Title: Talking To The Boy

Author: CaliaDragon

Cartegory: AU/Pre-Slash

Pairing: None

Part 1/1

Fandom: Buffy

Spoilers: Season 3

Warnings: Angst, Kissage, Evil Willow

Rating R?

Feedback: On list or at Caliadragon@myself.com

Archive: Any list I send it to, those with prior permission and BC

Summary: Xander and Angel have a talk, Willow gets captured.

Part 4 in the About a Boy Series.

Thanks to Edi for the beta.

Talking To The Boy
by CaliaDragon

Xander sat on the couch in Angel's mansion and wondered again why he was there. Angel had simply told him that they needed to talk. Xander refused until Angel promised that they would not be alone together. He almost had second thoughts when he realized who else was going to be there. Xander didn't know this Doyle guy, feared Spike and was unsure how to treat either Oz or Wesley. He shook off the feelings of impending doom and looked straight into Angel's eyes.

"So why are we here?" he asked, almost wincing at how weak his voice sounded.

"I have been given a mission by the PTB, they want us to go to LA and help people there," Angel told him bluntly. He studiously ignored the rolled eyes from the other four men and Spike's disgusted _expression.

"Us?" Xander asked cautiously.

"Yes, you, me, William, Doyle and Wesley would all be working for the Powers. Oz, also, if he wants to come," Angel answered.

"Uh...okay, since when do the Powers want me to work with them? I'm not exactly special. You all at least have talent or super strength on your sides. All I have are bad jokes and the ability to scream like a girl when shit gets freaky," Xander said.

The other men could not help the laughter that that stateme nt brought. Spike rolled his eyes, how did the boy do that? He had never met anyone, save Penn, who could sass and make you laugh all at one time.

"Xander, you do have something to offer," Angel protested.

"Me?" Xander asked softly.

"Yes, you. I know it was you that came up with all of the plans that defeated Angelus. I know it was you that got Buffy to send me to hell. I know it has been you that has been helping to plan and attack the Mayor. You are a brilliant tactician, Xander. I need someone like that. I'm more of a brooder, put off sort. William is impulsive and will likely get himself staked one day for it. Wesely is cautious, like me, while Doyle and Oz are a combination of both, depending on which side of them choses to be in control at that time," Angel told him sincerely.

Dark chocolate eyes looked back at him in confusion and embarrassment. No one but Willow had ever really praised him for anything. The fact that Angel didn't seem angry about the lie confused him. "Why don't you hate me?" Xander asked softly. He didn't notice when the others left the room. All he saw was Angel and the look on his face.

"How can I hate you for doing something I would have done?" Angel asked him.

Xander closed his eyes and was ashamed of the tears that slipped from beneath his lashes and trailed down his cheeks. He opened his eyes with a gasp as he felt a cold hand capture one of his tears. He looked up at Angel, wide eyed, as the vampire brought the finger to his lips and placed in it his mouth. Xander never noticed that his breath had become ragged or that he whimpered as Angel leaned forward and caught his lips in a gentle kiss.

With a moan he opened his mouth to Angel's questing tongue. He purred happily and felt Angel smile against his lips. When they pulled apart so that he could breathe, Xander blushed at the heat and affection he saw in Angel's eyes. "You're mine, Xa nder. I want and need you. Come with me to Los Angeles." Angel said softly, seductively.

Xander shivered. "What about Buffy?" he asked, confused.

"Buffy and I will never be together again. We have too much pain and death between us. Giles has forgiven me, but I think Buffy still blames us both. The love we had died when she stabbed me and sent me to hell. I was there for five hundred years before I was brought back by the Powers. My soul is permanent. Angelus is bonded to me. I want you at my side, Xander. Think about us, just think. I'll be here when you decide," Angel swore before kissing him one last time.

Xander watched Angel pull away and walk from the room. His mind was in a daze. So much had happened recently, and it hurt that he couldn't turn to Willow for comfort and advice. Standing, he decided to go home. He knew his mother would be worried, even if his father wished he had died.

As he walked towards home he was conscious o f the fact that Spike was following him from a distance. He was about to call out to the vampire when Willow came from out of nowhere. He jerked to a stop and looked at her in stunned silence. "Willow?" he asked, confused.

When he saw the look in her eyes he blanched. There was a sick, twisted rage in her eyes. A look he had seen in Jesse's eyes just before he was knocked into him by a fleeing teenager in the Bronze and had killed Jesse. He knew then without a doubt that it wasn't Willow in control. "Who are you? What have you done to Willow?" Xander asked in a whisper.

The creature in control snarled at Xander and began to power up a spell to use against him. Before she could, Spike attacked from behind her and knocked her unconscious. Spike looked at Xander and grimaced at the look of pain on his face. "It's alright, Xander, you'll see; the Watchers and the Wizard will heal yer friend." Xander nodded, then leaned down and lifted Willow into his arms. He really hoped that someone could save Willow. He didn't want to go on without her. It would just hurt too badly.

The End For Now