TITLE: Riley

AUTHOR: Goddess Isa

EMAIL: slaythis99@aol.com

SUMMARY: I was writer's blocked (like you can't tell) and started reading Lisa Loeb's CD booklet while playing the tape, hense this fic. Enjoy.


DISTRIBUTION: Sandee, of course - My site - http://members.aol.com/slaythis99/slay.htm - Crystal and Butterfly if they want it - A Soul's Redemption - Buffy & Angel Star Crossed Lovers - Anyone else - sure, just email me & lmk where it's going - I like seeing my name in print =)

FEEDBACK: Please, I'd hate to have to Slay for it


DISCLAIMER: Joss the big butthole owns the characters herein. The song belongs to Lisa Loeb, who rules.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I wrote this awhile ago, I just forgot where it was lol.




By Goddess Isa


//I'm going as far as I can go
Away from here
Away from you, Jake
And the hole you've sunk me into

I wish that I could belong here with you
And just be
But that's not all that I'm about

Your life is built on accidents
Like meeting me
You write everything down in your grocery list
People do this.
Even insects buzz like airplanes
Why can't we fly away?
I'm going as far as I can go

Your dad died
Cause his heart hurt
Arking away his forty-five years
Dragging your mom along.
I don't want that
Neither do you
Neither do you

If I am not fun
And I am not interesting
Perhaps I am not interested in you
Neither are you.
You can't stand in front of an oven
Cause it's warm,
And the fumes are dangerous.
I'm going as far as I can go
Away from here
Away from you, Jake
And the hole you've sunk me into

I wish I could belong here with you
And just be.
But that's not all that I'm about to do\\

Willow was sleeping so, so soundly as I packed. She must've talked to Oz today, because she never sleeps otherwise.

She's mumbling now, quiet little musings about water and ice cream. I smile at her and wish desperately that she could come, that we could share the rest of our lives as sisters and best friends, but I know we can't, and I start to cry.

I'm not taking much with me, just a backpack and my duffel. The infamous duffel, one that's seen a trip to Hell and more weapons for patrol than I care to remember. I'm leaving alot behind, but traveling light is best when you don't know where to go.

"I'm gonna miss you, Will," I whisper. I laid a letter and tape for her where she keeps our prom picture on her dresser and took that with me. That and my Claddagh are the only ties from Sunnydale that I'll keep with me. I'll keep them always.

I hug her favorite Beanie Baby, then I grab my bags and I leave.

I leave everything. My mom and my friends and Giles and my house and school and even the Hellmouth.

And Riley. Thank *God*, I'm getting away from Riley. He'll never be able to hurt me again.

The cab is here now. It's really happening. I'm leaving.


For real.