Title: The Key's Family

Author: Kate R.


Warnings: Dark, rape, angt hurt fic! This part especially!

Disclaimer: they belong to Joss and Davis/Panzer, not me.

Rating: R

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, not sure of others at this time

Summary: Dawn is raped and gets pregnant, Buffy throws her out. She runs into someone she thought was an enemy who it turns out is an ally and they build a Family out of those who truly Love Dawn.


The Key's Family
by Kate R.

Prologue: New Protector

"Get out, you little slut!" Buffy screamed shoving Dawn out the door. "And don't come back! Don't lie to me, you asked for it! I know you did! This is just to humiliate me!"

She stumbled out of the house in tears, sobbing as she walked wishing for a vampire to come and bite her. How could Buffy think that of her? How could she assume Dawn was a tramp who asked to get raped and pregnant? Dawn sniffled walking looking for a place to stay. She had no on and nothing and ....."OOOF!"

"I'm sorry," a British voice said. Dawn looked up and stared into the dark eyes of Ethan Rayne. "Miss Muffett? What are you doing out?"

Dawn didn't care that he was a "Bad guy" and she didn't care that he played some nasty jokes. She just cared that she knew him and he was Of Giles. She grabbed him and held on and sobbed.

He stood stunned and held her gently rubbing her back.

"There, there," he soothed as he began to slowly walk them back to his hotel room. "Tell me all about it."

Once they were in his hotel with the door closed and she was sitting on the bed facing him, she told the story from start to finish. She did not name her rapist but he knew she knew the person. She began to sob again when she got to Buffy throwing her out. Ethan again gathered her into his arms having no idea why he was doing this or why he even cared but that she needed someone and he could be strong when he had to be.

"I'm here," he crooned gently as she sobbed into his chest. "I'm right here. Everything will be okay. You aren't alone now. I swear you aren't. I'm here and I'll take care of you. I promise."

Dawn cried herself out in his arms and Ethan held her as she still had a death grip on his shirt. Slowly he reached for the phone and dialed a number he knew by heart.

"Rupert Giles," the man on the other end said.

"Rupert," Ethan began. "Dawn.... Needs you."


Chapter 1: Darkness Is Light

"Ethan," Giles said once Ethan had finished. "Repeat that part again you just said. About Dawn being raped and Buffy throwing her out? Are you sure that's what Dawn said?"

"Yes," Ethan said darkly. "I am telling you word for word what the child said to me. She needs someone here besides me. You know what I am."

"Yes I do," Giles said. "And I know what you can be. I'm coming Ethan. And I'm calling her other friend, Wesley to get to you. Let him in with whomever he brings. But Ethan, she has chosen You to be her protect her. I know you can, luv. I know you have that strength. Do it for me, Eth. I'm on my way."

"I will, Ripper," Ethan said gently as he hung up and looked down at the girl resting his arms. "I will."


On the way from LA a few hours later

"Wesley what's wrong?" Angelus asked as the car sped down the highway. In the backset, Faith was reading. She wasn't asking Wes anything until he got them wherever they were gong. She knew it was bad, whatever it was by the look on his face. The look of cold, Dead Rage. Faith pitied whoever had caused that look. She held on to her seat as they drove.

"Wesley!" Angelus yelled as Wes skidded on a curve.

Giles called," Wesley finally said. "He told me Dawn was raped. And that Buffy threw her out without believing or listening to her. Dawn ran into Ethan who is now taking care of her. Giles called me this evening to tell me Dawn needed me. I do not shirk my friends. I never have and I never will. And knowing Buffy, by this time she has everyone saying and thinking Dawn asked for this and did it on purpose just to humiliate her. I will not leave her friendless and alone except for Ethan. I won't do it, Angelus. I wo'nt abandon the one person who was nice to me."

"And no one will make you. Can you drive any faster by the way? Dawn is Mine as in I marked her as clan. Dawn was off limits to everyone when I was out last time. That has not changed. Whoever did this is going to wish for death before I finally grant it."

Faith gaped at what she heard. Buffy threw Dawn out in an effort to deny something? What a heartless bitch!

Angelus smiled seeing the look on Faith's face. Buffy was going to die. He knew it and he couldn't wait.

They arrived in Sunnydale an hour later and drove to the Blue Motel where they ran to room number 6 and knocked on the door. It was opened by Spike of all people and they all entered finding out Ethan was holding Dawn in his arms just rocking her back and forth as she cried. Spike was pacing and look was murderous.

"That bitch," Spike said over and over again. "That bitch and her merry band of lemmings! How DARE She do this to her own sister? How Dare she!"

"William," Angelus said. And Spike turned and stared, his jaw dropping as he realized his Sire was missing his soul. Angelus walked forward slowly so as not to frighten the girl and Ethan continued to hum and rub her back gently.

"Ripper will be here soon," Ethan said. "And then we need to get a bigger, better protected place."

"The mansion," Angelus said as he watched the Sorcerer hold Dawn to his chest. Ethan had no idea why she had glommed on to him. All he knew was that she needed him so he was there.

"Hello Dawn," Wesley said quietly. Dawn released Ethan who exhaled and smiled and grabbed Wesley the same as she held Ethan.

"I'm here, little one," Wesley gently soothed a he held her. "I'm here and Spike's here. Angelus is here, Faith is here, Ethan is here and Giles will be here soon. I promise you that you will never be alone. Especially not now."

"Okay, Wes," Dawn sniffled against his shoulder. "I just want to be held right now, okay?"

"Then hold on to us, my dear," Wesley said. Angelus laid his hand on her shoulder gently and she looked up at him.

"Who?" he asked. And Dawn knew what he meant and she knew she couldn't hide from this.

"Riley," she whispered as more tears fell. "Riley did it."


Chapter 2: Ripper

"Oh, he did, did he?" a harsh, British accented voice said from behind. Dawn's head snapped around and her face showed hope. Giles was standing in the doorway. And By the Gods did he ever look Pissed.

"It'll be okay, Dawn," he said. "I swear to you, everything will be fine."

"But, Buffy said..." she began.

Giles shook his head and lifted her into his arms so Wesley could catch his breath much as Ethan had needed to.

Dawn was holding on to those around her as tightly as she could.

"Sod what Buffy said," he whispered as he stroked her hair gently.

"She's wrong. Oh, my dear I am sorry I left you with her. I was tired and I didn't think."

"It's okay, Giles," Dawn said. "I under stand. You've been cleaning up after Buffy for more than five years and you needed time. It's not your fault."

Dawn settled against him and inhaled the scent of his leather jacket. It hit her a moment later what Giles was wearing and she couldn't help her next comment.

"I like this look better than the tweed," Dawn said.

Giles chuckled and nodded. Ethan knew what it meant that he was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. Giles wasn't Rupert Giles any longer. He was Ripper.

"Now, I want you all to stay here and get ready to move to the mansion," he told them as he took a cigarette from Spike. "I go things to do and then I'll be back."

He left the room and Angelus and Spike began to pack up Ethan's bits and pieces, which were sitting out around the room. Ethan knew where Ripper was going and if he was a better, kinder, more forgiving man, he might have actually pitied the children. Ripper was coming to get them.

And he was Furious.


At the Magic Box, Buffy was basking in pity from her friends about having a little tramp for a sister. They were bad mouthing Dawn and being nasty about things, all but Tara anyway, when the door slammed open so hard the glass in both it and the shop window exploded.

Willow was on her feet bringing wards up when she was hurled across the room. Xander moved next and he was tossed to the side as well.

Buffy found herself being flattened to the floor as did Anya and Riley who were pinned to the wall by the force of the magic.

Then, He stepped out of the night and in to the store.

And he looked furious.

"Hello Children," he said darkly. "Nice to see some things never change. Like little Swillow thinking she has enough skill to take me down. Poor, pathetic child. About to learn Power is not worth shit if you have no skill and fine control. Tara, I see you disagree with them about Dawn. Please come over here to me. I don't want you to get hurt in what I am about to do to these brats."

"Giles," Buffy whined. "Why are you doing this to me? Dawn asked for it. You know she would."

"What worlds do you children live in?" Giles asked as he slammed them again with more magic.

"GILES!" Buffy cried in grating, whiny tone number 3.

"Giles?" he said coldly. "Giles is dead, Buffy. You may call me...Ripper. And as you can see, I'm a lot more Real now."


END Chapter 2