Title: The Chosen of War

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: not mine and never will be.

Rating: PG-13 to R, Slash

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Angelus/Wes, Angel/Lyndsey, Xander/Spike (Eventually), F/T

Summary: When something Evil looms on the horizon, the God of War gathers together special Warriors to fight it. Hand picked and Trained, they become known to the demon community at large as War's Chosen

Notes: So an AU

The Chosen of War
by Kate R.

Prologue: And Why Not Mine?

"I'm sorry, Strife," Ares said as they walked towards the meeting room of Olympus. "But the answer is no. It is not that boy."

"But Unc," Strife began, "He fits all the pre-requisites."

"No, he does not," Ares, said as they entered the room where the last of the awake Gods were waiting. "He is missing several qualities I need in this person."

"Like what?" Strife asked petulantly.

"Honesty, Compassion, Tolerance, Open-minded-ness. Oh, he's missing three or four of the Key things a Lead Warrior for my army Has to have. I'm sorry, Strife, but no, it is not Alexander Harris. No matter how much you want it to be."

"But Unc," Strife tried again. "He has military knowledge..."

"That he did Nothing to earn. No, Strife, he is Not the leader. I know you wanted it to be that one because you think he's under appreciated but Strife, he treats people like dirt if they do anything that does not fit what he wants. He's selfish, prejudiced, bigoted, hateful, snobbish, arrogant, lives in a world that is wholly unrealistic, arrogant, pig-headed, cruel, spiteful, vindictive, lying, hypocritical, callous, unfeeling and thinks the universe revolves around that stupid blond bitch that I do not know how got chosen. In other words, Strife, he is a first rate asshole. He also thinks the sun
shines out of the ditz's ass. He is not the leader. I'm sorry."

"It ain't his fault, Unc," Strife began. "He was abused. His parents made him that way with all their yelling."

"Bullshit! Life is about choices, Strife. I was abused as well by Zeus, no less, who makes that man look nice. I chose to go the opposite direction. Alexander has become just like his father and I will Not allow anyone like that to lead My army. I did not mark anyone because I have to be able to choose unbiased. I'm sorry, Strife but no. I can't choose a bad person. Not even for you," Ares then took a seat at the table and looked at those members of his family still awake: Hades and Hestia, Heph and Dite, Apollo, Ace, Lust, Janus and Cupid. Plus himself and Strife.

"Who do we have other than Alexander Harris?" Ares asked as he sat down with a sigh. He knew Strife was pouting but right now he did not have the time to deal with it. He noticed everyone looked to Apollo and he smiled.

"If you all have someone you agree on, let me know. I'd like to know who it is," Ares said. Apollo nodded.

"The mentor, Giles," he said. "We've all watched him. He has compassion, he has a heart, he's open-minded, he can actually think for himself, he doesn't have lemming mentality and he's smart. He's earned every bit of knowledge in his head, he's not a hypocrite because he's never told Blondie the ditz not to do something and then turned around and done it himself, he doesn't lie. At 43 compared to their 16 he had a right to a private life."

"Very true," Ares said. "And unlike Xander who only seems under appreciated and may be to a mild extent but by his own making because he chose to play the idiot and clown, Mr. Giles actually is. I can see that he can lead. He has a Warrior's spirit. Very well, if we need a vote, all those in favor say Aye."

The vote was nine to one in favor and Ares looked at Strife who was looking at Cupid in a betrayed way.

"Strife, I told you it is not him. Stop pouting and get over it. I will not sacrifice the human race to make you happy. The vote is nine to one in favor of Giles. I make it ten to one. The majority rules, The Leader for this squad of elite, should he agree to lead it, is Rupert Giles."

"Adjourned," Hades said as they all stood. Strife glared at his uncle and Ares could tell he was fuming but he didn't have time to deal with it right now. He finally looked at his nephew.

"Right now, at this moment, Strife, the Only redeeming quality your chosen has is loyalty. I don't find his jokes funny because they are always at someone else's expense. I'm sorry, I don't need that kind of cruelty leading any Warriors of mine. And Strife, getting a laugh at someone else's expense, I mean deliberately at their expense, isn't funny. It's cruelty. Now, if you don't want to help fine. But, the children will suffer if I can't get this group together."

Strife groused but walked to his temple to put some power into opening the gates of Olympus. Ares had chosen now to return to the world because of the danger that was coming. Whatever that was. Strife didn't even know what it was, just that it was bad.

"Try not to rile Unc up, bro," Lust said. "He's been in a pretty foul mood since the fates told him about this... Whatever it is. Now is not the time to act like a baby because it wasn't your mortal that was chosen. Unc has his reasons for saying no and you know you shouldn't push him once he's said no."

"Yeah, but Lust," Strife began, "He wouldn't even give Xander a chance. He didn't even look at him."

"Actually, he did," Apollo said trying to be consoling. "Ares spent a week in the halls of time on each of our chosen and looked at them. He saw something in your boy that turned him off to him. Something the boy is still doing. You know how Ares is about things, Strife. Your boy sees things in Black and White and we know the world isn't like that. You have to let yourself be aware of his flaws. And they all have Flaws. Giles has a temper I know and he's sometimes too hesitant. You should know Ares had to take his best option. Not the one that would make his blood family happy but his absolute Best option."

Strife gave a growling snort but nodded. He knew but he was still upset that his Uncle had spat out his boy's bad qualities like that and spoke like Xander was dirt.

"Think about how he treats other people," Aphrodite said as she caught that thought. "Think about how your boy talks about the people around him who he sees as a threat. He thinks everything is about him, Strife, and that wont do any good either."

Strife sighed and nodded and so the gods walked over to open the gates. This would be the first time in 2000 years. Strife only hoped they were ready. Because if they weren't, the world would fall to dust.

Chapter 1: Giles

He was researching when he felt the shift in the air behind him.

This being the Hellmouth he was instantly on alert, spinning and pulling a knife on whatever was appearing in his library. What he saw stopped him cold. There, before him, was a group of people and they all looked like they wanted him for something.

"Before I put this down," Giles said trying to maintain his calm, "I want to know who you are and what you want from me."

He knew this could be a very stupid thing to do but with the mayor and other concerns on his mind, he really wasn't in the best of states. Too much danger and too little time to deal with it, he supposed.

"Guys," a man dressed in leather said to the group, "Maybe I should talk to him alone? Something is wrong here and I think he's a bit on edge."

"Okay, Ares," a blond man said. Giles felt his jaw drop as the big man in leather nodded. He looked at the rest of the group and then at Giles and sighed.

"Introduce yourselves before you go," he said. "Just so he knows our names if he agrees."

"Apollo," the blond man who had spoken said.

"Aphrodite," a blond woman who was Very well formed said.

"Cupid," a blond with wings said as he vanished.

"Hephaestus," a man with scars on his face and body said.

"Hestia," a matronly looking woman said.

"Janus," a god with a split face said.

"Lust," a woman with black wings and red eyes said.

"Asclepius," a man with green eye said.

"Strife," a man in leather being held together with what looked like safety pins said.

"Hades," a man in an armored breast plate said. He was the last one to leave and he grabbed the safety pin guy on the way out. That just left Giles and the leather-clad man named Ares.

"Well," Ares said as he looked at Giles, "I'm guessing you want to know why my family and I came here to speak with you?"

"It had crossed my mind to ask, yes," Giles said. "So, may I have an answer?"

Ares sat in one of the chairs at the table in the center of the library and dropped his head into his hands.

"We need an elite group of Warriors," Ares said softly. "There is something coming, something bad and we need a group of Warriors to fight it. However, before we move on to the warriors, I need to find my Lead Warrior. My family and I watched your group. Some were discounted immediately, others after some consideration. It was finally brought down to a choice between you and young Wesley. However, Wesley is not ready for this kind of War. You are. So, I'm asking you, Giles, will you help us?"

Giles thought for a few minutes as he silently debated.

"If I do," Giles began slowly. "Will you help me?"

"What do you need my help with?" Ares asked the librarian as Giles rubbed his own temples.

"The mayor of this town wants to ascend to a demon," Giles began.

"He's already in his 100 Days and is invulnerable to anything we can do about him. I am at the end o my rope. One Slayer doesn't have the experience to handle this and the other one..."

"Yes, the Other One," Ares began. "The one who should never have been called and being called should never have been given CPR. It is set that way for a reason. They die and that’s it thanks to The Way mixing a warrior I placed as a guardian, Male or Female, by the way, at one time there were males, and then mixing them with demons so they could be made evil if The Way wanted to use them as destructive weapon. Potentials are injected with Demon cells when they are found. Merrick gave it to Buffy. Faith's Watcher did not give it to her. She was one of My Chosen. Just as you and your…mate belong to my cousin Janus, so she belonged to me. She obeyed me when I told her Not to inject Faith with those cells. That's why Faith is so against the Council and it's teachings, not being touched by the demonic cells, she is not controllable by mind."

"Dear Lord," Giles whispered. "Does Wesley know she wasn't injected?"

"Wesley was sent here to die," Ares said. "He dared say it was wrong to do this to people. Wesley is being punished. Daily by those bastard supervisors of his. However, there is one who is even now preparing to help him. You think he's Angel but he isn't. Angel is in LA getting his mate. They did not come back from hell in the same body, Rupert," Ares told him. "Dear God," Giles said, as he understood. Angelus had been helping hem. But that did explain why he was so against Buffy now. He couldn't even stand being in the same room as her.

"Giles," Ares began softly. "I really need your help here. You are the one everyone in my family, bar my nephew Strife, chose as Lead Warrior. I had not marked anyone because I had to choose impartially. You are the best for this. But I can't force you. I will help you here regardless but I could truly and sincerely use your help."

Giles thought for a few moments a he looked at the books scattered on the table and he sighed as he sifted thoughts in his head. He was needed by someone for something other than cleaning up a child's messes. He looked at Ares and then at the books and then back at Ares again. "I will help you, lord Ares," he said softly. "Where do we start?"

"You choose your team," Ares aid. "And if you want him, your mate can come too."

"Ethan," Giles whispered softly. To be with Ethan again, without the girl's nasty comments, without Xander's ridicule. Yes, he wanted that. He desperately wanted that.

"Once I make my first choices, Lord," Giles began. "If we can, I'd like Ethan."

"Then you will have him once you've settled. Are you ready to go? Do you need anything?"

"Yes, I'm ready," he told Ares. "And no, I don't need anything except to leave Faith and Tara a note."

"No need for that, G," Faith said from behind. 'You go and save the world. Call if you need us."

"Help Angelus take care of Wesley," he told her with a smile.

Faith nodded, as did the shy girl at her side, and Giles stepped into Ares' hand, which was immediately placed, on his shoulder. "Lets go start saving the world," Giles said to himself. "Again."