Title: The Powers Are Busy Bodies

Author: CaliaDragon

Fandom: Buffy/Angel

Category: AU, MPREG

Warnings: Angst, MPREG, Violence, Slash, Attempted Rape

Pairing: Xander/Angelus, Spike/Angelus mentioned.

Disclaimer: They aren't mine, just the idea is.

Feedback: If ya want, on list or at CaliaDragon@myself.com

Archive: Anyone I've said yes to and Beyond Canon

Summary: Something strange has happened to Xander.

Spoliers: Season 4 and a little of 6

Thanks to Edi for the Feedback

Series/Sequel: 1st in the Baby Makes 4 series. This will eventually be Xander/Angelus/Spike

The Powers Are Busy Bodies
by CaliaDragon

Deep in the heart of LA, a demon stood silently watching the gathered group below him. Dark eyes burned with want, rage and disdain as he looked at each of them in turn.

These people, these humans and demons were suppose to be his friends, his family, as well as his enemies. It was hard for him to realise that the one he considered his enemy was the one he loved.

The boy loathed him. Of that there was no denying. He had never made any secret of his disdain. The part that hungered for him growled out. Wanting and needing him. Not for the first time he wished that he could claim the mortal as his own.

Not hurt him or mark him in the way the insanity tried to get him to do the last time they met up. He needed the boy the way he needed his Childe, another he had harmed at their last encounter.

The witch wanted to change him, but that was not what he wanted. He wanted unity. They all thought he was pure Angelus, but he wasn't.

This time was different from the last two times he had lost his soul. It wasn't from having sex with a Slayer. Or from a drug. This time it was from the anger at his son being taken, and relief at having him back. Of knowing those responsible for this were all dead.

He was half Angelus and half Angel.

He had no intention of hurting his boy, but he would take him. Then he would be going after his other boy. A dark, seductive smile crossed his face as he thought of all he could do with the pair.


Xander stood beside Willow and tried to pretend he wasn't terrified out of his mind. Willow and Buffy had both insisted that he had to come with Willow to resoul Angel.

The only two more upset about his being in LA with a soulless Angel, were Spike and Wes. Xander had been stunned by Wes' reaction to his being there.


Xander walked through the doors behind Willow. He was almost shaking with fear. His mind was awash with memories of his last encounter with Angelus. Remembering the cold hands roughly pinning him to the wall, knowing that he would be raped or dead very soon.

Only to be saved at the last minute by Dru knocking her Sire over the head. Three days later he received a bloody valentine. Three days after that, Buffy sent Angel to hell.

The last time Angel lost the soul, it was for one day only, but he had called Xander. Xander had had nightmares and had been sick for weeks afterwards.

He was drawn out of his musings by Wes' growled words. "What the bloody hell are you thinking, girl? Xander can not be here! Angelus will go after him quicker than anyone else!" Wes was screaming by the time he had finished.

Lorne, Fred, Connor, Willow, Faith, Cordy, Doyle and Gunn looked at him in stunned silence. They then turned their attention to Xander who was wide eyed and looking around him as though he were waiting for Angelus to jump out and grab him any minute.

"As if I would let Angelus kill my Xander," Willow growled back angrily.

"You stupid bint! He doesn't want to kill him, he wants to fuck him! Xander and Spike are the only two people on this planet that Angelus won't kill," Wes yelled back at her. The entire room went deathly quiet.

Willow gaped at him in astonishment. "How do you know that, English?" Gunn asked nervously. He didn't like hearing about Angelus macking on this kid.

"Simple, the first time he lost his soul, he went after Xander. He was going to rape him, but Dru saved him. The second time he lost his soul, we were able to capture him before he was able to go after Xander and Spike. Angel told me, he made me promise to protect Xander and Spike from him. He made me promise to protect them at all costs. I called you to come and resoul him. It's why I asked you to come alone," Wes told her angrily. He couldn't believe this was happening.

"Well, Wes, he's not in the hotel and Xander should be safe," Cordy pointed out. She and Willow were looking at Xander and trying not to feel overly guilty. All this t ime and they never realized that was the reason that he hated Angel. Or why he had lied about the soul restoration spell.

Willow looked at Wes again and was slightly shaken by the rage in his eyes. She felt bad about insisting that Xander come with her. Buffy was going to be pissed when she heard that Angelus had always wanted Xander. Not pissed at Xander, but at herself for never figuring it out.

Connor was watching the dark haired boy with wonder and confusion. He was the one that the Powers had told him about. With a slight twinge of guilt he cleared his throat and looked at Wes. "Maybe I should take him upstairs and guard him while she does the spell," he said in his quiet way.

Wes nodded and looked over at Faith. "Perhaps you should go with him as added protection."

"No, she needs to stay down here just in case," Connor said calmly. He really didn't want his lover to know what he was up to. Faith gave him a hard stare, then nodded. She knew he was up to something, but was willing to let it go. Unlike the others, Faith knew that he was in touch with the Powers and that they had been dictating his actions as of late.

Motioning Xander in front of him he followed the other man up the stairs. When they reached the first floor, Connor gave Xander directions to what Xander thought was a safe room.

Where he ended up was Angel's room. The boy panicked when he saw that Angelus was actually in the room. He spun, tried to run, but found Connor closing him in with the vampire. Xander gasped as he was pulled tightly against the hard body behind him. Then blackness claimed him.


Xander moaned, opened his eyes and stared in confusion. He couldn't understand where he was. Then he felt something soft brush against his cheek and he followed the movement. He gasped in terror as h e saw that he was being held by Angelus. He struggled weakly, but was easily subdued and pinned beneath the vampire.

"Easy, love, I'm not going to hurt you," Angelus said soothingly as he ran a hand down the boy's cheek.

Xander looked up at the dark vampire with wide eyes. He was shocked when Angelus captured his mouth in a gentle kiss. Xander gasped and the vampire took advantage of the fact to deepen the kiss.

When he broke away, Angelus looked into the boy's wide eyes and smiled. "I've missed seeing you. Leaving you in Sunnydale was the hardest thing I have ever done. No one will take you from me this time."

Xander shuddered at the dark promise in Angelus' voice. He whimpered in shock and fear when Angelus moved against him and he felt the press of cool skin against his own. "Shh, my own. I will not harm you. Only pleasure, no pain. I promise, no pain," he whispered seductively, before leaning down and kissing the boy again.

Xander was lost in sensation as the dark vampire played his body like an instrument. No one had ever touched him this way. No one had ever treated him as though he were something and someone to be cherished. He wanted to cry over the fact that it was a supposedly soulless demon giving him the pleasure and treating him so gently.

Xander was so lost to Angelus' seduction that he never felt the first finger enter his body. He cried out in pleasure and need when the vampire began to stroke the tip of his finger over Xander's prostate.

Whimpering, Xander twisted his body, trying to get closer to Angelus and crying out in pleasure as his mouth was claimed in another deep kiss. Xander arched and screamed in pleasure as Angelus gently slid into his body, brushing over his pleasure point.

Lifting away from the boy, Angelus looked into his love's eyes and began to move. "Take me, feel me," Angelus urged as he loved the boy.

Xander moaned and hesitantly began to stroke and tease Angelus' body. Faster and faster they moved and Xander didn't think twice about baring his throat to Angelus as their release hit them. He screamed out his pleasure as Angelus sank his fangs into his throat. Then blackness claimed him again.


When Xander came to, he was lying alone on a bed, his bed. Memories were fuzzy and he couldn't remember how he came to be there. The last thing he remembered was being taken by Angelus. A blush stole across his checks and he rolled onto his side. Surprisingly, he felt heavier than usual. With a groan he climbed out of bed and made his way to his bathroom. Looking around him in confusion, he could see none of Anya's things there.

His confusion was pushed aside by the need to relieve himself. He was stunned to see his stomach was in the way and that he was in the basement bathroom. Quickly he relieved himself and left the room. He went to his closet and found the loosest clothing he could and left the basement of doom.

As he walked outside he realized that it was dark and he walked faster. Deciding that it would probably be best to go to the Magic Box and talk to Giles. Maybe he could figure out what was happening.

When he walked into the Magic Box the others all turned to see him. "It's about time you got here, Xander. We have to find out all we can about Glory," Buffy snapped at him. Xander froze.

"What? Why? Glory's dead!" Xander exclaimed in confusion.

"What are you talking about? I just fought with her again an hour ago," Buffy growled at him.

Xander looked at her, his confusion growing. "Okay, this is weird. Do you know that Dawn is the Key?" he asked slowly.

"What! Dawn's the Key?" Giles exclaimed, shocked.

"Yeah, Ben is Glory's human host," Xander said slowly.

"That cute intern that's helping take care of mom?" Buffy asked, confused.

"Yeah, if you can separate or kill Ben, then Glory will die," Xander told her. "What the hell is going on? This happened a year ago. The last thing I remember was...um, never mind, but the point is I went to sleep with this having already happened and a lot skinnier than I am right now. Not to mention the fact that I lived in a very nice apartment with my fiancee, Anya!" Xander bellowed.

Willow and Tara exchanged a look. However, Spike was sniffing the air and looking at Xander strangely. "You seen the poofter recently, whelp?" Xander blushed beet red and looked away.

"Bloody Hell! He claimed you! You alright, did he hurt you?" Spike asked. The others looked between the two in confusion.

Xander blushed again and shook his head. "Actually, he was very gentle, but he wasn't Angel. He was Angelus." Spike gasped, Buffy jumped to her feet with a yell and the others gaped.

"Angelus is back?" Willow asked fearfully.

"Uh, no? I'm not sure. He was where I was before, but now that I'm here he might not be?" Xander frowned, confused. With a shrug he went over to the phone and, picking it up, dialed LA.

//Angel Investigations, we help the helpless. Cordelia speaking. What do you want?// Xander couldn't help but smile over her greeting.

"Hey Cordy, it's me, Xander."

//Xander! What's going on? Do you need us? Are you in trouble?// she squealed. On her end the rest of AI groaned and sighed in response.

"Maybe, look, I have a strange question, though it might not be strange. More like scary than strange and I'll ask right now," Xander babbled.

//Xander! Stop babbling and ask the question already!// Cordy demanded. Snickers came from those that knew Xander.

"Okay, is Deadboy still souled or is he Angelus again?"

//Of course he still has a s oul! Do you think I'd still be here if he didn't?//

"Good point, listen could you and the rest of the fang gang come to Sunnydale. I need you," Xander told her.

//We'll be there in a few hours.//

"Thanks, Cordy," Xander said as they hung up.

Angel sighed and looked over at Wes, Oz and Doyle. This was just what they needed. "Well, it looks like we're going to Sunnydale."

"You're damn straight we're going. Xander needs me," Cordy snarled as she stood and started for the door. None of them were stupid enough to argue with her.


Three hours later they arrived at the Magic Box. Thankfully, Angel had managed to be the one behind the wheel. No one wanted to be in a car that Cordy was driving. It was a very scary thought.

When they walked through the door, Angel froze in shock and looked around at Spike, then ov er to where Xander sat. Almost as if he were in a trance, Angel walked over to the boy and crouched down in front of him. He was growling softly and staring at Xander hungrily.

The others were suddenly nervous and many of them had started looking for weapons. "How did this happen?" he asked as he pulled the boy's shirt down to reveal a claim mark. His claim mark.

"It's a long story," Xander said shyly. He lowered his eyes and began to play with the hem of his shirt. This shocked all of them. Since when was Xander Harris shy?

"Xander, what's going on?" Wes asked calmly. He was more than a little confused.

Cordy began to push her way through the others giving them all scornful looks. When she reached Angel and Xander, Angel shifted to give her room to sit beside the suddenly shy boy. "Xander, sweetie, why don't you tell us what's going on?" she asked calmly. Their relationship had gone a long way since highschool. In fact she was the only one that knew that he was taking on line college courses.

Xander nodded and began to tell them everything he remembered of the other time line. Up to the last thing he remembered. The Scoobies and the Fang Gang were stunned. None of them could believe that this was happening.

When they heard about Angelus' actions Buffy sneered. "That proves that this is all in Xander's imagination. Why would Angelus claim Xander? Everyone knows that he hates Xander!"

"Do they really, Miss Summers? That's funny, because I know that Xander is one of the only people in this room that I can say with any certainty that Angelus will not kill," Wes told her coolly.

"Angelus escaped once last year. If they had not contained him when they did, Xander would have received a visit from Angelus and the rest of you would have been dead. There is also the fact that Xander is wearing my claim mark and the only other person in this room to wear it is Spike. Xander is tell ing the truth, not all of the truth, there is something that he is holding back," Angel told her before looking back up at Xander.

The boy blushed again and pulled up his shirt, uncovering his stomach. Cordy and Angel both gasped and touched his distended abdomen. Cordy let out a squeal when she felt a kick. Angel gulped and lay his head on Xander's stomach. He could hear three heartbeats.

"I hear three heart beats, only one of them is Xander's," Angel said in a soft, awe filled voice.

The room exploded with noise and shock. "We better take him to someone who can kill them," Buffy said archly.

She nearly fell over when the AI crew and Spike snarled at her. "Touch Xander and I'll rip your spine out," Oz growled, then blinked in confusion as Willow suddenly began to crackle with magic.

Buffy found herself flattened against a wall and a very pissed off Willow was guarding Xander. Everyone but Xander had run for cover. "Buffy, listen to yourself. You just said you wanted to kill Xander's children. Do you realize that these children are more than likely from the Powers? Just as Dawn is a gift to your family from the Powers. Are you really that far gone?"

Buffy looked from Willow to Xander and felt horror fill her. "I'm so sorry, Xander. I-I...God, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I swear!"

Willow lowered Buffy back to her feet and the Slayer hurried over to Xander, hugging him tightly. Xander just hugged her and let her cry. He knew that the last few months had been hard on her. "It's going to be okay. We know that Ben is Glorificus' human host, we'll be able to stop her now. Oh shit! I almost forgot, Joyce needs to go see her doctor, she's got an aneurism! It killed her in the other time line," Xander told her as he pulled her back.

Buffy paled and looked up into Xander's worried eyes. She nodded and turned to where Riley was sitting. He stood and walked to her, giving Xander wary glances as though he were afraid pregnancy was catching. Xander was amused by this, but said nothing.

After they left Xander sank into a chair with a weary sigh. He looked over at Willow who was looking at Tara. He could see pain and fear in his best friend's eyes. Willow turned and looked at him and for a long time neither of them moved.

The others in the room were looking at one another in confusion. Something was going on between Willow and Xander and no one was sure they wanted to get into the middle of it. Slowly the pair began to grin, then laugh. Willow fell on the floor rolling in her laughter and Xander was clutching the sides of the chair to keep from falling.

"Pregnant....rat...Anya!" Willow shrieked and Xander roared with laughter. They coughed, then looked at one another and started laughing again.

"Okay, okay....we have to stop," Xander gasped out between giggles. Unfortunately he would look at Will ow again and burst into laughter again.

Finally Willow climbed off the floor and staggered over to Xander's chair. She sank down in front of him and rested her head on his stomach. Xander smiled softly and placed his hand in her hair.

Tara and Angel both felt a stab of jealousy, but ignored it. Willow loved Tara. They both knew that. Nothing would come between them, but Willow and Xander were a part of each other in a way that no one would ever change.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Willow asked.

"I don't know, I mean, what should we do?" Xander asked her.

She straightened away from him and looked up. "Well, I know of a spell that would split Ben from Glory, but I don't think Buffy could take her herself."

"The Poof and I could help," Spike said.

They looked over at Spike and smiled as one. Xander had come to like Spike in the other time line and had felt bad about the way he had treated him. Souled Spike wa s a good guy, even if he claimed otherwise.

"Okay, that's taken care of, now what do I do about Anya?" Xander asked.

"Nothing, I heard everything," Anya said.

Both Xander and Willow jerked in surprise and turned to look at her. Neither of them had seen her come in. "Umm...hi. Anya," Xander said nervously.

Anya smiled at him and turned her attention to Angel. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "If you hurt him I'll make you human then rip out your kidneys and feed them to you. Do you understand?"

Angel paled and nodded. He really, really needed to stay away from scary women. What was with Xander that he had them the way most men had hobbies.

Anya nodded and walked over to where Willow and Xander were sitting. Anya smiled at the pair. She and Willow had made their peace about Xander and Anya was no longer jealous of Willow. She leaned over and kissed Xander deeply. When they pulled away Angel was growling and so was Spike. Anya gave them a look and it shut them both up. Cordelia snickered.

"I'm leaving Sunnydale. Hallie has come to fetch me. She and I were lovers before Giles made me a human, now she wants me back."

Xander pouted, but grinned at her, "I knew there was something between the two of you."

Anya laughed. "Hey, best friends can have sex. You, Buffy and Willow proved that. I have to go now. See ya," she said with a wicked grin as she vanished.

"WHAT?" The others in the room asked, stunned.

Willow and Xander winced and growled. "Anya!"

"What exactly did she mean by that, Whelp?" Spike asked, intrigued.

Xander rolled his eyes and Willow shrugged. "We're teenagers. Highly sexed teenagers who were mateless for a while. It was just sex," Willow said with a shrug. The others just gaped. It was Tara that broke the shock. She giggled.

Xander and Willow shared a look. "You are so lucky, Wills," Xander wispered. Willow giggled and nodded.

Spike, being Spike, had to ask the question that was hovering in all of their minds. "All three of you at once?"

Xander and Willow shared another grin. "Slaying's not the only thing we can do as a team," Xander said with a smirk. Tara giggled again and whistled.

Willow jumped up and rushed to her lover, kissing her breathless. "As soon as I get Xander settled, I'm gonna show you just how much I appreciate you."

Spike whistled softly and the others were just gaping in astonishment. Xander giggled again and looked at Willow. The two snorted in amusement and yelled, "Suckers!"

Tara laughed in delight as the group gaped at them in confusion. "Willow and Buffy are like my sisters. Despite my parents white trash tendencies I'm really not into incest," Xander told them with an eye roll. Then he stood and grabbed Tara and Willow by the hands and the three fled the Magic Box and the chaos they had caused, Ta ra's laughter trailing in their wake.

Spike chuckled at the dumbfounded looks on everyone's face. Suddenly Cordy let out a laugh and ran out of the store and after the three. "Oh God, the Hyperion will not stand up to both Xander and Cordy!" Wes cried out. Oz and Angel both sank into the nearest chair with a groan.

Giles was trying not to laugh. He would miss Xander, but he couldn't wait to see how the LA crew dealt with the Chaos Twins.


Xander, Tara and Willow turned and grinned at Cordy from where they were standing, waiting for her. Xander took her hand and they walked down the street towards his apartment. "You do realize that you are coming to LA with us, right?" Cordy asked as they walked.

Xander and Willow both nodded. "It would be too dangerous for him to stay on the hellmouth. Despite her apology, I don't trust Buffy and I certainly don't trust Riley," Willow said. Both Tara and Xander nodded in agreement. Cordy was shocked by her words. What had happened between Buffy and these two?

"Riley s-scares me," Tara stuttered out. The other three came to a halt at that and looked at her.

"Has he done something to you? Has he hurt you?" Willow asked urgently.

Tara shook her head. "He just makes me uncomfortable. I feel strange around him and his aura is muddy, it's like he's just pretending to be who he is."

This made the other three frown. "Should we tell Buffy?" Cordy asked.

"I don't know, she doesn't like it when someone tells her something about the guys she dates," Xander said. The others nodded in agreement.

"Well, I think we should go to your apartment and start packing your things. I have no idea if Riley really dropped his contacts with the military, but I don't want to take the chance," Willow said. Again the others agreed and they headed to Xander's apartment.

None of them were sure what the future held, but they knew that Xander would be safe with Angel. Cordelia would make sure of it.--
