Title: The Guardian

Author: Kate R.

Rating: PG-13 to R

Pairings: Angel/Wes, Giles/Ethan

Summary: Joyce chose a guardian for Dawn in the event of her death. Who it is, is a shock to Buffy and Willow.

Disclaimer: Joss owns all


The Guardian
By Kate R.

Prologue: In the Event of My Death

"WESLEY?!?" Buffy shrieked. "Mom named Wesley Dawn's guardian in the event of her death? Why? Why him and not me?"

"I don't know, Buffy," Giles said. In truth he did know. Joyce had explained this when she told him and he agreed with her. As did Xander, Anya and Spike.

"I won't call him," Buffy said. "That simple. He doesn't know, I won't call him, no one will ever find out."

"Buffy," Giles said trying to make her turn around. He hadn't recognized the young man at first but he did now.

"Dawn," the man said. His voice had every head snapping around and they watched as Dawn ran into his arms. "I'm here," the man said gently. "I'm here. Everything is going to be fine now."

"How did you get here?" Buffy demanded angrily. She didn't like her plans being ruined.

"You mother called me when she first got sick. I've been in Sunnydale for three weeks. She met with me several times and we made these arrangements. Dawn, would you like to stay here or go to LA? It's your choice."

"LA," Dawn whispered. "Please? I can't be here now. It hurts."

"I know, little one," Wesley said gently. "I know it hurts. You're safe now though. I'll take care of you."

"Oh, the coward will take care of my sister? I so believe that," Buffy said moving as if to hit him.

To her shock he did not flinch.

Instead he waited until she was in range and grabbed her arm. He bent it around and twisted it behind her back.

"A life lesson to you, Buffy," he said. "LA is a hell of a lot tougher than you and your piddly little town. You do not frighten me, you do not intimidate me and I really don't give a monkey's balls if you think you should. Dawn is my charge now. You do not have a say any longer. I know what she is and I do not care. I see Dawn, I don't see what you do, and I see a frightened 14-year-old girl. Not a thing to be protected regardless, I see a person. Lets not try grabbing or hitting me again because the next time I will break your arm. Are we clear?"

They all watched as Buffy nodded and Giles saw some fear in her eyes. Wesley had changed and he would no longer take shit from anyone. He released her and pulled Dawn into a hug.

"Go pack a bag. I can't take much. Maybe three bags in my saddlebags on my bike and your backpack. Okay?"

"Okay," Dawn said. She looked at Spike and he followed her upstairs to help her pack. Giles watched as he faced Buffy with a dark look on his face.

"Don't you ever think you have the right to raise your hand to anyone ever again, Buffy. If I find you have, I will make you hurt for it. Now, Dawn and I are leaving. We're going to LA. I'll send for the rest of her things when I have a place for them. A place big enough. Don't you ever try that again, Buffy. I will not tolerate it."

He turned to gather the papers and his jackets when he heard Dawn's voice. Anya looked at him, leather pants and leather jacket and she grinned.

"LA must be good for you, that outfit and your attitude makes you look absolutely Fuckable."

"ANYA!" Xander exclaimed.

Wesley chuckled as he saw Giles sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose. He shrugged it off as Dawn came back down with the four bags and Wesley nodded. They went out to his bike and loaded them on.

"Use the bathroom before we go, Dawn," he said. "It's a two hour drive. I'll go after you do."

Dawn nodded and ran into the house and to the bathroom. Wesley trailed her in and used the facilities after she was done. Then, he took her out and strapped the pink helmet on her and then slid his black one on.

"Hold on tight, Dawn," Wesley said. "We can take a break if you get tired. Squeeze my waist to get my attention, okay?"

Dawn nodded and Wesley climbed on to the bike. Spike lifted Dawn on behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on as he kick started the bike.

"Lets go home, Dawn," Wes said as he rode them down out of the driveway. Dawn clung as they headed out of the town and onto the freeway.

Dawn held on to him tightly happy and sad. She was Sad to leave the Scoobies and Happy to be away from the Hellmouth and the physical reminders of her mother.

Wesley would take care of her, she knew. After all, he'd promised.

Chapter 1: Cordelia Forces a Move

"Dawn, can you get the door?" Wesley called from the bathroom as he shaved. He was going to look into the real estate section of the paper today. They needed a bigger place. Three days and they had managed not to kill each other but it was crowded.

"Sure Wes, Dawn called as she opened the door to find Cordelia Chase standing on the other side.

"Hi, Dawnie," Cordelia said. "Is Wes here?"

"Shaving," Dawn answered as she went back into the kitchen.

Cordelia looked around at how cluttered the apartment was.

"We're going to the hotel when you finish Wes. You can't possibly stay here," she said to him.

"Cordelia," Wes began. "You know Angel---."

"He'll get over it. Wes, you're killing yourself tripping in here. Get dressed, get shaved, drink your OJ and get your ass down to the car. We're going to the hotel and you are moving in and Deadboy can just deal."

Wesley looked at Dawn and shrugged giving in gracefully.

Cordelia would win even if they fought. Dawn ate and grabbed her book bag. Wes was going to home school because he wanted to keep her safe and she was too smart for public school. Everyone knew that.

They got into Cordelia's car and were driven to the Hyperion hotel. They arrived and Angel was standing by the check in desk.

"Room key, Deadboy," Cordelia said. "Two people cannot live in Wes' apartment so they are moving in here. Get me?"

"Yes," Angel said giving in. Here. You get an entire floor to yourselves. Cordy, Giles called. Something is wrong but he wont say what. Be ready in case we get any more refuges for Sunnyhell. Dawn, Wes, I'm getting that floor back together. You have power; I'll get you a TV and microwave. Head on up. I'll ask Gunn to pack your apartment. I don't trust Buffy and Willow not to try something."

Once they went up, Angel looked at Cordy.

"Giles was in pain," Angel said quietly. "I don't think Buffy is happy with him. You know what she does when she isn't happy with him. I heard he had a job singing and Buffy found out. He had to quit because he was hurt too badly in his hand to play. He said he shut a door on his hand. Xander said it looked like someone did it for him. Repeatedly. I don't like this. I'm stepping up repairs here. If we have to, we'll take everyone away from her."

"You know then," Cordelia said. Angel nodded.

"I heard her threaten Giles three times with beatings if she wasn't allowed to go to a dance. I know she actually did it a few times. If she's doing it again, I want them to have someplace to come."

"Good idea," Cordelia said. She didn't know Giles had been beaten before but she saw it thinking back. Days touching his shoulders caused winces.

"Hey all," Gunn said coming in. "English here today?"

"He's upstairs with his ward, Dawn," Angel answered. "Her mother just died so she's a bit clingy to Wes right now."

"I can dig it. Was wondering if he needed help with anything."

"Getting all his things here," Angel said. "He's going to be living here, him and Dawn. I'm worried if they leave here so I want to ask you if you can pack his place up. I'm worried, Gunn. Really worried."

Gunn nodded and turned to head out of the hotel o go pack for Wes and the girl he'd been told was with him. Something was bugging Angel, Gunn would help them.


Sunnydale, a day later

"Giles?" Xander called as he followed Anya into the shop. "G-Man? You here?"

"Xander, I'm sacred," Anya said. I don't know where he is but his jacket and wallet are here."

"Training room?" Xander asked Tara and Ethan.

Tara had a frightened look on her face but nodded.

Xander opened the door slowly. "Giles?" he said turning on the light. "Are you---Oh, God. Anya, First Aid kit, Ethan, ice, Tara, blankets. And someone call Spike. Giles, hang on. You're gonna be okay."

The badly beaten form moaned and Xander brushed his hair lightly. "Where do we go?" he asked afraid.

"To Peaches," Spike said. "We take him to Peaches."


Chapter 2: Arrivals

"Angel, hand me the text on Demonic Histories," Wesley said as Dawn was doing a history report. It was mid-night, which for the team of AI was Lunch Time. Gunn had made hamburgers and French Fries in the kitchen for all of them, including Angel who thanks to Dawn's influence was beginning to act like a normal person. Although, some of the arguments to make him gave Wes massive headaches that had Cordelia screaming at Dawn and Angel to knock it off because Wes did not need to be in the middle of normalcy spats. They'd stopped after giving Wes three headaches today and Cordy had blown. Now, Angel said he would try everything at least once and Dawn said she wouldn't get too outrageous in her requests. From the looks of it, he liked hamburgers.

"Here, Wes," Angel said as he handed to book over. "What are you researching?"

"Mm? Oh, nothing. Dawn asked for advice on something and---Angel, open the door. Now!"

Angel spun around and saw what Wes had seen. He was across the lobby and opening the door just as Spike got to it carrying Giles. Behind Spike came Ethan and Tara and then Xander and Anya. They were practically running as if the hounds of hell were after them. Wesley stood, moving to the door where he could feel a magic trace on them and so raised his hand and deflected it backwards with wards.

"I think not, Willow," he said as he repelled the spell. "Not today at any rate."

Afterwards he turned back in to where Dawn was standing by the couch where they had set Giles. Her face was stricken as she saw the bruises and cuts on his on his face. His hand was black and blue again as if Buffy wanted to take his only pleasure away from him again.

"Hey, Deadboy," Xander said. "Stop gawking and get some ice, now, please. Hurry."

Angel moved and Gunn was just staring in shock. He didn't get it. The boy had just insulted Angel and yet Angel was doing what he'd wanted.

Gunn couldn't understand. He watched as Cordelia ran and got the first aid kit, which was basically a portable triage. They treated Giles as best they could and then got him settled on the couch with blankets and such. Wesley looked at Dawn's questioning eyes.

"Yes," Wesley said. "You can stay down today. I think we all are. Get your homework finished and then we'll work on more of the translations and order some pizza for dinner. Cordy? No visions tonight?"

"Nope. I'll let you know if I have any, Wes," she said.

Wesley nodded and Spike grinned as Angel finished getting the ice packs.

"Is he the leader?" Spike asked.

Angel nodded. "He's the best suited to be the leader, William. I trust him more than I trust myself in situations to know what to do and how to do it. We're learning though because Dawn needs him too sometimes so we're learning to be like him in planning and researching. We have one night a week where we sit here, all of us, and read. We read to learn so if Wes is ever not with us and we run up against a kind of demon chances are one of us will know what to do. We were depending on him or all of that and now he can't always be the one to do it so we have to learn for ourselves. Like he learned to fight. It's the way it is. We're a team, a family; we each take a part of each other and have it with us. Wesley is our mind. He shares his knowledge with us. When he isn't in the field, we have to know."

"See you finally get it, peaches. Pity Buffy never did. Never saw what was there to see in Rupes or Xan. All right there, Rupes is Heart and Mind and Xan, well, she didn't let him change. Never took the time to explain and every time Rupes tried to explain, she got mad that he wasn't focused on her and hurt him. Gonna have to see if this place can make him grow up a bit because he has got to learn to see beyond black and white. Buffy wants to keep him so she can call him a bigot. He's learning from Ethan but it isn't enough. He sees Ethan as being too old to see clearly now. Hoping here he can learn. Hope you'll let us stay, Sire. I can't leave them I promised Joyce I'd try to take care of Giles. Protect him from Buffy. I got Ethan back when I saw how bad Giles was. I called him. Done my best, you know?"

"You've done fine, Childe," Angel said. Come, lets get settled aye? I don't think any of you want to leave here so we're all going to stay. You and I can use the office during the day and the back part of the lobby. Giles is safe here, William. He's safe and protected. You can rest for a bit. We'll keep him safe."

"You're our guardian like Wes is Dawn's aye, Sire?"

"Yes. Someone needs to be. You can all relax here. You're safe."

Spike nodded and gathered his people, his kids to him and kept them near him.

Angel smiled, proudly. William had done it. He'd grown up and learned family. Angel was pleased.