Title: Sins of the Father

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: Not mine never will be. Talk to Joss and Rankin bass about ownership.

Rating: PG-13 to R I suppose

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Wes/Spike, Xander/Angel

Summary: AU set Season 3. Please Read it to find out more.


Sins Of The Father
by Kate R.

Prologue: Preparations

Rupert is sleeping now, they all are. He saw me and I regret having to stun him but he had to be sleeping for the spell to work. He will be needed where they are going. They all will. All of them are sleeping: the Slayer, her mother, her sister, her friends, and the vampires, Wesley, Ethan and Rupert. I did not want to have to do it this way but I cannot let Him succeed in his evil plans.

Sadly, I know the only person who can stop him is The Boy. Such a terrible burden to be laid on one so young; to have to kill your own father. Although, by the time they wake, it wont be his father he looks at. Not unless he’s always seen him as a monster.

He had seen the future and he’d seen the Monster the Boy’s father would become. He knew the only ones with a prayer of stopping it were they who were now sleeping on the library floor.

He hoped one day they could forgive him because he seriously doubted he would ever forgive himself.

"Yo, boss," Faith, said. "You ready?"

She was beginning to show the pregnancy and he smiled at the dark haired boy sleeping next to the vampire. That boy had given them hope of survival until Rupert and they woke up. He did not know if the boy would ever realize his own contribution to this fight.

He’d given a new hope.

For, in Faith’s womb were growing two active Slayers. And one of them was male.

If it weren’t for the danger of freezing a pregnant woman, she would be joining them here but there was another way. He had prepared for it and as soon as they finished sealing this place, he would take her.

She left a letter for the boy, the Father of her children, so he would know if she did not survive the births.

He was pleased with her heart. She wanted him to now he was a daddy even if he never got to meet them. But, Gods willing, he would.

He was going to try to send the girl back 14 or 15 years before Rupert and his team would be awakened.

He knew they would need Watchers and as much as he hated to admit it, Rupert was the best there was at what he did.

"Lets do this, Faith," he said as they left the library and sealed the doors so it was locked in time. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," she said rubbing her belly. "I got these kids to look after now. I promise we’ll be careful where we’re going.

He nodded and they left the library together.

Watcher and Slayer, Faith and Quentin.

"Sleep well, Rupert," he said as they left the building, which was then moved outside of time. "Until you are needed again, sleep well."



Chapter 1: The Lost Ones: Found

"It’s time, General," the brunette young woman said as she laid out the file.

For 15 and one half years she’d been waiting for this. Waiting for the time when it would be safe to wake the others. She’d been amazed when she’d arrived. There had been people waiting for her and they’d taken her someplace safe and her children had been born. And what children they were. Her daughter Emily was so a Slayer. That was obvious from day 1. But Will---Will was something else entirely. Faith had know from the second he was born he was different. She knew why but not how. That was the top thing on her list of ‘Things To Ask Giles When He Wakes Up’ that she had started when the children were born. It was so obvious whom Will belonged to but she had no idea how she had ended up carrying him. It was obvious even without the need for blood he had. Once a week he had to drink human blood. He could also survive without a heart beat. He was a total hybrid, he was strong and powerful in vampire and he had hyena senses. His eating habits were different from most other people. He was so his fathers’ son. He was a spitting image of Angel except for the blue eyes. He was also an ace swimmer. His sister was more Faith.

Emily was more her mother. She was strong like a Slayer and fast like one. She could sense vamps so Faith often had Will train with her in both Day walker form and cutting off his heartbeat so he was total vampire. Course, if rare meat wasn’t a big hint as to him being different the fact that he could tell blood type on a person by scent sure as hell should have been.

Emily could tell all kinds of dead, not just vampires but zombies and other things that should have been dead but obviously weren’t. She could also sense werewolves and witches. She had a bit of Angel in her too because she was more than just a Slayer. She could find anything supernatural once she’d touched its aura once.

Faith at first had thought that was just what came from Xander but it was more than that. Faith had noticed she was also faster than any Slayer before her. Like Will would always be faster than her as his reflexes were totally vampire. She could see him and he’d be deadly if he ever joined Darla and Drucilla. But he wouldn’t. They’d come by once and he’d nearly staked them both on principle. They hadn’t tried again but the intelligence he had in there, it scared her to realize that was somewhat Xander but mostly Angelus. He had Angelus in there as well as Angel and that meant if he ever got mortally pissed he’d be ruthless in how he dealt with the arson who did it. He didn’t have a demon form but his eyes turned gold sometimes and he floated. The one time he’d really hit the roof he’d done more than float. He’d flown. And totaled her guardian’s car.

Faith had snickered seeing the looks when her little boy had done that. Oh, he was so of Angel’s line. Of course she’d known that when she’d named him: William Angelus Rupert Heart. Emily was named for Buffy: Emily Elizabeth Joyce Heart. Her children were named for the people who had touched her life the most. Actually she had figured she’d name the boy what Xander wanted to name a son of him and Angel except she’d added Giles’ name in there. Emily had Joyce as part of her name as well. Boy, wait until Xander met their son. They’d know. Hell, they’d have to know. Will looked nothing like her. He did look like Angel and Xander though.

Emily looked like her right up to being on the small side compared to her brother. A doctor had asked why the children didn’t match in blood type once and the present Council had told him none of his damn business. It was no one’s business but Faith’s. Although, the people who had been waiting for her knew. They had told her that Quentin had figured it out in relation to a Prophecy. Faith was glad but it still didn’t explain the How she did it. It explained why she carried him but not how. Hopefully Giles would find the answer. Giles was good at that.

"Sir, we found the library!" A young voice exclaimed.

Faith grinned. ‘So close now. So very close.’

They arrived at the old High School and Faith went in with the group. He knew it would be better if someone they knew was there even if she looked nearly 28 now. She had been younger than them. Younger than she let on. But, Prophecy stated her children would be needed so they were made.

"Are you ready for this, Faith?" the general asked as they opened the doors to the library. Faith nodded and followed him in. There was swirling light as the spell released and the first person awake was Giles. His finger tightened on the crossbow he’d been holding and the bolt flew. Faith reacted and caught it before it hit anyone.

"Hi, G," she said.

He looked at her, how much older she was and then stared at the people and then back at her.

"It’s a long story, G," she said. "I can explain it on the way."

"On the way where?" he asked.

"On the way to slaying big Evil," Faith said. "A lot has changed and we’re needed again. Xander, Angel, read the letter and then I’ll explain what was discovered when the kids were born. Lets go."

The seriousness of Faith’s expression had everyone moving after her. Giles found he could not wait for this explanation.


Chapter 2: WHAT?!?!

"Yeah," Faith was explaining as the ship docked at Hawk Haven. "So, your son's name is Liam Angelus Rupert Heart. I carried him but he's yours. He's so yours. This is a picture of him." The picture Faith showed had Angel gasping. The boy looked like him. No doubt about that. "He knows who he is," Faith said. "I never lied about that. This is our daughter, Xander. Her name is Emily Elizabeth Joyce Heart. She's a slayer like us, B. Will trained with her, as he could be both Vampire and day Walker so she got practice on sensing other supernatural things. I am not sure how all this happened but Quentin said it was a Prophecy when he sent me here. He was sorry the second he did it, Giles but he saw the future. He saw what would happen and he needed the best to deal with it."

"I understand," Giles said. "Wesley? Are you okay?"

"How do I kill him?" the younger man asked. "How do I kill my own father?"

"He isn't your father anymore, luv," Spike said as he hugged the younger man. Spike being 126 to Wesley's 26 just hugged his mate tightly. "The man who was your father died over 800 years ago. The second he turned his back on everything he taught you to believe. You'll do it Wes and I'll be right there with you to help, okay?"

"Okay," the younger man said. He rested in Spike's arms and Giles watched Angel turn suddenly.

"Something is wrong," he said. "There is something wrong here. It's too quiet."

"Yeah," Faith said. "I wonder what...."


Undisclosed location where the good guys are being held prisoner.

Emily Heart sat with her brother's head resting in her lap. He was getting sicker. It had been over a week, going on 2 and he had not fed. This was not good.

"Emily? How is he?" Blue Grass asked a she bathed his forehead with a cool cloth Melodia had brought her.

"Not good," Emily said. "He needs blood soon."

"Why?" Blue Grass asked. "He doesn't need a transfusion so what does he need it for?"

"He needs to feed," she said quietly.

"Huh?" Quicksilver asked.

"I said, He. Needs. To. Feed. He has to feed once a week and we've been here two weeks and he hasn't been able to feed since."

"He has to drink blood? Jeez, what kind of freak is he?" Quicksilver asked.

"He's the son of the Scourge of Europe, Jon," she said. "I'd learn to keep your mouth shut. And he isn't a freak. He's my brother."

"How much?" Blue Grass asked after a heavy silence of about ten minutes. Everyone stared at him in shock and Emily with a little hope.

"I'm not sure. No more than a pint I don't think. O at least, he won't take more than that. He won't risk hurting you by taking too much."

"Blue grass, you can't," Quicksilver shouted. "If he bites you---."

"He'll get better and maybe be strong enough to help us. I don't at least offer and he could die. I don't cotton to letting that happen."

"He's a bastard half breed vampire. Those things are evil!"

"He's the son of Faith, the vampire Slayer as well as the Scourge of Europe. He's saved all our asses more than once. He needs blood then hell; I'll give it to him, gladly. Cause above all those things he is, Jon, he's my friend. Now, Will, how much do you need?"

"Maybe a pint," Will answered weakly.

Blue Grass nodded and placed the arm not covered by metal at his lips. "Just leave me some, okay, Pard?" Blue Grass asked.

Will smiled and nodded.

"Deal, Tex," he said weakly. He felt his teeth change as the arm was placed in front of him and then he very carefully bit and drank. He knew how much he could safely take as he'd had to feed from his mother once. Faith had then made sure there was always blood for him somewhere. "Oh, Fuck," he gasped as the fresh blood hit him and seemed to jolt all his vampiric traits on high.

"Shit, pull him away from me," he yelped releasing the arm.

Emily yanked Blue Grass back and Will got to his feet. The power burning through him thanks to the infusion of fresh, Live blood felt wild and pounded in his veins. "Oh, Gods this is why I try not to eat fresh," he said. But there were those in danger now and there was no time to waste anymore. He had no idea how long he had before the power burned out. He grabbed the bars on the cell and pulled, yanking them apart and the screaming rending sound was interesting to hear.

"Door open," Will said as the others all got to their feet and followed him out. Emily said to stay behind the vampire her brother was right now. His heart had stopped when he fed like it always did for an hour or so. That was how long they had him immortal and impervious.

"Lets get out of here before I change back," he said.

Emily nodded and the others followed. He heard the gun cock and he felt the bullets slam into him but he kept going until he grabbed the machine gun out of Hardware's hands and snapped it. His eyes, he was well aware, were burning amber and he was levitating. Any angrier and he'd be flying. He was sure he'd get that angry before long.

"Will, mom is going to kill you for ruining that shirt," Emily said.

Will shrugged. "Oh, like it was my idea to wear leather and silk to the Bedlama theatre? No, thanks that was all you. Now, could you kindly get moving? The blood is starting to wear off and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be this way."

He heard Blue grass laughing in the background and shook his head as they got to where the mob cars were.

"Get in and go," Will said. "I'll follow in a second."

"What are you doing?" Quicksilver asked.

"We can't all fit in that damn car and I can fly without the armor so just get in the car and go, Jon. I'm right behind you."

The car started and he waited before he levitated up and flew behind the car. That was a gift he could use whenever he wanted to. He just normally didn't unless he had to.

"We'll be home soon, Will," Emily, said as he gripped the side of the car. He flew along side and they were soon back at Hawk Haven.

There was a ship and Emily recognized their mother and the others from the pictures. "MOM!" She yelled.

Faith turned and looked at her children.

Her son looked like hell.

"Shit," Faith yelled. "What happened?"

"He drank fresh," Emily said.

The big man whom Emily had been told was a spitting image of Will and yes, he so was, was there in a second.

"Give him to me," the man barked.

Emily guided Will into his arms and the man bit his own wrist.

"Drink of my blood, Child," the man said. "Take the balance you need."

Once Will had, Faith looked and realized he was more reverting but his eyes---his eyes were now ringed by amber.

"He won't change that back," Angel said. "He activated his vampiric genes, all of them, when he drank fresh blood."

"So, he is a freak?" Quicksilver asked.

The other man, the one Emily knew to be their father, stared at him coldly as the big man's eyes
turned a gold much brighter than Will's.

"I'm sorry," the man she knew as Daddy said. "Did you just call my son a freak and a monster?"

"Because if you think he's a monster," the man who looked like Will said, "You have obviously never met a real Monster before."

He lunged and Faith started laughing. Leave it to the part of Angel that was Angelus to make a point like this. Man, was he ever pissed.

"ANGEL!" the man Emily knew to be Rupert Giles said. "Not now. Get your son cared for. Get his hybrid powers under control and then get him some rest. We have work to do, research to do and training to do."

"Right, which way to his room?" Angel asked Emily.

She sighed and led him to the crew quarters and Angel set his son on the bed.

"It's going to be okay, son," Angel said as he began a purring. "Everything is going to be fine."


Chapter 3: Little Brother

It was the next morning before Angel came out of Will's room. Spike was leaning against the wall in the corridor waiting for him.

"Congratulations Spike," Angel said. "You're a big brother."

"He's all balanced then?" the bleached blond vampire asked.

Angel nodded and took a deep breath. "He'll need to be taught our ways and etiquette much as he knows human ways and etiquette. Faith did well but there are things no one but vampires know about vampire society. Seeing as I saw in his memories Darla and Dru are on his 'to Kill' list it falls to us to teach him our ways. All of our ways."

"Ya mean---," Spike swallowed and Angel nodded.

"Blood at Once, Blood Eternal, Angel answered. "He will need you because I don't think I can do it. He is my son by blood. I doubt I could commit that Incest. Hell, I doubt Angelus would commit that incest. He has acknowledged Will, by the way. It was Angelus who fed him in there. Angelus who balanced him, and Angelus who sang to him our most ancient and sacred language. He is Clan as well as Blood."

"I'll talk to Wes then, Sire," Spike said. "It ain't got to be done right now, does it? Cause Wes was thinking with Rupes and Ethan before we were put to sleep about a way to separate you and Evil Twin. From the way you talk, Evil Twin has responded to him as a Mate more than a Childe."

"You think there is a real chance? Because you are right, he does think of Will as Mate. Xander knows. He only warned Angelus should he hurt Will, he'll see his ass staked so fast it won't be funny."

"And what did Captain Evil say to that?" Spike asked as they walked up to the briefing room.

"He said 'As if'," Angel replied.

They walked into the room and into an argument.

"How DARE you say Wesley should be shot because of who his father is?" Giles roared.

"Wrong thing to walk in on," Angel thought.

Spike roared and lunged, pinning the man with the big mouth against the wall. "Should I kill you because you are related to Adolph Hitler?" Spike asked.

Angel laughed. Spike had read the entire file on everyone in this group. Lieutenant Jonothan Quick paled at the question. No one was ever supposed to know.

"Surprise, Dickhole," Spike whispered. "I know about you. You say one more thing along those lines and I'll bloody return fire."

Spike dropped him and gathered Wesley into a hug. He held his trembling mate to his chest and purred gently eventually calming him down.

"Any other stupid remarks to make," Quicksilver Condor asked when things got quiet.