Title: Shhh

by LostGirl


Pairing: Giles/Spike

Rating: NC17

Summary: Giles wrestles with himself over his attraction to Spike

Disclaimer: All things BTVS belong to Joss and various corporate entities.

Feedback address: lostgirlslair@yahoo.com

Note: Takes place during 'Hush'.

Author's Notes: Thank you to the wonderful and talented Neena, for the lovely beta!

by LostGirl

Giles stared at the book in his hands without even pretending to follow the words. Olivia was still sound asleep in bed. He should have been up there with her. He never should have gotten up and come back downstairs after their last encounter, but his mind was restless.

Removing his glasses, he rubbed at the corners of his eyes with his free hand. While he knew exactly what was bothering him, he didn't want to think about. Spike was gone, finally; out of the house, even if only until Olivia left. Strangely, Giles found himself both wishing she'd stay longer and hoping she'd change her plans and leave in the morning.

Which was exactly what he'd been trying not to think about.

Of course, 'trying not to think about it' hadn't done him much good when Olivia was awake either. She was a beautiful woman, one who'd been on him before the door closed, and all he'd been able to do was imagine someone else's hands, someone else's lips. God, he'd almost called out the wrong name!

That hadn't happened to him since just after he'd left Ethan.

"Hey there, Ripper."

Giles jumped from his chair, knocking it over in his haste to put distance between himself and the voice in his ear.

"Relax," Spike smirked, easily catching the chair before it could hit the floor. "S'just me."

"I was quite well aware of that fact," Giles muttered, desperately blocking out images of how close Spike must have been for his breath to have tickled along his neck that way. "Keep your voice down. You'll wake Olivia."

"Oh, we wouldn't want that," Spike said on a chuckle, taking one slow step toward him, his eyebrow rising provocatively as Giles stepped back. "I just came to see how you and the bird were getting on. Can't be too well . . . with you down here and her all snuggled into bed already."

Refusing to play Spike's game, Giles pushed past him, heading into the kitchen. The vampire followed, of course, but Rupert ignored him, pouring himself a cup of coffee that had long gone cold. "Not only is that none of your business, but I happen to know your nose is better than that. You know just how well Olivia and I are 'getting on'. I thought Xander was going to tie you up?"

There was another chuckle from behind him and Giles just managed not to jump. 'Little Giles' wasn't quite as controlled.

"Yeah," came an almost-purr in his ear, "but the boy’s not near as good with ropes as I bet you'd be. And you're right; I can smell a lot of things. Including . . ." Spike's hand landed on his hip, causing 'Little Giles' to jump harder even as Rupert slipped away from the vampire.

"Spike," Giles growled, turning to face of the other man. "I told you. I'm not interested. I am certainly not interested while Olivia is here. I won't be interested when she's gone."

"Now, ya see," Spike leaned back again the wall, causing his t-shirt to cling to his chest. Giles forced his eyes to Spike's, trying to will away his suddenly demanding erection. "I'd be willin' to let it go at that if you weren't hard as granite." The smirk kicked in on the last word and the vampire's eyebrow rose again, possibly in reaction to Giles staring at it, although he'd never been telekinetic before.

"Regardless," Giles sighed, feeling the fight go out of him. He was tired. He wanted to go to bed. Then he remembered Olivia was up there and sighed once again, reminding himself of all the reasons he would have nothing more to do with the smirking man before him. Too much like Ethan was at the top of that list; of course that was one thing he didn't share with the vampire. "You are evil, as you so often remind us. You are a vampire."

I'd lose myself. That was the other thing he'd never share with Spike. Rupert knew himself well enough to see the warning signs. Ethan had fascinated him just the same way. All that potential for falling back into the patterns of his youth was more than frightening.

"Yeah, to both." Spike stalked forward again and Giles refused to be backed up by the cocky bastard. He met the vampire's eyes, determined not to give an inch of any kind. "But you still want me."

"Rupert?" Olivia called from the loft. "Are you still researching?"

"Yes," Giles called back, never taking his eyes from Spike. "I'll be up in just a moment though."

"Good," she responded, the warmth in her voice making Giles feel like an utter prat.

"Out Spike, now."

To his surprise, the vampire didn't argue. Smirk never even faltering, he turned, brushing against Giles more than necessary, and was gone.

Sighing, Rupert locked the front door and went up to bed.


Giles woke to Olivia's frantic shaking. His eyes snapped open, body jerking upright without conscious direction from him.

"What's wrong," he tried to say, only to have no sound emerge.

Olivia pointed at his mouth, then at her own. She said something he couldn't make out and he shook his head, slowly mouthing, 'the children will be here soon.'

Throwing back the covers, he started to dress.

This was going to be a long day.


Unfortunately, things ran true to his prediction.

Giles had been researching all day and all it had gotten him was several small piles of open books. Nothing. His eyes ached, his backside was numb from sitting, and it was for nothing.

Olivia sat on the couch, more than a little disturbed. He'd offered her what comfort he could, but she wasn't taking things well. When she stood, signaling that she was going up to bed, Giles nodded, smiling as warmly as he could manage.

He should keep looking. There had to be something. He just wasn't seeing it.

He heard the door open and cursed himself for forgetting to lock the blasted thing. Sighing, he turned to find the vampire smirking at him. Giles pointed to the door. Spike shook his head, slow, taking a step forward, lifting his nose and breathing deeply. One of his eyebrows raised and he glanced toward the loft.

Giles rolled his eyes, not about to waste what energy he had left in a voiceless argument with the vampire. He opened his mouth to say so, remembered, and then pointed toward the door more emphatically this time.

Spike was in front of him before he'd realized the vampire's intent. Giles blinked and opened his mouth to protest when Spike laid a hand on his hip. Shaking his head, Rupert pushed the man's hand away.

Then Spike was kissing him.

Giles' cock was instantly hard. Aching, in fact. He wanted to pull away, wanted to throw Spike out on his ear and go wake Olivia, if she'd have him. Instead, Rupert found himself unable to pull his lips from the firm pressure of Spike's mouth. Worse, he returned the kiss, pushing back.

Then they were really kissing, mouths opening in a hot, wet tangle of tongues. Spike's hands were on his hips again, holding him still as the vampire thrust against him. Rupert groaned at the feel of it, for once glad of the silence that had descended upon Sunnydale.

He rolled his head back, letting Spike lick down his jaw to that spot below his ear that seemed connected to his balls in ways biology just couldn't explain. Spike breathed against his ear, nibbling lightly on the lobe. Rupert found his hands had minds of their own, one crawling up along the vampire's knobby spine, the other tangling hard in his platinum hair.

Giles took over then, pushing Spike against the door and thrusting his hips, capturing the vampire's tongue between his lips and sucking. Spike's hands moved to his ass, pulling them tight together as Rupert slipped his leg between the other man's thighs.

The sound of footsteps from the loft brought Giles back to himself. He leapt away from the vampire, turning to watch the stairs. Olivia's feet paused for a moment and he heard the door open and close softly. Giles prayed Spike had left, but he couldn't pull his eyes away from the stairs.

Olivia appeared, glancing at him expectantly when she saw him just standing there. Giles pulled his courage together, looked and found Spike gone. Sighing his relief, he smiled at a slightly confused Olivia.

She smiled back, miming getting a drink. Giles nodded and went upstairs, willing away his erection.

The sound of glass breaking had Rupert running down the stairs.

He found Olivia standing before the window, face pale, eyes wide.


Giles waited. He knew Spike would come again tonight. The vampire didn't know when to give up.

Oh, yes, because you've done such a wonderful job of convincing him it's useless to keep trying.

Rupert sighed, glancing up toward the loft. Olivia was . . . 'wigged' as the children would say. She'd gone to bed early, clearly wanting him to follow. He'd been tempted, but it felt wrong now, as if he were lying to her every time they were together.

Damn Spike! Giles was determined to make it clear to the vampire tonight, one way or another. While he'd be a fool not to acknowledge his attraction, he'd be an even bigger one to give in to Spike's charms.

He's a vampire, Rupert reminded himself, sighing. I can't do that again. Too much like Ethan. I . . . damnit!

Suddenly he was pacing, trying to keep it quiet so as not to wake Olivia. Strange how every noise seemed so much louder when one couldn't speak.

His real problem was not Spike. Giles knew that, knew that he, himself, was the problem. Part of him wanted that excitement, that thrill of knowing he was doing something his father would have hated. Even more than that, it would feel good to let go, to not worry that his partner would misunderstand his . . . Ripperish tendencies. While Olivia knew about Ripper, she'd never seen him that way, not really. Spike wouldn't flinch from that side of him, would understand the . . . impulses that made him Ripper.

There was a light touch on his shoulder. Giles turned, knowing somehow that it wouldn't be Olivia. His breath caught in his throat at the vampire's proximity and he took two rapid steps back, even as he chided himself for giving ground.

Spike stalked forward. The walk alone was positively obscene, designed to bring ones eyes to the vampire's hips, to the jeans that clung in all the right--

No! Giles snapped his eyes back to Spike's face, managing a fairly credible glare even though the hard-on he was sporting undermined him. The look on that smirking, perfect face nearly undid him. The naked lust in beautiful blue eyes sent flashes of desire right to his cock.

What was it about him that drew this kind of attention? Did he have a sign plastered on his back that read, 'Seduce me. I like it. Don't take 'no' for an answer.'

Spike's hand touched his face and Giles didn't push him away. He meant to, but he was too busy drowning in the other man's eyes. A thumb caressed his jaw line, before dragging over his lips. His body responded without speaking to his brain and Rupert opened his mouth, letting that thumb glide in. He licked it, digging his tongue beneath the ragged black fingernail.

He had to admit, only to himself of course, that he was quite flattered. Even if it was Spike's way of making a fool of him, or perhaps the act of a desperate vampire . . . well, no, those thoughts weren't flattering at all and Giles clung to them, letting the notions wilt his aching prick. He pulled his head back, thumb slipping from his mouth.

Spike raised an eyebrow, likely smelling the decrease in pheromones. The vampire stood there, hand still suspended between them. There was a moment, a split second really, when the other man looked truly hurt. Then the emotion was gone, replaced by the cocky smile that made Giles want . . . things he couldn't have.

Spike dropped his hand, but moved closer, pressing their bodies together. Giles planted his hands on the vampire's chest, intent on pushing the man away, then throwing him out bodily if that's what it took. His intentions changed when Spike's mouth settle over his own, a challenge, daring him to respond, to take over.

Giles could never resist a challenge.

He bunched his hands in the vampire's black t-shirt, pulling him closer and shoving his tongue into the other man's mouth. Spike melted against him, lithe body becoming boneless, the weight pushing Giles against the pass-through between living room and kitchen.

Rupert yanked Spike's shirt up, thrusting his hands along that pale skin. He'd expected the vampire to be cool and was pleasantly surprised that, while he wasn't warm, at least he didn't feel dead beneath Giles' searching fingers. Spike's hands moved up his body in slow, soft strokes, one working its way to his neck while the other tangled in his hair.

Giles knew the other man was moaning, could feel the vibrations against his lips, if not hear the sound. Either way, it pushed him farther. His hands worked in opposite directions. One traveling Spike's spine, crawling over every knobby vertebrae, caressing too-sharp shoulder blades, basking in the feel of that smooth, muscled body. The other hand latched onto the vampire's ass, pulling their cocks into contact, making them groan with the friction.

Spike pulled away from the kiss, panting. Giles stared into that face, so perfect it hurt to look at it, and marveled. He'd made a vampire breathe. Then Spike's lips were on his jaw, his neck, nuzzling into the crook of shoulder and throat, sucking at his collarbone.

Giles pulled away, jerking at Spike's t-shirt until the other man let him remove it. Rupert didn't hesitate in attacking the other man's nipples with his tongue and teeth, biting hard enough to leave marks. Spike arched into him, his back bowed, arms spread wide. Giles was fairly sure that his hands on the man's hips were all that kept him from tumbling backward.

Cock aching for attention, Rupert straightened, taking Spike by the neck and pushing him to his knees. The vampire knelt, smirking at him, fingers already working the zip of Giles' pants. Rupert got a firm hold on Spike's hair, watching as his twitching prick was pulled free, groaning at feel of those deft, slender fingers dancing over his erection.

Giles ran his thumb over Spike's mouth, opening it with pressure to the chin. Spike flicked his eyes up to him, no smirk in that lash-laden stare. Giles took himself in hand, running the head of his dick over the vampire's mouth, never letting the little voice in the back of his mind get in the way. Pre-cum dribbled from him, slicking Spike's lips. The vampire's tongue ghosted out, tasting it, rasping over his cock. Rupert groaned and thrust into the man's mouth, choking back a shout at the feel of it.

Spike took him all in, throat muscles swallowing around his head before dragging his lips back to the tip. His tongue tangled with Giles' foreskin before thrusting into his slit. Hollowing his cheeks with suction, Spike dove back down until his nose was buried in Rupert's crisp pubic hair.

Fucking hell yes!

God, it had been too long. He didn't want to come like this though. Pulling on Spike's hair until the man released his cock, Giles then pulled him to his feet, turning him in one swift motion. One hand on his neck, Rupert walked them to the desk, pressing Spike down. The vampire bowed his back, thrusting his ass into the air and it was all Rupert could do to keep his hands from shaking as he unfastened those too-tight jeans and pushed them off Spike's hips.

He paused, his cock at the other man's entrance, waiting for some sign that Spike wasn't happy with the situation. When the only response he got was more thrusting of the Vampire's hips, Giles pressed in, hard and fast, seating himself inside that snug channel. He froze, gasping, desperate to come and yet willing himself to hold out just a little longer.

Not about to be the only one so out of control, he fisted the vampire's cock. He never took his hand from Spike's neck, leaning his weight into the other man as he fucked him with long, forceful strokes. The pleasure was so intense it was almost painful. He ripped into the other man, pushing all his thoughts to the side and reveling in the feel of the taut body that bucked to get more of him.

He came with a shuddering moan, pressing his forehead between Spike's shoulder blades, flooding the vampire with his come.

Spike came a moment later, letting out a howl that was . . . audible.

"Rupert?" came Olivia's worried voice.

"Bugger," Giles muttered, trying to catch his breath as he pulled out of Spike and tucked himself away. The vampire was doing the same, sending glances up to the loft. "I'm fine. I just stubbed my toe. Seems Buffy's done her job well." Did she have to pick that moment? Buggering hell!

Spike slipped into the coat closet just as Olivia came down the stairs. Giles limped a little, for her benefit, as he came around from behind the desk.

"Are-are you all right?" She blinked at him and Rupert held his breath for a moment, praying he wasn't too flushed, too rumpled. "You've been sitting down here worrying, haven't you?" A small smile twitched her lips and Giles felt like the vilest vampire left unstaked.

"Um, y-yes. How did you . . . how did you know?"

"You've probably decreased your hairline running your hand through your hair and you look . . . exhausted. Come to bed."

"Uh, yes. I'll be up in a moment."

Olivia's forehead crinkled.

"I want to lock up and check my toes," he said, by way of explanation.

She nodded and went back upstairs.

Giles sighed, hating himself not a little. He was, however, surprised to find that he had no qualms about having fucked Spike. No, he was only sorry he'd chosen this moment to give in. He couldn't help but feel as if he'd betrayed Olivia, though what they had was new and still relatively casual, he still felt like a heel. He marveled for a moment that that was his only regret.

"You can come out, Spike," he whispered, knowing the vampire's sensitive ears would catch the words.

He turned to find the vampire leaning against the wall. There was no smirk on the man's face, for which Giles was grateful.

"Why did you bother to hide? I'd already fucked you. You got what you wanted."

"Not yet I haven't," Spike contradicted, advancing. He stopped just before Rupert and pressed a quick, soft kiss on the Watcher's lips. "But I plan on it."

With that, he left. Giles stared after him for a long moment before locking the door.

Not yet I haven't . . .

Rupert shook his head, but couldn't dislodge the grin on his face.