Title: The Hell Of War

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: not mine and never will be. Static belongs to DC along with those characters and Buffy's characters belong to Joss Whedon.

Rating: PG-13 to R

Parings: Giles/Ethan, Xander/Spike, Virgil/Richie, Dawn/Faith, Angelus/Wesley, Anya/Tara

Summary: Not sure how to do that yet.

Notes: the aftermath of the War in season 7 of Buffy. This is an AU, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH!!! Crossover with Static Shock as I've made Richie Giles' nephew.

The Hell Of War
by Kate R.

1: Homecoming

Richie was running. This was odd because he was exhausted. He was exhausted but he had to get to V. V would make it better. V would make the pain stop. He'd left his Uncle Giles and the rest of his bizarre family Backpack as a message that he was safe because unlike the others, he couldn't sleep. He woke up still seeing the one girl staring at him as the bringer punched her heart out as he'd tried to warn her that it was there. He was still

covered in her blood. He hadn't had time or a place to shower yet and he was dead tired but he couldn't sleep. Not until he was safe. So, he was running. Running from the nightmares, running from the remembered horror of the things he'd seen. Now he knew why his Uncle Giles had wanted to send him away before the fight but he couldn't run. He was a hero, dammit. Heroes didn't run from fights.

His blond hair was crusted with dried blood from the girls who had died around him while he was untouched. Well, untouched by the claws and the fangs. He had scratches and bruises like the others did and he had been bleeding earlier from the cuts on his face but that was from when the Hellmouth collapsed. During the flight to the bus to escape the falling town. Xander and Spike had made sure he wasn't lost or left behind. His dirty, blood-encrusted hair hung in his face when he stopped to catch his breath. His clothes were still covered in the blood of the ones who had died in the vicinity of him. Splattered blood and gore from the ones who had died. Talk about baptism in blood. And he felt his eyes tear up again but no, he couldn't cry yet. No time, not safe. Not yet where he'd be safe. He felt the stake in his hand as he ran. Solid and meaning protection. He'd learned since living with his uncle that you never went any where on the Hellmouth without a weapon. And Richie hadn't thought to change that since coming home to Dakota. He had run, yes. But he'd remembered a weapon. He also had his laser sword on him. He'd made that from some of the crystal in the magic box. Blessed crystals made it hurt demons in more than one way.

He started running again when he heard the footsteps. He didn't know who it was. He didn't care. He had to get to V. He didn't have time to explain why he was covered in blood and dirty and generally looking like he'd seen a war. He had actually. And he'd seen Hell right along with it. But they'd won. They'd won.

He saw the house in front of him and he ran faster. He reached the door and knocked, hoping they were still up or he'd be throwing rocks at Virgil's window. Lucky for him, Sharon opened the door.

"Can I help...Richie! Oh, my god, what happened? Here, come in, I'll get dad and Virgil."

He let her lead him inside and he knew it was almost safe to collapse. He was almost safe. He sat on the floor so he didn't get blood on the furniture and he started to shake. He was so tired and he couldn't fight it any more.

"Richie?" he heard Mr. Hawkins' voice ask. He looked up at him from his dirty, blood smeared face, and he knew Mr. Hawkins saw the pain he was in. In the next second, Virgil was there, holding him. Gently rocking him as he realized he'd started to cry.

"Died," he whispered as the tears escaped. "Died except for us. Uncle Giles, Xander, Spike, Ethan, Dawn, Faith, Angelus and Wesley. Anya and Tara were safe. Had to get away, go someplace new. Someplace to start over and it hurts, V. It hurts."

"I got you, Rich," Virgil was saying as he sobbed out his hurt. "I've got you, bro. It's gonna be okay. I know it hurts. Your uncle and your other friends, where are they, man?"

"G-gas station," he said. "I c-couldn't s-sleep. I didn't h-have someone t-to hold onto. Had to get here. Had to get to you."

"And you did. Did you leave them a note to tell them where you were going?"

Richie shook his head but whispered Backpack. "It wasn't...I couldn't sleep. Everyone else is so tired and so am I but I see them whenever I close my eyes. Uncle Giles wanted to send me away but I wouldn't let him. Hero and all."

"Yeah," Virgil said. "Batman told us Sunnydale was gone. We were so scared for you. It wasn't an Earthquake, was it bro? You guys fought something big and it was a near thing but you won 'cause the world is still here. Right?"

"Y-yeah," Richie said. "But we lost so many. And I saw a lot of them die. Saw the blood. Wearing the blood."

"Yeah," Virgil said. "I see that. Dad, I'm gonna take Richie upstairs and get him cleaned up and put to bed. Could you bring my pizza up? I don't want to leave him alone."

And Richie knew he should be upset about being talked about in third person but he was too tired to care and he was safe.

"Of course, son. You get him taken care of and we'll get your food up to you. Richie, what do I do if someone comes looking for you?"

"Tell 'em I'm okay. Just had to come here. Tell 'em I'm safe and that I'm here."

"Okay," Virgil's father said. He watched as his son helped Richie upstairs and into the bathroom that Sharon was clearing out for him so he could draw a bath for his friend. Richie would need a bath here, not a shower.

No way would he get all the blood off in the shower. He needed to soak. So, Virgil got him into the tub and washed and then just held him while he soaked.

Once he was relaxed, Virgil got him up and dressed in some of his own clothes and then took Richie to his room and put him to bed. Then, he climbed into bed with him where Richie rolled over and grabbed him in a hug. It was a desperate grip and Virgil made a soothing noise, telling him it would be okay. That he would stay with him. And then he just sat and held him.

He knew if Richie was this bad, so were the others he'd said had survived whatever had happened. His uncle and Xander and Dawn and Spike he knew but he didn't know Faith or Angelus or Wesley. He just knew Richie said they had survived too so that had to be a good thing.

Virgil held him and he stayed with him and it was the next night when the knock came on the door but Virgil had not left Richie except to go to the bathroom. His sister or his father or Adam brought him food and drink but Richie needed him so he stayed.

The knock on the door sounded heavy so he knew it was an adult and a strong one at that.

"Can I help you?" he heard his father ask. Then a gasp of recognition as he apparently recognized someone. "Mr. Giles?"

"Yes," the softer, British voice said. "Is Richie here? We were worried about him until we realized he'd left back pack and had taken his sword and a stake."

"Yes, he's here. Would you all like to come in? You look like you all could use showers and some food and maybe something better than the floor of the gas station to sleep on."

"Yes, that would be lovely. Can you invite Angelus and Spike in please? You remember Spike, Angelus is his Sire."

"Yes, come in," Virgil heard his father say and then name the two vampires. He remembered a letter from Richie saying a specific name given with the invitation prevented any vampire in hearing range from coming in. He relaxed back on the bed knowing it was okay but he tensed a few minutes later when the door to his room creaked open and he saw a man with dark hair and dark eyes watching but the man nodded after a minute and closed the door, going back down stairs.

"Was Angelus," Richie whispered from next to him. Virgil jerked and looked down to find Richie watching him sleepily. "Felt him come up the front walk. Clan Liege. Had to find me. Make sure we were all safe. Still sleepy but I guess I should go down."

"Well, I'd like to see what's up downstairs," Virgil said as he got up and helped Richie up.

The two boys went downstairs to where the group Richie had come back to Dakota with were sitting in the living room. Well, minus Dawn but he heard the shower so he guessed she was getting cleaned up.

Adam went to get you all clothes until you can go get more on your own," Virgil's father was saying. "Giles, what happened? Richie turned up here, covered in blood and he just said They All died."

"We fought a war in the Hellmouth," Giles answered quietly. And Virgil and his family knew what the Hellmouth was; having been told when Giles took Richie and Virgil saw his father pale. "We won but the cost was high. It was so very High...."