they settled on the hellmouth," Dru told them.

"Amazing," Wes said, awed by all that he had heard.


Chapter 14: Buffy's thoughts.

Buffy was sitting by herself thinking about all of the things that had happened in the last year. There had been so much pain and confusion. They had all lost so much and yet they had gained a great deal as well.

The main loss that she doubted any of them would ever get over was the loss of her mother. It wasn't until she was gone that Buffy realized that Joyce wasn't just her mom. She was all of the Scoobies' mother. Willow's parents were never home, while Xander's had written him off the minute he moved out of the house.

Buffy still f elt guilty about not knowing or paying attention to the fact that Xander had been abused. Once she had been brought back she had spent months fighting to get herself back.

Her death had separated her from everyone in so many ways. Then Willow had turned evil and Xander had broken up with Anya. It had been a painful time. Then the First came and it had pushed them back together.

Now they were all happy again. Xander was a little happier than the rest of them, but then he had three mates and the rest of them only had one. Buffy laughed silently to herself.

It was amazing to think that their lives were finally coming together. It only took the destruction of the First Evil and Sunnydale to accomplish it, but what's a little destruction between friends.

Buffy had been stunned when Riley and Graham had come back to town. Even more surprised to learn that he and Sam had lied about their relationship. Another small smile crossed her face a s she turned her ring around. It was amazing. She and Riley had worked past the problems that they had had the last time they were together.

Dawn was happy, something she hadn't been since the whole Key thing came out. She laughed and teased more than she had in a long while. Buffy knew that a large part of that was due to Xander and the stability that he was able to give her. Stability that Buffy hadn't been able to offer until recently.

Now, though, all of the survivors had received large checks as compensation for their losses in Sunnydale. That, along with the insurance money, meant that they could have a real life for a change.

Angel had bought a building adjacent to the hotel and Xander was leading the construction crew to turn it into the US training and housing facility for the Watchers and Slayers. Giles, Tara and Willow were responsible for it.

The two witches were connected to the Slayers through the spell they had done to awaken all of them. So far, through Giles and Angel's contacts, they had reached hundreds of the girls just in the US alone.

There were more overseas, and Giles had a training facility already set up. It had been decided that she and Faith would set up the training regimens and that Giles and Wes would be responsible for training the Watchers. This time the Watchers would do more than watch. They would train and fight at their charges' side.

They were setting up groups and integrating the families of the Slayers into it as well. Where a girl was in a bad situation, as Faith had been, they were working to get custody of the girls or help her get out of the trouble.

In the last six months things had been coming together and she had seen their lives changing. All in all she was happy with the way things had turned out.

Willow and Tara had decided to have a commitment ceremony and Graham and Cordy had started dating. Dru was stil l around and she and Jesse seemed to be very close.

Yet it was the relationship that Xander shared with his mates that seemed to be the center of all of their lives. It was funny and touching to see them all together. Especially when Xander and Gunn had to get on to the two vampires for trying to overprotect them.

Gunn's crew had taken the news of his mating well and they hung out at the hotel quite a bit. Xander's crew was made up predominantly of Gunn's friends and Xander's night crew was all demons and half demons that Angel, Spike and Doyle had found and introduced to Xander.

For Buffy, the biggest change in all their lives was Xander. He was happier than she could ever remember him being. Willow had told her all about the Xander that she had known before Jesse's death and Buffy felt that she was beginning to get to know that Xander. He was still sweet and funny, but now he was more accepting of everyone. The bitterness and the anger that seemed to live inside of him was gone.

He had set up a shelter and hotline to help them reach victims, both human and non-human. He had also found a way to make Doyle's visions painless. Buffy guessed it came with his status as a champion. It was funny the changes he had brought. Almost everyone in their group had been paired up with someone and they seemed to be happy. The craziest relationship he had engineered, in her opinion, was Oz with Anya and Andrew. Though they seemed to be doing well with one another and were happy.

"Buffy! Come on, dinner's ready!" Dawn called to her. Buffy smiled and stood and walked to the dining room to have dinner with her family. Her last thought before she reached them was that the Prophecy was the best thing that had happened to any of them.


Chapter 15: An Old Enemy

Lilah Morgan sat at her desk reading the report in front of her and silently cursing her luck. They had chosen the wrong side in the fight with evil and now it was coming back to bite them in the ass. All over LA and the world at large, holdings belonging to Wolfram and Hart were disappearing or being destroyed. The AI team was beyond any control or influence that W&H could possibly place on them and if that wasn't bad enough, Lindsey had disappeared. No one was sure where he was, but Lilah had a feeling that he was heading their way and that only meant trouble.

She knew very well that it all would be blamed on her sooner or later. It was only a matter of time before the senior partners were after her blood. She needed to do something quickly to appease them or she was going to lose more than an arm. She needed to destroy Angel on a personal level. That meant getting rid of his mates. Preferably the two younger ones.

Lilah believed that they were the two weak links of the bunch. That meant that they would be the easiest to manipulate. From all that she had been able to gather, this was the first gay relationship that either Alexander or Charles had ever been in. Lilah knew there had to be some way to turn this to her advantage. She just wasn't sure how to do that yet.

Reports about what had happened in Sunnydale were sketchy and she still could not figure out how Drusilla came to be alive. Not undead, but truly alive. Then there was another boy, Jesse, that was alive as well. As far as the intel at W&H was concerned he had been the last Childe of Darla before she was dusted.

Since the Sunnydale group had settled in LA, over half the demon population had left town, and there were rumors that the Watcher's Council was being opened in LA. If that happened W&H's holdings in LA would be destroyed and everyone relocated. She had to destroy the two young men, or kill them, whichever became more necessary.


Ares looked over at his lover and saw the scowl that was marring the normally gentle face. Ares grinned evilly, it looked as though Joxer were about to lose his temper. It only happened about once every hundred years, but when it did everyone got to see just what it was that attracted Ares to Joxer in the first place. He laughed in anticipation as Joxer disappeared. Oh, this was going to be fun.


Joxer flashed down to the underworld and stormed into Asphodel. Hades looked up in surprise and waited to see what had angered Joxer so much. "I want to talk to the senior partners," he snapped.

Hades smirked and inside was near roaring with laughter. Hera and Hectate were in for it. Hades contained his laughter and led the younger god into their chambers.

Pep looked up with a welcoming smile when her husband came into the room. She raised an eyebrow when Joxer came into the chamber behind him. She could practically see his rage. Pep wondered who had ignited the younger god's famous temper.

"Joxer, what are you doing here?" Hectate asked her favorite god.

"It's time you did some thing about Lilah Morgan. The woman has targeted Xander and Gunn. I will not allow her to harm mine or Bliss' champion. I realize that you enjoy your hobby of playing with the humans and the demons. While I don't approve of it, I have tried to stay out of your way, but no more. I want them and that woman handled immediately," Joxer told them angrily.

Both senior goddesses blushed; they had started W&H to get back at those who had hurt their family over the years. The humans and demons that the law offices usually went after were descendants of the leaders of the Way. Even though centuries had passed, the two women did not feel enough justice had been taken against the Way or its descendants.

"Alright, Joxer, you win. We'll handle things, but we want to play with the lawyer for a little while first," Hera said.

"Very well, but she had better not hurt Xander or his mates," Joxer said before turning and leaving.

The Asphodelians watched him go, then the two goddesses disappeared in a flash of muted gold and silver. Pep looked at her husband and giggled at the leer he sent her way before running off towards their chamber with Hades on her heels.


Xander bounced down the stairs, a happy smile on his face. His mates were following behind him with a leer on theirs. All three men were thinking that they'd rather Xander were bouncing in their bed than down the stairs. Xander came to a halt at the foot of the stairs when he saw the tense looks on the faces of his friends. Wes and Doyle were eyeing the blond in the middle of the lobby while everyone else was looking behind Xander towards Angel. They all had a tense look on their faces.

When the blond turned Xander laughed and hurried across the room, lifting the man into a tight hug. "Lind's, what are you doing here?"

Everyone who knew Lindsey gaped in astonishment, their shock was increased when Willow and Jesse let out a cry of joy and rushed to the older man. "Jesse!" Lindsey cried out in shock and joy.

The AI team stared in confusion. "Okay, what's going on?" Gunn asked, confused.

The foursome turned to look at them and grinned at the confusion on their friends' faces. "Lindsey is my cousin. I asked him to come and be our lawyer. We need another one to help us get the baby slayers from their bad places," Xander explained happily.

Angel gaped and looked back and forth between the pair. Suddenly he threw his head back and roared with laughter. "I know why you hated me, now. It had nothing to do with my tossing your client out of a window. It was because of Xander, wasn't it?"

Lindsey nodded. "That, and you really were an asshole."


Chapter 16: Talking and Running

Spike roared with laughter at the lawyer's words. Angel rolled his eyes at his lover and walked further into the room. Xander's eyes were sparkling with mischief and he could tell his young lover knew of the relationship between himself and Lindsey. "Xander," he purred. The younger man laughed and took off, running.

Angel was on his heels, and the group watched in amusement as the vampire chased the laughing boy ar ound the lobby. No one doubted that Angel would capture Xander, but it was good to see both men acting silly.

By the time that Angel had captured Xander, the younger man was flushed and breathless. "You could have told me that Lindsey was coming," Angel told him before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the boy's mouth.

Xander laughed as he pulled away from the kiss. "Where would the fun be in that?"

Angel shook his head at the laughter that filled the lobby at his lover's words. An evil look crossed his face and Xander began to struggle, but Angel held him easily and began to tickle the helpless boy.

Lindsey could not believe what he was witnessing. In all of the time that he had known Angel, he had never seen the vampire act anything but somber. When he had learned that Xander was bound to the vampire he had feared that Xander would never know joy again. He was glad to see that he was wrong.

There was also the fact that Xander was happier than Lindsey could ever remember him being. The love and the laughter in Xander's eyes pleased Lindsey. It was time that Xander knew true happiness.

Looking over, he was stunned to see the look in Jesse's eyes. His chest tightened. It was a look he had never thought to have aimed at him again. Jesse smiled and took his hand. Perhaps he had a second chance at happiness too.