Title: Revealing Giles

Author: Kate R


Rating: PG13 to R

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Angel/Wes

Summary: AU Season 5. Giles reveals something about himself to save the Scoobies and Dawn. The Scoobies do not take it well

Disclaimer: Joss own Buffy and them, the Gods belong to No one, any Xena characters that appear belong to Ren-Pics


Revealing Giles
by Kate R

Prologue: The First Slayer Is---?

They slept together, curled up on the couch in the Summers living room. Buffy, Willow and Xander were dreaming and seeing things in their dreams.

They saw the spell for the joining with the Essence of the first Slayer and they listened to its Voice. The Voice was not female they were hearing. It was actually distinctly Male

"Why have you called upon me, my son?" the voice asked. And to their shock, Giles' voice answered. "We need your aid, Father," he said. "This thing from the Military is evil and the Slayer cannot defeat it alone. She is not strong enough."

"Prepare then, my child," The Voice said. The three observers watched then, as the Voice seemed to touch Giles. "Take of this and give it.

Bind yourself to me and through you I will join the Slayer and her friends. Thank you Father," Giles said. Buffy and her friends saw the light that wrapped around Giles and then saw him disburse that light to Xander and Willow and through them and the spell to Buffy. "Do this My Son," the Voice said to Giles. "And save your world. "

"Oh....My....God...That was Giles," Buffy said as the three woke up. "Giles spoke to the Essence of the Slayer and it called him son. What the hell is he?"

"Why don’t we go ask him?" Willow said angrily. "He so owes us an explanation for this one."

The three teens stormed out of the house heading for the magic box. Giles was going tell them the truth this time or so help her Goddess they would take it from him.

"GILES!" Buffy yelled as they stormed into his home.

He was sitting on the couch kissing Ethan Rayne and they all froze



Chapter 1: What?

"Christ, Buffy!" Giles yelled. "Can't you ever bloody knock? What is it?"

"What the hell are you?" she demanded. "I heard you, we all heard you talk to the essence of the First Slayer and it wasn't a woman so what the hell are you?"

"Finally paid attention then eh?" Giles asked as he made sure to stay between the children and his beloved Chaos. "Well," he said taking a breath. "If you were listening you should be able to guess part of it but for those of you slower than everyone else, my Father, Ares has many titles. One of them was Slayer of Evil. I am his son, his Ripper. His Little War. Now, I know you children are going to be pissed about this but it is not my job to fight all battles for you. In the case of Adam, I knew we would need Father as Father is War anything Military he has Power over. I knew Father could deal with the ADAM thing even if we could not and I knew should the merge not work he would manifest and deal with it himself. You ahd to be given a chance to deal with it on your own first though---."

Giles felt the sharp slap connect with his face as Buffy stood fuming. "Why am I the one who always has to deal with it huh? I'm tired of being the damn Slayer! Your father is so hot why doesn't he do it himself?!?!"

"Because Mortals had to be given a chance to stand on their own," Ethan said as he shoved them all away from Giles with his power. "Mortals wanted the Gods to let them deal with it so Ares gave them the ability to do so. Of course, had he known such a snot nosed little bitch like you would end up the Slayer he never would have allowed it I bet. Now, seeing as your first reaction was to slap Giles I don't think you need to know anymore. Get out, all of you."

Xander spat and Giles and Ethan saw his love flinch. Ethan reacted and the children were all thrown out hard into the courtyard.

"What's the matter children?" He asked tauntingly. "Afraid of the God before you? Or his Father? You children are not worthy of his time. Why he chose to stay and continue to give it after the ascension I will never know. You are no longer welcome here or in his shop. If you need him, you'll have to pick up the damn phone. Good night to you all!"

Ethan slammed the door in their faces and walked back to where Giles was now slowly sinking down on the couch in tears. He gathered him into his arms and stroked his hair. "You have me, Riper," Ethan soothed. "You will always have me."

"Don't leave me, Ethan," Giles whispered, "Please, don't you turn on me too."

"I won't, luv," Ethan soothe. "My vow, I will not."