Title: Ripping Us Apart

Author: Spiked

Pairing: Angelus/Spike, Angelus/Xander, Angelus/Spike/Xander

Spoilers: Season 5 BtVS, Season 2 A:ts

Summary: What would have happened if Angel turned evil when he had sex with Darla?

Feedback: I feed off the stuff. Feed the hungry vampire.

Disclaimer: UPN, Joss Whedon, Grr-Argh people, they own the characters in this fic, not me.

Archive: List archives, Beyond Expectations, I'll Show You Love, anyone else ask.

Notes: (1) Angel is Spike's Sire. Joss can get fucked.

(2) Contains rape, torture, BDSM, and other assorted kinky stuff. Major character death.



By Spiked

I still don't understand why. I lost the soul a day ago and I still don't understand what drove him to screw Darla.

Angelus was in his car, taking a trip he planned since Cordelia had told Buffy would kick his ass. Of course, that was before he had twisted her neck just that little to much to the left. She and Wes made a pretty couple lying in their office. He hadn't found Gunn, and he didn't want to. Angelus had other things to take care of.


"Anya, have you seen where my boxers? The ones with, um, Snoopy on them?" Xander asked, popping his head around the corner of the door leading into the bedroom, to get a look at Anya, who was preparing breakfast.

"Yes. They're very nice." Anya replied, without taking her attention off preparing the fried eggs.

"I mean, do you know where they are? I can't find them anywhere."

"Well, I know you had them on last night, but then we threw them off in a mad fit of passion, so they could be anywhere." Anya shrugged.

With a small laugh to himself, Xander moved back into the bedroom and attempted to look for another pair of boxers. Lying on the bed was an envelope, that he could have sworn wasn't there a minute ago. Confused, he reached for the envelope and opened it. Written in familiar handwriting was a message that chilled the brunette to the bone.

Missing Something?

Attached to the note was a picture that Xander could tell was taken last night. Because it was him. Wearing nothing except his Snoopy boxers.

Xander sat, and buried his head in his hands.


Spike was sitting in his crypt, watching TV, when the door crashed in with an almighty bang. His Sire stood at the entrance, an evil smile playing across his lips.

"What the fuck.?" The question rolled off Spike's tongue, but he knew the answer, even before Angelus was suddenly behind him, and grabbing the back of his neck.

Angelus leaned closer, and whispered in his Childe's ear,

"I'm back."

Grabbing the buckle of Spike's jeans, Angelus ripped them off, and did the same to the black boxers that the blonder was wearing.

"Wearing underwear now, boy? There was a time when you wouldn't wear any, to allow me easy access. Remember?"

Angelus reinforced that last word, by slapping the whimpering vampire's bare butt, which caused a growl of pain.

"I said, do you remember, boy?" Angelus growled at his boy.

"I remember." Spike whispered, his body wracked with fear.

Spike, now naked from the waist down, was commanded to take off the rest of his clothes, which he did without resistance. He knew from experience that that would just make the ordeal worst.

Angelus unzipped his jeans, and pulled his monster 8 and a half inch cock out. He pulled Spike close, and proceeded to tease Spike by rubbing his cock up and down his ass, until he impaled Spike on his cock, ramming himself in, until Spike could feel the brushing of Angelus' pubes. pike let out an unearthly scream as he felt his inner walls tear, and bleed. The blood acted as a lubricant for Angelus, and he began to thrust harder.

Spike was starting to black out. In fact, he was so far gone, he couldn't feel the pain anymore. He remembered times before his Sire had regained his soul, that one fuck session could last as long as a day. Angelus had enough stamina to last that long, and Spike had been unconscious for the last twelve hours. Apparently, this wasn't one of those times, because as Spike fell to the floor, unconscious, the last thing he felt was a sudden burst of something wet, and sticky deep inside of him, and dripping down his legs. But he knew this wasn't the end.

And, as if he could read his Childe's mind, Angelus removed his belt and bought is down on Spike's back.


Thoughts were racing through Angelus' mind ever since he had gone to the underground section of Spike's crypt, and found out about his not so little obsession with the Slayer. So he figured, once Spike regained consciousness, he would go straight to Buffy. Which was why he was paying dear little Buffy a visit.

A few seconds after knocking on the door, Dawn answered. She looked confused when she saw Angel standing at the door, but invited him in anyway. He walked past Dawn, giving her a smile, and walked through to the living room.

"Buffy's not in. Out patrolling. But she should be back soon." Dawn offered. She was the least insecure around Angel than any of the gang.

Angelus turned to face Dawn, vamping out while doing so. The shock registered on her face, just before the male's fangs pierced her neck, stealing her precious blood.


Xander was running to The Magic Box, with Anya running behind him, who was desperately trying to figure out why Xander was so desperate to tell his friends he had lost his Snoopy boxers.

Xander burst through the door of the magic shop, finding Buffy, Willow and Giles talking by the counter. They looked up as they saw Xander running towards them, with Anya trailing behind him.

"Whats wrong, Xander? It's nothing bad, is it?" Willow asked, genuine concern written over her face.

"I found this on my bed this morning." He handed the envelope to Buffy, making sure he kept the photo. It would be better to describe the photo than to let them see it.

Xander described the photo, and why he recognised the hand writing.

"No. You're wrong. You're wrong, ok?" Buffy was freaking after hearing Xander's theory.

"Phone Cordelia. She'll know, right?" Xander challenged Buffy, knowing that making her phone Cordy would make her face up the truth about Angel. Buffy walked over to the phone, and punched in Cordy's number. The phone rang five times before it was picked up.


"Hi. This is Buffy, a friend of Cordelia. Could I speak to her?"

"Buffy? I've heard about you. You're Angel's ex, right?"

"Uh, yeah, that's me. Who are you?"

"Name's Gunn. Used to be a friend of Angel's before.." Gunn broke into tears. "I'm sorry. It's just.. I found them. Cordy and Wesley. He killed them. Angel killed them."

Buffy was so shocked she dropped the phone.

"It's true." She whispered. She looked up at Willow, Xander and Giles. "He killed Cordelia and Wesley." Xander visibly paled at the thought of Cordelia dead, and sat down at the table, burying his head in his hands. Anya tried to comfort him.


A few hours later that night, the whole group had been told about Angel, and Xander had headed home. He had asked Anya to leave him alone for tonight, so she'd gone to her own apartment. He had been thinking about Angelus, and what he might do next. Then it clicked. He and Spike have a history. And with Spike pretty much on their side now, maybe Spike will help. So Xander decided to head for Spike's crypt.


Spike had moved to the lower part of his crypt by the time Xander got to him. Xander gasped when he saw the Spike, lying on the ground, collapsed because he couldn't manage to get to his bed, and naked. The smell of sex oozed from the vampire.

"Oh my god, what happened? Are you ok?" Xander rushed towards the blond vampire's side, kneeling by him when he got there.

Spike opened his mouth, and could only manage a whisper.


Xander shushed Spike, reassuring him that the scobbys were all over it. That seemed to calm Spike down, but he still couldn't sleep.

"Come on, Spike, you need to sleep. Come on." Xander whispered, close to the vampire's ear.

"No..need..you.with." Spike muttered, never opening his eyes.

Xaner wasn't stupid. He knew he was being asked to get into bed with a man. With a vampire. But he also knew he wanted to. So he did. Xander drew Spike close, hugging the vampire against his broad chest. Within minutes, the vampire was sleeping like a baby. Xander smiled, and tried to get to sleep himself.

The next morning, Spike was still pretty out of it, so Xander decided to stay with him as long as he needed. But that meant getting to Xander's apartment. So, with a blanket covering Spike, Xander helped Spike to move as quickly as possible across town. When they got to the apartment, Xander moved Spike to the bedroom, and sat next to him, while the vampire lay down.

"Angel will find us. We can't stop him." Spike now had the strength for full dialogue.. It made Xander feel for him even more.

"Come on, baby. He can't get us here. He's never been invited in before. Hell, he dosen't even know I live here." Xander wasn't sure why he had called Spike baby, or why he was rubbing the blond's forehead, in an attempt to calm him down, but he knew he liked it. And that Spike liked it, judging from the purring the vampire was letting escape from his lips.

"That's true, I guess." Spike smiled, then winced at causing pain from the variety of sizes and colours or bruises that littered his face.

Xander felt a twinge inside, when he saw Spike in pain. He knew he was falling for Spike. He knew his friends would think he were crazy. But he didn't care. He just knew he needed to touch the blond. So, he leaned forward and laid the gentlest kiss on the vampire's lips. Spike responded by kissing back, not having enough energy to do much, than let his mouth be invaded by Xander's tongue.

When Spike started to move his hands lower down Xander's body, Xander moaned and pulled away.

"Not yet. You need to get better. I'll be here for you." Xander kissed Spike once more, and left to get a cup of blood. But before he reached the kitchen area, a knock on the door stopped him. He walked to the door, and audibly gasped when he saw who was knocking.

"Xander. I guess you're wondering how I know you live here, right?" Angelus smiled at the brunette.

"No, actually I'm deciding whether you'll still be here by the time I grab a stake." Xander didn't move as he looked Angelus in the eye.

"Funny. Actually, I followed your girlfriend here. That's her body around the corner." Angelus pointed to an point outside Xander's point of view.

Xander cranes his neck to see, but realised, just in time, what Angelus was up to.

"Nice try. No way am I crossing the threshold." Xander smiled sarcastically.

"Do you know what I'm going to do to you when I get my hands on you? Just ask Spike. He knows." Angelus walked away, leaving Xander with questions forming in his head.

"Who was it, love?" Spike called from the bedroom.

Xander walked to the bedroom, and sat next to Spike. Xander took Spike's hand, and rubbed it gently.

"It was Angel." Spike immediately sat up, but Xander pushed him back down. "He said he was going to do stuff when he gets his hands on me. He said I should ask you what that meant."

"Oh god. No. No way will I ever left him do that to you. Ok? You'll never me until we've sorted this out, ok? Promise me that." Spike pleaded.

"Not until you tell me why." Xander remained adamant.

"Before he turned me, he tortured me. Mentally and physically. Like he did with Dru. Only he went to the extremities with her. But he got bored with her, and made sure he never went that far again."

Xander nodded, an indication to go on.

"He raped me. And my family. He tortured and killed them, and left their bodies to rot. But he let me live. I tried to run away. I moved to London, but he found me. What he did to me that night, I'll never forget." Spike burst into tears at the memory of that night. Xander cuddled him, bringing him closer.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pressed so much."

"No, it's ok. You need to know." Spike wiped the tears away.

"He kept me prisoner. While I was still human. For about a month. He would rape me, let his minions rape me, torture me, physically and mentally, until I just wanted to die. Which was when he killed me." The confession made Spike burst into tears with renewed vigour. Xander cuddled him close.

I can't tell him the rest. It'll destroy him, Spike thought.

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