FIC: Pure Imagination

By Ed Becerra.

Summary: Just the start of a little Xander-based fic that hit me while listening to a song that I love deeply.

Pure Imagination
By Ed Becerra.
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Xander fingered the velvety cloth, sighing sadly. He could never afford this. He placed the jacket back on the rack, setting the accompanying tophat on the shelf above. He jumped when an English-accented voice addressed him from behind.

"You sound somewhat depressed, lad. Is there something the matter?"

Harris shrugged. "It's a wonderful costume. But I can't afford it. Just call me the two-dollar costume king. And it's
a damned shame - Giles would have laughed his ass off seeing me in it."

Ethan Rayne raised an eyebrow. "Giles? I had a friend named Giles once.. this wouldn't be RUPERT Giles, perchance?"

Xander nodded. "He's our librarian at the high school."

Rayne's smile never altered. "Well, then. I simply CANNOT allow you to leave my establishment without this costume. It
just wouldn't do to allow a student of my old friend to depart without the right costume for this holiday."

"But I don't have the cash."

"Quite all right, that. All I ask is that, when someone asks you where you acquired such a fine costume, you direct them to
my shop."

"You're okay with that? Really?"

"Oh, my, yes. Please. It would be my pleasure. You might be interested to know that the coat and hat are the originals from
the movie."

Xander lifted the plum-colored frock coat and the warm brown tophat reverently. "You're not joking, are you?"

"I do not joke about my offerings, Mr...?"

"Harris. Xander Harris. They really are them?"

Rayne nodded, his smile glowing. "That they are, Mr. Harris. In fact, I will include the walking stick as well. Wear them well, and do honor to the character."

Xander stroked the coat posessively. "Oh, yeah. Be sure of that, Mr. Rayne. Be sure of that."

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