Title: Special Guest Star

Author: meagan


Summary: Xander and Angel return from the cartoon festival. A couple of hours after "Earth-Shattering Kaboom." *Very* short.

Spoilers: Let's just say everything.

Disclaimer: Of *course* they belong to someone else. I could never some up with characters like this. Specifically, they belong to Mutant Enemy, Fox, WB, and anyone else I forgot.

Rating: G, I think.

Distribution: Please ask. I'm not too sure anyone would really want it, though.

Feedback: Um, sure.


Reversal 6: Special Guest Star

by Meagan


"So, guys, how was the show?" A very edgy Cordelia greeted the two.

Xander grinned. "I'll never look at Marvin the Martian the same way again."

Cordy returned the smile. When the two had left, Angel was wearing a burgundy silk shirt, and Xander was wearing dark green velour. Now she noticed just how well burgundy suited her ex-boyfriend.

"Hey, guys!" The tiny blonde made her presence known. Both men froze. "Xander, shut your mouth. You're attracting flies."

"*Nice*, Buff. And you guys yelled at me for being no-tact girl."

Angel broke the silence. "Buffy."

The tension went unnoticed by the slayer. "So, Cordy said you guys went to a cartoon festival. How the heck did Xander rope you into that one, Angel?" She paused. "Hey, do I smell redhots?" Cordelia tried to swallow her laugh, managing instead to snort. "So, Xander, you're staying with Cordy, right? I guess that means I'll have to stay with Angel." Mistaking their silence for astonished joy at both her presence and their sleeping arrangements, she launched into an explanation of how she ended up at an address in Los Angeles that Angel had taken great care in making sure she didn't have. "I heard Will talking to Xander about his visit this week, so I just snagged the address when she wasn't looking." She was clearly proud of herself.

Cordelia was the only one to notice Angel's jaw clenching at Buffy's pronouncement. Bad sign. He didn't even do that when he was being lectured by Vinnie. Xander abruptly turned and headed to Cordelia's room. He returned carrying his bags. "Sorry, guys, but I didn't realize how late it was. I need to get back on the road. Got a schedule to keep, you know. Angel, thanks for taking me to the movie. Cordy, I'm glad you're feeling better. Buffy, I'll see you in a few weeks." And then he was out the door.

Buffy turned and stared at the door. "Was it something I said?"

~~~~ the end ~~~~