Title: The Love of the Boy

Author: CaliaDragon

Cartegory: AU/Pre-Slash

Pairing: None

Fandom: Buffy

Spoilers: Season 3

Warnings: none

Rating: PG 13

Feedback: On list or at Caliadragon@myself.com

Archive: Any list I send it to, those with prior permission and BC

Summary: Xander cures Willow.

Part 5 in the About a Boy Series.

Thanks to Edi for the beta.

You can find the first 4 parts here: http://www.brain-insane.com/beyondcanon//viewstory.php?sid=19

The Love of the Boy
by CaliaDragon

She lay so still, almost as though she were dead. A fairy princess waiting for her prince to kiss her bow shaped lips and awaken her. Hidden behind pale lids were the normally vibrant gr een eyes. Her dark red hair lay in a tumble around her; it was the only color she could claim now. Tears slid slowly down his face as he watched the girl, who was far more than a sister to him, be prepared for a spell that was supposed to release her from the possession she was under.

All around her, candles and incense burned. Ethan, who had teleported at Giles' behest, stood off to the side, clothed in a white robe. In an urn there was sacred soil, holy water and a combination of blood from himself, Oz, Buffy, Angel and Giles. It was the blood of her most intimate friends and the ones who loved her the most. Xander was in the middle of the circle, skyclad and anointed with a special ointment, standing beside his Willow.

The magic casters had decided that only Xander would be able to reach Willow. If there was anything of the young witch to save, it would stand to reason that it would only answer to the one who had known her the longest; Xander.

Ethan walked to the circle and began to chant as he used the holy symbol of Hectate to spread the sanctified combination of blood, water and soil. As the first splash of the combination hit Willow, she screamd. As it hit Xander, he fainted.

//Spirit Realm//

Xander looked around in confusion. He stood in a dying parody of a serene field. Looking over he saw two figures locked in battle. Running towards them, he could see that one of them was losing. To his horror, he saw that the one who was losing was Willow. The other looked like an old woman, but the evil emanating from the her took Xander's breath away. Without thinking he rushed forward and pulled Willow away from the Old One. "Leave. My. Willow. Alone," Xander spat out.

Willow was sobbing and leaned heavily against Xander's back as she wrapped her arms around his waist. The Old One curled her lip at him. "I will ha ve her and the magic she possesses, you will not stop me, boy," she cackled, and lashed out with magic.

The creature then howled in rage as the magic spit in two and shot out on either side of the youths. Xander straightened; in his mind he heard whispered words. *She cannot harm you. Show her your love for Willow. Show her who you both are. Allow her to see into your soul!*

Xander had no idea who was speaking, but he followed the voice's directions. Looking the hag in the eyes, Xander lowered every barrier he had and let the love he felt for Willow burst forth.

Screams echoed through the shattered landscape as the vengeful spirit felt the purity of a love beyond its reach. The bitter anguish that had fed it for so many centuries began to die away, and the hag became a beautiful older woman. She was kindness personified. Her eyes held wisdom and love.

Behind him, Willow straightened and moved away slightly. For the first time since performing the spell to resoul Angel, she didn't hurt. There was no longer a struggle within herself.

"Thank you, young ones. You have freed me from the rage that had stopped me from going on to my children and my granddaughter. My hatred of the vampire twisted my magic to darkness. I'm free now, thank you," she told them as she disappeared. As she faded away, Xander and Willow felt a caress deep within their souls.

They both laughed at the true joy that they felt, and opened their eyes in the real world. Their friends and family looked at them with fear and hope. The pair sat up and looked around, before eeping and covering themselves with their hands. "Clothes would be of the good," Xander said, blushing and looking away. The cloth that had covered Willow while she was unconscious had slid away when she'd sat up.

"Nice rack, Red," Faith and Spike said in unison.

Willow blushed while Oz and Xander growled as one.

"Thank you. I think maybe I should get dressed because being naked while drafty is not good at all, especially since I didn't do anything naughty to get that way, so can I have my clothes now?" Willow babbled nervously.

"SHE'S BACK!" the Scoobies shouted happily, before laughter filled the library.

The End For Now