TITLE: The Future is What We Make

AUTHOR: Willie J

EMAIL: wmj166@msn.com

ARCHIVE SITE(S): http://parrot.nearheralways.com/index.php
http://www.brain-insan.com/beyondcanon/ or http://www.adultfanfiction.net

PAIRINGS: Angel/Xander

RATING: R for now

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any part of Buffy et all, not Angel the Series.

FEEDBACK: Oh please send me feedback, privately or through the list


SUMMARY: Xander decides to come clean with a secret

The Future Is What We Make
by Willie J

They strolled through Xander's new home, whistling at the tasteful decoration and furnishing.

"Good Lord," Giles exclaimed, looking around, "I had no idea that Xander had such taste in furnishing. Considering his taste in clothing," stammering slightly.

"Damn," Buffy exclaimed, "I didn't know construction paid so well," running her hand over a beautiful patterned couch.

Anya frowned, "It doesn't. Where did Xander get the money to pay for this all," gesturing to the beautiful appointed room. "And why didn't he tell me he had so much money?" Growing upset that Xander had deceived her about his finances. She knew he didn't have this kind of money when they were engaged or she might have never unengaged them, she frowned, was 'unengaged' a word?.

"And if I may point out," Giles said, "Where is Xander? I know he said that he was running late and to let ourselves in, but this is ridiculous," he sputtered, taking off his glasses and polishing them furiously. Why he had to come all the way from England for this, he didn't know. These children apparently still needed him to watch over them. He sighed, putting his glasses back on.

"Stupid git," Spike snarled from his position well away from the windows, he was still smoking from making the mad dash inside and he was pissed. He eyed Buffy surreptitiously, smirking when she cast a sidelong glance at him, he had her archin' for it. Yeah, she would definitely meet him later that night.

Dawn giggled, "Well I think it's kinda neat. That you all think you know Xander but he's got this mysterious secret life that nobody knows anything about," she sighed wistfully and collapsed on the couch, chortling at the dumbfounded looks everyone was giving her.

"W...w..well, I agree with Dawn," Tara stuttered out, shrinking back slightly at Buffy glared at her.

"Xander?! Xander with a secret life," Buffy said laughingly, "Ha! Like Xander could actually keep a secret about anything. As soon as anything happens to him, Xander would have been running to either me or Wills," jerking a thumb at the silent Willow, "To tell us about it, to share it with him." Smirking, "Xander with a secret life, give me a break."

"What about me," Anya said annoyed at the way Buffy casually dismissed Xander and in afterthought how she dismissed her. "Xander has plenty of secrets that he hasn't told you, you know. Beside, the whole point of a secret is that YOU don't know about it." She ended crossly.

Spike looked at her curiously, not understanding her snort of derision, "The bint is right you know. The whelp has plenty of secrets. You don't know everything about the boy, you know. He's been keeping a whopper of a secret from all of you for the past several months now. I can smell it on him, I's just ain't figure it out yet and I can't scare it outta him either," he said angrily.

"What do you mean that Xander has a secret," Willow asked, glad that someone other than her had picked up on it.

"Just what I said, the boy's been keepin' secrets, smelling strange....different, and it's been drivin' me bleedin' crazy," Spike said explosively, pacing back and forth, making sure to avoid the deadly sunlight. "Whatever the secret is, it's in this bloody 'ouse!"

Buffy looked shocked, before her disbelieving laugh ranged out, "Oh you almost got me there! Like I said, if there was a secret then we would have known about it," she said smugly.

"Like we knew about this house of Xander's," Willow asked quietly, suddenly wanting to slap Buffy across the face! She blinked, shocked at the viciousness of her thought, but looking at the expression on Buffy's face she realized that she was almost looking at a stranger. Slowly realizing that Buffy had changed, had been changing over the years, no longer was she the best girlfriend or even friend, for that matter, that she had once knew.

The door opened before Buffy could let loose the scathing reply trembling on her lips and a voice sailed out sarcastically.

"Well, well, well," Cordy's voice shot through the room, "Looks like the Scooby Gang rides again." Smirking, she waited for the reaction of the room to them, the L.A. crew.

"Angel," Buffy breathed, her eyes lighting up with sudden joy. Spike frowned, how like Peaches to show up all poofy like and try to steal his girl. Growling suddenly he stalked forward to stand at the oblivious Buffy's back, giving Angel an icy cold stare, warning him off.

Cordy straightened up, recognizing the look in Buffy's face. Oh hell no, you little bitch! she thought, I had to put up with Xander mooning and lusting after you during the entire time we were dating and I'll be DAMNED if I let you fuck up Angel, not when he's finally on the road to his redemption. Smirking at the possessive stanch that Spike had taken behind Buffy and the way he was glaring at Angel, it told her a lot. Be satisfied with the bleached wonder, at least he can't lose his soul, she thought angrily wanting to slap the shit out of Buffy.

Angel glanced quickly at Buffy, immediately recognizing the fact that Buffy had been having sex with Spike. He sniffed discreetly, seeing Spike smirk, his demon almost coming to the fore at the look of challenge on his Childe's face. He growled low in his throat, watching with satisfaction the quick look of fear on Spike's face before he stepped away from Buffy, conceding to his Sire.

Cordy eyed him warily, hoping that he wasn't going to fall for the Blond Bitch again. It just wouldn't be fair. He had so much going for him, so much to do, it just wouldn't be fair, she nearly wailed out loud. Her lips tightened, she would do whatever she had to do to make sure Angel and Buffy were never alone. Her decision made, she sidled closer to Angel, grabbing his arm and pinched him, HARD!

"Don't even think about going there," she hissed to a startled Angel. "You may think you've been to hell, Mister, but if I catch you sniffing around Buffy, I'll make what you experienced look like a goddamn picnic!"

For half a second, Angel eyes turned gold as he stared down at her. She remained unfazed, fiercely glaring at him as the others watched curiously, Buffy jealously.

Angel looked away, sighing, he knew what she was trying to do and it really wasn't necessary. He had came to the conclusion that he and Buffy were the past, what they had was over and there was no use trying to recapture old memories.

He looked at Spike and Spike looked at him warily, relaxing as he saw the subtle nod from his Sire. There would be no competing for Buffy. He sighed, knowing that he would have lost had it come to that.

Angel frowned slightly, sniffing the air. There was something here that was teasing his senses. Something dangerous and deadly, he almost recognized the smell.

"What the hell are you guys doing here," Buffy asked angrily stalking forward, trying to intimidate Cordy away from her Angel, her eyes narrowing when Cordy just smirked at her.

"Look girly, I don't know who the fuck you are, but you ain't gonna be bum rushing my girl, Cordy like that," Gunn said stepping forward menacing, followed closely by an obviously scared but determined Fred. Ain't nobody gonna be fucking with them, especially not this skinny-ass white bitch! She betta not make him open up his can of whoop ass.

Buffy faltered to a stop, seeing the angry black man standing at Cordy's side and the young scared woman.

She sneered slightly knowing that they were just human and no match for her Slayer strength and speed.

"Buffy!" Giles exclaimed out, shocked at the behavior of his Slayer, she looked at Cordy like she was going to attack her. "What's gotten into you," he asked, annoyed.

"Yeah, Buffy," Cordy drawled her name out, "Do tell Giles," her eyes flicked at the smirking Spike, "What's gotten into you," and back to the reddening face of an angry Buffy.

Willow, watching the exchange curiously suddenly widened her eyes, Buffy was sleeping with Spike! Oh my goodness, no not goodness! Oh this is so very NOT good! She babbled internally.

"Cordy," Giles said sternly, "You are not helping."

Gunn and Fred watched in astonishment as the normally imperious Cordy backed instantly down.

"Sorry, Giles," she muttered in apology, her eyes cast down.

"Buffy, I want an explanation. NOW!" Giles roared, turning to his Slayer waiting for her explain her behavior.

"Hey guys, I see you made it," Xander called cheerfully from the door carrying bags of groceries.

"Xander what the hell is going on," Buffy yelled, finally someone she could get angry at!

"Oh Xander, how good to see you, are you okay? I haven't seen you in quite a while due to my slaying and otherwise busy life," Xander said in a high falsetto voice. Dropping his voice back down, "Why Buffy I'm doing quite well. I'm okay, thank you very much for asking," Xander said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at her as he continued into the kitchen.

Buffy stood there with her mouth hanging open in shock. While she had always been appreciative of Xander's quick wit and sarcastic remarks, she had never been the recipient.

The others looked at here with varying degrees of sympathy and smirks.

She shook herself and began to storm after him when Giles grabbed her arm. She whirled around angrily ready to pound whoever had grabbed her and realized it was Giles, glaring at her. She opened her mouth to defend herself when he shook her.

"Not one word," he growled, "Not. One. Word," he said, enunciating each word, shaking her. She lowered her eyes angrily, determined to get back at Xander for trying to make a fool out of her and fix that bitch, Cordy.

Giles ran his hand tiredly through his hair, not knowing what was going on. He had been shocked as everyone at Xander's sarcastic quip to Buffy, but she had it coming to her at her initial greeting. But he had grew angry at the sight of her stomping angrily after the boy, especially considering that they were in HIS house and was owed some respect as the host.

Xander came back out and looked nervously at the people staring curiously at him. He so hated being the center of attention, he like being in the background not in the foreground. Background was always someplace good to be, watching and observing. Now it seemed that he was the one that had to be in the foreground. He sighed, fiddling with the hem of his loose shirt.

The others watched the young man, shifting nervously under their combined stare. Cordy was a little shocked to see how big Xander had grown, not muscle big---but fat big.

She bit her lip and asked quietly, "So Xander, what was the all fire emergency that you had to have us here?" Preening a little under his grateful gaze.

"Yes, Xander," Willow asked quietly, "What's going on with you?" She too was a little worried about how big Xander had gotten, she frowned, he hadn't been this big a couple of months ago had he?

Xander sighed, running a hand through his hair, he could see both vampires sniffing the air, wondering at the strange scent in the room. Smirking slightly at the reactions they would have when they figured it out.

"Everybody have a seat, I'll be just a minute," Xander said as he walked over to a wall switch and flicking it. There was a slight whirling sound and darken glass slowly came down over the multitude of windows, allowing the vampires to sit with their humans.

Angel and Spike glanced at each other, astonished at the kind gesture, which was ruined when Xander said, "Deadboy and DJ, take a seat," smirking as they both rolled their eyes at him at the accursed nicknames.

"Okay, I can understand the Deadboy crack," said Gunn in some confusion, "But DJ? And I don't think anybody's thought to tell you who we are. I'm Gunn and this here beautiful girl is Fred," he said, pulling a blushing Fred closer to his side.

"Oh, DJ stands for Deadboy, Jr." Xander smiling, when Gunn started laughing, "I'm Xander by the way," he said extending his hand and having it firmly shaken by Gunn and then Fred.

"Alright," Spike drawled out, by his place next to Buffy, who was gazing hungrily at Angel, who seemed determined to avoid her gaze. "Enough with the chitchat, what the hell is going on, whelp?" He was angry, right pissed off at Buffy and at his Sire. As soon as his poofy Sire shows up, Buffy was creaming in her pants! And he knew that if he could smell her, Peaches could too.

Xander sat on the unoccupied loveseat, facing them. His leg jiggled nervously as he fiddled with a loose thread on his jeans. His mouth opened and closed several times.

Willow eyes darken in sympathy, knowing that Xander only behaved like this in extreme circumstances, when he was overwhelmingly nervous.

Xander took a deep breath, okay Harris, you can do this! These people are your friends. They're not going to kill you, just remember they are your friends, his eyes flicker to Gunn and Fred, at least some of them are your friends.

He took a another deep breath and let it out explosively, "'K, here it is, I'm just going to lay it out on the table and I'm not going to beat around the bush I'm just going to say what I have to say and hope everything works out 'cause once it's out in the open, there's no way to take it all back, so here it goes, right now, no beating around the bushes, no sirree bob-o, no bushes here, I'm just going to say what I have to say and hope for the best 'cause that's all anyone can hope for the best, right, 'cause it would be silly to hope for the worst now wouldn't it," he faltered to a stop, closing his eyes at the dazed looks on everyone's faces and took a deep breath again, aware that he was babbling, and hoping that he wouldn't hyperventilate from all the deep breaths he was taking.

"I'm not the Xander, you all know," he said baldly into the silence. He looked around at the puzzled faces and sighed, knowing that they didn't understand. He shivered, but they will soon.

"I'm a Xander from the future and I came back here six years ago to correct a mistake I made in the past," he ended abruptly.

"What the hell are you talking about, Xander, we don't have time for any of your stupid jokes," Buffy said coldly, still furious at him over his sarcastic remark to her.

"Xander what are you talking about and what mistake did you make six years," Willow said in quiet confusion.

"In my timeline, I did something. And it resulted in almost world-endingish, a lot of people died, a lot of good people died horribly because of me," Xander said quietly, his head held down.

Angel and Spike exchanged glances, the boy was telling the truth. They focused all their attention on him.

"Xander, I sure that you didn't mean to do it," Giles smiled kindly at the distraught boy, his smile faltering as Xander looked up, tears in his eyes.

"They killed you, man, they killed you and I couldn't do anything to stop them. You told me to run and get Willow, Oz and Cordy to safety and I ran and left you there. I could hear you screaming, oh god help me I just left you there!" Xander whispered, his eyes wide in remembered horror before burying his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking.

Frightened, Willow knew he was crying, and instinctively she started for him.

"Xander, I don't know what kind of game your playing, but it stops RIGHT NOW!" Buffy roared furiously at him.

"Buffy," Angel began watching worriedly as Willow rushed to Xander pulling the sobbing boy, no man, into her shoulders.

"Pet," Spike began, glaring at his Sire when they both spoke at the same time. They exchanged long glances before Spike looked away.

"Buffy, he's telling the truth," Angel said quietly.

"W...wha....what," Giles stuttered, his eyes wide behind his glasses.

"What do you mean, he's telling the truth, he's Xander. He's not some mumbo-jumbo Xander from the future," Buffy snorted.

"Buffy, his scent never changed," Angel said quietly, still watching Xander, the scent still teasing at his nose.

"Bullshit!" Buffy yelled springing to her feet, "There's no such thing as time travel!" She started angrily towards Xander, when Willow looked up her eyes narrowing at the aggressive stanch Buffy had taken.

Buffy was taken aback by the look in Willow's eyes and tried to laugh it off, "Come on now people, this is Xander we're talking about. What could he have possibly have done to almost cause the world to end, I mean this is Xander, okay?" Buffy said gesturing to him.

Cordy made her way over to the pair on the couch and crouched down, "Xander, Xander honey, come on, it's me and Willow. Two of your favorite girls," she said smiling, happy when Xander looked up with a wobbly smile, she stroked his arm.

"Xander, sweetie, can you tell us what you did that almost cause the world to end," Willow said quietly, holding him tightly to her, rubbing his back.

"I told someone the truth," he said quietly, his breath hitching slightly as he pulled away and sat up, his eyes redden from tears. He saw Angel watching him worriedly and gave him a small reassuring smile. They all nearly fell over when they saw that small gesture, Xander's hatred of Angel was legendary. It was like knowing the sky was blue during the daytime.

"So you told someone the truth," Buffy sneered, shaken slightly to see Xander smile at Angel and mean it, "Like that'll cause the world to end," she scoffed. "I'm telling you, time travel don't exist, he's making it all up."

"Like vampires and demons don't exist," came a cool, smooth voice to their right. Buffy jumped up in a defensive position, her eyes widening at the sheer beauty of the three men before her. My god, who the hell are they and where have they been all my life, she thought licking her lips.

Angel and Spike simply froze. Too late, they had recognized the scent, knowing that they were going to die along with everyone in the room.

Angel's eyes narrowed thoughtfully on Xander, how had the boy survived living here with them and it was all four that he now recognized as living here.

Anya's was frozen in terror as she stared at the three, recognizing them for what they were. Her eyes swung to Xander, sitting calmly on the couch.

Willow, Cordy, Fred, Tara and Dawn looked at the men goggled eyed. They previously thought Angel and Spike were gorgeous but these men totally left Angel and Spike in the dust.

Gunn and Giles looked curiously at the drooling women. Giles looked at Willow and Tara, but I thought they were gay, was his confused thought.

Gunn stood up flexing slightly, touching Fred on the arm, startling her as she turned and look up at him.

"Oh," she said, blushing.

"Yeah, 'Oh'," Gunn said staring down at her before looking back at the men, gliding across the floor.

"The boy is telling the truth," said the tallest one as he sat close, next to Xander. They watched as the blond stood behind Xander behind the couch and the third stood at the arm of the couch. Clearly indicating that Xander was under their protection.

Coming out of their lustful daze the girls returned to their seats, still eyeing the three surrounding Xander.

"Well, well, well," Buffy smirked, "Looks like Willow ain't the only one trying an 'alternative lifestyle', huh Xander." She was jealous that Xander had these three beautiful men, when all she had was Spike!

"For your information, I'm not gay!" Xander said angrily trying to get off the couch, but restrained by three hands, holding him easily. He huffed and crossed his arms, his shirt billowing up slightly.

Cordy's blinked, her eyes narrowing. Totally not wanting to believe what she had seen under Xander's shirt.

"Xander, who did you tell the truth to," Dawn asked softly, trying to keep her eyes off of Xander's men.

"Buffy," Xander muttered, his head down as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt. A hand covered his in support and he flashed a grateful smile to Taryn, straightening up.

"Buffy," Giles asked in puzzlement.

"What did you tell Buffy," Cordy said quietly.

"I told her the truth, that Willow was going to do the restoration spell," Xander said clearly, leaving a stunned silence, before the room exploded.

"You fucking little bastard, you told me Willow said 'kick his ass'." Buffy screamed in rage. Stalking toward Xander, intending to hurt him.

Angel snarled in fury, his eyes a burning liquid gold.

"I spent 500 years in hell because you lied," he hissed getting to his feet.

Lourdey vaulted over the couch, standing protectively in front of Xander as Jennes flowed around the other side.

Buffy sneered and attempted to move them out of her way. Suddenly there were two swords at her throat and she froze not daring to move.

Angel froze likewise, seeing the deadly warning in Taryn's eyes as he stood up protectively.

All three began to growl, enraged at the thought of someone attempting to hurt Xander, nails lengthening into razor sharp talon, their hair stirring, lashing angrily.

"Uhm, guys, a little help here," Buffy squeaked out, carefully not moving, "Spike, Giles, Cordy, somebody," her voice rising in panic as she saw the demonic faces over the swords. They were still beautiful, but now deadly.

"Xander, why," Willow whispered, she knew how much Xander loved Buffy and probably still did.

Xander sighed and looked away, "Ease up guys," he said softly, hearing the terrible growl die down and the guys settle themselves around him.

The three demons eyes were cold and ruthless as they glanced around the room.

Xander looked back at Buffy who was glaring at him angrily and he smiled sadly, "You have no idea how much I loved you? I would have done anything for you, no matter the cost," he said quietly.

"You little jealous bastard, that's what it was wasn't it, you were jealous of me and Angel, how much we meant to each other, how much we love each other, weren't you?" She stepped back and laughed enjoying the look of pain on his face. "You lied all because you couldn't get me, couldn't have me, didn't you, DIDN'T YOU!" She screamed at him watching him pale.

"Hold on a minute," Cordy said into the charged silence, "You earlier that 'they killed Giles' and then you said that you told Buffy the truth that Willow was restoring Angel's soul. So that meant that you lied to Buffy in THIS timeline, right?" Xander nodded silently.

"So what happened in your future, the one that you left, the one that you said was world-end...." she broke off with a gasp.

Xander looked down, silent.

Giles immediately grasped the implications, "It opened, didn't it," he said with admirable calm, considering that in the other future he had died, quite horribly it seemed.

Xander nodded, his eyes on his hands.

"Xander, what happened," Willow asked quietly.

Xander shrugged, "When I finally got there, they were still fighting. I could see Buffy holding back , waiting for the spell to kick in. I saw Spike bop Dru on the head and drag her out. I managed to get Giles out of the mansion. What else happened in the mansion, I don't know," he took a trembling breath before continuing, "All I do know is that Buffy and Angel disappeared that day, Giles was eaten by the demons, I ran and got Willow, Oz and Cordy out of the hospital before it was overrun. Willow was able to cast a spell that protected almost every house in Sunnydale but it left her almost dead. Between me and Oz we managed to get on a radio station warning everyone to get indoors and stay there. But some of the people didn't listen, thinking it was a prank. It was too chancy for all four of leave, so me and Oz picked Cordy to get out of town."

He shook from the memories of that dark time, before continuing hoarsely, "After a while, things started settling down a little and we behaved like good little happy meals, taking every precaution we knew. Then Faith arrived, the new Slayer and somewhat restored a balance in the town."

They leaned closer, listening in fascinated horror at Xander's grim tale of his future, a future he had prevented by lying.....

Chapter 1

Xander walked to the Summer's residence, carefully keeping his eyes lowered. Making sure he didn't meet any of the demons' eyes wandering the street. Though he was married to a Slayer and a fierce fighter, he still knew that was no protection against getting the living shit beat out of him. All Faith would do would just beat the living hell out of the demon that beat him up, but he would still be in a world of pain and not be able to work.

He snorted, to think that seven years ago all they had to worry about was the odd vampire or two. Hell, as long as they stayed indoors and didn't go out at night, they could live a relatively peaceful existence. Now, demons roamed the earth like they owned it, which might be true if he thought about real hard, which I am so NOT about to do, he thought emphatically.

He hurried faster, making sure that he didn't appear to be running. Ever since Buffy had disappeared, he and the others had been keeping an eye on Mrs. Summers (Joyce, he amended with a inner smile). The demons never lost a chance to harass her or try to hurt her. It had gotten so bad that Xander was trying to convince Faith to allow her to stay with them. So far, his wife had been refusing, wanting nothing to do with the mother of a Slayer that had abandoned her duties, her responsibilities.

Walking up the path, he noted with alarm that Mrs. Summer's, Joyce's door was standing wide open. Running into the house, shutting the door behind him, he found Joyce lying on the floor, badly beaten with a broken arm. As he lean in to touch her, she made a small whimpering sound quickly suppressed, tears leaking slowly out of her damaged eyes. He had been so focused on her severely beaten features that he hadn't noticed the state of her clothing.

Slowly, he reached out a trembling hand and pulled her dress down from around her waist, over her naked hips, tears running down his face. As he pulled her skirt down, he could see where she had been so badly mauled. Four deep parallel wounds ran across her belly and her shirt had been ripped apart, baring her breasts. Teeth marks and bloody gashes marring her breast.

She moaned and pushed weakly against hands, "No, no, no, no," she mumbled from swollen lips, her mind lost in a haze of pain. Pain in her arm, pain in breasts, pain in her stomach, pain between her le...., her mind shied away from the awful concept, vaguely hearing choked muffled sobs coming from somewhere, coming from me! Why am I crying, she thought confusedly, why am I hurting? Where's Buffy, I have to find Buffy. She's in danger, I didn't really mean it for her not to come back! Buffy, where are you? She screamed deep in her mind, recalling that fateful night that her daughter had ran from the house. She had yelled at her, that if she left the house she had
better not come back. But she hadn't meant it. She was angry, angry at her daughter, angry at lies Buffy had told her, angry for all the secrets her daughter had kept. She felt out of control and had lashed out, lashed out at the person that had made her spin out of control, her daughter. And she
hadn't seen Buffy since.

Xander gently restrained the confused woman, vaguely making out her words, calling for Buffy, her precious daughter. They knew where Buffy was, even here, in DemonCentral, they had heard the rumors. His lips twisted bitterly at the thought of Buffy. He nearly spat to remove the foul taste from his mind. He got up swiftly, ran to the kitchen and grabbed a towel. Quickly running it under the warm water, getting it wet, he ran back to Joyce and began cleaning her off. Knowing that he had to move quickly, lest the demons return.

Ignoring her futile efforts to stop him, he ran the wet cloth gently between her legs. Freezing at the evidence of green slime between her legs. Letting out a moan of despair, knowing which of the demons had done this to Joyce and knowing that she didn't have long to live. A Tor'kn demon's semen was always fatal to humans, something that they took great joy in raping as many
humans as they could.

Moving faster, he clean her up. Running upstairs, he grabbed a blanket off of a bed and dosed it with perfume and ran back down the stairs, quickly wrapping a slowly struggling Joyce within the blanket.

As swiftly as he could, he left for home, thankfully encounter few demons that wanted to harass a human. Entering his house, he layed Joyce gently down on the couch. Racing to the phone, he dial a familiar number, praying that she was home.

"Hello," came a cautious voice.

"Willow! Thank god you're home, you have to come over quick, it's Joyce, she's hurt really bad and I need help, like now. You have to hurry, please Willow. They got her, they hurt her bad, Willow," he babbled urgently into the phone, hearing Willow's quick gasp of shock before her low moan of pain.

"Oh goddess, NO!" Willow screamed into the phone, hardly able to comprehend what Xander was saying. Not her, not Joyce Summers! Anyone else but her!

"Willow, you got to come help me. I don't know if I was able to hide her scent so that they don't trace her to here. I don't know what happened, she was supposed to be protected, Faith promised me that she would be protected!" Xander ran his hand frustratedly through his hair.

"Xander, just hold on, I'll be there in about 5-10 minutes, just hold on, okay," Willow said between sobs, fighting for control. It wouldn't do for her to breakdown, not when Joyce and Xander needed her.

"Okay, just hurry," Xander said, taking a deep breath and hanging up the phone. Trying to calm himself as he heard light footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Daddy," called Michael from the stairs, "Is Gamma Joyce, 'k?" His voice trembled a little in fear, having seen the bruises darkening Joyce's face and knowing what they meant. He was used to his mother coming home, looking like that but not Gamma Joyce.

"Don't be a baby," Jocelyn snapped impatiently at her younger brother, from her five year old perspective. Seeing the three year old lip begin to quiver, she relented and hugged him to her. She saw the bruises and knew what it meant, she just didn't want Mikey to be scared. She took her
responsibilties as a big sister seriously.

"Gamma Joyce prob'ly felt down and hurted herself," she said with a sidelong look at her father, watching him wipe tears away from his eyes and a shaky smile cross his face.

"Hey you guys," Xander said smiling, gently scooping up his son, "Hey, now, what's the matter," seeing the tiny face cloud with incipient tears.

Mikey rubbed furiously at his eyes, not wanting to be thought of as a baby, "Is Gamma Joyce hurt," he said with a little quiver in his voice, "Like mommy?"

"Not like mommy, but yes Gamma Joyce's been hurt pretty bad," Xander said quietly.

"Is she gonna die," Jocy asked as she sat on a stair clutching her legs to her chest.

Xander debated whether to lie or tell them the truth, he wanted to protect his children for as long as he could and he knew that the truth would be the only protection they would be able to count on.

"Yeah, sweetie, she's going to die," Xander said quietly, regret and grief mingling in his eyes, as his son buried his head in his shoulder and began crying. Xander walked over to the stairs and sat beside his daughter and pulled her to him as silent tears rolled down her face and his as well. This
was how Willow found them when she arrived breathlessly to Xander's house.

The grief and misery in his expressive brown eyes alerting her to the pain ahead. He watched as her hand went to her throat in a nervous gesture, her eyes wide. Flickering his eyes to the right, gesturing her to the living room. Watching as she walked with slow hesitant steps, stopping when she saw the blanket wrapped bundle on the couch. With a cry she awkardly ran forward, unwrapping the figure with trembling hands, falling back on her hands at the shock of seeing Joyce's battered face. A low moan of horror came from deep within Willow as she clutched at her swollen stomach, feeling the child within grow agitated at her roiling emotions.

This was the mother figure that they all worshipped and adored. She was the reason why they continued fighting. For her and their loved ones. Tears running down her face as she slowly stroked Joyce's hair, thinking how they had came to this point.


After Buffy had disappeared, things were so chaotic what with Giles being viciously slaughtered by the demons when Acathla had opened, not being there to tell them what to do. People dying left and right of them as the demons overran the small town and began spreading quickly throughout the nation.

Xander managed to get Cordy out of Sunnydale, or Sunnyhell, her lips twisted bitterly, and sent her to LA but he stayed because of her, because he felt that she needed him and he couldn't abandon her. Something that she would spend the rest of her life making up to him.

Joyce, Xander and OZ had taken care of her, in the Summer's home after she had gotten out of the hospital. It took her several weeks, literally to get back on her feet, but she did it with their help, keeping her strong, making her determine not to let Oz and Xander done. They did their best to carry on their Slayerette duties, but it was a near impossible task. She provided the magic, Oz provided the wild fury and Xander provided the tactical knowledge. It was Xander's idea that they made their base Willow's home, not wanting to lead anyone back to the Summer's residence where they were all staying.

They knew they were fighting a losing battle but were determined to carry on, for Buffy, for Giles. Fighting to protect Joyce for as long as they could, determined to take as many down before they were killed and they had no doubt that that was their fate and they accepted it. Spending more and more time perfecting their skills, sneaking through the town stealing what ever they could, watching secretly how the demons battled and adapting their skills and plans to suit.

They gathered as many people they could and they formed a squads, protecting their town and their people. Teaching them how to protect themselves. Slowly, taking back their streets, one by one. They had plenty of time now, especially since they didn't need to go to school anymore, considering that a lot of their classmates were either dead, playthings for a demon or turned. Oz could come and go as he pleased in the new Sunnydale with little resistance, the demons recognizing that he was a supernatural creature; they grudgingly allowed Willow the freedom to roam, clearly seeing the magic within her; but Xander and any other human caught by themselves were fair game. In the beginning, it took both of them to protect Xander on the streets.

Then a woman came and the tide started turning. Turning in their favor. They watched in awe as the dark hair woman came in, kicking ass and not even bothering to stop to take names. She came, she saw and she slayed, eerie reminiscent of the way Buffy battled and they realized just who or what she was. The new Slayer! Joy in their hearts as they realized that when they died, their people would be in good hands.

It took a long time for Faith to trust them, it only took Xander a few weeks to fall in love with her. She had gradually let Xander in, then finally the rest of them, still standoffish with Joyce Summers, despite this Willow was happy at finally seeing Xander with someone. She and Oz had spent many nights, or at least she had, teasing Xander about being in looooved. All he could do was grin that beautiful Xander-smile and duck his head.

They were all so happy when they finally gotten married later that year. Then came the letter.

Somehow, someway Cordy had managed to find a place of safety and managed to get word back to them. She wrote that where she worked was like a refuge, a place where demons and humans could peacefully co-exist. No fighting, no killing and she wanted them to come there to help. She had went on in great detail about the man she worked for having a calling, a mission of redemption, working for the Powers-That-Be. He was a Warrior of the Light fighting against the darkness.

They had exchanged astonished glances reading the letters, wondering if it was true, it maybe they could go there and join the fight. She had them almost convinced that maybe there was a safe place after all.

Willow and Oz exchanged glances, her eyes determined, his eyes clear and loving. Oz smiled wryly knowing that there was no way in hell that Willow was going to leave Xander behind. If Xander stayed, Willow was staying. As he had stayed behind for her, she would remain with him, knowing that Xander wasn't going to leave his pregnant wife.

But maybe, they thought aloud, getting excited, Willow and Oz could take Joyce there, where she would be safe and come back. Since Faith had Sunnydale to protect and guard. They would would take Joyce there after Faith had the baby and get back as soon as possible. They exchanged happy smiles, pleased at their plan, knowing that their Joyce would be safe, before continuing to read the letter. Cordy almost had them convinced when she added that it was Angel that she worked for and that Buffy was helping him, trying to find her own redemption.

Xander, Oz and Willow eyes slowly began to harden, turning cold. Faith shivered as she felt the temperature suddenly begin to drop in the room. Oz felt his beast coming to the fore, growling low in his throat.

Faith stepped back in alarm, for the first time clearly seeing just how dangerous her friends and husband had become. While admittedly they were young but, by the look in their eyes they were far, far older than she would ever be. She wondered who was this Angel and Buffy that Cordy mentioned, recognizing the name Buffy. She was a little confused though, she thought they were dead. She was a little jealous of the fact that it was her husband's ex-girlfriend that was writing but she knew that Xander was loyal to her and that the only real competition or threat to her marriage would only be Willow.

They didn't really like to talk about the friends they had lost this summer by names, all she knew was when they got those distant looks in their eyes they were either thinking about the fatherfigure they had lost or their other best friend. She would quietly leave them alone to grieve in silence, knowing that their wounds were still to fresh for them to talk to her about them yet. She would sometimes wake Xander in the middle of the night from a nightmares, screaming 'Giles', just holding him as he cried himself back to sleep.

She was started at the low venomous hiss from Willow, "That fucking bitch! That goddamn fucking BITCH!" She screamed, tears of rage falling down her face.

Xander turned around and abruptly began punching at the wall, trying to in vain to suppress the deadly, sick rage he felt. Vaguely aware that someone was calling his name, pulling on his arm. He whirled around with a snarl, abruptly seeing Faith draw back in alarm and swiftly adopt a defensive position, she slowly relaxed seeing that he wasn't going to attack her.

"What the hell's the matter with you," she said angrily, gesturing to the letter Willow had dropped on the floor. Willow was wrapped around Oz, stroking him gently as they both struggled to contain their rage.

"Do you remember the friends that died this summer, the ones we don't like to talk about," Xander said coldly, closing his eyes, remembering Giles screams. He slowly opened his eyes and Faith stepped back slowly recognizing the lurking death in his deep brown eyes. She looked around swiftly and met Willow's and Oz equally deadly gaze. She swallowed heavily and nodded

"Uhm, yeah," she said tentatively, knowing that while Xander wouldn't hurt her, she wasn't exactly sure about Willow and Oz right now.

"The man, his name was Giles. Just like Joyce is the mother to us all, he was the father that we all wished we had. He cared for us all equally. He was the school librarian and, " Xander paused, not wanting to say the words.

"He was Buffy's Watcher," Willow finished, her eyes and voice cold and hard.

Faith was shocked, "Your friend, Buffy was a Slayer," she asked in astonishment, slowly getting angry.

"Yes," Oz growled out, his beast peering out of his eyes.

"Just what the fuck is going on! I thought they were dead, this Angel, Buffy and Giles. You guys been acting like they were dead all this time. I supposed that Giles is alive someplace too," she sneered angry at how they had left her out of the loop, angry at the closeness between them all,
making her feel like an outsider.

Xander eyes flashed angrily, "Giles is definitely dead, I saw him die ripped to piece in demons' claws. And the reason why we thought Buffy was dead is because when Acathla opened, she and Angel were never seen again. So, of course she had to be dead. Afterall who had ever heard of a Slayer abandoning their duties, right?" Bitter sarcasm laced through his tone, his eyes so cold and bitter.

"And as for Angel, well, he's been dead for, oh about 180 years. He's a vampire and the one that Buffy is in love with," Xander finished looking into Faith's shocked eyes.

She gasped, wheezing as she tried to get the words out past the horror, "He's a vampire," she managed to squeak out, watching the trio's slow nods.

"He one of the undead, one of the not living," she said, trying to get her mind to grasp the implications of what her sister Slayer was doing.

"Yep," Xander said quietly.

"My god," Faith said, her eyes wide in astonishment.

"Oh it gets better," Xander assured her.

"Oh please, what could be worse than this," Faith said her mind whirling.

"Oh how about Angel has a soul. A soul that is curse to never know happiness. What would you want to imagine would happen if dear Angel got groiny with the oh so lovely Buffy? Whoops! There goes that pesky soul, now let's give a BIG HELLO to the dashing, the charming, the homicidal killer, ANGELUS!" Xander smiled, his eyes empty and cold, looking down at his shocked wife.

"Angelus," she said in disbelief, "Even I have heard about Angelus, about the terrible foursome that roam Europe, the Scourge of Europe. How did you survive his coming," she shook her head in disbelief.

Willow sighed wearily, sitting down beside Oz on the floor. "We barely did, he killed so many people and Buffy always hesitated to kill him." She threw an apologetic look at Xander, "And to my shame, I sided with her over Xander. Xander and Cordy were the only one that were thinking clearly. Buffy wanted her boyfriend back and I was going to restore his soul just so she could be happy. Next to Xander she was my best friend and I hated seeing her so unhappy. So I tried to do the soul restoration spell, we were attacked, Kendra, the Slayer you replaced was killed, Giles was kidnapped, Xander arm was broken and I wound up in a coma for a few days." Willow said, her head hanging in shame at how she had betrayed Xander.

"Jesus Christ, Willow!" Faith exploded out, making Oz growled. She paced angrily back and forth. "What the hell were you thinking, what were you all thinking?" She yelled angrily.

Xander sighed, walking over to his angry wife and stopping her pacing, "She was thinking about wanting her friend to be happy," he said quietly, gazing into Faith furious eyes, "No matter the cost to herself, she only wanted Buffy to be happy." Watching the rage died down in Faith. She smiled wryly, even knowing the little red-head, she knew how generous her heart was. She was fiercely loyal to whomever she named as friend, willing to do anything for the ones she called friend. Faith knew she was lucky to be part of Willow's inner circle and was determined never to let her down.

"I committed the ultimate betrayal though," Xander said painfully. Faith turned wide eyes on him, hardly daring to believe her Xander had betrayed someone.

"What did you do," she breathed.

"When Willow came to, she was determined to recast the spell," Xander admitted painfully. "She sent me to find Buffy, to tell her that she was recasting the spell and I finally found Buffy, heading to the mansion. I had loved her so much and looking into her eyes, I betrayed the world." Xander said, his eyes clear, his head held up. Waiting for Faith condemnation.

"I told her the truth, that Willow was redoing the re-soul spell. I saw the look of total happiness in her eyes as she kissed me and ran off to battle Angelus. I made my way after her and managed to get Giles out. As we were hobbling out, I looked back and saw them fighting and I knew what Buffy was trying to do, hold on until Willow spell worked. After the demons came, I thought that the both had died in the first rush, but I realized now that Buffy got Angel away without sealing Acathla." Xander finished, looking at the horrified faces of his friends and wife.

Willow quietly got up from her position on the floor and crossed to him, "You didn't know, Xander, you didn't know. She knew what she had to do, she was the Slayer the champion of humanity. All she had to do was cut him on the hand and throw the sword in and Acathla would have been sealed. She choose to run away, taking Angel and leaving us behind to face what was coming." She put her arms around him and hugged him tight.

Oz got off the floor and stalked over carefully, "Yeah, man, you didn't know. What she would was going to do. If you had you probably would have lied your head off, to make sure that she did her duty," he said, all three of them looked at him in astonishment. This was the longest sentence he had ever made and with the most expression. He gave them a little smirk, looking pleased at how well he had managed to throw them.

Faith sighed, looking at them, knowing Xander like she did, she agreed. "She should have done her duty, no matter the cost. That's what we're here for, just because she fell in love with him doesn't mean that the rules no longer apply to her. Because of her a lot of good people died, before and after."

* * *

They never bother to contact Cordy and they never told Joyce that her daughter was still alive and had left her behind.

Willow came back to herself with a start, tears still pouring down her face as she looked at the battered face of the woman that they affectionately called Mom.

Distantly she heard Xander say something to the children, hearing small feet run the stairs. She started at feeling Xander's hands on her shoulders and with a sob turned and pressed against him.

Xander carefully picked her up and sat with her in his lap in the chair, leaving Joyce still on the couch, mumbling to herself in her in her pain induce delirium. Rocking the weeping young woman in his lap, stroking her hair gently.

"Xander, we have to get her out of here," Willow insisted tearfully, clutching at his shirt in desperation. "We can't protect her anymore, look at her," she said throwing a hand out at blanket wrapped body. "She's can't live like this, she can't......," she faltered a stop, seeing pain and
misery etched in Xander's brown eyes. Slowly she turned her head to Joyce's body and slowly turned back to Xander, her eyes wide with horror, her mouth coming up to stop the scream welling inside her, frantically shaking her head to deny the truth she saw in Xander's eyes.

Xander nodded his head, knowing that Willow knew the horror of what had been done to their Joyce. He closed his eyes, to tell her the final horror.

"It was Tor'ka demons," he said painfully, holding her tightly as she bent over with a groan of pain.

Willow felt her stomach heaving as she tried to ride out the pain. She looked up at Xander, her green eyes turning pitchblack. Xander knew he needed to turned her away, to get her past the pain, the horror, knowing that this wasn't good for the baby. Willow was too close and this was the first child that she and Oz had successfully held on to.

"Willow, stop," he said sternly, fighting against his pain, setting it aside to help Willow. "You have to focus, Willow," he said to the struggling woman in his lap. He heard the door open and felt Oz at his side as they struggled to contain Willow, neither of them wanting to see her lose control, and lose another child to the wild magic raging through her.

Willow could distantly hear Xander and Oz voices, as she fought the magic within her, the magic that wanted to take revenge against everyone that had hurt them, that had hurt Joyce. Most of all she wanted to kill Buffy for not coming back for her mother. Gradually, she regain control of herself, feeling both men relax as her eyes turned their familiar green.

Oz already knew what happened the moment he stepped into the house, he knew Joyce had little time to live with the poison racing through her system.

He met Xander's eyes as Xander carefully stood up and sat Willow in the chair. "I'm going to get Faith. I think it's time that we took Joyce to Buffy, at least this way she can say goodbye to her mother face-to-face." Xander said, he had always wondered if they had made the right decision, to keep the knowledge that Buffy was still alive from Joyce. He had a sneaking suspicion that she already knew, from the small comments she had made. God knows, they gave her enough clues, especially when they started throwing away everything of theirs that had something to do with Buffy.

"Yeah," Oz said, holding his wife's hand. Xander hesitated not wanting to leaving Willow in this state, she looked up with a small smile and motioning him to get going while she and Oz saw to Joyce.

Xander hurried out of the house, looking for his wife. It was getting late and he didn't want to be caught outside afterdark. While the demons knew well enough not to give him too much grief, he figure it was better not to take chances. Looking everywhere he could think of, getting a little more jittery as the sun was getting lower in the sky, he asked a couple of somewhat friendly demons if they had seen the slayer. They pointed him in the right direction and he hurried to the mansion, wondering why in the hell would his wife be there, it was where the demonlords held their council meetings. He hurried faster, hoping she wasn't in any trouble.

Sliding through an opening he had discovered many years ago, he crept overhead to the council chambers, hearing his wife's voice. Pysching himself up to rescue her, when he heard what she was saying and listened, frozen in horror, a horror that was swiftly turning into rage of epic proportions.

He wanted to howl his rage and pain into the darkening sky. What is it about these slayers, he thought painfully, what makes them constantly betray the people that loved them. He shook with the need to cry, to rage.

He heard the evil conversation end---what Faith had ultimately agreed to for power and the threat to her if she failed. He escaped as fast as he could; already making plans for his family's departure. Swiftly making his way back to the house, he made it back to his street just as the sun began to set, running up the street as fast as he could and slamming into the house.

Between he and Willow, they had managed to clean Joyce up and get her into bed. Willow cast a minor healing spell on her, encouraging her body to recover faster, happy to see the weary, painful smile on Joyce's face before she went to sleep. They knew that she was already dying, they had a week at most. They agreed that someone would remain with her at all times with Willow was taking the first watch. Oz looked up in surprise as Xander burst into the house panting for breath. His eyes narrowing ominously as he smelled the rage and pain coming from Xander.

He rose from his sitting position slowly, carefully watching Xander, his eyes turning wolfish as his wolf rose to the surface. Friend or not, he knew what he would do if Xander attempted to hurt anyone in the house. They had learned that painful lesson a long time ago. Friendship was one thing, duty was another and it they conflicted---one of them was going down.

Xander closed his eyes, fighting to contain the fire raging in his soul, trembling with the effort, knowing Oz was watching him with concern in his eyes, ready to do whatever was necessary to protect their family.

"We gotta leave," he said abruptly, pacing back and forth. He wrapped his arms around himself, still fighting for control.

Oz simply looked at him, raising a brow in a silent bid for further information.

Xander stopped pacing, looking at Oz, reaching out trying to borrow some of his friends calm control. Knowing that he needed that center of calmness now more than ever to keep him from raging out of control. This was not the time to be raging, this was a time for planning.

He spoke rapidly, knowing they didn't have much time before Faith got back and had to execute her part of the bargain. Oz's eyes widen in amazement before slowly hardening, his lips peeling back and a low growl echoed through the room, before he was able to control himself with a savage will, knowing that Xander had already came up with a plan to forestall Faith.

"When she gets here, I'll make sure she stays downstairs. You make sure that the kids stay upstairs so that she doesn't find out about Joyce being still alive, you know the kids'll blab everything to her and let Willow know that she'll have to keep Joyce quiet. I'll fix her something to eat, keep her distracted as long as possible. Willow's going to have to work a little magic to keep her here so we can escape," Xander said, pacing as he explained out the plan.

Speaking quickly, he revealed the details of the plan. Oz blinked in amazement at the audacity of Xander's plan. He nodded and put his hand on Xander's shoulder to silently offer his support and comfort before rushing upstairs to tell Willow what was going on, making sure the children stayed upstairs and out of the way. He knew that Xander's decision was killing him.

Xander rushed into the kitchen, quickly getting the necessary ingredients out and whipping up a simple meal. He ran to the bathroom for the added portion of his plan and froze, staring into the mirror, hoping and praying for the strength for do what was necessary. His eyes slowly hardening as he heard the door open and Faith's voice in the living room, calling for him and the children. He snatched the bottle out of the cabinet and dashed back into the kitchen.

"Xan," Faith called tiredly, her bag slumping off her shoulder. Pain in her heart at what she had to do, what she MUST do to secure Sunnydale for the humans residing in it. She was a Slayer and a slayer used every weapon available to get the job done, she told herself. She bit her lip, but if Xan
or the others found out her involvement, she knew that her life wouldn't be worth shit. She prayed they would understand and possibly forgive her if the truth came out. She was a SLAYER, she knew her duty. And no matter the cost to herself, she had to do whatever it took to keep the people, the HUMANS of Sunnydale safe! She held her necklace tightly in her hand, silently offering a prayer to whatever gods left for help, for strength of will to do what she knew was necessary..

She jumped slightly when she opened her eyes seeing Xander watching her curiously. She searched his beautiful brown eyes and her heart melted--even after all these years, she still couldn't believe just how fuckin' lucky she had gotten to have this man totally in love her! To think that she had almost threw his love away, and now, she just prayed that he understood when and if the truth ever came to light.

"Hey boytoy," she said huskily with a smile and wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling, inhaling his wonderful smell, "After we get the little anklebiters to bed, I think, Mr. Harris that you and me need to spend some serious quality ADULT time getting horizontal," she ended with a cocky smile, feeling him shiver at her touch, her eyes widening, Oh yeah, she still had it!

"Ummm, I thought we weren't gonna call me that anymore," Xander said huskily, his eyes darkening as he looked at his wife and wondered how anyone could betray everything, everybody, for fucking POWER! He silently snorted, he should have known better than to trust another Slayer, she was just like Buffy! He smiled back at her, "Yes indeedy, Mrs. Harris, I think you'll be very surprised at my performance tonight," he smiled lustily at her, his stomach roiling at his deception. He still loved her, her glorious dark beauty, her strength, her confident attitude, she was all he had ever desired in a woman but she lacked the most basic thing: integrity!

"Hey baby I'm sorry I'm late," she apologized, thinking her lateness was the cause of the dark look in his eyes, but reassured by his smile that she was forgiven.

"Hey no prob, my sweet lady. The Xan-man has everything under control. Wills and Oz are upstairs entertaining the kids for the evening so we've got the entire downstairs all to ourselves," he said with a licentious wiggle of his brows.

"Mmmm, Xander, I think we're gonna hafta give you the title of the Big Bad," Faith said, laughing at the smarmy look on his face.

"What's on the menu tonight, besides you," she whispered in his ear, licking and nibbling on his earlobe, feeling his shiver and moan of delight.

Xander hastily pulled her away from his ear, "Bad girl! Bad! There will be NO eating of the Xander tonight. Uhm, let me rephrase that, no eating of the Xan-man's EAR tonight. All other parts are assuredly on the menu, though," he said huskily trying to stay focused. Think of Joyce! Think of Mikey! Finding the thoughts of them steadying him as they kissed their way into the

They separated to sit down when Faith, with a mischievous look jumped into Xander's lap. "Hey lover, missed me," she purred before attacking his mouth.

"Food! Eat Food! Food is good," Xander gasped out under her attacking mouth, forcing her to draw back.

"You're no fun, but," her smile growing delightfully nasty, "A growing boy like you needs lots of substance," she whispered.

"Let me feed you tonight," Xander huskily said to her, his eyes hooded as he softly kissed her mouth. Drawing back, he popped finger food into her mouth, groaning as she took his finger into her mouth and sucked on it, while gazing at him meaningfully.

Slowly he feed her, kissing her between bites as her eyes got heavier and heavier.

"Boy, I must be more tired than I thought," she muttered as her head swam, blearily trying to focus on Xander. "Looks like we gonna hafta postpone our little adult.....," she slurred out, collapsing on his chest, deeply asleep.

Xander dropped his head back with a sigh of relief. Another couple of minutes there and I would have forgotten my Great Plan, he thought sardonically. Quickly picking her up, he strode through the house and up the stairs to their bedroom. Lying her on the bed, he quickly tied her hands and
feet to the four bedposts.

Rushing to the spare room, he saw that Willow and Oz were just about ready to go.

"Oz explained the plan," he asked, tersely shoving a couple more things into his knapsack. Weapons, clothes, weapons, something for the kids, he thought, more weapons. Grabbing another knapsack he shoved in more weapons, a couple of guns and generous amount of ammunition. You could never have enough weapons, he thought.

"I understand and Xander....," Willow began, her eyes curiously soft and hard at the same time.

"NO! Just save it Willow," Xander stopped his packing and stood with his head hanging low, his hand clenching on the straps, "Don't say it Willow, 'cause if you do then I don't know if I could go on and, I have to see this through, to get Joyce and you guys to safety. So just don't say anything, 'K," he asked hoarsely, blinking back tears.

" 'kay," Willow nodded, tears in her eyes, her heart hurting for her best friend. Two slayers had ultimately betrayed him, them. But this was the worse betrayal of all. Faith would have cost him more than just his last remaining innocence, she would have cost him the only other thing he valued: his children.

They rushed down the stairs, where Oz was carefully burning the map of L.A., with the route plotted out. It was going to take them several days to reach safety, but they were determined to get Joyce to someplace safe where she could die in peace. They got a simple message out to their people, Acathla. It's meaning was clear, 'Get the hell out of Sunnydale; head to safety'---knowing that the message would be understood: they had been compromised. They had thought up this code years ago, before Faith entered their lives and they never bothered to change it. They packed all the non-perishable foods they could carry, packed plenty of water and escaped into the deadly night.

* * *

Faith slowly came to with a groan, trying to open her bleary eyes, calling for Xander weakly as she tried to move. She frowned wondering why she wasn't moving, she was pretty sure that she had given the order for her arms to move.

What the hell, she thought as she turned her head, startled to see herself restrained. Fear suddenly pounding through her, she called urgently for Xander, for her children, for anyone, panicking at the lack of answer. Fear induced adrenaline flooded through her, for her family and friends safety, giving her extra strength as she strained at the restraints, finally snapping the ropes binding wrist. Quickly freeing the rest of her restrained limbs, she jumped up---- rushed for the door and just as quickly falling on her ass. Her eyes widen as she cautiously put out a hand, felt an invisible barrier standing between her and freedom. She caught her breath, replaying last night----the dark look on Xander's eyes, the intent way he kept looking at her--- and realized that Xander must have drugged her and Willow had trapped her in here. Looking around, seeing it still darkish out, she assumed that she had only been out for a few hours.

Letting out a frustrated growl, she looked around for something to break, noticing a note left on the nightstand. She looked at it, feeling a sense of dread before picking it up slowly and reading the contents---her hands trembling and tears spilling from her eyes as she read the damning letter,
knowing that no matter what, she had already lost everything she had ever valued.

//Dear Faith,

Or should I address you as Slayer, now? Because that's is what you are, right? The Slayer, the supposedly Chosen One. The one protecting the humans from the things that go bump in the night? But what happens when the thing that goes bump in the night turns out to be a human,
maybe even a Slayer?

You might have figured out that you were drugged, however, what you may not have realized is that you've been asleep an entire day, and knowing your impatient nature, you probably already tried to get out. Well you can't, at least not right now. Afterall, I have no intention of killing you, my beloved wife, mother two. The barrier will drop in about 24 hours and there's enough food in the room for you to eat so that you won't go hungry.

You're probably wondering WHY aren't you? A curious thing happened the other day, I went over to Joyce's house and found that she had been raped. I rushed her back home and went to fetch you so that you could put a whoop ass on the bastard demon or demons, I should say, that did this to our Joyce, our Mom. And guess where I found you, my dear Slayer, and guess
what I heard you agree to?

HOW COULD YOU, FAITH?! I know you didn't like Joyce that much, but to also agree to sacrifice your own child?! YOU let the demons have Joyce and for what? For fucking power?!
For control over Sunnydale?! It's not worth the cost of your own child's life or Joyce being raped and left to die, Faith. If you had just said something, anything, I would have been more than happy to pack our shit up and leave but you went ahead and made a fucked up decision!

Well, Slayer, I hope you can live with yourself in your new home, because we sure as hell won't be.


Tears fell steadily down her still face, Xander I did it for us, for Sunnydale, she cried silently to herself.

* * *

Sure enough, the next day the barrier went down. She rushed downstairs, taking precious time to look for clues as to where they had disappeared to, her eyes glowing victoriously at the burnt pieces of the L.A map, knowing precisely where they were headed. She rushed to the mansion to deliver the bad news that they had escaped.

"You have failed us," the darkness rippled as the chorus of voices echoed throughout the room.

"No, I have not! There's still time to reach them, to keep our bargain," Faith shouted as the darkness moved threatening towards her, pausing at her words.

"Continue," it said coldly, "You have our attention.....for the moment."

"There's only two places that they could have gone," Faith said calmly, her heart pounding in fear, "Based on the time they had me drugged and trapped. When the barrier went down I stayed there looking for clues as to their location and discovered a burned map of L.A.

"So, they're gone to L.A then," the darkness said mused.

Faith shook her head, "No that's what Xander would want me, us to think. He's the brains and the strategic planner. I think that he had one of the other's plot the route, burn the map to make it look as if that's where they were going. But I'm betting that they went to Freemont in Colorado--- there's a safety zone that Willow can easily transport them all to within three days, tops," she stated confidently.

"Not L.A then, why not? It's certainly closer," the darkness said, roiling.

"There's no way Xander or Willow would EVER step a foot in L.A. There's a lot of bad blood between them and Buffy Summers. And Buffy's with Angel and Xander hates them both," she added remembering the fury in their eyes when they discovered that the blond slayer was still alive.

"No, believe me, there's no way they would go to L.A. I'll stake my life of that," she said assuredly.

"And it will be your life if you fail us again, Slayer. You want this town, you had better prove that you are capable of holding it," the darkness roiled restlessly. "Take these three and hunt them down and complete our bargain. They are to kill the others," the darkness said.

"NO! Please don't kill them," Faith shouted desperately, fear clutching at her heart.

The darkness shifted, "You realized that the humans will hate you and revile you for what you are doing, yet you want them back," it questioned harshly, lightening crackling statically through the room, wind rushing around Faith, blowing her hair into her face.

"No, I know that there's no going back.....I just want them to live," she shouted, shielding her eyes, "They are still my friends and family. I can't, I won't let you hurt them."

Lightening flared, striking her and knocking her into the wall, "As if you could stop us," it said contemptuously.

Faith lay there stunned, feeling like she had been hit by a train. Slowly she got up, wheezing, cautiously checking to see if anything was broken. Wiping the blood from her mouth she watched the shifting darkness, ready to dodge the next blow if any came her way.

"Perhaps we are inclined to be merciful," the darkness mused. "Yes, we will keep your humans alive, just in case," it said decisively.

"Just in case what," Faith said suspiciously, her eyes narrowing, knowing that she had made a deal with the devil all to protect the town and people that she had come to care about.

"Just in case we need them," the darkness spoke and lashed out at her; the Slayer and the three demons disappeared in a blinding flash. Leaving silence in their wake.

The darkness spoke aloud in the empty hall.

"Can we trust the Slayer?" The darkness roiled and shifted as it/they conversed with itself/themselves in the empty hall.

"No, the plan has always been to separate the boy from his companions. By manipulating the Slayer to kill their child, he loses one of his companions, his Slayer mate. Once the Slayer returns with the humans, we will eliminate the Witch. The werewolf and child will be easy to dispose of, leaving him alone and easier prey." It/they answered.

"Do you think we can turn him to our purposes?"

"One he is in our control and broken, it will be easy to turn him to our purposes. The prophecies all point in his direction. He is the deciding factor in our war."

"And if we can not break him, can we kill him?"

"No if we can not break him and turn him to our purposes, we will destroy this world and retreat."

* * *

Faith braced herself for the expected pain, frowning when all she felt was wind rushing past her. She opened one eye warily, but all she saw was dappled twilight and wrecked buildings, realizing that the darkness had sent her---- she spun abound, hearing a slight movement behind her---sent them to Freemont to await the Sunnydale crew. She looked at the silent demons, thinking quickly, "How do we get back when we've found them," she asked suspiciously.

The demons looked at each other before one showed her out a red jewel strung on a chain, "We use this to call the Master and go back," it said simply.

"Oh," Faith said, tilting her head, "So that thing's kinda important huh."

"Relatively," it said dryly withdrawing it's hand and hanging the chain about it's neck.

Faith glanced at the demons and fiddled with her necklace, her eyes widening as she felt it warming in her hand.

"I have to make a call of nature, boys or girls," she said with a wink, "I'll be back in a sec." She saunter off, heading for the nearest rocky point.

Darting behind rocks, she pulled the chain off and opened the locket, seeing her daughter, her beautiful baby, looking at her. Love and faith shining so clearly in her child's eyes and for the first time, she realized exactly what she bargained with the devil to do. Her heart twisted in pain at her evil bargain. Either she had to go forward with the bargain or watch her town, her people be left unprotected. She steeled herself to go forward with the plan, knowing that no matter the outcome she had already lost her family, her friends. Knowing that she would have to live off treasured memories for the rest of her life, for there would be no fuckin' way that Xander, nor Willow and Oz, would EVER forgive her or allow her access to Joce.

"Hey baby," she whispered tenderly, her face softening.

"Mommy," Joce squealed happily, bouncing excitedly. Her cry woke up Xander and the others, who sprang up grabbing their weapons, peering around in baffled silence, seeing no hostility directed at them.

Xander exchanged looks with Willow and Oz, turning to the oblivious Joce as she babbled happily into her hands, a soft glow lighting her face. They crept closed, fear settling in their hearts as they realized that Joce was talking to Faith.

"Daddy," Joce said with a smile, looking around to see her father and Auntie Willow and Unca Oz gathered around her, her bright smile faltering under their unsmiling faces. Tears began filling her eyes and her lips trembled, she was sooo tired and she wanted her mommy.

"Daddy, I do sumptin' wrong," she whispered unhappily, her eyes big and scared.

Xander looked at Willow and Oz and sighed, "No, baby, you didn't. I didn't know you could talk to Mommy with your necklace," he said gesturing. "Can I talk to mommy? 'cause pretty little princesses are supposed to be asleep so they can grow up kicking some serious demon bootie," he said with a forced grin, flicking at her nose.

Joce giggled, her tears forgotten. Her daddy was so funny! She happily handed him the necklace, "Will Mommy be comin' later," rubbing her eyes sleepily, feeling the tiredness creeping up on her again.

"No sweetie, she won't," Xander said quietly holding the locket staring down into Faith eyes.

"Daddy, you mad at Mommy," Joce asked sleepily, yawning.

"No, baby. I'm just a little disappointed. Mommy made a very bad mistake that she won't be able to fix. Now say goodbye to Mommy and then you go lay down and get some sleep, we have an early start in the morning," Xander whispered quietly.

" 'K, night Mommy," she said then going and laying down on her pallet; tumbling swiftly into sleep, curled up against Joyce.

"Xander, bring my children home, NOW," Faith demanded angrily.

"What for? You're just going to kill Mikey if I do," Xander said reasonably, his heart twisting in pain.

"Xander, I know you don't understand, but I am doing it for Sunndydale," Faith said urgently. "I'm doing so that everyone in Sunnydale and us can have a better life, without demons running around. They promised me that if I did this, they would force all the demons and other supernatural creatures to leave and Sunnydale would be free. Think of it Xander, an entire town with no semons or supernatural creatures to harass, to hurt anyone again." Faith begged, her eyes willing him to understand.

Xander looked down at her, "You made a deal with a demon that in exchange for Joyce's life, in exchange for the life of your child you would be in charge of Sunnydale. All demons and other supernatural creatures would be cast out, leaving only the humans." He paused, "And you believe this? You gave them Joyce to rape, to kill. You are the one that will kill your child and yet you stand there asking me to believe the fuckin' lies a DEMON told you? Are you out of your mind, you idiot! Did you forget about Willow and Oz? What do you think they are?"

Her mouth opened to refute his words and shut as it finally sank in just what she would have done----what type of bargain she had made.

"You're not going to Freemont, are you," she whispered realizing just how badly she had misjudged Xander. "You set me up," she said, her eyes widening.

"No and yes, in that order," Xander said quietly.

"You know what they are going to do to me, if I return without you," she said steadily.

"Baby, they were going to kill you whether you returned with us or not," Xander said with a bitter smile, his eyes wet, spilling tears. "Didn't we teach you nothing? Never, EVER make deals with demons especially when you think you have the upper hand." Willow and Oz put a comforting hand on each of his shoulders lending him their silent support.

Faith looked at him knowing that she had fucked shit up big time. She took a shuddering breath, trying to control herself, she was a Slayer, damn it! "Could you let me say goodbye to Mikey," she asked huskily, her eyes wet.

Oz went and woke the little boy up, whispering "Mommy wants to talk to you," cradling the warm sleepy body to him as he settled next to Xander.

"Hey little man," Faith whispered to him, her heart tearing at what she had almost done, at what she had almost allowed herself to become.

"Mommy," Mikey asked sleepily, cuddling against his Unca Oz. "Where Mommy," he asked, knuckling his eyes.

"Right here, baby," Xander whispered gently, putting the necklace in the tiny hands, seeing his son's eyes widen.

"Mommy," Mikey smiled happily, "You comin' wif us?" Leaning back in Oz's warm body.

"No, sweetie, Mommy won't be able to join you, Mommy has to work. But you, you be good for your Daddy, okay? And you mind what your Auntie Willow and Unca Oz tells you. And when the baby comes, you help Auntie Willow and Oz take care of the baby, right?" Faith smiled, her lips trembling.

"Yea, I be lika big brother, right," Mikey asked excitedly, twisting around looking first at Oz then at Willow.

"Yeah," Oz said quietly, pain deep in his eyes, blinking rapidly against the sting of tears, exchanging looks with Willow and Xander, seeing them in the same condition.

"Okay sweetie, give the necklace back to Daddy and now you get to bed and be a good boy," Faith said, swallowing past the lump in her throat.

"Say goodbye to Mommy," Xander whispered to his son.

"Bye Mommy," Mikey said forlornly, giving the necklace back to his Daddy. He didn't know why but he was scared. He held on tightly as Oz rose to his feet and carried him silently to his pallet, pulling the covers over him and kissing his forehead gently, hearing him whisper, "Sleep." And the little boy, tumbled back to sleep.

Oz made his way back to Xander and Willow.

Faith said shakily, "Willow, Oz take care of them, I'll try to buy you some time," she said with a crooked smile, her eyes wet. Forgive me, her eyes implored Xander.

"Thanks," Xander whispered, "I love you, Faith." Already forgiven, he silently answered her.

"And I love you to, Xan," she smiled and smashed the locket at hearing a slight noise from behind her. Spinning around she saw the three demons watching her.

"You know where they are, yes," grated one of the demons.

"C'mon boys, you gonna hafta do better than that," Faith mocked him, at least she thought it was a him. "After all, I am the Slayer."

"And you will be a dead Slayer if you don't tell us where they are," said the one with the chain. Her eyes narrowed on the chain, she had to get it away from the demons.

"Look boys, and I'll assume that that's what you are, while it's interesting chitchatting with you, you know that we need to make with the fighting and dying already," and with that she leaped forward savagely landing a hard kick to the smallest demon. Whirling with silent deadly grace, she fought the three demons, becoming a thing of dark beauty.

Unleashing the full force of her Slayer strength, grabbing an arm, grabbing a hand, twisting cruelly, hearing the ominous crack of bones breaking. A misstep caused one of the demons to latch onto her and her eyes widen realizing which demon it was. She twisted sacrificing her arm---silently
screaming in agony as she felt her arm break. She brutally punched at the demon's arm, feeling it's hold on her weaken. She wrenched her broken arm free and with savage strength, she ripped the dangling jewel from it's necklace and ran. Hearing the enraged bellows behind her, she increased her speed, looping the necklace around her neck, making sure that they followed her. She gasped for breath, as each step jarred her broken arm and bruised body with nauseating pain.

She grabbed a rock, snarling silently at her weaken body, forcing it to move faster. She had to stay several feet ahead of the demons in order for this to work. She prayed that by smashing the jewel it would do what she hoped it would do.

Sobbing for breath, hearing the demons get closer, she whispered, "This is for you guys," and placing the jewel on a rock, she smashed it with the rock she held in her hand. Distantly hearing the howling of the demons a few feet behind her at the flare of incandescent light, feeling no pain as her body was incinerated by the force of the explosion that lit up the sky.

* * *

At the abrupt cessation of Faith's image, Xander knew what she was going to do. He sat motionlessly staring at the now cracked locket. Trying to hold on to all the memories and good times they had shared. A choked sob came from his throat, before he collapsed in Willow and Oz's enfolding arms, his body shuddering under the force of his tears. Feeling no shame or embarrassment at his unmanly display, at lying in another male's arms, crying in sorrow. They had been through too much and shed too much blood for any of them to be embarrassed by tears, or each other's nudity. When either of them were weak, the other three supported the ailing one until he or she was strong enough to stand on their own. Now it was only the three of them to carry on, to support each. They had come full circle.

Willow and Oz held Xander throughout the night, one on either side on him. Stroking his back comforting each time he stirred restlessly in his grieving slumber. They knew they would never see the dark Slayer again, at least not alive.

* * *

As the red dawn approached, they began stirring. Willow, waking first as the baby began kicking, she leaned as far as her swollen belly would allow staring into Xander's waking red eyes as he stared back at her.

Finally, seeing that he was lucid, she asked, "Do you want to stay another night?" She knew it was highly dangerous for them to spend more than one night anywhere, but if Xander needed it they would give it to him. She looked silently at Oz and he nodded agreeing with her. If they had to they would give Xander the time he needed.

Xander closed his eyes and drew in a shuddering breath as the pain washed over him. Feeling Willow and Oz's hands stroking his arms comforting. Feeling Oz holding him since Willow's shape made it difficult, sharing his grief and pain as well as his joy, lessening it, allowing him to go on. And as he had did for so many years, he put his pain and his grief away. There was no time to it now, later when he had time, the energy to spare he would deal with it then. But right now, they had to get to safety, had to get Joyce to safety.

Drawing back, he thanked Oz silently, twisting and brushing gently at Willow's hair in gratitude for their unselfish act.

"I'm good," he said hoarsely, getting to his feet. Both he and Oz extended hands, helping Willow clamber to her feet. "Be better get out of here, before someone spots up. We'll eat on the way," he said decisively, halting at Willow's hand on his arm as she peered up in his eyes. Nodding firmly and releasing him at only something she could see.

They woke everyone up, strapping the children in the bicycle seats, putting Joyce in the makeshift cradle they had hurriedly made for her, they continued their journey. Mourning the world's lost technology when Acathla had opened, no cars, no computers. Acathla opening had cast the world back to almost medieval times.

Hiding when they could, fighting when they couldn't hide-- killing any demon or person that tried to stop them. Finally they arrived in L.A.

Secretly, Xander was amazed that Joyce was still alive, not knowing that Willow and Joyce had talked, they cried long into the night over what was going on. Xander felt it would only burden her to know, Willow disagreed with Xander about keeping the knowledge of their situation from Joyce. She knew the only things keeping Joyce alive was her iron determination to see the birth of Willow's child and the chance to see Buffy again. What would happen after that she didn't know, because Joyce wouldn't say anything other than she wanted to see Buffy and Willow's baby.

They fought their way through the city to arrive at the Hyperion and requested entry, against demons who learned fatally that they were not such easy prey. The demon guards/sentries initially refused to let them entry even when they told them that they knew Cordelia Chase and Angel, laughing mockingly, saying that everyone knew the vampire with a soul and Ms. Chase.

After 30 minutes of endless arguments, Xander requested for the 9th time, "Will you just go and tell her that Xander, Willow, Oz and Joyce Summers are out here?" Gritting his teeth, almost frustrated beyond words, trying to contain his rage at the demons and humans standing guard. He was nearly trembling with the need to punch the smirk off of the human's face. At a touch on his arm, he looked down into Willow's worried eyes and managed to put a lid on his fury, as Willow went back to Oz to guard the children and Joyce.

"Yo, Jay, go see if Ms. Chase is around," one of the demon guards said and yawned.

"Heyyyyyy, why I hafta to go," Jay whined, "I always hafta to go inside. She gonna yell at me." He sulked, already imagining the tongue lashing he was going to receive from Ms. Chase, he just knew it!

He trudge sullenly into the hotel lobby, dodging around the various demons and humans. Asking this one if he/she/it had seen Ms. Cordelia Chase. He spent nearly 15 minutes chasing her down, finally finding her in an office with the Doyle, Angel's Seer. He waited politely for her attention,
shuffling his feet nervously, cringing at the coming sharp lecture about coming to her with the pseudo Xanders, Willows and Oz's.

Finally, after she continued talking to Doyle ignoring him, he dared to interrupt her, "Uhm, Ms. Chase....uhm, ma'am. Ms. Chase ma'am,dere's some people out front says dey know ya."

Cordy heaved an impatient sigh, "Who is it," she snapped. She was so damn tired of people coming to her with requests for assistance, who claimed to know her. After all this time, you would THINK they would know better than using her as their excuse to get in the Hyperion. They would have a better chance of claiming to know Buffy, she snorted to herself.

"Uhm, 'e said 'is name was Xander and de girl was Willow," Jay said and cringed. Sure enough she began ranting at him. How dare he disturb her, didn't he know better than to bother her about some stupid fucking people claiming to be her friends.

She finished, "Xander and Willow are dead. D. E. A. D. Dead as a doorknob. They are not alive, they're not even vampire dead. Do you understand NOW," she asked screeching sarcastically at the cringing man. Her breath heaving in rage, as the familiar pain and grief settled in her heart. Doyle put his arm around her, knowing that part of the pain and grief was guilt, guilt for not being their with them, for running away. Despite the fact that Xander forced her to leave, she still felt guilty. For being relatively happy, for being alive when they were dead.

"It's alright princess," Doyle whispered soothingly to her, his brogue bringing her comfort. Her eyes shimmered with incipient tears as she drew in a shuddering breath.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to him, hiding her face. "It's been years and every time I think I'm over their death, I think "Hey Xander would have like this", or "Willow would have blushed over this" and the pain hits me every time."

The guard's eyes widened at hearing her apologize, he couldn't wait to get back to his post! The guys'll never believe he heard Ms. Chase apologize AND she had tears in her eyes!

"Get rid of them," Doyle said curtly to the hovering guard.

"And de woman and kiddies, too," Jay asked, hoping for another reaction from Ms. Chase. He wanted to hug himself with glee for thinking of the woman and kids bit.

Cordy pulled herself from Doyle's arms and frowned, this was a new one, the fake Xander and Willow had never thought to bring kids.

"What woman and kids," she said sighing, knowing that Angel would probably have a fit if he found out that she had turned children away.

"Uhm 'e said...'e said dere names were," Jay screwed up his face trying to remember the names of the woman, "'er name was a season, I know dat," he said in frustration.

Cordy froze, it can't be, she shrieked silently! "Was her last name Winter," she asked casually, her body stiff against Doyle's who looked down in puzzlement before swiftly understanding. He stiffened slightly.

"No," Jay shook his head, why couldn't he remember. Arrrrgg, he cried mentally, nearly pulling out his hair.

"How about Winter, could it have been Spring," Cordy asked tensely.

"Dat's it," Jay cried happily, doing a little dance at finally remembering.

And Cordy sagged in disappointment, for a minute she had hoped that it was them.

"Mrs. Summers, dat's wha de man said 'is name was, Xander, Willow, Oz and Mrs. Summers," he said eagerly. Recoiling at the loud scream from Cordy, he fell back as she rushed past him, pushing him down as she raced down the stairs outside with Doyle racing grimly after her.

Seeing Xander, Willow and Oz slumping wearily on the ground she screamed, "XANDER, WILLOW, OZ!" Seeing the trio look up warily ,seeing her run to them frantically, tears of joy running down her face.

Xander braced himself, which was a good thing since she threw herself into his arms, sobbing. Feeling all the things that had originally drawn him to her when they were teenagers, he simply held her--rocking her in his arms.

"Let them through," Doyle said quietly to the guard, without taking his eyes off them. He sighed wondering if he had lost his dark princess. He watched as a very pregnant woman stood next to the dark hair young man, hearing Cordy scream again.

"Oh my God, Willow, you're pregnant," Cordy shrieked, drawing the surprised Willow into her arms.

"Uhm, yeah, I sorta already knew that," Willow stammered, her eyes widening in confusion at the overly emotional greeting from Cordy.

"Uhm, breathing is becoming a definite problem and the baby doesn't like to be squeeze like Charmin'," Willow said breathlessly.

The guards were hanging on to every word, oh what a day, what a day!

"Oh, I'm sorry," Cordy said contritely, suddenly freezing. "Uhm, you're not dead are you? I mean, like Angel dead right," she asked nervously, "Cause if you are I don't think I'm supposed to let you in."

Willow rolled her eyes, "Hello, pregnant woman here. Like, whoever, heard of the undead giving birth or having kids. Kids, Xander," she gestured to the wide eyed children, holding firmly each other's hands.

Xander had already picked up Joyce's blanket wrapped body. "Can we go inside, we need to get her somewhere comfortable."

"My God, I'm so sorry! Here, hurry up inside so we can get her comfortable. Buffy will be so pleased to see her mother alive. She had heard.... that....you....were...," Cordy babbled to a stop as she began to think, seeing the slightly stiffening shoulders of Xander as he carried Mrs.
Summers inside the hotel and into Angel's office.

"That fucking BITCH!" Cordy was enraged, "That goddamn FUCKING BITCH! I'll kill her, no, I'll have Spike kill her, yeah, he'll do it, he hates the bitch. And I wouldn't even have to pay him to do it." Muttering, she paced angrily back and forth, "Man when Angel finds out what she did.....," she shook her head, grimly certain that this would be the final way to break Buffy stranglehold on Angel.

The children stood behind their father's legs, watching the pretty woman ranting, their eyes wide at the bad words coming out of her mouth. Daddy and Mommy never said bad words in their hearing and they listened eagerly.

Willow gave a quick look at the wide-eyed children, "Cordy, children present, remember," smiling at the disappointed look the little mischief makers gave her.

Cordy stopped abruptly, flushing as she remembered the kids. Looking at them for the first time and noticing the dark hair and eyes, knowing that they could be no one else's but Xander's. She sighed, at least Xander had gotten on with his life, she hoped he was as happy as she had become, thinking of the man that had at last had won her stubborn heart.

Doyle watched from the doorway at the reunion and hearing noise outside, stepped away from the door to see Angel walking down the hallway. He motioned him over, explaining who had showed up and both men stepped back into the doorway, each wanting to see Cordy's reaction: one out of
friendship, the other out of love. Angel frowned, sniffing the air, he smelled death and corruption in the room and heard the muffled thumping of a heart. His eyes settled on Willow's stomach, widening slightly and a smile grew on his face, he had always liked the tiny redhead. He looked at the slightly challenging way Oz eyed him and realized that the two were mated.


Chapter 2

Cordy tentatively stepped closer to where Xander was kneeling in front of the couch, slowly unwrapping the blanket from around Joyce.

"What's wrong with her," she asked quietly.

"She was raped by Tor'kn demons," Xander said quietly, stroking Mama Joyce's hair, feeling his family draw close.

"Oh dear God, no," she whispered, wanting to scream----wanting to break something. After all this time with Angel, she knew what a Tor'kn’s semen did to humans, no one deserved such a fate---to die like that! Her hand went trembling to her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes. She drew a shuddering breath seeing Mrs. Summers open her eyes.

"Cordelia Chase," came the weak voice, a smile in her sunken eyes. "What a beautiful young woman you've become." Joyce saw the tensile steel, covered in plush velvet that was Cordelia Chase.

"Mama Joyce, don't talk. Save your strength," Xander quietly begged. His hands tighten helplessly, tears glittering in his eyes. Death wasn't an enemy he could fight, throw punch or a joke at; Death didn’t care how rich, poor or loved someone was.

"Mama Joyce, listen to Xander, please rest," Willow urged gently, her lips trembling. Oz silently backed her up, adding his silent agreement, his eyes wet.

"Willow, child, I'm dying," Joyce said with a tired smile, hearing the gasps from behind them. She raised her eyes, seeing her daughter standing beside a tall young man. She closed her eyes, as rage sapped what little strength she had. Calm yourself, Joyce, she admonished herself sharply. Think of Willow, remember you want to stay strong for her, for her child. Feeling the rage subside, feeling an emptiness where once love for her daughter dwelt---a calm peacefulness filling as she finally let go of the past. She looked into her children's eyes, seeing the care, the love and the desperate fear in their eyes and wanted to comfort them.

She met Xander's eyes knowing that he was their strength, their brains, he was like deep river, with hidden currents. She looked at Willow, the bright girl that grew into a beautiful, courageous young woman---she provided their heart and soul. And finally she looked at Oz, her little man, she smiled softly. Despite his lack of exuberant behavior like Willow and Xander, he made the perfect foil for her Willow, his calmness reining in her nervousness, giving her strength and support; he had such reservoir of strength concealed in his wiry body. Her biggest regret was that she was
leaving them and her grandchildren. She wanted to hold their precious little bodies one last time, while she had some strength left.

She struggled to sit up, blinking as she saw Buffy still standing in the doorway staring at her. She glared weakly when Buffy darted forward to help her with a desperate cry of "Mom."

Buffy drew back as her mother glared at her, saying coldly, "Buffy." Her eyes stern and unforgiving in her ravaged face.

Willow, Oz and Xander having seen Buffy standing in the doorway, had silently agreed to keep their mouths shut. Afterall, this was Mama Joyce's only daughter and she deserved to spend whatever time left in peace. They gasped in shock, they thought Joyce wanted to see her daughter for the last time, to kiss her goodbye and stuff. And all this time, she been wanting to
kick her ass. They exchanged secretly delighted glances, Buffy didn’t deserve to have a mother as wonderful as Joyce.

Remembering the bruises on her arms and face when they had escaped from the hospital and made their way to Buffy’s house. The shock and concern they had initially felt when Joyce had told them about how she had tried to stop Buffy from leaving, had turned into rage when they realized that Buffy had abandoned them.

"Mom, it's me Buffy," Buffy said brokenly, all her plans were becoming ruined. When she had fled Sunnydale with the injured Angel, she had thought she had left all the misery and her past behind her. After they had gotten away from the Hellmouth, she realized exactly what she had done in running away, especially with the arrival of Cordy and Wesley. She had became so ashamed that she hid the truth from everyone, lying to them all. And in meeting Cordy's hard cold eyes, she realized that all her schemes and lies were about to smack her right in her face.

Her eyes narrowed, after everything she had done, nothing was going to stop her and Angel from being together. All she had wanted was for her and Angel to be together, he was her soulmate. She had risked everything for him, her friends, her family, her sacred duty to be with him. He was her true love and they were destined to be together. She was even thinking about having Angel turn her so that they could be beautiful immortal lovers. She already working on a plan to have Angel's soul permanently bound to him, HE had promised that it would work.

"Mom," Buffy said uncertainly, her eyes drooping from the cold contempt in her mother's eyes. A contempt that she refused to acknowledge, preferring to shift the blame to someone else’s shoulders.

She whirled on the Sunnydalers, "What did you do to her," she demanded angrily.

"Buffy, had you bothered to stay you would have seen them do everything in their power to protect me and keep me safe. The same way they did with the entire community that YOU left behind," Joyce said weakly, a harsh undertone to her words. "They grew up Buffy, taking on YOUR responsibilities. Don’t you remember what you told me that night, "You are the Chosen One, the Slayer."

Cordy coldly eyed the shaken Buffy," You know, Buffy, you act awfully unsurprised to see your 'friends' alive. Especially considering that you were the one to tell us that they were dead." Her tone left no doubt in the her listeners mind's what she thought about Buffy.

Buffy felt trapped. All her plans were going up in smoke. She saw the beginning flicker of mistrust beginning in Angel's eyes and began to panic.

"I only found out recently that they were still alive. The demon that brought me the original news lied to me, he wanted to hurt me for some reason," Buffy said quietly, staring at Angel, hoping that she was believed (Cordy remarked behind her,’that to know her was enough reason to want to
hurt her; better yet just kill the bitch’).

"And how long have you know that they were alive," Cordy asked in the charged silence. She knew the dumb bitch was lying, and if she had to take a steel bar to her, she was going to get to the truth, no matter what. What they were doing was too damn important to have someone like Buffy in their midst, stirring up trouble, distracting Angel. Buffy was only here for one thing, Angel.

Just then Willow let out a loud gasp, clutching at her stomach. Oz immediately bracing her, "The baby?"

Willow had time for only a nod before another contraction hit her, "They're coming too fast," she said beginning to panic.

Joyce looked at her, "Calm down Willow, everything's going to be okay. You know your boys won't let you down."

Xander looked at Angel, "Dea..," he grimaced, "I mean Angel, is there someplace we can take them," he asked urgently indicating Joyce and the now panting Willow.

"Follow me," Angel said curtly. "We don't have a human doctor only a demon healer or two. I don't think they'll do Willow much good since she human." He continued rapidly up the stairs, with the other's trailing after him.

He was disturbed by Cordy's words, by the arrival of the Sunnydalers, more than he let on and by the changes in them. He remember comforting both Buffy and Cordy when Buffy had told them the distressing news. He had finally passed the sobbing Cordy to Doyle and Wesley while he tended to the hysterical Buffy. It had taken him hours to get her calmed down. Each time he would make a move to leave, she would clutch at him desperately. Until finally, they had both fallen asleep. He woke up fast, though, when he felt her undoing his pants, roughly pushing her off him demanding to know what the hell she thought she was doing.

"I just felt so alone and lost," she had whispered, her head drooping.

He remembered sighing and saying, "Buffy, you know that this is NOT a good idea. The last time we did this, Angelus was freed and went on a murderous rampage." Hell he would kill to have sex with her---with anybody, but if he did that's just what Angelus would do, kill her and hundreds more. He eyed her sadly, wishing he could offer her the comfort of sex, but the price was too high. He sighed and walked out, ignoring her cry of 'Angel, come back!'.

Angel came back to himself, standing outside the empty room. Opening the door, stepping back as Xander rapidly carried Joyce into the room, laying her gently on the bed. "We like to keep this room free for emergencies, I guess this qualifies as an emergency," he said wryly as Oz helped Willow into the room. He went around lighting the various candles in the room, producing a warm soft light in the room.

Xander ran back out the door, racing to retrieve their backpacks from the office and hurrying back. All the while Angel and crew hovered at the door watching Oz walk the moaning Willow back and forth around the room.

"What can we do to help," Angel asked, shifting uneasily, "Doesn't she need to lie down or something?"

Oz spared him a glance, "No, right now she need to walk as long as she can." He motioned the children over to the bed as Xander raced back into the room, immediately going over to Joyce and propping her up so that she could see what was going on.

Buffy tried to get near her mother again but stopped at the cold look Joyce shot her. She bit her lip anxiously. She didn't understand why her mother was acting this way they must have done something...or---or---or told her something to make her act so standoffish way. She threw a cool look at the seemingly oblivious Xander. They must have told her mother a bunch of lies. She knew her mother loved her and wanted her to be happy. Her mother had to understand that she was happy with Angel. So what if they couldn’t make with being groiny , she was working on a plan to fix that little problem. She quietly slipped out, glaring as no one even bothered to glance at her.

"Uhm, can we boil some water, sterilize like...like…uhm…sharp things or something that has to do with having this," Cordy said weakly, wincing at a particularly loud scream from Willow.

Doyle swayed back and forth, flinching at each scream. His face paling to a sickly hue at each piercing scream. Damn, give him demons slime, blood and guts any day over a woman in childbirth. His eyes fluttered weakly, dear God please don’t let me faint, he thought, as the room started revolving around him.

Xander cast an eye at the L.A crew, "First, why don't you catch him before he falls," gesturing to the half-fainting Doyle.

Cordy cried out in alarm and sprang to support him, but collapsing herself under his weight. Angel tried not to laugh at the sprawling picture they made, tangled up in Cordy's hair, as he helped her to her feet. He ordered Spike to take Doyle to his room.

Spike opened his mouth to protest, changing his mind abruptly at the shattering scream Willow made, "Roight you are, Peaches," he said hastily, slinging the half-conscious moaning Doyle over his shoulder and darting off. Women in childbirth gave him the creeps, he thought shuddering.

Xander rummaged through their bags, placing a thick cloth at the foot of the bed before darting over to help Oz with Willow, guiding her as sweat poured off her panting body. They tracked an endless path around the room as only Angel and Cordy kept a helpless watch. Angel holding a pot of boiled water and Cordy a couple of sterilized knives.

Finally Willow signaled it was time. Oz helped her to the bed, her splayed thighs faced Joyce.

Xander motioned the children to get behind Joyce, to keep her propped up as he slid from behind her. He and Oz exchanged glances, asking and receiving silent consent and Xander slipped into position behind Willow as Oz settled between her legs.

Angel and Cordy looked at each other. The way the two men moved was like they had done this before. Both of them seeing the seamless bond between the two men.

Joyce began weakly calling out instructions to Oz on what to do. He nodded each time as he faithfully carried out her instructions, shaking with fear. If they lost another child, he knew Willow would be completely devastated. He flashed a fear laden look at xander, calming at the look of reassurance from him, his attention jerking back to Willow at her scream.

"Alright Willow, you need to ride the pain and begin pushing down whenever the contraction begins. Rest between each contraction," Joyce said encouragingly.

Willow was so lost in her pain that all she could do was gasp, " 'K, Mama," groaning, twisting in agony at the next contraction, hearing Oz yell for her to PUSH!

"Xander, hold her legs for her," Joyce ordered, instantly obeyed.

Willow panted, dripping wet. She was so hot and tired and she didn't want to push anymore, she moaned weakly. Then she felt a cool wetness stroke her hot face and whimpering in pleasure.

Both Oz and Xander flashed Cordy a look of gratitude for her thoughtful gesture, causing her to flush in response.

Angel drifted up and extended a hand to the suffering girl silently offering his support. Something that he immediately regretted when Willow began crushing his hand in her next contraction as she grunted and bore down. His groan of pain was lost in her thin wail of pain.

Distantly she could hear Oz's cry, 'I can see the head' as she felt another contraction building, again bearing down, straining with the effort, vaguely aware of Xander's continuous words of praise.

Again and again she bore down, grunting, she wanted this thing OUT!

"That's it, baby, you're doing fine, just a little more," Joyce said weakly. She was determined to hold Willow's child in her arms before she died.

Willow gave one final might push, distantly aware of the shouts of joy as she felt something slide from between her legs, feeling empty for the first time in months. She was so exhausted that all she wanted to do was sleep, but until she heard her child's cry she just couldn't rest. They had been through so much and been disappointed for so long. Helping Xander and Faith raise their children wasn't enough anymore. They wanted a child of their own.

She felt Xander prop her up higher and wearily opened her eyes to see Oz, tears running down his face as he cradled a tiny bundle in his arms. Faintly she could hear tiny mewling noises and the blanket jerking slightly. Her eyes flashed to Oz as he gently put the tiny bundle in her arms. She was so awed that she didn't even realized that she was crying until she saw water dripping down onto little red scowling face.

Vaguely, she heard Xander say softly, "Congratulations, Wills, it's a girl," as she stroked the tiny fragile face, her heart singing. THIS…this was the true magic, she thought.

"Show the kids and Joyce," she asked softly, holding her daughter out to Oz, before slumping exhaustedly against Xander. "I did it Xan, I'm a mommy now," she whispered to him, knowing Oz had caught the soft whisper as he turned and flashed his slow smile for her, letting her know just how proud he was.

Joyce regarded the tiny bundle frantically squalling, "Shh," she said weakly to the tiny creature, remembering all the children she had help bring into this world. She gasped softly as the tiny girl abruptly stopped crying and opened her eyes, capturing her soul in a timeless moment. Tears ran silently down her sunken cheeks as Oz gently put the baby in her arms, helping her hold his daughter.

Joce and Mikey gazed critically at the redfaced thing. Joce grimaced in disgust, Ewww, there was no way she was touching THAT! It was so ugly and wrinkly. She eyed it speculatively, maybe it was a demon.

Mikey looked at the baby, "Dat it," he said let down, "Hows com it not bigger. I never'll get to play wif it," he sniffed back tears of disappointment. He thought it would be lots bigger, big enough for him to play with.

The adults looked at him and laughed.

Oz said softly, "Give her time and she'll get bigger," his eyes were amused as he glanced at Xander, his eyes softing as he regarded his sleeping wife.

"Lay her beside me," Joyce whispered, regarding the exhausted young woman. Watching narrowly as Xander carefully shifted her, "Don't wake her," she said sharply as Willow stirred in her restless sleep.

"Yes ma'am," Xander said sheepishly. He flashed Oz an annoyed look, he knew he heard a snicker from the man.

"Boys," Joyce warned them softly, her eyes softly amused.

"Sorry," was the mumbled chorus from them as Xander carefully shifted Willow to the other side of Joyce, after Cordy had pulled back the sheets. Grabbing the soiled cloths, distastefully in one hand.

"Go," Joyce said quietly to the children feeling them slip from behind her as Xander moved to helped her lay down.

Angel looked at Xander, "I think we need to talk," he said quietly watching as the two boys exchanged glances, a question asked and answered all in an glance.

"Lead on, McDuff, or should I say McAngel," Xander said.

He trailed after Angel down the stairs into his office, sitting at a slight gesture from the vampire.

"So Dea—Angel," he grimaced again trying to avoid saying the dreaded name. Remembering how that name used to get on De..Angel’s last nerve, he wondered did dead people have nerves and if so why? It’s not like they would need them for anything. It was just plain wrong of them to be using them, he thought indignantly, imagining a bunch of nerveless living people.

Angel eyed the boy with a weary look, even after all this time, he recognized the vacant look in the boy's eyes: he was lost in Xanderland. He was surprised at the feeling of amusement he felt watching the internal babble go on. There was a time when both Willow and Xander used to annoy him with their infernal babbling. But when he found out they were dead, he had felt such a wrenching sense of loss as if something special had been taken out of the world and he realized with a feeling of shock that he missed that, he missed them.

Looking at the dark eyes of the boy, he saw something that shocked him, so much ancient pain lived deep into those eyes. Both Xander and Willow babbled to cope, to convince themselves that everything would work out right. He used to wonder why they continued to fight beside Buffy, he and Buffy were the same, Warriors for the Powers That Be but Willow and Xander didn’t have that reason. But looking at the boy, no Man, he corrected himself, their courage and tenacity humble him. He and Buffy had strength and speed on their sides, while Willow and Xander had merely human fragility on their side, yet night after night they went out and survived. They chose this path to follow, night after night. No matter how many times they got knocked down, hurt and bruised, they got back up and waded into the fray.

"Xander," he said, quietly amused watching the boy, "XANDER!" he said again louder.

Xander came back to himself with a start, uneasily aware that Dea..De...Angel watching him with dark eyes. He surrepitiously brushed his nose, checking to make sure nothing was hanging out. Nope, he thought squirming slightly in his chair.

"So, Deadboy," he said totally forgetting NOT to call him that, "Pretty snazzy place you got here, this all yours and Buffy, huh," Xander continued, looking around the office, avoiding eye contact with his once hated enemy. He snorted silently to himself, all because of a girl not even worth loosing sleep over much less a life.

Angel eyed him over steepled fingers before leaning back in his chair, "My home, my hotel. Now, you want to tell me what you are doing here? Last I heard, you were all dead. Now look at you, alive. It’s a miracle," Angel said dryly, regarding the boy coolly.

Xander couldn’t resisted, he smirked, "Rumors of our demise were greatly exaggerated," falling back into his old pattern of sarcasm, sobering abruptly at the flash of gold in Angel’s eyes.

"Boy, you are seriously trying my patience," Angel growled. "You’ve got Cordy upset, Buffy practically in tears. Now you want to tell me why?"

"Buffy, Buffy, Buffy! It’s always about the Buffster isn’t it," Xander said nastily, trembling with anger. "You and Buffy get all humpety-dumpety and it’s Helllllooo Angelus! She should have dusted his ass that night when he grabbed Willow, but she didn’t," Xander exploded from his chair, pacing angrily, "All because she wanted her ‘boyfriend back’," he sneered mimicking
Buffy’s voice. "One good stake and it would have all been over, Buh Bye Angelus. No people dying, no Ms. Calendar dying, no Giles dying. So many people would be alive," his whisper easily catching the vampire’s ears.

"But I would be dead," Angel pointed out, narrowing his eyes.

Xander looked at him sardonically, "Hate to bust your bubble, but the reason why I call you Deadboy is because you’re DEAD!"

Angel wave a hand, eyeing Xander coolly, "You know what I mean."

Xander simply looked at him, "Yeah I know what you meant."

They regarded one another warily before Angel nodded soberly and sighed, "For what it’s worth, I agree. She should have staked me immediately and there would have been far less deaths to account for." He brooded, recalling Angelus reign of terror in Sunnydale.

Xander eyed him cautiously, squirming in his seat, "Uhm, not that I’m not grateful for the support and everything but I was actually talking about staking Angelus, not you. You would have just been an added bonus."

Angel frowned, "You mean you didn’t want me staked?"

"Don’t be stupid!" Xander gave him a disgusted look before continuing, "Of course I wanted you staked. Charred and broiled would have simply been extra," Xander said cheerfully. "But it was mainly because I was stuck on Buffy," his mouth twisted distastefully.

Angel looked at him, noting the changes in the boy, "We seem to have gotten off the subject of why are you here," he said carefully watching the boy for clues.

Xander looked away uncomfortably, before looking back, "Because it was the safest place for us to bring Joyce and Willow," he said quietly, meeting Angel’s eyes.

Angel arched a brow, looking skeptical, "You came to the home of your worse enemy for safety?"

Xander’s lips quirked, "Deadboy, you are by far so NOT my worst enemy. I’ve seen worser, if that a word, than you," he assured the vampire.

"And the children, are they yours," Angel asked quietly, his nose flooded by the overwhelming pain and grief pouring off the boy at his question.

"Yeah, they’re mind," Xander said hoarsely, rigidly holding his pain at bay. He had to get through this with Angel, once it was over then he could break down and let Willow, Oz and Joyce put him back together again.

"And their mother, when will she be joining you," Angel questioned softly. He could see the rippling of pain just under the surface of the boy’s face---he was a little taken aback at the amount of control the boy had. From the grief and rage pouring off of him, he was surprised to see the boy still sitting. He wondered again what had they gone through to make Xander finally learn to control himself. The Xander he knew didn’t have a shred of self-control----ruled only by his impulses and hormones.

"Long story short, she won’t be showing up," Xander said quietly, getting up and pacing away.

"May I ask why," Angel said equally quiet, his eyes watchful.

Xander ran a hand through his hair, "Is that your condition: I answer your question, you let us stay," he asked harshly, not turning around.

Angel regarding the rigid shoulders thoughtfully, his eyes darkening further, "No, you can stay whether you tell me or not. But you need to talk to someone and soon," he added, seeing the tense body slowly relax.

"Thanks Deadboy," Xander said, his shoulders relaxing----letting go of the invisible tension he felt the moment they had stepped into the hotel. Not sure of their welcome or if they would be able to stay.

Angel smiled slightly, "And haven’t you grown beyond calling me by that ridiculous nickname," he questioned in mock exasperation, trying to lighten the somber mood. Looking into the ancient eyes, he was relieved to see the pain and sorrow lift a little.

Xander smiled slowly, his eyes still haunted, "But it suits you so well," he whined.

Angel smiled, "It’s been a long time since anyone called me that, and you know, I kinda miss that," he said easily as he rose from his chair. He looked at Xander seriously, his smile fading, "Will you tell me what’s really going on so that I can at least be prepared, just in case their
mother come storming in to demand her children back," he asked, drawing back at the sheer weight of grief tinged rage darkening the boy’s eyes.

"There won’t be any storming," Xander closed his eyes briefly, "She dead," he stated baldly.

Angel was a little shocked, "I’m sorry to bring up an old wound,". He was sympathetic to the boy's loss of his mate, Xander must had loved her a great deal to still be grieving over her death.

Xander looked at him expressionlessly, "She died two days ago."

Angel blinked, something wasn’t making a whole lot of sense here. He decided to shelve the discussion to a later date as he looked at the tense wary figure before him.

"Anything else you want to tell me," he asked watching as Xander eased down.

Xander relaxed, sensing Angel wasn’t going to question him right now, he knew it was only a matter of time before they needed to talk, but later was not a problem with him. He knew that he needed to get rid of his negative feeling for the vampire in order to stay, after all, he was staying in the man’s home and he owed the ma...the vamp...Angel respect in order not to jeopardize their new home. He would never forgive himself if he allowed his hostility to get in the way of finding a home for his people, his family.

"Well, I don’t know how many of our people will be able to make it out of Sunnydale," Xander began a little hesitantly, watching as Angel leaned back against his desk, crossing his arms.

"And you want to know if they would be welcome here," Angel finished for him dryly, arching a brow.

He sighed, "Look Xander, just about everyone here in this hotel plays a major or even a minor part in our fight for this city, for the Powers That Be. Everyone pulls his/her/it’s own weight in some way and I simply can NOT afford any deadweights," Angel said quietly, his expression sympathatic but firm.

"Oh, I understand completely," Xander eagerly assured him, "The people coming here were part of our group in Sunnydale. We’re used to patrolling and stuff like that. As long as they have a place to stay they’ll be more than happy to help you," he offered tentatively, watching Angel hopefully. He couldn’t abandon his people, they’ve been through to damn much together.

Angel pulled at his lip thoughtfully, "Tell you what, I’ll give you and them three weeks to prove your people’s worth. After that, if they are not up to our level of skill then I’m afraid they’ll have to go," he said firmly. This war with the Dark Powers was too important to carry any dead weight.

"Fair enough," Xander nodded, "I don’t think you’ll have any problems with us."

Angel arched a brow," Us?"

Xander regarded him steadily, "Us. United we stand, divided we fall," he said with a crooked smile.

"Fair enough," Angel agreed, holding Xander’s gaze firmly.

"Buffy’s usually in charge of training up the newcomers, but," he held up a hand, forestalling Xander’s protest, "But I think I’ll see to this myself. After all, I wouldn’t want to see a Slayer die would you," he joked, smiling. His smiled dying at the cold look on Xander’s face.

"They bleed red just the same as the rest of us mortals," Xander said harshly, jerking the door open and stalking out. Many of the demons moved hastily away from the human. Whatever was wrong with him, they wanted no part of it.

Angel regarded the open doorway in some surprise, blinking as a smiling Buffy filled the doorway.

"Well, when are they planning on leaving," she asked with seemingly casualness.

"They’re not," Angel said shortly, rounding his desk to work on his paperwork. Cordy had dropped a whole slew of bills on his desk for payment. He still had to go over the building plans, adding on to the hotel. He had no idea where he was going to get the skilled workers he needed. All the people in the hotel were fighters unfortunately, none of them knew one end of a hammer.

He looked up, seeing Buffy still in his office, "Was there something else you wanted," he questioned coolly.

Buffy laughed easily, "Silly, I wasn’t talking about NOW of course, I meant when Wills is recovered from having her baby."

Angel looked at her, "Like I said, they won’t be leaving. Xander asked for permission to stay, I gave it. End of discussion."

Buffy sputtered, "But what about all the nasty things they said about me? How about how they turned my own mother against me? I will NOT have them in my home," she snarled, her eyes flashing with fury.

Angel leaned back in his chair, "Last I looked, Buffy this is MY home, my name is on every little document concerning this hotel. I found this place, Cordy, Doyle, Wesley and I cleaned it up and made it habitable while were ‘sick’. So, if you don’t like having them in the hotel, well you know where the door is," he said softly, his eyes cold and hard. He was getting sick of her prima donna attitude. She acted as if she was the lone warrior against the darkness. There were over a dozen humans and nonhumans that fought, she wasn’t the only one, he thought angrily.

"Angel, are you saying that you believe their lies….about me," Buffy gasped, affronted.

Angel regarded her coolly, "What I’m saying is one: I’m a vampire and we have extremely good hearing, I have YET to hear, other than your own mother say one negative thing about you, Xander, Willow or Oz haven’t address two words to you. And two, this is my home, my house. A home that I allow not only you and but all the others to live here."

"But what about us," Buffy stammered, her eyes wide in confusion.

Angel looked at her quietly, "Buffy there hasn’t been and ‘Us’ for almost four years."

"It’s because of Cordy, isn’t," Buffy spat out, trembling with rage. After all she had done for him, he turns to that…whore. "I’ve seen the way you look at her, following her with your eyes," she said angrily.

He sighed, "Buffy, I’ve told you before there is nothing going on between Cordy and me other than friendship. There wouldn’t be anything started because we both don’t want to see a return of Angelus."

"So you are interested in her," Buffy accused him, jealousy igniting in her soul. Her fists were clenched, that Bitch! I’ll teach her to take what’s mine.

"Buffy did you hear anything I said," Angel demanded, getting angry himself. "We, meaning Cordy and I, are not together. We will never be together. We don’t WANT to be together. She is not interested in me nor I in her. Do you understand," he said speaking very slowly.

Buffy relaxed slowly, "It’s just that I get kinda angry when I think of you with someone else," she said in a small voice, peering at him with her best puppy eyes.

Angel was unmoved, having seen this act too many time to fall for it. He fell for it when he allowed her to stay, he fell for it when he wanted to return to Sunnydale for Willow and the others. He was NOT falling for it again!

Buffy sighed, Damn! Her best look wasn’t working on him this time. Let’s try something new, she thought.

"Buffy, I meant what I said. There is NO us, so please get whatever thoughts you have of being with me out of your head. It hasn’t happened in the last four years and it’s not going to happen now," he stated emphatically.

"It’s because of the soul thing, isn’t it? You’re scared you’ll turn into Angelus again," she said with a sage nod, totally ignoring everything else he said.

Angel closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead in frustration, "Buffy listen to me closely. You and I are OVER. We once had strong feelings for each other but that was in the past. You have to move on and accept that there is no us. No you and I. We are not a couple and we will never be lovers again." He stood up and walked over to her, "Buffy, you once meant the world to me. I would have done anything, given anything to see you smile, to see you safe," he said softly cupping her face.

Buffy interrupted eagerly, "That’s exactly how I feel about you!"

Angel shook his head, "You didn’t let me finish. I loved you Buffy. The beautiful, sun-kissed golden girl that you were. You were so beautiful and clever, with the heart of a lion, but the price of loving you is more than I can bear, than the world can bear. What we had was a rare and precious thing. A once in a lifetime opportunity for us. But we both need to move on, YOU need to move on and let go of the past, get on with your life."

"Bu…but I love you," Buffy whispered, devastated by his words. She searched his eyes desperately for some remnant of the love they once shared.

"Buffy, you have to let go," Angel said quietly, "I have." Steeling himself as he saw the tear well in her big blue eyes, before her head lowered disconsolately.

Buffy pulled herself from him, he will love me again, she thought to herself. All I have to do is show him just how right they were together, that they were soulmates.

Angel saw a certain hardness flash in her eyes before she swiftly lowered them again. His eyes narrowed slightly, a yellowish tinge glowed in his the dark eyes before fading.


Xander darted up the stairs and entering into the room, he paused as his eyes rested on the cozy family picture Willow, Oz and the baby made. This...this was what made it all worth it, the fighting...defending what was theirs....the blood, the pain, being around Buffy and Dea---Angel,
everything. It was all about protecting your family and friend, defending them with your last breath. His eyes rested on Willow and for a brief moment he remembered another similar bedside scene before meeting Oz's calm perceptive gaze.

Once upon a time things may have been different---remembering how Willow lay still and broken in the hospital bed, he had at last realized just how much she meant to him, how much he loved her but she called out for Oz. Another place, another time it may have been different, it may have been him with Willow but no Oz. But Oz WAS there so he stepped away. Fortunately for him Faith came along and he had fallen hard for the dark hair Slayer. She had held him and his attention, allowing him to set aside his feelings for Willow.

"So, what did you decide to name her," he asked huskily, drawing closer as Willow stirred---coming awake and meeting Xander's eyes with her special Willowsmile---the smile that made you feel good all over.

"We were just waiting for you to get back," she said in a sleep husky voice, her eyes gently questioning.

Xander drew his children to him---Oz shifted, making room for him to sit on the bed. Feeling the warm bodies snuggling against him he said, "We can stay," with a quiet smile. Seeing the tiny smile of relief that peeked through Oz's calm facade and seeing the beaming smile that Willow game him make it all worth while.

"So, what did you decide to name the newest addition to our family," he said, peeking at the sleeping baby. He glanced at Joyce to see how she was doing and saw she was sleeping peacefully for once, he raised an inquiring brow at Willow who flushed in embarrassment.

"It was only a little magic," she said in a low voice, hearing both Oz and Xander sigh. She smiled when she heard Joce and Mikey let out equally frustrated sighs, copying the men. Xander and Oz hid their smiles of amusements. Xander opened his mouth.....

"Aunty Willow, you know you're not supposed to be doin' that kinda magic," Joce scolded, her tiny face scrunched up in a frown. "You're too weak and you need to take care of that baby," she indicated the bundle in Oz's arms as the adults exchanged amused looks before Willow lowered her head in pretended shame, her shoulders shaking as she tried to contain her mirth.

"Aunty Willow, I don't mean to be hard on you, but....I don't tink I'm ready to be raising the baby yet, 'cause you know we can't leave her to them to raise," she tsked tsked in disgust at the thought of her father and Oz raising a baby girl.

"You're absolutely right, sweetie," Willow gravely assured the little girl with a straight face, ignoring the 'Hey' from her boys, "There's no telling WHAT they'll do, how they'll raise her if I'm not around," Willow shook her head at the imagined horror, fighting not to laugh at the outraged
expressions on Oz's and Xander's faces. "Thank you for reminding me." She nodded gravely at the miniature adult.

"That's all right, Aunty Willow," Joce assured her, "I know you have a lot on your mind."

"Excuse us, emasculated guys ARE still here, you know," Xander said indignantly, smiling to show he wasn't serious. "But back to my original question, what are you naming the baby?"

"Well, we finally came up with a name or names, I should say. We didn't want to start planning names too soon you know, just in case," Willow said huskily, her voice lowering. Her eyes were moist with tears and Xander clasped her hand firmly in his, silently offering her comfort. Oz took up the recitation and leaned against her---giving her time to compose herself, offering his silent strength and support.

"So we decided on a number of names but we couldn't decide which one to choose. We were waiting for you to help us choose her name," Oz said a gentle light in his eyes as he looked down at his sleeping daughter, "Considering that we helped name Joce and Mikey it wouldn't be fair for you not to be here."

"Bennet, it's Latin for Little Blessed One," Willow said eagerly, she really loved this name.

"Keitha, it's a Celtic/Gaelic and it means Female Warrior," Oz added, he wanted her to grow up strong and proud.

"Atara. Daddy, it's Latin for Crowned and Blessed," Joce added, her eyes alight, bouncing gently on the bed. She hoped he would pick her name, she loved how it felt on her tongue. She said it in her mind Atara, Aaaaaaaatara.

Xander thought for a moment, looking at all the expectant eyes. His brows raised, "Why don't you name her Bennett Atara Keitha? It has sorta a nice flow to it," he said with a look at them all.

Willow and Oz exchanged pleased smiles, he was right. Bennett Atara Keitha did have a nice ring to it.

"Beside, we can always call her Benny, you know," Xander shrugged, laughingly dodging Willow's irritated swipe at him.

"You will not be calling my daughter by that ridiculous name," Willow warned him, her eyes laughing, she pulled their daughter from Oz's arms protectively cradling her against her breasts.

"Or we can call her Baky, for short," Oz said with a smile, laughter at Willow's outraged 'Daniel Osborne'.

Xander fell to the floor laughing, as Willow and Oz exchanged sad smiles of relief, finally seeing their friend starting to pull himself together.

# # #

Downstairs, Cordy watched from the shadows as Buffy left Angel's office, a thoughtful look in her dark eyes. Unlike Angel, she wasn't ready to give the blonde Slayer the benefit of the doubt. She had changed from the vapid image conscious girl in high school, she had found a place for herself and for the first time in her life she a PURPOSE. And she would be damned if she allowed the likes of Buffy Summers to fuck things up to hell and back for all of them. Buffy may have forgotten what they fought for but she had NOT!

Cordy set her face and charged into Angel's office, stopping abruptly---unlike Buffy, she recognized the slight golden tint in Angel's eyes and for a brief moment felt a fission of fear slither up and down her spine. Shivering slightly, she pushed her fear aside and began her speech in her usual blunt fashion.

"She's playing you for a fool and you're lapping it up," she charged angrily.

"Come in Cordy, sit a spell and tell me how you really feel," Angel said dryly.

This must be his real punishment, he thought wryly to have two beautiful highly aggressive women in his undead life. Maybe he should just stake himself now to save them the trouble. All he needed now was for Spike to come and add his two ce....his eyes widen in dismay at the smirking Childe standing in the doorway. He rolled his eyes, I meant that rhetorically you know, he yelled silently to the Powers That Be.

"Peaches, the cheerleader's right. While I don't mind seeing you squirm and being all poofy like," Spike smirked, cigarette dangling from his lips,"But you're just ruining me image. These stupid gits here are gonna think I'm just as big of a wanker as you. Then we're gonna get to fighting and
killi...," he paused, thinking, "Nevermind, keep on being a big wanker."

"Spike," Angel warned coldly, "Remember the conditions of your staying here: No starting fights with anybody, demon or otherwise."

"Oi, I'm not gonna be startin' any fights," Spike said indignantly, blue eyes flashing before grinning, "I'm just gonna be ending them, like," he chuckled, his eyes twinkling with merry enjoyment.

Cordy rounded on him, furious at his interruption of her talk with Angel, "You?! You can't even stand watching a woman giving birth," she said scornfully, hearing Angel's muffled laughter behind her.

Spike frowned down at her, he also could hear his Sire laughing, " 'ere now, ain't no call to get nasty, I'm on your side," he protested, "Beside all that screaming was disturbin'," he shuddered. "I'm use to being the Big Bad but when it comes to you women having the kiddies, I ain't the Big Bad, them kids is."

Cordy blinked and decided to forgive the idiot, "You're forgiven," she said magnanimously.

"I wasn't apologizing, you stupid bint," Spike shot out glaring daggers at her.

Angel held up a hand, forestalling the argument he was sure to come, before it got really nasty. Surprising enough Cordy usually held her own with Spike, which of course made him wild with rage. He would sit up in his room, pouting and plotting revenge. He had even begged to be allowed to kill her, sulking when Angel refused to let him.

Angel smiled, he had to admit these two came up with some very entertaining moments for him, Doyle and Wesley. But if he didn't get Cordy focused back on her tirade, he mentally winced, she'll just keep coming back. It was better to let her say her piece, let her believe she had won the argument and make sure she never found out that they did whatever the hell they wanted.

"Cordy, you were saying," he prompted sitting on the edge of his desk.

Cordy looked blank, "Oh yeah, what was I saying? It's all your fault," she hissed rounding on Spike, who flipped her the bird before leaning against the doorjab.

"Oh yeah! Buffy's playing you and your lapping it up," she said, looking triumphant.

Angel blinked, "Cordy you already said that," his lips twitched.

She frowned, "Uhm, I know that! I was just warming up. You know that Buffy lied about them being dead don't you? She deliberately left them behind to die!" Cordy was looking totally enraged.

"Cordy, we don't know that for sure," he held up a hand, stopping the words from erupting her mouth, "Even if it's true, it's been four years! She's done some good things for us here. She's a valuable fighter and ally. Everyone of you gave me another chance after everything Angelus put you through, why won't you give her a chance? She hurting just as much as you are beside which her mother is dying," he said quietly, searching her eyes.

"Well, she should have have stayed there maybe her mother wouldn't be dying now or had been raped," Cordy pointed out stubbornly, she wasn't budging an inch.

Angel sighed exasperatedly, "Would've..Should've..Could've, isn't that what you always say? What's done is done, Cordy and it's time to move on. I've made mistakes, you've made mistakes and we've all been forgiven---why can't you get past what she's done."

Cordy blinked at the torrent of words from him, thinking, "Because she's the Chosen One and I expected better from her," she said quietly and left the office.

"You're still here," Angel glared at Spike, daring him to say something, anything.

Spike's eyes flared gold, "The bint's right," and he left in turn, leaving a confused Angel alone with his thought, wondering if he was making the right decision or not.

* * *

The next several days proved trying for the new members of the Hyperion. Beginning with Willow, who had forgotten just how difficult it was dealing with a newborn and ending with Joyce, wasting away. All the potions she brewed wasn't enough to dull the pain in the dying woman's frail body. But Joyce wanted to remain alive long enough to greet as many of the the arriving Sunnydalers as she could.

****** ****** ******

In small groups they arrived at they Hyperion Hotel. The first to arrive at the hotel were Larry, Andrew with their daughter Kim accompanied by Cheryl, followed shortly that day by four more people with a small half-demon child and later another five with two children in tow. Cordy's eyes widened at the sight of Larry, she frowned at the way he was behaving with that nerdy little guy from high school, Andy...Andrew. Her frown gathering as the two men drew protectively closer to the small child. Looking around them with cool, guarded expression that lighten at the sight of Willow coming down the stairs.

"Witch," they said softly, lowering their heads in a slight greeting of respect, before grinning at her, laughing at her expression of joy.

"Guys," she screamed flying down the stairs and dive bombing them, enfolding them in her arms. A shouting joyous reunion took place in the middle of the lobby, amid tears and laughter, exclaiming over her now flat stomach. She lead the way rapidly up the stairs talking a mile a minute, eager for them to see her daughter and sadden by what she knew would be their reaction to seeing Joyce.

Wesley, Spike and Doyle were the room getting acquainted with the newest member of the Hyperion. Spike stood uneasily, he could smell the poisonous corruption from the woman.

"I remember you, you were the one that came and got Buffy that night weren't you," Joyce whispered weakly.

Spike easily heard her, "Uhm yes, I did," he glanced around in desperation for someone to rescue him and caught Oz's hard, cold eyes. He gratefully looked up as the door open.

Willow gestured the people inside, their entire focus on the wasted body of the woman lying in the bed.

"My Lady," Larry whispered going to the bed and dropping to his knees. Paying his respects to her and for what she meant to him. When he had first admitted that he was attracted to men as well as women despite being in a serious relationship with Cheryl, she was there to comfort him as he cried long into the night confused about his sexuality. It was she that had convinced him to talk things out with Cheryl and to work on their problem.

"My Lady," Andrew knelt gracefully by the bed, kissing her withered hand. Had it not been for her, he never would have thought that Larry or Cheryl would have been interested in him especially since they were both involved with each other. He had been so confused, while he wanted and desired Cheryl, he also wanted and desire Larry. He knew that he was nothing to brag about being still so skinny and nerdy, and he had resolved to put his feelings aside, to never speak them aloud. But to his wonder, Larry loved him, they both loved him! For that he would eternally be grateful to her for making him believe that he was worthy of love. He leaned against his mates, sharing a kiss with each before turning to Joyce and smiling despite his tears. They all knew she was dying and this was one fight they knew they couldn't win.

Cheryl held their child as she knelt with her mates, had it not been for Joyce she never would have found two such wonderful courageous men. If it hadn't been for her, both she and Larry would never have had the courage to pursue Andrew. Her throat was thick with tears as she met Joyce's bright eyes, 'Thank you, My Lady' she thought to Joyce and by the brightening of her eyes, she knew Joyce understood.

Cordy peeked around the door, seeing the three people and child huddled together. She saw little nerdy Andrew bury his head in Larry's shoulders and couldn't restrain a gasp. Larry was gay! Then she blinked in confusion as Larry leaned over and kissed the brown-hair woman. Larry was not gay?!

Wesley and Doyle's mouths had dropped open, "Uhm, Willow are those two....uhm lovers...mates," Wesley stammered out, flushing at the cool look that suddenly appeared in Oz's and Willow's eyes.

"No," Willow said levelly, "Those three are mates," gesturing to the three people standing up, each in turn pressing a gentle kiss to Joyce's shriveled cheek.

"All three of them," Doyle gasped out, his eyes widening comically.

"We found that it is, it was a lot safer to combine households for mutual protection. Especially if children were involved," Oz said coolly, his eyes hard as he watched the men. If they so much as looked at them cross-eyed, he was going for their throats.

"Do you have a problem with that," Willow said coldly, her eyes glittering with beginning fury.

Doyle and Wesley looked at each other and chorused, "No, whatever gave you that I idea," innocent looks on their faces.

Cordy frowned before stepping forward, "Welcome to the Hyperion, I'm Cordelia Chase, but you can call me Cordy," she extended her hand with a wide smile, especially looking at Cheryl. Ooooh, Buffy is going to be soooooo mad when she sees her. Maybe I'll forget to tell Queen Buffy that she had mates, she thought wickedly.

All of them glancing at each other in amazement at the ever so friendly Cordelia Chase and bemused, they hesitantly shook her hand.


More of the Sunnydalers began arriving that day and over the next couple of days. Cordy barely recognized the hard cold people that arrived. Their faces were familiar, but their eyes....dear God their eyes! Each person that walked through the doors looked like they had seen into the pits of hell. Their eyes were hard and almost inhumanly cold as they swept into the hotel. And there was one all too familiar face among the arriving people.

Cordy was just coming out of Angel's office on the third day of Xander's arrival, she frowned at hard faced, scarred blond woman, with butchered hair. A teasing familiarity running through her and she gasped as the woman glanced over at her with cold blue eyes.

"Harmony?!" She shrieked out, barely aware of the cool tenseness of the group. "My God it is you," she exclaimed coming forward, her attention focused on one of her former Cordettes, stopping abruptly as the Harmony stepped back and away from her.

"Harmony, don't you remember me," she whispered, pain filling her eyes as she searched the guarded blue eyes regarding her, for some recognition.

"Yes, Cordelia I remember you," Harmony said coolly, she glanced down at her mate, who instinctively stepped forward, knowing how difficult this was for his wife.

"Cordelia Chase, I almost didn't recognize you," Jonathan said quietly, his eyes cool.

"I'm sorry, do I know you," Cordy looked at the short man in confusion. Blinking at the cold amusement filling his eyes.

"No, fortunately we didn't run with the same crowd. You were with the beautiful people, while I was with the nerds," he said mockingly, feeling his wife grip his shoulder in a firm grip.

"Now Jonathan, you know I don't like to hear you say things like that," Harmony murmured in a low voice.

"Sorry dear," Jonathan muttered, pressing back against her warm body.

"Cordelia, we've changed from the geeky, the brainy, the beautiful and the jocks were were in high school. You were fortunate that you were able to get out when you had the opportunity, unfortunately, we were not so.....blessed," Harmony coolly said to the stunned Cordelia.

"So I see," Cordy murmured, looking at the horrid scar on Harmony's face, at the way both she and Jonathan held on to each other. The Harmony in high school wouldn't have been caught dead even being seen with the geeky Jonathan, much less voluntarily touching him.

"Do...do you blame me for getting away," she asked in a low voice, swallowing convulsively, guilt again eating away at her.

Harmony glanced at her husband, then around at their group: David Jenkins, Scott Hope Cheryl Miller and saw the answer in their cool eyes. She turned to Cordelia, "We don't blame you, you are the lucky one."

"B...but..but I abandoned you, how can you say that I'm lucky," Cordelia burst out, pain in her eyes.

"Cordelia, you are lucky in that YOU are still alive," Jonathan said quietly, remembering all their dead comrades.


And more kept coming, with Willow and Xander giving a breakdown on the leaders as they arrived: Riley, Graham and Forrest, former Initiative soldiers; Kim, Michael and Megan the remaining witches of a shattered coven.

It was only on the third day did they have a minor problem: Buffy.

"Well, well well, if it isn't little weedy Andrew Wells and the King of Nerds Jonathan Levinson." She shook her head mournfully, unrestrained glee shining in her eyes, "Man, I'm really gonna have my work cut out for me training you bunch of losers." She tsked tked mockingly, her eyes gleaming with the chance to get back at all the Sunnydalers looking at her with contempt. Just who the hell did they think they were, looking down on her?!

Xander looked up from greeting the new arrivals, glanced at Angel standing behind Buffy before looking away, it was Angel's call to make not his.

Angel put a hand on Buffy's shoulder, "Can I see you in my office for a minute please?"

Buffy gave him an inquiring look, her eyes narrowing warily, before swinging to stare at Xander who was carefully NOT looking at her.

"Sure," she said uncertainly walking down the stairs into his office.

Cordy looked at Xander, "Do you know what's going on," she whispered to him.

Xander gave her his best innocent look, "Me?! I just got here, remember?!"

"Xander, that look didn't work on me four years ago and it's not worki....," she broke off at the enraged yell coming from Angel's office, whipping around in shock before slowly turning around to look dangerously at the grinning Xander.

"Xander, if you don't tell me what the hell is going on I will call you by your full AND complete name and give you the smacking of your life!" Cordy started out in a low voice gradually raising it to a yell, not noticing the developing grins on the new arrival's faces.

She waited a moment before continuing, "Hey anything that pisses off Queen B is okay in my book," she laughed, trying to imagine the look on Buffy's face.

Just then the door to the office was ripped open by an obviously enraged Slayer. She stormed out, belatedly noticing how everyone was casually NOT looking at her. She flushed in embarrassed fury, gritting her teeth. She cast a cold look at Xander, she just knew it was his fault and she would find a way to make him pay, her eyes flicked to the grinning Cordelia, and that bitch too!

Angel stood in the doorway and summoned Xander with a weary sigh, shutting the door in Cordy's avid face.

"Well, I told Buffy the new," he said calmly.

Xander grinned, "So we heard."

Angel's left eye started twitching. Just great, absolutely great! He was angry with himself. He had always been extremely careful to never let himself get drawn or to be seen arguing with Buffy, Wesley, Cordy or Doyle. He had always tried to present a united front to their group of warriors. He was especially careful to make sure that there was no descention with Buffy. She was the one that worked extensively with their fighters and guards. Making sure their skills were up to par. He frowned, thinking how....inept some of the guards and fighters were. They had almost had a breach in their perimeter a few months ago. Fortunately, a couple of demons and humans
coming in late had raised the alarms in time.

Buffy had raised holy hell with the four surviving guardsmen, berating them harshly, possibly making the men and women feel even worse. One of the guards had become so despondent that he had died of his injuries rather than go on, he had simply given up.

Angel had been a little appalled at Buffy's seemingly callous behavior with the men under her command. He remembered the hard look on her face as she replied, "Angel we are in a war, a fight for our lives and everything left in the world. If you don't like my methods then you find someone else to take over, to train them. I'm trying to do the best that I can with them, but some of them simply refuse to listen or even understand my simplest orders. If that guard could take constructive criticism, that he was so weak as to give up, then we don't need that kind of person with us. That kinda attitude can and will only bring us down, infecting the rest of us.

Still feeling uneasy, he had backed off but he had quietly began questioning the guards and fighter. Some of what he was hearing was not adding up. They were split in that Buffy's teaching methods were overly harsh and that some of the people just didn't want to listen to her. But they all agreed that Buffy did not have a great deal of patience when teaching, nor did she like anyone to question anything she said. That person would soon find themselves picked to demonstrate a new fighting move, leaving the questioner laying bruised on the training floor.

He came back to the present, blinking as he realized that the boy had been calling his name.

Xander relaxed, seeing Deadboy's attention focused back on him, "Man for a minute there you had me worried. I'm the one that's supposed to zone out not you," he teased, feeling slightly relieved at the tiny smile on Deadboy's face. He frowned, why was he relieved to see a smile on HIS face? He must be sickening or something, or maybe he had gotten possessed again.

"How soon do you think your people will finally get here," Angel asked, he was anxious to see how well Xander's people did so that he could get back to finding people to work on the hotel.

Xander got up and paced, thinking out loud, "I think anybody that could make it should be here within the next couple of days," he said distractedly, his attention caught by the blue print on Angel's desk.

Without even thinking, he picked it up. He immediately spotted a couple of places where there would be trouble if constructed that way, he frowned thoughtfully, hopefully Jace and Meggie would be here, they'll be able to tell more. He raised his eyes from the blue prints, flushing as he realized what he had done.

Stammering apologies, he placed the blue print back on the desk, feeling relieved as Dea..Angel waved aside his apologies.

"Don't worry about it, besides, if I can't find some people to work on the plans, it's just paper anyway," Angel said wryly, flickering a finger at the blue prints as he sat behind his desk.

Xander's brows raised in surprise, "I'm sorry, I should have mention that most of the people here and the ones coming have experience in building houses and whatever else you want built," he explained as Angel looked at him with hope in his eyes.

"Xander, if your people could build this addition to the hotel they can all stay, your people won't have to worry about training as fighters."

Xander was suspicious of this turnabout, "Why the change," he asked warily.

Angel simply grinned, "Xander we have over a hundred fighters staying here and not ONE knows how to fix a damn thing! If it's not a weapon, they are totally clueless."

Xander began laughing seeing the problem, "Well we have carpenters, plumbers, cooks and even an electrician," his eyes twinkled as he said the last profession.

"Big deal," Angel snorted, "An electrician is someone we don't have a use for. No electricity in the hotel, remember?"

"Au contraire, mon ami," Xander held up a finger, "Our Sally can get this hotel up and running with electricity. It's just never been worth it to have a fully functioning house in Sunnydale, just in case some demon decides it wants your home," his expression turned dark and bitter from memories before he shook them off.

"With your hotel being warded and such, it'll take a pretty big force to storm this place and take it. I mean, you got all these demons running around and stuff," he explained.

"How did you know this place is warded," he asked, his expression wary.

"Willow," was the simple reply.

"Ah, yes of course," Angel nodded. "But as to that ward, it makes it so that if any demon gets past the guards they can't attack. Besides with all the different demons living here, it made sense NOT to have them attacking each other within these walls."

Xander raised a brow, "How about humans atttacking," his eyes widening, "That's why you got such a mix of humans and demons running around this place. Demon's protect outside the wards while the humans protect the inside. Smart tactics," he nodded approvingly.

Angel looked at him amused, "Glad you approve," he said dryly, watching as the boy flushed in embarrassment, he smiled to show he was only teasing.

Xander couldn't believe it! Deadboy wasn't brooding, wasn't angsting, he was making with the jokes and the teasing and SMILING! Now he knew he was in bizarro world or, his eyes narrowed suspiciously, it was.....

"Angelus," he gasped jumping back in alarms, scrambling for the door before taking up an extremely defensive stance. "So how the hell did you lose your soul when no one was looking." Oh shit, oh shit he kept silently chanting, me without a stake or a cross in sight! But wait a minute, Angelus-Demon: ward-no demons can attack. That meant that he could bitch slap the hell out of Angelus, he smiled cockily at that thought.

Angel rolled his eyes, "No, I am NOT Angelus. He is safely bound and is not getting out," he ignored Angelus chortled, **Ha! That's what you think, soulboy. You'll get tired of not being able to fuck somebody!**

"B..b..b..but you're smiling and making with the jokes....with me," Xander nearly squeaked out, not the most manliest sound he ever made, but it was better than screaming like a girl.

"What?! I can't smile or joke with you," Angel said annoyed.

"Well no," Xander frankly admitted, he hasten to explain himself, "It's just that before you never really bothered to make jokes or stuff. It was always Angelus that was Mr. Smiling-While-I-Ripe-Your-Face-Off, he was the one with the witty repartee thing going."

"I'm not Angelus," Angelus said shortly, glaring at the boy.

Xander was still wary, "You're sure? 'Cause with the ward I can bitch slap your ass to hell. One manly yell, not scream, from me and your ass would be stake tartar."

"I'm sure," Angel said with a thunderous frown.

"Ah, that's the Deadboy, I remember," Xander said relaxing.

"Because I'm frowning," Angel was now totally confused.

"Well, yeah," Xander said, blinking, "Usually whenever I was around you always had this kinda disgusted look on your face or was frowning and scowling at me," Xander shrugged, "And giving me that look that said what an idiot you thought I was."

Angel was stunned. "I..I..I never thought you were an idiot," he said slowly, "Annoying for the most part, but never an idiot. I was a little jealous of you to be frank."

Xander blinked, baffled by the strange reply, "Why?! I mean you were all Mr. Sexy Brooding Guy that had all the girls dying over you, and I don't mean dying in the sense that you were killing them. You had that superundeadstrength, the speed and even Buffy. What could you possibly be jealous of me about."

Angel regarded him thoughtfully, "Because you choose to fight? This fight against the darkness isn't part of your redemption or even something that you were born to do. Every day and night you made a conscious choice to go out and stand against the darkness with no expectation of any reward or anything. I didn't really have a choice if I wanted my redemption, you and Willow did. I used to watch the two of you research and fight night after night and it baffled me as to why you fought. I initially thought it was because you were in love with Buffy. But it wasn't until you came here that I realized the truth: you and Willow fought because you could and because you could see the darkness around you. This was your way of screaming 'NO!' into the darkness, shining the light on all it's ugliness. You and Willow choose to keep your eyes open to the darkness, when all you had to do was simply close your eyes."

Xander frowned, "But what else was we supposed to do, prete....," he trailed off as Angel nodded his head.

"You see, for you there was really no choice and that's why I admired you. Even with all your human frailty you kept fighting."

Both men were quiet, looking at each other.....a tentative olive branch was extended----and accepted, feeling the first stirring of, perhaps peace between them.


Chapter 3

A/N ~ ~ represents internal dialogue

Mikey, for some unfathomable reason had become fascinated by Spike, much to his father's chagrin and Willow and Oz's secret amusement.

The first inkling Spike became aware of his tiny shadow was sitting in the kitchen, drinking his dinner. He kept feeling an oddly disturbing sensation that someone was watching him, but when looked up, there was no one around.

His eyes narrowed as he began listen, I got ya now, ya lil'l bugger, he thought viciously. He could hear someone breathing and their racing heartbeat. Silently he rose from his chair and began stalking, tracing the racing heartbeat to a small cupboard just under the counter.

Just as he had reached the cupboard, it blew open and a small figure blurred past him, knocking him off his feet in surprise. Lying on the floor staring at the ceiling, he could still hear the wailing coming from the small creature and the rapidly disappearing footsteps.

"Well, that was different," he said aloud, blinking from his position on the floor. He hadn't gotten a good look at his pint-sized assailant all he knew was it had dark hair.

It wasn't until Angel asked (ordered) him to greet some of the former Sunnydalers that he was aware of the identity of his admirer.

Pacing back and forth, expounding on the rules, he grimaced, of the hotel he gradually became aware that he had less than their full attention and he could even hear snickering coming from some of them! Snarling, he was about to erupt in gameface the piss out of 'em, when he saw their attention was directed at something behind him. Whirling around he saw the whelp's kid looking up at him with a fierce scowl on his face. Puzzled he looked around for the boy's minders before turning his attention back to the kid.

"Wot are you looking at, ya little git...kid," he demanded, surprised to see the boy still scowling at him and he ain't so much as touched the bloody kid, he thought in indignantly.

"Oi, 'oo ya callin' a git, ya dam anchor," Mikey said in a not so passable English accent. His tiny thumbs hooked in his pants as he tried his fiercest sneer on a shocked Spike.

At this, everyone in the lobby fell to the floor, laughing hysterically.

"Bloody anchor/wankers," both Spike and Mikey muttered in extreme disgust, looking at the laughing people and demons.

Spike arched a brow as he bent a look at the boy, who tried to arching his brow but had to settled for moving it up with his hand. Spike's lips twitched before he firmly controlled it.

Unfortunately for Mikey, Xander had been looking for him and had heard what he said. He descended on the boy and took him to his room. Fiercely lecturing the tiny tot about their previous discussion on appropriate words. They could hear Mikey's protesting wail, "But I wanna be like Spike."

And despite everything Xander tried to do to keep them apart, if anyone was looking for Mikey all they had to do was find Spike. While Spike discovered to his secret amusement that it was fun to have the little tyke following him around. 'Cause he had the opportunity to pound on a couple of demons that thought he had become a big softy with the boy. It was fun fighting, getting all that pent up energy out and especially hearing Mikey cheering him on from his perch within the walls of the Hyperion.

The only thing that did disturb him him though was the boy's recap of life in Sunnydale. And for the first time, he found himself actually agreeing with the cheerleader, the Slayer had abandoned her duties.

Xander, becoming somewhat resigned to the fact that he couldn't pry Mikey from Spike's side, especially seeing the hero worshiping look in his son's eyes. His only consolation was hearing Spike addressed as Spikey throughout the hotel.

Of course, Joce became quite jealous that Mikey had a vampire but she didn't. Eyeing Angel speculatively one night she came to a satisfying decision, she would talk to him.

* * *

Angel was sitting in his office, minding his own business-- finally enjoying a day of relative peace and quiet and reading the newspaper when he became aware of someone watching him. Slowly lowering the paper with trepidation, he saw with some surprise that it was Xander's daughter watching him with a frown on her face peering over the top of his desk.

Not be used to being around children, "Uhm something I can do for you, uhm...Jocelyn," he said awkwardly.

"My name's Joce," she said, narrowing her eyes at him, "Mikey got one, you know," she accused him.

Angel looked blank, having no idea what she was talking about, "Uhm, okay?" He was hoping that she would give him some clue about what Mikey had that had her so upset.

"I'm older and I should have had one first, right," she looked at him anxiously, biting her trembling lip.

Angel blinked, getting a glimmer of understanding, Xander’s other child had gotten something first, "Er, yes, but you really need to talk to your father about getting one then," he said uneasily, well aware how protective Xander, Willow and Oz were about the children.

She ignored his words and launched into her reasons why she should have one too.

Angel was left reeling under the barrage of words tumbling out of the girl's mouth. It was like being doubleteamed by Willow and Xander, he thought dazedly. He could only follow a quarter of what she was talking saying, finally deciding to agree to whatever she wanted so she would stop talking and looking like she was going to cry....she was making his head hurt.

"....you will won't you? It's only fair that I get one too," Joce pouted, looking hopefully at Angel.

Angel blindly agreed, having not the slightest clue about what she said or wanted, but hearing her squeal of joy and being hugged made it all worth while as she ran excitedly out the door, shouting, "I got one now too, and he's older than yours, so there" presumably to Mikey. Yep, it was Mikey, listening to the child's outraged yell of fury, he would know that scream anywhere.

He looked up with a satisfied look on his face to see Wesley looking at him with a nonplused look on his face.

"Who says raising kids is hard," he smirked, "Joce came in here all upset and I fixed her little problem. Who da man, now?" Man, he was good, he thought cockily.

Wesley continued to look at him and his shocked expression changing into a slow smirk.

"What?!" Angel was slowly becoming uncomfortable with the growing smirk on Wesley's face.

"I say, you do realize what young Miss Jocelyn wanted, correct," Wesley said, a muffled guffaw coming from him.

"Yeah, she wanted one of something," Angel frowned, "That Mikey has and I agreed to get her one," Angel said dismissively.

"Uhm, not quite," Wesley smirked, "What the young miss wanted was a vampire of her own, just like Mikey has Spike," Wesley said, watching the dawning horror in Angel's eyes.

"B...b..but there's only two vampi....ah crap," Angel said explosively, watching disagreeably as Wesley doubled over with laughter.

"You've just been claimed.....by a four year old," Wesley choked out, laughing hysterically before staggering off to spread the thrilling news. Leaving Angel to bang his head repeatedly on the desk, the Harris family were going to drive him mad.

Later that afternoon, Xander stopped by Angel's office, casually leaning against the doorjab. Normally he wouldn't have dreamed of seeking out Deadboy, but this was too good to resist.

"So, Deadboy, am I supposed to be welcoming you to the family or what? 'Cause I gotta tell ya, I always pictured my son-in-law to be a whole lot younger and a lot aliver," he smirked before laughing at the flummoxed look on Angel's face.

Waving his hand dismissively at Angel's stammering apologies, "Hey don't get all worked up about it, Deadboy, she's managed to get all of us at one time or another into agreeing or giving her what she wants. Next time, check with me, Willow or Oz before agreeing to anything the little devil wants, 'k?"

"No problems with that," Angel said feelingly. He smiled ruefully at Xander, "It was like both you and Willow in babble mode. She backtracked, doubleback, went sideways, upside down and the next thing I knew I was agreeing that I belong to her," he said smiling in remembrance of the crazy one-sided conversation.

"Yeah, she can get like that, but don't let her con you again," Xander said smiling.

"You mean she does that deliberately," Angel said in disbelief, his eyes widening at the cleverness of the tiny girl.

"Yep, as near as we can figure out," Xander nodded soberly, a slight twitching of his lips, "But if it's any consolation she only does that when she really wants something, so you should be flattered. She was just jealous of Mikey and Spike," he shrugged.

"Uhm you don't have a problem with your son being friends with a demon," Angel regarded him curiously.

Xander looked at him unsmilingly, his mood turning grim, "Well, if he tries anything, he's dust." Turning, he left the office.

Angel to regarded the open door thoughtfully, the boy had changed considerably. He began thinking of how the arriving people greeted each other, specifically Willow, Oz and Xander.

What he found interesting was several things: Xander was always greeted as Xan as if it was a title, then addressed then after as Xander; Willow on the other hand was greeted as Witch, then called by her name; similarly, Oz was simply address as Wolf for obvious reasons, then called Oz.

Wesley and Cordy had already told him how Joyce was simply addressed as My Lady. Very rarely did anyone say her name other than Willow, Xander and Oz. He set this odd puzzle aside for further examination later, forced to contend with another problem: Joyce.

* * *

Joyce's body slowly succumbed to the poison raging through her system. She reclined in the bed, carefully marshaling her strength, trying not to cry out in pain as the poison targeted portions of her body. She smilingly recalled greeting each of the new arrivals. She had to admonished several of them for crying, reminding them of happier times and triumphant battles. She was glad that she had had them smiling and laughing despite their tears. It made her feel good, gave her additional strength.

She had waited almost too long before finally calling Willow to her; and despite the tears rolling down her face, Willow complied and went to find Xander.

She smiled through her sorrow, watching Xander in the middle of their people, rejoicing to see a brief smile flicker across his face on more than one occasion.

"Xander," she called quietly, watching as Xander excused himself from the group with a smile and joke, "Mama asked for the White Blade," she said shakily, seeing his face pale and tighten, a muscle jumping in his jaw.

Xander took a deep steadying breath, they had known this day would come, "Have you found Oz yet," he asked calmly in spite of his stricken eyes.

Willow shook her head, "You were the first I saw," she said softly.

"Find him and have him meet us in her room, I'll let the others know," he said steadily. They regarded each other for a moment, each deriving comfort and strength from the other before they departed for their onerous duties.

Xander went back to the group, who had been watching him intently. They knew something was wrong. He quietly informed them of Joyce's decision and ignoring the paling faces, he asked them to locate the others. One last thing to do, steeling himself, he headed for Angel's office while the others dispersed to spread the news.

Arriving at Angel's office and seeing who were there he said, "Angel, Buffy may I have a word with you." He was quietly composed.

Angel's eyes narrowed on him, something was wrong. His head cocked to the side, it sounded like wails were coming from outside the office. He exchanged puzzled looks with Spike.

"Sure, come in," Angel said, glancing around at his core group, "Is this private conversation or...."

Xander interrupted, "No, this concerns them too." Taking a deep breath, "Buffy, your mother will be dead by morning," he said softly. While he still hated her guts and the way she had avoided Joyce, she was still Joyce's daughter and deserved at least a smidgen of compassion. She had no idea what she had lost in running, but they: Willow, Oz and he and a whole bunch more of kids like them knew how lucky she had had it with Joyce as a mother, he thought, remembering his uncaring parents. Joyce became the mother that they love starved children wished they had and in return they had showered her with all their affection.

"What do you mean she'll be dead by morning," Buffy demanded, startled. She began to panic, she needed more time! "How do you know? You're not a doctor, so how can you tell," she said getting up angrily, shaking off Wesley restraining hand.

Angel regarded her quietly and explained about Tor'kn demon, what it did to Joyce and what the fatal consequences were as Xander stood expressionlessly in the doorway. She wanted to scream her protests that her mother couldn’t die and knew it was futile by the set look in Xander's eyes.

Xander regarded her distantly, "Do you wish to be there to say goodbye or not? Your choice," and with that he turned away, leaving her stunned.

Cordy blinked back tears as she got up quietly and brushed by the shaken Buffy, followed in turn by the others, then slowly followed by a shocked Buffy.

As they made their way through the lobby, they could see the Sunnydalers filing silently up the stairs to Joyce's room. There was a small crowd at the entrance as the regular Hyperions tried to see what was going on in the room.

Angel made his way to the congested doorway, trying to see in, forcibly stopping Buffy from forcing her way through the crowd. As the people felt the angry shoves, they turned around with cold looks of hostility that quickly disappeared as they saw Angel and crew standing there. Murmuring to one another, they shifted to allow them passage, tapping the people in front who in turned stepped aside grudgingly until they came to the front of the half-circle before Joyce's bed.

Angel and Spike sniffed the air lightly, a strange scent teasing them.

Buffy gasped to see the wasted woman resting there and her eyes filled with tears as she threw herself at the bed, clutching at withered claw-like hand, "Momma, I'm so sorry," she began crying brokenly. She cried for so many days wasted, so many things left unsaid, and now all she could do was say she was ‘Sorry’, leaving the rest unspoken.

She had tried to work up the courage to face her mother. Each time she was admitted to the room her courage would falter beneath her mother's stern eyes, and an uncomfortable silence would descend upon the room before she would flee. Four times, she tried and four times she had failed. She could see in her mother's eyes that she was waiting for something from her but the words just wouldn't come out. She would run to her room and hide, ashamed of herself. But by the fifth time, she knew she had to summon the courage, she was the Slayer, the Chosen One and she couldn't even admit that she was wrong!

Laughing bitterly through her tears, some Chosen One! The PTB must be kicking themselves for choosing HER! She had turned over in her bed, looking up at the small crack in the ceiling through blurred eyes. Just like my life, one tiny crack, one small blow and I'll shatter into a million pieces, as bitter tears slid down her face. She had to face her mother and if to no one else, she had to apologize.

And each succeeding day after she had sworn that this....this would be the day, and each time her courage had deserted her. This was her mother and she knew.....she KNEW that her mother still loved her, would always love her. But she also knew that if she didn't acknowledge her mistakes, how wrong she had been, if she did not at least make the attempt, there would be no forgiveness from her mother, not now.....not ever. So she kept trying, hoping and praying that this time she would not falter. And now it was too late!

She felt a fragile hand touch her head, stroking it as she remembered all the times she had run to her mother in tears, throwing herself in her mother's arms. Knowing that within those arms, nothing could hurt her or harm her--- in those arms, she would always be safe, secure and loved.

She raised her head slowly, tears running unchecked down her face, hoping for understanding, hoping for forgiveness, for love. She trembled at what she saw in her mother's sunken eyes: Bitter Love.

"All you needed to do was admit you were wrong, Buffy. But you still can't do that ,can you," was the weak whisper that she had to lean forward to hear. Seeing the condemnation and weary love in her mother's eyes. She bit her lip, swallowing convulsively as Joyce searched her eyes until she dropped them in abject shame, unable to bear the disappointed look in her mother's eyes any longer.

"I have never stopped loving you Buffy, but you have disappointed me almost beyond what my love can bear," came the tired whisper. And Joyce deliberately, despite the agony it caused her, turned her face away---ignoring Buffy's faint, "Mom?"

"Willow," she said calmly, she had said her goodbyes to the watching people, her family.

Willow approached the side of the bed, gesturing to Angel to move the distraught Buffy.

When he went to move her, he finally realized what he smelled: Poison! His eyes flashed to Xander's unreadable expression, flickering to Willow's composed face. As he moved Buffy, he glanced around at the motionless Sunnydalers, they all had the same look of having faced this moment to many times, offering their loved ones the only respite they could from pain and suffering: Death.

He gently pushed the stricken Buffy into Wesley's arms before he deliberately stood at Xander's side, answering the unspoken question in the boy's ancient eyes with a slight nod.....meeting Oz and Willow's gaze firmly, seeing understanding in their eyes.

Willow sat beside the bed, gently helping Joyce drain the cup, her eyes full of regret and sadness.

Joyce smiled weakly, "Don't look so sad, I've had a wonderful life. Beautiful children I'm proud of and a wonderful family. I'm just sorry....," her words trailed off with a sigh as the poison worked it's painless duty.

There was a quivering tension filling the air as Buffy seemed to finally realize that her mother was gone and began sobbing in a wild paroxysm of grief. Casting her a cold look of disquiet, the people gently filed out, heading for the back of the hotel.

Xander sighed and with quiet reverence picked up Joyce's body and carried it outside into the open space in the back of the hotel that they had already prepared for this occasion. Placing her body gently on the byre, Xander stepped back as men and women, with makeshift torches, formed a circle around the byre.

Joce and Mikey pressed tightly to their father's legs, no matter how fun it was playing with Spike and being with Angel, they wanted to be with their father NOW!

Oz handed Benny to Xander and stepping forward he began to speak, his voice resonant in the hushed silence......

//That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man's company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is call'd the feast of Crispian.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.//

He stepped back and Jonathan took his place.....

//He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian.'
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say 'These wounds I had on Crispian's day.'
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words-
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester-
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red///

Cordy and the others exchanged quiet looks as they witnessed the poignant ceremonial way the Sunnydalers mourned the dead woman that had meant so much to them.

Jonathan stepped back and this time Larry stepped forward and began to speak, his voice almost echoing in the eerie silence, as if even nature grieved for her....

//This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day//

Buffy averted her eyes, tears still falling down her face. But beneath the grief, her sorrow, rage lurked. A rage fueled by guilt.

She glared at the Sunnydalers, it was their fault. It had to be! They should have protected her mother better or....or...or something. It wasn't fair that just when she was about to talk to her mother, she died. It was all their fault, she assured herself firmly, rejecting the small voice inside that said she shouldn't have abandoned her duties. It wasn't HER fault for aban...that she had to leaving, Angel needed her. She hadn't know what would happen. Firmly she squashed the voice that said, 'You didn't need to know, you should have stayed.'

She knew they blamed her, but she wasn't wrong, was she? Of course not, she assured herself hastily, pushing back the unwanted voice that insisted she WAS wrong.

Doyle cast a look at the shaken Cordy and gently pulled her to him, allowing her to lean on him for comfort and support.

Slowly, one by one they lit the byre, with Willow casting a minor spell so that they did not smell her burning. They watched with set faces as they lost their mother, watching as the body was consumed by the fire as she was finally released. And they stayed there long into the night, as the fire burned.

Buffy had slipped away from the ceremony, she saw the hostile looks directed at her, but it wasn't my fault, she wanted to scream at the accusing eyes.

Angel was hurt, she thought to herself.

~He's a vampire, the voice insisted~

He needed me, she argued silently.

~He did not need a Slayer, it argued back~

But I love him, was her response as she began to shake.

~You are the Slayer, was the cold response~

He loves me, she argued back.

~You are a SLAYER, was the final thunderous condemnation~

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She was screaming at the accusing voice, "It wasn't my fault!" Her heart was pounding furiously.

~Then whose fault was it?~

"Not mine," Buffy cried, sinking to her knees, "Not mine," she said again, holding her head, "NOT MINE!"

~Then who's fault was it? YOU are the Slayer~

Buffy looked around desperately, "It was Xander's fault! If I hadn't known about Angel's Soul Restoration spell, I would have kill Angelus," she claimed wildly. "Yes, Xander's the one to blame for all of this, for Acathla opening!" She shouted down the screaming denial within her, pushing it away. If she gave in to that voice she knew she would be lost.

She had given up everything for him, for Angel, and she couldn’t go back! There was too in the past, to much pain to even think that she could turn back the clock, to try to reclaim what she once had. She had to continue this.....dance on the crumbling ledge. If she stopped to think, to question herself, she knew that she would fall into that black void where the demons lay in wait for her--- waiting, watching hungrily for her to slip. She had no other choice but to continue her mad dance.

Only in Angel's love could she, would she find redemption, justification for her actions. If he could love her, would love her again everything that she had done would be.....could be justified; but without his love....without his love to justify her existence, her actions then everything she had sacrificed would have been for nothing: mother-----gone, Giles----gone, friends-----gone, and she would be left alone with nothing to show, nothing to live for any longer.

And Buffy rose slowly to her feet, a look of grim resolve hardening her face. Angel would love her again, she swore. She just had to remind him of all the things that had initially drawn him to her. She determinedly ignored the protesting voice of the other Buffy, firmly locking her away; deep, deeper still where her voice could no longer be heard. Setting out to reclaim what was once hers: Angel's love.

The next following days proved eventful as Buffy began her one-woman campaign to regain Angel's love by becoming the golden Slayer he had once fell in love with. Pushing the fighters to new levels of skills, trying desperately to prove that she was still the same sun-kissed girl of yesterday.

* * *

Doyle cried out in pain, falling to his knees on the floor, with the intensity of his vision.

"Human, demons, sacrifice," he gasped out, moaning in pain, "Lots of demons guarding humans, Aiieeeeeee!" He writhed in pain from the vision.

Angel, Cordy and Wesley surrounded him, their eyes desperate and concerned. They hated seeing their friend like this, and this vision seemed to be particularly bad. But he was their connection to the Powers-That-Be and this was the price he paid for each vision.

Finally the painful vision seemed to be over as Cordy helped him over to one of the chairs in the lobby while Wesley raced for water and painkillers.

Doyle shook his head, still feeling the aftereffects of the vision, "Man that was a real big nasty one, nearly passed out from the pain," he said hoarsely, his face white as he shook in the aftermath of the vision.

"Shhh, just sit still," Cordy said softly, her eyes soft with fear. She flashed a helpless look at Angel that he returned.

"Hey now," Doyle said sitting up, glaring at them, he saw the LOOK and knew what it meant, "Look you, stop with treatin' me like I'm some frickin' baby. It's," his eyes widen as he grabbed Angel's arm. "This is bad, this is VERY bad! You gotta stop ‘em," he whispered, his eyes wide with horror as he recalled the other details of his vision.

"What did you see," Angel asked softly, urgently, catching Doyle's fear.

"These demons and half-demons are trying to raise WazMat," Doyle said in a hushed voice. Wesley stumbled and almost fell, even Angel felt the world spin for him: WazMat.

"WazMat?!" Buffy and Cordy chorused out and exchanged surprised looks before they flushed and looked away.

"Yes, WazMat is a god of a race of demons. He is reputed to harbor an unrelenting hatred of all creatures not of his chosen people," Willow's voice came from the top of the stairs. "Should he rise, he'll plunge the world further into chaos."

"You've heard of WazMat," Wesley said in astonishment, blinking at the young woman.

"We've came across his name a time or two in some of Mr. Giles old books," Andrew said softly from where he was standing. He had seen the man cry out from something and had wondered if he should help.

Angel blinked at the boy in surprise, not many could actually say that they had managed to sneak up on a vampire, yet this….boy constantly did so, he was so unobtrusive. Angel smirked, it drove Spike wild, having the boy creeping up on him all the time.

"So you know this demonGod, thingie," Buffy said forcefully, "So let’s make with the killing it already." She wanted to fight something, anything to get rid of the rage inside. Maybe this would be her chance to show Angel that she was still the girl he had fell in love with.

"We never got that far," Jonathan admitted, quietly followed by Xander and Oz, who was holding Bennett.

"Well then, what good are ya," Buffy bit out, before closing her eyes---- she took a deep breath and relaxed. "Sorry about that, I’m just…well, a little stressed and all," she apologized with a charming smile at them, that faded somewhat under their cool eyes. She gritted her teeth, those damn people of Xander’s were really working her last nerve! Not one of them, not even the children were willing to give her a chance. She saw how they always looked to Willow, Oz or Xander whenever she asked them to do something as if they needed their permission. She saw how grudgingly they did anything for her, but for the Sunnydale Trio they would eagerly leap to do whatever THEY asked. And in some tiny portion on her soul, she actually envied the Trio, they had every thing that she had so casually threw away: THEY had the respect that she wanted……THEY had the love she craved….THEY had loyalty towards one another. She could even see the respect Angel extended to Xander, which was enough to make her introspective for a brief moment. She glanced critically at Willow and Xander, what was it about them that made people loyal to them?

Willow, she could halfway understand especially if she had grown a little in her magic, but Xander, no way! He was still the helpless, dorky guy from four years ago, that constantly needed her to save his ass. Constantly joking, acting like a total goof…..he hadn’t changed and he never would!

She turned her attention back to the conversation, to hear Xander offer to take a couple of people over there for reconnaissance. She sneered, still the same scared little goofball.

"Reconnaissance?! We need to go over there kick ass and we will NOT be taking names," Buffy exclaimed, looking around at her fighters, who immediately agreed with her. They had had it with the peace and quiet, they wanted action!

"No," Angel said sharply, "Xander’s right, we need to know what we are up agains and how many."

Xander looked at him in grateful surprise. Will wonders never cease? Deadboy agreed with him!

Buffy mouth gaped, did Angel just actually agree with Xander?!

"But Angel," she began only to be cut off by him.

"Buffy, I said NO! We recon first, find out what’s against us and THEN we go in kicking ass. We can NOT go in there unprepared," he said drawing himself erect, holding her eyes coolly until she at last dropped her gaze with a resentful mutter.

"Wes, Cordy, you two start finding out what WazMat’s weakness are. We need to get as much info as possible before we take this thing down; Buffy, you send out a couple of your best men for recon," he said commandingly.

"What about us," Willow asked softly, "If you remember, we used to do a mean research," she said with a mischievous smile.

Angel’s face soften---remembering the research parties, the fun and the sense of camaraderie he had felt in being part of the that group. His eyes lifted to Xander’s seeing the regret and sorrow in those dark eyes, knowing those days were long over.

"Why don’t you, Andrew and Jonathan help then," Angel said with a smile.

"And where will you be," Buffy demanded to know.

"I need to go see the Oracles," he answered, "Xander, you’re with me."

Xander blinked, looking around for the other Xander, "Uhm, me," he asked tentatively.

"You see another Xander around? Of course you! Seems like the Oracles want to meet you," Angel said with a smirk watching the boy pale alarmingly.

"Why do they want to see Xander," Buffy burst out. She had been here for four years and they had NEVER demanded to see her! She smoldered with jealousy, she was the Chosen One after all, he was just.....just Xander!

"Well while normally I wouldn't hesitate to instantly disagree with you, just on a matter of principle, Buffy, but this time I’m gonna join you out on that limb. Why do they want to see me? I’m nobody special," Xander shrugged, he so really did NOT want to meet them. Nothing good ever came of dealing with Gods and the not-so Godly gods.

"Right, he’s a nobody," Buffy said nodding, earning her a dark glare from Xander.

"You know, I'm seriously thinking about sawing your part of the limb off," Xander told her frostily.

"They didn’t tell me what they wanted to see you about, they just indicated a need to see you," Angel shrugged. He had long since given up questioning the Oracles, if they wanted to tell him something they would; if not, all his questioning did was make him pissed off.

"Alrighty guys, research mode is ON!" Willow spun around, red hair flying behind her like a banner with Andrew and Jonathan following in her wake to the room they had dubbed The Research Room.

Angel and Xander walked in silence to the Oracles. Angel again struck by the changes in the young man. Four years ago you probably would have had to kill him to shut him up, but now it’s as if silence had become second nature to him.

He watched surreptitiously how the boy seemed to….well, flow by his side, pacing along easily, matching him stride for stride. Struck anew by the elegance of the boy’s movements; how he seemed totally unaware of his surrounding yet at the same time, focused; how he seemed to be watching......Angel looked into dark amused eyes and the telltale smirk on the boy’s face. Had he been alive, he probably would have blushed and looked away in embarrassed at being caught staring----he settled for looking away.

"So Deadboy, you wanna tell me what this is all about, or do you want to continue looking at my neck," Xander teased, surprised at how good it felt to tease the vampire, the rush he felt. Somewhat like sticking your head in an alligator’s mouth, you never knew when it might just decide you were dinner.

"I wasn't looking at your neck," Angel snapped, almost growling before he looked at the wicked grin on the boy's face, recalling a similar moment in their past.

Surprisingly enough, Xander found himself almost, he grimaced in disgust, admiring the way the Living Challenged guy dealt with all the different personalities in the hotel. He deserved a metal for just putting up with the slashing Cordy and Buffy. He grinned, the Slayer and the Slasher.

They reached the Post Office where Angel made the offering and they entered the domain of the Oracles. Xander saw a ghostly-white male and female dressed in….he peered closer….togas?!

And the next thing he knew, his mouth had opened, "Damn Deadboy! Are you sure they’re not dead?!" He clapped his hands over his mouth, totally aghast at his big mouth.

Angel took one look at the horror in Xander’s eyes and began to laugh. Each time he would look at him, he would break into fresh peals of laughter until finally, even Xander couldn't help but to chuckle at himself.

"If you could have just seen the look on your face," Angel said laughingly, gasping for unneeded breath.

"Almost as bad as yours, huh," Xander retorted, trying to salvage what little dignity he had left.

"Good," the female announced in pleased tones, "You two are finally beginning to get along."

"You will need each other’s strength in the days ahead, moreso for Angel than for you, Alexander LaValle Harris," the male stated coolly.

Angel and Xander exchanged puzzled looks before Angel tentatively asked why him and not Xander.

"Because of what he is. Alexander LaValle Harris is an anomaly in the universe. There are none nor will there ever be another like him. Long ago, the Light knew there would come a battle between itself and the Dark. Long before Slayers existed in the world, the Powers of Dark created demons, devils and other assorted creatures that feed off humankind and human misery. The Power of Light, seeing the humankind slaughtered, created the line of Slayers initially to protect humankind and then to curb the Chaos creatures," the female began.

"However," the male took up the recitation as they drew closer to Angel and Xander, circling them, "There is/was a third Power that existed before the Light, before the Dark and it was Neutral. This power is what ultimately created Alexander LaValle Harris. We are Oracles of the Light, we are bound by a geas to reveal the truth to you. Both the Light and Dark seeks to control you, to influence your decision," the male stated, stroking pale fingers down Xander’s back.

Xander shuddered at the touch and swiftly turned to face the male and feeling the female touching him, he sidled away and backed into Angel. These damn people were too touchy-feelly and were seriously giving him a bad case of the wiggin.

Angel grasped the boy firmly, he could feel the shudders rippling through Xander and for half a second his eyes became liquid gold as he stared at the Oracles.

~"Good, it has begone. Already the boy seeks the protection of the vampire and the vampire seeks to protect the boy, the male thought with satisfaction to the female~

~"But will it be enough," she questioned coolly, "Perhaps we should….," she was halted by the his fierce response~

~"NO! You know we must not interfere or the choice will be tainted. It must be by their OWN choice," he thought to her coldly.~

~"And if the boy does not choose? What will we do, we are still blind to him," she thought coolly, a little angered by his tone.~

~"True, but if he chooses the Light, we can still win the battle," the male stated grimly.~

~"But what use is winning the battle if we ultimately lose the war," she pointed out equally grim.~

~"As long as the boy lives, the War will continue and we will still have a chance," the male stated, moving back to the front of the temple.~

~So he must Choose the Light, exorcising all demons and assorted evils in the world," she said ,moving gracefully back to her place.~

~"Exactly," he said.~

Xander turned to Angel and looked uneasily at him, they could both sense/feel that a silent conversation was going on that clearly they weren’t invited.

"Xander," came a low husky voice as swirling mist parted, revealing a very familiar welcomed face.

"Faith," Xander gasped out, his face stunned before breaking out in the biggest grin Angel had every seen. He blinked at the joy that seem to light up the temple.

Xander charged to Faith to sweep her in his arms….and passed right through her.

"What the….," he turned angrily to the Oracles, "What kinda bullshit is this," he yelled at them.

"Forgive us," they bowed slightly, "But we cannot make allowances, not even for you. She is dead, however, she still serves the Light so she was offered another chance to Serve in the Light."

"Xan, it’s okay! I’m totally cool with this," Faith said urgently to her.....husband? Do the dead still remained married? Whatever he was, Xander would always remain in her heart as her husband, besides it wasn’t as if she was gonna get hooked up with someone else here, she thought dryly.

"Xander, they offered me a chance and I took it; it was a chance to at least see you, to see Willow, Oz and the kids. I know I fucked things up, messed up our lives, but this gives me a chance to set things right," Faith said quietly. "I have an opportunity to do some more good, to make up for what I tried to do. And…I…I just…," Faith stammered to a halt, blinking uncertainly at him.

"Love, I forgave you already, you know that," Xander whispered and caressed where her face would have been had she been solid, watching as she closed her eyes and leaned into his phantom caress as if she could still feel his touch.

"Alexander LaValle Harris, please attend us," the female said crisply.

Angel blinked, the Oracles were being polite?

Xander forced himself to turn his attention back to the Oracles.

"Okay, I’ll bite what do you want me to do," he said resignedly.

They merely looked amused, "Nothing," they chorused.

"What do you mean, ‘nothing’," Angel asked suspiciously, the Oracles were not behaving like they did with him. They were notorious for their arrogant, condescending behavior. What really got him though was that whole Holier-Than-Tho….well, okay give them that last one but not anything else. They didn’t have any right to act like they were so superio…okay they were but they didn’t have to ACT like they were. For such supposedly higher powers, they were downright nasty to deal with.

"’Nothing’ means nothing," the male smirked at him.

Faith interrupted angrily, before Xander could say something. She could tell he was getting ready to tell them off Oracles or not. She did a slight doubletake at a curious thing….Angel touched Xander on the back and with a quick look at him, Xander seemed to visibly calmed himself.

"Explain to them what you mean or they’ll have no problem walking out," she warned the Oracles.

The male and female exchanged glances, secretly delighted.

~"He already looks to the vampire," he thought to her~

"Agreed," they chorused.

"The problem, Alexander LaValle Harris, is as we said to you earlier,you are an anomaly. By which we mean we can see nothing of your future, only of your past.

Angel was astonished, "You can’t see his future? Then how can you point him, us in the right direction?"

"We cannot, vampire. When the Powers began to War, Neutral somehow foresaw the day when a decision would need to be made. As best as we can divine, Neutral made this decision long before there were Slayers, before demons existed and even before the division of Light and Dark. The concept, the idea of Alexander LaValle Harris predates almost everything in existence, including ourselves."

"Alexander LaValle Harris is truly The Chosen One. The Slayers were ultimately created to protect humanity, allowing him to be born."

"What!" Both Xander and Angel yelled in surprise.

"That is why first Buffy, then Kendra and finally Faith were drawn to the Hellmouth: to give you the chance to grow. However, equally the Dark were also drawn there as well, influencing your parents, attempting to twist you. The Slayers were there to provide a counterpoint, so to speak, to give you another viewpoint. Had they not been there, then it is possible that you would have ultimately Chosen the Dark without seeing what Light could offer."

Angel looked in surprise at the dark hair girl, she was a Slayer? And had been married to Xander?

"Holy shit!" Xander exclaimed, his eyes wide in amazement. He exchanged disbelieving looks with Angel, silently questioning it the other was hearing the same thing he was.

"But why doesn't everyone know about the third Power," Angel demanded.

"Because it was never necessary for Warriors of either side to know," the female stated calmly.

"But why," he demanded again. There had to be another reason.

The male sighed, "Vampire, we do not make the rules," he said patronizingly.

Xander caught his tone and saw Angel’s eye’s harden.

"There’s no call to talk to him like that," he heard himself say sharply, why in the hell am I sticking up for Deadboy, he thought confusedly feeling a warm sensation at the grateful yet surprised look Angel gave him.

"With this Chosen thingie," Xander said slowly, "Do I get some special powers or something? ‘Cause superstrength would be, like, totally cool," he was practically rubbing his hands with glee. SuperXander had a nice ring to it, he thought practically dancing with joy and it was with some disbelief that he heard them say ‘No’.

"No powers? How about even a little superhearing, cause I’m totally down with that," he said desperately. He would be willing to accept any kinda type of super power!

Faith smiled, "Xander you’ve never needed all that. You’ve done fine all these years without," she said gently.

"Yeah, but it would’ve been nice," he muttered.

The Oracles consulted silently with each other ~"Should we tell him", the male thought~

~"Not enough to influence his Choice, but enough to give him hope", she thought back~

"Once you are mated, you will have access to your powers," the male stated.

And at that Xander face fell with sadness, "Well I guess the fantasy was nice while it lasted. Since I don’t have any power and Faith’s dead," he said gesturing sadly to her.

Faith bit her lip, she understood what the Oracles were saying and she wished she was still able to cry.

Angel understood, Faith wasn’t Xander’s mate!

The male said quietly, "Alexander, Faith was not your true mate."

"But of course she was….I mean is, she is……I mean was my wife," Xander stammered out.

"True. She taught you how to love, to open yourself fully to the concept that you were capable of being loved and being in love with someone. She showed you how to accept love," said the female gently.

"But I don’t want to love anyone else," Xander insisted stubbornly. Faith was the one he loved and he was sticking with her! He glared at the Oracles, just let them try to make him fall in love with someone else. Ha! He’ll show them!

"But you’ll find someone else to love, Xander," Faith said quietly, "I know you, you have the biggest heart in the world and with so much love to give. Despite everything you never lost your ability to love. Xander, your ability to love, it didn't die with me, it still lives on in you. It always puzzled me why no one had ever snatched you up years ago, but it was their loss and my gain."

"But I want you," Xander said desperately, he didn’t want anyone else!

"And you had me," Faith said with a tender smile, "But love, I’m dead and you're still alive. You’ll find someone who will love you, who will guard your heart like the precious treasure it is. You’ll give that person a key to your heart, the heart that you hide behind thick walls, that only a few people possess. And you know that that person will never betray you and never hurt you," Faith ended quietly.

Xander remained stubbornly silent, there was no way he was gonna fall in love with some other woman and replace Faith in his heart.

Faith recognized the mulish expression on Xander’s face and hoped that he wouldn’t be foolish enough to deny himself a second chance at happiness.

The Oracles decided to intervened in a situation that was rapidly becoming maudlin, "By the way, Vampire, you will need to do something about your Slayer. Her obsession with you must be checked before her rashness causes far reaching consequences. Your Slayer is the last in existence, there will be no more after her death and she may will be needed," he said grimly.

"And you’ll need to cast a protective spell on your Seer," said the female added.

"Why," Angel asked suspiciously, he understood about Buffy but what was the problem with Doyle?

The male frowned slightly, "As the Dark increases in strength, our powers grow weaker. This allows the Dark to influence your Seer’s vision, such as the last one," he said.

Angel glanced horrified at Xander before they bolted for the door.

"Damn it!" Angel said angrily, racing down the street.

"That fucking vision was a setup to get everyone out of the hotel," Xander snarled angrily as he kept pace with Angel.

They ran down the streets, dodging demons and humans alike in their desperate need to get back to the hotel.


Back at the hotel, Buffy spent ten minutes making sure Angel had truly left. Determined to prove her worth to Angel, she gathered up all the major fighters and announced her intentions to lead an assult on the wanna be demon god Whatchamacallit.

Pacing back and forth, "Look guys, I know Angel wanted a scouting party done first but I don’t think we have time for that. This may be the best chance to hit the Dark Powers where they would hurt the most," she said eagerly, a broad smile on her face. This would show Angel just how much he needed her, especially when they come back victoriously, and her smile broaden into an infectious grin. Still hurting over her mother’s death and the unresolved conflict within herself, beating the living daylights out of something would be almost...a ……therapeutic exercise, she nodded to herself.

"Do we know where," one demon asked tentatively. He recognized that martial gleam in her eyes and he sure as hell didn’t want it directed at him, he shuddered. Between her laser stare and Cordy’s razor tongue, a demon didn’t stand a chance around here, he thought morosely.

"And who will stay behind, if we all go," asked a human fighter.

"Last question first," Buffy said cheerfully, "We haven’t had a real attack in almost two years, which by the way we kicked ass, thank you very much! I'll leave 20 of the newest recruits with about 4 veterans to guard the place, which I think will be about 20 too many," she laughed and they all joined in, remembering their last tangle. Boy, did they have fun that day, especially the demons outside the wards. They were going to finally get another chance to cut lose!

"And I’ll find out where the impending god raising will be, so start getting yourselves ready, cause when I get back, we are so outta here," Buffy said and darted off.

She found Doyle lying on the couch in Angel’s office with a cold cloth resting on his forehead.

"Hey Doyle," she said softly, "You okay?" For a brief moment she felt a twinge of conscience about what she was going to do. She comforted herself that they would all THANK her, thank them when they came back after killing the baddies. But what if you don’t kill them, a small voice whispered, that she resolutely ignored. They would win! she thought fiercely.

"Uh huh," Doyle muttered wincing, man was his head killing him. "Whaddaya want Buffy?"

"Uhm Doyle," Buffy whispered, she had caught his wince of pain, "Where were they performing the sacrifice, so I can send out the scouting party like Angel said," she lied.

Doyle sighed giving her the information to the warehouse.

Buffy chewed her lips thoughtfully. They could do this, she thought carefully. Angel was always gone for at least 5-6 hours whenever he talked to the Oracles. They should be back long before he got back. She couldn’t wait to see the look on his face, on their faces when she announced, oh so casually, that they had already taken care of the situation, no problem.

She got up and went to the door, glancing back at wan looking Doyle, again feeling the twinge of conscience. But this was for a good cause, she argued silently, they’ll thank me when this is all done. With that, she left the office and selecting the recruits to guard certain key points of the hotel, she left the hotel with her men.

Outside, safely hidden by magic 90 mercenary soldiers waited with strained patience for the last fighter to leave the hotel, smirks twisting their faces. The Hyperion would be theirs by nightfall! They had been promised a home, the Hyperion if they could hold it. But as a safety precaution, the leader, decided to wait at least an additional few more minutes before they stormed the hotel, killing everything in sight.

Speech from Henry V "Band of Brothers"



Chapter 4

Angel and Xander as if they were racing against time in their desperation to get back to the hotel. They were within a few minutes of the hotel when Xander screamed in pain, clutching at his chest. Angel, with a desperate look to the now visible hotel, turned back with reluctance to Xander.

"What’s wrong," he asked urgently, glancing back at the hotel. So close….they were so close!

"Magic," Xander gasped out, ripping off his necklace and holding it at arm’s length, Angel covered his eyes against the glow. "Wills gave this to me years ago: it warms up when I’m near magic and by the way this thing was burning the hell outta me, we must be near some powerful mojo," Xander explained.

"But what," Angel said, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Hold on a minute, willya, at least let me see what’s the what," Xander said, holding the necklace up and looking through the ring attached to it.

"It can show you magic?" Angel stepped behind Xander in order to see what was forming in the ring’s circle.

"Yeah, whatever’s out there, it’ll show me. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to work," Xander said distractedly, his eyes narrowing at the picture that was forming.

Both Angel and Xander caught their breath as the hidden mercenaries outside the hotel shimmered in a ghostly fashion.

"Oh shit!" Xander said explosively.

"Make it double," Angel said grimly, studying the situation. There was no way they could get to the hotel in time, especially not with the men in front like that. They would be cut down in seconds.

"Okay, don’t panic," Angel said, "Buffy’s there and the Hyperion has more than enough fighters to easily repel them." His eyes grew bleak, "Unless Buffy…." He broke off and was only prevented from racing to the hotel by Xander’s grip on his arm. As it was, he dragged Xander several feet before he realized the boy was hanging on his arm.

"Whoa, there Kimo Sabe," Xander exclaimed, "Slow your roll, man. I know a quick way to find out the 411 in the hotel. Let me call Wills; she can find out and get us in *without* them seeing us," Xander stated confidently.

"Oh, and how will she do that… magic?" Angel asked sarcastically and then groaned at the look Xander gave him. "Just pretend that I didn’t say that, okay," he said faintly.

"Riiiight," Xander nodded and closed his eyes, reached for Willow.

*Hey Wills,* he called silently.

**Yeah, Xander, what’s up?** Willow asked silently, straightening in her chair and causing Wesley to glance at her curiously.

*We’ve got some big nasties out here, give a look-see where the Buffster’s at*

Willow gestured to her water glass, transforming it into a scrying glass and a picture appeared of Buffy, with the Hyperion fighters, going somewhere. She said as much to Xander and heard his mental sigh.

Wesley raised his eyebrows at the small gesture of power, hmmm I wonder if perhaps we can develop her powers a bit further, I must remember to speak with both Angel and Mrs. Osborne about this, he thought to himself.

*Wills, we got trouble. Get our people prepared for an attack, and get me and Angel back to the hotel, pronto!*

**Grab Angel and get ready**

Xander grabbed Angel’s hand and felt a tingle at the contact. A few seconds later he saw the glow as he and Angel were deposited in the hotel lobby.

He frowned at his hand, shaking his hand still feeling the tingle. That’s weird, he thought to himself, usually the glow comes first then the tingling starts, hmmm, Wills’ magic must be a little off since she had the baby. He dismissed the matter as unimportant as the people gathered in the lobby.

Angel opened his mouth to speak and slowly closed it, listening to the rapid-fire orders Xander was snapping out, seeing how each person seem to come to attention.

"These are all humans, so that means the wards ain't gonna work on them," Xander outlined his plan grimly. "All demons, half-demons upstairs guarding the kids."

"Riley, I want you and your squad Eastside; Forrest, your people---South; Larry, you got West. Everybody else, with me," he ended, glancing around making sure there were no questions, "You know the routine, find…grab… hold the leader." There were grim smiles all around, "We need to ask him a few…..questions." Their laughter was chilly and wicked.

Angel marveled at the way everyone obeyed the boy instantly. There was no question just who was in command….Xander. His eyes strayed over the motley crew of former Sunnydalers; many of the people that followed Xander's orders were more than double his age! Yet these men and women not only listened and obeyed him, they also respected him.

"What about us," Cordy asked indignantly, "It's OUR hotel after all," and flinched at the cool look Xander gave her.

"Cordy, I have neither the time nor the patience to deal or play games with you. You want in, fine! But you stay the fuck out of my people's way. Do I make myself clear?" The frosty hardness in Xander’s eyes was echoed in turn by the rest of his people as they paused in checking their weapons.

"F..fi...fine," Cordy stammered out, her eyes wide.

"People, take your places," Xander ordered, calmly turning away from the shaken Cordy. Watching as his group settled into their positions, he asked, "Wills, can you do something to make it so they can't use their guns," his voice low and quiet.

Willow gave him a icy smile, "Already on it," she said, their eyes meeting in silent grim communication. He smiled, the great thing about Willow and Oz was that after all these years of fighting together, before he could even ask them to do things, they would already have started working on them.

Wesley's eyes narrowed in thought, perhaps with some judicious training, in time, I could help Willow become a full-fledged witch, taking a bit of strain off of my shoulders. With that he nodded, determined to talk to Angel about the matter. That is, if we live through this day, he thought dryly.

The doors burst open and the mercenaries poured in, confident of their victory .

Jonathan chanted spells immobilizing a soldier and allowing his squad to take the person down....

Harmony attacked with her katana, moving with deadly, effortless grace.....

Troy attacked with a quarterstaff: each blow slamming, brutal and hard against his opponents…..

Willow fought with two short swords with an almost inhuman grace.....

Oz in his dark glory, snarling, savagely ripped at tendons and unprotected throats....

Xander with a sword, eviscerated any that stood before him with icy, ruthless efficiency....

They knew that they had the element of surprise on their side and were determined to make the best of their window of opportunity by taking as many down as possible before the soldiers recovered.

All their years of demon fighting stood them in good stead as they took down soldier after soldier. This was about survival…this was about protecting home, family….this was something they had become very, very proficient at.

Angel, standing at the top of the stairs with the other demons, watched....seeing the fighting pattern emerge in the lobby. Xander's people fought in groups of threes, no more, no less. If one went down momentarily, there were always two more....one to protect, one to attack until the third was back on his or her feet again.

Cordy with her double bladed war axe and Wesley with his sword were also proving a very effective team, swiftly learning---adapting their moves to match up with any trio with a fallen member.

Their method of fighting was proving to be....highly effective against the invading soldiers, who were left scrambling to catch up in the surprise turnabout.

As for the invaders, it took them only a short time to realize their guns were totally useless against the defenders, but it was a costly realization: they had already lost too many people, and the element of surprise. With silent snarls of rage twisting their faces, they drew their knives and machetes and attacked viciously at the defenders.

Steadily losing confidence in their superiority, it no longer seemed that victory was within reach. They had already seen the real fighters leave, and they didn't know who the hell these people were, but the price for failure at Wolfram and Hart meant---they shuddered and fought on desperately, knowing that they were losing and badly at that.

When the frigid wind burst through the shattered door , they roused themselves to a little more effort, knowing that THEY were coming.

Amy and Tara, Wolfram and Hart’s pet witches, glided into the hotel with a distinctly proprietary air.

Amy gestured absently at an attacking man, throwing him against the wall with a sickening crunch.

Cordy and Wesley gasped and paled at the sight of the deadly duo. Goddamn it, she thought angrily, can't we ever get a break?

Angel sped down the stairs to face the two deadly witches.

Jonathan cast a spell at the witches, trying to stop them from coming further into the hotel, and for his efforts, he was thrown against the wall, slumping unconscious to the floor, shards of bone sticking grotesquely from his shattered leg.

Amy left Tara at the entrance, knowing her insane lover would be more apt to drift off into one of her mad conversations with herself than to stray, thereby keeping herself occupied. Her eyes widened in amazement as she saw who was now in L.A., and a cruel smirk lit her face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little Willow Rosenburg and the Zeppo, Xander Harris. Been doing much screaming for help lately?" She laughed cruelly at the set look on his face. "Looks like you picked up a couple of things Xander, other than getting knocked around, that is," she said with a malicious smile before turning her attention to Willow.

Behind her, the remaining guards gathered around the insane witch, knowing that Mistress Tara would literally skin them alive if anything happened to her lover.

Tara looked up, way up at the pretty shifting colors, giggling madly as she tried to touch them. She started jumping happily into the air, trying to touch the beautiful rainbow.

"They're so bright and pretty," she murmured, smiling at the terrified men. She giggled and began swaying, dancing with the shifting bands of light.

"So, Willow, still practicing your little witchcraft," Amy smiled heartlessly, "Shall I show you what a real witch can do?" She laughed harshly, her laughter cut off at the delighted squeal from her lover.

"Amy, look at the pretty colors!" Tara smiled at her.

Amy stomped back to her and grabbed her roughly by the arm, shaking her, "Goddamnit, you stupid idiot, can't you see that I'm busy?" She fumed, damn it, Tara was always doing crazyass shit like this, one of the main reasons why she never liked taking her anywhere! She could set the mood, going all dark and diabolical----enjoying the look terror in her victim's eyes…. and then crazy Tara would spoil everything by giggling. I mean, really, how can you be an evil powerful witch if you have someone giggling behind you---it just ruined the whole fucking scene!

She relented, seeing her lover's eyes fill with tears, "It’s okay sweetheart, now show Amy where are the pretty colors," she sighed, casting a freezing look over her shoulder. "I can always kill them later," she commented, relishing the fear she saw in Cordelia's eyes. She had hated the stuck up bitch in high school and now she finally had the power to make her pay! Her eyes narrowed into black, sadistic slits as she looked at Cordy, who raised her chin defiantly, though she was shaking with fear.

"She has the pretty colors," Tara said excitedly, pointing to the motionless Willow.

Amy glanced at Willow and sighed, seeing nothing, "Sweetie, she's not a witch or at the very least, a very small witch. She doesn't even have an aura," Amy said in disgust. There was nothing she hated more than some wannabe trying to pass herself off as a witch.

"No silly," Tara laughed, "You're looking the wrong way!"

"The wrong way....," Amy broke off as Tara nudged her chin up, tilting her head to the ceiling.....showing her the bright strong hues of a seasoned Witch!

Her eyes snapped down and she screamed, "Tara, get us out of here, NOW!" She saw the colors darkening, OH FUCK! she thought as Willow's eyes bled to black.

"But I wanna look at the pretty colors," Tara pouted, sighing. Even in her madness, she recognized the deadly fury that would soon engulf them, and with a last wistful look the pretty swirling colors, they disappeared in a flash of light, incinerating their surrounding guards.

"Oh shit," Cordy said in the horrified silence, "That was a close one. Whatever you did, Willow," she said with heartfelt relief as Willow turned to her, "Keep on doing….," She broke off when she saw Willow’s midnight eyes.

She watched, along with Wesley, in terrified silence as Willow’s eyes bled back to their normal green.

"Dear Lord," Wesley whispered, seeing for the first time the powerful aura surrounding the young woman. Apparently, Mrs. Osborne would NOT be needing instructions in magic from him, he thought dryly.

Xander cautiously approached the golden-eyed Angel, knowing how it must chafe Deadboy to allow someone else to fight his battles for him while he stood on the sidelines, unable to fight.

"Willow, contact the others, see how they are doing," he murmured to her.

"Uhm, what should we do with the bodies," he asked Angel quietly, since else everyone was seeing to the injured.

"Oh, now you’re asking me what to do," Angel growled, he hated this damn ward on the hotel. He hated that he couldn’t fight, and worst of all, he HATED that it was Xander that fought to protect the hotel and his people, not him!

He blinked as he met Xander’s understanding gaze.

"Your hotel, your city...I’d figured you would know the best places to dump the bodies," Xander said with a shrug and infectious grin, despite the lingering darkness in his eyes.

Angel smiled reluctantly, understanding what Xander was doing: obliquely saying that Angel was still in charge.

"Yes, there’s a place, but it is some distance away," he said with a glance of part disgust and part hunger at the bodies littering the lobby. He looked guiltily at Xander to see him watching him with a steady gaze before the boy turned and called Willow over.

"Wills, Deadboy here says there’s a place to get rid of all these bodies, can your people manage," he asked as Angel gave her the location.

"Hmm, I don’t see why not; it doesn’t sound too far," Willow said with a thoughtful look on her face. "I’ll get my people on it right now. By the way, Forrest’s group has the leader and a couple of others," she called over her shoulder as she sped away.

"Her people," Wesley said quietly, watching her. She was far more powerful than anything he had ever seen and then he saw something that was said to be impossible: her aura began contracting around her until it disappeared back into her body! The sheer amount of power the child possessed was staggering.

May God have mercy on anyone that ever threaten her or her family, he thought with a shiver of terror.

"Yeah, Wills’ got all the magic people and Oz has all the fighters," Xander explained, turning aside to speak quietly to one of the fighters.

"And you, what’s your role in this?" Doyle questioned, gesturing at the busy people cleaning up the spilled blood, watching as bodies disappeared in groups of twos and threes.

Angel glanced down at Doyle in surprise, "I would have thought you could see: Xander’s their leader."

"No, I’m not," Xander immediately protested.

"Yes, you are," Harmony said over her shoulder as she helped a white-faced Jonathan up the stairs.

"Of course you are," Riley said behind him.

Xander blinked, "I am? Then why do you guys always argue with me all the time," he said looking sulky.

"Because you give us the freedom to do so, letting us know that our opinions matter to you," Riley said easily, looking around to make sure that all threats to the hotel had been neutralized with hard, deadly eyes.

Cheryl trotted up, "But we never argue with any of your orders," she said earnestly, having heard the conversation.

Riley looked at the blushing Xander, "You’ve kept us alive for almost four years," he said with quiet intensity.

"But a lot of you died because of me," Xander said in a small voice.

By this time, more people had surrounded the small group.

"But the majority of us lived because of you," Graham said. He shook his head, "Xander, I don’t think you realize just how incredible odds are for you, for us, to lose only six people in four years! You’ve kept us alive right underneath the noses of the demon lords. That’s why we would follow you into Hell itself, because we know you’ll bring us all home, one way or the other." Graham finished his impassioned speech to a chorus of ‘You tell ‘em Graham, baby!, ‘Hell yeah!’ and other similar vocalizations of agreement.

Cordy, Doyle, Spike, and Wesley exchanged glances. These weren’t just fighters, they were an army.

Just then, Buffy arrived back at the hotel, pissed off!

After about waiting for 30 minutes with absolutely nothing happening---no
demons, no humans, no NOTHING. It had gradually dawned on her that maybe, if Doyle had been wrong---she had left the hotel unprotected!

Shouting orders, they made their way back to the hotel as fast as they could and seeing the shattered entrance, they burst into the lobby ready to fight. It was something of an anticlimax as puzzled faces, swiftly turning unfriendly, regarded them.

Her eyes narrowed to disagreeable slits of fury and she began stalking to the swiftly paling Doyle. He was the cause of her wasting time on a wild goose chase.

Angel glanced up quickly from his talk with Xander when Buffy burst into the lobby. His eyes and mouth tightened as fury ran through him and icy rage glittered in his eyes. He forcefully controlled his demon, smelling the fury coming off her as she stalked towards Doyle. He knew what her intentions were and swiftly moved to intercept her.

"It wasn’t his fault," he snarled, grabbing her arm and swinging her to face him.

"Not his fault?! Not his fault?!" she screamed, her voice growing progressively louder, expressing her disbelief. "He gave us a fake vision," she yelled, glaring venomously at the shaken Doyle, fiercely glad to see the damn bastard flinch and drop his eyes.

"The Dark Powers screwed with his visions," his voice was as icy as hers was hot, "but we have bigger issues right now," adding softly, seeing Xander’s people drag three bound men, kicking and yelling furious threats, into the lobby.

He let go of Buffy’s arm and gave her a frosty look. They would definitely be talking later, but now he needed to deal with finding out what they could from the mercenaries.

Stalking to the bound men, he listened to their lurid imprecations with an frigid, impassive face. Only the gradual paling of his eyes was an indication of his true state of mind.

"You will tell me what we want to know," he stated implacably when the men finally ran out of steam.

"Let me at them," Buffy said angrily. If she couldn’t get any satisfaction from Doyle, at least she could get a little payback for the time wasted chasing her tail. She started forward and was restrained by a steel corded arm barring her way. She looked down and slowly looked up into Angel’s gold eyes, shivering at the icy hot look ….and she knew that this time she might not be able to talk her way out of her mistake.

He had to understand that it wasn’t her fault that the hotel was attacked…it was Doyle’s for giving her the wrong information in a fake vision.

The mercenaries, seeing Angel wasn’t responding to their heckling decided to find another victim. They weren’t worried anyway: it wasn’t like Mr. Soulman would actually kill them! A couple of bruises, a broken arm or leg…that they could easily handle. Besides they got paid bonus money for shit like that!

The foulest mercenary cast his eye around the room trying to find a good victim. There was nothing he liked better than to see the helpless fury in their eyes whether he was the one tied up or he was doing the interrogating. Almost everyone was too scared of retaliation by Wolfram and Hart to do more to then than just hitting them a time or two.

Then he saw them, a tall kid and a couple of little kiddies holding on to his legs…and he knew he had found his perfect victims. A cruel smirk twisted his face.

"Oooh, look at what we got over there, boys," he said loudly making sure the boy heard him. His smile widening as the boy’s head jerked up.

"Fresh meat," he chuckled nastily and the other two men’s wicked laughter
egging him on, as they saw the fury flash in the boy’s face.

"Ummm umpf, those some pretty fine looking kids you got there, wouldn’t mind a taste of those tight little asses" He lewdly licked his lips. He wanted a broken bone or two to take back to W & H for some bonus money. He licked his lips slowly, eyeing the trembling little boy.

Xander gently detached the children from his legs, kneeling down and whispering softly in their ears.

"Shut your foul mouth," Angel snarled, his demon erupting full force at the terror in the children’s eyes and he viciously backhanded the man.

However, it only spurred the man to chuckle nastily, licking the blood from his lips before he caught his breath, "Talk, shut up, make up your fucking mind," he snickered, laughing at the rage on the vampire’s face.

He chuckled nastily when the boy touched the vampire, stilling the rage glittering in his eyes. Ooooh, so that’s the way Mr. Soulman goes, I always wondered about that. His eyes flickered to the fuming Slayer and he decided to stir things up a bit more.

"I bet blondie, here, don’t know you got a thing for the brunette now, does she," he snickered to the vampire. Flicking his eyes between Angel and Xander, he made sure everyone knew what he was insinuating, laughing with poisonous delight at the uncertain look that flashed across the girl’s face when she glanced at the vampire.

"What girlie, you didn’t know your Angel was fucking the boy?" He shook his head in mock sorrow, tsk-tsking at her ignorance.

Xander had had enough and from what the PTB’s said, things were extremely bad and getting worse. Besides, his eyes were like obsidian....no one threatened his children.

He stepped forward, feeling Willow coming up behind him.

"You see, we do things a little differently in Sunnydale or as we survivors affectionately call it, Sunnyhell," Xander said quietly as he prowled around the blustering mercenary.

"Oh yeah," the man sneered, "Well you ain't nothin' but a little punk assed bitch. You ain't got the balls to do nothing to me," he snorted. "Look at you, you think you're so fuckin' tough with your fuckin' sword and shit. Yeah, I bet if I had my hands free you'd be bending over and spreading your pretty little ass for me and calling me Master. Which one of the fuckin' demons you puttin' out for, huh boy?" He smirked, relishing the pale face of the boy. He laughed at the flash of fear he thought he saw in the boy's eyes.

Xander turned slightly to look at Wills, "The baby's safe in her crib," he affirmed. Receiving her slight nod, he said, "Joce, Mikey, go up to Angel's room, lock the door, and grab a pillow. Get in his closet and put the pillow around your head."

The children chorused, "Yes Daddy" and ran off.

"Oh, so those are your kids, mmm. Sure would like to get my hands on that little boy of yours," the man chortled nastily. "I bet he screams real nice," he leered.

The other two mercs, taking a different tack from their comrade's needling added
their voices, demanding to be let go, yelling that 'Wolfram and Hart would make them pay if they weren't let go immediately'.

Angel said coldly, "You tell us what you came here for and I'll think about letting you go."

The first man began laughing maliciously at him, "Oh yeah, like YOU are going to do somethin', you fuckin' bastard. Oops, you’re the bastard that ain't supposed to get none, ain't cha." He and the others chortled maliciously.

"As Xander said, we do things a little differently in Sunnyhell," Oz said growled softly, shifting back into his human form, taking the shirt Xander gave him. He nodded to Willow, who muttered "Solvo" and the shackles fell off two of the men.

The former Sunnydalers simply watched having seen this before while some of the people stirred angrily, crying out in rage at the mercenaries’ freedom. They surged forward but found that they were restrained by an invisible wall. The freed mercs didn't notice, both smirking in vicious triumph.

"Yeah, I thought so you, little fuckers...you ain't got the balls to do shit," the man sneered. Smirking callously at Xander, he saw the boy's eyes glitter. For the first time, he felt a shiver of fear ghost up his spine, and he involuntarily took a step back before recovering his nerve and starting his filthy, lewd talk.

Xander abruptly whirled around in a tight circle and the man's foul ranting was suddenly cut off. A smirk was still on the man's face as Xander stepped back.

"Troy," the other freed man called uneasily to his comrade, fear skittering through him at the eerie stillness.

Slowly the man's head toppled off in the frozen silence.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" The freed man jumped back, screaming as the head rolled to a stop at his feet, the frozen smirk still intact.

"Like I said, we do things a little differently in Sunnyhell," Xander said quietly to the still bound man. "You WILL tell Angel what he wants to know or.....Wills," he nodded his head at the freed man starting to make a dash to the exit.

"Immolare," Willow murmured, her eyes seeping to blackness.

Flames engulfed the running man, his piercing screams rang through the hotel and suddenly the smell of burning meat filling the air.

The humans drew back in fear, even behind the invisible wall, their eyes wide.

"You will tell Angel what he wants to know," Oz stated quietly, a low growl of menace in his voice as he stared at the bound man with wolf eyes, circling around him.

"And if I do, you'll let me go, right," the man shakily, his face pale, terrified of these kids....kids nothing, they were fuckin' monsters.

"No. You simply have a choice of dying fast or dying slow," Willow said, arching a brow and gesturing to the now silently twitching figure still burning.

Everyone's eyes turned to look at what was once a man.

Willow took her place on the other side of Xander, her eyes still black.

The man swallowed convulsively, looking into their faces, seeing…

…the inhuman blackness in the redhead's eyes….

…the hungry look in the wolf eyes of the small man….

….and then at the boy, no the man, staring at him----he read death in their faces.

Silently, he cursed Wolfram and Hart and looking at Angel, he talked.

Flinching, he talked faster each time Willow, Oz or Xander looked at him or brushed up against him. Willow's eyes turning back to their natural color which really didn't make the merc feel any safer.

The room was silent except for his talking as they recorded everything he said. Many of them had to leave the room, sicken by his revelations of W & H’s foul actions. Until finally, just Cordy, Spike, Buffy, Doyle and Angel remained plus the Sunnydalers.

Finally the man finished, panting for breath. He had spilled everything he knew, guessed, or even supposed about W & H and their present and future plans.

Buffy stirred, shocked and horrified by the man, but trying to reassert power over her one-time friends. "Okay, you can let him go now," she said authoritatively. They simply looked at her imperturbably and she flushed in anger at their silent defiance.

"I said, RELEASE HIM," she roared out enraged, unaware that Angel stood behind her regarding her with distant, thoughtful eyes. She stalked forwards, rage flaring in her eyes, "NOW," she hissed.

She smiled in satisfaction as the shackles fell off the man, "I'm the Slayer, and we don't kill humans around here," she said arrogantly, turning away from them, assured of her control----of her superiority as she put them back in their places.

The last mercenary breathed a sigh of relief when the shackles fell from him.

"Speak for yourself, Slutty," Spike sneered. He was amazed at the ruthlessness of the three and his demon *really* liked the little witch. He looked at her speculatively, glancing quickly at Oz as he heard a low growl coming from the boy. Realization crashed through him as he saw the wolf swimming deep in the boy's eyes.

Xander, Oz and Willow watched as Buffy dismissed them. They glanced at Cordy, watching them with a frown of disbelief in her eyes. Then as one they turned and walked away from the freed man, who tentatively stepped forward towards the door---towards freedom.

"Wills….," Oz nodded towards the man, and Willow's turned around, her eyes again turning black. A fireball appearing in her hand….

...and all the man had time was for a brief scream of "NO!" before his body was incinerated leaving a fine dusting of ash on the floor.

Buffy whirled around at the brief scream, just in time to see the man immolated in the fire. Her eyes and mouth were agape before narrowing and tightening in fury.

Angel tried to stop her by grabbing her arm, but she quickly dodged him, her face set in rage. She was going to teach them a lesson starting with Xander! She stormed towards them.

They waited patiently for the angry Slayer, "Didn't I tell you that we don't kill humans?" She screamed, infuriated at the detached looks on their faces.

Xander stepped forward, "You may not, but we sure as hell don't have a problem
with killing humans or demons," his eyes drifted to Spike and Angel. "We don't have a problem with killing anything that threatens our safety, our family or our friends." Xander said coolly, for the first time openly challenging her. "You may have forgotten your duty, trying to get back into Deadboy's bed, but we…." CRACK! His head jerked at the hard slap Buffy laid across his face with a freezing look of contempt on her face.

"Don't you EVER speak to me like that you miserable, useless piece of shit. You apparently have forgotten that I am the Chosen One, I am the Slayer." She ignored Cordy and Spike whispers "I am the Slut', 'I am the big bag of Wind.' She would deal with them later. "You are nothing, a Zeppo. Why, if it hadn't been for me, your ass would have been dead a long time…." CRACK! Her head jerked to the side at the hard blow across her face. Xander stood there with an equally icy look on his countenance.

"Uh oh," Doyle said, "He's really pissed her off!"

Buffy aimed a vicious blow at Xander’s torso that he sidestepped. Her eyes narrowed in rage as he continually sidestepped her increasingly brutal blows. She had him backed against the wall when she aimed a blow to his head that he ducked, and her eyes clouded with rage. The others hadn't figured out just how vicious her blows had become until they saw the wall shatter under her fist, realizing in that instant just how easily it could have been Xander's head.

Angel leaped forward with an angry cry but was blown off his feet by Willow’s blast at Buffy.

Buffy had time for a brief, angry shout before hitting the wall with a solid thud. She staggered to her feet, sneering at Willow, "Oh, is that the best you can do?"

Willow smiled eerily, "Oh no, that's not even close to my best. Do you really want to see me....at my best?" Slowly her eyes began turning black and her fiery red hair darkened to a midnight black as a frigid wind began swirling around the lobby, chilling their souls.

Xander and Oz exchanged wary looks, hoping and praying that Willow calmed down. In her current state, there was no telling the damage she could do to them and everyone else in the hotel.

"Oh shit," Xander muttered as he saw the black veins creeping up her face.

Oz backed up a couple of steps and did a partial shift to his were form.

"Willow, calm down….Now," Xander said quietly, his eyes worried. It would kill him to kill Willow, but he would do it. They had made this pact, this vow, to one another, and so far it had only been him and Oz that had needed to be stopped: once when Oz had fully wolfed out and once when he had become possessed by a killer demon. They had both come within a hair’s breadth of death before they had recovered.

The Hyperion was too damn important to lose in Willow's destructive rage. Now that she wasn't pregnant, there wasn't anything to restrain her except for him and Oz. He hoped that they would be enough; he didn't want to lose his Wills.

Xander's gun was his hand as the others looked on in horrified shock. The building began shaking, dust and stone began raining down on them. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the center point of her forehead.

"Xander, Oz, are you both insane?" Cordy screamed, trying to maintain her footing, stumbling into Angel.

He swiftly caught her, holding her steady. "They are really going to kill her," he realized in shock, watching the tense confrontation, hearing Oz's growls increase in volume.

"Willow, think of your daughter, think of the children… Do you really want to leave your daughter motherless, Oz a widower? Remember the plans you made for her: watching her grow up, teaching her all the things you wished your mother had taught you," Xander shouted over the howling wind.

"Don't make me do this, Wills, don't make me do this!" He was begging, screaming above the wind.

The wind increased as the building shook harder...

Then wind abruptly stopped and the midnight black faded from Willow's hair, as she came partially back from that edge of unreason, but her eyes were still black.

Buffy shook in relief. She knew, looking into Willow's arctic, deadly eyes, just how close she had come to dying. She whirled around, flushing at Spike's mocking laughter.

"So Slayer, looks like you got some competition from your little ex-Slayerette in having some balls, eh," he sneered, smelling the fear reeking from her.

"Ha! Xander wouldn't have pulled the trigger," she scoffed, "It was all just an act. I can believe that Wills here got the witchy mojo working but Xander…." she snickered.

Xander looked at her with an unreadable expression, turning his attention to Cordy as she spoke.

"Xander, you wouldn't have really killed Willow, would you?" Cordy asked uncertainly.

For an answer, Xander released the hammer of his gun.

"We not the same little Slayerettes we once were," Willow said quietly. "We're learned the price for NOT doing whatever was necessary to protect our family, to protect our friends. We learned from Buffy's mistake." Her eyes began turning green again as she spoke.

She exchange a look with the two men, "When it is all said and done, we can only rely on our family and friends to ensure that we don't cause any harm----to stop us any way they can."

Silently, the Sunnydale trio mounted the stairs, leaving a heavy silence in their wake. "Oh and Buffy," Buffy looked up as Willow turned around, "Don't EVER call me Wills again. You no longer have that right," she said harshly, then turned and continued up the stairs after the men.

"He wouldn't have shot her," Buffy muttered, angry as she felt the unfriendly look from Angel.

Angel looked at the disappearing trio. While he was a little unfamiliar with Oz, he had been around the boy and girl long enough to notice their extreme change.

"Buffy, he was serious---THEY were serious about killing each other. There was no doubt, no hesitation, I could smell the grief coming from him. Xander would have killed her and I suspect that both Willow and Oz would be willing to do the same for him," Angel said softly.

Buffy looked shaken, remembering the one time that Xander had threatened her,
then she shook her head as her stubborn nature kicked in, she had to be right, "Well, I disagree! I've known them longer than you have. There's no way that Xander would have killed Wills; they've been friends like...forever, there's no way he would have done it," she confidently.

The others looked at Angel, who had a thoughtful look in his eyes. He looked at Buffy as if seeing her for the first time, " Well, I hope you're right, because I think that if you ever threaten any of those three again, one of them will kill you."

Buffy smirked, "They can try! Better demons than those three have taken me on and lost. I don't think THEY would be a big problem for me," she snickered, glaring up the stair after Willow, Xander and Oz.

Cordy, after a thoughtful look, left to talk to the disappearing trio. She had been avoiding them lately because of her guilt for leaving them, for believing Buffy's lies about them being dead. It was time to put the past behind them and start over again.

"Buffy, in my office," Angel said through clenched teeth, a muscle jumping in his jaw, abruptly remembering what had started this whole debacle.

Buffy barely spared him a glance, still glaring after the vanishing trio. "In a minute," she said still fuming, ‘how dare those little.…’

Her thought was interrupted by Angel's furious roar......

"Buffy, my office…NOW!" Everyone jumped in shock at that loud roar, their faces paling in fear.

Buffy spun around with the rest, her mouth dropping in shock as, at last, she recognized the fury in his gold eyes.

Her eyes flickered nervously around the lobby, seeing everyone watching her with varying degrees of smirks on their faces. Angry color flooded her cheeks as she stomped into Angel’s office. ‘How dare he try to humiliate her like that. Just who in the hell did he think he was anyway?!’ She glared at him with her arms crossed, a tirade forming on her lips….

He slammed the office door shut with a resounding noise.

"Just shut the fuck up and sit your ass down," he hissed.

Buffy gasped in shock, "Who the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that?!"

"I think I’m the fucking owner of this hotel, and I THINK I’m your fucking boss," he retorted frostily, sitting at his desk. He eyed the furious Slayer standing defiantly on the other side of the desk.

"I said sit down," he growled softly, his eyes glittered with chilly menace. This had gone on far too long and he had had enough, enough of Buffy, enough of her attitude, enough of her willful behavior!

She stiffened haughtily, "I prefer to stand, thank you," she said snippily, trying to hide her sudden fear.

"Either you sit your ass down or I will put you down," was the frozen reply.

Buffy swallow convulsively, transfixed by the hooded, gold eyes…..and sat down.

"Good, I’m glad to see that we’re finally understanding each other," Angel said softly. "Now I want you to tell me what the hell happened." He leaned back in his chair, his face a frozen mask.

"I believe when I left that your orders were simply to scout the perimeter, not take all the goddamn fighters with you, leaving the hotel unprotected," he stated quietly, his eyes unreadable.

Buffy said angrily, "It sounds like you’re trying to blame me for all of this! Doyle is the one that had the fake vision, not me. I was doing my friggin’ job, yet now I’m the bad guy, huh?"

Angel gave her a flat stare, "I gave you a fuckin’ order, an order that you willfully disobeyed. A scouting party usually consist of maybe 5 people, not the whole bloody hotel, not unless you haven’t mastered the art of counting," he yelled furiously, his calm shattered by her trying to deny her culpability.

Buffy jumped up enraged, "I saw a fuckin’ chance, and I took it," she pounded her clenched fists on his desk, "I’m the friggin’ Slayer and it’s my fuckin’ job! If Doyle’s vision had been true, then we wouldn’t even be having this conversation," she snarled angrily.

Angel went still, his eyes hooded, "So what you’re saying is that you are in no way to blame for any of this?"

Buffy glared angrily and remained defiantly silent.

"When will learn to accept responsibility for your actions, Buffy?" He questioned with a weary sigh, leaning back in his chair.

Buffy refused to answer, instead gazing at the opposite wall, her jaw set stubbornly.

"If you cut yourself, whose fault would that be, hmm? If you stubbed your toe, who would you blame? If you fell down the stairs…..," he paused, "Don’t answer that, I’m sure it would be Spike or Cordy," and despite the seriousness of the mood, Buffy’s lips twitched.

Angel looked at her, unnerving in his deadly stillness, "Your actions were those of a foolish child; you were rash, irresponsible and heedless of the danger you put yourself and everyone else in."

"Buffy, I hope you listen to me very, very carefully," Angel paused, making sure he had her full attention before continuing coldly, "If you ever pull another dumbass stunt or disobey my orders again, you will find out just how much Angelus and I have in common. Do I make myself clear," his eyes were merciless, holding her eyes ruthlessly.

Buffy nodded silently. She knew this time he was deadly serious, having been carefully behind him the last time he had lost his temper with someone.

He paused, "This will not happen again." His voice was icy as he spoke.

Buffy cleared her throat nervously, "Wh..wha..what will you do the next time, not that I’ll do something so stupid, of course," she said hastily, seeing his eyes flash. Her face slowly whitening as she read the answer in his golden eyes.

"Get out," he said quietly.

Buffy slunk out the door, flushing in shame as she met the avid gazes of the people in the lobby. She darted up the stairs trying to suppress her sobs,
‘maybe if that man gave her the spell to make his soul permanent maybe he’ll
love her or at least forgive her.’

After Buffy had left Angel’s office, Xander came back downstairs and stood nervously in front of the door, silently debating whether he should knock or not. Maybe he should just go away and leave well enough alone….

"Come in Xander," came a muffled voice.

Xander’s eyes widen in amazement before he sighed and stepped into the office with a slight smile, "Vampiric hearing, huh?".

"That and smell," Angel agreed, letting a small smile cross his face, before leaning back in his chair. His eyes narrowed, studying the fidgeting young man.

"Something I can help you with," he asked after several minutes of watching Xander shift nervously from foot to foot.

Xander started, before ruefully chuckling, "That obvious," he questioned with a raised brow.

"Yep," Angel watched him with curious eyes, "Look if it’s about….your wife being a Slayer, then I promise I won’t say a word." He saw the startled look the boy gave him, if that’s not what he wants then what…..

"You can tell anybody you want to. I don't care, I’ve always loved her and was proud of her, " he said huskily.

Angel looked away from the naked emotions in the boy's eyes feeling....something
that caused him to shift uncomfortably in his chair.

"I just would prefer no one knows about the other stuff," Xander said waving a hand vaguely in the air.

"The other," Angel was confused, then he remembered, "Oh! Well, if that’s what you want, then I'll keep silent. I do think you should talk to Wesley about this, though. He may know things that I don't," he said tentatively watching as Xander seemed to hesitate before firmly shaking his head.

"Uhm, I’m gonna have to say ‘No’ to that and keep this between the two of us for now," Xander said.

Angel raised a brow, "You’re trusting me with this knowledge about you," he said in disbelief .

"I guess I must be," Xander said in soft astonishment, "I think I need to sit down," he said faintly, laughter in his eyes.

"You're sitting down already, idiot," Angel said dryly, a smile in his eyes.

They sat in silence savoring the moment

"Does this feel weird to you," Xander asked looking around.

"Hell yeah," Angel said feelingly.

They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"I never thought I would live to see the day where I would be laughing with you and feeling good about it! You think we could ever be friends," Xander asked, gasping as their laughter died down.

"Why not, I’m practically your son-in-law," Angel smirked and they started laughing again.

"Nah, she said she just wants to play with you," Xander gasped out, doubleover with fresh giggles, laughing even harder at Angel’s shout of laughter.

"Like a big Angel doll, huh," Angel gasped out, holding his sides, " ‘Look Daddy, I can move his arms and legs’," he snickered out, trying to mimic Joce’s voice.

"But don't touch the hair," Xander shrieked, falling out of his chair and rolling on the floor imagining Angel with pink hair.

"Purple," he gasped out sending Angel into fresh howls of laughter, imagining himself with purple spiky hair.

Outside Wesley and the rest exchanged looks.

"Hey, at least they’re not killing each other," Riley shrugged.

A/N (~ ~) indicates internal communication (# # ) indicates different language

Chapter 5

Over the next several weeks, the Sunnydalers slowly merged with the Hyperion group. There remained a distance, however, between Buffy and the former ex-Sunnydalers that would often erupt into many tense confrontations between those loyal to Buffy and those more accepting of the new Hyperion members.

With Buffy agitating an already stressful situation, Angel knew he had to make a painful decision with regards to Buffy. Watching her degenerate into someone he didn’t even know was painful to him, no matter what the Oracles said, he couldn’t stand to see her hurting without trying to help. But on the other hand, she was spiraling out of control and her decisions were becoming increasingly costly to herself, and to anyone that she took out on the field and trained.

Watching how well Xander’s people operated and fought, Angel reluctantly made the decision to replace her. The meeting was brief and achingly painful for both of them. He never wanted to go through something like that again, he thought, resting in his chair, his head pounding. For her sake he hoped that she was able to resolve the conflict in her soul, because he sure as hell couldn’t.

After his meeting with Buffy, he thought long and hard over who he could find that could possibly take over her position. He had initially thought of Xander and questioned the boy discretely on the subject of taking over or at least taking a more active role.

"No offense, Dead…I mean Angel," Xander said with a smile, "But right now, I can’t see myself taking on more responsibility. I’ve already got enough on my plate right now with the kids and all."

He looked thoughtful for a moment, "If your looking for someone, I think either Graham or Forrest would jump at the offer, Riley would be better at the job but he won’t do it though."

Angel tried to picture the three solemn face young men, "You think Graham or Forrest would be interested," he mused.

"Well, while I can’t guarantee it, I’m relatively sure that Forrest at least would probably flash his teeth in a bit of a smile," Xander said with a snicker. Forrest’s deadpan expression was a running joke back in Sunnydale, often being referred to as Tuvok or simply 'The Vulcan'.

Angel looked at Xander, "But you think Riley would be better though, but not interested? Why?"

Xander looked torn, before saying, "Look it’s kinda personal, so if you are serious about the offer, you'll have to ask him and if he wants to tell you, it's his choice."

Angel looked at him, admiring the honesty and loyalty Xander displayed, realizing that what Xander's people gave to him, he gave back to them with his loyalty, faith and trust. Wondering why was it so important to him that he gain Xander's faith as well as his trust..

"Fair enough," he said quietly, watching the relieved smile spread on Xander's face, a smile that did strange things to him inside.

Angel went in search of Riley and found the ex-soldier in the kitchen washing dishes. Quietly he asked to speak with the soldier privately, sighing, well aware of the interested looks on everyone's face and that within one hour the news would be all over the hotel.

Entering his office, Riley held up a hand halting Angel from speaking. His hands clasped behind him in what Angel belatedly recognized as a parade rest stance, his eyes forward.

"Before you begin, I would like to go on record in saying that I have no interest in the job," Riley said calmly, lowering his eyes to meet Angel's unflinchingly.

Angel looked rueful, "Rumor mills been at it again, huh?"

Riley smiled slightly, "That and the fact that Xan was seen in your office right after you *asked* Buffy to step down," Riley said frankly, his eyes twinkling, remembering the blank look on the Slayer's face.

Angel toyed with a pencil and said quietly, "Xander said that you would probably refuse and that it was something personal. He also said that if I really wanted to know, I would need to ask you." He raised his head, eyes intent on the blond soldier.

Riley's face seemed to freeze, becoming distant and remote before he sat. "What has Xander or anyone told you about Sunnydale," he finally said, looking down at his clenched hands.

"That things were, are bad then," Angel said mildly, his eyes watchful.

Riley gave a short bark of cold laughter that made Angel shiver. He met Riley's eyes and almost drew back in alarm at the hellish look lurking deep within the tormented gaze before Riley blinked and the look was gone.

"Bad?! Bad is like comparing a candle to a roaring fire, both produce light and heat, but the intensity...," he shook his head before continuing.

"In Sunnydale, I was part of a grand covert operation called the Initiative sponsored by the good ole U.S. Government. Our job was to capture hostiles, contain them, study them and most of the time, kill them. These hostiles were demons and other non-humanoid creatures," Riley looked Angel in the eyes, knowing what the reaction would be.

"You what?!" Angel was aware that his gameface was on but he didn't give a tinker's damn! This...this mortal just said his job was to capture and kill demons...he was a fuckin' demon. He growled low in his throat watching the man, trying to tamp down his rage.

"Continue," he ordered harshly, curiously enough he didn't smell fear on the man.

Riley looked at him unafraid, he had faced death too many times for a mere vampire to terrorize him, "There were over 300 men and women within the Initiative. This included doctors and other non-military personnel. I had over 50 people within my unit, that I was responsible for. I believed strongly in what I was doing. Demons were the bad guys, we were the good ones, right? My belief was justified when the demons invaded the Initiative and freed all of the captive demons. I was arrogantly secure in my belief that *We* were far superior to the demons, afterall weren't we the good guys and they were just soulless evil creatures, how could we possibly loss; sure of my belief I led my unit to their deaths. The demons slaughtered just about everyone in the compound. Out of over 300 people, only five of us escaped. It took the demons 30 minutes to destroy what it took 15 years to build."

"We made it to the surface, helping our wounded. We barely made it to an abandoned house before we collapsed from our injuries. One of my men died during the night, they told me later. But I had been injured badly and was suffering from a high fever, we all were. Lying there, helpless to defend ourselves, we were fresh meat for the taking," Riley smiled bitterly.

"And a family living in the house saw us and took care of us throughout the next several days. Cleaning our wounds, bathing us, forcing water and food down our throats, they kept us alive. All I was aware of was warm gentle hands, holding me, stroking my head when the nightmares got too bad, singing softly to me. And slowly we recoved and guess who had been taking care of us...a family of demons!" Riley paused looking away before meeting Angel's eyes squarely.

"Here I was in the business of capturing, extracting information, and killing demons and they...they knew who we were, what we were but they still helped us, protected us," Riley said hoarsely, still meeting Angel's now unreadable expression.

"But Jefferson, he didn't see things that way. He only saw Black and White. For him, there was no Gray. We heard some screaming one day and ran into a room to see Jefferson trying to kill the old female. When I pulled him off of her, he protested that she was evil and needed to die. Since we didn't have any place to contain them any longer, he decided to simply kill her and then move on to the rest of the family."

"I tried to reason with him, Graham and Forrest did too but I could see by the look in his eyes that as soon as over backs were turned he would try again." Riley paused again, his eyes never straying from Angel's.

"So I killed him," he said baldly watching the slight look of shock flicker across the vampire's face.

"Those creatures, those people had risked themselves for us and this is how we tried to repay them, to show them that not all humans were murdering beasts?! I had changed within the week I lay recovering as did Graham and Forrest but Jefferson, he had held on to his beliefs. And I killed him for something that I had once believed in just as strongly as he. He was a member of my unit, my best friend...I had even dated his sister! I should have seen that he hadn't changed like us, I should have....," Riley took a deep shuddering breath, lifting his hands helplessly, " And I used these hands to snap his neck."

"And I swore that I would never lead more than five men at a time or 30 in case of an emergency. You see, I don't quite...trust myself anymore, despite Xander's faith in me," he smiled a little ruefully, shaking his head, "If I listened to him, I could probably fly."

Angel sat in silence, what these people went through constantly staggered him. He met Riley's unflinchingly eyes, "For what it's worth, I agree with Xander, you would make a fine leader," he told the man quietly.

Riley inclined his head, "And for what it's worth, I thank you," he said evenly, "But it doesn't mean a damn thing if I don't have the confidence in myself."

Angel looked at him and knew the man was right. In order to inspire confidence in your men, you needed to have confidence in yourself.

On a separate front, Cordy slowly began reconnecting with her former friends. Working hard to reestablish the bonds that she had once shared with Xander, with Willow and Oz. And especially with Harmony, who was proving to be the most difficult to get close to again.

No longer were she and Harmony the vapid bitches from high school. They had really lost sight of each other when she had joined up with the Scoobies, choosing instead to actually make a difference in the world around her rather just make a difference in the fashionable elite in high school.

But Harm had also changed in way that she almost didn’t want to know. Sometimes, she would get a glimpse of a hellish look in Harm’s eyes that would scared the piss out of her.

But she kept on trying with everyone. Never giving up, no matter how many times they rejected her. They were never obvious about their rejection but she got the message and saw the barely concealed scorn. The distance in their attitude was because they felt she could not possibly relate to the kind of life they led in Sunnydale.

She knew she had finally succeed the day when Willow asked her to watch Benny for an hour.

And trusting Willow’s judgment, the former Sunnydalers finally, grudgingly accepted Cordy into their midst.

Finally conceding defeat in trying to get Xander and his people thrown out of the hotel, Buffy snuck out of the Hyperion early to met up with Gavin to get the permanent soul anchoring spell for Angel. Wearing a long jacket with the hood over her head, she walked trying not to attract undue attention to Gavin’s shop which like many in L.A. stayed open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week catering also to their demon clientele.

Quietly she entered the shop, pretending to examine several items until she saw Gavin was free.

"Psst, Gavin!" she whispered stepping up to the counter, "Gavin, it's me Buffy, remember," she said quieted, her eyes darting around the shop before looking up inot Gavin’s asiatic face.

"Buffy Summers," he whispered also learning towards her, "What are you doing here? Something I can help you with? And why are we whispering?"

And in her state of excitement, dread and worry, she didn’t notice the cold mockery in his eyes or the slight hardness around his mouth.

"Uhm, you remember that you said you knew someone that could help me with making a soul permanent," she asked hesitantly, feeling reassured at the slight smile on Gavin’s face. She lowered her hood, the better to talk to him.

"Oh, oh yes," Gavin nodded, "Let me tell them that I’m taking a breakfast and I can take you to him," he made this last part a question. His orders were to let her come to him and not to push for fear of spooking the Slayer. She was crucial to their plans of getting into the Hyperion.

"Yo…you can do it now?" Buffy’s face was alight with happiness. Who knows, maybe by the time Angel wakes up, she’ll be back presenting his permanent soul solution. And if she got real lucky, maybe things would get back to normal before THEY arrived.

"Why yes, of course I can. You do remember how much this cost don’t you," he warned, hesitating.

"Yes," Buffy beamed at him, "I’ve been saving up for months now to afford this," she ended happily.

Gavin lifted a brow, "Very well let me get my jacket and we’ll be on our way."

He retreated into a darken hallway and Buffy could faintly hear voices before Gavin came back out with another man who gave her a brief dismissive look that made her blink.

Rude much? What the hell was his problem, she wondered absently as Gavin escorted her out the door.

They walked in silence for a few minutes before Gavin directed their steps down a slightly darken alley, she could see the busy traffic at the other end. But for the first time, she stared feeling a little uneasy with what she was doing. Alone and without telling anyone where she had gone.

Swallowing heavily, she asked nervously, "Are you sure this is the right way?" She glanced anxiously around, stepping over moldering heaps of refuse, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the smell. Jumping every time she heard something rustling behind her only to see a rat darting into the shadows. Gradually becoming less spooked by the vermin hiding in the shadows.

Gavin looked down at her in feign surprise, "Of course," he said easily. Pointing to a shop at the other end, "See that place? The one with the green and gold sign…that’s his shop."

She peered forward, stepping carefully over a discarded black cable her eyes intent on the direction he was pointing, jumping as she felt something bite her neck. Smacking at her neck with a surprise Ow! she pulled her hand away expecting to see a squashed bug, shivering at the spot of blood on her palm…her eyes went blank and she stood frozen. In her mind she was continuing to talk calmly with Gavin as they made it through the alley and into shop.

Gavin looked at the blank face of the Slayer, frowning he waved a hand in her face. Taking a deep breath, he slapped her hard across her face exhaling in relief when she didn’t rip his head off.

He looked up as a moldering heap began moving and shifting before a demon stood erect, a disagreeable expression on his face. The crazy things he did for Wolfram and Hart, was the irritable thought. He would be everlastingly thankful when his contract finally ran out.

"It looks as if she’s out of it," Gavin said calmly enough despite his racing heart.

"Of course she’s out, you stupid human," the demon snapped, "I am, afterall the best in the business."

He was tempted to snatch this human also, you never knew when you would have extras over for dinner one night, his tongue flickered out. His people much preferred eating their prey live. But unfortunately their rather small teeth meant that it would often take days or weeks to consume their prey. And all that screaming and yelling from dinner would frequently get on their nerves, making digesting dinner difficult to say the least. After thousands of years, his people had evolved to a point where they produced a toxin, putting their dinners into a highly susceptible state, a happy place while they were being eaten alive.

Gavin shuddered as he saw T'kla's deadly tongue, swallowing hard at the sight. It was hollowed and pointed at the tip housing the small store of mind bending hallucinogen, remembering just how the Danzor demons consumed their prey.

It was a win-win situation, dinner stayed happy and contented, and they got to eat without all that annoying screaming.

Everyone was a little relieved that Buffy hadn’t been around for the last couple of days; a little nervous, of course, wondering what she was going to do when she got back. But this time, they all knew that she may be permanently out of the hotel, because Angel was roaring mad at her; and no one wanted to be in Bufry’s shoes when she finally returned.

Buffy would be lucky if the only thing Angel did was kill her.

Three days later, Xander, Willow and Oz decided to take Cordy out for her 21st birthday to escape the tension they could sense building in the hotel. Being around an extremely pissed off Master Vampire made for a very jumpy bunch of people. And, nobody wanted to be around Angel when he finally blew.

Angel even had Spike sneaking around the hotel trying to avoid Angel. The only person that he didn’t dare snarl at was Joce, so everyone quickly tried to make sure that Joce was around them at all times. Xander had to finally step in quickly when he noticed the bribery that was beginning to happen and that Spike coaching her on what to demand.

After a very enjoyable dinner, they walked back to the hotel. They had plenty of time to get back before it got dark and needless to say they were all armed, no human went out these days without some serious form of protection. Axe, sword and knives discretely concealed in their clothing.

"You guys seem to be settling in okay," Cordy remarked with a slow smile.

Oz merely smiled in acknowledgment as he glanced around, always on the alert.

"Yeah, it seems to be a bit calmer and easier to get along without Buffy around," Willow remarked with little change in her voice.

"Yeah," Cordy nodded, "I know what you mean. Sometimes she can come across as an UberBitch."

Xander bumped her shoulder gently with his, "Trying to take your title, huh?" he teased, smirking under the immediate protest from Cordy.

"Yeah, like that'll happen!" She thought about that for a minute, then, "Xander Harris! I am not a bitch," she exclaimed, then looked loftily around, "I’m just misunderstood."

Her smile grew under their laughing ‘Nooooo!’

Her smile grew sly as she remarked, "I see that you seem to be getting along much better with Angel," she snickered at the uncomfortable look that crossed Xander’s face.

Xander hesitated before saying, "Well, I hafta admit that maybe, just maybe," he stressed, "That I was wrong about him. He’s trying to do good, just like everybody else. No matter what the Dark Powers throw at him."

There was a tinge of reluctant admiration and something else in his voice that caused Willow to look at him sharply before she looked away.

They walked quietly for a few minutes before Xander broke the silence.

"So Cordy, how does it feel to be legal," Xander teased.

"Ya know, I thought I would feel…something but the only thing different I can feel is how short my hair is," Cordy grumbled. "I still can’t believe I let you talk me into short hair," she glared at Willow who walked along unperturbed.

"Long hair is dangerous in a fight. An enemy can easily grab it and control you with it," Willow said placidly. Full belly and good friends made for a calm Willow, she said out loud, and grandly she ignored their laughter.

"Your hairs still long," Cordy grumbled as she pointed that out.

They passed by an old abandoned building, surrounded by a rusted gate.

Oz began growling.

Willow and Xander instantly snapped into defensive mode, looking around with wary eyes. They couldn't see the enemy but they trusted Oz’s ability to sense danger.

Before Xander could open his mouth, a powdery dust fell around Willow.

The effect on her was immediate.

Her scream of pain, of agony shattered the silence as she dropped writhing to the ground.

Within a few short seconds, they were under attack.

Oz, Xander and Cordy centered around the downed Willow, trying to protect her as they fought off the attack.

Oz shifted into his wolf form, snarling savagely as he fought , protecting his mate.

Xander was equally fierce as he defended his friends.

One attacker managed to slip past them, snagging the Willow’s writhing form and threw her body on a rusted iron spike.

Her scream of agony froze them all, attackers and defenders alike. An icy chill seem to surround the embattled trio and all three snarled as they attacked, almost with little regard to themselves. And her attacker paid with his life as Cordy cut his head off.

Oz battled on, ripping brutally at demonic flesh. Deep within the wolf’s mind, Oz knew that he would not survive this fight, he had already taken too many wounds and had lost too much blood, but he was determined to go down fighting.

With a howl, he managed to clear a path to Willow, swiftly followed by Cordy and Xander.

Back at the hotel Doyle screamed, falling to the floor in agony. This vision was almost blinding in it's intensity.

"Danger!" he said through gritted teeth, "Help them!" His body writhed on the floor, moaning in agony.

"Who," Wesley shouted, trying to hold on to the man's writhing body.

"Cordy, Xander and Willow...attacked....hurry...," Doyled gasped, blood trickling down his nose, "Carter Street...hurry damn you....HURRY!" he screamed, clutching at his head.

Angel was already heading out the door with a dozen warriors trailing behind him, running for Carter Street.

As they raced closer, a howl of fury shook the air.




Xander and Cordy fought a losing battle against the demons before they were finally overwhelmed by the sheer brute strength of the demons.

#"Which one we take,"# asked one looking from Xander to Cordy.

$"Witch say long, dark hair,"# another said puzzled.

#"All short hair,"# grunted a third.

Their ears twisted, catching the sound of running feet, scenting the air they growled: Vampire rage coming!

*"Take! Take!" * grunted the fourth, pacing nervously back and forth.

They grabbed Xander and ran off with him, leaving behind a critically wounded Cordy, Willow and Oz for Angel to find.

"Oh fuck," whispered one of the men coming into view.

Harsh silence spread as they took in the grisly scene.

Cordy bleeding from a multitude of wounds, Willow impaled on a iron fence and Oz...

...impaled on a spear embedded in the wall, his body constantly shifting, flowing from half human to wolf, whining as he feebly tried to get free. At the sight of Angel, a low mournful howl came from his muzzle and he met Angel's eyes, begging pleading, but snapping in animalistic reaction as Angel came closer, pulling him free.

Slow, harsh pants escaped him as Angel moved him closer to Willow and with a low whine and a weak lick at her face, he died.

Angel stood up slowly, "Take him, Cordy and Willow back to the hotel, the rest of you with me. Xander's still missing," he said harshly, his eyes a solid gold.

"Dear God," Wesley breathed as they brought Willow and Cordy in. He almost lost his dinner at the sight of the gaping bloody hole in Willow's abdomen. He was uneasily aware of Xander’s people ghosting into the lobby as finally Oz’s body was brought in by the grim looking men.

Spike took in the grim scene, snatching back a screaming Mikey and Joce as they tried to run to Willow. His face was set in stone, only a muscle jumping in his jaw revealing his true emotions as the children pressed closer to him.

"Where’s Angel," Wesley shakily asked, hardly daring to ask the question that was being silently screamed behind him. He could feel the deadly silence forming behind him, like the hushed stillness before a tornado.

The men returning with the injured women and the dead Oz could also feel the cold silence spreading throughout the hotel as they said quietly, "Looking for Xander."

And the silence behind Wesley grew harder, colder, spiraling inward to the core. He had an awful feeling that when it erupted the damage was going to be devasting. Two people slipped quietly past him to gently cradle Willow and Oz and ascend upstairs while another glided past Wesley and carefully picked up Cordy’s unconscious body.

"Wait! Where are you taking her," Wesley called out in panic, whirling around. And almost wished he hadn’t as he met the implacable remoteness in their eyes.

"Our Lady will wish to speak with her when she recovers," Harmony said mildly, no emotion existed in her eyes as she turned away, pacing beside Larry who carried Willow’s limp body as another carried Cordy’s unconscious form.

Spike picked the shivering children up in his arms and went upstairs also but to his room, trying to do his best to distract them as they sat quivering on his bed.

He blinked as Joce looked up at him with fear on her face, "Something bad comin'."

Mikey nodded his head solemnly, "Yeah, big bad comin'," he stuck his thumb in his mouth and this time Joce didn't try to pull it away.

Spike tried to laugh their words off, "Oi, I'm the Big Bad! 'N, I'm already 'ere."

Joce looked at him with dark eyes, trembling, "It's badder 'n you. Can't you feel it?"

As Spike met their eyes, he shivered. Yeah, he could feel it too.

Wesley had, unfortunately, gotten a good look at the jagged hole in Willow’s body and the fact that she had obviously lost a great deal of blood , he shook his head sadly. They needed to face the hard truth that she was dying.

"Mrs. Osbourne has taken a grievous wound that is typically fatal, I’m afraid," Wesley spoke quietly with regret. "I fear that with the loss of blood, it does not brood well for her."

"Our Lady will live," Andrew said quietly, looking up the stairs where Larry and the others had disappeared, and when he turned to face Wesley his eyes were a solid black.

"And the ones that took Xan will die," he said this simply with little emotion.

Riley glided down the stairs to face Forrest, both with frozen unreadable expressions on their faces, before Forrest inclined his head and stepped back.

Riley turned around, "I want five magic users warding the hotel, two more to attend our Lady; Tek, Maddog, Tyrone, Ace and Charlie I want you to go with one of Angel’s men back to help search for Xan."

One of the demons who was unfortunately, not known for his intelligence sneered, "Hey, we don’t take orders from you."

Andrew blinked and the demon screamed as he was slammed brutally against the wall, his limbs restrained by invisible bonds. Then one arm was freed as Wesley and Angel’s men watched mutely as it was broken with a sickening crack.

"Will there be any other comments," Riley asked in the frozen silence, looking around, "Magic users, I want you on defensive…fighters, I want on offensive. If an enemy gets in, you damn well had better make sure that your ass is dead because if not," his smile was ruthless and freezing cold, "Well, let’s just say the Lady has been teaching me a few things."

He looked around, "People you have your orders, now move."

And not once, Wesley realized, did Riley raise his voice. As he glanced around at the way the former Sunnydalers moved, it wasn’t necessary. They each knew what they had to do and moved with single grim purpose.

He watched closely and began noticing something strange, while it didn’t appear as if they were ‘scurrying’ he had a horrible feeling that something had them all terrified.

Wesley stepped hastily away from a swiftly moving figure, trying to get to Riley. Riley had a map of the city spread over a table, speaking briefly to the men gathered around the table. Studying the map as someone indicated a point on the map, either nodding or shaking his head.

"Riley, may I have a word with you," Wesley said after a moment of silently trying to gain the man's attention.

Riley glanced up, "Wesley, whatever you have to say, spit it out," he said impatiently. "We’ve got too much to do right now," he turned his head, "Hey Mark, Linda, don’t forget to tell your people that every container needs be filled with clean drinking water."

They silently acknowledged the order and darted up the stairs.

Wesley hesitated briefly, "You sound as if you’re preparing for a seige," he remarked quietly.

"A seige? No. But if Xan is not back by the time our Lady is recovered then this city’s going to fall on some serious hard times until she finds him," Riley said with a look of cold amusement in his eyes and a couple of the ex-Sunnydalers echoed his icy amusement.

Wesley was startled, "What do you mean by that? No one has that kind of power," he frowned.

"That may be true, but combined with the rest of her group of magic users, Willow can draw enough power to level downtown L.A.," Riley said flatly. "And if that happens, then we need to be prepared for every contingency." Riley looked back down at the map, his attention flickering to where Xander had been taken.

Wesley couldn’t leave well enough alone, "I thought you had refused to command," he said quietly watching Riley intently. His heart jumped in his throat as Riley paused and slowly raised his head, he began to tremble at the arctic chill that the man was throwing off.

"As I told Angel, only in an emergency will I take command and you can’t get more urgent than now. Willow, without Xander or Oz to balance her is like a primal force of nature. She will destroy everything in her path looking for Xander."

….Xander slowly came to without moving, keeping his body loose and relaxed faking unconsciousness, despite the pain screaming through his head and body. It would have been much kinder to have killed him, he thought ruefully, maybe that’s why they took him alive.

"It’s the wrong fuckin’ person you morons," he heard someone screaming. Then she began to rant on the doubtful ancestry of who ever she was screaming at. Xander listened at first, hoping to get a clue as to who and where he was, then he began to listen in sincere admiration as the woman continued to curse for a full ten minutes without repeating herself. He made notes of a few choice phrases for future reference to use on Spike, just in case he got out of here alive.

"He’s awake," he heard someone announce coolly and for half a second he wondered who they were talking about. Idiot! he mentally gave himself a smack and silently sneered at the tattletaler.

He heard someone stomping closer, then his head was jerked to the side and he opened his eyes to see Amy gazing down at him.

"But on the other hand," she purred, her eyes lighting up with malice, "We may still have a little fun with him if nothing else."

Xander rolled his eyes, "Oh, for God’s sake, can’t you do better than that cheesy line?" he snapped. "You’re supposed to be evil, act like it!"

Amy drew back with a hiss, anger coloring her cheeks. "I am evil," she yelled furiously pacing away, "I’m the most eviliest creature you’ve ever seen." Her eyes turned pitch black in her rage expecting to see fear in his eyes, taken aback by his look of boredom.

Xander yawned, "Been there, seen that and I got the T-shirt," he said calmly.

Amy’s eyes narrowed in icy fury, and she gestured. The chains holding Xander arms and legs began to tighten, stretching his body painfully.

"Reminds me," he gasped, "Of the some of….the…. bedroom," he groaned his neck arching, "Games my wife…..and I used ….to play," he gasped. "Didn’t figure….you for a….. Peeping Tom, Amy."

Despite his pain, he managed a smirk at the look of rage on her face as he forcefully ignored the pain blooming in his wrists and ankles. Thankfully the chains stopped. Then lightening writhed around his body and he twisted, jerking convulsively in pain, as scream was ripped from his throat.

The hulking demons guarding the door exchanged pleased grimaces, this was more like it! They loved working with Mistress Amy, she managed to pull the most delightful screams from the humans.

They eyed the Slayer standing behind the Danzor demon and licked their lips, she was going to be next.

"Ha! You still have a long way to go," he gasped out, even managing a small laugh.

He saw a flash of movement and turned his head, gazing at three of the most incredibly beautiful creatures he had ever seen watching him with cool curiosity before his body was wracked with pain again.

He was shifted in his chains, his body spread in a human X and his torture began. She tortured him for hours as he kept gasping out snide comments about her lack of evil, calling her names like Mini-Evil, lil’l Evil Babe, The Tiny Tot of Evil and so on, dribbling blood from her continuous blasts at him, as long as he kept her off-balance she didn’t have enough control to really kill him…Willow had taught him well. He knew that Willow would find him very soon.

A hoarse scream ripped from his throat and he writhed in the chains as icy fire crackled over his body.

And he continued to taunt her, stroking her rage ever higher at her failure to break him.

Breathing raggedly, she stared with incredulous eyes as Xander wearily raised his head, his face, one eye bloodshot, the other swollen shut. She could practically hear the guards behind her, laughing at her, sneering at her.

"Tha’…bes’….’u….guh," he slurred from bloody lips, a twisted smirk on his bruised and swollen face despite hanging limply from the chains.

"Enough," Xander heard one of the demons say to Amy, "You cannot break him."

He heard Amy snarl, "I can and I will break him!"

"No, you will not, all you will succeed in doing will be to kill him," he heard someone else say as he tried to lift his head and passed out from the pain.

"You cannot break him using magic,"stated one demon coolly, calmly watching Amy’s face. "I suspect that he has been extensively train in that regard."

Amy’s eyes glittered with hate, "I will break him, he will be crawling on his knees before me," she hissed at them, spittle flying from her lips.

"You will think of a way to break him," she ordered them harshly, forgetting in her rage exactly what she was dealing with.

Coldly, all three demons turned to her, regarding her with deadly, imperious eyes and she quailed before them.

"C'mon guys," she said, backing away even though they made no move towards her, other than simply look at her.

"Ya know I was just kidding, right?" she smiled nervously then straightened herself determinedly remembering that Holland Manners himself had given her their bonds. They had to do whatever she told them to do, she eyed them uneasily, at least she hoped that was how it worked. Mr. Manners wasn’t quite clear on that part.

She abruptly brightened, maybe he was testing her…to see just how committed she was. Her eyes hardened and her mouth twisted nastily, well she had thought of the best way to break him.

"Rape him," she told the three demons coldly.

F’lon raised a brow, "Your pardon," he said silkily, his eyes narrowing into cold slits, "What did you just tell us to do?"

"I said RAPE him!" Amy shouted, trying to impress her will on them.

Xander groggily came to at her scream, blearily blinking at the double images.

"No," F’lon replied icily, regarding her with disgust.

Amy flushed, "I hold your bonds," she hissed, her eyes glowing with fury, "You *will* do what I say!"

Jennes stepped up to F’lon’s side, "We refuse," he said mildly, his eyes contemptuous as he gazed down at her.

Xander silently cheered, go Dudes go! Whatever it was that they were refusing to do was pissing Amy off big time….and in his view that was a good thing.

"We will not rape the boy," Lourdey stated quietly and Amy shivered under his cold hooded gaze.

‘Boy’? Xander wondered horrified, Amy wanted them to rape a kid?! Mikey’s terrified face flashed in his mind…My God, what a freakin’ sicko she is. That’s it dudes, you stand up to that bitch, kick her ass he silently urged them on.

Amy mouth tightened then relaxed in a half-smile, so they wanted to play who’s the toughest, eh? She backed away from them, there was a flicker and in her hands she held their bonds.

The three demons immediately tensed, their eyes focused on the bonds in her hands.

"Now, let me see," she said with mock thought, "Prince F’lon you apparently have about 3 days left on your bond, Judicator Lourdey you have 15 days left to serve while Prince Jennes has a mere 10 days left. Which one of you want to be the first Slowned in 14,000 years to break their oath bonds, to be named the first oath breaker in over 14,000 years…hmmm will it be you, Prince F’lon next in line for your father’s throne or how about you Prince Jennes, or could it possibly be Judicator Lourdey the next in line to the Judicator Seat?"

Their eyes flickered, turning to solid blue as their forms shifted, revealing the demon beneath their humanlike guise. She caught her breath, even after all this time she still was stunned at their aching beauty and she still wanted them. She would have gladly tossed Tara to the side for one night with any one of them except for the fact that she knew she would never leave the bed alive.

Her smile widened in malicious amusement, "Well, what’s it gonna be, boys?"

Xander had listened in mute horror, damn that bitch! He seethed with helpless fury wishing that he was free so he could give her a right hard punch, find the kid and get the hell out of here.

He peered blearily, what the hell was Buffy doing here and being all friendly with that demon? That Goddamn bitch set him up! He wanted to howl his rage and he strained against his chains, struggling to get free. Paying little attention to the demons reluctant agreement.

Meanwhile, Buffy stood talking to the little old shopkeeper, he was so incredibly nice and courteous, gently touching her to show her some of the items on display. She tried to hide her impatience from the old dude he just seemed so pathetically eager somehow for company. No matter what little whore Willow and dumbass Xander thought she wasn’t NOT a bitch, she sneered to herself. Besides the day she couldn’t take down some little old man, she smirked, was the day she hung up her Slayer belt.

Willow, Xander and Oz thought she didn’t know what they were all doing in the bedroom together for hours. She snorted, well I guess Willow finally got what she's been wanting for so long, two men lusting after her. The little whore must have some skills to keep both men tied to her side, Buffy smirked.

She cocked her head to the side, there it was again! What the hell was that noise, she wondered.

She interrupted the old man, "I'm sorry, but what's that noise that I keep hearing, it sounds like somebody screaming?!" She jerked around at the sound blinking as the shop walls shimmered, hesitantly she took a step and she gasped, drew back slightly, staring in open mouth amazement at the five huge demons that suddenly appeared and my God! was that Xander in chains? She started at a slight pinprick of pain at her neck

She swayed and roughly shook her head, "I'm sorry, I forgot what was I saying," she turned politely back to the little shopkeeper, blinking as his eyes seem to flash red. Must be his glasses, she thought uneasily, looking away and pretending an interest in the store shelves, feeling suddenly uneasy.

"You were talking about my bird screaming," T'kla said cordially, inwardly cursing. He needed more time to get the location of the warding spell on the hotel, the girl was proving to be surprisingly resistant to his probing questions. By all rights she should be eagerly blabbing everything she knew or suspected about the ward's origins.

The Oracles watched the torturous scene in their scrying pool.

~"Is there nothing we can do to help Alexander LaVelle Harris," the female said quietly.~

~"Perhaps," the male said softly, his eyes intent on Buffy. "She managed to shake off the drug far more quickly than they anticipated and is resistant to revealing the warding spell. We cannot interfere directly, but maybe we can...," he gestured and an image of a silver sword shimmered in the water before it wavered and disappeared, now appearing mounted on the wall behind Buffy.~

~"Will that work," the female said doubtfully, watching as Buffy continued chatting happily with the demon.~

~"I do not know, we have done all we can...now we must wait for events to play out," the male spoke gravely as he continue to gaze into the pool.~

#"I have an idea," Lourdey said in their own language, gazing at the smirking Amy.#

#"Well, hurry up, we don't have much time," Taryn said harshly, as he paced back and forth.#

#"What do you think of this idea," Lourdey said and rapidly explained his idea to the others and, a slow smile spreading on all three faces as they turned to the suddenly uneasy Amy.

"What did you just say," she said distrustfully, her eyes glinting suspiciously. All four ignored the rattling of the chains as Xander struggled fruitlessly.

"Nothing that concerns you," Taryn said with icy coldness. "We agree to rape him, however we will do it *our* way without your interference, is that clear?!"

His eyes dared her to argue and she knew that bond or no he would more than likely cut her down.

"Fine! But as long as you rape him, I won't interfere," she said with a nervous look at them, her chin lifting in bravado courage, "But you better rape him but good! I want to hear screams and begging from him by the time you're through, you got that?"

"You plan to watch," Jennes lifted a silvery blond brow in contemptuous amusement at her, knowing why she planned to stay.

"Then you will stand over there," Lourdey pointed to a spot 10 feet away.

Amy flushed at the look in all three of their eyes, gritting her teeth in fury...Damn them anyhow. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she thought then her hand darted into her pocket and withdrew a handful of silvery powder that she threw over them. She didn't give a damn if this broke the treaty, she wanted Xander laying before her bleeding, and begging her to stop them. She would figure out an explanation later.

Screaming hoarsely as their senses went wild, they fell to the floor, distantly aware that that Amy had stepped closer to them.

Snarling savagely Taryn tried to grab her, his hands lengthening into razor claws.

"You...broke... treaty," he hissed through clenched teeth, "You....will....Die!"

Amy chuckled nastily, "Oh no, pretty boy. Dumkin root is not magic it's a natural ingredient. Isn't it funny how when it's in its powdered form it does miraculous things to Jaztar demons. Why," her eyes rounded in mock surprise, "It makes them so much easier to get along with doncha' think? Docile one might even say. They follow orders quickly and without a lot of wasted arguing. And as for breaking the treaty well here's a thought for you...'Oh, my goodness poor Prince Taryn, Prince Jennes and Judicator Lourdey died in an explosion that took out my lab', tsk, tsk, tsk," she shook her head in mock sorrow.

"Do you think me that stupid that I wouldn't think you would try to wiggle out of my order," she demanded harshly, "You will rape him. NOW!" Her voice rose to a scream of fury on that last order.

Taryn exchanged glances with the others as they heard the chains clinking behind them and the chained human slowly lowered to the floor. Jerkily, they turned and staggered towards him, desperately fighting against their bodies.

Xander collapsed to the floor, his hours of imprisonment and torture leaving him weak. But still he struggled to free himself, to find the child and get them hopefully to safety. 'Cause nobody was getting raped, not on his watch!

He didn't notice the three demons lurching towards him until he felt a touch on his back and he jerked away, looking up at them in sudden fear....realizing exactly who was going get raped. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry in despair...here he was trying to prevent the rape of a child and it was him that was going to be raped.

He shook slightly as the three demons dropped heavily to their knees, surrounding him. Terror flashed through him before he rigidly controlled himself.

"We can not resist her commands," Taryn muttered through clenched teeth, his hand rising jerkily and awkwardly touching Xander's face. "We would kill you if we could to spare you, but alas we can not even kill ourselves." He moaned his distress against Xander's sweat soaked chest.

"Yes," Lourdey quietly hissed, his eyes lit with an incandescent fury as he nuzzled into the sweaty neck, licking at a slight bruise on the human's neck. "Send your mind to that other place, where there is no pain."

"Hurry!" Jennes said through gritted teeth as the urge to flip the young human over and rape him surged through his body, feeling the shudders wracking the tortured frame.

Xander's mind was in a whirl, "Go somewhere in my mind," he whispered back harshly, then his eyes widened feeling the lessening of pain in his body. His eyes flashed to the demon in front of him, licking at his chest, watching as his wounds healed under the demon's tongue.

"We saw how you accepted her pain before, *you* were not in your body feeling the pain. You must go there, NOW!" Taryn laved softly at the youngling's earlobe before biting, ripping at the fleshy morsel feeling hot blood fill his mouth as he injected a numbing agent into the young human.

Xander arched his body with a low moan at the pain in his ear, his eyes leaping up to be held by Jennes torturous gaze, reading the pain, the shame in the demon's eyes before he nodded and let himself go.

//Xander rushed through room after room, throwing up thick heavy walls behind him as he finally reached Soldier and Hyena. And together they frantically began constructing the thickest walls they could manage. First Hyena's wall of vicious teeth, next Soldier put his military knowledge to use in forming a deep, wide ditch. Then it was Xander's turn as he reached into his memory, creating a wall of thorns, with each thorn 10 inches long.//

//They retreated three times, building their walls thicker, more massive with each retreat. They could sense the Red Beast howling just outside the thick walls, hammering to get in, he shared a grim look with Soldier as Hyena stood on his other side.//

//They stood, three grim warriors, shoulder to shoulder, or in the case of Hyena, shoulder to knee, ready to defend the Core from the Red Beast raging outside.//

As they felt the limpness of the body in their arms, the three demons quickly flipped him over. Feeling the involuntary jerking movements of the body beneath them as they each in turn thrust harshly into an even more bloodier body. Hoarse, low cries were continuously jerked out of the young human.

//Xander listened with a cold remote look in his eyes as he heard the first outer walls breeched. The pain in the Red Beast's screams as it felt the bite of Hyena's wall brought a flicker of a smile to his and Soldier's face and a rippling sound of mockery from Hyena.//

Amy looked on in furious disbelief. She was extremely tempted to storm over there and pull them apart and just kill Xander herself, but one cold look from Taryn halted her as he slid into Xander's writhing body.

Taryn glanced at Jennes and Lourdey as he took his turn in the human's body, the witch must die! She dared to violate them this way, his eyes burned with rage, death would be far to good for her.

//They heard the thump as the Red Beast fell into Soldier's ditch, he and Soldier gave each other high fives as Hyena danced around them, yelping excitedly. If they could just hold on for a little longer they would win.//

"This wasn't part of the deal," she shouted as finally Jennes gracefully eased into Xander's bucking body, his way made smoother for the blood and semen that lined the insides of the boy's abused rectum. He moved quickly within, his body stiffening slightly as he forced the release of his seed within three strokes into the human. His head bowed in shame, just touching the human's chest before he backed away.

And gracefully, the three demons bent and licked the young human clean of their seed, healing the torn, raw flesh. Listening to the ragged breathing from the youngling as he came back and struggled for control. Taryn shifted and blocked Amy's view of Xander as he watched the young human's body shake with silent sobs.

All three were fascinated by the liquid drops falling from Xander's face and they bent their heads licking up the moisture from his face. Feeling the loosening effects of the drug the witch forced on them, they shouted in rage as lightening raced along Xander's body, forcing them away.

Xander eyes were wide and disbelieving as he met the suddenly cold, ruthless eyes of the demons before he screamed. His body arching and writhing with pain under the vicious bolt Amy sent crackling over his body.

Amy gritted her teeth, "I distinctly said that I wanted him screaming and begging!"

"And I distinctly remember loud cries coming from him," Jennes hissed out, his face tight with rage.

"Oh yeah, there was plenty of screaming," Xander hoarsely said, his mind clearing of the numbing drug Taryn pumped into him.

Taryn, seeing the instinctive flinching of the human, looked up into Xander's now wary eyes and backed away, standing up and facing Amy again.

"I want him raped," Amy hissed her eyes darkening with almost insane fury. "I want him screaming NO, I want him bleeding from his ass, I want him in fuckin' PAIN!" she screamed.

Taryn looked at her in disgust, "He was bleeding and screaming," he said frostily, standing erect with imperious dignity.

"But you healed him," she shouted angrily before looking around and a slow horrible grin twitched at her lips as she looked at the hulking demons guarding the entrance.

Taryn, Lourdey and Jennes exchanged quietly dismayed looks, they had to get the youngling away! They knew exactly what Amy planned to do, and they struggled harder to free themselves from the drug in their bodies. Dropping quickly to their knees and licking at the sweat on Xander's body, hissing for him run deep into himself.

Amy glanced down and yelled, "Get away from him! You three get over to that wall and stay there!" She watched in twisted satisfaction as they were forced to comply with her order.

She licked her lips at the sight of their beauty but she wasn't so far gone in lust as to fool herself of what would happen to her once the drug wore off and she was still in the same room with them. Regretfully she tore her eyes from them back to the hulking demons.

"You, you and you," Amy shouted pointing at three of the biggest demons, "Get over here!" Quickly they complied, fearing her wrath.

"You see that human in chains," she said through clenched teeth, pointing at Xander who was looking at her with hostile eyes, she smiled nastily as she said, "I want him hurt, I want to see him bleed...rape him!"

Chapter 6

Xander's eyes widened in sudden horror at the sight of the monstrous figures, especially as they dropped their pants.

//This time he dove deep inside himself, yelling for the other two to hurry. Hyena easily out racing them as they threw up a wall as fast as they could.//

Amy, taking extra precautions, gestured. Three heavy objects sailed through the air and struck Taryn, Lourdey and Jennes each in the head, staggering them as the hulking guards pounced on the furiously struggling Xander who began screaming as his arm was wrenched brutally behind his back.

//"Go on, I'll hold the rear," Soldier shouted to them, whirling around to face the Red Beast as it broke through the wall, charging across the field at them. He raised his gun and he began firing off shot after shot, cold rage filling him.//

//"No!" Xander screamed, tugging on Soldier's arm, "Together! We have to stick together! We are in this together," he pleaded.

//Soldier turned to look at the young man he had been part of for so long, "You are the one that we protect, that we teach, that we guard. As long as you live, we will always live," his hard face softened momentarily as he looked at Xander before recovering, "Hyena, get him out of here!" And he deliberately turned away from the boy's despairing screams of rage as Hyena bore him away.//

With a scream of fear and pain, Xander arched away from the huge finger that was brutally rammed into his body, feeling something tear and suddenly smelling blood.

//And with a howl of fury Soldier drew his knife and met the Red Beast head on, savagely ripping at a meaty flank, fighting grimly until finally he was left on the field, his eyes staring sightlessly up at the reddening sky, his throat torn open.//

Amy smiled in delight as the guard pulled his huge finger out, blood dripping from his finger onto Xander's ass.

//Xander and Hyena raced for safety as they threw up another wall behind them. Then Hyena skidded to a stop and whirled around, her teeth bared in fury, her eyes gleaming with savage bloodlust at the sight of the Red Beast crashing through the wall and racing towards them.//

//"No," Xander moaned softly, "Please not you, too, don't leave me!" He screamed at her. Her body began to double, quadruple in size until she was almost as large as the Red Beast gaining rapidly on them.//

//She turned her muzzle gently into Xander's hair, ~"Silence cub! You knew this day would come sometime. The two of us were only for your protection, to teach you, to guard you. This was never supposed to be permanent. Both Soldier and I accepted this a long time ago. Now you, too, must accept this. Now go! Do not let our sacrifice be in vain,"~ she ordered and when Xander just stared up at her, she growled, ~"GO!"~//

The guard sawed his huge finger back and forth into the torn flesh, the scent of blood filling the air, arousing him, arousing them. And Amy looked on with relish at the flinching and moaning that came from Xander.

//She watched him retreat to safety before whirling and racing to meet the Red Beast, and with a clash of teeth they met. Dirt, grass, fur began to fly as they attacked. She ripped at the wounds Soldier made, grunting savagely as its flesh tore under her teeth before they broke apart. Both breathed heavily, their lips rolled up flashing deadly sharp teeth as they eyed one other before leaping to attack once again. Ripping, tearing at each other's flesh. Teeth flashing whitely until finally the Red Beast sped off in pursuit of Xander, leaving her panting on the ground, her breath coming slower and slower until she gazed sightlessly in the grass, her eyes glazing over.//

"Beg me to make them stop," she hissed to Xander, her eyes focusing on his dazed expression.

//Xander raced on with grim resolve, before he also stopped and turned to face the Red Beast. Live or die, he was done with running! And calmly, with icy courage he drew his sword and met the Red Beast. Throwing everything he had into the fight, everything he had learned from Hyena and Soldier, calling on all his experience in fighting demons in Sunnydale. Nothing existed for him but defeating the Red Beast...and he fought on.//

She frowned at the blankness in his eyes, stepping closer until she was suddenly awash with blood? She looked down at her hands dripping with green fluid in disbelief, ignoring the screaming around her, as she felt something flowing down her face.

…..Buffy continued chatting idly with the little old man as his wife looked for the Soul Anchoring spell, but she was feeling increasingly creeped out by the way he kept on touching her. She kept casually moving away, ignoring the disappointment in his eyes. Geeze, old people were just so creepy! She thought with a shudder, moving away again. Her eyes fell on the sword on the wall and gratefully she seized the distraction, any distraction away from the icky little man that was seriously wiggin' her out.

"Oooooh, what a beautiful sword," she exclaimed, darting around the old man and taking the sword down.

"How much is it?" She ran her hand gently over the shining surface, almost unwilling to touch such a beautiful thing.

T'kla looked at the sword in puzzlement, who in the hell put that damn thing there before shrugging, well no use worrying, dinner was still drugged. He continued to question her, feeling as if he was making some progress.

Buffy practiced a few moves with the sword, marveling over the balance, the sheer perfection of the sword in her grip, boy, Angel would love to have this, she thought in wonder as she came to a stop.

She marveled at the silvery surface of the blade, her eyes caught and held by a gleaming figure in glowing, shining armor seen within its mirrorlike surface. Its head held high and proud, courage and strength in the eyes that gazed calmly back at her...nobility and power was literally radiating from the figure and with a slight sense of wonder, Buffy realized that the image was HER! She blinked and slowly smiled, seeing the figure smiling with her and slowly saluting her with it's glowing sword.

She was lost as she gazed upon her own image, her own eyes looked back at her, calm surety rested within those eyes.

Still smiling she turned the sword over and nearly threw it away at the horrible image on the opposite side of the blade. But she was frozen, her hands unable to move as she looked upon a rusted armored figure, plates of its armor missing in places revealing naked bloody holes in its side. Watching the creature in revulsion as it struggled to stand on a bed of filth, to raise it's head. Hair was missing in patches on the helmless head, revealing raw, bloody spots. But still the figure struggled to stand. There was nothing proud or noble about this figure, calmness and surety was missing as well as strength as it, trembling, tried to raise its sword. Slipping, sliding and sinking in the foulness, only grim determination kept it upright as it tried to find surer footing under the treacherous muck and slime sucking under its feet..

Bile rising in her throat, she shakily managed to turn the sword over, back to the glorious shining figure and sighed in relief. She stiffened, seeing for the first time the word etched on the sword...ILLUSION.

With trembling hands, she turned the sword over again to the image that filled her with revulsion and etched on this side of the mirrorlike surface was one word that resounded in her soul….TRUTH.

And as the figure looked at her, Buffy realized in horror that the image wore her face!

Her eyes unseeing, she face herself for the first time and her body trembled, one hand clenched spastically on the silvery blade, bright red blood running along its surface. Both figures standing before her, one of the shining glorious armor and the other that filled her with disgust even as it dropped to one knee before painfully getting to it's feet.

Behind the shining figure she watched her past, every glorious thing that she had ever did, every act of defending, slaying and protecting against demons, all filling her with joy and a sense of satisfaction.

She turned to the foul disgusting creature, her lip curled in disgust as she met its eyes, recoiling at the pain, the shame in those dark eyes. And she watched every dirty deed she had every done, every act of defence become a sham meant only to impress Angel. The slaying, the protecting humans…but secretly the contempt she felt for them, every word that she thought was now shouted out 'Weak fools' 'Useless' 'Nothing'. Every underhanded thing she had done, filling her with shame. She faced her past with wide eyes, unable this time to look away from her mistakes, unable to twist them into something different.

She whirled to the shining figure standing with calm, purpose before her....every scene it showed her, the other showed her...showed her the truth of her action. She met its eyes, going deeper, deeper, finding nothing of substance, only the repeated scream of 'Angel' ricocheting around in its head, a yelling cacophony sending her to her knees and clutching at her head. It was empty of everything remotely human she realized in horror and she began scrambling away it. Whimpering as the figure's head tilted and it moved...towards her.

The other figure blocked it with a shaky arm and Buffy met its eyes: images of Willow, of Giles, her mother, Xander, Oz and Cordy laughing, having fun, fighting against the darkness...the friendship, the companionship she felt with them, the love for them resounding within its darkened gaze, a shouting, yelling din of joyous sounds that she crawled eagerly to it. Jerking back in alarm as the shining figure swung a blow to the beaten down figure and more of it's armor fell to the ground before it too fell.

Buffy clumsily got to her feet and charged at the shining figure, trying to beat it back from the downed figure, screaming 'No' with everything she had. Unaware that it had sunk to the ground, plates of its armor falling to the ground leaving empty patches of nothingness beneath.

She kept pounding on the figure, sobbing until her hands were gently seized. She looked up at the dark figure as it drew her to her feet. She touched the rusted armor gently, feeling it pulse softly under her hand and she met its dark gaze. Seeing the shame and pain that still darkened its eyes, as well as its grim determination as it raised its sword and saluted her before extending its rusty sword to her.

The shining figure laboriously climbed to its feet and also extended its shining sword to her as well.

As she looked at the two swords in her other selves hands, she saw the word TRUTH etched upon the rusted surface of one sword and ILLUSION on the other.

Leaving the decision in her hands, illusion or the truth.

And steeling herself, she seized the sword and opened herself to TRUTH. Crumbling, screaming to the darkened surface of her mind as all her hidden barriers disappeared, slamming her with the truth of her actions.

In that one agonizing moment of clarity, Buffy Summers died…and the last Guardian Slayer was born.

Blinking and coming back to herself, the walls of the shop wavered and disappeared. She looked down at the image in the sword, seeing the rusted armor figure painfully straighten and saluting her again, now on solid ground.

"For such a pretty young thing like you, my dear," she heard a harsh voice behind her say.

"I'm willing to let it go for a mere $100." T'kla said grandly, who the hell cared, it wasn't like she was going to be leaving the building anyway.

And with a sense of horror, Buffy realized that she been hearing that voice for some time, asking her questions about the ward stone, about the defenses of the hotel, how many fighters they had, and all the time believing it to be a little old man. Hearing screams, she whirled around and blinked at the sight of a Danzor Demon standing just behind her.

T'kla stepped back instinctively when the girl whirled around, the deadly speed coupled with the sword had made him highly nervous and for a minute he had forgotten she was still under his influence.

Stepping forward confidently, but still slightly unnerved as the girl's attention wandered over his shoulder. He glanced behind him, faintly smiling as those goody twoshoes were smacked in the head. He licked his lips, enthralled at the scene of the three guards with the struggling human.

And without looking back at Buffy he asked, "Can I wrap that for you?"

He was very surprised to hear her voice up close and personal as a savage pain flared in his chest. With wide eyes he looked down at the silvery sword buried in his chest and faintly heard her say, "Nah, why bother...I gotta use it now."

His eyes turning blank, he collapsed to the ground as Buffy vaulted over his body. She became a whirling dervish of destructive power as she attacked the demons attempting to rape Xander, slicing and dicing any protruding limb she could get.

Amy was stunned at the blood that splattered her, before quickly racing and calling for additional help, yelling in surprise as the building abruptly shuddered, raining debris down on everyone.

Tara appeared in the doorway with an unusually sane look in her eyes, "Amy, my dear," she began mildly enough, her eyes growing dangerously dark, "What have you been doing?"

Amy eyes narrowed and she began backing away in confusion, trying to keep her footing as the building shuddered again and again. What the hell was wrong with...., she screamed as a vicious bolt slammed into her.

"I asked you a question, bitch," Tara said quietly, "And I expect a prompt answer."

Amy staggered to her feet, ignoring the growing screams from behind her, "Tara?" she questioned, quickly raising a shield.

"Of course, Tara," the other snapped, "Who did you think I am, Glinda the Good Witch?!"

"Well, actually I was kinda thinking of maybe Tara, the Insane Witch," Amy stammered, terrified suddenly of a sane Tara.

Tara looked at her coldly, "I've always been sane, you've only been dealing with the insane part of me."

Her eyes flickered, madness looking out at her and Amy realized with horror that Tara had multiple personalities and both almost equally insane.

She backed further away, insane Tara she could control but a sane insane Tara she didn't know.

And by this time it was too late for them all as a deadly figure stepped into the room.
…Angel strode furiously back into the hotel hours later from his fruitless search for Xander, hot rage simmering in his eyes sending everyone scrambling out of his path. So lost in his rage he didn't see the hope that briefly filled the waiting people.

They had lost them! They had fuckin' lost the scent! He had managed to lead the others and tracked the kidnappers for a good couple of blocks before the scent went in four separate directions which was impossible. But still they had chased the leads down only to be led in a wild goose chase right back to where they started.

And when he got his hands on the comedian that thought this was funny....grrr, his face rippled and shifted as even Angelus agreed. No one made a fool out of Angelus....no one.

He stalked into the lobby, snapping orders right and left, summoning fresh new people to continue the search.

If he had to, he was gonna rip this town apart to find his Xander! And at that thought he was startled out of his mad rage...when had he started thinking of Xander as *his*? Even Angelus was silent on his end, equally surprised at the hot possessive rage that filled each of them at the thought of someone taking what belonged to them.

Which, Angel thought wryly, was sure to come as a surprise to Xander that he was now considered a possession by a demon.

"I take it that you didn't find him," Riley said with admirable calm, not even flinching at the savage look Angel gave him.

"Does it fuckin' look like I found him," Angel spat out before he physically stopped himself, trying to control the rage that surged through him, trying to force away the rage of Angelus' heated fury at the loss of their human.

Everyone began to back away from Angel with wide wary eyes, they had never seen him quite like this! They had had plenty of other losses, some even worse than this and he had never really took it personally other than brooding a lot. But now...now they could see the rage in his eyes that made them all draw back in fear and in dread.

Angel fought savagely to control his churning emotions, feeling himself spiraling out of control under the impotent rage....no enemy to rend, mangle and kill...no release to the tension, the fears that filled him, tightening...circling....tighter...tighter. No outlet...no release until he threw back his head and howled, a sound filled with bloodlust and fury, freezing everyone in their tracks as that terrifying cry touched off every primal urge to flee.

Angel took a deep, unneeded breath before slowly releasing it as he looked around at the people nervously clutching weapons as they stared at him with fearful eyes. He looked up at the top of the stairs and met Spike's unreadable eyes before he turned away.

His eyes remained gold as he looked at Riley and Wesley, "I apologize. What have you found?" He crossed the lobby to where they were gathered around a map.

"So far nothing," Riley admitted quietly, standing at attention. "Without a scent trail or Willow awake we're working blind. Our magic users keep trying to find him but everything they do slides away and so obviously magic is involved. But we've managed to narrow the area down to this locale," Riley said pointing to a specific area., "Wesley indicates that Wolfram and Hart maintains a building in this area."

Angel hissed, his face rippling, shifting as both soul and demon fought for control, until finally the soul won and his face settled back into its human guise.

"Then that's where he'll be," Angel said quietly, rage underscoring his words. He whirled around saying loudly to the people gathered at the door, "Change in plans..," his voice was interrupted by a wild howl of grief, of loss, of rage coming from upstairs.

As one, the magic users still downstairs blinked, their eyes bleeding to black as they turned to look up the stairs.

"Too late," Riley said softly as he and the rest of the former Sunnydalers crossed the lobby and stood at the foot of the stairs.

The hotel shook, then shuddered briefly, while the lights flickered with a strobelike effect before settling as Angel and Wesley looked around in puzzlement at the group gathered at the foot of the stairs.

And their attention was jerked to the top of the stairs as a smooth, cold voice floated down to them.

"I will need volunteers," Willow said quietly as she descended the stairs, her eyes black as veins began creeping up her face.

Six men and three women stepped forward with pale faces, "We are at your service, my Lady," one said quietly.

Wesley grabbed Angel's arm, stopping his forward motion, "DON'T!" he hissed violently keeping a watchful eye on her. "Don't attract her attention until she wishes to speak with you."

Angel looked down startled, "It's just Willow," he protested softly.

"Not quite," Wesley said dryly, "Now, she's a lot more than 'just' Willow." He shivered as those dead eyes rested on him and Angel thoughtfully before dismissing them.

Angel stepped back once Willow released his eyes, "What the hell?" he muttered shaken.

Willow's head tilted, "I will need only four of you and I will not be able to change you back," she said softly in regret.

At that a low sigh passed among the people, before Riley stepped forward, "How much time do you have, my Lady," he asked briskly, his face paling as she directed her attention to him. But shakily he withstood her look, almost collapsing in relief at the brief approving smile on her face.

"I have less than an hour," Willow said softly, "So we must hurry to get to him. They have shields up that block my attempts to remove him from the building. But there is another way."

"We are ready," one of the volunteers softly said.

Willow looked at them and chose carefully. With icy detachment, she threw her magic at the four volunteers, watching as they fell screaming to the floor writhing in the grip of her magic while people began backing away.

The volunteers bodies were distorted, pulled and stretched into a new form. Swelling, bulking larger as their fingers shortened and nails lengthened into claws. Screaming, then roars filled the lobby as the change was finally completed.

Rising unsteadily to all fours, the creatures looked at Willow with gleaming white eyes, then to Andrew as he walked forward and stood in front of them. In acquiesce, they bowed their massive heads to Andrew.

"Jonathan, Andrew, Marcus, Sarah and Juno, I will send you ahead. You will put up a shield around Wolfram and Hart so that nothing of magic nature can leave," she stared at them before switching to Andrew and the beastly creatures at his back. "Anything that tries to leave through regular methods…kill it." Her words were cold and direct as they acknowledged her words and disappeared.

Just then one of Angel's people ran through the double doors breathlessly, not noticing the gathering crowd at the stairs in his excitement.

"Angel, I saw her," he said breathlessly, bending over and trying to catch his breath.

"Saw who," Angel said distractedly, watching Willow issue her orders with cold precision.

"Buffy," was the simple reply and Angel's attention as well as Willow's was now focused on the man.

"Where?" Angel growled, he had a extremely bad feeling that he was not going to like the answer.

"I saw her going into Wolfram & Hart about three days ago," he said, then yelped as his neck was seized in a ruthless grip and he was raised in the air. He looked down into hot yellow eyes, seeing death flickering in those eyes.

"And you waited until now to tell me," Angel growled, his hand tightening around the hapless man's neck.

"Angel, stop it!" Wesley was struggling to get Angel to release the man, "You sent him to Santa Monica three days ago, remember." He watched as reason returned to the burning yellow eyes, sighing as the man was lowered to the ground, gasping and gagging for breath.

"She betrayed us," Willow said quietly as she drifted closer.

"We need to leave now," Willow turned with a swirl of black and green clothing, halting abruptly at the sight of the children standing behind her.

Spike nearly gasped at the sight of her, she was magnificent! More beautiful than his Dark Princess, he thought in wonder. Feeling the children shuddering, clutching at his legs he looked down in confusion. They had been begging to go downstairs when the first howling began, redoubling their pleas as a second howling scream sounded in the hotel. He had finally given in at the third time screaming and howling started, growing curious himself.

Now, they wouldn't release their deathgrip on his legs. He frowned, smelling their fear as they looked at Willow.

"Ya g'nna bring Daddy home," Mikey was brave enough to quiver out, looking up at her, tears running from his big woeful eyes.

"Yes," Willow breathed softly, a look of regret on her face, "Go upstairs with Spike and we will bring Daddy home."

Joce sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her hand as tears fell ceaselessly down her face, "Bye bye Aunty Widdow, tell Mama that we be good for daddy, ‘kay?" And releasing her grip on Spike's leg, she grabbed her brother and headed up the stairs looking sadly over her shoulders to Willow.

Wesley eyes shot to Riley who nodded with pained eyes.

Spike looked up at the children disappearing then in disbelief at Willow who stalked past him.

"Dying," he managed to whisper and Willow paused.

"It is difficult to maintain this level of energy of magic without paying an extremely high price," she said quietly without looking at him.

She had been aware of Spike's interest in her and another time or place she would have been tempted to return his interest, but she had been with Oz. The thought of her Oz had her feeling a fresh stab a grief so strong it nearly brought her to knees. She felt cool arms supporting her until she was able to stand on her own.

And without a backwards look she strode out of the hotel, drawing the people after her....and an eldritch wind began to blow.

At Wolfram & Hart the seers jerked upright with screams of terror, bringing every being within earshot racing to the room.

Lilah and Lindsay looked irritably at the smirking Gavin, for once in accord with each other---he had to go.

They detested him when he had first came onto their turf, under Linwood Murrow's sponsorship, they really came to loathe him as he brown-nosed his way to a position in Holland Manners' camp. Everyone kept their heads down in the wake of the storm that followed that move.

Gavin was the one that was directly responsible for recruiting both Amy and Tara, a fact that Holland never failed to throw at them rubbing it in their face just how well his little protégé was succeeding. And now the smirking asshole had just landed another coup!

Gritting their teeth under the coldly amused eyes of Holland they extended their hands and congratulated the little bastard.

"Oh, but this is nothing compared to what you've done in the *past*," Gavin tried to look suitably modest, well aware of the hatred in Lilah and Lindsay's eyes. "I'm sure that you'll pull off something soon too," he said with feigned encouragement.

Lindsay met Lilah's eyes, his message was clear: tonight Gavin dies.

Gavin smirked reading the look on their faces and made a mental note to spruce up his precautions tonight.

A secretary came to the door with a worried look on his face, "Mr. Manners, sir, we seem to be experiencing some difficulty in exiting the building, Sir."

Holland sighed, "And why are you bringing this to my attention? What ever it is call maintenance and have them fix it!"

"Sir, there seems to be a barrier preventing anything magical from exiting the building and when people physically exit the building they are viciously attacked by some ....
creatures," the secretary said stiffly. He was pushed rudely aside as three seers and five witches entered the boardroom.

Holland was startled, he didn't summon them, "What is the meaning of this," he asked coldly, regarding them with haughty eyes.

"As per our contract we are merely here to provide you warning that this building will, perhaps, be destroyed. Someone has foolishly upset the balance and death approaches," the seer announce with quiet eerie calmness.

The room grew still as they could feel a...darkness winging towards them.

"Well, then stop it," Holland commanded icily, his eyes hard as he stared at the witches. He had no time for this, that's what they were getting paid to do.

The witches shook their heads, "You do not understand....even were we foolish enough to combine our powers, we cannot stop the coming destruction. If you listen you can hear it coming."

Lilah blinked as she listened and a cold shiver raced down her spine at the sound of an unearthly, howling wind.

"What the hell did we do," Lindsay burst out, shoving himself to his feet, "We've been operating business as usual, so wha' t'fuck is goin' on," and in his stress his midwestern roots slipped in his voice.

The seers glanced around, their eyes turning white before one by one, their eyes rested on Gavin, who squirmed uneasily in his chair.

"He has caused the chain of events to unfold that has led to this," the female seer stated softly, with cold finality.

"Me?! I didn't do anything like that," Gavin jumped up in strident protest.

Lindsay and Lilah slowly began to smile, now the little fucker's gonna get it!

A male seer looked at him with white eyes, "Yes, it is you that has caused this. There is something that you done that has angered the coming darkness."

And at that the building was rocked with a tremendous blast, throwing them all to the floor with screams of terror.

Angel stood in open mouthed awe as the magic users fired blast after blast at the building, shaking it, rocking it on its lofty foundation.

He joined in the attack as Wolfram and Hart's security forces as well as their mercenaries poured out of the building, crossing the barrier.

Willow stepped up, gazing at the building until she finally located Xander unmistakable presence. With darkness bleeding down her face, she gestured and the sky was ripped open as bolt after bolt of lightening slammed into the building, each bolt guided and directed by Willow and Jonathan, burrowing deeper, following the path of its brethen until a bolt finally breeched the shield keeping them out...and they poured through.

Angel saw Willow disappearing into the building and sprinted after her, yelling for a couple of people to follow. Wherever Willow went, he was going to be right behind her.

Hitting the stairs, they raced after Willow coming to a final stop a few feet from her as they watched Amy backing away with fear on her face from Tara...and since when did Tara become so bad, Angel thought in confusion as he stepped into the room.

Willow gestured, and both Amy and Tara were slammed up against the wall as she ran to the boiling knot of fighting and screaming taking place in the center of the room. Blood was spraying everywhere and she blinked as a severed arm came flying past her face.

She saw a naked black haired demon leaping on a hulking demon's back, viciously shredding the skin until he reached a spine and yanked. She saw a silvery blond demon jumping on top of another huge demon, teeth and claws bared, and then she lost sight of it.

Angel ducked as a huge demon came flying past him, it's face shredded into ribbons.
Flashing among the knot of fighting demons, he kept seeing a silvery flash of a blade falling with ruthless efficiency. Whoever was swinging that blade had to be good since every time the blade came down, a scream could be heard.

Jumping into the fray, he and the others attacked the hulking demons from behind. The demons never stood a chance after that. Attacked from the rear, attacked from behind and the sides, they were cattle just waiting to be slaughtered.

And then it was finally over.

They stood triumphant among the gory remains of the demon flesh littering the floor in pieces of flesh and pools of blood.

Angel blinked and began growling seeing bloody, bruised looking Buffy standing with a sword in front of naked wounded Xander and he started forward.

"Angel, if you go near her, she *will* kill you," Willow's voice came calmly from behind him, "As well as those others," she said gesturing to the three demons standing off to the side.

Unlike Angel, she saw the way Buffy was eyeing him as if he was a danger to Xander.

Angel snarled, "After all this time of chasing me around, I don't think so," and confidently he started forward, jumping back in alarm at the swing Buffy took at him.

"What the hell is your problem, Buffy!" he yelled furiously, "We have to get Xander the hell out of here, you understand you crazy fool!"

"Xander, you....not friends---danger," Buffy blinked and managed to rasp out. She was almost at the end of her rope, she hurt so damn bad that all she wanted to do was just lay down and never get up again. But she couldn't...at least not until she knew Xander was safe---then she could rest.

"What the hell is she talking about," Angel growled, pacing back and forth. He noticed how Buffy kept her eyes on him, any time he got too close she would swing at him.

"Let me try," Willow said quietly, easing forward.

"Buffy, do you know me," Willow asked softly, making sure she was out of sword range.

Buffy's head tilted to the side as she swayed, "Willow, Xander," her brow furrowed as she fought through the exhaustion, the pain clouding her mind.

"Friends?" she looked questioningly at Willow, blinking at the darkness on Willow's face. "Different Willow?"

"Yes, a little different Willow," Willow whispered easing closer, "Xander's hurt, we need to get him back to the hotel."

"Not hurt him anymore," Buffy asked, tears of exhaustion rolling down her heavily bruised face. She was barely recognizable with her hair matted, her body filthy, covered with blood and gore.

"Not hurt him anymore," Willow agreed and Buffy stood aside.

Willow gestured and the manacles fell off of Xander's wrists and ankles.

"Hurt bad," Buffy said softly, looking down at Xander, she swayed and nearly collasped.

"Angel, grab her," Willow said shortly as she examined Xander, motioning a man forward to pick up Xander.

Getting to her feet, she stalked over to the furiously struggling figures of Tara and Amy, releasing them.

Angel grabbed Buffy roughly in his arms, realizing that without Xander to guard he could approach her. He tried to pry her fingers from the sword, stopping his movements when she began to struggle away from him.

"NO!" Buffy struggled not to give up the sword, scared that if she released it she would revert back to that other Buffy.

"Fine," Angel spat out, yanking her into his arms, "Kept your damn sword."

"Truth," Buffy sighed, holding the sword against her chest.

He motioned the man with Xander to get to safety while he waited for Willow. He ignored the Jaztar demons and hoped that they would ignore them as well.

Tara and Amy fell to the floor with screams of pains, as Willow quickly figured which one was the more powerful witch.

Reaching down, she seized Tara by her hair and yanked her head back, looking into Tara's very sane eyes.

Angel caught his breath, for as long as he had known the blond witch she had always been insane, often as bad as Drusilla.

Tara looked up into the darkness in Willows eyes, "You know that if you kill me while in the grips of magic, there's no return from the darkness," she smiled knowing the girl was too much of a goody two shoes to do anything to her.

Willow cocked her head and said pleasantly, "Funny enough, I really don't give a shit."

Tara's eyes widened and fire poured out of her mouth as Willow cooked her from the inside out.

Amy whimpered and tried to scramble away, stopped by Taryn's foot on her arm.

"Going somewhere," he purred, wrenching her head back.

"She's mine," Willow hissed at him.

"We have a much larger claim against her than you," Lourdey snarled, "Take your friend and go, rest assured that this," he swiped at Amy's leg with a razor claws, "Will not die easily."

Angel's head tilted, hearing rapid footsteps approaching, "Willow, we have to leave NOW!" he ordered, and was very surprised as she agreed and jogged after him.

They made it back to the hotel, carrying back their wounded and dead. No one was left behind for Wolfram and Hart to play with.

The hotel was eerily silent as the returning party of warriors staggered into the hotel and the wounded Xander was immediately carried upstairs to his bedroom, as Angel followed along still carrying Buffy.

He immediately went to her room and dumped her distastefully on her bed, before whirling around and dashing for Xander’s bedroom. He was extremely surprised to see Buffy dart past him into Xander’s room, still carrying that damn sword.

"Get her out of her," he growled to a couple of people standing around watching as the healers began doing their job.

"Stop!" Willow said sharply as the people started for Buffy. "Angel, you don’t understand what’s happening to Buffy, I don’t understand what’s happening to her….but right now as long as Xander is hurt, she will kill anyone that comes between her and Xander."

Angel looked at Willow like she was crazy, maybe she was, he thought eyeing the darkness bleeding from her eyes. Then he took a look at Buffy, a filthy, wounded, liberally covered in blood and gore….he took a long hard look at her, at the way she eyed every person that entered the room with cold precision, and he knew that she was silently marking the best way to disable them.

He was shaken and puzzled by the change in her and setting the enigma of Buffy aside, he switched to something….something that he hoped he would get an answer to that he would be able to understand.

"Why aren’t you healing him," he said abruptly, gesturing to Willow who stood away from the bed as the healers worked on Xander.

"She is death," came the quiet reply from Buffy.

Angel looked at her coldly, remembering that she was the one that had betrayed them all. "Excuse me?! I don’t remember asking you to speak, you are here only because it would be too much work to toss your ass out the window!"

"She’s right," Willow said sadly, her eyes leaking oily black tears, "I can only bring him death, the price I pay for this magic, of finding him and seeking revenge is high. But I would pay that price again."

Angel turned cold, pitiless eyes to Buffy, "What the hell were you doing at Wolfram and Hart anyway?"

Buffy looked away, "I…I didn’t know where I was. I thought I was in a store, a magic store," she whispered.

"A store?! While Xander's was being hurt, tortured you imagined you were shopping," Angel's voice rose progressively louder.

"The Slayer is quite correct, she was unaware of her surroundings as she sought to purchase a gift for someone. A Danzor demon was trying to retrieve information from her," came a cold voice from the doorway.

Angel whirled around, Willow lifted her head…her hands sparkling with deadly magic as Buffy moved between the demons and Xander.

"Peace, we mean no harm. We merely wished to repay the boy for giving us our freedom and possibly our lives," Lourdey said calmly, regarding Buffy with little emotion in his wide eyes.

"Your magic is useless against us," Taryn said coolly to Willow. "The youngling gave us our freedom in his sweat and tears, we can do no less than to heal his wounds as best as we can, perhaps then your healers can continue with their work."

Alyssa sat back frustrated, "He’s right Willow, something in Xander keeps blocking our efforts to heal him. Every time we think we got one fixed it comes apart and he’s bleeding again."

Willow looked at Angel, then at Buffy standing tensely in front of Xander, and sighed.

Angel’s eyes were narrowed on the three demons, before he stepped aside. Only Buffy stubbornly refused to move, her eyes narrow and cold.

Willow gestured…..she was extremly surprised as Buffy twisted and blocked her magic with the sword.

"No, they hurt Xander too," Buffy hissed, her eyes enraged.

"We were under Amy’s control at the time, we could not resist her command nor could we stop ourselves, or our actions. We gave him as much aid as we could, numbing his body to lessen the pain," Jennes explained quietly.

"You raped him," Angel breathed, his eyes turning gold.

"We had no choice," Taryn gritted out, his eyes burning cold in rage, "We did not even have the choice to die, vampire!"

Angel was shocked out of his rage at that statement. Especially, knowing how proud Jaztar demons were, to have their right to die taken from them, forced to do as someone commanded...he hoped that Amy paid for a long time and he exchanged a tight smile with the three demons.

Buffy listened with a cold set face before she stepped reluctantly aside and allowed the three demons to begin healing Xander.

Willow’s blinked slowly as they licked at each wound on Xander’s body, seeing the minute signs of healing taking place.

//Xander fought on grimly, his breath ragged in his throat, his arms trembling with weariness but still he stood defiant and unbroken. He and the Red Beast stood eying each other and Xander knew, despite the numerous wounds on the creature's body, that when they came together again, he was going down. He was to exhausted to fight any longer.

He nearly moaned in despair as he saw something snaking toward him from behind the Red Beast and in a futile gesture of defense he raised his sword higher. Then the Red Beast roared in pain, in fury as chains slammed into its body, pulling it away as Xander watched in opened mouthed wonder as more and more chains slammed through the Red Beast.

10…20…28…he lost count of the number of chains that swarmed over the Red Beast, yanking it viciously on its back as it bellowed its rage, blood seeping from the many entrance wounds the chains made in his body. The chains slowly parted, clearing a space on its heaving red belly as a huge chain came snaking out of the distance slowly, raising high into the air.

Xander’s eyes widened before he turned and sprinted away as the huge thick chain came down hard on the belly of the Red Beast, splitting it into two pieces and the bellow of the beast shook the air around him, sending him crashing to his knees.

Shakily, he climbed to his feet and slowly turned around, watching with wide eyes as the chains snaked towards him….no where left to run…to hide and he raised his sword in a pitiful defense. Undulating slowly the chains slid softly against him, brushing like the tail of curious cat…endlessly touching him, caressing him as he turned in a circle, laughing at the playful chains. Until he looked up, up against the clearing sky at the huge towering chain as it came swiftly down, scattering the other chains and he cried out, raising his arms defensively. Lowering his arms slowly he shakily patted the chain, as it chain coiled protectively around him, once…twice…three times before retreating, the smaller chains trailing in its wake.//

Alyssa watched with incredulous eyes as Xander began to heal under the ministrations of the demons. Her soft sigh was echoed by all as they watched the angry redness retreat, the wounds close.

Willow slipped away, silent and unnoticed, saved by one pair of eyes, her mission complete. Her child was in safe hands, now it was time for her to let go…she could feel the magic consuming her, becoming darker the longer she stayed. Lingering was no longer an option, after freeing Xander to turn around and kill him…she smiled sadly as she walked out the doors.

Buffy regarded the space where Willow had stood, thinking…Xander needed Willow as much as Willow needed him, for balance—for control. And she needed them so that she would never forget who and what she was.

Blinking she regarded Xander’s children, peering through the door, her ears tuned in to Alyssa worried voice.

"Why won’t he wake up," she demanded angrily, her eyes flashing with fear. She hated losing her patients, taking it as a personal affront.

"He sleeps, he rests and heals," Jennes spoke quietly, "Human minds are fragile things, we have found. When he has healed, he will wake."

"No," Buffy said softly staring at the children, "Willow will die if he sleeps any longer."

Riley looked at her coldly, sneering, "And you have a solution to waking him?"

"Yes," Buffy said, darting forward she seized Joce, hissing to her, "Scream."

Everyone yelled and charged at Buffy, freezing abruptly as Buffy held her sword to Joce's throat.

Joce shuddered in terror and her piercing shriek ripped through the air.

At that piercing cry, Xander's eyes opened, ~"Stop."~

Willow stopped in midcast, "Xander?!" she said turning around, her eyes widening at hearing his voice.

Xander rolled out of bed and lurched to his feet, swaying as he stumbled to the window and gazed down at Willow.

~"Don’t leave me,"~ Xander pressed his forehead against the window.

"If I stay, I will kill you," Willow said, looking up at the figure in the window. "I can’t control the magic anymore, Xander, it wants to control me and I'm not strong enough to resist."

~"Willow, listen to me,"~ Xander said desperately, ~"You are stronger than you know, I can help you! Just don't leave us,"~ he said brokenly, tears running down his face.

"I'm not that strong, Xander....goodbye." With that she turned her back to him.

And casting a shield around her, she summoned every destructive power she had and let it loose within the shield.

"NO," Xander whispered again and he stumbled. Angel was there to brace him, easing him back against his chest.

"NO!" Xander screamed, his eyes became a luminous gray as he clenched his hands. Tendons stood out in his neck as if he was straining against impossible odds.

And the outside world lit up and the hotel shuddered violently.

At Xander’s second 'No', Buffy had set Joce down, quickly snatching Mikey she bundled them into a corner, crouching down and shielding them with her body, covering their screaming faces.

Inside the hotel, people…demons, were screaming in terror as windows shattered and the hotel shook, throwing them to their knees.

Angel braced himself and he had time to yell for everyone to close their eyes before the painful light flared outside. Only when he was no longer seeing afterimages, did he cautiously open his eyes to find Xander slumped in his arms, nose and eyes bleeding.

Carefully he laid the young man gently on the bed, before he turned cold raging eyes on Buffy, expecting to see Joce dead or hurt. He watched in confusion as Buffy slowly rose from her crouching position, revealing the two terrified children.

"You knew," Angel said accusingly to Buffy, who looked away, "How?"

"Because she is now a Guardian," Lourdey said quietly and bowed, "Greetings Lady Guardian, it has been a long time since one such as you have walked the earth."

Buffy looked uncertain as she hesitantly returned his bow, "I'm not what you think," she whispered in the quiet that followed his statement.

Jennes frowned, "You bear the sword, and it can only be used by a Guardian."

Buffy tried to back away from everyone's disbelieving eyes hitting the wall behind her in panic, shaking her head frantically, "No, I’m not! I’ve made too many mistakes to be one of those," she said with tears in her eyes.

Angel looked between the demons and Buffy, "Will someone please tell me what the hell a goddamn Guardian is, before I really begin to get upset," he growled, his eyes turning a liquid gold.

Taryn turned and regarded Buffy with cold, narrowed eyes, "Foolish child, do you think it is an honor to be a Guardian? Perhaps in time, it will become an honorable title for you to bear but you are new to your duties, and you may yet still fail. However, you may be stronger than you think to have successfully resisted a Danzor demon for three days," he admitted grudgingly.

Lourdey looked at her seriously, "You walk a most difficult path, child, it would have been perhaps better for you to have chosen death."

Buffy looked away, "I couldn't," she whispered.

"Then there may be hope for you yet," Taryn stated with a raised brow.

Lourdey looked at Angel, "A Guardian is a Slayer that failed or somehow betrayed their calling. If they have not strayed too far off their path, then sometimes they are offered another chance, a redemption. There have been many Slayers in the past that have strayed and were offered this Sword. My people's memory is long, to date there have only been two Slayers to have survived," he pointed to Buffy, "She is one of them."

Angel looked at Lourdey with some astonishment, "Um...how many Slayer were offered the chance," he said slowly.

Jennes blinked, "I believe Buffy Summers makes the total about...351," his words fell in an empty pool of silence as everyone in the room tried to grasp the fact that so many Slayers had died.

"Why ain't we heard about this before," Spike said with a growl standing in the doorway. Mikey ran to him with a cry of relief, and was sweep into Spike's arms.

Taryn looked amused, "The Watcher's Council feared the reaction of the demon community if such news was circulated, they believed that the demons would lose their fear of a Slayer if they knew that they could be...swayed from their path," he said sardonically.

Willow appeared silently to the side of Spike, and for the moment ignoring Mikey's glad cry of 'Auny Widdow', "You said that you would see to Amy, yet you are here...why?" she growled out.

The three demons glanced among each other, before Jennes spoke, a clear note of amusement in his voice, "Because she was....suitably punished."

At that all three demons began chuckling as they told of Amy's 'punishment'.

.....as they picked themselves up from the floor of the boardroom, Holland flinched slightly at the sight of Mr. Wolfram and Mr. Hart standing in the doorway.

"Most unusual to began remodeling a room while still conducting business, wouldn't you say, Mr. Hart," Mr. Wolfram murmured as he smoothly walked into the room.

"Indeed, yes, Mr. Wolfram," Mr. Hart said coldly as he glided to a seat at the head of the table.

Mr. Hart steepled his fingers, "It was brought to our attention that you have a young male here named Alexander Harris, please bring him to us." The quiet request was clearly an order as Holland nervously gestured for his underlings to find the man. There was cold silence in the boardroom as they waited.

Lindsay exchanged a slightly puzzled glance at Lilah who shrugged, she didn't know what the hell was going on either.

The people returned shortly with a protesting, bleeding Amy and three furious Jaztar demons.

"We demand the witch as punishment for breaking the treaty with our people," Lourdey said coldly in full demonic form. His eyes were glowing with a luminous light of rage.

"You demand," Mr. Wolfram said softly, his eyes hard and cold.

"Yessss," Taryn hissed viciously, "We demand recompense, her life will do nicely," he shot a venomous look at Amy that she returned with interest.

She was supremely confident that they would not willingly hand her over to the Jaztar. Afterall, she thought with cold pride, she was one of their most powerful witches except for Tara, but that had already been taken care of.

Gavin and Holland paled, the crazy fool broke the treaty?! They exchanged disbelieving looks with each other, before Gavin's lips tightened as he noticed Holland subtly trying to distance himself.

Lindsay raised his brow, hiding his sudden horrified amusement behind a cough, seeing Lilah do the same.

Mr. Wolfram's attention snapped to them, "Is there a problem with your throats...if so I'm sure it can be easily remedied."

Lilah and Lindsay sobered abruptly, reading the dark promise in Mr. Wolfram's unnerving reptilian eyes.

"No sir, no problem at all, sir," they chorused hastily, shaking at attracting Mr. Wolfram's attention.

Mr. Wolfram switched his attention back to Amy's haughty face, "Wolfram and Hart has been in existence for far longer than you imagine, our treaty with Jaztar demons has existed for almost as long as we have *been* in business. Explain to us why you violated our treaty," he said with exquisite politeness.

Amy preened under his regard and strutted closer, sneering at Lilah and Lindsay, sure in her ability to explain everything so that it wasn't her fault.

"I gave them a direct order, a reasonable order and they failed to comply," she said reasonably, "So I threw powdered Dumkin root on them, which did NOT," she said virtuously, "Actually, break the treaty, since Dumkin root is a natural substance."

"But it is made with magic so you have made us technically in violation of the treaty," Mr. Hart said with icy softness.

Amy shivered, "Well, they should've raped Xander Harris when I ordered them to. As it was I had to force them with Dumkin root to do it and then get those stupid guards to do it right," she sulked, not noticing the fear that swept across Gavin's face, "Besides they are the ones that let Angel and the other's escape with Xander!"

"Manners, who is this child's sponsor," Mr. Wolfram said with eerie stillness.

And without an ounce of hesitation, Holland threw Gavin and Linwood to the wolves, "Gavin Parks is her sponsor as Linwood Gavin's sponsor."

"I must protest and I'm quite sure that everyone in this building will back up my contention that Gavin Parks has been working under your direct guidance for the past three years. I also believe that you said that I was incapable of handling such a promising young mind and that you were making an Executive Decision," Linwood said coolly, inwardly crowing with delight. His eyes sparkled with malicious joy at the fleeting look of fear and chagrin on Holland's face.

Mr. Hart said without inflection, "Holland, Parks please stand."

Shaking in fear, Holland and Gavin complied while Amy looked on in bored confusion.

Without a word, both senior partners stood and faced the front of the boardroom, standing six feet apart from each other.

Slowly, a huge dark seething, roiling cloud formed before them.

"Xander Harris was here and has since escaped with the help of Angel. The treaty with the Jaztar was broken by the witch Amy also while in the custody of the witch Amy, Xander Harris was forcibly raped by order of the witch using the three Jaztar serving us, then possibly again by additional guards. She is sponsored by Gavin Parks who in turn is sponsored by Holland Manners," Wolfram stated calmly and waited for the response, which was not long in coming.

From out of the roil a thick barbed tentacle shot out and punched through Amy's stomach, lifting her screaming and kicking into the dark roiling mist, pulling her further in until only her feet were dangling outside the dark mist, furiously kicking. The cloud contracted and her legs were neatly dropped to the carpeted floor.

Gavin's nerve broke and he turned, running for the door. Behind him another barbed tentacle shot out of the darkness, slammed through the back of his head and pulled him into the dark maw of the cloud.

Lindsay and Lilah sat frozen, trying desperately not to attract any attention. Lindsay sniffed, then sniffed again as he smelled something foul in the air. He discretely turned his head and nudged Lilah as he spotted a brown stain darkening the seat of Holland Manners light tan pants.

The darkness slowly imploded into a small spot as Mr. Wolfram and Mr. Hart turned to face their employees, with little emotion.

Holland breathed a sigh of relief at his narrow escape and turned, his face flushing red at the clear looks of amusement on his subordinates' faces.

"What are you laughing at? Get back to work, all of you!" he snapped angrily as he pulled a chair in front of him, hiding the spreading wet stain on the front of his trousers.

He gritted his teeth, he was going to fire them all by the end of the day.

Behind him, darkness exploded and another barbed tentacle shot out.

Holland looked down in disbelief, seeing the red stain spreading on his shirt and the barbed hook sticking out of his chest. He had time for a final shout of 'NO!' before he was yanked into the maw of the darkness and it closed.

"Mr. Murrow, as Manners has been chosen to serve our other partners in a more....personal way," Mr. Hart smiled and everyone shuddered at the malevolence in that simple gesture, "I believe that you are next in line for the position."

Mr. Wolfram looked at the coolly composed Jaztar demons, "You and your people are released from the treaty on a technicality. Perhaps, we will be able to negotiate a new treaty."

"Perhaps," Taryn nodded before turning and leaving. But thinking 'Perhaps not!'...as far as he was concerned there would be NO new treaty. It would only bring harm to their remaining people to be aligned with such filth...he spat on the floor. Better to die in honor than serving Wolfram and Hart.

...."Now we will return to our people, our debt repaid to the boy," Jennes said quietly and with brief nods of their heads they stalked out.

After hearing the events at Wolfram and Hart, Willow was satisfied that retribution had been well paid.

Willow looked coldly Buffy, "What were you attempting to purchase in your 'magic store'," she demanded to know.

Buffy shivered under Willow's icy contempt, "I..I...was looking for...Soul...Anchor...
spell. It was supposed to make Angel's soul permanent."

A twisted smile was on Willow's face as she said, "And you probably thought that Angel would be so grateful that he would kick us out of the hotel. You and your true love, your precious Angel would live happily ever after."

Buffy swallowed and raised her head, meeting Willow's furious eyes with shaky courage, "Yes," was her half-whispered reply.

Willow's eyes turned dark and murky before she turned to Angel. And he screamed in pain as she blasted him against the wall, "Well, this is your lucky day, Buffy! Congratulations Angel your soul is now permanently bound, no more of that pesky I'm-gonna-lose-my-soul-if-I-have-sex problem."

And Buffy closed her eyes in pain, before opening them, "Thank you, Willow."

She knew Angel wouldn't even touch her with a 90 foot pole if he could avoid it, and seeing the malicious anger in Willow's eyes, she knew that was exactly what the Witch intended.

"Go take a bath, the stench of you is making me ill," Willow said quietly, her eyes unforgiving as she regarded Buffy.

Buffy looked at her, ignoring Angel as he climbed to his feet, "You will guard him," she questioned softly.

Willow's eyes soften slightly, "Forever," she replied.

Buffy nodded her head and left the bedroom, carefully ignoring the looks of contempt and derision directed her way. She had chosen this path and perhaps, with time, she wouldn't have to walk it alone.

Angel stood up carefully, "Next time warn me when you're gonna do something like that," he said ruefully.

Willow gave him a brief smile before she directed her attention back to Xander, "When will he wake," she asked Alyssa.

Alyssa shook her head, "He has to heal, mend from the inside now. He has to heal his spirit before he wakes. And how long that will take, I have no idea."

And the weeks passed slowly as they waited for Xander to awaken.

//Xander gazed out over the ruined landscape with sad eyes, everywhere the Red Beast had traveled the land had been torn apart. With a sigh Xander began trudging wearily back and forth, rebuilding his tiny fortress, making it thicker and stronger. He worked diligently on the heart of the fortress, laying thick mortar blocks that would protect the bodies of the Soldier and Hyena. As he wiped the sweat from his eyes, he blinked as a gray mist began forming within the room. And with every brick that was set in place, the gently seething mist grew. The room was halfway completed when he fetched the bodies of his friends and placed them gently on the stone floor, laughing softly as the mist curled around his ankles like a playful puppy.

Brick by brick he continued the room, watching as the mist grew larger and curled delicately around the bodies of his friends, until at last he was finished, leaving a half-wall in place. He rested contentedly on the floor inside his fortress, watching as the mist grew and flowed gently over the wall to seethe at his feet.

Slowly standing erect, he watched as the mist bunched softly against his knees, gently nudging him forward. And with many backward looks, he walked the hallways until he finally realized that the gray mist was filling the corridors of his fortress. He found himself soon to be navigating his way around in a soft gray cocoon until he was directed to his room by gentle currents of pressure and laid down. And in closing his eyes, he slept.

The gray mist flowed outside the fortress covering the ruined landscape. The misty cloud seethed gently over the entire landscape, cocooning everything in a soft gray cloud fog for some time before gradually retreating, revealing a slowly mending landscape//

Leisurely, Xander swam to full consciousness and opened his bleary eyes to regard his room. Sensing a presence in his room, he turned his head and slowly blinked, "Deadboy?!" Then feeling an overwhelming urge, "I gotta go pee!"

At those first rusty words, Angel had shot to his feet looking at Xander with incredulous eyes. They had all been taking shifts, watching over him, talking to him, keeping him abreast of what was happening in the hotel. Each person, hoping and praying that they would be there for his first words.

Somehow, Angel thought wryly, as he scooped Xander up in his arms, he just never thought 'I gotta go pee' would be Xander's first words.


Chapter 7

Angel hurried into the bathroom, making sure that no trace of worry or fear was on his face. No use scaring the boy...at least not until he brought in the reinforcements.

Xander wobbled as Angel put him on his feet. Limbs, and muscles inactive for over a month were now unable to support his weight and Angel caught him in his arms as he began sinking to the floor.

Xander cursed luridly at his weakened limbs, wondering what the hell had happened to him.

"Xander, uhm…do you need help," Angel asked delicately, gesturing to Xander’s crotch.

Xander blinked, wondering if maybe anyone had ever died of sheer embarrassment as he nodded his head. He felt Angel’s hands fumbling in his pants and gritted his teeth as he felt a cool hand grasp his cock. There was an overwhelming relief at the whispered word of ‘Go’ from Angel and sighed softly at the sweet release of his bladder in an endless stream into the toilet. He almost didn’t want to look down and see Angel’s hand on his dick, but he did and a thoughtful frown pulled down his brows.

After tucking Xander back into his pants and with a firm arm around Xander’s waist, Angel leaned forward and flushed the toilet. Scooping the young man into his arms and carrying him back into the bedroom, he was uneasily aware of the distant look on Xander’s face. He almost wished Willow had this shift instead of him.

Gently resettling Xander in the bed, he pulled the covers up and tried to make a hasty retreat from the room.

Backing away carefully and babbling that he was going to tell the others that Xander was awake and that they were all very anxious to see him and that he would just be going, to get them, that is…ah…right now. He had his hand on the doorknob when Xander spoke.

"Deadboy," came Xander's calm voice, hysteria lurking, just waiting to pounce.

"Don’t you want to see Willow," Angel pleaded, his hand tightening on the doorknob.

Xander ignored the vampire's obvious desire to escape, "Deadboy, what happened? The last thing I remember is that Willow was gonna do some kinda kamikaze thing, there was a flash of gray light and then nothing. Pull up a chair, make yourself comfortable and tell me what happened," he ended, his eyes darkening with just the beginnings of panic.

Angel gave one wistful look at the door before reluctantly complying and sitting gingerly on the chair.

"Well," he began slowly, looking everywhere other than the dark eyes. He could feel the weight of the boy’s gaze pulling at him, willing him to face the dark frightened eyes.

"Well," he helplessly started again, "Uhm…you were unconscious for a while."

Xander nodded, he had already guessed that and then narrowing his eyes he asked, "How long?"

"A month," Angel winced as he replied quietly.

"A month, huh," Xander looked thoughtful, ignoring the twinge he was starting to feel in his belly, "You know, back in my day we usta just call it being in a coma. Now, I seen plenty over the years and normally," he said, stressing the word, "Normally people generally lose weight, ya know. But I seemed to have gained some weight," Xander said, hysteria rising quickly in him.

Angel looked worriedly at Xander, "A little bit, yeah."

"A little bit?! A little bit?!" Xander shouted, his eyes widening in disbelief, "I have a big belly, Deadboy. A HUGE freaking belly! And I sure as hell didn’t have one a month ago!"

"Xander, calm down," Angel shouted, alarmed at the way the furious boy’s eyes were slowly fading to a pearl gray color.

"Calm down?! Calm down?!" Xander shrieked, his eyes now a luminous gray. "I look like I swallowed a goddamn basketball....you calm the fuck down! I got a right to be uncalm! What the hell did you do to me?!"

"Me?!" Angel yelled, growing furious with the unjust charge.

"Yeah you," Xander yelled, his eyes turning back to his normal brown, "You were the one sit....," and his eyes grew distant and unfocused.

Angel regarded Xander uneasily, slowly rising from his chair.

"Oh my God," Xander whispered just before a sharp biting pain ripped through him from his stomach, almost doubling him over as he bit back a choked scream. But he wasn't successful in stopping the next scream or the next as he writhed in the bed trying to escape the intense pain radiating from his abdomen.

Angel jumped and looked wildly about at Xander’s first moan, then he yelled for Willow when the boy began screaming and clutching at his stomach. He bellowed again for Willow when she didn’t instantly appear in front of him.

Willow and Buffy burst through the door at Angel’s third yell, both trying to recover their breath from running from the kitchen up to the second floor. Willow leaned forward resting her hands on her knees, drawing ragged gasps of air into her lungs.

And at Xander's next scream of pain, she forgot about her difficulty in breathing and raced to his side, fighting with Buffy to reach him.

She glared accusingly at Angel, "What the hell did you do to him," her eyes darkening to midnight black.

"Fuck you," Angel shouted, as his eyes turned a harsh gold. "All I was doing was sitting here and talking to him, he woke up and needed to go to the bathroom. I took him, he wanted to know what the hell was wrong with him then he started screaming."

Buffy knelt on the floor beside the panting and writhing Xander, her eyes frantically searching his body for evidence of where the pain was coming from. She blinked as she saw his belly ripple slightly and she fell back, scrambling away, her breath coming harshly in surprise.

"His stomach," she said hoarsely at Angel and Willow's puzzled glances, "It moved."

Willow perched on the bed and smoothed Xander's sweat soaked hair away from his white face, while watching her friend's stomach. She opened her mouth to make a nasty remark to Buffy when Xander groaned again...and his belly rippled, like something was moving just under his skin.

Carefully she eased away from Xander and stood back fearfully, her eyes wide in fear.

"A...Ang...Angel," she stuttered, her voice almost a whisper, "His belly's moving."

"Thank you, Willow for that brilliant observation," Angel said bitingly. "I think that I've already figured that out." He looked at Xander with worried eyes, there was something about the boy's scent that had him puzzled. It had changed in some way and it was driving him crazy with the need to understand.

Xander's piteous moans grabbed their attention then he started screaming and writhing in the bed again. Tremors racking his frame.

"Make it stop, Willow! Please make it stop, Angel," Xander pleaded, holding his stomach as tears ran unchecked down his face in his extreme pain. "I'm sorry I was ever mean to you Angel, now please make it stop hurting," he begged, opening his eyes to gaze up at the vampire.

"Shhh, shhhhh," Angel said softly as he knelt down and stroked a palm over the boy's sweaty face. "It's gonna be okay...shhhh, shhhh, we're gonna make it okay, don't worry."

Xander drew in a hiccuping breath, shuddering under the wave of pain washing over him. He wiggled closer to Angel, resting tiredly against the cool body, whimpering in relief as the vampire's cool flesh seemed to soothe the intense heat building in him.

Angel froze, looking down at the disheveled head resting against him. He glanced uncertainly up at Willow and Buffy to find both females gazing down at him with unreadable eyes.

Willow bit her lip, anger and jealousy vying for equal control at the way Xander seemed to gain some measure of comfort with Angel. She shook her head roughly, discarding the negative thoughts, all that should matter was Xander seemed a bit calmer and if he preferred Angel, then so be it.

"Buffy, run and tell Wesley that Xander is awake and in pain. We need answers," she said harshly as she watched Xander whimper softly as pain surged through him again.

With one backwards look at Xander, Buffy darted out the door.

Angel gave one swift look to Willow before he crawled into the bed with Xander and pulled him close, worried about the intense heat radiating the young man's skin.

Xander was unaware of the conversation as he tried to ride the waves of pain rippling through him, burrowing closer into the coolness that was enclosing him. He drew ragged breaths at each surge within him, feeling a cool palm stroke down his back that quieted the sharp pain, making it bearable.

Opening his eyes, he was astonished to find himself in Angel's arms and instinctively tried to move away only to dive back into the comfort of those cool arms at the vicious slash of pain that flared through him.

He looked up into Angel's unreadable eyes and looked away quickly. This was not good...so not good at all, he thought miserably, resting his head on Angel's chest.

Willow regarded the way Angel was holding her friend and raised her brows, a comtemplative look on her face.

Elsewhere Taryn paced his luxious apartment restlessly. For weeks now he had been feeling uneasy about...about what he did not know. It was so bad that he was barely eating or sleeping. Food tasted bland, sleep was nearly impossible with the dreams. It felt almost like someone or something was whispering to him, calling him to come. And what made this so was infuriating was he had no idea where to go to answer the call! He savagely kicked over a table in his frustrated rage, ripping a pillow to shreds and almost destroying the room before he felt more in control of himself.

"Clean up this mess," he growled to the terrified servants lurking outside before he stormed out of the apartment and headed to the Shaman Enclave. He put visiting a shaman on the same level as facing two thousand charging warriors. Alone, naked and armed with only a feather. Not really something he was in favor of doing.

As he rounded the corner to the shaman's domain, he slowed at the sight of Jennes and Lourdey's pacing back and forth before the entrance.

Jennes looked up, his green eyes flaring at the sight of his friend and exclaimed, "Finally!"

Lourdey glanced up quickly, his eyes as well lighting up at the sight of Prince Taryn. Blessed be, he thought almost sagging in relief.

Taryn raised a brow, "You are normally not so fulsome when you see me, what is different now?"

"Shaman Sourd," Lourdey answered simply and Taryn nodded in understanding.

While many may argue that warriors and the princes were arrogant, they were mere children compared to a shaman’s arrogance. The only one that didn't act like that was Sourd, shaman to the High King. Of course, once you got past his rude, sharp and grouchy disposition he was really a nice individual.

"What are you two doing here," Taryn questioned, not really wanting to discuss his reason for being here for fear of being seen as weak.

Jennes and Lourdey exchanged uncomfortable glances. When they had arrived separately at the entrance to the shaman's domain, they were both a bit surprised and uneasy to see each other. While they were friends, no Jaztar would dare to reveal a weakness to another for fear of being thought of as less than a Warrior.

Jennes glared at Lourdey, silently urging the other to speak first. Lourdey was supposed to be the talker, a Judicator. Then Jennes' eyes narrowed on Taryn’s face, noting the faint lines of exhaustion, shadows lurking within the lilac eyes darkening them to a purple haze.

"You’ve been having problems sleeping, haven’t you," he said abruptly with little emotion on his face.

Lourdey took a step back and closed his eyes with a slight moan, Taryn was definitely going to kill Jennes. Then he started, listening closer to Jennes as the other described what was afflecting him. But how did Jennes know? He eyed the other with deepening suspicion.

Taryn regarded his soon-to-be-dead friend with hooded eyes.

"And you feel like someone or something is calling you, whispering to you to come but you don’t know where," Jennes continued, disgarding the icy expression on his friend’s face. "And both of you are wondering how I know?"

Taryn merely arched a brow, choosing to remain silent. Giving Jennes a bit of mercy before he killed him. It was the least he could do.

Jennes took a deep breath for courage, because to reveal another Warrior’s weakness in front of another would generally cause a fight to the death.

"The reason why I know is because I’m having the same symptoms and I suspect that Lourdey is also having the same symptoms," Jennes added, his green eyes steady and calm.

Taryn was shocked out of his frozen deadly calm. This was truly cause for concern among the Jaztar, while a weakness could perhaps be tolerated or accepted, diseases were emphatically not. And for all three of them to be experiencing the same symtoms, he shuddered, it could only mean one thing…

"Plague," Lourdey whispered in horror, his eyes wide.

"Nonsense!" snapped the Shaman Sourd as he beckoned them into the domain of the shaman's.

Hesitantly, they bowed and entered. Following Sourd, they looked around at the fabled Shaman enclave, exchanging smirks with each other about how they would just casually drop it into the conversation that they had actually went INSIDE the shaman's domain and spoke with Sourd. They sneered at the haughty, surprised expressions on the shamans’ faces as they passed, though they made sure they stayed right behind their shaman…no telling what these crazy shaman's would do to them if they strayed away from Sourd.

"In here," Sourd abruptly said as he fumbled open a door to reveal ten of the senior shamans sitting in a semi-circle with cool remote expressions on their faces.

"Sit, sit, sit!" Sourd chided them, shooing them irritably to three empty chairs.

Lourdey and Jennes nudged Taryn to go first, elicting an angry glare from him before he proudly walked and sat down in the closest chair. Jennes and Lourdey watched carefully and seeing that nothing happened to him, they each strutted over and sat as well.

"You’re probably wondering why you’re here," Sourd said after exchanging unreadable looks with his fellow shaman.

Taryn jumped as Jennes kicked him, "Yes, we are." When this was over he was going to KILL Jennes!

Sourd sighed and looked at the circle of sand, "Of all our people, only a shaman has access to magic and can actually use it to see into the future. The apprentices are generally taught how to do this, see the future as a matter of course during their training. Seeing vague images and then becoming much more proficient with age. Some won’t see anything, while some will…that just how it works but the majority will get glimpses. However, no two apprentices will ever see the same thing, too many variables," he said waving a hand vaguely.

"Traditionally, we have the apprentices practice on the royal families since it is extremely easy to see their futures since Kings and Princes generally shine brighter. And since Prince Taryn is the reigning favorite for the month, at least 20 decided to see into your future. Early this afternoon, 20 of the apprentices failed to See anything of your future," he continued blandly, not giving a hint at the screaming panic that had raced through the enclave when the sands were recast and the journeymen tried, then the masters. No one was able to pierce the veil that hid Prince Taryn’s future.

Taryn sat frozen in his chair, feeling a pain stab through him at his impending death. He lifted his chin proudly, determined to face his death like a warrior.

Jennes and Lourdey looked at him with carefully hidden sympathy, a sharp feeling slicing through them at the thought of losing their friend.

"Needless to say, this was so highly unusual that we went through the entire royal lines. We could see everyone’s futures, with the exception of you three," Sourd finished quietly his sharp eyes watching their minute reactions.

He caught the small wince Lourdey made, the hand that Jennes held against his stomach and his eyes narrowed in thought. Could it be…

Before he could say anything, Taryn grunted softly as pain clawed at his insides, swiftly followed in succession by Jennes and Lourdey each hissing, their hands pressing against their abdomen.

"You’re pregnant," Sourd exclaimed, his voice almost lost in the uproar from the other ten shaman.

"Impossible!" Was hissed through gritted teeth as Jennes doubled over, nearly falling out of his chair.

"Well, someone is pregnant with your child then," one of the shaman said over the groans of pain as they tried to help the three males.

"The boy," Lourdey gasped as horrified realization hit all three males. He was helped to his feet and was made to walk the pain off.

"Boy? What boy," one of the shaman questioned brusquely as he guided Jennes to his feet, steadying him as they walked. Experience had shown them that the best method of handling the pain of a birthing bond was by walking, it's effect giving the illusion that the parent or parents were getting closer.

"That...that witch Amy forced us to rape a human youth," Taryn spat out as he angrily shook off the helping hands and walked on his own.

"HUMANS?!" One of the watching shaman nearly yelled in disgust, while the others had various expressions of revulsion on their faces.

"Yes!" Taryn almost snapped out before he recalled exactly who he was with and where he was, changing his tone to a slightly more moderate sound. Very slight.

"Yes, I seem to recall that you wound up taking the High King son’s place to serve Wolfram and Hart," Sourd said in a distant cold tone, easily recalling the blazing argument between he and Saln, the High King. All over that smirking creature he called a son. Alvn, Sourd's mouth twisted sourly.

Saln should have taken his advice centuries ago and put that wretched child out to be fostered…that spoiled nasty boy really, REALLY needed someone to teach him what a true Jaztar was. Either that or simply put him out of his misery and snap his neck, Sourd snorted to himself.

It was simply disgraceful to allow that…excrement to wiggle out of his duty, he thought disdainfully. While it was true that their people had a reputation for indulging their children, there always was a time to allow a child to grow up, become a Warrior!

Then a slow wicked smile crossed Sourd’s face, shocking everyone into silence and drawing back uneasily, watching him with fearful eyes.

"I think it would be best for all concerned that Princes Taryn and Jennes as well as Lourdey to go and retrieve their humans," he said smoothly, he planned on rubbing the fact that humans were able to gift these three with children, while Prince Alvn still remained childless.

Taryn, Lourdey and Jennes exchanged uncomfortable looks, before Lourdey spoke reluctantly.

"One human," he said and shut his mouth quickly.

Sourd blinked, looking puzzled, "One human, what?"

"One human, not three humans," Jennes said uneasily, watching the shaman look among themselves in confusion.

"There was only one human," Taryn clarified with a small smirk, enjoying the looks of confusion on the faces of the shaman.

"Bu…but that’s impossible," stammered one of the shaman, his eyes darkening to deep magenta in his distress.

"As impossible as a human male being pregnant, no doubt," another asked sardonically, making the other fall silent.

Sourd sighed, "Well, you still need to retrieve your human and bring him here. Otherwise there’s no guarantee that the child will live through the pregnacy," he didn’t bother to add that the human would certainly die in the birthing process. No human had ever survived giving birth to a Jaztar.

"That might be a problem," Taryn siad slowly and gave Lourdey a meaningful look.

Lourdey gritted his teeth and shot Taryn an annoyed look before speaking, "The human is protected by a vampire, a dark witch…"

"That shouldn’t matter," a shaman interrupted impatiently, brusquely waving a dismissive hand.

"…and a Guardian," Lourdey finished calmly with his hands folded.

"Well, that’s certainly changes matters," the shaman muttered, shaken.

"We thought so," Taryn said with a hint of arrogance, while Jennes and Lourdey secretly marveled at his cool attitude.

Sourd was startled, "A Guardian?! Are you certain," he demanded of the three males.

"She bears the sword," Jennes replied quietly, with a tilt on his head.

"Well, clearly you will need to either persuade the human to come here for the safe birthing of the child…," another shaman began, before his words trailed off and his eyes widened in shocking surprise.

"Wait! Has everyone realized that either the child has four fathers or….," he stopped at the spreading silence his words brought.

"…or there are three, possibly more children," another finished in a near whisper.

"Humans have been known to have multiple children in one birthing," said another with some hesitation.

Sourd gave him a biting, withering glare before speaking slowly, "Clearly it has been some time since you have seen a female, so perhaps you wish to visit with one of your female humans." Feeling cold satisfaction at the embarrass shame on the other's face.

He turned back to the two princes and the Judicator.
"Go to the human and reside with him if it is his decision to remain where ever he lodges. When he is dead you will naturally have guardianship over however many children he produces and you will raise the children here among the Jaztar," Sourd instructed them calmly.

"They may not wish to allow us access to him," Jennes with some hesitation. Taryn and Lourdey nodded in agreement.

Sourd smiled sourly, "They will when he begins screaming again. You three have never been around a pregnant Jaztar so you may not have realized that the pain you felt a while ago is but a taste of what will happen to you four if you are not within two feet of the birthing parent during this stage of the child’s development. This is how an embryonic Jaztar survives, by bringing together its parents, uniting the family unit and making the family strong thus increasing the chances of the growing child’s survival. As the gestation continues, you will be able to increase the distance between you and the parent but at this point in time, the children will kill all four of you in their determination to live."

"However, it’s your choice whether to accept a half-human child or not," Sourd shrugged, carefully not revealing how desperate he was for them to agree.

Taryn glanced at Jennes and Lourdey before bowing, answering for them all, "We will need to time to think over this decision. I do not believe my fathers would welcome a human child into the family. I believe they would sooner see me dead than to allow that to happen," he admitted, without a show of emotion.

Sourd acknowledged Taryn’s words with a raised brow, he had not known the tense situation between King El-don, his consort and his younger son had disgenerated to such a degree. He eyed Taryn narrowly, it was probably because of Taryn’s older brother, Janek. His eyes widened at a sudden thought, then hardened into deadly coldness. He had forgotten that Janek was Alvn’s current lover and at the time he had questioned why Alvn had picked Taryn of all Warriors, to take his place. But now, he wondered whether Janek had something to do with that decision.

It took Taryn, Lourdey and Jennes two days of body twisting pain to decide to find the human and demand to stay with him. That and the mocking laughter and jeers as word got around about the impending birth by the human male. Insinuations that it took three of them to get a male pregnant, the jeers that they preferred humans over their own kind, the looks of scorn on their fellow Jaztar faces.

But the deciding factor in Taryn’s decision was his brother, Janek's ill-fated decision to visit him. Had it not been for Janek he would have, perhaps, chosen to die rather than claim a half-human child.

As he left his apartment, cleaning his bloody hands and claws on his cloak he thought coolly to himself, the humans have an expression: the best revenge is to live well. He spared a brief thought to his older brother lying bleeding and wounded in his apartment, well, perhaps it’s time for me to see how that idea works.




Xander lay in a half-stupor of pain, panting for breath. Not even Angel’s presence could still the pain that raged through him from whatever was growing inside him. Angel somehow helped ease it but it still fuckin’ HURT! No one knew what was wrong with him and no one could get close enough to him to remove the growth from him…not even by magic.

Willow’s magic had failed spectacularly the first time she tried and the second time she tried, it was only through Spike’s diving through the window after her, that had saved her life. Whatever was inside him was clearly protecting itself from magic and other non-magical means. The only one that could get near him with a sharp object was Buffy, everyone else was held firmly back by some type of barrier. If they pressed too hard, whatever held them back would sharply lash out at them.

Angel pulled the panting, exhausted boy further into his arms trying with all his might to take some of the pain away as Xander curled up in his lap, too tired even to scream any longer. The boy was barely sleeping and what really terrified them was Xander just picking the food they brought him, claiming that it tasted horrible. Not even their version of twinkies tempted him.

"Shhhh, it’s okay…it’s gonna be okay," he whispered soothingly, rubbing Xander’s arms and back comfortingly.

In response Xander weakly tried to hit him.

"Stop it," Xander husked out, resting his hot cheek against Angel’s chest. "S’not gonna be ‘kay, so…," he frowned, twisting his head to look at the door.

Angel frowned, listening carefully at the noise and roaring going on downstairs. What the hell was going on in the lobby?!

"Xander, stay here," he ordered softly, moving the boy out of his lap and laying him gently on the bed.

"Ha…lik I’m g’na go s’where," Xander rasped out, his lips curving in a mocking smile as he looked up at Angel, who smiled briefly.

Angel gave one last look backward, before heading out the door and leaving it ajar. He strode to the top of the stairs and looked down with a puzzled look at the 15 Jaztar squared off out in the lobby with the Hyperions. His eyes hardened as he recognized the three Jaztar that had been the ones that helped heal Xander and a low growl rumbled in his throat. They must have done something to his boy and now they would pay.

His eyes were a liquid gold as he stalked down the stairs, revenge uppermost in his mind.

Taryn lifted a cold face to the vampire that glided towards him, easily recognizing the predatory way the male was coming at them. He started forward, eagerly anticipating making someone else hurt almost as bad as he was hurting when he stopped abruptly, feeling the onset of pain clawing at his insides. Distantly aware that Lourdey and Jennes were also doubled over in pain, he hoped that in his arrogant pride he hadn’t left matters too late.

Xander fumbled his way out of bed, his eyes almost blind to everything beyond the need to be closer to the ones that could stop his pain. He crashed to the floor and began crawling to the door, struggling to reach it before the pain hit him. Tears fell from his eyes and his breath came harshly as he slid foot by tortorous foot across the floor, before whimpering and curling up in a ball as agony flared inside.

Taryn recovered first and his head jerked up with a low growl. Summoning all his speed and power as one of the best Jaztar warriors he raced past Angel in a rush of speed.

With an angry roar of fury and fear, Angel whirled around and charged after the speeding Jaztar almost managing to grab him before the other jumped and began racing up the wall to the upper floor, quickly followed by the other two.

Growling savagely, both Angel and Spike raced up the stairs swiftly followed by the two raging females and a snarling mob of humans and demons ready to rip apart the three Jaztars.

Xander inhaled carefully at the lessening of pain, paying little attention to the roaring and shouting coming closer to his room. Right now the important thing was that he was pain free for the moment. Had he the strength he would have been up and doing the funky chicken whatever that was, though in his opinion if the chicken was so damn funky why would anyone want to dance like that, he snorted at the realization that he was babbling to himself. Obviously he was feeling better.

The door slammed opened and he jerked his attention to the three demons snarling, standing in the open doorway and instinctively tried to scuttle away from them, whimpering as pain knifed through him. His eyes tearing up, he was unaware that the three demons had settled carefully around him, a soft croon coming from all of them as they patted and stroked him gently on his back, easing his pain to a distant memory.

He opened his eyes and glared at the three suspiciously, finally connecting the pain with them.

Angel, Willow, Spike and Buffy stopped abruptly at the sight of the three demons surrounding Xander, a low growl coming from all four. They wanted the demons AWAY from Xander, in pieces preferably.

In one accord, Buffy stepped forward, her sword unsheathed with Angel and Spike flanking her, and with Willow’s hands crackling with deadly magic. All four eyes were almost glowing with deadly, hellish fury.

Taryn, Jennes and Lourdey got to their feet, growling, their hands lengthening into razor sharp claws.

And all seven raging figures hit an unseen barrier, preventing them from reaching each other.

Jennes, Taryn and Lourdey hit the barrier again and again, raking at it with furious swipes of their claws to no avail, even as Willow blasted at it with magic, Buffy slashed at it with her sword and Spike and Angel battered at it with deadly talons.

The barrier held firm against them all until finally, Taryn stepped back carefully eyeing first the barrier then Xander, blinking as understanding began dawning in his rage clouded mind.

"Stop!" he shouted, gripping Jennes and Lourdey. Lourdey snarled, swiped angrily at him and almost fell on top of Xander. Twisting with a yelp of alarm to avoid Xander’s body and he landed hard on his wrist, snapping it with an audible crack.

Xander closed his eyes when the demon almost fell on him, seriously expecting to get squashed flat. At the yelp and the sickening crack, he opened them and regarded the demon gripping a broken wrist with puzzled eyes.

Angel frowned, his eyes widening in surprise as the demon broke it’s own wrist rather than fall on Xander. This was wrong on so many levels it was laughable. Jaztar demons didn’t give a damn about humans, or for that matter anything other than their people, so what made Xander special to these three?

His rage dying, he was surprise to feel the barrier gone between him and the demons. He stepped carefully forward, blinking as three snarling faces instantly turned to him and the demons stood between him and Xander.

"He’s weak and he needs to be in the bed," he tried to explain to the demons.

Taryn twisted and crouched down, peering at Xander who instantly tried to move away from the demon, wanting to get close to them but terrified of why the urge to be close to the demons vibrated through him. Urges were never of the good, was his shaky thought, they always got him into trouble. Inca girl, Mantis woman, saving Buffy's life...all urges.

"Peace, youngling…we mean you no harm," Taryn crooned softly, creeping closer as the shivering boy stopped trying to move away.

"Peace," he whispered softly, hearing Jennes and Lourdey crooning behind him, lulling the young human. Carefully, to avoid startling the youngling, he took him in his arms and carried the boy to the waiting bed, gently caressing the rounded belly possessively.

Eyeing, Angel and the others slowly gathering in the room warily, Taryn and Lourdey stood guard over the boy while Jennes folded himself behind the human, resting his hand on the protruding stomach, crooning softly in the youngling’s ear.

Xander tried to resist the crooning sound but was powerless to resist as he fell deeply asleep, cradled against the warm body behind him.

Buffy and Willow watched with slack jaws as the lines of pain and stress eased on Xander’s pain ravaged thin face.

"What did you do," Angel whispered harshly then gentling his tone as Xander stirred restlessly with a small whimper.

"Nothing much," Lourdey shrugged, "We just assured the children within that we were here."

And at their looks of astonishment, Taryn frowned at them, "You do realize that the boy is pregnant?"

"Uhm, n…no," Willow stammered out, her eyes growing wide in amazement. "We just knew his stomach was getting bigger so I tried to use magic on him to see what was making it get so big and causing him pain, but it didn’t work and the last time I did something threw me out the window and so we stopped, I mean I stopped trying to see what was inside cause it just wasn’t working and sharp pointy things…uh uh not good, not good at all. We knew there was something growing inside him cause we could see it moving and that was causing him pain and pain is so not good, not unless it’s a good pain and this definitely wasn’t good. Xander’s pain that is."

Taryn blinked, looked at Lourdey then back at the waiting people, still puzzled.

"The bint worked her mojo and wha'ever the whelp's got n'him whalloped her but good n'tried ta toss her out the window. N'then the soddin' bunch of wankers was like wantin' to cut the bugger open and pull it out, which the pup or wha'ever got pissy about and boxed ev'one ears that hadda knife 'round him," Spike said impatiently with a roll of his eyes.

Taryn frowned and raised a hand, "Please wait."

The two Jaztar moved couple feet away where they had a very intense discussion. Waving their hands expressively before coming back.

Lourdey glanced at Taryn and Jennes who nodded their heads firmly, before turning back to the waiting Hyperions.

Lourdey looked coolly at the Hyperions, "We have no idea what you just said."

"We tried using magic to discover what was wrong with Xander. Something is protecting either Xander or the children or both, as it attacked Willow and threw her out the window when she used her magic on him. So we desisted in further experimentation with magic to find out what was developing within Xander. We then initially thought about operating on him but no one with a knife could get near him except for Buffy and she was most adament about not hurting him," Wesley translated wearily, ignoring the frown and
angry huff Willow gave him.

"Yours?" Angel’s voice rose in disbelief before his eyes narrowed and he growled low in his throat, a sound that Spike echoed.

Jennes glared murderously around the room as their youngling cried out in his sleep and he patted Xander's stomach soothingly, feeling the tense body becoming limp again.

"You will NOT distress him again," he hissed.

"While we owe you no explanation, vampire, we will give you one since we will be staying with the human," Taryn stated arrogantly, a slight smirk on his face.

"There is no way in hell you will be staying in MY hotel," Angel stated coldly, his eyes a muddy yellow color.

Lourdey raised a brow, "Oh, then you agree that we can take him with us?" he said in pleased surprise...perhaps this will not be the onerous chore they had imagine, he mused.

"Not if our lives depended on it," Willow said succintly, her eyes darkening to a dark emerald color.

"Well, it's not your life that depends on us remaining with the human, it is his life, as well as ours, that will be lost if we are forced to leave," Taryn said harshly, already disliking having to deal with these...these pathetic worthless creatures. He eyed the humans crowding in the room and his lip curled with barely concealed contempt.

"Oh shit," Andrew whispered, his eyes widening in alarm, "Jaztar demons! How could I have been so stupid," he raged at himself, wanting to beat his head against the wall.

"Andrew?! What's wrong," Willow turned to him, her face concerned.

Andrew shook his head miserably, "I''m sorry Willow, but he's right. If Xander is pregnant by them then they have to stay or all four of them may die. A Jaztar embryo creates some kinda emphathic link between the parents and itself as a sorta survival mechanicism. I remember reading something about how in ancient times, warring Jaztars would rape males and females alike, and produce dozens of unwanted children. The worse part was birth parent couldn't abort the child without killing himself or herself. Some clans were almost wiped out as sometimes the birth parent chose a painless death rather than carry an unwanted nameless child or the siblings of the raped one would gather together and kill the rapist, sparking another clan war."

"So a powerful shaman, who was tired of all the clan wars, the raping and killings, created a spell. This spell linked the baby to BOTH parents, forcing them together, to survive as a family unit until the child was born. This spell would induce intense agony within both parents unless they were within several feet of each other several times a day. The effect would gradually lessen as the months passed and by the time the child was born a new family unit was usually formed as the parents would often choose to stay together to raise their child," Andrew ended quietly, his eyes stormy as he regarded the peacefully sleeping Xander.

Lourdey nodded his head, surprised at how well the human had summarized his people’s ancient story. "You tell our history quite well for a human. This spell was so powerful that its effects are still felt today. Our people normally do not marry until a child has been conceived. Why marry if your mate cannot carry a child?" He shrugged carelessly.

No matter the status, position or power...no Jaztars in their right mind would accept another into their clan unless he was proven to be able to carry a child. Every Consort Contract was for one full year, giving either party sufficient time to conceive a child. And whichever Jaztar did conceive would become the lower ranking Jaztar withing their joint household, joining the other's clan. This method had been working for thousands of years, reducing the number of clan wars throughout the Jaztar nation.

"However, it may not matter very much longer as many of the Jaztar born to males are sterile. And without a queen to balance our people and to provide females, our people are slowly dying. Queens are the only ones that give birth to both male and female children. Males mating with males will produce only male children, over half of which are sterile," Taryn stated calmly with little show of emotion.

He felt nothing but contempt for the ridiculous fools still praying to the dream of the promised Queen. It would be far better to die on their feet in battle than continuing the dream of some mythical female coming to save them.

Angel’s brows rose, "I had no idea that your people were that close to dying. I mean, we’ve all heard rumors about your people but this…," he shook his head in dismay.

While he, along with the rest of the demon community would rather avoid Jaztars like the plague, rumors still circulated about the warrior demons. But this was one rumor no one suspected or even whispered about.

Spike’s eyes narrowed to icy suspicious slits, "So why tell now?"

"Because the young man is connected to you, we are connected to him which makes all of you connected to us," Lourdey said, grimly enjoying the flash of horror on the others faces.

"When we are not called to his side, how may we assist you," Taryn said through gritted teeth. One day soon he was going to figure out a way to strip one of those interferring shamans of their powers and hurt one of them very, very badly. It was their fault that he was in this predicament after all.

Wesley regarded the grim looks on the two demons fronting them and the look of quiet repose on the one laying behind Xander with bemused eyes. His brows raised in astonishment as Xander stirred restlessly and the two demons instantly turned to him. Crooning softly, their grim looks fading as Xander settled back into sleep.

Jennes sighed gently as he slid from behind the human boy and stretched lazily, feeling the delicious pull of muscles throughout his body. He had not felt this relaxed in weeks.

Lourdey eyed him with a smirk, before getting into bed and curling up behind Xander, his hand resting softly on the rounded belly, feeling waves of peace thrumming through him. He rested his head against the warm back with a soft mewl of pleasure.

"Okay, is it just me or is that too freakin’ weird," Cordy demanded watching the demon cuddling against Xander.

"Weird," Willow, Riley, Andrew and Jonathan all agreed readily regarding Xander and the demons with disturbed eyes.

"Weird," Buffy chimed in, Doyle nodded in fascinated agreement.

"Bloody damn crazy is what I call it," Spike snorted, watching a smug look of contentment settle on the demon in the bed.

Angel remained silent watching the scene with a closed expression. Other than a faint lightening of his eyes, his face gave no hint to his true feelings.

"Keep an eye on them," he growled shortly before turning and leaving the room abruptly.

Taryn and Jennes regarded the departing vampire with cool expressions, they glanced at each other before Taryn nodded.

And Jennes headed out the door after the vampire, calling to Angel.

Angel turned and regarded the calm demon with a cold look, "Yes?"

"I think perhaps you have misunderstood our connection with your human," Jennes said quietly, stopping in front of Angel.

"My human? I think perhaps you are mistaken…I don’t have any ‘humans’ as you put it," Angel's voice was harsh.

"Your scent is all over him," Jennes said simply. ""Besides I can almost taste your interest in him."

Angel smiled thinly, "Well, whatever the connection is, or rather was, it doesn’t matter, now does it? You’re here and he obviously belongs to you, so whatever ‘interest’ you think you taste is immaterial."

Jennes’ cocked his head to the side, it was a good thing he came out here to talk to the vampire instead of Taryn or someone’s blood would be decorating the walls. He smirked, as angry as the vampire was, he had a feeling that it would have been Taryn’s blood.

"You still don’t understand, the boy does not belong to us, rather WE belong to him. To protect him, to guard him, to care for him until the birth of the children. During the pregnacy, he can not defend himself or protect the babies that he carries, that is how the spell works. The parent that is NOT pregnant protects and guards the one that is pregnant. Had we not appeared, the babies may have shifted their bonding to whoever Xander felt was more capable of protecting him and the children. Which seems to have been you, considering the way he smells of you."

Angel blinked, "Okay, let’s say that you are right and I do have an interest in Xander, not that I’m admitting anything of the sort," he said hastily at the smirk on the other’s face. "But let’s suppose I do, I mean did…are you saying that you won’t interfere if I should pursue him," he asked with raised brows.

Jennes raised a brow, "As one demon to another, were I you, I would not be eager to get too involve with the human. He will die in the birthing of the children, which would greatly inconvenience you, I would imagine," he said casually.

"What?!" Angel almost shouted, his eyes stunned before slowly fading to gold.

"I thought you understood the risk of a human male giving birth," Jennes took a step back, to give himself room to fight should the situation deteriorate.

"Of course not," Angel nearly screamed, "How in the hell could I possibly know this, you fuckin’ idiot?!"

Jennes straightened in angry annoyance, "Then I apologize if my news is unwelcome," he said stiffly, though his eyes were furious. "I had assumed that you understood the circumstances of the birthing process. No human male has ever survived a birthing or to be frank, very few females as well."

"My God," Angel whispered, raging fury burned in his eyes as he punched a hole through the wall, alarming the occupants in the room beyond.

"And I suppose there’s no way to get rid of the children he carries," Angel said hoarsely, slumping against the wall in despair burying his face in his hands.

Jennes hesitated before slowly shaking his head, watching Angel with curious eyes before shifting his attention behind the vampire.

"Angel," Joce called to her vampire, keeping a wary eye on the man standing in front of of her Angel.

Angel drew a shuddering breath, "Yes, Joce what is it?" he asked, taking a deep unneeded breath. Startled, he looked down as Joce wrapped an arm around his leg and her small body leaned against him. He could feel her trembling even though she had an angry expression on her tiny face as she glared fiercely at Jennes.

"I don’t think I like you," she growled, narrowing her eyes at the nasty mans. She didn’t know what he did, but he made her vampire upset and sad. And if her Angel was sad, she was mad and as soon as her daddy got better she was gonna have him give the man a good smack.

Giving the man her best Angel frown, she nodded sharply when his eyes widened and she followed the frown up with her best intimidating Spike glare. Swaggering and squinting meanly at him as she approached him.

"Yous a mean, bad mans," she snarled, poking him in the thigh for emphasis.

"You make m’Angel sad and I’m gonna tell my daddy and he gonna smack you good, so there!" Satisfied that she had scared him enough she strutted back to her Angel and patting him on his leg comfortingly as she gave another fierce look at the nasty mans.

Jennes eyes had widened when the tiny girlchild glared at him. He wasn’t used to children acting so...so…forward. And when she came up to him and poked him in the leg, he didn’t know whether to laugh or growl at her. He eyed her admiringly, she had the makings of a warrior, though it was a pity she was only a human. With glance at the vampire’s twitching lips he made sure not to look Angel’s way again for fear of losing control. He had spent many years perfecting his emotions and he refuse to allow one tiny girlchild to get to him.

Angel gritted his teeth to avoid laughing at Joce and for a brief moment his pain at Xander’s situation was pushed aside.

"Thank you for sticking up for me," he said gravely to Joce.

"Yous welcome," she said with a quick look at him, but mostly keeping her attention on the nasty mans. "Daddy say we can’t let DEM push us ‘round and we’s hafta stan up t’em, deys bulls, ya see."

Angel looked puzzled before deciphering Joce’s language: Bulls…Bullies.

Jennes raised a brow, "DEM? And how do you know which ones are ‘dems’?" he asked interestedly to Joce.

Joce frowned, "Dems is e’rybody not in da hotel," she said as if it was obvious.

Jennes blinked, "But I’m in the hotel," he pointed out, fascinated by her logic.

Angel’s shoulders began shaking, well acquainted with Joce’s twisted version of logic.

Joce thought for a moment, then her face cleared, "But yous wassen here when Daddy told me it," she said cunningly.

"Was Angel," Jennes asked, pointing to the vampire.

Joce glanced up at Angel with a frown, "Uhm no," she looked back at Jennes wondering what was his point.

Angel simply shook his head, Jennes had no chance at winning this argument.

"Then Angel is a Dem," Jennes said, waiting to see what she came up with next.

"NO!" Joce stamped her foot, her face turning red, "MY Angel isa US, e’rybody in da hotel isa US!"

"Then so am I," Jennes retorted, wondering why was he arguing with a child?!

Joce narrowed her eyes, "Not yet, yous ain’t," she growled meaningfully, fingering her butter knife.

"Enough," Angel said as Jennes opened his mouth to continue the insane argument.

Joce smirked at the man and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Joce," Angel said warningly to her, holding her eyes with a stern look.

"Uhm…sorry Mister mans," she muttered to the man, oooooh she hated being sorry.

Angel made a quick decision and crouching down to her level he said, "Joce, this is Jennes. He and two others are going to be living here with us for the time being, to help take care of your father. So be nice and if they give you any trouble, come get me or Spike, okay?"

Joce gave a look of deep suspicion to Jennes, "He be nice to m’daddy?" she said in an audible whisper to Angel.

Angel gave Jennes a cold look, "Yes, he will be nice to your daddy."

Jennes nodded, "We will be extremely nice to your daddy," he stated quietly to the little girl and gave her a slow smile.

"Well, okay den, but I’m gonna be watchin’ you," Joce warned Jennes seriously, giving him her Aunty Willow’s Resolve face.

"I can expect no less from such a capable warrior such as you," Jennes said gravely with a small bow.

Joce nodded her head before swaggering to her daddy’s room.

Jennes regarded the small departing figure with a tiny smile, "You are most fortunate in your protectors, your daughter has the instincts of a warrior," he said to Angel.

Angel looked startled, "She's not my daughter."

"My apologies. She has many of your mannerisms, so I just assumed," Jennes shrugged.

There was silence between them before Angel spoke again.

"We are limited in space in the hotel, so the three of you will need to bunk together," Angel said grudgingly.

Jennes turned to him with a shake of his head, "Unacceptable. We must remain with him or at least within two feet of him for the time being so the children do not become frightened again."

Angel gritted his teeth, "There is no fuckin’ way I, or anyone else, will let you three stay in a bedroom alone with Xander."

"Then I suggest you think of an alternative," Jennes said before he whirled around and swept back down the hallway and into the room.

Xander smacked his lips as he slowly came awake. For the first time in days he was pain free and he wiggled happily. His eyes were still closed so he didn’t see the looks of startled amusement on Willow, Spike and Angel’s faces at his little dance of joy.

Feeling an arm tighten around his waist, he smacked the arm warningly, "Deadboy, chillout for a minute!" and he opened his eyes. Blinking as he saw the bemused look on Deadbo…wait a minute, he thought confusedly. If Deadboy’s over there, then who’s behind me? Twisting in the encircling arm about his waist he looked up into Taryn's cool eyes and screamed. Flailing his arms and frantically scrambling to get out of the bed.

Angel rushed forward, along with Willow and Spike, and tried to catch Xander as he fell out of the bed.

Xander crawled hurriedly and huddled against Angel, shaking. He whimpered softly, trying to bury himself into Angel’s side as he finally remembered what happened to him. He stiffened at the low crooning sounds that came from the three demons, fighting desperately not to give in to the lulling effects.

"Stop it," he shouted, covering his ears and feeling a sharp pain in his stomach. "Stop it! I know what you’re doing, so just STOP!"

Taryn, Lourdey and Jennes stopped crooning and sighed, wincing at the stab of pain in their sides.

"Peace youngling," Taryn quietly said, "We only wished to soothe your fright, we did not mean to upset you." He crawled out of the bed and crouched down to Xander's level.

"Well, you did," Xander retorted angrily from the shelter of Angel’s arms. Supremely confident that with Willow on one side and Spike on the other, the demons weren’t gonna get him.

Twisting, as he heard the door open, he smiled smugly at the appearance of Buffy. HA! take that, he thought at the demons.

"Amy had us under her control," Jennes voice was soft as he regarded the boy glaring at them suspiciously, "We had no choice but to do her bidding, but we tried to warn you, remember? We told you to go away to that same place you were when she was torturing you, do you remember?"

Xander frowned as he struggled to recall what happened when Amy had him. Grimacing as he recalled the looks of self-hatred and fury in the demons eyes at what they were being forced to do.

"I…remember running," he said slowly, sitting up and regarding the demons, "You told me to go away, to hide from the pain."

"Yes, we did," Lourdey replied gently, his eyes intent on the boy’s face as he crept closer.

"Do you know what’s wrong with me," Xander abruptly asked, tensing as he felt Angel’s arms stiffen around him.

"Angel?" he said shakily, twisting to look up at the vampire, growing increasingly nervous at the strange look on Deadboy’s face and the rigid tension against his back.

Angel sighed before scooping Xander up in his arms and putting him back into bed. As he went to straighten up, he realized the boy had a deathgrip around his neck.

"Uh uh, you stay right here," Xander said nervously, loosening his grip and grabbing at Deadboy’s hand, squeezing tightly.

"And you," he narrowed his eyes at Taryn, "You start talking."

Taryn raised a brow at the demanding tone from the human, "You’re pregnant," he said bluntly and at the raised voices he yelled back angrily, "Well, he asked!"

"An…Angel," Xander's eyes grew wide as he stuttered, "I don’t like him! I really, really don’t like him...kill him for me please?"

"Xander," Angel said softly, "He’s telling the truth, you’re pregnant. Jaztar babies create some sort of empathic link between its parents to insure its own survival. The pain and agony you’ve been feeling, they’ve felt as well. Only when the parents are close together will the pain lessen for them. I’m sorry, Xander," he ended helplessly as the boy’s eyes filled with tears.

"Well, get it out...GET IT OUT!" Xander yelled hysterically and he struggled furiously until Angel pulled him into his arms before he let go with a wail of pure misery. Sobbing out his rage, his fear and humiliation into the broad chest, he pounded on Angel with his fists, feeling small gentle hands stroking his back soothingly and a soft gentle voice murmuring comforting words.

"Shhh, Xander…it’s gonna be okay," as his sobs died down he finally heard Willow's desperate words. "We’ll get through this just like we got through everything else. You helped me. Remember when Moloch pretended to be Malcolm, that guy I met on the Internet...we kicked his ass didn't we...ctually Buffy kicked his ass but we helped! Oh! Oh! Remember when that Inca girl was gonna...no, no, no I got it! Remember when that Biology teacher wanted to mate...you idiot that's not a good example," she muttered to herself, wiggin out herself.

"Xander, remember that Halloween when we all became whatever costume we were wearing and you became a soldier? You kept all of us safe," Buffy asked kneeling beside the bed. "Or when you were possessed by the hyena? We got through that together, even though you did make with the chomping on our school mascot and I'm sorry but that was just ewwww but thankfully you didn't eat Mr. Fluty or that kid in the car which worked out for the best in the end," she ended with a bright smile.

Xander looked up with a watery chuckle and shook his head, marveling at the way they tried to comfort him.

Jennes and Lourdey stood back as these human children tried to make the boy...Xander feel better. Humans were incredibly strange, to show that much weakness before others, they shook their heads ...fascinating.

Taryn was becoming irritable and wondered why they didn't just hit him, that usually worked for him when his servants became hysterical.

And gradually Xander became calmer, his shakes easing away under everyone's calming influence. He still eyed the three demons warily and if what everyone told him was true, he knew he needed to accept them in his life. At least for now, he narrowed his eyes at them.

The next two weeks were extremely trying times for everyone as they all strived to adjust to the three Jaztars among and the Jaztars struggled to adjust to living among non-Jaztar.
But all the Hyperions agreed that the Jaztars had the harder struggle.

Willow, Buffy and Cordy had to intercede constantly during those weeks, stopping Taryn, Jennes and Lourdey from killing humans and demons alike when they felt the others were subtly challenging them or slighting them in some insane Jaztar way.

They were almost continually explaining that all the humans were trying to do was either asking them to move out of their way, asking them questions...finally screaming 'For God's sake they were just asking you a question, you fuckin' moron!'

Then it was Xander's turn to stop Taryn and Jennes from killing Cordy.

The Jaztars maintained their standoffish ways around the humans, keeping to the area Angel had assigned to them since he was reluctant to send the males out on an assignment. Until he had no choice in the matter.

Receiving the request from help from two different sources, Angel had no choice but to separate his fighting force into two groups and send two of the Jaztars out with them. And to avoid as much bloodshed, Jaztar and otherwise, he assigned Taryn to Cordy and Willow’s team.

Taryn stood back and watched as his group fought the En-relza demons with puzzled eyes. The group had such an odd way of fighting that he was having a most difficult time comprehending what was actually going on. While true they were very outnumbered by the En-relza, they were effectively holding their own and his eyes widened slightly, and winning the battle. He started forward with a smirk when he saw one of fighters stumble and fall, he was sure that now they would ask for his help. But what he saw startled him. The two fighters with the third, smoothly stepped forward and COVERED the fallen one until he regained his feet. The Taryn took a good hard look around and saw the same thing repeated again and again, realizing that all the fighters were in groups of threes.

Finally, he exaulted as he saw two members go down and the remaining one shouted for assistance. Leaping forward, he attacked the oppenent with smooth, terrifying efficiency. Certain that the humans and demons could only stand in awe at seeing the martial skills of a Jaztar warrior.

Not being satisfied with putting down his current oppenent, he slashed and hacked his way over to another and another, his movements as graceful as a dance but far more deadlier. Cordy gritted her teeth as she watched him from the corner of her eye as her axe broke bones and loped off body parts. Hearing Willow’s voice over the roaring and screaming of the demons shouting ‘Right flank fall in‘ and they drove the demons off. Finally it was over.

Taryn glanced coolly at the number of people that he had help, nearly chuckling with glee at the amount of favors he could invoke. Perhaps instead he would magnamimously forgive the lifedebts, or perhaps he would….

…his thoughts were abruptly stopped with Cordy’s axe jammed against his throat.

"The only reason why I haven’t chopped you into little pieces is because of Xander," Cordy hissed into Taryn’s startled face. "The only reason why we let you stay is because he would hurt if you left. You better get one thing straight while you live under my roof, if you are in a fighting group then you had better act like you give a damn about us and help protect our lives. Because, who knows, the life you save may just be your own."

Taryn shoved her back from him, "HA! This place belongs to the vampire, human and there’s nothing stopping me from killing you," he snarled silkily.

"HA! His place, my place ," Cordy waved a dismissive hand. "And as to killing me, do you really want to take the chance on upsetting Xander," Cordy smirked.

Taryn gritted his teeth, "You watch your back, human."

"She doesn’t have to, that’s what being part of a team means," Jonathan said quietly, leaning tiredly against the demon member of his triad.

"I do not think I appreciate you, you human," Taryn breathed angrily, as he flail about trying to recover his emotional stability.

Cordy snorted, "Get in line."

One of the demons shook his head, "Dude, that particular line is waaaaay around the block. Personally, I can’t stand the bitch either and but she’s one of us, and ain’t nobody messing with any of us. You mess with one, you got all of us on your back."

"Taryn, it’s real simple," Cordy quietly said, coming down off her mad. "We live or die…together. Back when humans ruled America we had a saying: United we stand and divided we fall."

And with that, the group tiredly made their way back to the hotel with a thoughtful Taryn in tow.

Jennes as well was undergoing a radical change in attitude as he watched among his combat group as the human called Andrew attempted to heal a badly damaged human. And at his perfectly reasonable suggestions he couldn’t understand why Wesley tried to kill him.

All he did was point out that it would be perhaps better to either leave the human or simply put her out of her misery, clearly she would be better off dead than left a cripple or a burden on the resources of the hotel.

"No one is EVER left behind," Wesley answered evenly, shaking with the need to kill the overconfident Jaztar. "If we can’t heal her, then she still comes back to the hotel…dead or alive. And even if she is left crippled or unable to get around except by a wheelchair, she still plays an important part in our war. She has a mind that can think, hands that can bandage the wounded, a heart that can love. But you, what the hell can you do but kill and fight? We have plenty of those around the hotel," Wesley snorted slowly removing his sword from Jennes throat, whirled round and picked up the partially healed woman.

Jennes was silent as they headed back to the hotel. Despite his anger with Wesley, some part of what he said stayed in his mind and bore further consideration.

Back at the hotel, he made his way thoughtfully upstairs to the youngling’s bedroom. Inclining his head politely to Lourdey and stiffly to the blonde vampire, he climbed into the bed and settled against the their sleeping little father. Resting his hand on Xander’s bare stomach the words that Wesley spat at him still running through his mind, he was aware of Lourdey’s curious eyes and knew the other was curious of his disturbed frame of mind.

Taryn walked in slowly, allowing no trace of his uneasiness to show on his face as he settled on the bed, instinctively seeking the comfort of the little father to still his turmoil.

Lourdey was definitely curious as to why his brother Jaztars were broadcasting enough distress to disturb Xander’s rest. He moved hastily up and rested the youngling’s head on his stomach, leaving the other side of their human for Taryn.

~What causes your disturbance, Taryn~ he dared to say. Living among the Hyperion was apparently causing him to act in a most un-Jaztarlike fashion, he thought. Months ago, he would not have dreamed of asking such a question but now, watching how the Hperions interacted with each other he dared to show that he cared. He saw how that…caring seemed to make the others stronger in some fathomless way.

~It is these crazy beings in the hotel~Taryn snarled softly, stroking his hand restlessly over Xander. ~I simply can not understand them! They fight almost like Jaztars, but then they yell for help. Then when I help, that mouthy human female called Cordelia attacks me! ME! I helped when they requested help and I was even contemplating forgoing the lifedebt of the ones that I helped.~

~That’s nothing,~ Jennes snorted, ~Do you realize that they actually waste valuable healing on the critically injured?!~

And even Lourdey blinked as he tried to comprehend that fact, but Jennes next words almost threw him over the edge.

~They also was willing to bring a dead body back to the hotel instead of leaving it and when I pointed this out, that human man attacked me!~ he said indignantly then abruptly started crooning as the youngling began stirring restlessly.

~By the demons below, they are mad! See, this is what comes of allying ourselves to Wolfram and Hart~ Taryn groused with a slow shake of his head.

~No, that is not correct~ Lourdey remarked thoughtfully, his eyes distant. ~I’ve seen some amazing things among the beings on the hotel. Do you know that I even think that they would be just as fierce in protecting us if only for the youngling’s sake.~

Taryn snorted, ~Like the humans say: Yeah, right!~

Engrossed in their conversation, they were unaware that Xander was awake with a gray sheen to his eyes.

Then came the knocking on the Hyperion's door that Taryn had been expecting. He knew that neither Janek and Alvn would let him get away with beating his brother. A smirk crossed his face, but it was worth it.

Taryn, crossing the lobby with a heavily laden tray for his and Xander's mid-meal, stopped in his tracks as the door opened and 40 well-armed Jaztar poured into the lobby. His eyes narrowed at the smirk on his brother's face, then Taryn, his eyes resting meaningfully on the livid bruise still darkening his brother's cheek, slowly smiled. Almost chuckling in amusement at the rage that nearly choked his dear, dear brother. Wondering again why the other hated him so much.

Angel and Spike came down the stairs slowly and stood beside Taryn, their eyes cold with rage.

"May I ask the reason why the FUCK you are invading my home?" Angel asked frostily.

Prince Alvn looked disparagingly at him, "We've come for Prince Taryn for his assult against my consort, Prince Janek," he replied coolly.

Jennes eyes narrowed, "Janek was NOT your consort two weeks ago, so your claim of assult is improbable."

"You will be silent, Prince Jennes for I can easily add your name to my list," Alvn retorted coldly.

Lourdey restrained Jennes hastily when the other opened his mouth, "Prince Alvn," he bowed respectfully, "Prince Jennes is entirely correct. If Prince Janek was not your consort at the time of the assult then the punishment for the alleged crime is not considered lethal," he stated carefully.

"I have my father's permission to make Janek my consort retroactive," Alvn smiled peacefully.

"You cannot make Janek a consort retroactively, that is against the law," Lourdey eyes were narrowed in beginning fury.

Alvn raised a brow, "My father is the High King, he is the law," he stated.

"You are in my hotel," Angel said quietly, his eyes burning with rage, "And your father is not here."

"Taryn has a child on the way," Jennes said levelly, trying to still his desperation.

"Too bad," came Janek's vicious response, all the rage and jealousy he felt for his younger brother burned behind his eyes. Ever since the other grew his warrior's braid, all anyone could ever talk about was Taryn! He was sick and tired of hearing everyone praising his brother, telling HIM how proud he should be with Taryn as his brother. The youngest Warrior in their clan. No matter what he tried to do, no matter his success all anyone could spout was praises for his brother. And now he was going to become a father?! Not if he had anything to do with it.

Taryn said quietly, "Enough," to both Jennes and Lourdey. He knew that they would start fighting with the guardsmen to protect him and they would die, leaving Xander unprotected. He gave the tray of food to Lourdey and went to take a step forward, halted by the low rumbling that was slowly rising in the lobby and the mass of grim humans crossing the room.

Standing between him and the other Jaztars.

One thought was clear in everyone's mind: kill the interlopers. Riley gave Taryn a firm nod, they may not like him or the others but he was keeping Xander alive and was connected to him. And nobody was taking their Jaztar from the hotel.

The intruding Jaztars gripped their swords tightly in their hands, jumping as the door behind them slammed shut.

Prince Alvn regarded the grim looks on the human's faces and felt a fisson of fear ghost down his back before he stiffened his spine. He was a Jaztar and the day he feared these...these, humans was the day he would be no longer fit to be called a Jaztar.

"Surely you're not insane enough to kill the High King's only son...and bring down the wrath of the entire Jaztar nation on your pathetic heads," he said scornfully.

Spike raised a brow, "Well, I donno luv, why don't we give it a whirl and see," and mad laughter danced in his eyes.

"Chill out, dudes," Xander called from the top of the stairs.

"We got your back, Xan," he heard Jonathan whisper. And he nodded wondering who would have everyone else's back when the Jaztars descended on them like a wrecking ball.

Then as everyone's eyes turned to him, he slowly made his first trip downstairs in weeks. Willow and Cordy in front of him, Jonathan and Buffy at his back, all four ready to help him.

Breathing heavily, he carefully made his way to Taryn, his growing stomach proceeding the way. Reaching Taryn's side, he leaned against the demon drawing strength from him before straightening.

"I'm hungry, feed me," he demanded, as his stomach growled lustily.

Taryn raised a brow with a coolly amused expression, and did as he was commanded. This had to be the greediest human he had ever met. He often wondered where could the youngling be hiding the amount of food he put away morning, noon and night.

Janek's eyes narrowed in rising fury as he watched the scene. He could hear the uncertain mutters coming from the guards around them as they looked on. This was NOT WORKING! He nudged Alvn irritably, blinking at the cold look the other turned on him and trembled slightly, he was under no illusion about his place in Alvn's life. His only hope of protection or of safety was to produce a child for Alvn as quickly as possible and pray that would give him enough power and protection.

"Neither he nor Jennes and Lourdey will be leaving me," Xander stated calmly enough, despite his racing heart.

"He must answer for his crimes against my consort," Alvn replied with a chilling smile.

"Well, since he wasn't your consort two weeks ago, that makes you a lying piece of shit," Xander retorted.

Taryn leaned over and whispered into Xander's ear.

"Excuse me, but Taryn says I was disrespectful. You are a lying piece of shit, Prince Alvn," he said carefully. Twisting up to give Taryn a proud smile at his use of curtesy, blinking at Taryn's resigned expression.

Five of the guards made sure no expression of amusement showed on their faces. It was about time someone told Prince Alvn 'the worthless' the truth.

"Seize him," Alvn growled, gesturing the guards forward and stepping back himself.

"STOP!" yelled a voice as the door blew violently open.

Sourd and 20 shamans stormed into the Hyperion, with various expressions of fury on their faces.

"What in the name of demons below are you DOING," Sourd screamed at Alvn.

"He assaulted my consort, that is a crime punishable by death," Alvn said smoothly, struggling to control his fury.

"Somebody should have done it years ago and maybe to you too!" was the enraged reply.

Alvn gritted his teeth, "I am Prince Alvn, the High King's son! I don't have to take this from you," he snarled.

"You'll take it, boy and like it," Sourd growled back just as angrily.

"You fool! You know very well that what you were doing is against the law, borderline punishable at least by death to kill a father. Besides, Janek wasn't even your consort two weeks ago and trying to make it retroactive is illegal and I don't care if Saln is the High King, he can't go around changing the laws to suit himself," he snorted in disgust.

Alvn growled low in his throat, slowly shifting to his demonic form as he stared at Sourd.

Sourd leaned forward, with a low rumbling snarl of his own and gradually shifted to his other form, with everyone hearing his next words, "Don't push me boy...I can be one of those bad things that happens to people like you."

Alvn stared at him, trying to intimidate the shaman, then with a low rumble of defeat, he jerked his head, signalling the guards as he left in defeat. This wasn't over.

Sourd bowed as well, his eyes resting on Xander's gravid stomach with a fond, possessive smile before he and the other's left as well.

Taryn seized Xander by the arm and hustled the furiously protesting human up the stairs to the room. Jennes and Lourdey following behind with equal expressions of fury.

Angel glanced at Spike and Willow, before the three ran behind them, with Buffy, Cordy and Riley in their wake.

Releasing Xander's arm, Taryn paced angrily back and forth, struggling to control his rage. But every time he glanced at Xander he felt rage burning hotter. This was unacceptable! How could one human...this insignificant human cause him to lose control so thoroughly so rapidly?

Willow stepped in the room, uneasily watching the angrily pacing figure and tried to ease the situation.

"Obviously you're upset with Xander but it's not gonna do anybody any good if you don't tell us what's going on," she said quietly.

"HIM!" Taryn roared, pointing a finger furiously at the bewildered Xander.

"Me?! What the hell did I do but try to help save your sorry ass," he yelled getting pissed off at Taryn, at them as he took in the angry expressions on Jennes and Lourdey's faces. Yelping in alarm as Taryn sped towards him and got up in his face.

"Don't you start with me, boy...you will NOT win," Taryn hissed furiously through gritted teeth before turning around and pacing again, this time joined by Jennes and Lourdey.

And a light went on in Angel and Spike's heads.

"Xander, they are upset because you put yourself in danger. The only thing that matters to them is the fact that their need to protect you and the children outweighs everything for them. They are willing to risk their lives to insure that you survive, therefore their children live and they almost lost you," Angel spoke up.

"But I'm not some little kid that needs taking care of," Xander growled and he pointed angrily to his chest, "I am a grown man...true a pregnant grown man which I still haven't gotten used to yet, but I'm still a grown MAN! I don't need nobody's fuckin' protection. I've been takin' care of me, my people and family since I was seventeen fuckin' years old! Fighting shit that you wouldn't believe," he shouted.

"Then imagine how you would feel if Mikey and Joce deliberately put themselves in danger just to save your worthless life," Taryn said evenly, finally getting his rage under control and looking into Xander's suddenly understanding eyes.

Xander opened his mouth and closed it with a snap. He looked away from Taryn's hard probing eyes, his jaw clenching and his face was tight. Blinking he looked down and a long sigh escaped him.

"Sorry," he muttered.

Taryn slowly smirked, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," he raised a brow. In the short weeks he had known the boy, he knew how much it grated the young human to apologize.

"I said I'm fuckin' sorry okay!" Xander shouted, his eyes flashing in rage at the barely concealed amusement on the Jaztar's faces. Then he closed his eyes in resignation at a horrified gasp coming from within the crowd at the doorway.

"Oooooh, Daddy said a bad wooooorrrrd," Mikey was totally aghast, his eyes wide.

"Daddy, gonna get a spanking," Joce chanted in delight.

She frowned and looked around in confusion as everyone burst out laughing. With an annoyed huff at the stupid adults, she grabbed Mikey and left to play with the other kids at least they made sense.



Chapter 8

After that first initial fight Angel decided that perhaps it would be better to have the Jaztars train with the various residents of the Hyperion. So with that thought in mind, he sent Joce to them with a message.

Joce strutted to the demon’s door, glancing around to make sure that lots of people saw her Very Important Job. Her vampire told her that he couldn’t trust this job to just any ole body and her chest puffed out proudly at being entrusted.

She knocked firmly on the door, just like she saw Angel do and carefully stepped back, unconsciously mimicking Angel’s stance with her hands behind her back and her legs spread as she concentrated on the message Angel told her to give the demons.

A couple of people hid smiles behind their hands as they hurried past, apparently Xander had a miniature female Angel on his hands.

The door opened and she sighed heavily, it was HIM.

But taking a deep breath she began carefully, "Angel says you c’downed t’da train room to..uhm..hit with somebodies," and flushed at getting her message out. And she didn’t even hafta give them the message that her vampire wrote. She was a big girl now and she was gonna have some more boys to take care of soon so she had to prove she was re-spon-sible, she thought carefully. She scowled at the funny look HE gave her.

Jennes sighed, why him? "Please wait a moment," and shut the door.

"Lourdey, there is someone at the door for you," he reported calmly, sinking back in his chair.

Lourdey raised a brow inquiringly before going to the door, then came back carefully.

"Taryn, Xander’s girlchild wants me to hit you repeatedly," he said in confusion, then looked down as he was pushed out of the way.

"NO! You hit ev’body," Joce said in exasperation, her hands on her hips. She sighed wearily, adults were just so stupid some time. Reaching into her pocket, she thrust Angel’s note into Taryn’s hands.

"You re’dit," she demanded.

Taryn narrowed his eyes coldly at tone, blinking as she just glared back at him and startled he read the note, "The vampire would like us to practice or observe a training session, at our convenience."

"Yeah, you c’ma now," Joce said eagerly. "I’ll tell you ev’body dere, ‘K?"

She grabbed Taryn’s hand and tried to tug him from his chair, giving him a dark frown when he didn’t move fast enough.

"C’mon," she insisted, and to his extreme surprise, Taryn found himself on his feet accompanying her.

Following the little girl, they could hear the muffled grunts and yelps getting louder as they approached the training room.

Opening the door, the noise simply got louder as the mass of beings were revealed. Staying close to the wall, the Jaztars wandered the room watching and observing the practice training session. Reluctantly impressed by the speed and the cohesiveness of the fighting group of humans and demons.

Lourdey looked down into Joce’s upturned face at the sharp tug on his pants leg. He looked around wildly wondering why she wanted him to pick her up, but hesitantly he hoisted her into his arms, stifling his amusement as she reached out and tugged first at Taryn and then Jennes. Drawing them closer so that she wouldn’t have to yell.

"Dat’s Riley," she said pointing to a big blonde male fighting with cold deadly grace, "He sad cuz he friends dieded and him couldn’t help dem."

"They are quite capable fighters," Jennes said coolly, but he was definitely impressed by their skills.

"We Sunnydale bred," Joce boasted, not noticing the Jaztars stiffen at what she had revealed.

"O’vr dere is Miss Cordy, m’daddy say she barks but she don’t bite too hard," she frowned in puzzlement at what her father told her about Miss Cordy. She shook her head, dismissing it until she could understand it better.

"Him Spike. He likes m’Auntie Willow, and dat’s Willow o’vr dere wif Miss Buffy. Miss Buffy was bad but her better now," and nodded her head earnestly.

Then she squeaked at seeing Buffy and Willow stand facing each other and everyone backing away hurriedly. She wiggled urgently to get down, "I gotta get m’daddy…he say Miss Buffy and Auntie Willow ain’t s’pose to fight." She had tears in her eyes, frightened at the grim looks on the two women’s faces.

Lourdey thrust Joce at Jennes and ignoring the other’s flinch, he glided between the two women and bowed.

"Miss Buffy and Auntie Willow, the girlchild is extremely frightened for some odd reason over your upcoming practice bout. Perhaps one of you will be good enough to reassure the little one that there is nothing to be worried about?" He raised a brow to them.

Buffy and Willow glanced at each other before plastering wide smiles on their faces and striding over to Joce.

"Sweetie, did you think we were gonna fight for real," Willow said softly, touching Joce’s tearstreaked face.

"Maybe," the little girl muttered burying her face in Jennes neck before she remembered that she didn’t like him and pulled back.

"Honey, this is a training room," Buffy feigned a carefree smile. "That’s what we do, train in here. We don’t come in here to actually hurt each other."

"You pinkie promise," Joce narrowed her eyes at them, knowing that if Auntie Willow promised then she wouldn’t break her word and she forced more tears from her eyes.

Willow hesitated, "I pinkie promise," she swore reluctantly.

"You too," Joce insisted tearfully to Miss Buffy.

"I pinkie promise," Buffy vowed with a low growl.

Both Willow and Buffy’s eyes narrowed at seeing the tears instantly clear up and realized they had been tricked.

Joce wiggled down and trotted over to her father who stood in the doorway looking at them. Taking his hand, she guided him away from the room, chattering a mile a minute about now that she’s a big girl how much more responsible she was.

The Jaztars raised a brow and hastily followed after the pair, leaving Buffy and Willow to glare at each other before sighing and retreating to the opposite sides of the room.

Later that day, as Taryn entered the Xander’s bedroom he tossed out casually, "Joce informed us that she grew up in Sunnydale," then closed his eyes as pain rippled through him. He rode the pain, scooping the youngling out of the chair and into the bed, crooning softly to ease them both.

"I take it that subject is off the road for now," he said wryly.

"It’s ‘off limits’ and yeah, it was a bad place where I was born," Xander said wearily as his pain eased.

Taryn thought for a few moments before saying softly, "Rest then" and slowly eased from the bed.

But he was still curious and felt that it would better their understanding of the little father and the people surrounding him. After asking several of the Hyperions about Sunnydale he found that the people fell into two groups: those that didn’t know anything and those that he really, really needed to avoid for the next few days. And he grew more frustrated each day.

Buffy strolled up to the Taryn, "I understand that you’ve been asking about Sunnydale," she raised a brow.

Startled, Jaztar glanced down into the Guardian’s upturned face, "Yes. The youngling puzzles us and we felt that we would like to better understand him and his environment."

Buffy gazed out of the window, "Sunnydale was a bad place to grow up in, not at first, but after Acathla opened it got a lot worse."

"Yes, yes, I know all of that," Taryn said testily, all demons knew the story of how the major demons were released from Hell.

Buffy continued as if she hadn’t heard him, "The reason why the others really don’t like to talk about Sunnydale was because it was a place where demons walked freely among them. Hurting them, taking whatever they wanted from the humans. At least until the Slayer came and restored a little bit of order to the town."

Taryn was startled, "My apologies, Guardian, I did not realize that you and the youngling were joined."

"We’re not," Buffy threw him an unreadable look over her shoulder. "When a Slayer dies, another is called, you know that right? Well, technically I was dead for about two or three minutes before I was revived, so another Slayer was called. Just before Acathla opened, she died…. so another Slayer was called and her name was Faith. This Slayer was the one that restored some order in Sunnydale and was married to Xander." She looked away again, out the window.

"Willow was extremely weak after Acathla opened so Xander and Willow’s late husband stayed behind with her, but they somehow managed to smuggle Cordy out. Then a few months ago, Faith sacrificed her life to give the rest of them time to escape when they brought my mother here so she could see me one last time. Xander and Willow think I don’t know that they gave her poison to help her die with dignity. This is what they do, you understand, what they did with all their people. If there were no other option, no healer able to heal one of them, they mercy killed their fatally injured. They all carry some magical object that will let them incinerate the body so scavengers can’t touch it. They leave no one behind if they can help it," Buffy said grimly.

"You seem to know a lot about them," Taryn called after her as she was walking away. He raised a brow, wondering at her pain. He could almost taste it, it was so powerful.

Buffy paused, "I should since Sunnydale used to be my town to protect. I was the Slayer that failed my duties and allowed Acathla to open."

And all Taryn could do was stared at her back as she walked away. These humans were truly incomprehensible, had she been a Jaztar, perhaps she would still be alive…it really depended on how much pain she could endure with their torturers.

By the time he was in his third month of pregnacy Xander had finally, grudgingly, admitted defeat. And gritting his teeth, he began accepting help in getting around the hotel. He rarely ventured down the treacherous stairs anymore, actually no one would allow him to go downstairs. After the tenth person claimed that they had something really urgent to do, he finally got the message: no one wanted to take a chance on him falling down the stairs and having the Jaztars, Spike, Angel and Willow try to kill them. That is, if Buffy and Cordy didn't get to them first.

Sitting by the window and rubbing absently at his stomach, he smiled wickedly, wondering what hoops he could make everyone jump through today. That was the only fun part of being pregnant and it was amazing what everyone did just to keep him calm. He chortled silently to himself, holding his hands over his mouth to muffle his giggles, though it was just so unmanly to giggle.

What to do, what to do, what to do, he mused tapping at his lip thoughtfully. He silently asked the kids what they should do today. Should they make Taryn play chess with them, or maybe make Spike sing a rap song? Or make Jennes cook them something…like
oooooh lasagna, course that does give us heartburn but we won't tell him yet. Okay little guys, you decide: chess, food or a song? And at the increased activity when he mentioned chess, he decided to call Taryn.

He loved the look of frustrated rage on Taryn's face, especially when he beat him. He knew the demon couldn't figure out how he was doing it, and it was wiggin Taryn out big time.

Why bother telling Taryn that Oz had been an international Chess Master back in Sunnydale? Why bother telling Taryn that Oz had taught Xander everything he knew about chess, which was considerable?

Xander sneered, Taryn's problem was that he was too friggin' logical and followed the rules. Poor thing didn't handle surprises too well, either.

Taryn glared at the ceiling, feeling his nerves beginning to tighten, "He's doing it again!"

Angel looked up from his book, with a bewildered expression, "Who's doing what again? Oh, c'mon now! You're still not on that crazy idea that Xander is deliberately making us jump through hoops, are you?!"

"Yes! And the complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that a conspiracy is at work,." Taryn shouted angrily.

"He's pregnant," Spike growled, pissed off at the angry demon, "He's probably wantin' some reassurance like."

Taryn rounded on the vampire, "And I'll thank you to keep your son away from me," he hissed, his hair snapping in his fury.

"That child needs a minder," he snorted angrily. Everywhere he looked, that tiny human boy was glaring at him, a sneer curling his lips. And even when he couldn't see him, he could feel the child stalking him…glaring at him. Those eyes watching him from a shadowy corner.

Willow and Cordy glanced at each other before silently escaping the room, hurrying to the basement before they started laughing hysterically, holding on to each other. They were still in awe at how Buffy managed to sit there and not laugh in the guys faces.

"Xander's awful," Willow finally gasped out, holding her tender sides.

Cordy tried desperately to breathe, "Was he really this conniving back in High School," she rasped out.

They hurriedly tried to sober up as they heard the door open, then the rapid tattoo of feet descending the stairs and they started as Buffy came face to face with them.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't hold it in any longer," and she fell to the floor, helplessly laughing, soon joined by Willow and Cordy.

With ill grace, Taryn stomped up the stairs, summoned by Xander to play CHESS! Demons and humans alike hurriedly moved out of his way, they seen his good side and this was far worse. How was he to know that the boy was NOT Spike's son, they acted just alike. He growled, feeling his nerves twitching before he whirled and snarled, finally hearing a muffled squeak and a wail, as the boy ran away.

Standing at the door to Xander's room, Taryn adjusted his clothes, his equillibrium restored by the terrified scrambling people left in his wake and finally besting the boy. At least he was able to intimidate one of the Harris'.

And taking a deep breath for control he opened the door.

The iceman cometh, Xander smirked when Taryn entered the room.

"Taryn, I'm bored," Xander whined and bit his inner cheek to stop himself from laughing, as he saw the skin under Taryn's eye start twitching.

Summoning all his patience, Taryn merely said, "I know, perhaps a game of chess would soothe you, boy." Turning his back, a smirk on his face as he heard the huff of anger.

"Don't call me boy," Xander snapped, his eyes flashing angrily.

"Oh, I'm sorry…I didn't mean to upset you," Taryn said in his most soothing manner, dashing over to Xander to pat him solicitously on his hand.

"Now, cut that out!" Xander jerked his hand away furiously, glaring up at Taryn. Bastard!

"Now I've upset you even further," Taryn exclaimed with a patently false expression of sympathy, and then quickly shifted his face to one of extreme concern.

Xander narrowly eyed the obviously fake concerned look on Taryn's face, getting more pissed off each second as the sonofabitch held that fake expression ruthlessly.

"Touche," he admitted grudgingly, "You play the game well, grasshopper."

Taryn bowed elaborately, "I learned from the master."

Xander started chuckling at Taryn's response, laughing harder as he remembered everything he put the others through. Willow, Cordy and Buffy had quickly nipped his whining in the bud so that just left the males for him to work on.

Taryn slowly smiled at the mirthful face of the human, good…the boy did too much brooding up here by himself. Tormenting the denizens of the hotel seemed to be his only source of amusement, but unfortunately everyone truly thought he was serious and didn't bother to play the game and react appropriately.

"When did you figure it out," Xander said at last, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Only about two weeks ago," Taryn replied ruefully, going over to gather the chess pieces and board.

Xander smiled softly, sadly, "Well, it was a good game while it lasted."

"Why do you say that? The game can continue if it amuses you. I have no intention of sharing such knowledge with the others," Taryn retorted calmly, setting up the board.

"Really," Xander eyes grew wide at the thought of continuing his little game.

Taryn smiled, "Really. If they are foolish enough not to see the pattern, then they deserve whatever they get. Perhaps, I may be of assistance to you in ideas…I know many things that will greatly annoy Jennes and Lourdey," he raised a brow encouragingly.

With equally devious smiles the co-conspirators shook hands and settled happily to their game of chess.

Apparently it was his turn to be tormented, Angel thought ruefully a few days later. Despite what he told Taryn, he knew what the boy was doing and since it seemed to provide Xander with some form of amusement, he was content to allow the youth to continue to play his little game.

At the fifth heavy sigh, he finally looked up from his paperwork, "Yes, Xander what is it?" And hid a smile at the look of frustration on the boy's face. He knew precisly what was wrong with Xander.

"Does my quiet self-pity get to you or should I move up to incessant nagging," Xander sighed, then finally admitted in frustration, "Angel, I swear, I'm so horny I'd fuck a lion and die a happy man!" He crossed his arms angrily over his stomach, heaving a huge sigh, squirming uneasily as his cock twitched again.

"So what do you want me to do about it," Angel asked with raised brows. "It's not like you have a whole lot of options for sex, especially considering Taryn, Jennes and Lourdey are not about to let too many females, much less males near you."

"Duh!" Xander snapped out sarcastically, "Sorry, I'm just so...,"

"Horny," Angel nodded knowingly. He strolled over to the bed and carefully slid behind Xander. Rubbing the boy's back gently and smiling at the way the young man wiggled in pleasure.

"Mmmmm, Angel, you've got magic hands," Xander moaned in ecstasy, feeling the tension oozing out of his body, but strangely enough, feeling his cock start to harden. He flushed hoping Angel wouldn't notice. And eyeing his huge stomach, he snorted, like anyone could see over it.

"What you need is a visit from Mother Fist," Angel whispered into Xander's ear, smiling at the almost imperceptible shiver that coursed through the boy.

"M...m...mother fist," Xander stuttered nervously, his stomach fluttering and he was pretty certain that it wasn't the babies.

"Mmmm, Mother Fist," Angel breathed softly, extending his other hand into Xander's line of sight and slowly shaping his hand into the appropriate, 'Mother Fist'.

"Oh. OH!" Xander's eyes grew wide as understanding dawned. Then he grimaced, "Angel, I have to sit down to take a piss...I can barely reach my dick much less jack off! So much for your bright ideas, Einstein."

"Well, if you're going to insult me, I won't offer my services," Angel smirked behind Xander's head. And he knew damn well what the answer would be.

"Services," Xander asked suspiciously, twisting to look back at Angel, blinking at how close their faces were in this position and hastily turned forward, his heart racing.

"Yes, my 'services'," Angel replied as he extended his hand again, this time resting it on Xander's belly and gently caressing the bulging warmth, feeling a responsive movement within that made him smile.

Xander froze, there was no fucking way that Angel had just offered to jack him off! Surreptitiously he pinched himself, wincing at the pain. Okay, he wasn't asleep so....
maybe he just misunderstood the offer. Think, Xander think, he urged himself. How about if I just say OK, then if he does something else then I know that I misunderstood, but if he starts pulling on my schlong then...okay there was no downside to the plan. Either way, I don't get into trouble, he smirked.

"OK," he said cheerfully, "Do your stuff!"

Angel eyed the back of Xander's head, very tempted to make the boy actually tell him to jack him off...but he easily resisted the urge, considering how much he wanted to wrap his hands and mouth around the young man's lengthy rod.

Shifting from behind Xander, he eased the boy down onto the pillows before gliding a hand into the drawstring pants. He ignored the whimper from the youth as he took the firm member in his hand and tugged it out into the open. And pulling gently at the stiffening organ, he settled into an easy motion.

Stroking firmly, allowing pre-cum to pool around his fist, he used the boy's natural fluid to provide lubrication.

A cock was the most fascinating part of the body, Angel thought ruefully as he slid his hand up and down the warm flesh...truly with a mind of its own, ready and willing to do anything to be enclosed in soft wet flesh...a mouth, a hand, a pussy...or a nice tight ass.

Xander had his eyes closed tightly to enjoy it as this...this man...this vampire jacked him off. Squeezing him, stroking him...and his hips arched helplessly off the bed trying to thrust more of him, more of his thick shaft into that tight, cool grip.

Dear God and he thought sex with Faith was incredible...Angel's hand job was gonna destroy his mind! And a brief flicker of guilt flashed through his mind but was ruthlessly drowned under the waves of pleasure Angel was pulling from him.

Angel moved his hand faster over the jutting shaft, feeling it becoming harder, growing under his stroking as he caressed the meaty rod. Rubbing his thumb over the sweet tender head, the heady aroma wafted up to his nose and went straight to his aching dick.

He tugged faster...harder at the tumescent organ he held, his mouth watering...desperate for a taste, just one lick...the smallest of licks to the proud staff.

Tighter… faster he stroked the throbbing stalk, while eyeing the aroused flushed face. Until finally he couldn't resist and leaned over. Licking gently at the weeping head, he smiled at the choked cry Xander gave before he settled down into a steady rhythm, his head bobbing over the hungry flesh. He should have known that he would never be satisfied with just a lick.

"Oh my God," Xander rasped out, his eyes rolling to the back of his head at the wet pulling sensation on his aching cock. Angel...Angel was sucking him! Angel was stuffing his dick in his mouth and sucking him, tonguing him…and apparently from the sounds Deadboy was making...totally loving it.

And hungry for more of Xander's delicious velvety flesh, Angel lowered his head, the hard staff gliding down his throat until his nose was buried in the intoxicating fragrant hair of his groin and purred....

Xander arched off the bed with a scream, "Oh shit! Oh...oh...oh SHIT!...Fuck Deadboy, what the hell," he panted, his hips still continuing their erotic dance and he groaned lustily at the admonishing swipe of Angel's cool tongue. He got the message, shut up, and settled back to simply enjoy the pleasure unfurling in him.

Angel smirked around his mouthful, briefly considering another source of pleasure he could give his boy, but regretfully deciding against it, he needed to have something to dream about. And he continued to languidly blow Xander's mind, his hands gently massaging the taut sacs filled with delicious creamy sauce.

Xander tried to move faster in the wet grip of Angel's mouth, almost sobbing in frustration at the iron grip controlling his hips. Mindlessly he begged, pleaded, promised to do anything if Angel would just let him cum....

Sensitive to the pulsation in the thick tonsil wrench, Angel gave one last wet caress and felt his mouth fill to overflowing with Xander's ball juice. Thick, rich dream whip and he moaned happily as he swallowed the creamy emission, idly listening to the ragged panting coming from above.

Xander lay gasping for breath, good God ALMIGHTY! he thought in shock. Who knew Deadboy had so much talent, he thought, still dazed from the blowjob. Blinking as Angel raised his face, the wet lips...the golden ey...he eyed the color of the vampire's eyes and for once felt not a flicker of fear at the sight.

Angel sat back on his heels and watched Xander steadily...he had come too far to back away now. He swept his eyes possessively over his boy, and despite what Willow thought she did, both his demon and soul were in perfect agreement with the unified Angel: MINE. If only for this short time, Xander belonged to him.

And without dropping his gaze, he tucked Xander back into his pants with a little pat, smiling at the flinch the human gave as if in understanding of his new status in his unlife.

Xander eyed Deadboy uneasily, totally aware that if the vampire was a dog, Angel would probably be pissing all over him, marking his territory. He didn't know whether to protest the look of possession he saw in the vampire's eyes or just shut the fuck up and go with the flow.

Angel leaned forward, giving the youth plenty of time to escape as his eyes narrowed on the sweetly, tempting lips. Brushing at them with teasing, gentle motions until they parted with a sigh and he hungrily dove in. Groaning at the enthralling heat within, he deepened his carnal possession of Xander's mouth. His tongue thrusting slowly within the steamy depths, longing to be doing the same deep within Xander's tight ass.

Moaning, Xander could practically feel his mind splintering, his body tightening under the erotic coolness of Angel's mouth and mewled softly at the desire surging between them. He wasn't exactly stupid, finally understanding the looks, the touches, the presents Deadboy had been giving him...he knew exactly what Angel wanted and intended. Nobody lasted long living on the Hellmouth without becoming wise to body language. But Angel had fooled him completely, he thought hazily, arching his neck into the cool caress of Deadboy's mouth. He sighed with pleasure and regret as the touch slowly began easing the renewed ache of his body.

Blinking slowly as he was cuddled into the comforting embrace...he had a real tough decision to make. Despite how wonderful and mindblowing sex with Faith had been, she had NEVER sparked such intense, overwhelming desire within him. This was definitely something that couldn't be decided quickly...if he was single maybe, he wouldn't have a problem, but he had been married and he had children. Their thoughts and needs had to be considered into this potential relationship...but dear God, he wanted Angel!

He felt the solid length of Angel's cock pressed against his back and realized the other hadn't cum.

"Do you want me to...," he asked hesitantly, feeling his cheeks heating.

Angel replied quietly, "Not until you decide if you want to take this further." But he didn't think that they would have a later and wanted to cry.

Xander turned over in his arms, wiggling his bulk until he was comfortable, "Deadboy, if it was just me...," he began miserably, raising his eyes unhappily to Angel.

"Shhh, I know," Angel soothed the forlorn expression in the sad brown eyes. "You have other responsibilities, like Mikey and Joce, and these little guys," he said pressing a quick kiss on the bulging belly. Laughing softly as he felt his lips gently poked.

Xander smiled, "All my kids like you," he said stroking Angel's hair. "But I gotta be sure, because Angel if I have to choose between you and my kids, you'll lose hands down." His face was deadly serious as he spoke.

"Xander, if it wasn't for your sense of responsibility I don't think I would be in love with you," Angel replied equally serious and was taken aback at the look on Xander's face.

"You're in love with me," Xander couldn't help squeaking out, his eyes wide in astonishment.

"Of course, I am...did you think I was after a quick fuck, " Angel snorted. "I can get that easily enough, there's enough males and females in the hotel that are very interested in me."

Xander lowered his eyes, "But I'm all big and...," he gestured to his burgeoning stomach, feeling suddenly painfully shy.

"I think you look beautiful and seductive as hell. Lourdey and Jennes, and I even suspect Taryn think you look beautiful also," Angel raised Xander's face, watching those glorious brown eyes glow with pleasure.

"Now I think I had better go and take a cold shower or I might take you up on that offer," Angel admitted wryly as he clambered over Xander.

"And you'll come back," came the quiet question from the bed, wide eyes fixed on his face.

Angel crouched down and kissed the sweet lips tenderly, ruthlessly controlling himself from hungrily taking what the eagerly parted lips promised, "I'll always come back to you...no matter where or when, I'll always come back, " he promised.

When he opened the door, he started at the sight of Taryn leaning against the wall.

"That child has been watching me again," Taryn accused irritably, holding a tray of food.

"Taryn, cut Mikey some slack," Angel said in exasperation, "He's only looking out for his father."

"I've been out here for almost 30 minutes waiting for you and Xander to finish!" Taryn abruptly switched to another subject, sure that this would embarrass the vampire.

Angel closed his eyes in deep pain, "Please tell me that you didn't hear anything?"

"Actually, after the first ten minutes I got the witch and made her cast a spell on the room. A nice little Silence spell," Taryn said almost cheerfully. Xander was right, this was much more fun that merely physically hurting people, he thought happily. Why I could spend hours, days...even weeks doing this and people wouldn't even suspect a thing. Perhaps there is something to be said about being around humans, at least these humans.

Angel growled, his eyes turning gold...but even he knew his growl lacked force and angrily stomped away. Firmly ignoring the laughter from the Jaztar behind him.

Xander woke, a faint uneasiness rippling through him. He tried to nudge Spike awake and tried to be as quiet as possible. Straining his ears at an unfamiliar sound in the bedroom. Someone was here that had no business being here.

He was glad that Taryn wasn't here, because if he was then Mikey would be here curled up between them which annoyed the Jaztar like crazy, especially since his son always managed to kick the demon several times while sleeping.

Dammit! He gave Spike a vicious pinch, startling the other into jerking away and falling out of the bed.

Which saved the vampire's unlife as a sword slammed into the spot where he had been laying.

Spike, fully awake now, lashed out with his foot and heard a muffled grunt before pain exploded in his stomach.

The door slammed open and Lourdey howled as he lashed out with his black talons fully unsheathed.

Xander crawled away as fast as his ungainly body would allow, yelling for Angel to get his ass in here! He felt something touch his ankle and fumbled, grabbing something, slamming it hard on whatever it was and scrambled away. If it was Spike or Lourdey, well, he would apologize later.

He could hear both Lourdey and Spike fighting in the darkness, grunting sounds as two someones made contact and a high pitched screech that made his ears hurt.

Willow burst into the room, throwing a ball of light at the ceiling…lighting up the room and the battling occupants.

"Oh sh..," was all she had time to say before a tentacle grabbed her and slammed her through the wall and into the hallway outside.

Xander shook and slid against the wall, maybe lighting the room up was not a good idea, he thought shakily as the…things focused on him

Spike and Lourdey backed away hurriedly and stood protectively in front of Xander.

"What the hell is it?!" Spike yelled as the creatures attacked them again and he realized that it was trying to draw them away from Xander.

Both creatures screeched again as Angel and Taryn leaped on their backs, ripping and tearing at mottled flesh in their fury. Buffy joined in the attack with a single-minded determination, laying vicious brutal blows facing the creature while Riley, Willow and Jonathan engaged the other creature.

"Get Xander out of here," Taryn screamed before a tentacle grabbed him and threw him into the wall.

Andrew tried to ward Xander with a protective spell from the Jabba the Hutt creature and felt his magic slide off his friend like water. Grabbing his knife, which was of little protection against the creatures, he eased around the brawling knot of people to Xander's side. With fear in his eyes, Andrew watched as both Larry and Cheryl joined Riley and Willow in the combat zone.

Glancing at the furthest wall away from the war zone, he tugged Xander with him as he blasted an opening and helped Xander through, yelping as a tentacle wrapped around his middle and yanked him back.

He twisted desperately in its grasp before landing with a hard thump on the floor. Looking up he met Buffy's gaze before she whirled around, slicing another reaching tentacle.

Definitely have some breakage here, Andrew thought as got to his feet and slid the severed tentacle off his waist, hastily making his way through the hole in the wall and allowing Xander to pull him from the room. Andrew stepped aside as more people rushed up the stairs and poured into the room. Carefully guiding his humongous-sized fearless leader, he steered them away from the war zone, stopping frequently for Xander to catch his breath.

Angel slumped wearily against the wall, propping up both Buffy and Doyle...it was over.

"Okay, anybody know what the hell that thing was , and how it got into the hotel," he said quietly into the exhausted silence of the destroyed room.

Several people glanced up at him and shook their heads.

No one knew what it was.

Andrew came back with Xander and they peered into the room with interest, wincing at the bruised and battered people.

Andrew searched anxiously for his husband and wife, trembling in relief as he spotted them on the other side of the room, holding each other up. They glanced at him with smiles of relief at seeing him safe.

"What I find very interesting, is the fact that you five were able to attack the creatures," Wesley said from his prone position in Riley's lap. He didn't bother opening his eyes as his hair was stroked tenderly away from his face. Such a good boy, he thought fondly.

Willow's head jerked up from it's resting place on Spike's shoulder, "That's right, you guys were able to attack them," she said slowly, straightening up as Spike released her.

She stepped cautiously over to the mangled carcasses, ignoring the fussing that Angel and the Jaztars were doing over Xander's strident protests. Why did he bother, she thought absently, like they're gonna change. The Jaztars might, but Angel will face the sun before he lets go of Xander.

Buffy and Jonathan joined her in peering at the creatures.

"They almost look like a Demaoe demon but they don't have these," Buffy stated quietly, reaching in and ripping out a leg bone with a meaty sound.

"No, but humans do," Cordy replied, her voice going cold and hard.

The Jaztars and Angel stopped fussing over Xander and a silent glance passed over his head between the four before Lourdey, Taryn and Angel stepped back into the room. Xander attempted to waddle closer but was restrained by an iron grip and sighed grumpily as he looked up into Jennes' hard face.

Fine! he huffed., nobody ever let him do anything anymore. "Maybe somebody changed 'em," he called from the doorway.

Jonathan frowned and Wesley sat up, saying, "Xander, to physically change someone like that would require enormous amounts of power."

Everyone looked at Willow.

"Hey, I was with Spike until he went to Xander's room!" she protested angrily, "Besides, like I would ever do something to hurt Xander."

"Yeah, Red was with me up 'til late last night," Spike said indignantly, his eyes flashing with angry blue fire.

Xander wiggled his brows lecherously and called from the doorway, "Oooooh, with Spike huh?!"

"Like you were with Angel yesterday afternoon," Willow retorted, smirking at the instant flush on her friend's face.

Buffy blinked and looked away, taking a shuddering deep breath, pain clawing at her insides...at her heart. Biting savagely on her lip, she reminded herself that this was the path she choose and nobody said it would be a catwalk. And swallowing the lump in her throat, she was finally able to smile, joining the cheering jeers aimed at the furiously blushing Xander...he deserved to be happy and if Angel hurt him...her eyes turned cold.

Swinging her attention away, she blinked as she met the deadly gaze of the three Jaztar. And she knew that if she even thought of taking a step towards Xander there wouldn't be a move that could save her life.

Taryn nodded, it was good that Guardian understood her boundaries. At a time like this, their nerves were twitching to hustle their little father away from the death in this room. The only thing saving Xander was the fact that they knew it would distress him more if he was forced away.

"Focus people," Angel said mildly, calmly ignoring the laughter on everyone's faces. He would figure out a way to get back at Willow and his idiot, smirking grandchilde. If he couldn't think of something he could always ask Taryn or Xander, he smiled evilly.

"Clearly this was an attack on Xander," Wesley said, shooting Xander an apologetic look.

"Okay, first we find out how it got in here, then Xander will be sleeping with me and one other person from now on," Angel announced decisively, ignoring Xander‘s whimper of protest.

Xander rolled his eyes, if somebody let that damn thing in here, I swear to GOD I will be so fuckin' kick their ass all the way to Hell, he thought angrily. Now I gotta have two bedmates!

Fortunately, Spike and Jennes found the man that permitted the creature access, neck broken and bleeding from multiple wounds...naked in bed.

Xander shifted restlessly in the bed, trying to avoid waking Angel. I knew I shouldna eaten that last piece of chocolate cake, he moaned miserably, clutching at his clenching stomach. Yelping at a particularly fierce pain clamping on his insides, feeling like his guts were being pull.... and his eyes widened in sudden realization.

"Angel! WAKE UP! The babies are coming!" he yelled, then screamed in pain, jolting Angel to full awareness.

"Xander! Oh my God, " Angel jumped out of bed, dashed to the door then ran back and grabbed his pants and sliding them on then running out the door, screaming for Willow, for Cordy...for everyone.

Taryn and Jennes were the first ones to make it to the room.

"Okay, first thing to do is NOT to panic," Taryn said firmly, his eyes wide as he looked at the straining, panting young man.

"Then why don't you climb off the ceiling," Angel retorted, looking up to where the Jaztar was clinging to the ceiling.

Taryn coughed, "I was just getting a better view," he said coolly, releasing his grip and almost jumping back on the ceiling at the choked cry from Xander.

Willow stumbled into the room, "Okay, first thing is to get his shirt off him and sterilize him," she said breathlessly.

"Why," Angel looked angrily at her for a brief moment before understanding.

Willow nodded, "Yeah, he doesn't have a natural opening, so we need to get the babies out another way."

Angel met the Jaztars eyes with a look of bottomless pain and the Jaztars flinched and dropped their eyes. All three feeling an uncomfortable emotion in their hearts. They had tried to resist the warm friendliness of the human but to no avail....he called to them, laughed with them, teased them to share in his joy and his spirit....they would grieve for him for a very long time.

"An..Ang...Angel," Willow stuttered out, her eyes on Xander's rippling belly and the thin line of blood trickling down his side.

"Wha...," Angel started to say, then froze as Xander screamed, his body arching...and gray mist began pouring out of his mouth. With every scream, every cry...more mist poured out as Xander writhed helplessly on the bed, encircled by the gray cottony mist.

Lourdey regarded the writhing body, "Just so we are clear, is that a normal reaction, " he asked uncertainly.

"Not that I'm aware of," Willow stammered, her eyes wide.

"ANGEL!" Xander screamed as ripples of pain flared through him. His were opened wide and unaware causing the hovering people draw back as a pearly gray sheen glossed over them.

The mist was now at knee level and generating more of itself, steadily rising higher.

Despite his fear, Angel helplessly answered the call of his beloved, striding through the mist and holding Xander's hand.

Xander screamed again and the mist was now at chest level…this time the Jaztars answered the call and stepping into the mist as it rose higher, they disappeared from view.

The mist seethed gently against the ceiling, slowly spreading through the room.

Buffy frowned in puzzlement, her head tilting before almost being violently thrown to the floor as the hotel shuddered as if under a tremendous blow.

"Oh shit!" Whirling around, she screamed, "Everybody get into the basement, now! Don't come out for anything, no matter what you hear! Move it!"

"Buffy what hell is going on?!" Cordy shouted, then twisted around rapidly at Doyle's bellow of pain.


"Princess, we hafta get into the basement," Doyle muttered, trying to get to his feet. He looked up and smiled wryly at Cordy's gasp of horror at his milky white eyes.

"Princess, whatever's going on with Xander, the Dark Powers want it stopped...now. We can't protect him from this, all we can do is get to a place of safety and let what happens ...happen. I think he's got more protection than the Dark Powers know," he said quietly, glancing at Willow and Buffy.

Cordy wavered, casting a longing glance at the mist enshrouded Xander before yelling for everyone to get into the basement...NOW!

"Willow, go get Benny, Joce and Mikey," Buffy said urgently, firmly holding her ground as the hotel shuddered and groaned again.

"S'right, I already got'em," Spike called from the doorway, a screaming baby clutched in his arms, and two terrified children holding firmly to his legs.

"Okay, Spike you need to go get as much blood, food and milk that you possibly can carry. Enough for three days," Buffy said breathlessly, falling to the floor as the hotel rocked again.

"I don't know how long Xander'll be in labor, but they'll come after the three kids first, to draw him out, so you need to protect the kids and we'll protect Xander," Buffy said fiercely.

"Right," and Spike gave the children to Willow and Buffy, racing down the stairs, pausing at the hammering he heard at the main doors. Grabbing everything he needed, he stumbled as the hotel shook violently and recovering his balance he ran up the stairs, pausing as he saw the mist slowly filling the room.

Willow and Buffy glanced at each other, "The corner," Willow said firmly and Buffy nodded in agreement. Watching as Spike settled himself and the children, getting them comfortable, before Willow handed him toys and coloring books to entertain the children.

Buffy faced the seething mist, "These are Xander's children. His first and second born and they need protection." And she silently waited, drawing Willow away from the corner of the room.

Then slowly the mist gently undulated across the corner, hiding two terrified pairs of eyes and one pair of icy blue eyes.

Buffy took a deep breath and glanced at Willow, "You ready," she asked.

"Yeah, but where are we going," Willow asked in puzzlement, staggering against Buffy.

"Wherever Xander is...in the mist," Buffy smiled and stepped forward into the mist.

Willow watched her with wondering eyes and smiled as well, stepping forward.

And slammed into the wall of mist.

Her eyes wide in astonishment and fear, she tried once more, and again she was rebuffed. The mist swelled, pushing her steadily out of the room. She wasn't wanted.

She heard the splintering sound and knew that the front doors had given way, the yelling and shouting of invading people. Her jaw firmed, her eyes glistened with tears as she glanced over at the mist enshrouded corner, silently saying goodbye before she whirled around and left the room.

"There's one of the bitches now," cried a hard-faced man, and grinning viciously he began mounting the stairs, his intent plain to see on his leering face.

Raising her hand and calling on her magic, Willow was prepared to defend this room until she was no longer able.

A firm hand grabbed her by her collar and yanked her into the mist.

Yelping she turned and faced Buffy, surprise on her face.

"You and Xander are both two stubborn people," Buffy shook her head wearily, "C'mon let's go."

"Where," Willow shouted, looking around....all she could see was gray.

"Can't you feel him," Buffy said impatiently, rolling her eyes.

Willow blinked, then a slow smile crossed her face before she turned and headed in the direction of the call.

"And they call me slow," Buffy muttered before following.

Outside of the room, Willow's would-be rapist approached the room with a lewd smile on his face and blinked at the gray seething wall facing him. He looked over his shoulder then shrugging he made as if to turn away and found that he could not.

Looking down, he saw his feet was surrounded by the gray mist and he didn't even have time to scream as the mist surged up his body, then slowly poured downward and spread into the now empty hallway, ankle high. And slowly began easing down the stairs.

Xander panted heavily, gripping Angel's hand as the pain flared again while he frantically tried to calm the children but he was in too much pain himself to do much good. All he could do was grit his teeth and suffer as the children grew more frightened at the pressure on them causing them to refuse to leave their safe haven, broadcasting their fear and terror to him, making him spiral out of control.

Grunting loudly, he strained before resting back down on the bed.

The Jaztars began crooning softly as they felt their children's fear and terror, the low sound cutting through Xander's harsh breathing. They gently began assuring the babies that they were with them, that everything was going to be okay.

And slowly, they saw Xander easing. The fear and terror building in his eyes dying down, then gone.

"I swear, Deadboy, being pregnant totally sucks," Xander wailed, as another pain gripped him. "I wanna push! I gotta push!" he moaned, arching against the pain.

Striding out of the fortress in the distance, Angel saw a tall soldier approaching, a huge brindled dog pacing along easily at his side.

Blinking, Angel glanced down at Xander's flushed face, then the face of the approaching man...and except for the obvious signs of age and the scar on the man's face, they were exactly the same.

He eyed what he now recognized as a hyena as it raced ahead of the man. Growling softly at him and the Jaztars before whining and licking at Xander's face.

"Hey, bet you guys never thought to see me like this," Xander tried to joke to cover up his bone deep pain, tears bright in his eyes at the stabbing pain he continued to feel.

"Little cub, we suspected as much when we first woke up," Hyena growled out, shocking Angel.

"And thank you for saving our essences," Soldier crouched down to smile at his young charge, stroking the sweaty hair away from the tired face.

"Wh..who are you," Angel stuttered out.

"She must by the hyena and he's gotta be Soldier-guy," Buffy said helpfully from behind him.

Angel whirled around to face her, astonished to see both her and Willow here, wherever here was, he thought looking around in confusion.

"Xander was possessed by a hyena a long time ago, then one Halloween Ethan Rayne did something and he briefly became a Soldier. Course, I always thought they had disappeared but here you are," Willow said, frowning darkly at the two.

Hyena growled and stalked over to the girl, "Do you have a problem with that?" she snarled, her lips pulled back from her teeth. Her very sharp teeth.

My, what long teeth you have, Willow thought helplessly, transfixed by that deadly gaze.

"No ma'am, we don't have a problem, no...no.. problems here....we are problem-free. We are two of the most problem-free people you ever saw, oh yes indeedy," Buffy stammered her eyes wide as she pulled Willow away from the hyena.

Xander arched with a pained groan, and the slit under his stomach lengthened , blood pooling in the hollow of his hips.

"Vampire, get behind him and support him. Jaztars, pull the sheets from the bed and cut them in half, you will need the sections to wrap the children in when they are born," Hyena growled softly, whining and licking Xander comfortingly.

"Hyena we must go," Soldier stated softly and Xander eyes flew open, hearing something else in Soldier's voice.

"You're gonna leave me again," Xander whispered quietly, his eyes quiet and filled with pain.

"Soldier, we have taught you everything you need to survive, to make logical decisions and conclusions. Always remember who and what you are. If you keep that in mind, you will do fine. Besides, we will be leaving you with two very capable protectors in our stead," Soldier smiled down into the dark forlorn eyes, glancing sideways at Willow and Buffy.

Hyena nuzzled her snout into Xander's neck, "Remember, cub, nothing is ever black and white."

With a low growl she backed away and stalked over to Willow, "Come, child…there is much we must do." Whirling around she dashed some distance away, looking back and silently commanding Willow to follow.

Willow raised her brows and shrugged at Buffy before turning, dashing after the hyena.

Soldier gazed steadily at Buffy, "You are with me, girl."

"Uhm, yes Sir, what exactly is going on?" Buffy asked meekly, raising a hand.

Angel and the Jaztars ignored them, busy with Xander as they made him comfortable.

"The Dark Powers have not given up on claiming Xander, forcing him to their will. If they can prevent this birthing for fear of what it may do to the Jaztar or even take one of his children, they will do so. Are you ready to stand between Xander and the Dark, are you ready to be his shield?"

Buffy smiled grimly, her eyes cold and dark, "I was reborn for this!"

In a blink of her eye, they were some distance away from Xander.

And the darkness came…

The mercenaries poured into the hotel with shouts and drawn weapons.

"Spread out and search the building!" the leader ordered harshly, "We are getting paid good money to find him! We don't find him, we don't get paid. I want 30 of you searching downstairs, the rest of you head upstairs."

"Can we keep whatever we find?" One of the hard-faced men called out.

"If you find it, it's yours," and the men laughed evilly and stormed up the stairs. Growing increasingly puzzled at the odd silence, they began to tread warily towards the elevator.

"Fuckin' A, this misty shit is fuckin' giving me the creeps," one of the mercs muttered to his mate as they burst into a room…empty like the rest of them on this floor. They could hear the rest of their company calling 'All clear' down the hall.

Suddenly screams and gunfire began to ring out up and down the hall, they exchanged twisted happy grins of finally finding prey…grins that slowly faded as the door they had entered through was filled with the gray pearly mist. And then it was their turn to scream….

The mercs jumped as gunfire and screams began coming from upstairs, eyes narrowing as they recognized the voices of their group.

"What the fuck is going on," one man exclaimed nervously as they crept through the kitchen, unaware of the mist pouring, and roiling behind them.

"Oh mannn," another moaned, "I knew we shouldna taken this job."

"Shut the fuck up," the leader snapped, and whirled around to berate them further. His eyes grew wide and he dropped his gun.

"That is definitely not a good sign," whispered a merc eyeing their terrified leader.

And mist surged up their bodies, setting them to writhing and screaming at the excruciating agony as every last bit of moisture was wrung from their bodies.

Downstairs in the basement, the Hyperion people clutched at each other at the terror-ridden screams above them. Their breath coming faster as gray mist began seeping under the door, flowing down the stairs towards them.

"Sunnydalers, gather around the Hyperions, NOW," Riley yelled. And people began shifting, changing positions until a line of ex-Sunnydalers stood facing the mist. Several people inhaled sharply, their eyes wide as the mist crept closer to them, now knee high.

Closer it came…chest high.

Closer…and then it stopped, undulating, seething gently before them.

Harmony trembling extended a hand to it, and it drew back sharply away from her and she snatched her hand back.

The message was clear: Look but don't touch. And they settled in for the wait….

Buffy and the Soldier were fighting furiously against their foes, and in the distance she could see flashes of light, hear distant screams and knew Willow was doing good.

Suddenly there came a change in tactics and out of the mist stepped Giles and Joyce Summers.

Buffy was stunned, "G..G..Giles? Mom?! Wh…what are you doing here…you're dead!"

Soldier glanced at her and stepped back, this was her fight to face now. He could only hope she was strong enough to see.

"Buffy, not even the darkness could keep us from your side. Sweetheart, I'm sorry to tell you this, but Xander and Willow lied to you…they were the ones that actually caused my death. It was not your fault, baby," Joyce said emotionally, tears in her eyes.

"I know you love me and have always loved me, and if I hadn't pushed you for answers I know that things would have been different between us. Xander and Willow have always been jealous of you, I saw that clearly in the last days but I was too weak to fight them any longer. Both Xander and Willow, but most especially Xander, has and will always be your true enemy."

"Buffy, I was your watcher and if anything it was I that failed you, not the other way around. You did what you needed to do that day. And your mother is entirely correct, Xander has always been jealous of the connection between you and Angel. He was a weak, meddling coward. I cannot say whether it was because he wanted Angel for himself or not, but I do remember seeing hateful jealousy in his eyes each time he saw you. You were not the one at fault, Buffy, it was I that was at fault," Giles said quietly, his nervous stammer gone.

Buffy smiled tearfully, "It was great to see you…goodbye," and she attacked. Then stepped back. There was still a look look of shock on their faces as head and body separated.

"My mother still loved me, she loved Xander and Willow. Giles would never talk about Willow or Xander like that, he cared for us all equally and when we acted up, he had no problems straightening us out," Buffy said in a low voice.

"He loved us and he was always proud of us. Giles loved us," she chanted her manta as she leapt into the attack again and again. Firmly holding on to that thought as hard as she could.

Xander screamed, his body arching back against Angel and PUSHED…

…aware of nothing but the need to push

Sobbing for breath, he strained…every muscle concentrated on pushing…


Distantly hearing a wailing cry, before pushing again…straining against Angel before collapsing back….

Again…pushing…straining with all his might…feeling something slip from him and shouting….

Angel held on to Xander, his eyes wide and disbelieving as he saw the babies slip gently into their fathers hands from the slit lengthwise under Xander's stomach..

Taryn held his child with wide disbelieving eyes…Mine! I'm a father, he thought in astonishment.

He glanced at Jennes and Lourdey, each holding a child…wondering if his expression was as stupid as theirs. He blinked and his mouth dropped open as Xander screamed again…and he saw another head appear.

"By the gods above, FOUR?!," Taryn whispered, putting his child hurriedly down on the bed and gently easing the fourth bloody child out, and cutting the cord. Turning he wrapped the baby up, crooning softly to still the frantically, wailing baby. Arms flailing about in extreme distress at being separated and the cool air blowing over it.

Xander twisted and screamed again, pushing down with his last remaining strength with a shout…finally feeling empty then he was gently eased down onto the bed…vaguely aware of voices raised in surprise. He struggled to keep his eyes open, needing to see his children…then he could rest. Maybe for the next couple of years, he thought groggily.

Angel trembled as he touched a soft delicate cheek, unaware of the tears falling from his eyes. He looked up at the three Jaztars, a quivering smile on all four of the males' faces before they turned to look in awe at the pale young man lying exhausted on the bed.

"…see them," Xander was barely able to get out as he blearily opened his eyes, and felt himself propped up.

He gazed in tired wonder at the five wailing bundles they presented to him, they were so tiny, he thought, then blinked…one, two, three…FOUR and FIVE? He twisted and glanced up into Jennes' wearily smiling face.

"Five," he rasped out, feeling his vision darkening around the edges and he hung on to consciousness with grim fingers. Someone was definitely gonna pay for this little screw up, he thought faintly before the world went dark around him.

"Five," Jennes smiled down at Xander, then frowned as the young man's eyes rolled up in his head and he went limp.

They hurriedly put the babies on the bed and with Lourdey guarding them, Angel and Taryn bent over Xander, sighing in relief as they realized he had just passed out.

"Leave it to Xander to break the rules and grind them into dust," Angel said with a quiet chuckle.

Willow and Buffy stumbled up, bruised, bloody and extremely battered.

"How's he doing?" Willow husked out, swaying on her feet.

"He's okay, he's just exhausted," Taryn said quietly.

"Babies?" Buffy voice was hoarse and her arms trembled, she had barely enough strength to continue to hold her sword.

For an answer, the males simply stepped aside, revealing the five squeaking bundles.

Both Willow and Buffy began chuckling hoarsely, holding on to each other for support, Xander always did have a tendency to go overboard.


And slowly the mist began retreating. First from the basement, the kitchen and the lobby. Trailed by anxious humans and demons, grimacing in distaste and horror at the piles of clothes crumpled throughout the kitchen and lobby.

They gathered outside of Xander's bedroom, impatiently waiting for the mist to clear from the room.

The mist undulated gently away from Spike and the children, gently brushing across their faces as it contracted closer to the bed. Getting lower and lower, until finally Angel and the Jaztars were revealed, tiny bundles clutched in their arms with Willow holding a fifth.

Fourth? Fifth?

Cordy let out a scream of joy, startling the Jaztars and Angel as she dashed across the room.

"Omigod, omigod, omigod!" She peered eagerly at the softly squeaking bundles, her face softening in wonder.

"They are so beautiful," she sniffled happily, easing one of the bundles from Taryn's arms despite his angry protest and giving him a fierce glare in response.

"Me see," Mikey was jumping up and down in excitement, he had brothers! Daddy and Taryn and Jennes and Lourdey promised him that he was gonna have brothers.

Angel knelt down and let the little boy look at his wrapped bundle, smiling as Mikey's face clouded over.

Mikey glared accusingly up at Jennes, "I tought you say dey git big fast!"

"Michael, Jaztar children do grow fast, but not that fast," Jennes said patiently, unwrapping his little bundle of joy and he froze, his eyes growing wide.

"Lourdey, Taryn I think we may have a problem," he said shakily after laying the baby down and quickly unwrapping another child.

Lourdey and Taryn glanced at the sleeping baby with wide eyes and hastily unwrapped the other three babies.

"Oh boy," Taryn said heavily, gazing down at the helpless tiny bodies.


Chapter 9

As they entered the hall, Taryn inclined his head politely to his fathers. They pointedly turned their backs on him making their disgust of his half-human children plain for all to see. And not by a flicker of his eyes did he show how much it hurt to have them reject him and his children.

He met his brother's gloating expression with a bland look, and watched his expression dissolve into frustrated rage. He glanced down at the touch on his arm and met Xander's sympathetic eyes. He allowed a tiny smile to cross his face….he had a family now and he didn't need his parents' approval...not for anything.

Sourd approached Lourdey, his hands trembling with eagerness. "May I…?" he asked hesitantly and at the other's wary nod, he hastily unwrapped the baby and gasped at what he revealed.

A undulating wail of joy rippled from his throat, "A QUEEN! We have a queen!!!!" he shouted holding her in the air triumphantly.

And the court went wild with undulating screams of joy and gladness...at long last their people had their promised Queen. Shouting joyfully, screaming and pounding one another they took little notice of the Hyperions eyeing them with trepidation.

Gradually they Jaztar excitement began to die down as they got a hold of themselves and they became aware of the silent group of humans and demons regarding them with watchful eyes.

"What is wrong, you should be glad that we have at last a Queen for our people?" Sourd said confusedly to the three Jaztar fathers.

Lourdey stepped forward and took Uhura gently from Sourd, turning and giving her to Harmony.

Taryn answered quietly, "You misunderstand, we do not have *a * Queen.... we have five Queens," and at the stunned silence in the wake of his words, he shifted Nico in his arms, "They are all female." Twisting he gave her into Forrest’s keeping, nudging the man behind him while he and Willow moved forward. He and Willow were the first line of defense.

"By the gods above and demons below," Saln whispered leaning forward on his throne as awed silence spread through the court. He eyed his son's consort speculatively, perhaps a tidy little accident could be arranged at some later date. Raising his head, he nodded as he met his son's cold eyes before they both looked away in total agreement.

"Five Queens," he shook his head in wonder. "You have outdid yourself my Jaztars."

He looked at Xander and said seriously, "Your daughters will receive every care and indulgence possible here. As their birth father, you may even visit with them in the royal nursery creche every year at a mutually agreeable time," he said generously especially since he wasn't going to agree to anytime the human wanted to visit with the children.

And once they were in his possession and under his guardianship, he would arrange a fatal accident for the Jaztar fathers, leaving him the only one the panicking kings could safely leave in power. How do the humans put it, he mused to himself: ‘Better the devil you know than the devil you don't’.

Eyeing Xander speculatively, he decided to add the human to his personal harem. If the man produced five queens, he would undoubtedly produce more and he could get rid of these five potential threats. And he eyed the three Jaztars staring at him with cold dislike, there was no way he was going to give up his power and position. Besides, he knew exactly who would be first on their list to die.

Xander snorted, "In the words of the immortal William the Bloody, I have two words to say to you."

Sourd raised a brow interestedly, "And what's that?"

"Bugger. Off!" was the succinct reply.

The court went deadly silent, before the Jaztars began growling ominously.

Sourd eyes narrowed and his lips tightened before he waved a dismissive hand at the growling people. The day he couldn't handle a one, or even a dozen, pesky humans was the day he gave up being the High Shaman.

"Clearly you do not understand the importance of the females to our race, that they must grow up among the Jaztar, learning our customs and history. What can they possibly learn among humans other than how to hate demons and other disgraceful, disgusting habits?" He shook his head, "In truth the children must grow up among their own kind."

"What the hell is Taryn, Jennes and Lourdey...chopped liver?! Our daughters need to grow up among the people that care for them the most, that love them. And since I have never been accused of being abusive to ANY of my children and I sure as hell am not about to start now. Every last child at the hotel has everyone, demons and humans, wrapped around their tiny
little fingers and there is not ONE being at the hotel that is not willing to die for them." Xander was furious with these knuckleheads. Take his girls from him...from them?! It'll be a cold day in hell before he let that happen!

"You don't understand, they are our future," Sourd shouted just as angrily in the wake of the boy's
refusal to cave in.

"And what do you think the girls are to us," Angel asked calmly enough, shifting into protective mode and stepping in front of Wesley who held the restless Jamie against his chest. Larry cradling Kris, faded back behind Andrew.

"They also represent our future," Cordy said softly, smiling gently down at her beautiful little Bronze, the baby held securely in her arms. "Children are our way of living forever...so if you think you're gonna get your hands on our girls you had better think again, you ugly, old bat!"

There was stunned silence and a couple Jaztars turned away, hiding their snickers of amusement.

Taryn raised a brow. "Perhaps we need to have another discussion on tact and diplomacy with her when we get back to the hotel," he murmured to Angel who nodded in rueful agreement.

Sourd gritted his teeth, "Take the children!" he growled to the guards as he stepped back.

Willow and Andrew stepped forward, drawing a handful of stones from their pockets, even as their Jaztars flanked them along with Angel.

"Foolish human, what do you think you're doing? You cannot touch us with your magic," Sourd looked at them contemptously.

Willow and Andrew shared wicked smiles before Andrew spoke, "Au contraire Darth Vader. We discovered a very interesting fact about you Jaztars. While it’s true that our magic doesn’t effect you BUT not even Jaztar can get around the laws of physics: an object in motion tends to stay in motion."

And they threw their pebbles into the air where the stones swarmed like a horde of angry bees.

Andrew narrowed his eyes, "Are you feeling lucky today?" He really wanted to add the word ‘Punk’ but since the geezer was older than he, it was kinda disrespectful. At least in his opinion. He needed to remember to ask Taryn, uh maybe not him, he’s was already mad at him for some crazy reason. If he didn’t have an opinion about who was the better captain, Kirk or Jean-Luc….well, he should have said something in the beginning instead of wasting other people’s time, Andrew thought indignantly.

Jennes sighed and tapped Andrew on the shoulder. And Andrew started, casting an apologetic look at the demon before refocusing his attention to the situation at hand.

Unfazed the guardsmen continued to move forward.

Xander was so terrified and enraged that all he could do was stomped his foot. And he was very much surprised at the half-circle of pearly gray light erupted from his foot…

…and slammed into the guards coming towards them, knocking them as well as Sourd off their feet.

"NO ONE is taking my children from me," he growled going with the flow of who had the bigger balls and he was totally unaware that his eyes had turned gray.

Sourd picked himself up painfully from the floor, shaken to the core. This…this was impossible! And then he looked in stunned disbelief at the liquid silver-eyed man facing them. "What are you?"

"Your death if you push us," was the cold reply from Lourdey.

There was a flash of gray and the group disappeared from the court.

Everyone stumbled as they landed in the hotel, gazing at the furious, ranting Xander in open-mouth awe.

"Who the hell do he think he is," he seethe, pacing angrily back and forth.

"What?! Did he think that if he snapped his fingers I was gonna give up MY children? Oh hell, no! You know what his problem is….he’s gotten too damn used to people jumping when he snaps his fingers, that’s what his problem is! Xander Harris does NOT jump for anybody, I don’t give a damn who they think they are!" Xander shouted, his eyes boiling with fury.

Mikey came down the stairs, and silently extended his unlaced sneaker to Xander, "I don’t jump for NOBODY! No sirree! I am a free, independent human. You ain’t gonna see me automatically jumping at somebody command," Xander said angrily as he knelt and tied Mikey’s sneakers.

Mikey looked down, then back up at Xander and pointed. Xander blinked and retied his shoes for him.

Taryn raised his brows and glanced at Lourdey.

"Yeah, just who did that fat sunnavabitcha think he is? Giving us orders like that…trying to take our girls. Ole lard bucket's problem is he’s gotten too used to people kissing his big ass," Willow said furiously, giving the cooing Jamie to Doyle. She took the brush Jocy silently extended to her and brushed the girl’s hair gently, putting it in the little girl’s favorite hairstyle.

Jennes’ shoulders began shaking and he covered his mouth.

Angel’s lips started twitching and he determinedly stared at the wall, trying to control his laughter.

"A rat bastard! That’s what that withered old bat is…clearly they haven’t been around *normal* humans," Cordy sneered, her eyes hot as she snapped her fingers and silently extended a hand. Buffy fished a bottle out of her bag for at the baby’s whimper, they both knew exactly what Bronze wanted.

Buffy snorted, "Yeah, we don’t jump for nobody!"

At that Jennes lost his fight to control his laughter, triggering the other three demons, as well as the everyone else in the hotel, into peals of laughter. Xander, Buffy, Cordy and Willow gave them all insulted looks, sparking more laughter from the crowd of people gathered in the hotel.

"You think the pressure’s gotten to them?" Cordy whispered to Xander, who nodded doubtfully watching the laughing group of people with misgivings.


A few days later, the Oracles stepped casually through the doors of the Hyperion as if they came here every day. And demons and humans alike looked at them slack-jawed, feeling a shiver of awe at the representatives of the Power That Be.

The Oracles strolled into the lobby, pausing at the flurry of activity that suddenly took place as people ran yelling for Angel to get downstairs quick.

Angel paused in what he was doing and lifted his head, frowning up into Xander’s nearly black, aroused eyes.

And twisting in the cradle of Xander’s thighs, Angel cocked his ear towards the growing commotion. "What the hell…?"

"Who cares... ignore them," Xander moaned trying to push Angel’s mouth back down to his aching cock and he humped insistently against Angel, silently urging his vampire back to sucking him off.

"But Xander it sounds as if they’re saying something about the Oracles," Angel replied resisting the tugging to gaze into the boy’s slowly clearing eyes.

"Oracles…" Xander blinked, puzzled as to why their people would be yelling about the freakin’ Oracles.

Angel pushed himself to his knees and rolled out of the bed in one swift move. He grabbed his pants and pulled them on even as he tossed Xander his pants, "C’mon and let’s see what’s the commotion is about."

Xander cast him a dark glance, "All I know it had damn well better be crucial or some-fucking-body is gonna get an ass whooping of a lifetime for interrupting us during our quality time."

Angel flashed him a brief amused glance, "You are a sex maniac!"

"You say that like it’s a bad thing…" came the wicked smirk.

Angel laughed and planted a deep possessive kiss on the lush mouth. "C’mon, before they barge in here." He slid his hands into the loose drawstring pants and briefly palmed the naked globes of sweet heated flesh. He dipped a thick finger into the needy hole...soon they would go beyond the honeyed caresses, intense blowjobs and mutual masturbation sessions.

Sighing and casting a wistful look back at the rumpled bed, they left and headed for the stairs. Raising surprised brows at the sight of the Oracles standing in the lobby.

"Well, that’s a new one," Angel muttered, walking carefully down the stairs, his arm wrapped around Xander’s waist.

Standing before the Oracles uneasily and very much aware of everyone’s eyes on them, Angel discretely tried to push Xander behind him…still eyeing the Oracles warily. Whatever they wanted, and he KNEW they wanted something, he did not want Xander to get hurt.

The female smiled, "Are you happy Alexander LaValle Harris and pleased with your life?"

Xander glanced up at Angel and smiled as well. "Extremely, if I was any happier man I’d be floating around."

The watching denizens chuckled, relaxing their tense stances….if Xander could laugh and joke, the situation couldn’t possibly as grim as they thought.

Buffy, Willow and Cordy exchanged glances before silently moving up behind Xander, their faces strained…when the going got bad, Xander started cracking jokes, anything to relieve the tension.

"And are you happy with your mate?" the male Oracles asked softly.

Xander just grinned shyly, avoiding making contact with anyone’s eyes as he shuffled his feet.

"Then isn’t it time you made your decision," the male requested gently, a quiet smile on his face.

Xander smiled as he looked into Angel’s hopeful eyes, "Then my answer is….," he began.

"Wouldn’t you like to hear the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth…so help you God?" came a mocking voice from the opened door.

"Lilah Morgan," Angel growled looking past the Oracles, "And Lindsay McDonald?! What the hell are you two doing here?!"

"Funny thing about that," Lindsay said coolly. "You know when the senior partners tell you to jump, you don’t ask where from or how high…you just jump and pray that you land on your feet or better yet, on somebody back."

"Begone humans, this is no concern of yours," the female Oracle said calmly, her eyes narrowed on the two lawyer’s faces.

Lindsay regarded the protective way Angel was standing next to the young man, "Ooooh Angel, I like your little boytoy. Is he any good? Maybe when you’re finished with him you can toss him my way, I would love to see what you taught him."

And he smirked at the furious growl the vampire made, blinking as the kid simply put his hand on Angel’s arm stilling the raging creature.

"Sorry, no can do, Casper," Lilah shook her head. "Senior Partners got wind of what you were gonna do and sent us over here to make sure you tell him everything…and by everything…they mean Every. Little. Thing."

"What are they talking about," Xander looked at the Oracles who were now glaring at Lilah and Lindsay.

The female’s jaw tightened. "I forsee a long and painful death for you," she spoke coldly to the

Lilah and Lindsey exchanged glances. "Yeah, so what’s your point?" Lilah said calmly.

"Nothing, now please make your decision," the male said shortly to Xander.

Xander raised a brow, glanced up at Angel, then back at the Oracles. "You tell me what the hell is going on and THEN I’ll give you my decision."

The Oracles fell silent, their faces still and remote.

"You two apparently know what’s going on, so start talking," Xander snapped, rounding on the smirking lawyers.

"From what I understand, you have a decision to make between the Powers of Light and Dark, correct?" And at Xander’s hesitant nod, Lilah continued, "Well, considering what you apparently think you have with the Dark Avenger, if you choose the Light, you can’t have him. Demons can’t exist in the Light, you see." And she smirked at the horrified look on everyone’s faces, oh how she loved this job!

Shaken, Xander turned to the Oracles. "Is what she says true?" he demanded to know.

"ANSWER ME, damn you!" he screamed, his eyes turning gray.

"Yes," came the reluctant answer. "All that is of demonic nature will cease to exist."

"My daughters," Xander choked out, his eyes wide. "Doyle, Angel, my friends…all gone?!"

"You fuckin’ lying bastards," he suddenly growled and opened his mouth…

"And if you choose the Dark, then all humans, save you, will be extinguished and demons will rule the world in truth as well as fact," both Oracles intoned calmly.

"Oh shit…" came the shaken whisper behind him.

"Get out," Xander managed to get out from his tight throat, "All of you GET OUT!"

"Hold up," Lilah exclaimed, holding up a hand. "The bosses wanted us to give you another message. They said, and I quote, ‘Should you choose the Light, they will burn this world to ashes’, end quote. You have three days to decide," both she and Lindsay smiled mockingly as they turned to go.

"And you," Xander looked at the calm faces of the Oracles, "What’s your threat?"

"We cannot allow this world to fall into the hands of darkness," the female stated with quiet finality.

"So it’s damned if I do and damned if I don’t, huh? Either way, everyone dies," Xander simply looked at the Oracles in disgust before turning away and mounting the stairs slowly.

"As of this moment, I am no longer in the service of the Light. You are not worthy of licking my ass," Angel hissed at them, his eyes liquid gold before turning and going after his mate.

There was cold hostile silence in the lobby, then one by one, the denizens of the Hyperion turned their backs on the shaken Oracles.


Upstairs Xander lay huddled in bed, his eyes blank as he tried to cope with the enormity of the decision before him. He began laughing uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face…this was no decision…no matter what he decided, the world…his world would die. Angel, Spike, his children, Willow, Cordy…everybody all gone. Feeling strong arms wrap around him, he leaned into the embrace and began crying…there had to be a way out…there just had to be!

And late into the night, the answer came to him….

He slid out of Angel's arms and walked over to the cribs, just stood there gazing down at his daughters. Then padded to Mikey and Jocy’s room, pulling the covers over them with trembling hands.

…but did he have the determination to do it, sacrifice everything, he wondered.

Gazing down on his children and for the first time, he finally comprehended the sheer agony Buffy must have felt when she went to destroy...no call it what it was, he thought painfully...when she went to kill the demon that wore her lover's face: Angelus.

Please let me be as strong, he prayed silently as slow hot tears dripped from his eyes.


And for a day and a half, he struggled to build his strength, his self-control. Denying himself the
comfort of Angel's arms around him, punishing himself for what he had to do. Withdrawing from his friends and family, denying himself the pleasure of their company and support.

Growling, Angel watched Xander drift around the hotel with angry eyes. Whatever was wrong, he knew the boy needed him, despite the contants rebuffs the young man kept giving him. Finally he had had enough, especially when Xander moved out of their bedroom.

Calmly he told Willow to put a Silence spell around his room before he marched up to Xander, sparing a brief smile at Willow's look of relief. Grabbing Xander, he threw the yelling, screaming boy over his shoulder and ran up the stairs into their room with his captured treasure.

And locked the door.

"Now, you're going to tell me what's wrong and together we are going to fix it," Angel said firmly. "I don't give a damn what the Dark or the PTB said, I refuse to give up...not on this world and not on you."

Gazing at Angel's calm face, Xander sat on the bed and burying his face in his hands, he talk...and talked. Backtracking through sobs, he tried to explain what he needed to do...the only thing that he could do.

Stunned, Angel could only join Xander on the bed and pulled the boy to him. Simply holding on as the young man cried. "You do what you have to do," Angel whispered, smiling painfully down into the tear stained face. "I love you. I just wish...," he broked off, looking away.

Xander looked up at him, "We still have today," he whispered quietly, smiling shyly at the hopeful look Angel turned on him. Hesitantly leaning up to kiss him, feeling his dark mood turning aside in the wake of the passion surging through him. If he had to do this, then at least he would have this one night to treasure. He crawled to the center of the bed, and slowly began removing his clothes, giving Angel a coy look over his shoulder before laying down, waiting and squirming impatiently for his vampire lover to join him.

Angel smiled, his body tightening with ravenous need as Xander, with eyes hot with knowledge that had never been there before, squirmed and writhed enticingly, wantonly for him.

And he deliberately made Xander wait for him, every instinctive screaming at him to slam himself into the boy's tight heat. But the predator in him insisted on savoring the bounty spread before him, knowing that anticipation only made the meat that much sweeter.

He couldn't get enough of just watching that beautiful body in his bed, lusting for him, and that new aware look in Xander's eyes that told him that the boy was starting to know what it meant, to exercise his sexual power.

The boy could have him on his knees in a heartbeat just by giving him that look but not until he had penetrated Xander and stuffed himself as deep as he could go. Not yet would he give in to the incredibly seductive figure. And slowly, he stripped away his clothing so that he was finally revealed to his boy, naked, pulsing, but still in control. He was huge, a thick rock-hard cock emerging from a thatch of dark wiry hair between his thighs.

At the sight of Xander...his Xander, naked and splayed for his viewing pleasure, he almost came then and there. It was almost too much, but not for him. Even though he was ready to come, just by touching his boy's supple flesh, he ruthlessly controlled himself and just eased into Xander's gripping flesh, so that the very tip of his cock just kissed the wrinkled flesh.

Xander whimpered slightly, as he felt Angel just resting there. He had almost forgotten just how big Angel was and with just the tip of him inserted in him, he instantly felt the surging power that Angel held rigidly in check.

Control...that was what he wanted. This long aching glide deep into Xander's body...that sweet moment of possession, to watch those beautiful eyes widened in scorching pleasure. He needed to remind Xander just how good they were together and to never EVER forget him. Never forget them and what they had together. He wanted Xander to feel him take him inch by long, hard inch as he pushed himself deliberately inside his boy.

He gave his baby another inch, sliding in deeper, feeling Xander opening wider to take him…enfold him. He rested just there, for a long breathless minute, to let Xander fell the iron hardness filling him, the heaviness…the power.

Xander keened softly as Angel breeched him even further, another bone-hard throbbing inch, and he moaned because there was so much more of him to take. He felt so hot, his cock was like iron, and Angel....he was the center of his world, a world that he didn't want to escape. He writhed against the hard thrust of the long cool shaft, trying to entice his lover to come further within his tight heat, wanting to feel Angel's hard cock undulating, pounding between his legs.

Angel clenched his teeth against the grasping channel, pearling up at the sight of the wanton, squirming body; every impulse, every instinct screaming at him to slam into the hot tight heat, where he belonged. He had to...he was so tight.....so open....so-----one stroke----as he reared back----one tight hard thrust....he grasped Xander's thighs....and he rammed himself deep into Xander's spasming sheath.

Xander screamed, long and loud, as Angel took him with that final lunge, piercing him to the core....and then he was in, deep, deeper still, feeling the wiry brush of hair against his ass....and he was finally home.

Angel gasped at the sensation of blistering heat as he ground his hips into Xander. He pulled back and slid inside his boy with a deliciously long, hard stroke making them both cry out in ecstasy…and then he began to move almost involuntarily, rhythmically within the body beneath him.

"YES!.... yes...oh God YES!" Xander kept crying out as his body was battered relentlessly under Angel's pounding strokes. He felt like everything in him was focused on Angel, Angel's need, his demands, his....he gasped feeling his body shuddering under the ceaseless pounding that had him arching like a cat in heat.

Mutely, eagerly he begged for more. More of Angel touching him, more of that long hard cock sliding over his pleasure spot…again and again where his body craved it. Where nothing else mattered but this mindbending climb to ecstasy. Feeling his body stretching to welcome Angel home, to take every last rock-hard inch as his lover moved like a piston, to feel every thick, glorious stroke, to give back to his mate all the sensation that he was feeling.

He felt Angel's fingers dig deep in his ass, pushing him in deeper....

But even Angel couldn't hold on to his rigidly controlled desire as he thrust almost uncontrollably into Xander's tight passage. In and out…in and out until finally his straining body couldn't hold on, and with one last thrust, he rammed himself hungrily, firmly against the hot sweaty body beneath him and felt himself convulsing in a long, aching howling cry of release.

Xander screamed his climax. His body stiffening, shuddering, writhing in his orgasm, his eyes blind to everything but the pleasure coursing through him. Until finally, he sank heavily back down on the bed, panting hoarsely looking up at Angel with glittering eyes and tentatively wiggled.....Angel was still hard.

Thick creamy cum slowly seeped out of him....and Angel was still hard.

"Not done yet, my love," Angel whispered huskily in Xander's ear, he was still hard and ready to push the boy against the any available surface and pound eagerly into his heat. His desire for Xander burned through his body as he shifted within the boy's clenching sheath.

And slowly, he began arching lazily into Xander, loving the tiny gasp his beautiful lover made. He
pulled Xander tighter to him and undulated slowly against him with a long, pulsating stroke that caught them both by surprise.

"An...gel," Xander whimpered as Angel began to move, to thrust again and again in him. Feeling his body shuddering in time with the achingly hard thrusts, feeling himself ready for whatever Angel was going to do, to give to him. A hot surge of excruciating pleasure coursed through his body and he arched upward to meet Angel's thick powerful lunges...storing up memories...enough to last him a lifetime.

But the Dark powers were never patient...


Xander gazed out over the rooftop, in the distance he could see wisps of smoke rising into the air and swallowed hard, imagining what it must look like close up. He gripped Angel’s hand tightly, looking out over the city with unflinching eyes… this was all his fault!

The Oracles pushed uneasily through the angry muttering people on the roof and stood behind the young human, regarding him with blank, impassive eyes.

"There is still time to change matters." The female quietly stated.

"Wouldn’t it at least be better to save your human friends rather than see them suffer?" the male asked persuasively.

And at the continuing silence, the male lost patience, thundering, "CHOOSE!"

Xander turned around slowly, his eyes an incandescent, luminous gray and he smiled painfully at them.

"I’ve already did…" he whispered to them.

"Wha..," was all the Oracles has time for as a burst of energy exploded from Xander…

....and the world dissolved in a burst of gray light....


In Willow's hospital room, Xander was sitting on the far side of the room, watching Willow and Oz hold hands.

Cordelia started pacing as she spoke, "So Buffy's going for the big showdown, huh? Wish we could help. You know, without dying," she tossed the comment absently to Xander.

"I don't see how," Xander sighed, feeling a frustrated and angry at the whole Angel/Angelus thing.

Willow looked down and spoke softly, "I wanna try again." She almost didn't dare meet Cordy or Xander's eyes.

"Try what?" Oz looked at her puzzled.

"The curse. We never got to finish it. Maybe we *can* restore Angel's soul," she lifted her head and met his eyes, a hopeful look on her face.

Xander shook his head, "I don't like it. You're talking about messing with powerful magic, and you're weak."

"I'm okay," she replied insistently, not wanting to admit that she felt on the brink of collapse. This
was for Buffy, and incidentally for the rest of them too. With Angelus gone, no more worries about when he was going to kill them. She was so tired of being afraid.

Xander, however was looking particularly stubborn. "You don't look okay." He turned to Cordelia, "Does she?"

"You should listen to him. The hair, it's so flat, and the lips..." Cordy stumbled to a halt at the look
Xander gave her.

Xander rolled his eyes and sighed, "Could we stay on topic here, honey?"

"What?" Cordy looked at him indignantly, he asked her a question...what, did he want her to lie to Willow?

Xander looked determinedly at Willow, "Look, it's not a good idea...."

But Willow interrupted him, "There's no use arguing with me. Do you see my resolve face?" And she firmed her face before continuing, "You've seen it before. You know what it means. This can help Buffy. If we turn Angel back soon enough, we can stop him from ever awakening Acathla." She looked around and saw reluctant agreement in Cordy and Xander's eyes.

Oz got out of his chair. "Okay, I pretty much missed out on some stuff, didn't I? Because this is all
making a kind of sense that's... not," he said confusedly.

"Go with Cordy to the library and get my things. She'll fill you in," Willow told him.

"Sure," he said and kissed her hand before turning to Cordelia. "I'll drive." And he walked out of the room with Cordy close behind him.

Xander got up, feeling decidedly uneasy about this but despite his major case of the wiggins about this whole idea, he knew he would go along with the plan.

"Xander, go to Buffy. Tell her what we're doing. Maybe she can stall."

But he had to try one last time to convince her of the serious badness of this idea, "But I..."

"Resolve face."

Then sighing, Xander gave in. And with one last admonishment of 'Be careful' to Willow, he left the hospital room.

Xander raced to the mansion. As he took the shortcut through the stand of trees, he was hoping to either get there before Buffy did or at least catch her before she went Red Sonja on Angelus. And between one step and the next, Xander entered a gray misty void and almost stumbled to his knees. Soft, cottony mist seethe gently around his feet as he looked around. Everywhere he turned, nothing but gray cloudy mist undulated and flowed around him.

Uh oh, Toto…I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, he thought uneasily and blinked as he could hear his thoughts echoed in...in where ever the hell he was. Delighted and momentarily forgetting his urgent mission, he began thinking Willow's name, then Buffy and Cordy's snickering at the echos.

Then pictures, images he recognized easily from his past began forming on the soft, billowing clouds.

He whimpered...oh no, I'm dead! He blinked as he saw Buffy walking to the mansion, Angelus' mansion with a cloth wrapped bundle...waitaminute, he thought, frowning in confusion. What the hell?! I haven't even done that yet, he thought indignantly.

He watched the grim desolate look in Buffy's eyes quickly replaced by overwhelming joy and smiled bitterly, yep, it must be me. Only I would do something so stupid like tell her that Willow's redoing the Soul Restoration spell.

Then he watched as hordes of demons emerged from the mansion as he helped Giles escape...

....and his stomach heaved as he watched Giles screaming form disappear under the ravenous demons....

...then a beautiful dark-hair girl appeared in another image along with two little kids that he knew
instinctively belonged to him....

...he swallowed thickly as an image of Sunnydale formed, with demons walking the streets casually, some with humans on chains...

...then came Joyce Summers' ravaged face...

...an exhausted Willow as she was firmly cradled in Oz's arms, a tiny squirming bundle that both were looking down at in awe...

....three male demons holding tiny bundles and Xander wondered why in the hell would he allow fuckin' demons to hold HIS children, instinctively recognizing that they also belonged to him...

Then he saw Angel's face and he grimaced. Obviously now he gotta be seeing things from Buffy's perspective at that look of love and adoration on the vampire's face. He swallowed uncomfortably at the look of raw passion on Deadboy's face in another image and shifted

Xander sighed as more images of Angel wavered into view. All showing evidence of the vampire making love to Buffy. Apparently Deadboy got his soul permanently anchored, he groused to himself.

And he finally admitted the truth, that much love in Deadboy's eyes couldn't be denied and maybe it was time that he stopped being such a fuckin’ idiot, step aside and be the better man. Hot tears filled his eyes as he gazed at Angel's face. So filled with love and passion that it even made his heart pound, and he felt a bewildering tightening in his crotch.

Someday he hoped to have someone look at him that way.

Then another imaged slowly formed and he saw, with sick horror filling him, a city in flames and he had a very bad feeling that burning cities were definitely not something you saw every day…

And a shadowy figure stepped out of the mist...

He was shocked to see it was him. Well, sure he was a very much older him, a taller him...a thinner version of him but definitely a him him, he thought confusedly as the figure halted before…well, him.

//Uhm, is that my future?/ he asked uncertainly, gesturing to the images formed on the billowing mist.

The other nodded slowly, ancient pain in the dark gaze.

//How...what happened?// Xander questioned the other shakily.

And all the images disappeared, save one...the look of joy and happiness in Buffy's face as she headed towards the mansion.

//So, Buffy failed to stop Acathla from opening, so what does that mean for the rest of us?// he thought carefully to his other self.

OH SHIT! echoed loudly though the misty landscape as images appeared, first of Giles dying, surrounded by demons; followed in succession by images of demons walking confidently around Sunnydale; broken TV’s and other electronic equipment abandoned; then finally an image of a city burning then nothing.

//Are you saying that Acathla opened and all this shit happened?//

His other self shrugged and gestured to the images.

//Then some of this happened because Acathla opened?//

His other self nodded in sadness.

Xander blinked and swallowed heavily, his eyes fixed on the image of Giles dying and of demons walking arrogantly on the streets, beating humans viciously and no one doing a thing to stop them. No Slayer stopping them.

//I told Buffy that Willow was doing the spell didn’t I?//

His other self looked down and nodded.

Xander took a deep shaky breathe //What can I do to fix things, not tell her?//

His other self nodded hesitantly.

//Oh God, there’s more?// Xander thought horrified.

Then two images appeared, himself as he was now and the figure before him, then the two figures merged. Xander turned and looked at his other self, then back to the images before sighing and nodding his head in sad resignation.

His other self stepped closer, touching his face gently before smiling and his eyes became a luminous pearl gray….

…Xander grunted and almost cried out as he fell to the leaf strewn ground, writhing. While low whimpers of pain hissed from his tightly clenched mouth. His body arched slowly, higher…higher, balanced primarily on his head and feet, his body a torturous bow of agony. Then he slumped down painfully.

His eyes snapped open as luminous pearly gray faded to chocolately brown eyes. And painfully he got to his feet, staggering, slumping weakly a tree…his two selves now one.

Dear God, please give me the strength to do this, he prayed as he watched Buffy walking towards the mansion. A determined look on her face and a sword, wrapped in cloth, cradled in her arms.

It was time.

He came running out of the bushes on the hillside and jumped into the street in front of her, watching as she started and took a reflexive step back.

"Xander," she exclaimed, the fear clearing from her eyes.

Xander smiled crookedly, "Cavalry's here. Cavalry's a frightened guy with a rock, but it's here," he said holding up a large rock. Marveling at how easily the words came back to him. Buffy silently held out a stake to him and gratefully he took it, tossing aside his rock.

"That's better," he said in satisfaction, eyeing the pointy stake. He ran to catch up with Buffy as she began walking, talking over her shoulder.

"You're not here to fight. You get Giles out, and you run like hell, understood? I can't protect you. I'm gonna be too busy killing," she said grimly, pulling the cloth off the sword.

Xander looked at the uncovered sword with a raised brow, "Now, that's a new look for you."

"It's a present for Angel," she replied with cold determination in her eyes.

"Willow….uhm, she told me to tell you...," Xander stammered. Wondering if he could do this, to possibly condemn Angel to hell. But it wasn’t Angel, it was Angelus. But he knew it would soon be Angel.

And even as his soul screamed in despair….

Buffy looked hopeful, "Tell me what?"

…he lied, "Kick his ass."

Crushing her hopes…and killing his soul.


Spike sat in his wheelchair, looking bored while Angelus and Drusilla stood at one end near a large
fireplace. On the other side, was Acathla and the two other vampires standing on either side of the statue.

Angelus began the ritual with demented glee.

"Acathla... Mundatus sum... pro te necavi. Sanguinem meum... pro te effundam," and he stepped slowly towards Acathla, "Quo me dignum... esse demonstrem.

Angelus cried, "Now, Acathla...," as Drusilla handed him a knife.

"...You will be free." And he drew the blade across the palm of his hand and hissed in pain, but never taking his stare off of the demon as he dropped the knife.

He smiled evilly, "And so will we all."

Buffy came in quietly behind the other vampire, raised her sword and neatly decapitated him with a single swing. He crumbled to ash as his head fell to the floor.

Drusilla and Angelus turned their heads to look. And Buffy met their gazes with little emotion, finally understanding that this was no longer her Angel. She smiled coldly, "Hello, lover."

"I don't have time for you," Angelus waved her away in boredom.

Buffy snorted, "You don't have a lot of time *left*."

"Coming on kind of strong, don't you think? You're playing some deep odds here. Do you really think you can take us all on," he asked mockingly.

Buffy smirked, "Actually, I don't." Watching as Spike got out of his wheelchair behind Angelus with a determined look on his face and slammed a andiron brutally across the other vampires back. Angelus bellowed in pain and collapsed to the floor.

Drusilla twisted her head to look at Spike in astonishment as he continued to whale on Angelus as hard as he can and Buffy started for Drusilla. And another vampire attacked her. She spun around to face him, but he punched her and she fell to the floor. She lashed out with her leg and she tripped him when he came at her again then got to her feet, ready to fight. He came at her again with a series of punches, all of which she easily blocked.

All the while Spike continued to pound on Angelus.

Spike sneered, "Painful, isn't it?" as he swung the andiron again and again. Drusilla freaked, and jumped on Spike, taking him down to the floor with her.

Buffy's assailant backhanded her in the face, and she staggered into a chair. Quickly she recovered enough to block another swing, before she brought her knee up into his gut and then kicked him in the face. He hit the ground hard.

The vampire got to his feet just as Xander came into the room and surprised him with a haymaker. And for a brief moment, Xander froze as he watched Angel...no Angelus get beat down by Spike...desperately wanting to defend his...but Angel wasn't his...not here...not
now...maybe never.

Xander swallowed hard and backed away to look for Giles as Buffy grabbed a suitable piece of scrap wood and got back to the business of killing demons. The vampire ducked her roundhouse kick and blocked another kick.

Spike and Drusilla got up from the floor and faced each other. "I don't want to hurt you, baby," Spike said softly, his eyes soft and tender.

Drusilla snarled and responded by grabbing him by the throat and shoving him into the wall. But he slapped her arm aside and punched her in the face. "Don't mean I won't, though."

Willow cast the stones and gave Oz his cue; Cordelia kept waving the burning herbs and incense.

"Quod perditum est, invenietur," Oz intoned. "Not dead... nor not of the living. Spirits of the
interregnum, I call," Willow chanted.


Xander shivered as he felt the magic building. Please let this work...please. He pushed aside a curtain to another room and found Giles tied to a chair. He shook, it had been so long since he had seen that beloved familiar face and all he could think was, Omigod, please don't let me be too late...not again. God, I can't fail again, he thought shakily. Praying that this tiny change was enough to make a difference. But, God he was so terrified because this was EXACTLY how everything happened before.

"Giles! Giles!" Xander rushed to the Watcher's side.

Giles' head was tilted back, and he was very weak but he lifted his head slowly at the sound of his name.

Xander swiftly crouched behind the chair and began frantically to untie the ropes. Urging his hands to hurry...if Buffy failed...if she failed...he shut the door hastily on that thought. It has to work this time, he thought fiercely.

"Xander?" Giles said hoarsely, in disbelief.

"Yeah, can you walk?"

Giles blinked slowly before he weakly denied what he saw, "You're not real."

"Sure, I'm real," Xander insisted, his fingers trembling as he forced them to move faster, cursing
the stubborn knots.

"It's a trick. They get inside my head, make me see things I want to...," Giles rasped out insistedly and firmly closed his eyes.

Xander finally got the ropes untied. Then he leaned over and looked into Giles' face.

"Then why would they make you see me?" he asked, with a crooked smile as he urged the man to his feet.

Giles blinked, "You're right. Let's go."

And he groaned as Xander got under his arm and helped him out of the chair....


....and that was all I remember happening," Xander finished his tale quietly. He made sure to leave out the part where he and Angel had became lovers. Buffy definitely wouldn't have taken that bit of news well, he thought eyeing her.

"I was married to Oz and had a baby…?" Willow murmured, her eyes wide in astonishment.

"I was a crazy, powerful witch?" Tara stammered, blinking and turning to Willow. "And you killed me?!" her voice rose in a near shriek of horror.

"Doyle was alive…" Cordy whispered softly, a gentle smile on her face.

"Wait a minute, I was courting the Witch?" Spike yelled, his blue eyes blazing with indignation.

"Hey, at least you were there," Gunn snorted, "I was probably demon food." And he looked hopefully at Xander, who shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

Angel eyed Xander with a narrow glance, watching as a warm flush spread across the boy's face when he met his eyes.

"Why was Angel in bed with you?" Buffy asked suspiciously, squinting at Xander and Angel. There was something going on.

"Because I had been attacked once already," Xander explained patiently. "Angel decided that he wasn't gonna be taking any more chances and it was his night to sleep with me." He failed to mention that all the nights belonged to the vampire, and remembering some of those nights he felt a stirring in his groin and his incessant horniness increase.

Banging his head against Taryn's arm in morbid amusement. He thought, guess it's gonna be another date with Mother Fist.

"Oh my GOD, you're pregnant!" Cordy shrieked, startling everyone into silence.

Xander looked around at the stunned faces. "I thought that would have been obvious," he stammered.

And there was awed silence as he pulled up his shirt and they saw his gently rounded belly.

"I'm only about a seven weeks along, but we figure that things should move the same way. And if we're lucky, I'll have girls again," Xander smiled as he remembered his beautiful daughters and swallowed heavily at the thought of his other lost children.

"Dear God, Xander what did you do.." Giles finally whispered, connecting all the information.

"The only thing I could do," Xander whispered, slow tears spilling down his face. "This way, you'll at least have a chance. And Buffy I want...I want to apologize for how I treated you during the Angelus thing. I...I realize how it must...," Xander stopped and looked up at the ceiling trying to control himself. "I realize how it must have almost destroyed you to kill Angelus and I just want to say that I'm sorry." With that Xander jumped up and hurried away.

Buffy snorted, "Well, he should be sorry!" she snapped and received a hard slap across her face that nearly knocked her to the floor.

She gasped and held her cheek as she looked up into Giles furious face.

"Have you always been such a thoughtless, foolish child or is this a recent filthy habit that you decided to try? For if it is the later, I suggest that you lose it...quick," he growled down into her stunned eyes.

"But Giles, he lied and forced me to kill Angel," she tried to say, recoiling at the look of burning contempt in his eyes.

"Perhaps you need your hearing tested as well," Giles remarked coldly.

Buffy sputtered in confusion.

"Buffy, stop your twittering and listen! That young man that you are so contemptous of, has gone through hell...for you, me and almost everyone in this room. He sacrified everything he knows, all his friends, his very children to give this world another chance! And you still ran away!"

"Yet you sit here bleating about Angel....Angelus murdered my lover, you silly little girl! And I....I, like the great soddin' fool that I am, agreed to your incessant whining demands for your precious Angel to have his bleedin’ soul restored. Now, you sit here…in the boy's own bloody house in fact, berating him," Giles finished in a thunderous roar.

"You will shut up and sit down, or by God I will turn you over my knee and wallop your foolish ass," he said coldly, his eyes burning with icy fire.

Shaken and stunned, Buffy sat down quietly.

Cordy strongly resisted the urge to applaud Giles…and they say *I* have no tact, she snorted.

"My apologies, sirs," Giles turned to the three Jaztars and inclined his head.

Taryn merely lifted a brow in acknowledgement. "Xander has told us much of you and I thank you for dealing with this matter. He would TALK to us if we killed her," he shook his head ruefully, before swiftly departing along with Jennes and Lourdey.

Jennes came back quickly, one hand pressing against his belly.

"Xander wishes you to stay here for the next couple of days. He has something else to tell you," he gasped out quickly before rushing away.

Lourdey dashed into the room, "Please choose a room of your choice…all rooms are equipped with filters that block the sun." And he retreated from the room quickly.

"Xander’s got knocked up…" Dawn breathed with a smile then slowly began laughing.

Angel remained silent, thinking on what Xander had told them. He had a feeling that the boy hadn’t told them everything…and some of that everything had to do with him.


Late into the night, Angel followed the scent trail to Xander’s room and knocked lightly on the door. He was startled when the door was jerked open and Jennes stood yawning in front of him.

"What…" Jennes growled, yawning again as he regarded the vampire. They had just gotten Xander comfortable and no longer upset.

"Uhm..I..I was looking for Xander," Angel answered uncertainly.

Jennes twisted and regarded Xander’s wide dark eyes before looking back at the vampire, "Come in," he replied grudgingly, opening the door wider.

Angel stepped hesitantly inside, stopping at the sight of Xander in bed with two more of the demons.

"Uhm, maybe I should come back later," he offered uncomfortably. Obviously he was interrupting their private time.

"No, that’s okay, we were just leaving," Lourdey said, unwrapping himself from around Xander and rolling out of the bed, tossing Jennes’ robe to him before sliding into his.

Taryn gave him an annoyed glance and settled closer to Xander, "I’m not…!" and he yelped, jumped up. And scrambled up hastily, he rubbed his thigh. Then grabbing his robe he stormed towards Angel.

"If you upset him or hurt him I will rip you apart," he snarled softly in Angel’s alarmed face before leaving the room.

Xander sighed heavily and sat up in bed, "What, Angel?"

Angel turned his attention back to the boy, blinking at the rounded stomach revealed.

"Uhm, when you were talking, I got the feeling that you were leaving something out…something that had to do with me?" he raised a brow inquiringly wondering at the look of sad amusement on Xander’s face.

"The way you talked about me, it sounded like we were friends," he said carefully, keeping a steady gaze on Xander’s suddenly flushed face. "Like maybe we were more than friends?" he offered quietly.

Xander slid out of the bed and padded over to the window, wondering how to explain what they had become to Angel.

"Were we lovers?" he heard Angel say behind him and he closed his eyes, remembering their last night together.

He nodded hesitantly, struggling to control himself.

"How?" Angel breathe then gestured uncomfortably, "I mean I know how but…"

"I…we, we started getting closer during my pregnancy and things kinda happened," Xander whispered, staring out the window.

"But I thought you hated me," Angel said, trying to understand how he and Xander ended up lovers. "And when I came back…you gave an Oscar winning performance of hating my guts."

Xander finally turned away from the window. "Angel, those first couple of months I was acting strictly on autopilot. You have no fuckin’ idea how I struggled to get through each day, each fuckin’ week without breaking down. I practically jumped out of my skin the first time the microwave dinged, I didn’t even know how to use the stereo or the TV!"

"Then you come back and Buffy lied to us about it. Angel, the last thing I remember of you, of *my* Angel, was being in his arms…of making love with him, of him telling me that you, that he loves me and would always love me. And that night I found you and Buffy, kissing in the mansion…and I swear to God that if I had a stake I probably would have killed you right and there," Xander said huskily, tears glistening in his eyes.

"I had lost every fuckin’ thing in my life…my children, my friends, you…I lost everything. The only thing that I knew, that I recognized was my closeness to Willow and I clung, unfortunately, a little to tight to her. Oz wasn’t my best friend anymore, Buffy was gone, and I hadn’t seen Cordy, MY version of Cordy, in over five years, yet we were locking lips constantly; I felt so alone and confused, that I turned my love for Willow into stronger feelings for her. And I almost did a Titanic on our friendship."

"I was so pissed that I did something foolish, something that I still regret…I told Giles what I saw. And I’m sorry for that, for confusing you with *MY* Angel," he wiped his eyes and lifted his head to watch the motionless vampire. "You and he are not the same, you both made different choices to become the vampires that you are now or were."

"Then why did you ask us to come here?" Angel needed to know, trying to understand how lost Xander must have been. Nothing was the same, he had lost everything that was familiar. He must have been going slowly crazy that year, friends… school…the people around him familiar but not the same.

"Because, your friends at Wolfram and Hart are in town with on a mission from their Senior partners, as well as the Oracles," Xander looked away.

"Oh shit!" Angel snarled explosively, pacing angrily back and forth.

"Don’t worry, they don’t know who and where I’m at, but they are narrowing on my location. And right now, I’m not strong enough to stand against them or stop them without my mate," the young man replied quietly, looking down at the carpet. "Angel, I know….I know that you are not *my* Angel, but I think you're close enough that it won't matter," Xander added softly, looking up at Angel calmly, despite the trembling in his hands.

Angel shook his head and sighed, "Xander, you're forgetting something very crucial: Angelus. I may not be able to achieve perfect happiness with you but do you really want to take a chance?" he asked gently.

The other smiled and approached the vampire. "Angelus would never hurt me, he loved me almost as much as my Angel did," he softly told the bewildered vampire. Xander stroked Angel's face delicately, his eyes steady on the startled brown gaze.

Angel was shocked to find himself purring as he lost himself in Xander's warm brown eyes. Deep within, he could feel Angelus squirming behind the barriers of his mind, arching like a cat at the gentle caress.

Taking a chance, Xander closed his eyes and gently kissed Angel. Feeling tears burning his eyes at the familiar touch...they were so alike! He began to shake as tears seeped from his tightly closed eyes and he started to withdraw, tell Angel to leave when slowly he felt Angel's lips part and a cool tongue brushed his lips, persuading them to open.

Angel groaned into the sultry warmth as he swept inside, the taste of Xander literally exploding across his senses. Reeling from the intoxicating experience, he dove deeper, this time slower, the better to savor the steamy heat within the moist cavern.

Soft sighs and sizzling moans filled the room as Angel backed them to the bed and tumbled Xander down onto the rumpled sheets. Twisting up, he quickly divested them of their shirts before sinking back down, rubbing their bare chests together. Writhing against the smoldering heat, his tumescent organ tenting his pants he continued the heady kiss, before somehow, he found the strength to break away as he felt Angelus creeping dangerously closer to the surface.

Rolling away from the alluring body, he sank on the side of the bed and ran a hand over his face,
trembling in reaction as he tried to resist the alluring pull of the Xander's dark seductiveness.

"What the hell was that all about?" he finally managed to gasp out.

"You got me," the boy managed to say hoarsely, feeling desire clawing at him. "It took Angel months of patiently stalking me before I even realized what he was doing and responded. And I think I was about three or four months pregnant at the time."

Angel glanced down at Xander, his eyes slowly darkening back to brown. He frowned, he knew he had shifted, but in looking into the boy's face, there wasn't even a hint of fear in the wide brown eyes.

"You're not afraid of me are you?" he asked wonderingly, searching the dark gaze.

Xander looked away from the probing look. "The Angel I remember would have greeted the sun with arms wide open before he ever hurt me, or allow harm to come to me. But this you…I had to constantly fight to remember that you didn't belong to me and that I didn't belong to you every time I saw you."

Angel was startled, "We were mates?"

Xander shook his head sadly. "No, not yet...if we had more time, he would have Claimed me." He sat up and took a deep shuddering breath, his jaw tight as he struggle to master his emotions.

"Maybe you better go…think about this," he suggested quietly, without looking at Angel.

"There's no thinking necessary. I can't do this...and God knows Xander, that if kissing you almost released Angelus, it scares the hell out of me to think of what making love to you would do. I get the feeling that Angelus would be free the second I enter you," Angel said ruefully.

"Angel, there’s a way...that is if you trust me enough to do it. You and Angelus need to merge together into one entity. It took me a couple of years to find the spell, I was going to give it to you, sorta anonymously. You may not be able to love me, but I at least hoped that you would find someone to love," Xander’s voice was gruff as he studied his pajama clad leg intently.

"How long will this spell take?" Angel asked, looking thoughtfully at the bent head.

"A couple of hours maybe…" Xander replied tentatively, not daring to hope that Angel meant what he thought he meant.

"Then why are you still sitting here?" Angel raised a brow and smiled at the look of overwhelming happiness on Xander's face.


A few hours later, Xander regarded Angel anxiously as he rested back against Jennes, who was rubbing gently at his churning stomach, trying to calm him down. Taryn and Lourdey stood on either side of him, eyeing the vampire with grim eyes.

"How do you feel?" Xander asked twisting his hands, he was so scared this wasn’t gonna work that he felt like throwing up.

Angel blinked, searching deep within himself; almost shouting with happiness not to feel Angelus familiar disturbing presence.

"Like a brand new….," Angel began to say with a smile, then a gathering scowl was on his face as he noticed where Jennes' hand rested and he growled softly, his eyes turning to liquid gold.

"MINE," he snarled at the demons touching what belonged to him and he began stalking forward, his nails lengthing to deadly talons.

"Angel, STOP!" Xander shouted, easily dodging around Lourdey and Taryn’s restraining hands and approaching the growling vampire. Not in the least surprised as Angel swept him behind his back protectively.

"Mine," Angel voice was a low rumble and darkness clouded his mind, and it shocked him out of his fury. He turned and looked down at Xander despairingly.

"Xander, the spell...it didn't work," he said painfully, looking away. "I can feel Angelus and he wants to rip their bodies apart for daring to touch you."

With a gentle caress, Xander responded, "Angel, that wasn't Angelus, that was you...the soul and the demon are one. Among us humans, we like to call it jealousy." His eyes twinkled with humor, forcing an answering smile from Angel.

"You're sure…?" Angel asked hesitantly, touching the other's face tentatively, then he sighed and shook his head before stepping back from the warm touch.

Taking Xander’s hand gently, he kissed the fingertips softly, "Xander wait…as much as I would like too, and I really REALLY would like nothing better than to be in bed with you…I need…I just need to make sure this is the right decision for us. Things are happening so fast that I can barely stay on my feet. Just give me a couple of days to process this because I don’t want to rush either of us into something that we won’t be able to step back from. A Claim is forever and I need to be sure. Yesterday, all I knew was that you hated my guts and that while I didn’t hate you, I didn’t like the person you were around me, the way you treated me. Can you understand where I’m coming from?" He pleaded quietly to the young man, extremely aware of the dangerous demons standing nearby and the volitale atmosphere now in the room.

Xander felt like he would faint and quickly lowered his eyes. Dragging in a ragged breath, he nodded and plastered a smile on his face, "Sure. Sure, I understand. I’m…uhm…I’m moving too fast for you. You just need some time to…to…I’m sorry I have to go," he said quickly and ran out of the room.

Lourdey and Jennes hastily raced after him, catching him quickly and just holding him until they were all calmer before walking to the Xander’s bedroom.

"Shit!" Angel said explosively, dragging an angry hand threw his hair. Forgetting for the moment that Taryn was still in the room with him.

At least forgetting until he felt an iron grip around his throat.

"Decide soon vampire, or we will decide for you," Taryn hissed viciously, his hand tightening painfully around Angel’s throat before releasing the other and striding away.


Chapter 10

Xander rested in the bed, feeling the warm weight of Jennes settle behind him. He closed his eyes when Lourdey eased into the bed and obligingly he lifted his head, allowing the Jaztar to take his favorite spot, before resting his head on Lourdey's warm stomach.

God he felt like a total fuckin’ idiot! Dumbass, he sneered at himself, blinking rapidly to avoid the tears threatening to fall, and he drew in a shuddering breath. Again and again, struggling for control.

For five years he kept telling himself that this Angel wasn't *his* Angel so don’t confuse the two. But what did he do? Oh noooooo…..Not Mr. I’m-Too-Smart-For-My-Own-Good! The first chance he got to recapture the love he shared with the vampire he took it.

"God, didn't I learn anything from the Faith incident," he whispered savagely to himself. The first love of his life tried to strangle him and the second probably didn’t even want him.

Jennes and Lourdey exchanged worried looks and began crooning softly to ease Xander's distress. Not just for the sake of their children, but because he was their…friend. Something that all three Jaztars never expected to feel for a human. Friendship was not something that truly existed among their people, at least not the varied sort that bound humans so tightly together. The concept of friendship still had the power to boggle their minds even after all the movies their youngling forced them to watch, explaining what made this person or that person ‘friends’. And what a friend did for the sake of friendship.

Lourdey continued to slowly stroke their little father's hair gently as Taryn entered the room. With electric temper snapping in the purple eyes before the other forcefully calmed himself. And Lourdey’s lips quirked in a half-smile of shared amusement with Jennes.

The youngling’s initial presence in their lives had come as a shock to say the least. While they were as closer than most Jaztar, still no other among their people would imagine becoming this impossibly entangled in another’s life, to allow himself to show weakness and vulnerability before a Warrior. Lourdey mused silently as he carded his fingers through silken locks, but Xander’s arrival changed them…changed the way they regarded each other. The boy changed them profoundly.

When Xander first began contacting them years ago, they had each consigned the letters to the trash bin, where they belonged. But fortunately, Jennes was as curious as the cats that humans seemed to love. It was he that had shamed them into reading the next missive that arrived the following week in their human homes.

Taryn, of course, had almost lost control when he had first read his letter. And that still had the power to make Lourdey smile as he remembered the look of congested rage that had darken the other’s face. The ebony-haired warrior hand was trembling in fury at the ‘unmitigated gall of the human’ that dared to contact them. However, Jennes was one of the rare Jaztars that found enjoyment in the oddest things and had dared to show his amusement which helped to Taryn to regain control somewhat. However, even the silver-haired Jaztar knew better than to test Taryn’s shaky restraints and had carefully concealed his laughter. At least, until Taryn had left, whereupon he collapsed to the floor in a manic fit of uproarious laughter, tears running from his vivid green eyes.

But they continued to read each letter in morbid curiosity. And although Taryn refused to read any of his letters, however, it was very convenient how the ebony-haired warrior always managed to show up when the letters arrived.

It had honestly scared Lourdey that whoever this Xander was, he KNEW them, because both his and Jennes letters always included some mention of Taryn as if the sender somehow knew that the most fierce of the three would not read his letters.

Surprisingly enough though it was Taryn that was the first to get an e-mail account and he sent a Xander a blistering e-mail. Threatening him with all sorts of bodily harm if the other didn’t stop sending him letters….immediately.

And when his letters stopped, Taryn became annoyingly superior, claiming that they were fools for continuing to read the letters and reply to the e-mails. However, it took about a month of silence from Xander to make Taryn cave in because not only did the letters stop but also the e-mails.

Not content with that, Xander even took it a step further.

At first Taryn was smugly please, as he continued to come over to their now weekly visits at Jennes’ home. Then growing puzzlement, followed by anger and annoyance set in as letters were read but he was neither referred nor inferred to by any means. Taryn would leave the house seemingly unmoved, but Lourdey saw the growing look of discontentment in the other’s purplish eyes.

Lourdey smiled as he recalled the extra letter that would often arrive at his home. The words were flat, the language simple yet there was almost a wistful quality to the tone of the letter, as if the sender was tired or lost. Looking for someone or something to belong too.

And perhaps that was when he began to believe that what Xander told them was the truth. Those letters *spoke * to him as only someone that truly knew him could do so. Maybe that was when he came to care deeply for the author of such poignant letters.

A human at that!

How his people would have howled at the thought. And he had been so shocked and horrified at his untypical Jaztar feelings of caring that he had stopped communicating for several days. He ignored the e-mails building on his computer as he tried to deny his unJaztar emotion. But he was a Jazter Warrior and he had never ran before a fight, not did he intend to start at this time. Fear or not, Jaztars confronted what they feared, standing proudly…no matter the cost, no matter the price. And should they lose their lives…so be it. But they did not run!

And he was grateful that he re-opened the dialogue with the unseen author each day.

Lourdey’s slanted a look of black-eyed amusement at Taryn. The ebony-haired warrior’s ‘grumpiness’ during the month of silence still made him smile. Although, the other would vehemently deny such an assertion, perhaps even with a knife in one hand and a sword in the other.

He and Jennes still enjoyed teasing the other about his ill-temper during his silent time in exile, and Lourdey chuckled out loud.

Teasing! An almost unheard of concept once a Jaztar was past 90 years of age to indulge in.

"What are you laughing about?" Taryn asked warily. He had a feeling that the other was finding amusement at his expense.

"I was just remembering when Xander first began talking with us," Lourdey replied softly, combing back their youngling’s hair.

And despite his sadness, Xander couldn’t help but to smile also as Jennes buried his face in his shoulder, trying vainly to stifle his laughter.

"In other words, you were laughing at me," Taryn muttered resignedly, secretly pleased to see their little father smile.

"You were so grouchy when Xander stopped talking to you," Jennes remarked with a definite note of amusement in his voice.

"I was not!" Taryn was indignant. "I was just concerned that, perhaps, I had been a bit abrupt with you." He caressed Xander's face gently.

"Abrupt?!" Xander twisted his head up to meet Taryn's purplish eyes. "Taryn, abrupt would have been you saying ‘Don’t contact me ever again!’ You threatened me with disembowelment, hacking off my body parts, feeding them to my children before pissing down my neck. If my Taryn hadn’t told me that he, that you would react like that, I can guarantee that after your little e-mail you wouldna heard a damn thing from me again."

"Well, perhaps I could have rephrased my words a bit differently." The ebony-haired warrior admitted with a slow smile. He briefly exchanged pleased looks with the other two Jaztars.

And he wondered for the millionth time when did Xander come to mean so much to them, to him?! The boy was troublesome, aggravating, constantly trying his nerves with snippy remarks…but he dreaded the day when Xander would leave them for the vampire. At last admitting what Jennes and Lourdey already knew, that he was in love with the youngling. Perhaps, they all were in love with him.

He had indeed become a ‘grouchy bear’ when Xander had ceased communicating with him.

Only him.

At first he was arrogantly satisfied that he had put the Xander individual in his place, that the other was no longer contacting him. However, he had come to view the little tidbits of information about him that Xander included in his letters to Lourdey and Jennes' with secret pleasure. But after his disastrous e-mail all mention of him came to an abrupt end.

He would go over to Jennes’ every week, listening to them read their letters about what their future selves had done and he would smile inwardly, agreeing with the majority of what Xander wrote about the others. And eagerly he would be anticipating what the author would say about him. But there was nothing. Not one single word was written about him and he was surprised at the disappointment he felt.

He would go home, check his e-mail, thinking Xander would send him something. But all he received were those meat byproduct messages.

And he only became grumpier at every little letter and e-mail the others received, coming to realize that if he wanted Xander to talk to him, he would need to be the one to re-open communication between them.

Thankfully Xander accepted his overtures, opening up more and more to him each week. And like Lourdey, he sensed the emotional loneliness in Xander’s words as if they, demons and unseen strangers, were the only ones he could connect to. While some of the emotions were unfamiliar, he still tried to reach out, always wondering why he cared.

He was a Jaztar, a Warrior.

But still he held out his hand, not even counting the lifedebt that was owed.

And by the time they had finally met the author, they knew him as well as he knew them. It had caused considerable shock, years later, to open the door to a dark-eyed young man standing on the other side, a tentative smile on his face as if unsure of his welcome.


Jennes gently smoothed his hand over the swelling of Xander’s belly as the youngling relaxed in the warm cocoon of safety they provided. He smiled as the uncomfortable tightness around his midsection eased and the boy’s eyes dropped heavily. And all three began to croon softly again, lulling Xander to, hopefully, a peaceful sleep.

He reflected on the changes that the boy brought to their lives, to his life. Despite his almost unJaztarlike frivolous attitude, he was Jaztar through and through. And like the others, he was annoyed when the letters first arrived. But unlike Lourdey and Taryn, he was almost insatiably curious. Wondering about the letters that arrived regularly each week.

It finally became too much for him and inside the letter, revealed in the simple words was…him.

A Jennes that he didn’t allow many to see. A Jaztar that craved laughter but settled for a tiny smile; a demon that enjoyed pranks and jests but had no outlet. But with that one letter, the first letter he read after his curiosity nearly killed him, he was, as the humans say, hooked.


Willingly hooked to the almost irrepressible spirit that authored the letter. And fascinated, he waited anxiously every week for the next letter and the next and the next. Examining each envelope for a betraying postmark, so that he could find ‘Xander’ but to no avail. Their little father had been very clever to route the letters through dozens of post offices, making the act of tracing them nearly impossible.

Finally, in desperation, he began ‘hounding’ the others, chiding them both for being frightened of a letter until they acceded to his demands.

And when Xander gave them an e-mail address, his euphoria knew no bounds. He had went out and bought the most powerful computer money could buy. The he hired someone to teach him how to turn it on and use it.

He had found a kindred soul in Xander. Through their e-mails, he learned about jokes, about laughter and joy. But beneath the apparent happiness in the letters, he sensed a wistful sadness in the simple words and it seemed as if he lived for Xander’s letters, and that annoying little box announcing ‘You’ve Got Mail’.

But he thought all was lost when Taryn sent that blistering e-mail, that Xander would never contact them, him again.

Thankfully, he was wrong as Xander began talking solely only he and Lourdey. And every letter, every e-mail drew attention to the fact that Taryn didn’t seem to exist anymore for Xander.

Jennes snorted softly, and didn’t that just burn the ebony-haired warrior to death. At times he thought Taryn would explode from rage alone. But Taryn surprised him, surprised them both by contacting Xander voluntarily. And he had no doubt that the arrogant Warrior never apologized.

And then something happened to Xander. His letters and e-mails got darker and grimmer, before finally stopping for a brief time. However, it amazed both he and Lourdey that Taryn was the one to continued sending e-mails as if Xander was still communicating with them.

And gradually Xander returned, but different, sadder.

Explaining that someone tried to kill him and another someone had hit him. It was only later that he sent them a longer e-mail message, telling them it was Faith that tried to strangle him and Angel that had punched him, telling them that the vampire had done so as part of a ruse to fool Faith.

They already knew that in the Beforetime, Xander loved Faith and had two children with her, and that Angel, Xander believed, was his destined mate. And to be hurt by two people he desperately loved…they couldn't quite grasp the concept of how Xander was feeling until he told them to image their penis’ being cut off by a dull knife.

And finally after several years of communication, along with requests for face-to-face meetings they got to meet him.

Jennes grinned and stroked Xander’s hair. If they were anything but Jaztars Warriors perhaps their ‘requests’ would have sounded more like shameless begging and pleading. However, they were Jaztars and they had an image to uphold.

His smiled faded, but with the advent of the Oracles as well as Wolfram and Hart in town, time was swiftly running out. And he glanced at Taryn’s cool remote face, in more ways than one.

"You realize that Janek will not rest until you are dead? And should he learn of the children Xander carries he will try to seize them as well?" His voice was soft as he spoke, with a quick glance down assuring of a sleeping Xander.

Taryn blinked lazily. "As long as Xander remains alive that is all that matters," he replied peacefully.

And it was true. Somewhere between receiving the boy’s letters and meeting him, the Jaztar had come to care for the youngling. And in the course of making a child with the youngling, he had lost a heart he never suspected he had. While the method Xander had insisted they use was unorthadox still the connection was valid between the four of them and the lives the boy carried.

He knew he would pay for striking Janek but he had no regrets. He had reacted instinctively to the threat and the fear in Xander’s voice when his brother had seized the youngling and forced a kiss on the unwilling boy. Before he knew it, he was on his brother enraged at the thought that Janek dared to trespass on what belong to them.

It took both Lourdey and Xander to stop him from castrating his brother with his bare hands. And he knew Janek would never let him get away with his actions, he also suspected that his brother realized Xander was pregnant.

"It was perfectly legitimate what you did." Lourdey broke into his brooding thoughts.

"I’m sorry but we are still talking about Janek, right?" Jennes twisted his head to peer at the other sardonically.

"I forgot," Lourdey blinked and shrugged.

"Yes, my brother will find a way around the legalities to claim his revenge. He has had a strong disregard for me ever since I won my Warrior’s Braid." Taryn’s voice was low.

"Your brother is a jealous prick," Jennes said bluntly.

Taryn nodded calmly. "While I have no idea what a prick is, but I do know that jealousy does fuel his actions concerning me."

"And what shall we do about this situation?" Lourdey voice was calm.

But Taryn shook his head slightly in negation. "Do not concern yourself with this. This is my problem and I fear you may inadvertently get hurt in the process."

"Do you remember that movie Xander made us watch a few months ago? The one with the candybar name? The one with the French humans with the feathers in their hats?" Jennes asked quietly, patiently watching Taryn.

"The Four Musketeers?" Taryn asked in puzzlement.

"Yes, that one. They had a motto: All for one and one for all." Jennes eyes were unusually serious as he met the other’s eyes.

"Lourdey asked you a question, now I’m asking it as well. What are WE to do?"

Taryn smiled slowly, "All for one and one for all." And it was as close to saying Thank You as he could come.

And Xander’s eyes were slits of silvery gray before he slowly closed them again, falling back to sleep.

Buffy, Dawn, Giles and Anya retreated back to their own homes the next day, while the L.A. crew stayed with Xander as did Willow and Tara. Spike stayed as well, reasoning that this was the best way for him to keep an eye on the Buffy and Angel situation.

And for the next four days, Xander and Angel danced around each other as the vampire tried to adjust to the idea that his one time enemy, a once determinedly unfriendly Xander now wanted to be his lover. Attractive as the idea was and enticed by the boy, he was still unsure if this was just a joke at his expense. Though, if it was a joke, at least he would have the pleasure of Xander in his bed.

While at the same time, Xander fought not to give into his despair at being rejected.

But all these concerns were pushed aside when Xander, feeling uneasy for no reason, doubled over as agony raged through him. Screaming as pain seemed to carve deeply into his flesh.

Angel whirled around at the first scream of pain, and he managed to dart forward as Xander fell to the floor, writhing at some unseen pain clawed at the boy.

"What’s wrong?" Willow shouted anxiously, running and sliding to her knees beside them.

"I don’t know! First, he was fine then BAMM! He was screaming," Angel yelled in frustration as he tried to still Xander’s frantic movements.

And suddenly he was ripped away by ruthless hands as Jennes and Lourdey collapsed against Xander, moaning low in their throats.

Spike and Angel stared in stunned disbelief at the badly wounded Jaztars.

"What the bloody hell…" Spike said in shock as an involuntary shiver coursed through him. Whatever did this to the Jaztars, he would rather be on the other side of the world from it.

"Good Lord, what happened to them…" Giles exclaimed and dropped the newly arrived Wesley’s bags on the floor.

"We don’t know," Willow said somberly, regarding how the Jaztars were wrapped around Xander like a pair of snakes.

And they gathered around the entwined trio, noting in thankful relief that the short painfilled cries were now reduced to a faint whimpering from Xander.

It took almost an hour for all three to calm down, then another thirty minutes before Jennes and Lourdey unwrapped themselves from around Xander and slowly stood erect. Reaching down a hand, the helped a shaky grim faced Xander to his feet.

"Where’s Taryn?" Xander’s voice, while hoarse from screaming, was still no less demanding.

"Alvn claimed a retroactive Consort status on Janek and had his guards seize Taryn," Jennes voice was bitter as he spoke with some hesitancy.

"Take me to him now." Came the icy response.

"NO! Xander, if you attempt to go, Janek will, in all probability, lay claim to Taryn’s children. This is not what he would have wished to happen," Lourdey spoke with unusual harshness. He eyes burned with almost uncontrollable rage at this situation they were in. Every instinct screamed for him to immediately take Xander to safety while other instincts yelled to destroy Janek and Alvn to avenge the insult to them.

"Either with you or without you…I will bring Taryn home." Xander had descended into arctic calm.

No more.

No more will he allow another person he cared about to die. And he knew that was what Janek was going to do to Taryn. Then and now the ugly hatred and jealously existed in Taryn’s brother.

And at the cold remote look on Xander’s face the two Jaztars bowed their heads, secret gladness in their hearts. If Taryn was dead then he deserved to be among those that cared for him in life.

"Maybe we should all go…there’s safety in numbers. Besides, Cordy and Gunn can be highly volatile with axes," Angel suggested quietly, but Xander’s fierce reaction to Taryn’s capture led him to believe that perhaps there was something else stirring between the dangerous Jaztar and the boy.

Xander looked narrowly at him then nodded, he could use all the help he could get to stay in control.

Piling into cars, they made the two-hour journey to the Jaztar compound and were grudgingly admitted. And they were soon in the throne room…with a Jaztar in chains on the floor.

And Xander felt his stomach heave at the sight of a mutilated Taryn. A bloody eye socket, hair brutally ripped from his skull and blood pooling from the whip marks over his body.

Xander held back his scream of horror tightly in check when he, Jennes and Lourdey rolled Taryn over….they had cut off his penis.

Lourdey hissed violently, his face shifted into demonic mode as he and Jennes locked eyes before they turned to meet Janek's dark, malevolent eyes. Without a penis, even if Taryn could recover, he could no longer be considered a father…not now or ever without that symbol of fatherhood.

Xander sank deep into Taryn’s painfilled eyes, tears dripping silently down his face.

"No tears…," Taryn whispered hoarsely, touching Xander gently on the arm.

"…Not crying…" Xander replied shakily.

"Oh…roof leaking…" came the raspy response. "Go home…take care of babies…Angel help," Taryn said weakly, rolling his head painfully to regard the vampire.

"You love…be hap…py," he tried to smile and gasped at a surge of pain.

Xander ignored the argument raging around him as he focused on Taryn’s bloody face.

"Was already happy…’ he replied gruffly. "Just wanted love too." His voice was low raspy as he spoke.

Taryn shook his head, "Was loved…I love."

"Not that kinda lov…." And Xander looked into Taryn’s eyes and finally saw the truth the other had carefully kept hidden.

And Xander screamed his rage.

"NO MORE! Do you hear me?! NO FUCKIN’ MORE! I gave you everything! My son, my daughters, my family and friends! But no more, do you hear me!" He kept screaming. Tears rolling down his face at everyone he had sacrificed to begin again and his eyes became a liquid gray, alive with iridescent colors swirling in their depths.

And if he could, Taryn would have feared what Xander was doing. But he couldn’t fear Xander.

He couldn’t fear anything…not anymore as his eye drifted close.

"I gave you everything! Now PAY ME DAMN YOU! PAY ME!" And Xander's voice rose in a howl of anguished grief and rage.

And deep within Xander, a raging one-side conference was taking place. With Hyena and Soldier on one side, undulating gray mist on the other side.

"The boy has given up everything to your cause, expecting nothing in return. And that is what has been given to him: NOTHING," Soldier's voice was sharp as he addressed the gray cloud.

"The cub gave you everyone he cared for and yet still you demand more. You created him to be human. But without hope or even a promise of reward why should he continue to struggle in your service?" Hyena growled harshly.

She and Soldier had been arguing for Xander for hours now and she was tired. She swung her head and regarded her cub as he struggled not to cry.

They had met the Other, giving him their approval before he met with their Xander. Feelings of sorrow were still with her, with them at the Other’s sacrifice. But she had enough. Whatever Xander decided to do, she was united with him. They were united with him.

"And you think there’s a difference between you and your Children," she said in rich disgust, with a contemptuous flick of her tail at the gray roiling cloud.

Perhaps her life would be enough to maintain the demon’s, she mused. Then gathering her haunches beneath she prepared to leap.

~Perhaps OUR lives, you mean?~ Soldier smiled, saluting her in farewell as he turned to jump as well.

The gray mist froze then exploded outward…

Lourdey recovered from Xander’ scream first, turning to King Saln. "Taryn is a father to be! What Janek and Alvn did was improper and against the Law! " He was so furious that he didn’t even care that he was angering the High King.

"Watch yourself, Judicator Lourdey. For while I may be willing to concede that Taryn was a father, YOU are not!" Saln’ eyes were narrowed to deadly slits of rage.

Sourd frowned, looking at all four males, including the now unFathered Taryn and smiled nastily.

"I beg to differ, oh my king. They are all linked to the human boy. He carries a child for all three. And should it be proven that either Alvn or Janek or both knew of Taryn’s Fathered Status then that is a capital punishment of death," he proclaimed with a cheerful smile at both Alvn and his consort. Silently mouthing ‘Death’ several times just to see Janek flinch.

Alvn cast a cold look at Janek, before turning back to the High Shaman. "I regret that I have little knowledge to shed. Janek returned to me covered in bruises and blood, claiming that Taryn had attacked him without provocation. This was an insult not only to him but to me as well. I may have went to far in seeking the death penalty for a crime against a Consort but I did not know of Prince Taryn’s Fathered Status."

And as he finished speaking a tremendous force blasted Xander away from Taryn before a roiling gray cloud appeared above Taryn’s nearly motionless body.

Rendering the court absolutely silent in horrified wonder.

Circling faster and faster the cloud now appeared like a miniature whirlpool, with static lightening crackling through the dark sections.

"Xander…" Jennes breathed, staring up at the seething cloud. "What did you do?"

"Wasn’t me…" Xander replied shakily as he stood up with Lourdey and Jennes’ help.

Then a funnel began dropping from the cloud, touching the floor, shifting rapidly as if blindly searching for something. Then it touched Taryn’s leg. And this time there was no slow buildup of energy or power as it seized him, lifting him into air, drawing him into the maelstrom of surging power.

Taryn’s eyes opened wide in shock as pain played over his nerves. He stiffened as his open wounds were tortured, between his legs, the empty eye socket…
everywhere and his roar of agony sent shudders down every beings spines.

As the roaring, bellowing cries continued unabated, somehow the Scoobies and L.A. gang found themselves crowded around Xander and his Jaztars. While the court Jaztars tried to avoid looking like they were huddling close together for protection.

Angel and Spike traded twin amused smirks. Despite their terror, it felt good to see the Jaztars about to piss in their pants.

Finally, the anguished scream and crackling light stopped flickering through the gray maelstrom. And Taryn was dropped unceremoniously to the floor, crouching with catlike grace. Ebony hair spilled and seethed around him, hair that had appeared to be far longer than when he arrived at court.

"Taryn…" Xander said in the hushed silence.

And slowly the naked Warrior stood erect...whole and physically perfect.

"Yes, Xander…" Taryn turned to face them and had time to shake his hair behind one golden shoulder, before Xander slammed into him. Shaking with suppressed sobs.

Cordy and Fred sighed in disappointed at seeing all that….and they eyed Angel, Wesley and Gunn in grave disappointment.

Buffy forgot to cover Dawn’s eyes, she was to busy ogling Taryn as well as Anya, Tara and Willow. One thought uppermost in all the females mind: DAMN!

Cordy snorted, if Xander wasn’t gay, then he needed to be, just to get a piece of THAT! Boy’ll be walking bowlegged for weeks. Let her switch bodies with Xander and she’ll be gayer than a fuckin’ rainbow.

And the females turned speculative eyes on the other demons in their midst.

Angel casually sidled behind an oblivious Wesley while Spike smoothly shuffled behind Giles, neither demon liked the looks in the girls’ eyes.

"Shhh, little father…" Taryn crooned softly into Xander’s ears. "You will make yourself sick, then the babies will get sick and you know how I hate being ill. It makes me all grouchy," he teased gently and was rewarded with a watery chuckle before Xander drew back and smiled up at him.

Then slowly his smiled faded as he searched Taryn’s eyes for what he had read there previously and he away hurriedly, blushing.

"Shocking, isn’t it? That I can admit that I care, that I love you," Taryn whispered softly. Then he tilted the youngling’s red face upwards and kissed him gently before he met Xander’s eyes again.

And Xander’s eyes faded to gray as he looked up at Taryn.

Taryn looked over Xander’s head to the wary, yet relieved Jennes and Lourdey.

"Your turn…" and twin funnels lashed out of the whirling mist, lifted the yelling demons into the air while electric crackling energies played over their bodies before they were swiftly dropped back to the floor.

And like Taryn their hair was a lot longer but now all the Jaztar saw the difference in the three Jaztar before them.

Alpha males.

Prime Warriors.

Sourd drew in his breath harshly, his eyes wide in astonished awe. Prime Warriors, subject only to the Queen, stood on either side of the human. Guardians, Warriors that had not been seen for thousands of years. Not since…and his eyes widened as a sudden thought flashed through his mind. He met the human’s luminous gray eyes, mouthing a single shocked word: Queen? And he drew in a shaky breath at the human’s slow nod.

"We must go now," Lourdey said loud enough for all to hear. And his eyes fastened thoughtfully on Alvn’s face as Jennes and Taryn’s watched Saln and Janek respectively.

And Saln nearly shifted to his more demonic form in rage as he read his fate in Prince Jennes’ eyes. Law or no, those three and possibly the human must die!

He met a few other king’s eyes in agreement, Prime Warriors were dangerous because their loyalty was only to the Queen and without a Queen to command them…there was no checking them. Already he could see his warriors standing prouder under the gazes sweeping over them.

Angel removed his duster and extended it silently, unsurprised to have it seized roughly from him. He met the other’s gaze, an unspoken emotion flashing briefly in the Jaztar’s eyes.

Xander was nearly vibrating with tension and he kept darting nervous peeks up at Taryn. Oboyoboyoboyoboyoboy ran endlessly through his mind. He would dearly LOVE, absolutely love to know how he got into messes like this. He was in a friggin’ love triangle!

He jumped as a long-fingered hand covered his fidgeting fingers while a low croon began filling the car, and he felt himself relaxing, leaning towards Taryn.

On his other side, Angel eyed the cool expression on the demon’s face as he crooned softly and the way Xander seemed to calm down. And not to be outdone, especially since he was ready to stake his Claim, he began purring, throwing a triumphant smirk to Taryn as Xander began leaning toward him.

Taryn never stopped crooning as his lip lifted in a silent snarl.

But suddenly reinforcement arrived from the back of the SUV in the form of Jennes’ adding his low croon to Taryn, merging the two into one powerful enthralling sound.

And slowly Xander leaned towards Taryn.

Willow and Gunn exchanged puzzled looks in the front seat before Willow opened her mouth…

Spike glanced over at Jennes who looked challengingly at him. Bloody poofer and his face shifted as he hissed nastily at the other demon before he started purring. His purr providing a rippling counterpoint to Angel’s purr, and he threw a triumphant smirk at Jennes.

And Jennes punched him in the face.

Gunn continued driving in sheer disbelief while Willow turned around and regarded the fighting demons in the rear seat with her mouth open. Then her eyes shifted to Angel and Taryn who continued their staring duel as one purred and the other crooned. And her eyes fell on Xander….asleep in the middle. How can he be asleep at a time like this?!

And as the hisses and growls got louder she exchanged another disbelieving look with Gunn…

"Stop that fighting this minute!" She yelled shrilly. She was hardly able to believe it was her voice. Oh my God, do I really sound like my mother? But helpless she had to continue, "If I have to tell Gunn to stop this car and come back there, you are all gonna be sorry! Taryn, Angel that goes for you too!"

"Yeah! Don’t make me take off my belt, ‘cause I will," Gunn yelled back furiously as the car rocked violently again.

Blinking the four demons eyed the humans and briefly considering ripping off their heads for daring to interrupt them. Then both Spike and Angel shook their head rapidly, banishing the thoughts of dismembering their humans.

"He started it…" Spike muttered, sulkily retiring to his side of the seat and glaring out the window.

"Spike…" Willow said in a warning voice before facing forward with a sigh.

Taryn quietly stated, without looking at Angel, "We will discuss this further vampire."

"Bet of it…" Angel growled back.

"What the hell..." Cordy asked incredulously as Spike and Jennes exited the car, both with bruised and bloody scratches on their faces.

Giles examined the two demons as they entered the living room. "Yes, we saw the car rocking and were unsure whether to continue or stop to assist you."

Gunn jerked a thumb at a stone-faced Angel stalking after Xander and Taryn.

"Tension was getting so thick in the car that you could eat it with a fork, when SupadupaFly started up with this weird ass crooning sound which seem to making shit better then my boy, Angel started purring and then here comes the Chorus boys joining in the duet. And the next thing I know the Blond menaces are hissing and growling up in the back. I had to threaten to take off my belt!" Gunn snorted as he threw himself on the couch.

And despite himself, Wesley couldn't resist asking, "And then what would have happened when you did that?"

Gunn just grinned, "Pants’ll fall off. What? You think I’m crazy enough to get in the middle of two kickass demons that wanna fight? Boy, ya must be outta yo mind!"

As Xander beat a hasty retreat to his bedroom, Taryn placed a hand on Angel’s arm, stopping him from following after the youngling.

"Vampire, I will give you tonight only," before the demon strode away rapidly.

And Angel's eyes narrowed on Taryn's retreating back, before he continued after Xander.

Finally he and Xander were alone.

Angel slowly frowned as the boy drifted around the bedroom, studious avoiding all eye contact with him. First, was he’s all hot and bothered to get me into bed, and now he’s acting like…and he understood.

"Xander," he called softly and waited until the wide dark eyes lifted hesitantly to his face. And walking over to the nervous young man, he touched Xander’s cheek softly.

"Nothing has to happen unless you want it to," he quietly said, searching the darken gaze.

Xander nodded his head before lowering is gaze to the carpet, "I…I…I know that you’re not my Angel and you would probably rather be with Buffy or…or…Cordy and you don’t love me but…," his words were quickly stopped by Angel pressing a kiss to his lips.

He sighed softly, his arms quickly sliding around Angel’s neck and into his hair, holding the vampire tightly against him…

And they kissed.

…Flickering sparks of excitement, of desire surged through him, swiftly roaring into wildfire of passion, beginning to consume him in its intensity…

And he moaned.

Ravenous need, torrid kisses, cool firm flesh all combined together to send him arching into Angel with a soft mewl of hunger as he rubbed insistently against the vampire. And whimpering softly, he opened passion-glazed eyes as Angel slowly raised his head. He flushed at the look of sensual satisfaction in the vampire’s eyes and looked away.

"I don’t want Cordy and I sure as hell don’t want Buffy, but you…oh, but I do want you. And if your Angel was anything like me, he was a very lucky and contented vampire," Angel whispered softly, backing them gradually to the bed.

Xander squeaked as the back of his legs hit the bed and he would have fallen backwards, had Angel not caught him.

"Xander, I understand that I’m not the Angel that you fell in love with, but maybe we can try to work this out," Angel began seriously, then with a glint of laughter in his eyes, "If only for the sake of the children."

Xander was looking away, halfway ashamed of how he was acting…like some sort of..of…rent boy when Angel said that. And leaning back in the cradle of his vampire’s arms he gave the other an incredulous look before slowly he began to giggle uncontrollably as the stress of Taryn's capture, the look in the other demon's eyes finally caught up with him.

Manly giggles, of course, not some girly giggles.

And Angel smiled down into the laughing face as he lowered them into the bed. Feeling Xander’s body jerking against his from the force of the young man’s laughter, he gritted his teeth at each unconscious teasing brush of the boy’s body against his.

Finally, Xander’s laughter died down as he rested in Angel’s arms and breathed shakily. It had been so long…so fuckin’ long and he just wanted to hold on to this dream for as long as possible before he had to let this Angel go. This was too soon, too fast for them both and just because his Angel loved him, didn’t mean that this Angel would also.

And there was also Taryn to considered. What was he to do about him?

"You’re thinking too hard," he heard Angel whisper softly and Xander smiled painfully.

Angel drew back his head, "Xander, you’re trying to make this situation out to be worse than it really is. I’m a Warrior in the service of the PTBs, though that might be changing very soon if they pull the same shit again. And if the price of saving the world is making love to you, then hell, I’ll be first in line after beating everyone else to death with a big stick. You call to both my demon and soul. And there’s nothing more I would love to do than make love to you." He regarded the boy’s wide uncertain gaze, hoping the truth was visible in his eyes and he smiled at the crooked grin that slowly crossed Xander’s face.

"Beat ‘em off with a stick, huh? I think you overestimate my X-appeal," Xander smirked.

"And I think you underestimate it," Angel replied seriously gazing down into warm brown eyes.

"Oh," was all Xander could say before he ducked his head feeling oddly shy again.

"Now why don’t you go to sleep? You can think about where we’ll all be living when we get up, deal?" Angel smiled down into the astonished face.

Saying firmly, "Sleep now, talk later," as Xander opened his mouth.

"Fine," Xander grumbled, you would think that with three alpha overprotective males around that he wouldn’t want a fourth. But nooooo, he just had to grab another. He grinned, was he fuckin’ lucky or what? And he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

And Angel soon followed, waking up some an hour later as the bed shifted. Blinking, his eyes turning gold as Lourdey clambered into bed with them.

"Go back to sleep, vampire. There will be time enough to deal with what is to come in the morning. Besides, Xander carries Jaztar’s children and as such they are dependent on us remaining together, otherwise the four of us will be in a great deal of pain," Lourdey answered the unspoken question calmly as he yawned and pulled Xander closer to him before falling asleep.

Okay, this is really going to take some major getting used to, was Angel’s wry thought before he took Lourdey’s advice and fell back to sleep.

Xander woke up some time later to the sound of low growling. Blinking he wondered when and how did a lion get into his bedroom, and where the hell was Lourdey? And sitting up in his bed, he regarded the angry vampire standing in front of the bed, snarling at a growling Taryn. Maybe a lion would have been better to wake up to.

Clambering out of bed, he wandered his room, now very wide awake and unhappily aware of two very large, very possessive Alpha demons glaring at each other. He turned towards the opening door in glad relief, anything would be better than this macho bullshit staring contest over him…

Crap! He snarled silently as it became a three against one contest when Jennes and Lourdey entered.

"Okay, enough with the staring! Sheesh! You'd think somebody’s eyes would catch on fire from the stares," he muttered under his breath. Then squeaked in alarm as first one, then two, now all four eyes were on him and he was the recipient of THE STARE.

"Uhm, ya think maybe you can turn the wattage down a couple of notches?" He asked then slowly began backing away from their intent stares.

"We seem to have a problem," Taryn purred softly, gracefully pacing towards their youngling.

"Problem?! What problem? Uhm, when did this problem develop because I really don’t remember you mentioning a problem, especially since I’ve been, like, right next to you except for when that asshole was torturing you. Did I mention how bad, really bad I felt? But anyhow, maybe your idea of a problem not really a Problem per se, but more of an itch or…or a bother. Yeah, a bother…I heard Giles use that word a lot about me and …" his nervous spate of words were cut off by Taryn’s intense, sizzling kiss.

A kiss that left him dazed and breathless with wonder when he was released, swaying drunkenly from side to side.

Angel growled softly. He pulled Xander to him and swiftly captured the lush lips that just begged to plundered. And he did, slowly…thoroughly before he lifted his head.

"Oh my…" was all Xander could whisper, staring wide-eyed at nothing.

Angel and Taryn exchanged reluctant nods as Xander was turned again and kissed by both Jennes and Lourdey.

Either they learned swiftly to share or they would wind up tearing the boy to pieces in their battle for his affections.

And the next thing Xander knew he was stretched out naked on his bed with four hungry males gazing at him possessively.

He quavered with lust and trepidation, uh oh Xander, you’ve done it now!

They pounced and he lost all reason, all will to think.

Only feel. The hands, the mouths brushing over him, caressing him endlessly.

And all too soon he was poised above Taryn's extremely eager mouth while Angel slowly pressed into him. All he could do was sigh in half-remembered pleasure at the sensation of being so full, so complete. Eyeing the thick slab of meat bobbling at Taryn's crotch he wondered if the would be able to take it all, but he didn't have to wonder for long as Lourdey enveloped the thick organ in his mouth instead.

Xander felt his head seized and turned, blearily focusing on Jennes' aroused face, before his lips were claimed in an ravenous kiss by the other. And he whimpered into Jennes' mouth when Angel began to move, strongly...deeply in his narrow passageway. His hand dropped to Jennes achingly hard shaft and tentatively he began to stroke the demon while thrusting deeply into Taryn's wet, heated embrace, as Angel began to fuck him to oblivion.

After that, he was lost in pure sensation...he was nothing but a bundle of pleasurable nerves as he was twisted, impaled and flooded with cum. Again and again and again.

He had no idea how many times he had lips wrapped around his poor aching cock or finally was allowed to taste any of their hard dicks. He was fucked, and had fucked them in so many positions that he could probably write his own book.

And finally, they allowed him to rest his tired overstimulated body.

The four demons exchanged tired, satisfied smirks at the look of satiated pleasure on the lithe body sprawled in the bed. Taryn gently picked Xander up and gestured to the door, signaling Angel to join them as well as he led the procession to his bedroom.

He placed Xander in the middle of the bed, as always. The four males then cleaned their slumbering exhausted boy as well as they could before the Jaztars went to take their usual sleeping position around their youngling. They paused as they regarded Angel standing there, watching them uncertainly. And reluctantly, Jennes gave way, allowing the vampire to spoon behind Xander, while he spooned behind the vampire.

Xander sank deeply, past conscious thought, deeper still…beyond subconscious thought until he reached his center.

~"What the hell game were you playing?"~ he yelled angrily to the undulating mist, looking around for Hyena and Soldier.


~"Then what did you do to Taryn, Jennes and Lourdey? Better yet, why did you do it?"~ he demanded, frowning at the lack of his inward Companions. He smiled as a ghost image of Joce ran past him, chased by laughing Mikey. And as always, his breath caught before he exhaled shudderingly.


~"A test? A test of what? Who the hell were you testing? Me?~" he replied, confusion evident in his eyes.

~"Not you…us,"~ Hyena answered quietly, sitting down on her haunches while Joce and Mikey clambered all over her. Her eyes were half-closed in pleasure as she finally lay down, then split herself…one for the children and one to continue the conversation.

Her ghost image got up carefully with the children riding her and paced away slowly.

~"Why were you two tested?"~ And he turned a puzzled look on Soldier and Hyena.

~"To see what WE were willing to sacrifice,"~ Soldier replied calmly and seeing the look of confusion still on Xander's face he tried to explain.

~"Hyena and I have existed almost as long as there have been Dark and Light Powers. There has always been a force standing Guard, Defending something or even someone. I am Soldier and I have been such for over a millenium. I have watched thousands of Chosens created. There were good men and women as well as foolish, ignorant ones. Those that heeded my advice, I guided them carefully, Protected them, taught them how to think and defend. Those that did not listen, I left alone and watched them die at a very young age. But I’ve always watched them die, the good ones as well as the foolish ones. I stayed apart from their lives, never getting involved."~

~"And just as there have been a Soldier, there has always been the Attacker, someone or something acts aggressively, that takes from another. I am Hyena and I also have seen thousands of Chosens birthed. I have taught them strategy, tactics, different methods of attacks. And those that would listen, lived a much longer life under my tutelage. I’ve guided them, counseled them and I’ve watched them fall in battle. And then I would retire into Sleep, patiently awaiting the birth of a new Chosen. I never allowed myself to get too involved with a Chosen’s life. All were the same. For those that listened and sought our counsel, some had dreams of avarice, desires of ruling the world. Why should I care, why should we care? They would fail and there would always come another Chosen.~ Hyena growled softly.

~"Then you were born, and as always we watched, counseled and strove to protect you as best we could. Sometimes you would heed our advice, other times you would foolishly disregard out words of caution and get hurt. But you always got up, learned from your mistake and were ready to do battle again. And no matter how badly you were hurt inside, you always got up. You didn’t cry, or whimper or blame us. You merely got up and fought on. You began to intrigue us and we took a greater interest in your life. But still we did not become too involved because soon you would be gone and there would come another Chosen. Then came the Other and we knew shame.~ and she bowed her proud head.

And Soldier took up the narration. ~You didn’t differentiate between the Light and the Dark, human and demon. For you, it was a struggle for survival for your people, for the ones you loved. Demons, humans…it made no difference to you. You would protect them as long as they were part of your Pack and they followed you because they knew you would grant them the same rights you would a human. You did not see the outside, you only judged them for their inner selves. And you choose to sacrifice all that you had won, all that you had fought for to set things right, with no hope of reward or a promise of a better life."~

~"This was our test, to see had we learned anything from you. What we were willing to sacrifice for the greater good…for another? You gave up so much and all we could give you were ghost images of your children. However, when the Jaztar was dying, we knew that we could give you more…someone that loved you with all your faults, should the vampire not turn to you as you wanted. You have been focused on the vampire for so many years, that you never allowed for the idea that another would care for you or that you would care for him as well. We wanted to give you that time to come to accept his love, their love for you. Despite your love for the vampire, it was the Jaztars that made you stronger. You needed them as much as you needed the vampire.~ Soldier finished quietly.

~"And did you pass the test?~ Xander questioned them softly, hot anger boiling in his eyes.

~"We did not even know we were being tested."~ Hyena protested quietly and shrugged her shoulders at the cub’s look.

All three turned to the seething cloud and three pairs of eyes became liquid gray as they waited.

Then cuddled between the hard, firm bodies Xander smiled and snuggled closer to his mates.


Chapter 11

Crawling out from between the two bodies, Xander stumbled exhaustedly into what he blearily recognized as Taryn's bathroom. He was yawning and achy as hell. And briefly wondered where the other two were. He blushed as he recalled everything they had done...hell, everything *he* had done.

He was taking care of his morning routine, when Lourdey lurched into the bathroom, eyes blind. Clenching his toothbrush firmly in his mouth, he grabbed the swaying demon and shoved him gently into the shower. A morning ritual whenever that he performed with Lourdey almost every morning.

As he finished brushing his teeth he heard a low, moaning sigh coming from within shower, his demon lover was rejoining the world of the living. Then a long arm was extended and he was swiftly grabbed, pulled into the shower. And then Lourdey dropped to his knees and swallowed his cock. What a way to start his morning, was his bemused thought before the Lourdey's incredibly talented mouth made thinking impossible.

Leaving the bathroom breathlessly while the other finished his shower, he tried to wake Angel, who merely groaned and rolled over. Well, so much for that theory that my Angels are different and decided to let sleeping vampire lie, he snickered slightly. Besides he could smell coffee he hoped that it was Taryn cooking, cause that demon could really throw down with the bacon and eggs. Maybe with company, he could convince the Jaztars to let him eat bacon…he should never have given them that damn book about birthing and nutrition.

Dressing swiftly, he hurriedly made his way into the kitchen and stopped at the sight of Giles and Willow sitting at the huge table.

"Xander...!" Willow exclaimed jumping up to hug her friend and carefully leading over to sit down with all the delicacy you would use carrying a ticking bomb.

"Yes, do sit...." Giles said, jumping up as well and holding out his chair for Xander.

Xander gave them a look. "Wills, Giles…I’ve been through this and I can totally assure you that there is no possibility of me exploding or going into labor at this very moment," he promised solemnly, crossing his heart.

"That bad, huh?" Willow flushed in embarrassment as even Giles chuckled at their actions.

"I’ve had worse," Xander laughingly shrugged. "You should try living with three alpha males who…," and he broke off, finally spotting the plate of bacon sitting on the counter. His mouth filled with so much saliva that he had to swallow hurriedly several times to avoid drooling.

Giles noticed his fixed stare. "Perhaps you would care for a slice," he asked grabbing the plate and extending it to Xander, idly wondering if the boy knew he was drooling.

"I shouldn’t really," Xander replied unconvincingly as he shakily grabbed a piece and inhaled that wonderful aroma…that luscious smell of pork….of fried mouth-watering BACON!

His hand trembled as he slowly raised the strip to his mouth….

"Put the bacon down..." came Taryn deadly hiss from behind him.

Xander whimpered, his eyes tortured as he stared at the mesmerizing strip of pork. "Please, just let me…" he begged, shivering from the alluring smell… BACON!

Giles and Willow stared in open-mouth shock at Xander and the demon’s behavior.

"Put the bacon down, NOW!" Taryn roared, stalking forward.

Xander scuttled on the other side of the table. "NO! It’s bacon, Taryn, BACON! I can’t do it, don’t ask me to let go of it, please just one tiny bite," he pleaded, his hand quivering with need.

Taryn eyed him with narrow eyes. "Youngling, didn’t we agree that you were not going to be consuming fatty foods? You know that it’s not good for you right now and according to the book, it’s also not good for the children. Healthy foods are far better for you than that," he said firmly, gesturing to the strip of bacon still clutched in Xander’s hand.

"But it’s bacon," came a small distressed whimper.

"I know," Taryn said soothingly, creeping closer to the trembling young man, until he was finally within distance and grabbed Xander’s hand.

There was a struggle as Xander tried to snuff the strip in his mouth, but Taryn prevailed and removed the bacon from the young man’s grasp. Then he simply held the shaking body.

Xander finally slumped against Taryn, much calmer now. "Thanks man, that was too close." These food craving were getting too freakin’ intense.

"I know and I apologize for leaving the bacon out," Taryn replied, angry with himself. "I didn’t know that you would be up so early after last night with...," his words were quickly muffled by Xander’s hand over his mouth.

Xander smiled nervously at the fascinated Giles and Willow. Talking about him and Angel was not a very good idea considering that Buffy stood in the doorway. And getting her killed in the kitchen before he had his first cup of coffee was NOT how he wanted to start this morning.

"Ah…yes…uhm, good morning Buffy! And what a wonderful morning it is! I must say that you’re looking pretty attractive and perky in a very Britney Spears kinda way," he chirped brightly.

Buffy blinked. "Uhm thank you…I think," she muttered the last bit under her breath. Then looking around the room, anywhere but Xander held in the demon’s arms, she asked casually, "Anyone seen Angel yet? I was in his room last, I mean, I checked his room last night and this morning but it didn’t look like he slept there."

Xander jittered anxiously, carefully looking away from Buffy. He cleared his throat nervously as he met Willow’s narrowing eyes.

Taryn looked down at the youngling then at the Slayer before gently shoving Xander over to the refrigerator.

"Look in there and find some other meat product if you want," he offered indulgently.

Xander gasped, his eyes darting up to Taryn and forgetting Buffy in favor of something more important...."Meat?! I can have real meat and not that imitation shit that you been shoving down my throat?!" Then his eyes narrowed suspiciously, "What’s the catch?"

"Boy, there is no catch," Taryn growled, turning impatient that his offer was not more warmly received.

Xander looked relieved at the annoyed look on Taryn’s face. "Ok, it’s just that you were acting too nice so I kinda thought that you was gonna make me do some extra train…," he broke off at the sudden thoughtful look in the demon’s eyes and groaned.

"Don’t worry so, little father...." and at Xander’s relieved look, he added, "...I’ll be gentle with you." And a wicked smile crossed his face at the look of horror on the youngling’s face.

Giles turned quickly muffling his laughter. He had some knowledge of Jaztar’s behavior, this demon was acting atypical of a Jaztar warrior. And if he didn’t miss his guess, all three Jaztars were acting extremely unnatural.

Buffy looked briefly horrified then disgusted at the way Xander and the demon were acting. And he said he wasn’t gay, she snorted to herself. Of course, after seeing all of that yesterday, hell I'd be gay too.

Xander shook his head sadly and wandered over to the fridge. Opening it, he searched inside for a nice meat product and lit up at the sight of steak. "Taryn, can I have steak for breakfast?" He could feel his mouth watering.

"Yes, bring it here and I will cook it for you," Taryn offered, pulling out another pan.

Dancing excitedly, Xander handed him the steak. Constantly offering comments on the best way to cook it, to which Taryn endured silently with strained patience.

By this time the kitchen was fast filling up as the others stumbled into the large area, halting briefly in astonishment to see a Jaztar patiently cooking breakfast with a chattering Xander firmly attached to his elbow.

Taryn nudged the youngling over to the counter. "By the time you fill a plate, the steak should be done. Not unless you want everyone to eat everything up," he pointedly suggested, smirking at the upset look on Xander’s face. The boy had to be one of the greediest humans he had ever met. When he wasn’t eating, he was talking.

Quickly Xander filled a plate with fresh fruits, a bagel and daringly spread cream cheese on it. He hoped that if Taryn was still in a generous mood that he would ignore his little forbidden treat. He watched with wide eyes as Taryn slid the sizzling steak onto the plate and swallowed heavily, licking his lips. MEAT, he almost sighed with pleasure at the intoxicating smell.

Giles, Spike and Cordy stirred uncomfortably at the sensual look on Xander’s face.

Spike shifted restlessly, his pants becoming even tighter, as he watched the expression of wanton need on the pup’s face with hooded eyes as he sipped his coffee.

Giles blinked rapidly and took off his glasses to deny himself the look on the boy’s face.

Sweet Mother of God, if she knew had known that Xander would shape up into such a hot number maybe she woulda put up with his little fling with Willow, Cordy thought, her breath coming faster

Jennes strolled into the kitchen and stopped abruptly, his eyes narrowing as he sniffed the air. Then his eyes began to glow an intense vivid green as he looked steadily at Giles before the fire was hidden behind lowered lids. But when he started walking again, his walk had shifted into a predatory glide of unmistakable menace.

Taryn had turned and rested his back against the countertop as he watched Spike with emotionless eyes. Spike was uneasily aware that the other demon was probably mentally calculating just how fast vampires were rumored to be.

Xander blinked, "Hello…guys?! Hungry human waiting to be fed over here," he called out, trying to avert disaster, especially in the kitchen before he had time to eat.

Jennes stopped and turned his head almost totally around on his neck. He fixed Xander with an intense stare then slowly relaxed his threatening posture.

Taryn continued to regard Spike, at least until Xander poked him. And he slanted a look down on the human.

"FEED ME...." Xander whined piteously, as his stomach growled with hunger. He had expanded a lot of energy late yesterday.

"You are a bottomless pit." Taryn shook his head and took the plate from the youngling. And guiding him to a seat, both he and Jennes began feeding him.

Giles had instantly became still as he took in that dangerous look in Jennes' eyes, wondering what had sparked that predatory look directed at him.

Spike slowly relaxed, sniffing at a well familiar scent and his eyes narrowed as his grandsire filled the doorway. Well now, he smirked, will Buffy ever be surprised. One might even say the bint will be dumbstruck, and his shoulders shook with silent laughter that stopped as he took in the cold expression on Peaches face as the other looked at him.

Angel gave one final deadly look to his idiot grandchilde. He grabbed a mug, poured a cup of coffee and rested his back against the countertop. Sipping and ignoring the wistful looks Buffy was directing towards him, as he plotted a way to get Xander alone.

Lourdey strolled in. "Vampires, there’s blood in the refrigerator for you," he called as he snatched a piece of fruit off Xander’s plate. Popping it into the boy’s mouth he then grabbed another piece for the youngling, while Xander alternated feeding Jennes, Taryn and now him.

Gunn and Fred watched the feeding with disturbed expressions. "Look, I’m sorry but damn, don’t you know how to feed yourself?!" Gunn burst out.

It was Giles that answered the man’s question. "Jaztar embryos insure their survival by making the parents essentially dependent on each other. Were it not for their feeding each other, the parents will eventually starve to death since food not by the other parents hands have a distinct tendency not to agree with their bodies."

But he was also fascinated, Jaztar were the most secretive of all demons, not much was known about them other than the majority of them were incredibly deadly warriors and had little use for humankind. Which brought another matter to mind.

"Xander, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you convince them to agree to this arrangement? That is, if what you say is true," Giles wondered.

Xander swallowed his food and raised a brow, his eyes steady. "It is true. The way that I convinced them was by mailing them letters. Bunches and bunches of letters. I started writing to them when I first came back and I routed the letters through a bunch of post offices so they couldn’t trace back to me. I told them a lot, at least enough to interest them I hoped. I wrote them a whole bunch of letters for about three years as well as e-mailing them about what my future was like."

"Is that why you asked me about how to bounce signals?" Willow gasped out, her eyes wide.

"Yeah. They didn’t have much cause to trust me no matter how persuasive and irresistibly I thought I was being. If they knew that I could get pregnant and have queens, I probably would have been locked up in some harem somewhere. Raped, beaten and forced to have child after child for them."

Taryn, Jennes and Lourdey nodded their heads in agreement as they watched the stunned people.

"If you knew that then I don’t see how you would or even could do such a thing," Fred said, remembering her years in Pylea with a shiver. She faced that prospect for over five years and she still wondered how she escaped.

Xander looked down, blinking back tears as he recalled that day. "Because I wanted my family back. When I first figured out a way to fix things, I almost had a breakdown at what I had to do, what this meant to my family. And everybody in the hotel was part of my family. And I killed them all, my children, friends…my mate…all dead. While I’ll never…while I will never have my Joce and Mikey back, I will at least have some part of my family," he said hoarsely, burying his face into Taryn’s shoulder.

Buffy blinked in surprise as Angel gripped Xander’s shoulder tightly in support before crouching down and whispering in his ear. And whatever Angel said made a wobbly smile appear on Xander’s face before he got up and left the room.

Closely followed by Angel with a hand to the small on his back.

"Okay, what the hell is going on," Buffy demanded of the people in the room.

Taryn and Lourdey blandly gazed at her while Jennes merely watched her with a cool look.

"Giles?" Buffy whirled to face her traditional fountain of information.

Giles looked surprised. "Why are you asking me? Have you forgotten that I no longer reside in the United States?"

Buffy gritted her teeth. "Willow?" she asked almost demandingly.

Willow hesitated, she had a sneaking suspicion of what was going on. She weighed the value of her friends: the Xander that she hadn’t been around much for the past few months and Buffy that she saw practically everyday…

"I have no idea," she replied softly, lowering her head.

Sighing, "Spike?" with little hope of an answer.

"The poof’s shagging the boy," Spike said calmly, drinking his breakfast. Whoa, they sprang for the good stuff, he thought peering down at the deep crimson liquid.

There was instant silence before he looked up with a puzzled look, "What?"

"Angel’s screwing Xander," Cordy said slowly, and a slow smile spread on her face at the expression Buffy now wore.

"That’s impossible! Two reasons, one: Angel’ll will lose his soul and out pops Angelus and two: HE"S NOT GAY!" Buffy shouted, her heart thudding in her chest.

Taryn replied coolly, "The vampire is quite incorrect."

"See? Told ya!" Buffy sneered at Spike who looked unconvinced.

"Angel and Xander as well as we three enjoyed sex, we did not 'shag' at least not as far as I could tell," Lourdey shrugged.

Jennes smirked at the dumbfounded look on the Slayer’s face.

Then Dawn bounced into the charged atmosphere.

"Ooooh guess who I saw kissing in the hallway?" Dawn exclaimed, bouncing into the kitchen excitedly.

"Angel and Xander?" Buffy gasped out looking at Lourdey, her face slowly turning white.

Dawn pouted, "Awwww, you already know!" And she snatched a piece of fruit from Tara’s plate.

Buffy slowly began to get pissed off, unaware that the three Jaztar were now watching her with unwavering attention as their outer guise faded away, revealing their demonic selves.

"That little slut!" She breathed hoarsely. "That was probably why he sent Angel to hell. If he couldn’t have my Angel, then no one could! He must be pretty damn good about sucking Angel’s…," She broke off with a gasp as Willow haul off and slapped her. Putting every bit of strength she had behind that blow.

"Why is everybody slapping me?!" Buffy shouted angrily, rubbing at her cheek.

"Maybe it’s because you’re a selfish brat! I’m thinking that Giles was right about you being an idiot. Somebody should have put an old fashion beat down on your dumbass a long time ago. And if you don’t shut the hell up I think there’s at least three demons and one pissed off bitch that will more than happy to do it. And I WILL enjoy beatin' the shit outta you," Willow warned her with a dangerous look in her eyes.

Cordy was surprised. Well, well, well looks like the little mouse finally learned how to roar.

"Yeah, Buffy. I don’t know if you heard anything between drooling over Angel’s ass and co…," she broke off at Dawn’s interested look. "Anyway, Xander needs a mate to do whatever it is that will save all our lives. OUR LIVES you freakin' moron! God, you make every stupid joke about dumb blondes true," she said in disgust before getting up and stalking out the room.

"But…but…Angel’s not gay," Buffy stammered out, her eyes wide.

Spike sneered, "Couldn’t prove it by me the way he usta ride my ass," he snorted, draining his mug and leaving the room as well.

Angel pushed Xander against the wall outside the bedroom they had shared last night. Nipping slowly at the warm golden flesh as he held the boy’s wrists pressed together against the wall.

Xander was drowning in a sea of lust, his eyes blind to everything but how Angel was stroking the fire within him. Whimpering against the tight grip of his wrists above his head, he hooked a leg around Angel’s waist and pulled the vampire into him as he hungrily kissed the cool mouth.

Mewling softly, he strained slightly against the tight hold before wrapping his other leg around a firm waist, humping greedily against the tightening bulge he could feel.

The lump in Angel's pants had grown even bigger now, and it felt like it would go on growing bigger, something that caused xander to squirm excitedly against his lover.

Groaning at the thought of once again of being encased in Xander's tight heat, Angel fumbled Taryn's bedroom door open and stumbled in with the boy still wrapped tightly around him. He had obviously been taking lessons from the Jaztars, came his dazed thought before they tumbled on the bed.

Sitting up, he quickly shucked a flushed and aroused Xander of his clothes, also shedding his as well before he got down to the serious art of pleasuring the boy senseless.

Harsh sighs and breathless moans filled the room as they arched and writhed against each other, teasingly.

Xander's eyes were closed in bliss, he looked too beautiful laying beneath him like that, like some kinda wanton angel or something. Especially with that look of sensuous longing on his face as he writhed under him, his body flushed, needy and drooling with desire.

Angel leaned over and laved at Xander's breast, taking the nipple in his mouth and began to suckle lightly, smiling the choked cry from the boy.

"God, yes..." Xander sighed in pleasure, unable to stop his hips from undulating against the hard length he felt between them. He was moaning in heated anticipation, his body arching against Angel's hungry mouth, seeking more of that cool caressing tongue. He cried out again as long fingers began probing his aching nether hole. And he worked his hips faster, deeper on the hard possessive fingers plunging into him.

He whimpered low in his throat when Angel removed his fingers and settled over him, spreading his legs wide in the process.

He pushed solidly into the yawning hole...and Xander opened that simmering ass to him; Angel pumped his hips and he was home, deeply imbedded inside the tight scorching channel. And from the minute flutters around his cock, the length of Xander's sweat glistening neck arched back in pleasure...he could have cum right then and there.

But he needed more, he wanted to jam himself inside this wanton, wild creature until Xander could feel him in his throat; he wanted to plunge into the sweet sultry heat with long hard strokes and then to see the boy writhing in ecstasy for him...only for him. To bring the lithe, supple body to a screaming orgasm that no one ever would ever give him...could ever give him.

He wanted to be the only one that gave this to Xander.

Only him. He wanted the boy always waiting for him...willing and naked; begging for his hard cock to fill that greedy little pucker.

He rode Xander hard and wild; fast and slow; he couldn't get enough of the writhing creature crying out his name with every thrust he made into that tight scorching heat. The way Xander's hips arched and shimmied eagerly under him; those wide, dark eyes seductively beckoning, begging for more.

Harder. Faster. Just more.

Xander was feeling it, oh dear God was he feeling it...every hard lunge of Angel's big fat cock ramming balls deep into his ass. Every thick thrust of that thick meaty shaft burrowing into his flexing hole. His body changed, softened as his rhythm quickened luxuriously and he pressed back urgently on that huge shaft that hammered into him so relentlessly. Constantly shifting to meet every pounding thrust, every salacious movement of Angel's body. And they were together, in this moment, as he rocked with increasing demand against Angel.

Any minute now...

Angel continued to ram himself deep within the luscious body writhing on his dick, nailing the boy to the bed. He was almost blind to Xander as he felt his release surging through him.

It was coming...

God, it felt so fuckin' good to be so tightly enclosed in the boy's wet, hot ass. He groaned in pleasure as he continued to plunge almost desperately into the spasming flesh. He rode Xander wildly, his hands caressing, feeling the sun-baked warm body hungrily he stimulated the writhing, squirming creature to new heights of passion.


Angel spread Xander's legs to the side, tilting him up slightly and continued banging into the ravenous sheath... pumping.... pounding into the supple body with increasingly forceful strokes. And the power of having the boy completely and utterly his, naked for him, hot, wet, and tight for him...he couldn't contain his lust.


...and Xander convulsed against him, spewing cum between them, once, twice, three, four times as he frantically raced after the raging pleasure until the billowing feeling broke inside him, gushing out of him like a volcano...all to the rhythm of his cries and moans.

Angel continued ramming his cock into the clenching channel, giving Xander more of his hard length, feeding their pleasure with short, hard strokes that had him pouring his cum deep into the flexing passage.

Finally, Xander's legs dropped from around Angel's grasp and he sighed as the softening succulent flesh slipped from his body's tight grasp.

"Oh wow..." he breathed out, gazing up at the ceiling, just savoring the intense feeling radiating from his now sore ass.

"Baby, I really think you can do a little better than 'Wow'," Angel wheezed out, rolling over on his back and pulling Xander with him.

"That's a 'Wow' when words just can't describe how you feel," the other explained tiredly, his eyes dropping in the backwash of pleasure. God, he felt like he could sleep for a week.

Angel looked down in tired amusement at the head resting on his chest, feeling the body sprawled over him grow limp, before also joining the boy into the arms of Morpheus.

Xander woke slowly and whimpered low in his throat at the delicious ache in his behind when Angel began caressing his ass, trying to arouse him again. And he tried to move away from the cool, intoxicating touch.

Angel grabbed Xander's ankles and pulled the boy back to him. "Uh uh, turn over, I want you on your hands and knees. Now. Yesss, just like that. Now raise your beautiful ass higher, higher."

"I don't like this...," Xander muttered sulkily. For the first time, he didn't want Angel, at least not right now. He was sore and so damn tired. God, was that really him thinking that blasphemous thought?

But it was too late since his lover had him positioned just where he wanted him; at the edge of the bed and on his knees as requested. A pose with his ass on prominent display and all Angel had to do was....and he hissed pressing back against the cool hand probing between his asscheeks. And he squirmed with lewd excitement as a languid tongue glided across his clenching pucker.

"Ummm, I don't care. I want that sweet ass wide open for me. Just like this...," and Angel slid two fingers between the wrinkled flesh, feeling the wetness of his cum still within the warm sleek passage. And Xander cried out softly, pushing back for more.

Angel began to plunge his fingers hard and fast deep into Xander's slick channel, up and down, probing back and forth. Watching as his beautiful, luscious boy succumb to the drugging pleasure. And he was sure Xander didn't expect to want him so soon after cumming so hard and forcefully earlier this morning.

"Ah...ahhhh...oh God Angel....oh...oh....OH..," Xander moaned, then yelped in joy when Angel brushed against his prostate. And he eagerly pushed back for more of those hard fingers, for that cool hungry tongue to continue stroking into him.

"No talking..." Angel's voice was mischievous before he shoved three fingers deep into the hot milking channel. And feeling the contractions within the silken passage he thrust faster, harder into the wildly grasping sheath, twisting his fingers inside the flexing entrance. Watching greedily as his fingers played within the prettily, gripping hole.

Xander moaned, dropping his shoulders down on the bed. And strangled yowl came from his mouth from the penetrating digits twisting deep within him.

"More....you bastard...," he panted, circling his hips wantonly. "Fill me...,"

"What? You don't like my fingers," Angel said mockingly as he twisted his wrist and watched Xander's body undulated, dipping and writhing like an exotic dancer.

Xander whimpered and he rocked demandingly on the thick fingers fucking him so thoroughly,
"Ummmm....give me more...give me your big dick..."

"Like this..." Angel said as he pulled his fingers out and worked his drooling cockhead into the spasming pucker.

"Oh...oh...ohhhhhh...." Xander's body rocked at that electrifying touch, as that huge head slowly split his ass wide open. So much thicker than fingers. He gasped and arched up higher to accommodate the thick organ while Angel remained perfectly still. Holding himself at the brink, just inside the tight grasping entrance, letting Xander once again know his power and strength.

Xander moaned, pushing back and gyrating to try to pull Angel deeper into his hungry body. Squirming with joy as his lover gave him more...much, much more of that thick slab of meat when Angel began to piston deeply...in and out, in and out... centering dead on his joy button with every lunge of his hard hips.

Cool length in, hard length out.

Again and again, Angel rode the writhing ass. Holding Xander's bottom cheeks wide, he watched the thin skin cling hungrily to his hard shaft with every forceful jab into the luxurious entrance. He felt like he was in paradise while being so tightly encased within the heated moist glove of the captivating boy. So tight, God...he fit so snug, he couldn't stuff himself deep enough in the seductive circlet of flesh.

Xander could feel Angel's hands on his ass, lifting, pulling and pushing him onto his plunging cock. The rhythmic pumping, the languid, scorching haze of possession as he was taken with hedonistic, throbbing strokes of pure ecstasy. And he grasped his own cock in one hot, shaky hand, pulling eagerly on his hard organ in time with Angel's thrusts into his horny channel.

He didn't have to move, all he had to do was just...just...try to remain still, a willing holder of all that unfurling, molten pleasure that Angel was pounding into his insatiable ass.

He could hear himself begging, pleading for something...what, he had no idea. Just that he knew Angel could give it to him, would give it to him as the other grunted in time with the furious thrusts into his lustful body.

Until finally, Angel felt himself stiffening. He could feel it coming as he bore harder into the sultry heat and exploded, plowing deeper into the yielding, pliant body of his lover. Filling the wildly gyrating body to overflowing, as he settled along Xander's back with a long sigh of complete when he heard his lover cry out in his orgasm.

And lying in bed, with a flushed and panting Xander resting once again on his chest, Angel heard the door rattle and he smirked. He had taken the precaution of locking the door, not wanting to be interrupted with his boy.

He tried to tightened his arms around Xander as the young man wiggled out of his embrace. "Xander, this is our time. Let them wait," he said softly wondering at the amused look on the boy’s face.

"Angel, trust me on this: if they want in, they’ll just smash the door down to get to me. Besides, the kids are going to start acting up very shortly if they don’t get their fix of their daddies." Xander snickered as he rolled out of bed and grabbed his robe. Padding to the door, he unlocked it and opened it with a quick smile at the cool expression on Jennes' face.

"The door was locked to make sure Buff didn’t come bursting in here at the wrong time," Xander explained quickly, hoping to forestall a brewing argument.

Jennes just gave him a look that let him know his lie was detected but said nothing other than to give Angel a cold, icy glare.

"Change the sheets while I take a shower, then you will take one also," was all he growled as he stalked to the bathroom.

"Angel...." Xander wandered back to the bed with a worried frown. "If you can’t accept them in my life then we need to stop what we are doing now. I won’t put my children’s lives in danger because you want me all to yourself. I NEED them, my children need them and they need me too. I don't know when or why, but I love them as much as I love you."

"You're are risking my health and my babies health because you don’t know how to compromise or share. So you need to decide if you want me now, pregnant and all, and with them or would you rather wait until after the children are born and maybe we can work something out. Lourdey, Jennes and Taryn won’t be so…so..alpha after I give birth." He looked anxiously at his vampire.

Angel sighed and sat up in the bed. He pulled Xander between his legs and briefly kissed the rounded belly. "I’m sorry…I want to be part of your life, your very pregnant life. I want experience the sight of you giving birth. So, no more jealous fits. They were your first and I should be just grateful that I'm included with them."

Xander pushed back with a frown. "You think I had sex with them? Before you? Are you nuts?!" He shuddered dramatically.

"Then how did you get pregnant?" Angel looked up at Xander in confusion.

"With a turkey baster, of course," Xander snorted. "MY Lourdey told me what would happen if I went the sex route and trust me this is a VAST improvement on how my…the other thems treated me. At least I got you to sorta block them a little."

Angel looked at him and began laughing softly, then louder as he took in the angry, confused expression on Xander’s face.

"Only you, only you would do something that crazy," he finally managed to get out.

Xander blushed. "I was actually saving myself for you. I wanted you to be my first. Pretty silly, huh?" He looked away from Angel as he softly admitted his secret.

Angel sobered quickly. "No, pretty touching and I thank you," he whispered, standing up and kissing those luscious lips softly. "Now let’s get the sheets changed so we don’t offend Jennes' nose any more."

And quickly they did, just as Jennes came out of the bathroom. Gliding past Angel with a cool remote face, he settled into the bed just as Taryn entered the bedroom with Lourdey.

Xander, with a worried look at Jennes, kissed Angel before darting into the bathroom to take a quick shower and he was quickly followed by Taryn. Then soon came Xander low voice cries of pleasure and Taryn moans of encouragement from within.

Angel tried to ignore what was going on in the bathroom as he regarded the Jaztar that was clearly ignoring him, while Lourdey looked on in puzzlement.

"Jennes, I want to apologize for my ill behavior," Angel began quietly. "I admit that I got a little jealous of my place in Xander life and I’m sorry that I interfered. It won’t happen again."

Jennes looked up with an icy expression that sent shivers down Angel’s back. "Vampire, should you ‘pull another stunt’ like that, I will see that lose Xander for the duration of his pregnancy. The only reason why we settled in this ridiculous town was because the youngling didn’t want to lose his friends even though he felt they were drifting away from him. Xander would be very much surprised at how much of himself he revealed to us over the years through his letters and e-mails. He has been hurt, abused, lied to and dismissed by the same people he claim are his friends."

Jennes sighed. He couldn't stay mad at Angel for too long. Knowing vampires it was a reasonable reaction from Angel.

"Angel, we will not allow anyone or anything to bring harm to our little father…not even our own people will lay a hand on him. So, you may say all the pretty words to Xander, however we shall reserve judgment. We will always be a part of the our little father’s life due to the children. As his lovers if he wants us or as his friends. If you can not accept us in his life, then you will not be able to accept our children. And vampire, mate or not, you will lose if he has to make a choice between his children and you."

Lourdey sighed and pushed Angel down on the bed and swiftly engulfing the surprised vampire's penis in his warm hot mouth even as Jennes popped his cock in Angel's open mouth. Groaning softly as a cool tongue lashed at his thick organ as the sounds from the bathroom grew increasingly louder, spurring their pleasurable session on. Maybe sex would cure their vampire of his possessiveness with Xander.

And at the muffled grunt from Angel and the shudder of ecstasy, he looked over his shoulder to see Lourdey gliding in and out between the vampire's bottom hole.

When Xander first entered the bathroom, he was only too aware of Taryn following behind him. So he wasn't very surprised at the low voice command to grasp the tub's rim as his robe was pulled up over his ass. First cool, the warm wetness glided across his aching ass lips, soothing his ache and he gasped, spreading his legs for what was to come.

And he began moaning deeply as Taryn pushed his considerable length deep within him and began riding him to a slow, mind shattering release before they climbed into the shower and bathed. And drying off quickly they made their way back into the bedroom, stopping abruptly at the the sight of Angel making love to Jennes and Lourdey.

Xander leaned against Taryn for stability as he watched the enthralling scene. Feeling a resurgence of his desire, especially when Taryn slipped thick fingers in his still loosen ass.

His breath started coming faster and faster when Taryn lead him over to a chair and sat down in it. He knew where this was going before he was pulled gently down into Taryn's lap and felt that huge organ glide deep into his ass. And he rode that iron bar hungrily, gratefully as they watched Angel fuck and get fucked by the two Jaztars. He willed Angel to look at him and when they locked eyes, he came with a devastating cry as his head fell back on Taryn's shoulder. And he watched with bleary eyes as Angel thrust deeply into Lourdey's ass one last time, his body becoming rigid as Jennes flooded cool fluttering insides with hot cum.

And standing up carefully, Xander allow Taryn to lick him clean, front and back while Angel, Jennes and Lourdey changed the bedding. Then he and Taryn joined them in the bed.

Later that day, around sunset, Xander hummed happily as he fixed himself a lil’ somethin’ somethin'. With the guys outside exercising, make that beating the hell outta each other, he had just enough time to fix himself a nice little ham sandwich. It may not taste like anything but it would go a long way to satisfy his craving.

"Pork, the other white meat," he softly intoned, snickering to himself.

"Yeah, while the Jaztars and Angel are away, the Xanman will play," he snickered at his little joke. Life was good, he thought, adding more meat to his sandwich. Then he paused, his eyes becoming a liquid gray before he slowly finished making his sandwich.

Buffy eyed Xander, her mouth twisting in a sour line of disgust. All this time the little whore been creeping around her man, pretending to be her friend, pretending to care about her. Well, if he cared so much, then why didn’t he do the damn spell a long time ago so her and Angel could be together?! The fact that he didn’t just went to prove that Xander Harris was nothing but a slut and a big fuckin’ liar. He may have everybody else fooled but she knew the truth…he probably cast some sorta spell on Angel to turn gay…yeah that was it! It was a spell. And all she had to do was break the spell and the truth would show everybody what a freakin’ liar and whore he was.

Her eyes narrowed, if she could just prove that he lied about being pregnant that would go a long way towards showing everyone what he really was. Like whoever heard of a man getting pregnant?! Blinking, her eyes fell on a knife on the counter and a nasty grin flashed across her face. Well, here was one way to prove he wasn’t pregnant and her hand tightened slowly around the handle.

"Something I can help you with, Buffy," Xander asked politely, taking a bite of his sandwich...

"Yeah, you can take your hands off my An….," her angry words stuttered to a halt.

….and turned around.

Buffy trembled slightly and swallowed heavily, her eyes fixed on his pulsating luminous orbs. The knife fell from her limp hand and slid smoothly into her foot.

She was unaware of the pain as she watched Xander’s eyes slowly fade back to his familiar brown. Clearly this required additional planning and maybe even some research, she thought carefully. She turned to go and screamed at the agony radiating from her foot.

"Ohhhhh," she moaned, her eyes dazed with pain and uncomprehending as Xander strolled pass her.

By the time he reached his room, Taryn, Jennes and Lourdey were waiting for him with cold, angry faces. Sighing with annoyance, he reluctantly handed over his precious sandwich, eyeing it sadly as Lourdey dumped into the garbage.

"This was clearly our fault," Taryn spoke tightly. "We should have suspected something when you insisted that your friends, especially Willow, loved bacon, ham and cream cheese."

Xander shuffled his feet restlessly. "Uhm...they sorta do," he mumbled looking at the floor.

"We had a very interesting discussion with her a short time ago and I don’t know if you realize this but she's JEWISH!" Lourdey spoke through gritted teeth.

Why did he hafta have such freakin’ honest friends?! Xander huffed angrily.

He heard their sighs of exasperation, before Jennes spoke, "Youngling, the doctor specifically said that pork products may not the best thing to eat at this stage."

"But he didn’t say that I couldn’t have any," Xander tried once again to protest this tired argument.

"Same thing," Jennes retorted swiftly. "The doctor said that pork might not be the best thing for you so you are NOT having any."

"You're all a bunch of mean ole Jaztars," Xander slumped down on the bed. "Bet Angel would let me have a ham sandwich."

"Actually, I won’t," Angel remarked from the doorway, then came further into the room, "Xander, they are just trying to make sure you are healthy. By the way, do you know why Buffy had a knife sticking out of her foot." He raised a brow, watching with narrow eyes the squirming boy with even as the Jaztars started hissing.

"See, that’s why I don’t tell you guys shit!" Xander stood on the bed to make his point, "You always start with the Sssing! Do I look upset? Do I LOOK like I don’t know how to handle my business?! NO! So stop with the Thundercats routine and get me some damn food." By the time he was done he was panting for breath, scared that they were going to ignore him and kill Buffy anyhow. Despite her behavior past and present, he clung to his memory of the redemptive Buffy.

The Jaztars glanced among themselves, then at Angel for clues on how to treat their excitable little father.

With a sigh of exasperation, Angel plucked Xander neatly from the bed and stood him on the floor, "Look Xand, we are just concerned about your welfare. I know that maybe you want to believe the best in Buffy, and maybe I do too, but not at the expense of your life and the lives of the children."

Faced with the icy resolved expressions on all four faces, Xander knew that that was all the concession he was going to get from them so he had better be satisfied with that.

"Fine, but I’m still hungry," he replied sulkily.

Jennes rubbed his temples wearily, where was the youngling putting all the food he ate?!


Chapter 12

A week later, Xander mentally gave himself a high five as he looked around at his extended family. Xander, you da man! He crowed silently.

Despite Buffy’s constant attempts of throwing herself at Angel, they all managed to get along reasonably well. Or at least as well as five demons, one half demon, two witches, a Slayer, two ex-Watchers, two humans, one former vengeance demon and two quasi-humans…namely him and Dawn, were able to do.

Especially with the many different personalities and attitudes they each had to adjust to, but thankfully everyone managed to pull together without too much difficulties. He shuddered remembering the Beforetime and how his Jaztars were almost constantly fighting with members of the Hyperion. Thank God he prepared them in advance on the ways of normal humankind.

It took a little adjusting, but they managed to do it.

Either Giles or Wesley were watching him intently, muttering ‘Fascinating! Simply fascinating’ under their breaths or it was Willow and Tara constantly trying to brew him something to settle his stomach. God only knows how many times he tried to tell them that he’ll be okay in another month, but he finally gave up realizing they never heard a word he said. Anything he said just gave them more ideas and they were off, talking witchy words before running off to the basement. And he cursed himself for setting up a fully formed lab in the basement for them.

But still he had almost all his family gathered around him and smug satisfaction radiated almost from every pore.

Angel smiled at the expression on Xander’s face. He nudged Lourdey and indicated their lover curled up beside Jennes, just watching everyone, the picture of pure contentment.

Lourdey allowed a tiny smile to form on his lips at the sight of their little father’s happiness. "He has been so lonely of late without everyone around him. From tales of his time before, he was constantly surrounded by a core of people; demons and people that shared a common goal. I believe that he’s trying everything in his power to rebuild what was lost to him. For so long it was just the Watcher, the Slayer and the Witch. But gradually he’s reaching out, gathering his forces, his family back to him. I do not think he will be able to sacrifice everyone again, it will kill him or drive him mad." His voice was somber as he spoke.

Angel regarded Lourdey with a thoughtful eye. "It was that bad?" he questioned softly.

"It was…" Lourdey hesitated, not wishing to reveal Xander’s moments of despair, not even to Angel. But the vampire needed to know…to understand.

"There were times when we thought we had lost him," he finally admitted quietly.

"Lost…?" Angel frowned in confusion before horrified realization dawned in his eyes. He turned and gazed at the laughing boy, the merriment on his face as he chuckled at something Dawn was telling him.

Lourdey nodded soberly. "His home life was not acceptable even by our standards; you and he were not…friends. You had even hit him and Faith had tried to kill him. And to our surprise, it was Taryn that helped him through, that gave him strength to continue. Once he had conceded that Xander belonged to us, he refused to allow the boy to slip away. You and yours have done much to damage him, enough that had we known of your location we would have killed every last one of you." And as he finished speaking, his eyes became a solid deadly black.

Instinctively Angel took a step back, his features shifting into defense.

Xander glanced up sharply, his eyes narrowing on Lourdey intently, trying to feel what was disturbing him.

Jennes glanced down when Xander stiffened against him. Then he began looking around for the source of the danger when the youngling’s eyes became pearly gray.

Taryn, coming out of the kitchen, hissed. His hair unraveling from it’s long braid as he also search for the danger to Xander even as Lourdey and Angel quickly regrouped around their lover…all in full demonic fighting form.

All appearances, guises of being human stripped away in a hot minute and bringing all conversation to a sudden and complete stop.

Xander slowly got to his feet, with his anxious lovers and fathers-to-be surrounding him protectively. Giles, Willow and Wesley gasped softly when Xander glanced their way.

"My God…" Wesley’s voice was strained, witnessing for the first time the inhuman coloration of Xander’s eyes.

"Good Lord…" came the startled whisper from Giles.

Buffy’s eyes were narrowed on Xander as she, Gunn, Fred, Cordy and Anya got to their feet.

"They’re here…" Xander softly answered everyone unspoken question as his eyes faded back to his normal, human brown.

Lilah sauntered up the pathway of the elegant house and at the footsteps behind them, her mouth tightened. One day soon she, or rather they were going to figure out a way of getting rid of Gavin Parks…permanently.

"Lilah, Lindsay…it’s no use trying to rush ahead of me to be first to present the deal to the Neutral Representative," Gavin said, forcing amusement in his voice at the cool look Lilah gave him.

"After all, I was the one asked to make our offer to it," he smirked at the flicker of rage on the woman’s face. He knew she hated him, probably almost as much as she hated Lindsay McDonald. But he intended to best them at their own game, he had no intention of going out the way Lee Mercer did.

That stupid fool. He should have stuck to his original plan when he hired Faith to kill Angel instead of brokering another deal. Too bad Holland discovered Mercer had his own agenda outside the firm. Holland had the man terminated…with extreme predjudice. And in his opinion, Lindsay was a fool as well, throwing away an opportunity of a lifetime at Wolfram & Hart because he suddenly developed scruples. He always thought their scruples were burned out before the ink dried on the employment contract. And that’s why Lindsay was still tied to Lilah. Did he think the senior partners wouldn't find out about his little 'help' to Angel? All for a bunch of blind kids!

And knocking firmly on the door, he waited impatiently for the door to open, sneering lightly at the exterior. You would think a representative of Neutral would set himself or herself up in a better quality home.

He quickly removed the slight sneer on his face when the door was opened cautiously by a slight red-headed young woman. Giving her his best smile, he introduced himself and politely asked if he, and his associates could enter. And waited, supremely confident of his looks that she would immediately grant him entranced to the house.

Willow regarded the smiling Asian man with cool eyes. His mouth smiled but there was an icy darkness in his eyes. She lifted her gaze to the willowy, elegant woman behind him and the cute guy next to the woman, then raised a brow questioningly as she returned her gaze to Mr. Parks.

Lilah hid a smirk. Ooooh looks like things weren’t going to go the way the little bastard wanted. She noticed Gavin’s shoulders stiffen as the girl leaned casually against the doorjamb, effectively blocking the entrance into the house.

Gavin forcefully relaxed himself but silently he wished the girl to the most brutal reaches of Hell. And comforted by thoughts of her writhing in torment he was able to regain his smile and introduced the other two lawyers.

"My apologies. These are my associates, Ms. Lilah Morgan and Mr. Lindsay McDonald. May we come in? We have something very important to discuss with one of the occupants of this house." He spoke in a smooth tone that had never failed to get him whatever he wanted. Until now.

"Yo girl, either let them in or shut the damn door! You’re letting all the cool air out." Gunn said as he stepped up behind Willow with an irritated look on his face. He gave a short wary nod to the startled Wolfram and Hart representatives.

"Look, I don’t know where you grew up, but we don’t invite strangers into our homes," Willow stated calmly, folding her arms as she glared up at Gun. She was not in the least intimated by his fierce scowl. Heck, she survived Angelus reign of terror so she was barely moved by his angry look.

Gavin frowned, what the hell was he supposed to do now? He couldn’t just go barging into the house, could he? He dared a glance behind him at Lilah and Lindsay, just knowing they was enjoying this.

Lindsay’s eyes had widened at the sight of Charles Gunn glaring at the small girl, then narrowed thoughtfully. If Gunn was here then that probably meant Angel was here as well.

Lilah rolled her eyes at the look of suppressed raged on Gavin’s face along with the stirring embers of panic. At Wolfram and Hart scenting fear and panic were one of the first things you learned, the second was how to hide yours and exploit it in others.

She brushed past Gavin and entered the house smoothly, nodding to Willow and Gunn. "Idiot!" she hissed at her associate, followed coolly by Lindsay, who did the same.

Gavin mouth had dropped open as the two sauntered past him into the house before understanding dawned and he hurried after them.

Hellmouth + Vampires = No inviting. If you were human, you proved it by walking in but if you were a vampire, you could just stay outside and howl.

The three lawyers came to a halt as 13 pairs of eyes rested on them coolly. Lilah brows rose as she took in the sight of three Jaztar demons and Angel standing, almost protectively, near a chubby young man. And the pieces clicked together in her mind. She wondered idly how long it would take Gavin and Lindsay to figure it out.

Gavin so wanted to take Lilah’s head and slam it repeatedly against the wall, but that would be uncouth and boorish. He had better ways of dealing with her. Despite her contempt and derision of him, Gavin knew he had a much more successful opportunity to succeed at W & H than both she and Lindsay. He had one quality that they both lacked, why he was chosen by to head this assignment: he had the ability to sense magic.

After eliminating the red-head, the blonde timid looking girl and the angry short blonde, his eyes narrowed as he scanned the humans before he smiled and strode forward with vast assurance.

Bowing respectfully to a wide-eyed Dawn, he began his speech. Explaining the reward of choosing the Dark PTB, the benefits that aligning herself with Wolfram and Hart could bring her and what they were willing to do for her. She could have the world at her feet if she would only Choose their sides.

Or....and his smile changed, grew darker…she could have the world in ashes if she Choose the Light.

And he waited confidently for her reply, ignoring the other two lawyers calm request for a seat.

Dawn looked around her wildly, freaked out by the creepy man and his demands. She relaxed slightly at the smiles that blossomed on everyone’s faces and quickly retreated behind Jennes much bigger form. Maybe taking her time about growing up would be a good idea. Heck, why hurry at all? Especially if crazy adult people like him were around.

Gavin frowned as the child ran away and hide behind the silvery-blond Jaztar. He stepped forward then hurriedly backed away as the three Jaztars and two vampires instantly moved to block him, growling and snarling. All traces of humanity wiped from the five demonic faces in a hot instant.

"You can’t stop her from Choosing," he spat out angrily. "She’s the only one that can make this Choice!"

"Actually you are quite incorrect," came a cool voice behind him. He spun around and stared at the pair of Oracles a few feet away.

Lilah and Lindsay slowly got to their feet, eyes wide….this was unexpected.

Xander lifted his eyes and met the Oracles calm, remote expressions. And hot boiling rage threatened to escape his control at the sight of them before Lourdey stroked his back gently, crooning softly to him. He leaned against the touch and calmed down slightly.

Gunn leaned down and whispered to Anya, "Damn, and I thought Spike and Angel were pale!" He snapped erect when the female Oracle eyes rested on him thoughtfully.

"What do you mean, I’m incorrect?! I know the rules! Both sides make their pitches and then she, and only she can decide. They can’t interfere with her Choice!" he replied coldly, a nasty sneer on his face.

"What they mean, you little pissant, is that *she*…" Lindsay stabbed a finger at Dawn, "...is not the one you want to be talking too," he said in a bored tone.

He was sick and tired of the little asshole and before they left this backwoods burb, Mr. Gavin Parks was gonna become just one more fatality in the Sunnydale Chronicle. He sat back down in his seat, as did Lilah.

Lindsay’s words sucked all the hot air out of Gavin. And judging from the expressions of obvious amusements on just about everyone’s face, he was all too aware of the slack-jawed look he must be wearing.

"But…but she’s magic…" he stammered. He glared at Dawn evilly, who ducked her head back down and slid hastily behind Taryn’s back.

The Oracles regarded the wide-eyed trembling girl before turning their attention to Gavin. "True but considering Neutral predates magic, why would you imagine that the representative is magical?" The male looked at Gavin with a quizzical expression on his face.

The Oracles turned and bowed. "Greeting Alexander LaValle Harris. Now that you’ve heard the Darkness offer, please allow us to make ours."

Gavin’s jaw definitely hit the floor as he met Lilah’s merry eyes. And hot rage simmered, boiled within. That BITCH! That castrating, ball-breaking bitch knew all along that he was making a fool of himself! And a nasty smile crossed his face, they didn’t know it yet but they were about to be out of a job…permanently.

And Lilah had a sinking feeling that the little shithead made some sort of deal with the Senior Partners and it was undoubtedly to get rid of her, them. If she made it out of this alive, she was going to deal with Gavin herself…personally. And her expression became one of ruthless intensity.

She leaned towards Lindsay. "You know, I was just thinking that perhaps it’s time for Mr. Parks to really meet our Senior Partners…in the flesh, so to speak."

"Why, my dear, you must have read my mind…" Lindsay exclaimed sotto voice and exchanged poisonous smiles with Lilah before they turned their attention back to the offer the Oracles were making.

"…that’s it?" Xander’s voice was low and quiet, as he stepped away from his lovers.

The Oracles glanced at each other before looking at Xander. "Your answer please."

Xander folded his arms. "You didn’t answer my question. What is your threat if I side with the darkness? I think it’s a reasonable question to ask. Does anybody disagree? " And he looked around then returned his cold gaze on the expressionless Oracles at the chorus of voices agreeing with him.

"Answer the fuckin’ question…!" He suddenly barked at them.

"This world will not fall into the hands of Darkness." And the female had a tiny smile on her face.

"So you intend to destroy it as well…" Xander nodded his head thoughtfully.

Lilah and Lindsay slowly sat erect. This wasn’t exactly what they had forseen would happen. Of course, they should have known, but still…they were the Bad Guys and the Oracles were supposed to be the Good Guys!

Xander sighed heavily and threw up his hands. "You know, the two of you are really starting to piss me off!" He was nearly snarling as he paced angrily back and forth.

"All you have been doing for eons is Fight! Fight! Fight! Yap! Yap! Yap! And ya know what?! Ya know what?! Gray’s tired of it too! Absolutely, Turn-you-over-it’s-knee-and-spank-your-ass, send-you-to-bed-without-supper tired! You’ve destroyed cities, worlds in your egoticical pursuit of being top dog. And let me tell you something, pals, it ends RIGHT HERE!" He yelled stridently, stormily pointing at the ground. Then he crossed his arms, impatiently tapping his foot.

Everyone looked warily around the room before slowly moving closer to each other. Even the Oracles stood huddled together; the Wolfram and Hart representatives were standing very, very close; while the others were practically in each other’s arms.

"I’m waiting…" Xander snarled.

Jennes nudged Lourdey, nodding his head at Taryn and Angel. All the others took their cues from the two Jaztars and turned expectant eyes on the vampire and the ebony-haired warrior.

Both, of whom, were extremely startled to be under the battery of so many eyes. And Angel, quickly catching on, turned his eyes on Taryn as well.

And sighing, Taryn looked at Xander. "Ah…Xander who…" and his voice trailed off as two cloudy spheres began to form in front of the youngling, one on either side of him.

At this point, everyone realized that they were standing a bit too close to Xander and there was a concerted scramble to the far end of the room.

Xander twisted around and frowned at them. He wondered what was wrong with his family before he turned his attention back to his older siblings.

"Guys, I gotta tell ya, the parental unit is NOT too happy with you," Xander said cheerfully, with a mockingly, sad shake of his head.

"You were created to make a choice, now CHOOSE!" came a thundering voice from within the roiling dark cloud. Faint flickers of light arched through the shadowy mist.

And Light added it’s opinion. "This war between us has gone on far too long. I, also, wish you to make your decision. You have struggled valiantly against the forces of Darkness so your choice should be obviously the Light."

"Yes, but he is mated to not one but four demons and he bears demonic children. So he must choose Darkness to save his children and his mates," came the blustering cold voice from the dark seething cloud.

The sparkling, glowing cloud roiled gently. "You will choose now." Icy finality was in it’s tone.

Xander folded his arms stubbornly and lifted his chin, "Make me…!"

And lightening flared, raged around the room. Striking almost everywhere. Licking at the walls, leaving dark streaks in their wakes. A bolt hit one of the couches, exploding it in a shower of wooden, fabric and fluff; then a window shattered, raining glass through the room; a hole was blasted in the floor...the wall.

People crouched down, clutching at one another. Screaming and yelling in panic, there was no place to hide from the deadly energy striking recklessly around the room. And the Jaztars and Angel stood frozen in shock.

And as the dust settled, everyone slowly rose to their feet…

"Ladies and gentlemen, I…I…I can’t believe it! He’s still standing…" Xander exclaimed in a fake announcer’s voice.

Out of the darkness an enormous tentacle shot out. Rearing up like an angry snake, a vicious snapping teeth at the end.

It darted at Xander..and fell to the ground two feet from him. A sharp bend to it’s supple, snakelike appearance.

"Awwwww, did I break it….?" He said mockingly, looking down at the limb. And watched as it retreated, haltingly, back to the dark cloud.

"Choose my side or this world, that you are so fond of, will be destroyed!" came the harsh voice from it.

"Slayer, you will tell him…" thundered from the softly lit cloud.

"Let me get this straight…" Buffy began thoughtfully. "If he sides with the Dark, you destroy the world; if he sides with you, the Dark destroys the world. I’m sorry, but I’m not seeing any good sides to any of this!"

Cordy muttered to Wesley. "And we actually work for one of the PTB? Angel damn well had better give me a fuckin' raise or I’m quitting! I might just quit anyhow!"

Xander flashed her a smile over his shoulder. "While this is undoubtedly fascinating, and I mean that in a very sarcastic fashion, I think we need to consult with a higher authority."

The two undulating, misty spheres stopped moving.

"I’m sure that won’t be necessary," claimed the glowing cloud loftily.

"I agree…" the other said grudgingly.

"See?! That’s twice you two have agreed on something," the young man exclaimed. "You both want me to make a decision and you both don’t want to talk to the parental unit." He smiled with good cheer, then his smile darkened abruptly.

"But I insist…" and in a flash of gray, all three disappeared…

...then reappeared before everyone’s startled cries had faded. And Xander looked tired and weary, with his familiar brown back. And an enigmatic smile on his face.

The two misty spheres began to fade away but stopped at Xander’s shout of ‘Hold up!’

"Uh uh, you ain’t going nowhere! You made this mess, so you damn well had better clean it up," he yelled gesturing to the various holes, destroyed furniture and black streak that liberally darkened the room.

"Xander, we will be more than happy to fix the room up. There’s absolutely no need to bother them with such a tiny problem," Angel broke in, looking at everyone and received hastily nods of assents.

"Sorry…I know you mean well...but they broke our stuff, so they need to fix it," Xander said firmly.

Giles looked in dismay at the two misty clouds that seem to be swelling larger and larger. He was quite convinced that this was indeed a very bad sign. He glanced at Taryn in desperation as did everyone else.

This time Taryn caught on faster than Angel and turned his expectant eyes to the vampire. As did everyone else. Eyeing the dark vampire imploringly who glared menacingly at Taryn before he cautiously stepped forward.

He glanced back, and everyone made shooing motions towards Xander, who was still facing off with the two PTB’s.

"Xander as one of your mates, I insist that you allow us to fix our home," he said authoritatively.

Xander blinked, drawn out of his staring contest with the PTB and slowly turned around.

"You insist…?" he replied softly and his eyes slowly began fading to a pearly gray.

And Taryn gritted his teeth as he cursed the stupid vampire with hopefully not his last breath. He stepped forward and joined Angel, then he felt a warm presence at his other side. A quick look revealed Lourdey standing calmly on his right and Jennes on Angel’s left.

"No, *we* insist…" Taryn answered for them all. And held the youngling’s liquid, swirling eyes unflinchingly.

Xander blinked and his eyes were once more soft warm brown. "Okay, but I get to pick out the furniture this time," he retorted cheerfully.

The Dark PTB winked out, but as the Light PTB began to fade, Xander called to it again.

"What is it now…?!" It asked testily.

"You forgot your people," Xander pointed out, gesturing to the Oracles. His face was extremely neutral as he glanced at the misty sphere.

And the two Oracles swallowed heavily as they stepped forward and bowed first to their PTB then to Xander, then faced the seething cloud.

There was a flash of light and the Oracles, as well as the misty sphere, were gone.

"Is it me or does anyone else feel like fainting…?" Anya remarked thoughtfully.

"Actually some of us may need to change our pants," Gunn laughed shakily, before walking and collapsing on an undamaged couch.

Angel leaned against Taryn as relief loosened his muscles. Thank God, he was dead or he would have pissed in his pants.

"Don’t even pretend you weren’t scared shitless either…," he breathed into Taryn’s ear before settling beside Gunn.

"What happened…?" Giles got to the heart of the matter as everyone found places to sit or sprawl.

"Please do tell," Lilah drawled out, leaning against the wall. Both she and Lindsay were as far away from Gavin as possible.

Xander gazed at the embarrassed man. "Dawn, why don’t you take him to my bedroom. Gavin, there’s a shower and Dawnie can find you something else to wear," he said tactfully.

"Ewww…!" Cordy exclaimed looking after the man. "I thought you were just joking!" she said accusingly to Gunn.

"Look, all I know was somebody had a accident and it wasn’t me," Gunn said, looking indignant.

Xander, meanwhile, had disappeared into the kitchen. And returning with a mop, he began cleaning up the mess Gavin had left. And guiltily, everyone also began cleaning up the room, including a grumbling Lilah moaning about her manicure and how much it cost her.

By the time Gavin had slunk back into the living room, they had managed to clean up some of the damage the PTB’s had made and brought chairs from the kitchen and dining room for everyone to sit.

"Now, I get to pick out the furniture, right?" Xander asked his lovers, his eyes wide and anxious.

Angel smiled after a dismayed look towards the Jaztars. "Of course you can. And with the babies coming, I’ll even pay Cordy an extra two weeks worth of salary to help you out." And he ignored Xander’s dropped jaw look of shock and horror at his suggestion.

"What about me? I have expensive, impeccable taste. And I would love to spend your money as well," Anya interjected in a demandingly tone.

"I will also pay you a two week salary," Taryn promised her solemnly. And like Angel, he ignored Xander’s sputtering protest. There was no way he was going to live in a house with the furniture their little father picked out.

"Wait! Wait a minute! I don’t need their to help me get some furniture," Xander finally managed to yell his protest over Cordy and Anya's screams of excitement.

Jennes pulled him into a one-sided hug, "We know, but youngling, you have horrible taste in clothing and we rather not risk you purchasing furniture." And while his face was grave his eyes danced with laughter.

Xander sighed, "I just wanted some comfortable furniture, ya know? For sitting around, watching football and basketball," he muttered.

"Don’t worry Xander I’ll take care of everything," Cordy assured him, dreaming of the coming shopping spree.

"We’ll take care of everything," Anya added pointedly, glaring at Cordelia.

"Yes, yes yes, now before we get distracted in dreams of commerce, Xander you were going to tell us what happened. You disappeared, then reappeared," Giles said firmly, looking intently at Xander.

"Oh that…" Xander looked embarrassed and Lourdey pulled him down next to him. Angel and Taryn settled on the floor in front of them, leaving Jennes to sit on their mate's other side.

The Wolfram and Hart lawyers were trying to look blasé about the affectionate way the Jaztars were behaving, but they had a feeling that their efforts were patently unsuccessful.

"How long was I gone?" Xander asked and blinked when they assured him that he was only gone for a few seconds. "Hell, it felt like those two were bitching and moaning for days," he muttered to himself.

"You also threaten them with a parental unit. Someone or something they were most reluctant to meet," Wesley added.

"Uhm, I just took them to Neutral," the young man said as if that explained everything.

Lindsay raised his hand. "For those of you that have no friggin’ clue what he’s talking about, please raise your hand." And he looked around with an sardonic expression as every hand was raised, with Spike and Dawn raising both hands.

Xander just rolled his eyes with a snort of amusement.

"Look, they were trying to pressure me to make a choice. I already made my decision and when I mated with the guys, I started making sure they couldn’t destroy the world. And once that was taken care of, I just needed to wait for you guys to appear, say what you had to say and then force them to appear."

"So how did you get them to back down?" Gunn asked, leaning forward.

"I kinda told them that our parental unit left the decision to me and if they didn’t stop trying to dick
me around I was gonna force them together," he muttered.

There was awed silence before Spike broke it.

"Damn boy, you certainly showed those buggers who had the bigger pair, eh?" And he laughed uproariously.

"Spike, I don’t think he was joking," Willow interrupted Spike, gazing at her friend’s paling face.
"Were you, Xander?"

And he simply shook his head.

"I don’t see the downside." Buffy looked at the paling faces of Giles and Wesley. "So we would exist without magic; without both side interferring…big whoop. That would be a good thing, right? I mean not for demons or…or…or people that live by magic…and I’ll just shut up now, cause I think there is a down side from the seriously grim looks on everyone’s faces."

Anya sighed, "The coming together of both Light and Dark would result in serious devastation."

"Still not understanding…" Cordy frowned and she looked extremely uncertain.

"You heard of the Big Bang Theory? Well, this would make the Big Bang sound like a little squeak. And it would more than likely destroy everything," Lindsay’s voice was harsh as he looked at the young man.

"Not quite everything," Xander said softly and everyone looked at him. "That’s how this all started. That’s how it knew what to do and why it created my line. It forced them back into itself the last time and THAT was the Big Bang. It remembered, it knew and it told Light and Dark what I would do if they kept trying to push me into choosing between them. By creating me, there became not Two choices but Three."

"Of course…." Giles breathed, staring at the young man. "Three Powers, three choices!"

"I choose NOT to make a Choice. To remain what I am…neutral. If I don’t Choose, they can’t do anything," Xander smiled hesitantly to the room. "Not one damn thing."

There was an awed silence. "So, why the hell couldn't we go meet your daddy? All of a sudden you hanging with PTB's and we're no longer good enough for you?" Anya asked irritably. "I personally would have liked to meet a being with immense power, no offense Xander, and discuss how to get rid of those horrible bunny rabbits. I'm mean, there's absolutely no reason in the world for those hideous creatures to exist!" She folded her arms crossly.

"Uhm...none taken..." and he looked about as everyone seemed to agree with the first part of her statement.

Xander looked doubtfully at them. "Uhm...I don't think any of you would have liked seeing them face to face," he replied slowly.

Cordy narrowed her eyes. "You better not be trying to say that we're not good enough to meet your high falutin' relatives!"

"No...what I'm saying is that you wouldn't really look your best after seeing them," he frowned slightly.

All the humans stared at him expectantly.

Lilah shook her head wearily. And these are the idiots that we keep losing too? "What the kid means is that, mortals and demons as well, literally can NOT bear to view the true face of such powers."

"Why...? Cause, I'm with Cordy. I sure as hell would like to see the face of who I'm supposed to be fightin' for," Gunn retorted snidely and his reply was strengthen by the chorus of 'Me too' from the rest of the humans.

"Well, if you don't mind clawing out your eyes, having mush for brains and enjoy be a looney tunes...and not in a good, Bug Bunny, Daffy Duck kinda way, 'cause they were funny, but you won't be after looking at them," Xander replied as he casually draped his legs, one over each of Taryn and Angel's shoulders.

"Okay, you lost me at Bugs Bunny," Gunn said in confusion.

"We'll be idiots," Willow translated.

"Drooling, babbling idiots," Dawn added.

"We'll be a bunch of Drusilla's on crack..." Cordy chimed in.

"Damn!" Then Gunn looked at Xander. "So how didya get to meet them?" He asked with a short jerk of his head towards the other.

For an answer Xander let his eyes become totally gray. Not just the pupils but his entire eye sockets became filled with gray mist that seeped down his cheeks. No other words needed to be said.

But Xander had to say them anyhow.

"Beside, ole Heavy D and Puff Daddy are a bunch of pussies anyhow," he sneered of the Dark and Light PTB's. Angel and Taryn froze then dived away as two miniature clouds, one pearly white and one a dark thundercloud, formed in front of them. Tiny bolts of lightening flared and struck Xander's feet, sending him yelping and diving off the couch.

"What?! I can't insult them now? What kinda of bullshit is that? Besides, I'm pregnant and you're not supposed to hit pregnant people with lightening bolts," he began indignantly and ended with a smug smile. A smile that faded abruptly as the two clouds split in half and formed another cloud.

A gray cloud.

And everyone stared in disbelief as the gray mist began to roil and seethe, finally settling into a very distinct shape.

A great big hand.

And everyone but Xander began to laugh who continued his protest, which stopped when the hand moved threateningly towards him.

"FINE! Be that way...see the next time I save the world for you," he mumbled, then hastily hid behind Taryn when the hand jerked towards him.

A few days later, Buffy approached Xander hesitantly. It was their first time alone since the kitchen incident. She had been thinking long and hard about things. About her, Xander...about everyone she came in contact with. And she had finally taken a good look at herself, and she didn't particularly like what she saw.

"Uhm...Xander," she began hesitantly.


Then gathering her nerve she began her speech. "Now, I know that we've gotten off to a pretty bad start these past couple of weeks. And I guess you could even say that there were mistakes made on both sides. And you could even say that I went a little too far with the name calling and stuff," she said with a slight grimace on her face at how distasteful she found her words.

"Go on..." Xander said slowly, his eyes watchful.

"Do...do you...so you think that...uhm...we could go back...be the way we were?" she asked hesitantly, peering up at him.

He raised a brow. "Are you talking about when I used to blindly follow you around like some sort of puppy dog? Or maybe you want me to go back to being the useless member of your little group...your Zeppo? Because, it ain't gonna happen!"

"No...not like that," she immediately protested, stepping forward and freezing when his eyes turned gray. "I mean the way we were in the beginning, when I first came to Sunnydale. When we first became Scoobies...when we were all we had...

"When you were the strong one and I was the weakest link?" Xander asked softly.

"NO! Damn you, Xander! I mean when we...when me, you and Willow were the best of friends. When we loved and supported each other. When you were one of my best friends."

Xander regarded her quietly, then stirred. "Buffy, I have always been your friend. But somewhere along the way you forgot what our friendship was built on: love and respect. And I don't even know WHEN it happened, but the older we became smaller I became in your eyes. YOU lost your respect for me...not the other way around. Since I came back, I have always been your friend...but I'll be damned if I'm gonna be your punching bag."

Buffy swallowed heavily, then spoke. "And now you have the power and now I'm the weak one compare to you. So how will you handle what you become? Will you treat me the way you say I treated you?" And held his eyes steadily, despite the warning flash of liquid silver. Then the silver faded, revealing his warm brown eyes.

"I will have children, mates and friends to keep me grounded. And I seriously doubt that any of the guys, or for that matter Cordy and Anya will let me get too full of myself," he laughingly said.

And Buffy smiled, recognizing the truth. Then she thought of a way to start rebuilding their bridge of friendship, hoping that one day soon he'll want to step on it and meet her halfway.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay, so in the interest of making things up with you, I, Buffy Ann Summers, am prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice..."

And striking a pose of heroic measures, she added, "I am willing to take one of your men off your hands. Preferably Angel or Taryn but any one 'em will do."

Xander blinked and looked around slowly, then looked at her in disbelief. "Are you out of your damn mind?!" And walked away from her.

"C’mon, Xander and stop being so selfish," Buffy whined theatrically as she laughingly following him. "C’mon man, look I’m only trying to help you out. It wouldn't help me at all to have both Taryn and Angel treating me the same way they treat you. You know how I hate when people start catering to me, rubbing my feet and back, worshiping me like a goddess…"

Xander resolutely ignored her teasing and continued to his bedroom. He was still trailed by a laughing, whining Buffy.

But when he opened the door, she fell silent...they both fell silent. And they stared in spellbound awe at the spread of male flesh sprawled in glorious, seductive anticipation on his bed. Magnificently naked. Wonderfully hard. For Xander.

...all were watching him with hot, smoldering eyes.

Xander licked his lips lasciviously and slowly entered his room. He turned around and gazed at the look of rapacious lust on Buffy's face, then cast a look over his shoulder at the greedy whimper from her. And he watched with a dry mouth as Taryn slithered out of the bed and approached him.


Pressing against his back, licking his shoulderblades, his back, and lower...much, much lower.


…and he shut the door in Buffy face with a wide, smirk at the hungry expression on her face he before turning into Taryn’s arms and the intoxicating heat of his lover's mouth. Mewling softly with pleasure as he felt more hands running greedily, amorously over his body. Urging him towards the bed with now impatient hands.

Life…was good, he thought just before he was lost in the sea of hands, wet caressing mouths and hard, eager bodies.

And hearing the cries coming from within, Buffy’s eyes glittered with unshed tears. Despite her teasing words to him, she was more envious of him than anything. She wanted what he had: children, someone to love, someone that loved her and someone to hold on to.

…just someone that wouldn’t leave her.

She knew she had some major growing up to do in order to be worthy of that imaginary someone. And she just hoped Xander would give her the time to grow, to teach her how to be worthy of that future someone, then maybe…just maybe she would see the love in her lover’s eyes.

The same love that she saw in Taryn, Jennes and Lourdey’s eyes. And in Angel’s eyes for Xander.

And Xander moaned luxuriously as cool lips wrapped around his hard aching shaft....suckling, nursing delightedly at his lengthy organ. He pulled Jennes down into a long torrid kiss of intense passion, groaning into the searing heat of his silver-haired lover's mouth as his cock was encased in blistering heat. And tearing away from Jennes, he panted as he looked up into Lourdey's glittering black eyes.

"Ahhhhh....yesssss," he sighed and thrust into the fluttering channel. And hearing a choked cry from his right, he looked over at the beautiful sight of Angel worshipping Taryn's ass while teased open by Jennes thick organ.

His attention was immediately jerked back to his demanding lover as Lourdey...


... did something with those incredible interior muscle hiding in that golden-bronze ass.

"That's...what...we're....OH!...doing," Lourdey gasped out, throwing back his head in ecstatic wonder as he slid luxuriously up and down Xander huge silky stem. This...oh... this was....and he cried out hoarsely when his lover's shaft seemed to grow thicker...longer within his anal passage. And he looked down in disbelief at Xander, who grinned tightly and pumped his hips again...and again. Gritting his teeth, Lourdey began working every muscle in his very talented ass...two can play this game.

And Lourdey was smugly satisfied to have wiped that grin off his Xander's face. Then he shouted in pleasure as wet heat enclosed his organ and began eagerly gliding up and down his throbbing muscle. And looking down, he met glowing purple eyes, before they closed in hungry concentration.

Angel groaned as Jennes seemed to hit his magic spot with each hard stroke into his ass. It seem like the silver-haired demon dick got longer and longer every time he rammed into him.

"SHIT!" he hissed out through clenched teeth as his aching shaft was taken in a firm hand and he rocked his ass back eagerly for Jennes' next inthrust. And deliberately he clenched around the battering ram and he chuckled hoarsely at the sharp gasp from behind him, then a shaky moan. A choked cry of pleasure was ripped from his throat as Jennes really seemed to elongate and unbelievably, get harder. And all he could do was brace himself, angling his ass up for more...and more of that wonderfully long, insatiable shaft that was pounding eagerly into him.

Taryn felt warm hands tugging at his thighs as he nursed strongly at Lourdey thick penis. Irritated slightly, he allowed the tasty meat to slip from his lips and looked down, only to meet Xander's glittering, hungry eyes. And his aching rod grew harder at the look of seething carnality in the ravenous brown eyes before he swung his leg over, settling into a crouched position. And he shuddered in aroused need when Xander's beguiling lips wrapped around his ramrod length. And he settled back to he pleasurable task of pulling the rich, creamy sauce from Lourdey pulsating stem.

Low moans, harsh cries filled the room as each male sought to bring their partner to a soaring, screaming climax. Faster and faster hips pistoned deep within velvety channels. The five pulled out all their bags of tricks in the effort to make their partners surrender to the volcanic passion raging through them.

Hungry bodies, spasming centers nipped and squeezed around the thick shafts plowing deep within their clenching sheaths. With loud groans of rapture and teasing nips, they fluttered muscles along the lengths spearing into them as they sought to pull white-hot orgasms from their lusty partners.

Wet, sucking lips, caressing tongues effortlessly...fluidly glided around the thick turgid lengths filling greedy mouths. Lush, soughing sounds of pleasure, moans of deep abiding greed, floated up to their partners in desire.

Nothing was spared, no thought of seeking out THEIR own pleasure existed for them.

Only bringing their lover's to passionate release mattered to them...

Lashing tongues thoroughly investigated the huge organs tightly encircled by warm lips. Hungry lips, heated mouths....they could feel the coming explosion flowing through the thick shafts gliding down their throats.

There was only desire to feel their lover convulsing within their tight grip....

Suctioning bottomholes, fluttering muscles were hungrily nipping....clenching around the pumping shafts that were thrusting faster and faster. Pumping deep within the sucking flesh...so close.

Only love....

Throbbing, tumescent organs pounded harder, faster into the spasming stretched holes as their lover's undulated faster on their thick rods.

....was all that mattered.

With a loud, bellowing shout of release Angel came, spewing thick cream all over Jennes' stroking hand. And involuntarily he stiffened, drawing a harsh scream of pleasure from Jennes who pumped one last time deep within the cool interior. His cock began spitting bullets of jism right at Angel's magic button, pulling a whimpering moan and a wiggle of joy from the vampire.

Hearing Angel cry out, Lourdey went over. Screwing himself down firmly on Xander's incredible organ, his body arching in a bow of delirious rapture and squeezing hungrily at the iron pole still within him as he overflowed into Taryn's heated mouth. And Xander gave one last thrust and moaned around the Taryn's thick cock, filling Lourdey's ass with his ball juice, prompting Taryn to release his own cream into the little father's honeyed mouth at the vibrations around his shaft.

And slowly, Taryn sat up. Regretfully pulling his penis from the youngling sweet caressing tongue with a sigh of satisfaction even as Jennes pulled slowly from Angel's still spasming ass. Casting a glance at Taryn, Angel pulled the demon over into a long kiss and he moaned deeply as he searched out traces of Lourdey's cum.

Pulling back, he looked at the semi-sated males and smirked....

"Seconds anyone?"

This time Xander pushed Taryn down and slid easily into the black-haired demon's ass. And he groaned ardently as Angel slowly, thoroughly entered his eager entrance. While Lourdey entered Angel from behind, and Jennes slid his member down Taryn's hungry throat.

Only love...and what you were willing to sacrifice.

Epilogue-50 years later

Two dark heads peeked around the door and Angel was wearily amused at the fierce whispering going on outside the door.

"Go axed them..." came one voice.

"Nuh uh, you go axs, 'sides I axed da las' time..." replied another voice smugly.

"You're such a liar..." exclaimed another voice in a fierce whisper.

And then there came the sound of scuffling outside the door, muffled grunts as the two combatants tried to fight silently.

Why me lord...? Angel wondered before nudging Xander awake.

"The kids are up," he muttered sleepily to his mate.

"I know, but I’m gonna ignore them until they actually decide to come inside and harass us," Xander mumbled back without moving from his comfortable position.

There was sudden silence outside their bedroom, then quiet footsteps padding over to Angel’s side of the bed. He tried to burrow closer into the warm back for protection and felt Xander shaking with silent laughter.

At the repeated pokes, he sighed and turned over in the bed. And he resignedly regarded the two dark-hair children. They looked exactly like their father, he thought fondly.

"Granpa, uhm…me and Jessi was wondering if...uhm we could go to the mall later…maybe even tomorrow... cause… uhm you and Granddad and mom and dad promised us…that you…would take us if…uhm we was good," Giles whispered, making his eyes as wide as possible.

"And you think waking me and your Granddad up at 7 am is considered being good?" Angel questioned, trying to hold on to his stern expression.

Giles and Jessi glanced at one another before she answered, "Uhm...yeah?"

Angel shook his head and tried again, "Then why don’t you go wake up your mom and dad? I’m sure they would be equally pleased at seeing you at this time of the morning." And the bed was beginning to shake with the force of Xander’s stifled laughter.

Jessi had a disgruntled expression on her tiny face, "We tried but dey told us to go ‘way and ax you first."

"Give it up Angel, you’re not gonna win," Xander snickered as he tried to turn over.

Jessi climbed into the bed, ignoring her Granpa’s wordless protests as she placed her hands over Granddad belly, smiling as the baby prodded her hand softly. She loved touching her Granddad’s stomach, to feel the baby touching her, if only from within.

Xander inhaled softly and smiled at the absorbed look in Jessi’s eyes, then looked up into Angel’s softening eyes.

Angel leaned down and kissed him softly, ignoring the open door until a low ‘Ewwwww’ came to his ears.

"Michael..." he groaned, resting his head on Xander’s pillow. "Michael Patrick Harris, please explain to me why your children are in our bedroom at this time of morning?"

"C’mon Dad, with Pop pregnant it’s not like you two can *do* anything," Mike snickered at the expression on his stepfather’s face as he hugged his laughing wife closer to him.

Angel's turned gold and he looked up with a low snarl. "OUT." He snapped his teeth at his son, who merely laughed as he ushered Monica and their protesting children out of his parent’s bedroom. He definitely was gonna tell his mom about Dad and Pop. Faith always got such a kick out of the two.

"Tell me again why we decided to have more kids," he pleaded to Xander. "Could it be that we need replacements for Jocelyn and Michael?" He asked hopefully with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Ha ha...funny man," Xander deadpanned, pulling his mate down for a long kiss good morning, groaning as the door opened again.

"Oi Peaches, what time are we supposed to be leaving for the bints’ Queening thing?" Spike asked as he threw himself into a chair.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" Angel growled, looking over at his irritating childe with angry eyes.

"Yeah. Now what time is we supposed to leave?" Spike repeated, pulling out a cigarette and simply placing it, unlit, in his mouth. He’ll smoke it later, he thought, eyeing Xander’s stomach.

"Spike, what are you doing in here?" Willow asked, looking scandalized at her mate as she appeared in the open door. She threw an apologetic glance at Xander and Angel. She blinked at Angel's bare chest before turning a stern look on Spike. Then Tara came and stood at her side, narrowly eyeing their husband.

Spike looked sheepish for a brief moment before growling at them, at which their faces shifted and they growled back at him with hot golden eyes. They ruled their household, not him.

Tara marched over, grabbed him by the ear and pulled him angrily from the room while Willow made their hasty apologies before shutting the door. Xander could still hear the two women's raised voices yelling at Spike about disturbing them.

Angel simply waited. He was eyeing the door for the next intruder.

"Well, aren’t you gonna kiss me?" Xander demanded, pouting over the lack of kissing.

"Yeah, but I’m waiting until all the interruptions are over," Angel replied still regarding the door

Xander rolled his eyes and muttered a quick spell. "Okay there! The door is sealed so no one can get in, now kiss me dammit!"

"Oh, yes master," Angel smirked down at his beautiful husband and obeyed, thoroughly enjoying himself. Mikey was wrong, they may not be able to make love right now but they could still have plenty of fun, Angel thought hazily as he settled into a long early morning loving. Lots and lots of fun!

Then he sighed angrily at the hammering on the door. And ignoring Xander howls of laughter, he rolled out of bed and grabbed his robe. Flinging open the door with angry golden eyes, he snarled, "WHAT. IS. IT. NOW?"

Cordy blinked. "Excuse me?! Did you just growl…at me? Because Xander is the one pregnant not you, bucko!"

Angel rubbed his hand wearily over his face. "Sorry Cordy, it’s just that….oh nevermind." He peered down the hall, seeing her usual assortment of bodyguards leaning against the walls.

"Fine," she snapped. "I just came in to tell you that the ceremony's been moved up to around 12, so it’ll be less of a strain on Xander. Taryn was wondering if maybe you guys would like to be there earlier?"

"Not a problem, Cordy. How are all the girls handling things?" Angel smiled at the fond look in Cordy’s eyes.

Cordy shook her head, thinking of her two stepdaughters. "Angel, they are about to drive me and
Taryn insane! If they change their minds one more freakin' time about what to wear, I swear to God I’m gonna force them to walk buck naked down the aisle." Though her words were fierce, Angel knew that Bronze and Uhura had no better stepmother than Cordelia Chase. With her demon DNA giving her an extended lifetime she would be around for long time.

Their alliances and bonds had migrated over the years, but the core of their extended family would always remain Xander, Angel, Taryn, Jennes, and Lourdey. And all marriages and bonds happened within that context, with the clear understanding that Xander was First Mate to all four males.

And while the Jaztars were still reeling in shock over Xander producing five daughters, somewhere in the year after Taryn married Cordy. And between Xander and Cordy, they had knocked the Jaztars on their collective asses. Especially Taryn’s fathers.

Poor things still had a shocked look on their faces after going head to head with first Xander and then Cordy. And both Xander and Cordy had proven more than capable of holding their own against the males, especially when protecting their daughters and their position within the Jaztar society.

Taryn's fathers, the King and his consort, had assumed that *they* would be in charge of the Jaztar nation. And in charge of bringing up Taryn and Xander’s daughters. They had arrived at the house with a horde of bodyguards to take the children in hand ‘for their own protection’. Conveniently coming at a time when neither Jennes or Taryn were present.

The king had gotten snippy with Xander, calling him a few nasty names in Jazta. And while the humans didn't exactly know what the words meant, they kinda got the feeling that it wasn't exactly compliments being handed out. Especially considering that Spike and Angel had to practically sit on enraged, snarling Lourdey.

Xander threw the king, the consort and bodyguards so high in the air that it took almost five hours for them to return to terra firma. And they never came back or insisted on taking the girls. Jaztars
respected power and Xander had plenty of it. The five little queens were surrounded by a cadre of fierce and deadly people.

However, it was still a bit of a shock to see Giles married to Lourdey and actually teaching the generally sober Jaztar how to ‘loosen up’.

Lourdey’s pursuit of Giles still had everyone in stitches. You would have thought he was discussing an impersonal subject the way he courted Giles. The former Watcher, of course, had no idea until Taryn told Xander and Xander hesitantly asked Giles how he felt about the matter.

They didn’t see the two for a week after that. And then they returned….and married.

Which didn’t set too well with Cordy, Dawn, or Anya. Yelling and screaming the girls got their way and a horribly embarrassed Giles was re-married to Lourdey. Who quite frankly didn’t care since as far as he was concerned he had what he wanted: Giles. And Giles made a wonderful stepfather to Kris and Nico. He had always treated them like his own and with the spell Willow and Tara concocted, he would live for a very long time with his Lourdey.

Unfortunately, poor Jennes almost got himself killed when Dawn turned 21 and started pursuing him. Everyone made it very, very plain that if he hurt her, he was dead. And it seem like there was nothing he could do to deter her interest except one thing: he slept with Buffy. He tried to apologize to Dawn, Buffy tried frantically to apologize to Dawn but she wouldn’t listen and she wouldn’t talk to either for months. And when she did, it seemed like Jennes, at last, recognized what he had thrown away and began chasing a seemingly disinterested Dawn. But her battle campaign was worked out by General Cordelia Chase, General Buffy ‘Grovel-At-The-Feet-Of-Her-Sister’ Summers and Captain Anya. And she was married within six months with Jennes’ daughter Jamie as her ring bearer.

And eventually Buffy found herself a nice human male to settle down with. One that didn’t become too spastic when he met her assorted family: a pregnant male friend, vampires, demons, and witches. Needless to say Richard was a little more comfortable with Wesley and Anya. Though, of course, Anya had made him blink a time or two with her comments but he shrugged it off.

Surprisingly enough, Anya and Wesley got along incredibly well. Anya pulled the ex-Watcher into the 21st century and Wesley held her feet firmly on the ground. They seemed to be made for each other.

They had only one child, a daughter named Melissa. The final Slayer assigned to the Hellmouth before it was finally sealed. And Melissa became the third Slayer to enjoy a extremely long life. And considering just who she could call on for help, Sunnydale truly became a wonderful place to raise a family. She married Marcus, Fred and Gunn's oldest son.

And Xander finally convinced his mates to allow him to see Faith. All four of the demon men were jealous and extremely afraid that they would lose their husband to her so they refused to let him go by himself. But their fears were groundless. And they began to ease the rigidness that filled them with each visit.

It took some talking and years before Faith was finally let out on parole. And she was welcomed eagerly into the family. And it was her idea...something that she presented solely to the demon mates for their approval....to being a surrogate mother for Xander. And if they were lucky, maybe time would repeat itself and Xander would have his other two children back again. It did and they soon welcomed first Michael Patrick Harris into the family and two years later they welcomed Jocelyn Rose Harris.

They arrived at the Great Hall and were immediately pressed into service getting the girls ready for the ceremony. Despite the number of years, the girls looked only about 18 years old and acted it, Angel thought ruefully. He and the rest of the male part of the family clan stood well away from the giggling bunch of females.

His eyes fell on his stepdaughter, Joce and he smiled.

Joce Osbourne was an international fashion designer. She had her her own fashion House in Paris and she rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous. She had hundreds of lackeys at her beck and call daily. And yet her she was, darting back and forth, twitching at a hem, then at a folds of cloth on her sisters' dresses.

She had pitched a royal, screaming, hissy fit when it was casually tossed out that the girls were going to wear store bought dresses. No sisters of hers was gonna wear a fuckin' off-the-rack dress. This was way to important to be left to someone else's hand.

And it was times like that had Angel wondering if HE had managed to get Faith pregnant instead of Xander.

Joce growled softly at her three children when they began to wander too close to her with their sticky hands. And she threw a grateful glance at her husband David when he and her father-in-law took the kids in hand. She sighed in resignation when all five wolfed out over in the corner and began playing. Their barks and growls just added to the din of confusion in the room. Well, as long as her husband and Oz just kept the kids away. And she went back to frowning in concentration as she adjusted the lines of the dresses.

Faith snickered at how much her daughter looked just like Angel right now. Despite the fact the fact that she was Joce and Michael's biological mother, her daughter was totally Angel and Taryn child in temperament. While Michael was almost solely Jennes and Lourdey son in his mannerisms. It was still so fuckin' funny the way her children were duplicates of the four demons. Something that still caused Xander endless aggravation.

Buffy rapped her cane smartly on the floor and hoarsely yelled for everyone to settle down. "We don’t want them wondering about us crazy humans now do we?" And she glance over at Faith seeing a twin smirk was on the other's withered face before as she looked at her beloved friends, all still young and beautiful. Except for four precious lives lost to time. And simple human fraility.

Anya and Wesley. Gunn and Fred.

Those four had determinedly resisted everyone's cajoling to allow them to make them immortal. But it was Anya reply that stopped everyone from nagging them further.

"All of you have a reason to remain immortal, you have mates and lovers to live for. But I've come to far and fought to long for the chance to remain human. I've come a full circle. I was born a human and I will die with my humanity still intact."

Buffy blinked rapidly, feeling her eyes fill with tears as she remembered her lost 'sister'. She knew that soon, she would be joining her beloved Richard in the afterlife, along with Wesley, Anya, Fred and Gunn. And from there they would be able to keep an eye on their sizable family. Her eyes settled fondly on her daughter Monica and Michael. Then the children, before her eyes drifted over to Angel and Xander.

Well, at least she and Angel had finally been joined together. Thankfully, not the way her foolish teenage self would have imagine, but they were both happy and had love in their lives.

And she smiled at the sight of Xander's anxious husbands trying to get her stubborn friend to sit

"Xander, sit down immediately and stop trying to give your husbands heart attacks," she said testily. Not in the least bothered by the annoyed glare he shot her. She was old, so what the hell could he do to her anyway?

Huffing impatiently, Xander allowed them to ease him into a chair. He angrily crossed his arms and rested them on his belly.

Bronze smiled at him and quickly darted over to him. "Daddy, how do you like this dress?" And she twirled around, as her sisters darted over as well. Each had on a different dress that their sister, Joce, had designed for them. All five of the dresses were awe inspiring and they couldn't decide which one to wear for the ceremony. They wanted their family to be proud of them.

"Sweeties, why don't you each wear a different dress? You're individuals, so act like individuals," Xander said with a smile.

Cordy hit banged her head against the wall when the girls immediately looked happier. "God, the Tums I could have saved if I had thought of that," she muttered, then hit Taryn in frustration.

"Why did you hit me?!" Taryn shouted angrily and rubbed his arm.

"Because I can't hit Xander!" Cordy growled, ignoring the laughter from the others.

Riley and Graham wandered in and carefully took seats among the rest of the family. Beaming proudly up at the five beautiful girls up on the platform. After all this time, they still could hardly believe it when Buffy contacted them years ago.

Both former Initiative soldiers had become increasingly dissatisfied with their military lives and the 'ideals' they were supporting. Especially now that his wife was dead, things weren't the same for Riley, he wanted a real place to belong. Something to believe in.

He and Graham had at first thought it merely a joke when they were offered positions with Angel Investigations. Riley, at least, definitely remembered the last time he and Angel met. And considering what was done to Spike, they had a difficult time accepting the offer at face-value.

But they did. And the offer was sincere...not that things weren't stressful what with the growling and posturing from Angel over what had been done to his grandchilde. However, what had made Riley take a step back was when Xander...XANDER smacked Angel across the back of his head...and Angel didn't rip his head off! He had a bad feeling that maybe he had been hit too hard in the jungle or maybe was having an nasty side effect from one of the demons he had been fighting.

And he hadn't been too sure whether to be relieved or simply frighten of what they told him. Or what they were offering to him and Graham. A place to belong.

And in over 40 years they never once looked back. Never.

They had been far too busy fitting into their new lives. Being able to use the skills that the Good ole U.S.of A had spent thousands of dollars instilling in them. It had been so fuckin' long since they had both been proud to use their abilities.

Saving lives...protecting peoples. All sorts of people. Whether their skin was brown, white, yellow
or green it didn't matter. His eyes had finally been opened...they were all people.

Riley came out of his reverie with a tiny start as a broad hand covered his. He looked into Graham's familiar blue eyes and smiled, leaning in for a kiss from his husband. And pulling back, he silently mouthed a 'Thank you' to Spike. Smirking at the annoyed look on the vampire's face.

"Stop teasing him," Graham rumbled softly to Riley.

"I can't help it...it's too much fun!"

The ceremony started and Cordy quickly handed tissues to everyone as their eyes became wet at the poignant ritual. A liturgy that hadn't been performed for thousands of years.

And Sourd presided over the events with shaky hands, tears of gratitude pouring down his face. He was unashamed to stand before his people showing such emotion. He was just thankful that he lived long enough to perform the rite. And blessed that he survived the Cleansing when Saln and some of the other kings moved against Taryn and the others.

And all Jaztars bore witness when Prime Warriors went on the hunt. Bombs, fires and bodies were reported all over the world as Taryn and Jennes lead teams of warriors and humans on a relentless campaign to exterminate the threat to his family clan.

Then it was revealed that Saln had hired human to kill the tiny infant queens. And that was the final straw. The court Jaztars turned on him and pulled him screaming from the throne. And Alvn and Janek could only sit, frozen in terror as the one-time High King was ripped to pieces before their eyes. While Taryn and Jennes watched them with cold, hard expressions, their arms folded across their chests.

Their judgment was final and none, save a queen, could or would gainsay their verdict.

Except for Xander. He had enough of the killing. And he exercised his Voice as the father of the queens to stop the execution of Janek and Alvn. He wanted no more lives on his conscience. And reluctantly, the men gave way to him.

But Sourd had no problem with ignoring the plea. He simply waited until everyone was distracted and personally sliced Alvn's throat while his fellow shamans dealt with Janek. He had seen the look in Alvn's eyes and he knew one way or the other, the deposed Prince would try to strike back at that newly formed Clan. Their people had been through enough, his way was far better. Though he suspected that Lourdey and Spike knew what he had did, however, they never spoke of it.

He held out the enameled collar to place on Bronze, smiling helplessly at the merry laughter in her eyes. By a vote of four to one, she was forced into the role of High Queen.

But she was definitely Xander's daughter.

She agreed to be High Queen only for 10 years, then the office would be rotated to Jamie the Eastern Queen, Kris the Northern Queen, Uhura as the Southern Queen and Nico as the Western Queen respectively. With each taking the other's title as they shifted ranks.

The shifting of the offices was twofold. One, by rotating the ranks, each sister got a feel for the others spheres of influences. What was familiar and easily missed would have a fresh set of eyes watching a developing situation. Plus, Bronze happily escaped being the High Queen for 40 years. It was a win-win situation in her eyes.

Xander grunted softly as pain flared brightly in his abdomen and silently begged for the baby not to come right now. Can't you see your sisters are being collared? He admonished the baby and was rewarded with a knife shard of pain that had him doubling over with a gasp. This definitely had to be Taryn's child, apparently neither one could listen very well.

Angel and Jennes glanced at Xander in wild disbelief before the vampire swung their husband in his arms and headed determinedly for the small room just off the throne room.

Nico and her sisters immediately gathered up their skirts and ditched the ceremony to rush after their parents. There was no way in hell was daddy gonna be having a baby without THEM present.

Taryn and Lourdey took the time to swing Buffy and Faith into their arms before they rushed after their husbands

"Xander, why didn't you tell us," Angel exclaimed, trying to make their husband comfortable on the couch.

"Like I fuckin' knew," Xander managed to grit out. Then his head went back and he arched upwards with a harsh cry of pain, then rested back down with panting breaths.

"I'm telling you all right now, NO MORE KIDS!" He glared angrily at his husbands. "After this, you damn well better have protection on if you even think about me and sexxxxxx..." and he arched with a wail of pain.

"You're the one that bought the condoms and they broke, remember," Taryn yelled angrily as he settled behind Xander, then began crooning softly.

Cordy smacked him and growled, "Stop yelling at him!"

Jennes snickered softly despite his fear as he eased Xander's pants down. A quick glance at Riley and Graham had the two men ushering the protesting children out of the room, with backwards looks of worry.

Xander moaned low in his throat as he pressed back against Taryn and his birthing slit widened rapidly.

Why on earth did he agree to having more kids...was his brief panicky thought before he became consumed by the need to push...

His breath came in ragged spurts as he strained…every muscle concentrated on pushing…

...aware of nothing but pushing out this demanding creature...

Feeling something slip free of him...and started pushing again…straining against Taryn before collapsing back….

Again…pushing…straining with all his might…

Taryn held onto Xander, his eyes wide with disbelief. Then exchanged a proud smile with Jennes as he felt the call of his son as it emerged from the womb. And Cordy smiled through her tears as she gathered the baby up, unmindful of her attire as she waited almost impatiently for Angel to finish cutting the cord.

And Jennes looked up at Dawn with awestruck eyes, feeling the call of his son....and daughter as they slipped free of their warm nest. They hurriedly wrapped the children up, crooning softly to still the distressed whimpers coming from babies.

Angel hurriedly eased the bloody child out and cut the cord and turning, he gave this last child...this fourth child to Giles, smiling through his tears.

And Giles tenderly wrapped his son up, singing softly to still the frantically squirming baby, feeling Lourdey's arms enfold him at their precious gift.

He struggled to keep his eyes open and he was firmly convinced that this was the last child that he was going to be having. No more puppy eyes from his husbands, let THEM get pregnant and see how they like it.

Willow, Tara and Spike smiled through their tears at the sudden increased in their Clan.

"So, who gonna tell Xander," Spike whispered in Willow's ear, sending her into a fit of giggles that even had her demon snickering.

Riley and Graham came back in and regarded the cooing people with dropped jaws...


And Xander's eyes popped open.

He looked around at the babies wrapped in their fathers and mothers' arms. "Oh for God's sakes, can't I do anything normal?!" he exclaimed hoarsely.

For a few seconds there was silence except for the tiny squeaks from the babies. Then the room exploded with laughter at the disgruntled look on his face.

The end