The Path Taken

By Linda C.

Fandon: BTVS/LOTR crossover

Pairing: Legalos/Spike

Rating: R for violence

Warnings: m/m but no sex scenes (a rarity for me, I know)

Disclaimer: Joss owns Spike, Tolkien owns Legalos.

Spoilers: Post Buffy finale/Fellowship of the Ring/The Two Towers up to the siege of Helm's Gate/ Slight one for Return of the King/Angel's premiere never happened.

Archive: yes. WWOMB plus anyone else who wants it.

Acknowledgments: I want to recommend: This was the most comprehensive list of phrases I found anywhere on the Web.

Summary: There are many paths to follow; not all lead home.

The Path Taken
By Linda C.

"Spike, quit squirming! You know this is a long movie. You should have gone before it started!" Xander poked the blond vamp in his arm, trying to get him to settle down. They had all gathered in the Summer's living room for a night of The Ring weekend on Starz.

"Hey, idiot. Vamp here. Don't ever have to pee or shit again, thank you very much. You're just taking too much room on the couch. Move over!" Xander slid down some, arm going around the thin shoulders, a quick hug. His bud, the mouthy vampy, blond bombshell. A pillow landed in his lap, same blond head following, snuggling down for the extended version. Popcorn, chips, soda, beer, and four containers of blood littered the coffee table and floor. Dawnie plopped down, lifting Spike's legs into her lap, tickling his bare feet. Xander had to stifle a snigger as he saw the pink and black striped toenails. Dawnie had been feeling especially creative when she took Spike up on his offer for a practice session of her pedicure skills.

Buffy and Willow claimed the two overstuffed side chairs, legs going over the sides. Buffy and Dawnie had been in Europe for a few months, Xander disappearing until Spike tracked him down in Omaha, of all places, doing construction. He had drug him back, locked him in his old apartment, empty all the months he had been gone except for a certain freeloading vamp, and yelled some sense into him. Willow had taken a break from her English coven duties and come home. It was a reunion of old friends and old enemies, now a family joined by their ordeals and tragedies. Xander poked at Spike again, getting a glower from the ice blue eyes. "Watch yourself there or I'll take you little glass eye for a pocketfob." Then reached up and lightly pecked Xan on the mouth. It earned him a smile and a return smooch.

"Shut up and watch your crush, Legalos, your blond Elf. You'd give me up in a heartbeat, you fickle vamp you. He's just have to crook his finger and you'd go running. And jump his bones." Everyone present knew just how much Spike loved Legalos. He had gone 23 times to see the first Ring movie, then stole the DVD when it came out. He had pictures all over his bedroom at Xander's of his Elvin love interest. When the second movie hit the theaters he had stood in line over four hours to get in first. And 27 subsequent times thereafter, following the movie when it went to the next town for its run. Xander's early Christmas present this year had been the special DVD version with the extra discs for his little buddy. It had actually brought a tear to the vamp's eye. No one had seen him for three days, the TV in his room constantly playing.

"Yeah, right. Like I'd ever leave you, studmuffin. I love you, sodass. Give me a kiss before the girls get all eewy about it!" He leaned up, Xander meeting his lips with his own, soft and warm. Tongue stroking inside, tasting beer and chips, mmming at Xan's delicate touch inside his mouth. "Love you, Xan." And he truly did, their constant bickering back and forth for years finally coming to an end, both admitting that what they felt for each other bordered on love, not hate. Lips had met, kisses exchanged, bodies learning to touch and feel, not fight. They had not made it out of the apartment for days.

"Bullshit. If you had to choose between me and him, right now, who would you choose?" Xander poked him, his voice jesting, but his eyes were not. It was a constant fear with him, that he had finally found love and it would leave him, alone once more. Spike pulled his head down, fingers tangled in sable hair, and pressed a deep kiss onto his mouth. "You, my love, always you."

Spike lay back down, his head a little dizzy. He actually felt light, like he had no weight to his body. He heard Xander cry out his name and he looked over to see a look of horror on the girl's faces. Glancing down, he saw himself disappearing, his body see-through. He put his hand out to Xander, trying to hold on. He started to scream.


Behind a locked door, a large orb glowed and thrummed. It whirled on an invisible axis, thousands upon thousands of golden filaments circling it. Two particular strands brightened into red, pulsing as they met. A low voice filled the air around the globe. "Hmmm, what have we here?"


Spike finished the scream as he solidified once more, his bare feet standing on grass, wet with dew and fresh blood from the - Orcs! - on the ground, arrows sticking out of them, heads separated from bodies, just a bloody mess all around. He yelled as someone poked a spear at him.

"Hey, watch it there. Pointy wooden thingies are not my friends. Now, if someone could tell me WHERE THE HELL I AM, I would deeply appreciate it! Hello, talking here." He turned in a circle, watching as the men dressed in some medieval costumes surrounded him. They parted and his mouth dropped open. He rubbed his eyes, looked again. Nope, still there. "Aragorn?" he whispered, moving toward the tall man, knocking aside a spear thrust his way. "Grimli? What the bleeding hell?" His eyes roamed over the men before him. This had to be a nightmare.

"How do you know my name, strange one? Have we met?" Spike shook his head, not believing his eyes even yet.

"Not in this time, mate. I know of you, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and the Fellowship of the Ring from my time, from books and movies. But you wouldn't know about movies. And I don't think I'm in my time anymore anyway. Somehow I got mixed up with yours."

"That is quite correct, young one. There was a major disturbance in the Ether. I could feel it in my very soul. You have crossed into the path of our existence and left your own. It will not be possible for you to return until the convergence occurs once more." Spike stared, then dropped to one knee, head bent. Even he, as a Master Vampire, respected Power and the tall bearded man in front of him indeed had Extreme Power - this was Gandalf, the Gray, the Great Wizard.

He stood when he felt the old man's hand on his shoulder, raising him. "If you're Gandalf, the Gray, then you must be searching for the way to Saru - " He stopped as Gandalf touched his shoulder.

"No more, child. Reveal no more. The timeline cannot be altered anymore than it already has by your appearance here. The Gods must have a purpose for you being sent to us, but it will be revealed to us in time. For now, just travel with us, tell us a little of your world, but do not mention what you know of our future. Time must go on as planned."

Spike started as a cloak was wrapped around him, turning to thank the person. His tongue froze in his mouth. He had to shake himself twice, then a third time. "Legalos, of the Mirkwood Elvin Clan, a Sindar male, a warrior bred and bound." Long slender fingers ran along his cheek, up on over his hair, cerulean eyes examining him closely. A quiver of arrows was slung over a narrow shoulder, a bow over the other. Suede leggings hugged slender calves, high leather boots over them doing little to hide the long thighs. Slender hips, a long torso, a neck that was both willowy and strong, the long blond hair drifting in the breeze.

"It seems, Legalos, that you have taken yet another man's breath away from his body. Your beauty is unsurpassed but you must take pity on mere mortals and try to not rob their brains of speech when you appear. Legalos, dear boy, are you listening?" Gandalf glanced at Aragorn, then glared at Grimli as the Dwarf snickered. "Seems like the Elf has lost his voice too!"

"Come, we make camp on the hill. These Orcs will carry no tales back to their brethren. Tula, hama neva i'naur. Come, sir stranger, sit with us and tell us about yourself." Spike stared as Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin gathered close, each greeting him with a respectful nod and a handshake. He tried to remember the story and where he had to be in it. He finally gave up and decided to enjoy the moment.

A fire soon roared, food passed around, Spike refusing to eat. He needed blood but knew of no way to ask. His body ached from whatever hell he had traveled through to reach here.

Legalos sat by him on the log, his pleasant scent making Spike's whole body twitch a little. Too close, too much blood flowing in those pretty veins in that pretty throat. He groaned softly. Gandalf nodded at him, eyes knowing and wise. He could see the hunger. "Tell us about yourself."

"My name is Spike. Well, my real name from when I was human was William Bredon, but now I go by Spike. Not a very nice reason why, but that's not important. What is, mate, is the fact that I can't be exposed to the sun. I can travel from dusk to dawn, and need covered during the day."

Legalos stared at him, eyes sweeping over the pale skin and white blond hair so like his own. Nodding, he ran his hand over the cool skin, surprised at its temperature and texture. "May I ask why, traveler? Because your skin is so pale, so pure of color?"

"No, luv. It's because I'm a vampire. The sun will kill me, a wooden stake through my heart will turn me to dust. I'm immortal but I need blood to live. I don't know what you would call me in your language."

Legalos sat by his side, blue eyes meeting his. A thoughtful look came over his face as he studied Spike. "We would call you a serce miruvore, or an agar yulma. A blood drinker or a vessel of blood. We have no true word for what you called yourself, a vampyre." The soft lilt of his voice gave the word a new accent, sounding softer than in English.

"Elvish. You're speaking Elvish. I loved when the scenes where Arwen and Aragorn spoke it." He saw Aragorn start as Arwen's name was mentioned. "It's so lovely, so beautiful to hear. Speak some more, please, Legalos." He moved closer, knee brushing, fire feeling good on his cold skin. He started as his hand was clasped and warmed between the two elegant ones of Legalos.

"Lle naa vanima. Vanimle sila tiri." The soft voice whispered into Spike's ear, tickling it as the Elf stayed close. "It means 'you are beautiful. Your beauty shines bright.' Your skin is so pale, it draws my hand to see if it is real, or merely a dream that I am lost in. Villim, you are a rare and beautiful creature. May I touch you again?"

"Legalos, don't get too near. He needs blood, his body craves it. His travel here has drained him. Legalos!" Gandalf shouted out, unheeded, as Legalos slit his wrist, blood welling, and pressed it to Spike's mouth.

"Drink, little one, drink from me."


It had been three days. Three days of hell, trying to explain to the others just where he had been when he disappeared on movie night. Giles had been called and agreed with Gandalf about the time convergence. It seemed that there had been a theory around for over a thousand years about the different time continuums occurring concurrently, each one running along until they 'brushed' together, time overlapping, people shifting across the borders, then back as the strands parted once again. What was fiction in one world became truth in another. Time flowed along at an even pace in each individual world, but months could become years, days turning into months when paths crossed. Spike's two days missing had been two hours in the Other World, as they called it. Giles was working, along with Willow, with converting a timeline to follow, knowing that once the breech had occurred, it would happen again and again, until whatever needed set right was completed. Now if only they could figure out what it was.


"Hey, a little respect for your elders here, young man!" Spike sat looking up at Legalos, his good friend laughing at him as he sat in a puddle of water. Sometimes he didn't land in the most convenient places. He reached up and yanked the young elf onto his lap, tickling him until he gasped for mercy.

"I am older than you think, Villim. Much older." He sat curled up in Spike's arms, content and happy. He had been so glad to see his friend materialize in front of them. Today he wore a blood red shirt, black trousers and his regular boots he called 'Docs', a heavy black leather lace up.

"I happen to be over 400 years old, puppy. How old are you?" Aragorn laughed, quickly stifled as Legalos threw him a dirty look. Gimli snickered, then pretended to study his axe very carefully.

Legalos sat up, wrapping an arm around Spike's neck, pressing a soft kiss on the pale, gaunt cheek. "I am over 2000 years old, 'young man', so I suggest you show me some of that respect you're talking about." He had to giggle as Spike stared at him, then looked over to see Aragorn nod.

"Holy fuck! I don't even know of any vampires that old. Quite a few demons, yeah, but they're magical. They can live forever and even come back to life, unless you know how to kill them."

A quick boost up, a hand on his butt, and Legalos shook his clothes to rights, pulling Spike up after him. "You seem to forget, vampyre, that I am an Elf. We are Magic. I am young in my Clan, the youngest son of my father. Magic is how my quiver is never empty. Magic fills it as needed, as fast as I can draw the bow and fire."

Spike picked up the bags he had dropped when he landed. He had been ready this time, bringing fresh fruit, meat, and bottled water. He handed four large packages of pipe tobacco to Aragorn and two six-packs of Coors Lite to Gimli. For Legalos he had brought a soft pair of leather boots, his almost worn out. He had also brought several onyx clips for his long blond hair and a brush of the finest boar's hair. He carefully brushed out the tangles as they sat in front of the fire eating and drinking, Aragorn enjoying his new tobacco, the light cherry aroma drifting about them as they talked well into the night. Legalos leaned against Spike as they talked, low and soft, lover's murmurs. Aragorn just nodded and went back to smoking his pipe. It would not be long before the Elf took a mate.

They slept together that night, wrapped around each other. Spike was falling in love. He just didn't know how to tell Legalos. Or if the Elf would want him. His body ached for him. When he woke, he was in bed with Xander, Legalos' name on his lips.


"I need a weapon. Give me a weapon!" Spike screamed as the Orcs surrounded them. He began fighting, fists flying, connecting with inhuman flesh.


His arm shot up, catching the long sword tossed to him, bringing it round to cut off the head of the Orc trying to spear him. As the smell of blood hit him, he went into gameface and roared. His own demon was on fire, bloodlust fueling it, driving ever forward, slashing, cutting, killing. Trying to get to Legalos, surrounded by at least 20 enemy, arrows flying as fast as he could draw his bow. Spike screamed out, sword brandished and leapt into the fray, arm swinging, roaring as they fell before him. He could see Aragorn cutting a path toward them, eyes on Legalos. He had not yet seen Spike's face but the Elf had.

The flashing yellow eyes, the ridges of bone and flesh, these were the face of a demon. A demon who was defending his back, killing for him, arm pulling him against a black clad chest and half-flying through the air to land safely on the pile of boulders far above them. A demon who pressed a kiss upon his open mouth and leapt back down in the killing, protecting Aragorn now as they were overwhelmed.

"Run, you fool, run!" he shouted, motioning Legalos toward the horses tethered on top of the hill. "I'll bring Aragorn and Gimli." Teeth sunk into thick Orc skin, ripping and tearing, sword plunging into guts and hearts. The Orcs started to retreat, this new form of human unknown to them. One who roared like an animal, showed teeth like an animal, and who drank their blood, growing ever stronger with each body that dropped from his fangs.

"Come here, Sir Dwarf. And don't give me any bloody shit about it, you hear? Wrap your legs around me and hold onnnnn." A quick thrust of powerful vamp legs and they both landed beside Legalos, Aragorn fighting his way up the rock hill. Throwing Gimli up on a horse, Spike took off, seeing arrows whiz by his head, Legalos covering his back for him now. He reached down a hand and pulled Aragorn up beside him, arm wrapped around his waist tightly as he leapt the last ten feet. The Orcs roared out their frustration as their quarry escaped. They would have much to tell their Lord when they returned about the yellow haired demon that drank blood and fought like an Orc possessed. Much to tell.


Legalos sighed as he saw Spike fade, knowing he would be back before nightfall. He pulled out his paper, Spike's chart he had brought with him the last time. Sundown, 6 o'clock, was written, Legalos learning some English words now. Sundown he knew.


As the sun set, a light breeze blew and Legalos pulled up, bringing a horse to his side, found wandering after the Orc slaughter. He turned as he heard the mild curse as Spike landed on the horse sideways, belly hitting the hard muscled back. His Villum was home. He was quickly covered by two blankets, a light smoke rising from his skin before he was hidden completely.

The group of men did not stop their flight until the dusk fell, Legalos riding by Spike, hand reaching out to touch, more to reassure himself that his new mate was there, by his side once more. Too many times he had watched Villim fade into nothingness, eyes meeting, hearts breaking. How he wished he could stay with him forever.

They made camp, Aragorn hearing no sound of approaching troops when he pressed his ear to the ground. "We can rest here. I must thank you, Master Spike, for rescuing me from them. Such strength I have never seen in a human before." A strong hand clasped Spike's, a firm shake and a quick hug.

"Not human, mate, told you that before. Used to be, not any more. It's the demon inside that drives the power, that wants the kill, the blood. The drink. It's a part of all us vampires. It's been passed down through Sire and Childe from the very first vampire, from before the time of Christ and beyond. When it becomes dominant, that's when my face changes, my eyes turn yellow, my strength triples, and I become almost unstoppable. Fighting demons is what I do when I'm back in my own timeline."

"Why have you never changed when you fought before with us?" Gimli drank some warm ale, wiping his beard off with his arm.

"Because I was not in love before. Now I fight to protect the man I love." A quick lean over, a soft kiss pressed into pink, lush lips. Gimli groaned. Aragorn poked him, watching the Elf and the Vampyre kiss, eyes searching for and finding their love.

"I have a soul that I fought for and almost drove me insane after I got it. I fell in love with someone and she didn't love me back. I thought that if I got a soul, she would accept me in her life. I guess too much had happened between us that was just sex, not love, at least not on her part. Even now, I have left someone behind that I love and who loves me. It is tearing me apart that I must leave both of the men I love. Legalos, you are my heart and soul. But when I go back home, Xander is there, waiting for me. We have fought so long and hard, lost so many friends, to just walk away. He and I will always be together as long as I live in Normal Earth. When I am here, I belong to you. Is that enough?"

"Always, my love. I will wait for you always."

"All right, then, that's settled. Now catch me up. Where's Gandalf? And Frodo, and the little ones?"

Gandalf was dead, lost in the Mines of Moria to a Balrog . And so was Boromir, Aragorn telling of the death of their brave comrade, lost in the fight
with the Orc. They had finally settled down around the fire, telling their tales. Frodo had left them, on his own quest now, along with Sam. The little ones, Merry and Pippin, had been taken by Orc, alive and unharmed, but no one knew for how long. They had been traveling for many days, trailing them in their trek.

He leaned on Legalos, arm around his waist. A soft kiss on his cheek, and he turned to meet the elf's mouth, tongue slipping in to taste. Tonight they would make love. They had agreed they did not have the time to waste on courtship and soft words of promise and love. They moved to the other side of the camp, away from the others, Aragorn and Gimli exchanging glances. And pretending they were deaf and blind the rest of the night as they kept watch over the new lovers. If they heard Legalos cry out as Villum's fangs sunk into his throat and claimed him, they paid no heed. It was not a cry for help, but of passion.


He shied away, not wanting Xander's hands on him. Each time he returned the feeling had been getting worse. Every time Xander touched him, his body remembered long, slender fingers, pale blond hair brushing against his skin, delicate pointed ears under his tongue. He only wanted one man now.

He looked at his watch. Twelve more hours.


Legalos looked around, hoping Villum would appear soon. He knew not of time on Normal Earth, no watch adorned his wrist as it did his lover's. They had searched for the little ones in Fanghorn Forest, finding instead Gandalf, the White. Alive yet again, brought back to finish the fight. They were headed to Edoras, to see Theoden in his hall, to warn him of the coming danger.

What they saw was but a shadow of the Great King, a walking corpse, words whispered in his ear by Wormtongue, indeed a worm of a man, dank and black-souled like his Master.

Legalos sighed deeply, looking over his shoulder. 'Where was Villum?'

They were on their way in a day, Gandalf breaking the spell that had been cast over the King, bringing him back to his throne and banishing Wormtongue. War was imminent. They would repair to Helm's Gate to await the marching horde. And die if need be.


Spike left without saying a word. He went to his old crypt, gathering weapons; his favorite axe, two swords, two quivers of arrows tipped with poison, and a curved knife, a sharp serrated edge just meant for slicing Orc throats. He put on his duster, pulled out a cigarette and waited. His body hummed. It was time.


Fuck Gandalf and his rules. He was not going to let the man he loved die and the rest of his friends either. He pulled Aragorn away from the wall, ducking the arm going for his head. A bright smile of welcome lit the weary warrior's face. "They're going to blow the wall! Get Gimli and your men and get out." He ran, knowing Aragorn would listen and obey. "Legalos, turn to me." He got no response, his lover too entrenched in fighting to heed the yell. "Hey Blondie, get your fucking ass over here!" Spike screamed at the top of his lungs, that getting the desired affect. No one called Legalos Blondie except him, let alone swear at him. Two seconds later his arms were full of a bloody, sweaty Elf, lips claiming his. "Run now, kiss later."

Taking the slender hand in his, Spike pulled Legalos along behind him, his great axe sweeping and falling, cutting down the enemy right and left. No one could withstand his fury. Gameface on, many fled the human that had been rumored about, the one who drank blood and bit like a wolf. Orcs were not fools.

They had barely reached the inner keep when the Deeping Wall exploded outward, swarms of Orc and Uruk-hai pouring in, growls and howls echoing at their perceived victory. Not if Spike could help it. Helm's Gate would see triumph this day. Gandalf was coming. He had to believe
this universe was following the book and the film as it had all along.

"Listen to me, little one. We fight as long as we must. I will be at your side until the convergence ends, you know that. I will never leave you
willingly. Help is on the way. Stay strong and stay with Aragorn. Do. Not. Leave. His. Side." He shook Legalos a little, fear making his tremble. Seeing the nod, he brought him close to his chest, wanting one last hug. His body was trembling, his hands fading in and out. Too soon. He fought it, heart straining to stay. One last kiss, one last caress of the body he loved so well.

"Tenna' ento lye omenta."

Spike looked down at himself, his eyes following Legalos' look of terror. He was fading, a shadow now, a wraith. He tried to grab at his lover's hand, passing through it like the air. He couldn't leave him, not now, not when they were so close to winning the battle. He gave one last cry as he heard Legalos scream out his name.

"Amin mela lle, Villim. Amin mela lle." Legalos dropped to one knee, Aragorn coming behind him, eyes widening when he too saw Spike fading away.

"I love you too, Legalos. I love you too." A sharp pain went through him and he landed on the hard ground in front of The Magic Shoppe with a thud. "Nooooo." His scream echoed down the empty street, on his knees, heart broken. "No."

Only the quick thinking of Dawn the next morning saved him as she threw a blanket over him and drug him into the shop. He never said a word, just sat and rocked back and forth. "Amin mela lle." He fell asleep, exhausted, his Legalos' taste still on his lips.


He sat on the damaged wall, staring down at the carnage below, bodies of Orcs, Elves, and humans littering the ground, fires started to burn the dead. He had returned in time to see Gandalf, on Shadowfax, ride down the hill with Erkenbrand, Lord of Westfold, and his army of loyal followers. They, together with the remaining men of Helm's Gate, had sent the Orcs and Uruk-hai fleeing in defeat.

"I keep missing all the good parts. I have to figure out this timing thing to get here in time." He turned to Legalos, a smirk on his face, quickly fading
as he saw the concerned look on his mate's face.

"I am glad you are not here. I would not wish to see you die before me. When you are gone like a shadow, I know you are safe in your world." A soft kiss, tongues meeting, the lithe body crawling into Spike's lap and cuddling close.

"My world had demons too, luv, just as dangerous as here. We live on a Hellmouth, and it spawns Evil that can wipe out an entire world, not just a part of it. I'm safer here, with you. And I love you. I want never to leave you ever again." They sat in silence, Aragorn coming up behind to lay a hand on each man's shoulder, a kiss on two golden heads. "Astalderea."

The sun was rising. He pressed down on Spike's arm, indicating with a twist of his head to come with him. They followed him into the caves, laying down to rest, Spike first washing the blood and gore off his lover, each movement followed by a kiss, a caress, until they were joined in love. Sated, they curled together.


Gandalf passed his hand over the brow of the young vampire. "So young to have gone through so much. He deserves so much better." He probed deep into the mind of the sleeping man, fair head on Legalos' bare shoulder, body curved around the Elf's. Satisfied, he muttered a few words, passing his wand over them both.

"What has been joined, let stay joined. What has been parted from, be remembered with joy and not sadness. Let the coming of the day burn him not, nor take his body. Let Time continue on her way, unimpeded and unfettered." The orb in the locked cabinet flared once, and turned, uncaring of what had occurred, Time going on as it should.

"Aa' menealle nauva calen ar' malta."


"Uh, guys, I think you better look at this." Xander motioned them over to the poster for coming attractions. It was for 'The Return of the King', the large face of Aragorn splashed over half the poster. They followed Xander's pointing finger to the lower left-hand corner, a depiction of the large battle scene at Rivendell. As they bent closer, a collective gasp came from the group. Right next to Legalos was an equally blond man, right arm raised with a sword, ready to attack, the left held in the grip of the Elvin warrior. He was wearing a black leather duster and Doc Martins, gameface on.

"I think we know where Spike is." It had been four months since they had last seen him. He had been getting more and more restless after each visit, Xander's heart breaking as he realized he was losing his lover to another. He had packed his things the last time, almost knowing he would find a way to stay.

They were not surprised when he did not return. They knew he was home now.


As Peter Jackson entered his office, a low hum filled the room. Moving to the large locked cabinet on the far wall, the hum intensified in pitch. He opened the doors, pressing the small concealed button under the bottom shelf. As the panel slid away, he stepped back. The glowing orb circled in midair, its tendrils of gold filaments numbering in the thousands upon thousands. A low voice issued forth. "Well done, Peter. Time is as it should be and the world continues on its path. One small divergence has not unsettled the continuum too diversely."

A small nod, a gentle smile as eyes roamed over the orb. "Thank you, Gandalf, for your kind words. It seemed a small price to pay for their happiness. May they live forever in love."

The spinning orb slowed, Peter searching for and finding the two strands that had joined in one tiny, infinitesimal meld and then separated once again. William and Legalos. Joined for life. As it should be.


1. Come, sit by the fire.
2. Until we meet again.
3. Valiant ones.
4. May your way be green and golden.