Title: Prophetic Generation

Author: QueenC

Feedback: fallengoddess2002@yahoo.com

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Connor/Shay/Dawn, Angel/Cordelia, and Willow/Spike

Disclaimer: Only Shay belongs to me. The fic idea belongs to my muse and the rest belong to Joss and Co.

Distribution: Anywhere I send it. Anyone else wants it, just ask.

Spoilers: Anything and everything just to be safe.

Summary: Three young adults learn that they can't run from their pasts.

Author's Notes: This story is set two years in the future when Dawn is eighteen. I'm also introducing an original character, Shay. I'll explain everything about her in due time. *g* As always, Angel is Spike's sire. Words in *'s are emphasized, words in <>'s are thoughts, words in ~'s are dreams and words in ^'s are flashbacks.

Dedication: To Jim for the wonderful idea, the help with the creation of Shay, and for supporting me throughout every twist and turn. I love you, baby. You filled a part of me that I never knew was empty. To Tami, for the help with the creation of Shay, the nights spent listening to me rant without telling me to go away, and for reminding me that writing is supposed to be fun. Love you, girl! Narf!! And finally, to Jordan, for the hours upon hours spent watching Blues Clues and Sesame Street so I could get this part finished. You're my light, my heart, and my world, angel. Mommy loves you! *g*


Prophetic Generation

by QueenC


"Bit, you here?" Spike asked, quietly opening the door. Pausing, he tilted his head, listening for any signs of movement from within the apartment. Not hearing anything, he sighed, slowly walking inside. Turning, he shook his head at his mate, a frown on his face. "She's not here, pet."

Willow sighed, entering. Closing the door behind her, the petite redhead made her way into the small living room, her green eyes taking in the cluttered mess. A magazine lay open on the couch, an empty cup sitting on the table. All signs pointed to a happy, cozy home where the owner had just stepped out on a quick errand. However, her instincts told her that wasn't the case.

Turning on her heel, she headed to the bedroom, her stomach sinking with each step. < Please let me be wrong. Oh, Goddess, *please* let me be wrong. > With shaking hands, she pushed the door open, her breath catching in her throat and fresh tears coursing down her face.

The entire room was empty, save the sheets on the bed and pictures on the wall.

"No," Willow moaned, her knees buckling. As if in slow motion, she began falling to the floor, only to feel strong arms wrapped around her, ceasing her collapse. She turned, burying her face in Spike's chest, sobs racking her small frame. "What are we going to do, Spike?" she whispered, her voice muffled. "She's gone. Her clothes, her makeup, even her weapons, she took it all."

Spike ran his hand up and down the redhead's back, trying to keep the emotion out of his voice as he attempted to soothe her. "Shh. It's going to be all right, luv. You'll see. We'll find her and sort all this out," he murmured. Closing his eyes, he forced back the tears that threatened to fall. < There'll be time for that later. Right now, Red needs me. >

Willow sniffed, raising her head to look at him. "How?" she questioned. "How can we *possibly* find her? You know my magic won't work on her. And it's not like she's left a forwarding address! And, we only have two weeks before it's too late! And..."

Spike placed a finger over her mouth, silencing her. "Luv, you're babbling," he said gently. Slowly removing his hand, he smiled. " And, while I love your babble, it's really not going to get us very far right now. Now, all we have to do is think as she would. If she were alone, fearing for her life, and had no money, where would she go?" he wondered.

Willow frowned, trying to think. Suddenly, she grinned, beaming at him. "I know!" she said triumphantly. "She'd go to the only place besides here that she's ever called home!"

Spike nodded, hugging her. Lowering his head, he gently kissed her. "That's my girl," he said softly. "Now, what are we going to do about it?"

Willow stepped out of his embrace, her smile gone. "See, that's just it! If we go after her, she'll only run again. We have to find someway to reach her, someone that she trusts enough to listen to but who *isn't* involved with all of this," she stated, waving her hand around the abandoned apartment. Suddenly, her green eyes widened and she gave Spike a pointed look. "And I know *just* who to call."

Spike froze, his blue eyes wide. "What's that then?" he asked as casually as possible, considering he could practically see the wheels turning in her head. Normally, that was something that he loved out her. Her sharp mind. However, in situations like this, where he *knew* he wasn't going to like the idea, he found himself wishing that he was dating someone that wasn't practically at a genius level in the IQ department.

The redhead gave him a pointed look, her hand going to her hip. "Spike," she began, all prepared to give him a lecture on why he should not waste his time complaining and feigning ignorance and just make the damn call. However, he beat her too it.

"Pet, why can't *you* call? You know I hate the wanker!" he practically whined, a pout filling his face.

Willow shrugged, sighing. "Ok, I'll call him," she agreed, walking to the telephone. "I mean, he's always been nice to me, and we're friends, so it shouldn't be a problem at all. Ooh! Maybe he'll have time to catch up, too! And I can tell him about my new job..."

Spike growled softly, marching up to her and pulling the phone from her hand. "Never mind, pet," he stated darkly. "I tell you, it's not right, him spending so much sodden time talking to you when there's helpless to save and all that rot. Now, why don't you just go in the other room, see if you can find any clues that might help us and *I'll* bloody well call Peaches."



"Ok, Spike. Yes, I understand," Angel said softly. Closing his eyes, he gripped the arm of his chair tightly, resisting the urge to slam the phone against his desk while pretending it was his Childe's head. After a few more moments of being verbally berated, Angel re-opened his eyes, growling softly. "That's *enough*, William," he hissed into the receiver, smirking when the bleached blond immediately grew silent. "I understand that this is a delicate situation and it needs to be handled carefully. Now, why don't you *stop* worrying about what I'm going to do, and get your affairs in order so you can get your undead ass up here and *help*."

Cordelia raised an eyebrow as she silently entered his office, giving Angel a questioning glance. Perching on the edge of his desk, she crossed her arms over her chest, listening with amusement as he continued to bark orders into the telephone.

Finally, he hung up, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing deeply. "Sometimes I wonder why I ever turned him," he muttered.

"That's one of those hypothetical questions that I'm not supposed to answer, isn't it?" Cordelia asked. Seeing his dark look, she rolled her eyes, standing up. "Look, just because Spike managed to push every one of your buttons *again* doesn't mean that you can run around here glowering and brooding for the next two hours," she stated.

Angel shook his head, rising from his chair. "I'm not glowering *or* brooding," he objected, crossing the room to the mini-fridge in the corner. Opening it, he pulled out a packet of blood and placed it in the microwave. Then, he faced his Seer, forcing a smile to his face. "So, how did the meeting go? Do we have a new client?"

Cordelia nodded, walking up to him. "Yep. We are now officially the hired detectives for one of *the* richest families in LA," she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him. Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed him gently, peering into his brown eyes. Frowning, she sighed, taking a step back. "Ok, what's wrong?"

The souled vampire attempted an innocent look as he pulled the blood bag from the microwave. "What? Nothing's wrong! What makes you think something is wrong?" he asked, pouring the contents into a glass.

The former May Queen rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Well, let's see. You aren't complaining about how Spike only called to bother you, it took you a few minutes to ask how one of the most important meetings of Angel Investigations went," she stated, holding up a finger for each reason. "You're feeding at least three hours ahead of schedule, and you didn't even *try* to kiss me back a minute ago. So, I'm thinking either you're Angelus pretending to be Angel and doing a *lousy* job at it, or something happened in the whole hour and a half that I was gone that you just aren't telling me about. Now, which is it? You might as well tell me, you know I'm going to find out anyway."

Angel sighed, placing his glass down. "Something happened in Sunnydale. Spike and Willow need our help," he began. Raising his head, he locked eyes with her. "The only problem is, we probably can't be of much use. But, I know someone who can."

Cordelia continued to stare at him. "And that would be...?" she prompted after a moment.

A look of pain crossed his face as he answered her question.




"We've got us some more company. North entrance."

Connor nodded, quickly tossing the vampire he'd been fighting into a dumpster, only to practically run into another one that rushed at him. Growling, the young man began exchanging blows with it, calling over his shoulder, "I'm stuck here. Can you cut them off?"

When he didn't receive an answer within a few seconds, he quickly glanced over his shoulder, his eyes widening in horror. Quickly, he staked his opponent and began charging through the alley at full force, dread filling him with every step.

"Shay! Duck!" he ordered, running up the side of the wall. After a few feet, he began running back down the wall. Using it as a springboard, he kicked off with his legs, vaulting himself through the air. He then pulled a blade from the waistband of his pants and swung at the vampire he was attacking, easily decapitating it.

Shaelyn coughed, rubbing at her sore neck. Peering up through the settling dust at her savior, she gave him a lopsided grin. "Thanks, darlin'." she said, her thick Irish accent even more noticeable due to the excitement. "Now, if you don't mind giving me a hand up, I'd like to finish this before long. I'm getting a bit hungry."

Connor offered his hand, easily pulling her to her feet. However, instead of releasing her once she was steady, he pulled her up against him, kissing her. "I almost lost you," he whispered, peering into her wide violet colored eyes.

Shay grinned, shaking her head. "Not gonna happen," she replied. Then, letting go of his hand, she turned to the remaining five vampires, her grin replaced by a wicked smile. "So, are you waiting for some kind of sign, or are you just catching your breath, which you don't need in the first place?" she questioned.

With a snarl a vampire charged at her and she laughed, punching it in the face. Connor stood there for a moment, watching with pride as she began exchanging blows with the demon, her cocky smile never leaving her face. Once he was certain that she wasn't outmatched, he began attacking the vampires as well.

A few moments later, the two humans were the only ones standing in the alley, their feet and legs covered in a layer of dust.

His adrenaline pumping, Connor grabbed his girlfriend and kissed her passionately, his hands wrapping around her small waist. Lifting her off the ground, he pressed her against the brick wall of the alley, his body flush against hers. Moving from her lips, he began kissing along her jawbone, down to her neck. "That was amazing. *You* were amazing," he murmured against her flushed skin.

Shay tangled her fingers in his hair, moaning softly. "Mmm. You weren't too bad yourself," she replied, giggling when he raised his head to give her an incredulous look. "What?" she asked innocently, "You were thinking I would say how great you were? How watching you move turned me on?"

Connor shrugged, returning her smile. "Did it?" he questioned, trying to block out the feel of her legs locked around his waist, her small body wriggling against him.

"Doesn't it always?" she said simply. Then, she pressed her hands against his chest. "But, I'd rather not show you in an alley. At least, not one just a few feet from a nest of vamps," she amended.

He groaned, releasing her. "You're killing me, Shay," he stated.

She grinned impishly at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Kissing him gently, she moved her mouth to his ear, whispering, "Ah, but what a way to go." Then, taking a step back, she added, "Let's go home and I'll show you just how excited all this fighting got me."

Nodding, Connor quickly picked her up, one arm at the back of her knee and the other supporting the small of her back. "Sounds like a plan," he agreed, turning and heading down the alley.

Shay laughed, her arms wrapping around his neck. "You're not anxious, are you?" she teased, her breath catching as he practically flew up the fire escape. "You be careful, now. Can't say I'll be in much of a mood if I fall off one of these buildings you're so fond of jumping."

Connor shook his head, dropping a kiss on her forehead. "I'd never drop you, Shay," he said quietly. After a moment's pause, he added, "At least, not until *after* you've worked through that excitement."

She gasped, narrowing her eyes in mock anger. "Why you...just you wait until we get home. I'm gonna..."

He gave her a sharp look. "Unless you want me to lay you down right here and have my way with you, don't finish that sentence," he warned. Finally, he saw the top of his building. Increasing his speed, he jumped from the last rooftop, landing on the ground with ease. Not releasing her, he pulled open the door and charged up the four flights of stairs leading to their apartment. Once they were at their front door, he finally set her down, his arm still wrapped around her waist.

Pressing her against the cool wood, he kissed her passionately, fumbling with the keys. After a few seconds, he growled, tempted to just rip the door from it's hinges.

Suddenly, Shay broke the kiss, gasping out, "It's not locked." She rolled her eyes at the frown he gave her, her fingers tracing patterns against the warm skin underneath his shirt. "Scold me later," she murmured, her mouth closing over his neck.

Groaning, Connor flung the door open and they stumbled inside. Kicking the door closed, he quickly pulled his shirt off, then began working at the buttons of her blouse.

Her mouth still pressing kisses all over his broad chest and neck, Shay reached for the light switch, squinting as the darkness disappeared. "Bedroom, now," she managed to say, steering them towards the hallway. However, an instant later someone cleared their throat and Shay groaned in disappointment.

Connor turned his head, his eyes widening in shock. Quickly, he took a step away from his girlfriend, reaching for his discarded shirt. Pulling it over his head, he eyed the unexpected visitor. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

Shay glared at the brunette standing in her living room as she slowly re-buttoned her shirt and ran her fingers through her short blonde hair. "I've got a better one. Who are you?" she questioned.

Cordelia raised an eyebrow at the petite young woman, a hint of the old 'Queen C' persona coming to the surface. "I'm Cordelia, a friend of Connor's. Who are *you*?" she replied.

Connor frowned, wrapping his arms around Shay and pulling her closer to him. "This is Shay. She's my girlfriend," he answered. "And, you still haven't told me why you're standing in our living room."

Cordelia nodded, her attitude disappearing. "We need your help Connor. There's someone we need you to find," she answered simply. As an afterthought she added, "It's important we find her as soon as possible. The world may depend on it."

Connor rolled his eyes. "Great. *Another* prophecy," he muttered. Shaking his head, he continued. "Sorry, but I'm not interested in searching all over LA for someone I've never met who doesn't even know that they're the savior of the world. Do it yourselves."

"This isn't some stranger, Connor. You've met her before," the former May Queen stated.

"Who is it?" Shay suddenly questioned, ignoring the dark look her boyfriend was giving her. "Who is it, and does she know about vampires and the like?" she repeated.

"Oh, yeah. She's known about vampires and stuff for a while now. And, don't worry, she and Connor could barely stand one another when they met before. She isn't going to try to steal him from you or whatever," Cordelia answered.

"Never said I was worried about that, now did I?" Shay remarked. "Although, you *still* haven't told me her name."

"It's Dawn," Connor guessed. "Isn't it?" he asked, eyeing Cordelia. "Dawn is the one who's going to help save the world...again."



Dawn forced back tears as she watched the bus that had taken her from her home pull away from the curb. < I'm not going to cry! I made the right choice, I *know* I did. >

Shaking her head, she clutched her suitcase tightly, making her way through the deserted terminal. < I'm not going to feel guilty about it, either! I mean, so what if the whole world might end? It's not going to. Willow and Spike will find some other way to save it. They always do. > However, regardless of her rationalization, she couldn't escape the guilt she was feeling.

Stepping into the warm night, Dawn closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. "Ok, get it together, Dawn. You have to find a place to stay tonight. Everything will look better in the morning," she muttered to herself. Suddenly, she spotted a cab coming down the street. Raising her arm, she let out a whistle, just as Buffy had once taught her to do years before, and flagged the vehicle down.

Opening the door, the young woman climbed in the backseat, smiling at the driver. "Hi!" she said, wincing at how cheerful she sounded. < Yeah, *that* wasn't fake or anything. >

"Where to?" he asked, turning on his meter.

"Um..." Dawn paused, panic filling her. "A hotel?" she finally asked meekly.

"Which one?" the driver questioned, glancing at her in the rearview mirror.

"Um...see, I'm new in town, and I really don't know where the best place to stay is. So, can't you just pick one, or something?" she wondered, tears filling her eyes. <Why didn't I plan this better? I'm acting like I'm still sixteen years old and running away from home! Jeez! >

The man sighed, turning in his seat to look her in the eye. "Look, sweetheart. I'm a cab driver. That means I drive a cab for a living. I'm not a travel agent. Now, I either need you to give me a destination, or get your pretty little ass out of my car so I can find a client who *does* know where they're going."

Dawn narrowed her eyes, anger filling her. "Excuse me? I'm a *paying* customer, buddy! That means you should treat me with some respect!" she exclaimed. "And don't call me sweetheart!"

He rolled his eyes, looking bored. "Yeah, yeah. Well, honey, I have a lot of other 'customers' out there. You ain't nothing special," he commented.

"Oh, that's it! I'm *so* out of here!" she growled, flinging the door open. Climbing out the cab, she added, "And don't call me honey, either!" Then, she slammed the door, jumping back as the car pulled away with a squeal of tires.

She stood there for a moment, willing herself to calm down. Finally, once she'd composed herself, she tried to decide what to do next. < Ok. I'm going to go back inside the bus station and look in the phone book under hotels. See? That wasn't so hard! >

Turning on her heel, she reached for her suitcase. However, there was nothing there. Frowning, she looked down, gasping in horror. "What? Where's my suitcase?!" she cried, turning in a circle. Then, she groaned, staring down the street where the cab and sped away.

She had left her suitcase in the backseat of the taxi.

"Oh, this is just *great*! Everything I own is in that suitcase!" she muttered. "Now I've got to go to their headquarters and reclaim my bag."

"I wouldn't bet on it, honey," a man suddenly spoke up. Dawn turned her head, looking at the homeless man.

"What? Why?" she questioned.

He shook his head, dirt falling from his body as he moved. "Chances are he'll never report it. Just take what he wants and pawn the rest."

Dawn stared at him a few moments, not understanding what he was saying. Finally, his words sunk in and she groaned, slumping to the curb. "No, this *can't* be happening," she whispered, the tears finally falling. "*Now* what do I do?"



"We ready to go, luv?" Spike asked quietly.

"Hmm?" Willow questioned, tearing her gaze from the book she was reading. Suddenly, his words registered and she nodded. Marking her place in the text, she closed it and rose to her feet. "As ready as we'll ever be," she answered, forcing a small smile.

Spike sighed, wrapping his arms around her. "It's going to be all right, Red. If anything, Peaches will annoy Little Bit into coming back here. You know how he is," he said. "He'll lurk around and try to talk to her about feelings and responsibilities and such rubbish. Before you know it, she'll be begging him to let her come back to good old Sunnyhell."

The redhead nodded, burying her face in his chest. Inhaling deeply, she relaxed against him, the comforting smell of his leather and cigarettes calming her. "If you're so sure that's the case, then why are we going to LA?" she asked, raising her head to looking at him. "Shouldn't we stick around here and try to find another way, just in case?"

The former Big Bad shrugged. "I agree with you, pet. But, the Poof said for us to get our arses there to help him. Who knows? Maybe his merry band of do-gooders will be able to make more sense out of this mumbo-jumbo prophecy stuff than we can. Although, I must say, I can't really picture the cheerleader understanding a language that's been dead for a few thousand years. Especially when the greatest minds in the world couldn't make heads or tails of it."

Willow laughed softly, regretfully pulling out of his embrace. "Spike, be nice. Cordelia has come a *long* way these past few years. And, ok, so she's not great with the whole research thing. But, she's still my friend," she chastised. Holding up her hand to silence him, she continued, "As are the other people at Angel Investigations. Now, I want you to promise me that you're going to be on your best behavior. No starting any fights or teasing anyone. Ok?"

Spike sighed, a small pout forming on his lips. "You're taking all the fun out of it!" he complained. However, seeing the look that she was giving him, he reluctantly agreed. "All right. I'll bloody well leave them alone. 'Course that doesn't include Peaches does it? Because I am *not* going to play nice with him!"

She shook her head, picking up her backpack. "Now, what kind of mate would I be if I told you to leave Angel alone?" she grinned. "You two live for picking on each other."

Spike nodded, smiling broadly. "Got that right, luv. Now, let's get going. The sooner we get to Hell-A, the sooner we can get back and shag...I mean, save the world," he stated. Picking up their suitcases, he headed to the car.

Willow laughed, following behind him. "Who says we have to wait until we get back before we 'shag'?" she questioned, getting into the passenger seat. She watched with amusement as he slammed the trunk closed and practically flew to the driver's side.

"Well, let me think. Could it have anything to do with the fact that the last *three* times we went to see the Poof, we didn't do anything more than hold hands. What was it you said?" he teased. "Something about not being comfortable doing *that* with Angel right down the hall and able to hear us?"

The former hacker nodded, her face solemn. "You're right. I completely forgot how awkward that would be. Thanks for reminding me. It looks like we *will* have to wait until we get back," she said, her green eyes shining with amusement at the look of shock that crossed Spike's face. Deciding to go in for the kill, she casually added, "It shouldn't be *too* back. I mean, two weeks isn't that long. Not when compared to eternity."

"Bloody hell," Spike muttered, starting the car. Growling softly, he faced the woman sitting beside him. "You're joking, right luv? Please, tell me you're joking," he pleaded.

Willow stared at him, a blank expression on her face. Finally, she was unable to stand it anymore and started laughing. Leaning across the seat, she kissed him. "Of course I'm joking baby," she whispered. Sitting straight again, she waited until he was pulling out of the driveway before murmuring, "We'll probably be in LA for at *least* three weeks."



"I just think--"

"No," Connor stated, cutting his girlfriend off mid-sentence.

Shay sighed, raising her head from his chest to look into his face. "But, if they asked you, you kn--"

Shaking his head, he interrupted her again. 'I *said* no!"

Shay frowned, anger filling her face. "Would you at least let me finish one damn sentence before you go saying no?" she exclaimed in frustration.

Connor sighed, releasing his hold on her so she could sit up. He watched in confusion as she wrapped the sheet around her nude form. < Why does she do that? It's just us. There's no need to hide her body. > Realizing that she was waiting for a reply, he stated, "Fine, go ahead. Talk. But the answer is *still* no."

The young woman gave him a dark look. "They asked for your help, Connor. Your da' needs something from you. Now, from what you've told me, that doesn't happen very much. And, as a bonus, you get to help save the world. I think you should at least *look* for the girl...what was her name again?" she questioned.

"Her name is Dawn," he answered. "And, I've already helped save the world. It didn't matter. So, I'm not about to stick my neck out for them, for *him*, again. Not like that." He sat up, reaching for her.

Shay sighed, leaning back into his arms. "Fine. So, we'll sit here and do nothing while the world comes to an end. Now *there's* a bright old plan!" she exclaimed.

Connor rolled his eyes, tightening his grip around her. Kissing her neck, he murmured, "We could always find some way to pass the time."

She raised an eyebrow, turning her head to face him. "Good idea," she said softy. Twisting around, she pushed him back, straddling him. Lowering her head, she kissed him on the lips, then his jaw, and finally she made her way to his neck. Suckling lightly on the skin, she moved her mouth to his ear. "So," she whispered, "That was Cordelia, was it? The same one that both you and Angel would fight over?"

The Miracle Child groaned, the mood broken. "You aren't going to let this go, are you?" he wondered.

Shay smiled, shaking her head. "Not on your life. And, once I've finished asking about her, I plan to move onto Dawn. Then, if the world hasn't ended, I want to hear *all* about your father, as well as the other members of his investigation team," she said, rolling so she was lying beside him.

"Fine, you win!" he exclaimed, getting out of the bed. Shay watched with appreciation as he pulled on his jeans, running his fingers through his hair. "I'll go ask around, see if anyone's seen her." Turning, he kissed her gently. "I'll be back soon."

Shay nodded. "Be careful," she murmured. "I love you."

Connor paused at the bedroom door, glancing over his shoulder at her. Taking in her bed-mused hair, lips swollen from kisses, and the rumpled sheet covering her body, he mentally groaned. < I can't believe I'm doing this. I have a beautiful woman lying naked in my bed, and I'm willingly walking out the door. I *must* be insane. > Smiling, he replied, "I love you, too. Bye." Then, he left, closing the door behind him.



"So, he's really ok? He's not hungry...or angry..."

Cordelia sighed, glancing up from the magazine she was reading. "Angel, I told you. Connor's fine. His new apartment is *really* nice, and he looks as healthy as ever. In fact, I think he may have gained a little weight," she answered. "And, his girlfriend seems to make him happy, so that's of the good."

"Girlfriend?" Angel gasped. "You didn't say anything about a girlfriend before!"

Cordelia frowned. "I didn't? Oh, sorry. It must have slipped my mind," she said, going back to reading her magazine. Uncrossing her legs, she let them dangle over the side of the counter, where she was perched.

The vampire stared at his lover for a few more minutes, waiting for her to elaborate. However, when it became apparent that she wasn't going to say anything else, he spoke again. "Well, I just hope that he doesn't put too much emotion into her. I mean, what kind of girl moves in with a guy after only knowing him for, what, a few weeks?" he mused.

Not looking up from the article, the former May Queen responded, "Try a year. And, considering how nice the apartment they're staying in is, I'm guessing she pays the bills. Unless, of course, Connor's come into some serious money and didn't tell us."

Angel shook his head, skimming through the newspaper open on his desk. "Ok, so she's letting him stay there. It doesn't mean that they are--"

Cordelia laughed, her mind pulling up the image she had of Connor and Shay. "Oh, they are. Trust me." < They were practically dry humping in the living room right in front of me. >

Still refusing to believe that his son had someone *that* important in his life that he didn't know, Angel continued nonchalantly, "All right. Well, I still doubt that she's very serious about him. She probably just saw someone who was very vulnerable and decided to swoop down and--"

"She's Irish," Cordelia interrupted. She paused, listening as the newspaper stopped moving. Turning her head, she smiled at Angel, who was staring at her, his mouth open in shock.

"I-Irish? Really?" he asked, a grin spreading across his face. "As in actually Irish? Or, did she just *say* she was Irish?"

Cordelia rolled her eyes. "Oh, she's *definitely* Irish," she answered. "She was warning me to stay away from her Lucky Charms and everything. Of course, not in those exact words."

Angel leaned back in his chair, his smile widening. "Irish, huh. Well, that's great. She's probably just the thing that Connor needs. A nice, good, Irish girl..."

"What happened to she's a homeless beggar who's taking advantage?" Cordelia questioned dryly.

He gave her an incredulous look. "She's *Irish*, Cordelia," he replied. However, before he could continue, the telephone rang.

Cordelia sighed, picking it up. "Angel Investigations, Cordelia speaking," she said, picking up a pen and piece of paper.

A few seconds passed before the person on the other end spoke. Finally, a soft voice spoke. A soft Irish voice.

"Cordelia, this is Shay. I was calling to tell you that Connor is out looking for that girl right now. And, I also wanted to know...that is...would you and Angel like to join us for dinner tomorrow night?"



Dawn shivered, pulling the tattered blanket tighter around her shoulders. The fabric was scratchy, making her skin itch, and it smelled of urine and vomit, causing her stomach to churn. However, it was the only thing between her and the cold, so she was grateful for it, nonetheless.

"I thought LA was supposed to be warm, like Sunnydale. I don’t ever remember it being this cold when I lived here before," she muttered, pulling her long legs up to her chest. Trying to keep her teeth from chattering, the young woman glanced around.

She was sitting in an abandoned building, surrounded by at least five dozen homeless people. To her right, an elderly-looking lady was counting a bag full of tin cans, her tooth-less grin doing nothing to lighten Dawn's spirits.

Tearing her gaze away, she turned to the left, a small gasp of shock escaping her at what she saw. A family of four was huddled together, the mother and father trying to keep the small children warm. As if sensing they were being watched, the man raised his head, his lifeless eyes locking onto Dawn.

< Oh, God. Those kids can't be any older than seven. They should be in school, not living out of boxes with only one small blanket to share. How could this happen? Isn't there anyone who can *help* these people? >

Finally, she was unable to stand it anymore. Rising to her feet, Dawn pulled the tattered rag from around her shoulders. Hesitantly, she approached the family, her wide blue eyes silently asking the father for permission.

Once she was a few feet away and the man hadn't jumped up and started screaming at her, she took that as a sign to continue. So, squatting in front of the children, she forced a gentle smile and handed them her blanket.

"Hi. I was just wondering if you'd like to hold this for me. I don't really need it right now and could really use some help. Could you do that?" she asked softly, ignoring the wind that blew her hair about her head and sent a chill down her spine.

The smaller of the two girls turned her head, giving her parents a questioning look. Her mother nodded, smiling at the young woman before them.

"Thank you," she whispered hoarsely, tears filling her tired eyes. "Thank you."

Dawn just nodded, not trusting her voice. Once the girl had wrapped up in the blanket, she stood. Clearing her throat, she managed, "It's going to be ok. Really soon, it's going to be ok. None of this...this won't be here anymore. It'll all be gone and we'll all be safe and warm and happy." Then, wrapping her arms around herself, she turned on her heel and left the building.

She walked blindly for what seemed like hours, tears making silent tracks down her cheeks. She was so lost in her thoughts that she wasn't paying any attention to where she was going, and soon found herself lost. Pausing at an intersection, she frowned, trying to remember if the two street names sounded familiar. However, she was drawing a blank.

< I don't believe this. Could this day get *any* worse? > Suddenly, her eyes widened as she realized that she had probably just jinxed herself. "I didn't mean that!" she exclaimed, looking to the sky. "I *so* didn't mean that!"

Shaking her head, she waited patiently for the light to change so she could cross the street. She pointedly ignored the people who were standing nearby, eyeing her suspiciously. Finally, the crosswalk sign flashed and she exhaled, unaware she'd even been holding her breath. Then, as she stepped off the curb, a car suddenly pulled in front of her.

With wide eyes, Dawn froze, watching in trepidation as the passenger side window began to lower. A man was sitting in the driver's seat and he smiled at her. "Hey honey. Kind of chilly, isn't it?" he asked, his voice making her skin crawl.

She shrugged, forcing her teeth to stop chattering. "It's not so bad," she said confidently.

He nodded, the smile never leaving his face. "Well, why don't you get in and we can talk?" he offered, "I have a heater."

Dawn raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. "Excuse me? Sorry, but I don't get into cars with people I don't know. Now, if you don't mind, I have to be going," she replied. Stepping in front of his car, she shook her head. "What a *freak*," she muttered.

Rolling down his window, the man said, "I'm not a cop, if that's what you're worried about."

Dawn frowned, looking over her shoulder at him. "Not a cop? What does *that* have to do with...oh!" she cried, finally understanding. A look of horror filled her face. "You think I'm a *hooker*?"

The man looked around, his smile finally gone. Once he was certain no one else was paying them any attention, he nodded. "Well, yeah. Aren't you? I mean, you're here, at night, wearing *that*."

Dawn looked down at her outfit, frowning. "What's wrong with my clothes?" she questioned. Looking back at him, she continued, "And, I'm here, at night, because I'm lost, ok? I am *so* not a hooker!"

He nodded, a slight look of embarrassment crossing his face. "Ok. Sorry about that. You have a good night, now. And, be careful out here. This isn't the best neighborhood." Then, rolling up his window, he pulled away.

Dawn watched as he stopped a block down the street and a scantily clad woman approached his car. Shaking her head, she quickly crossed the road.

"Ok, enough of this. There has to be a shelter or something around here," she muttered. Suddenly, a figure stepped out of the shadows, directly in front of her.

"Ah!' Dawn screamed. Reacting on instinct, she shot her foot out, hitting him in the chest. As he stumbled back, she dropped into a fighting stance, her eyes narrowing. "I’m warning you," she growled, "I can take care of myself. And, if you take one step closer, I'm going to kick your sorry, perverted ass up and down this street."

The young man, who was doubled over and gasping for breath, raised his head, his eyes locking on her. "I'm not some pervert, girl!" he managed. "I heard what you said about needing a shelter and was going to offer you some help."

Dawn stared at him, unconvinced. "And you were just hanging out in the shadows watching me because it's the cool thing to do?" she retorted.

He shook his head, finally standing up straight. Touching his stomach, he winced. "That's going to leave a mark," he muttered. Then, he replied, "Not exactly. I was heading back when I saw that guy pull up and start talking to you. Thought you might need some help. Guess I was wrong about that."

Dawn smiled, her defenses lowering slightly. However, she was still wary. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a cross. Not looking away from his face, she tossed it at him.

He caught it easily. Holding it for a second, he finally glanced down at it, his eyes widening. "So, you know about that stuff, too. Gotta say, I'm impressed. You struck me as the helpless type, not some Rambo chick that's in the know," he said, tossing the object back to her.

She shrugged, dropping her fists. "Yeah, well, where I come from, you either know about that kind of stuff or you die pretty early on," she replied. Extending her hand, she added, "I'm Dawn."

He smiled, shaking her hand. "Doug. Nice to meet you, Dawn," he stated. "So, you really need a place to stay?"

Dawn nodded. "Yeah. Long story, but I do," she answered.

He tilted his head to the side, studying her. "Ok. First off, how old are you?"

She grinned. "Eighteen. My birthday was last month."

Doug smiled. "Happy birthday. All right, I'm pretty sure we can help you. Follow me," he said. Then, he headed into an alley.

Dawn paused, staring at him with mild annoyance. "Um, hey, thanks for the help and all, but I think I'll pass. I really don't want to stay anywhere that has its entrance in an alley," she stated.

Doug rolled his eyes. "This is just a shortcut, Dawn. You learn them quick if you want to get around this city without being hassled," he explained. "But, if it'll make you feel any better, we can take the streets. It's just going to take an extra twenty minutes or so."

The young woman sighed, shaking her head. "No, that's ok. Hey! It's not like I can't take care of myself!" she boasted, following him.

They walked in silence, each lost in their own thoughts, until they finally reached a large building. Dawn paused outside the door, reading the sign overhead.

"East Hills Teen Center."

Doug paused at the door, glancing over his shoulder at her. "Yeah. Home sweet home. Come on in. I'll get you something to eat," he offered.

Dawn's stomach immediately began growling at the thought of food. Smiling, she happily followed him inside the warmth of the building.

The place was busy with teenagers. Several groups were seated around tables, playing board games, while some more were sitting on the couches and chairs, watching television and talking amongst themselves. A few looked up at her entrance, smiled, then went back to their task.

Doug walked to a closed door, knocking on it. Opening it, he entered, motioning her to follow. A pretty blonde woman was sitting behind a desk, paperwork spread in front of her.

"Hey! This is Dawn. I found her over on Fifth Street, being propositioned. Thought maybe we could help her," Doug said quickly.

The woman looked up, smiling warmly. "Thanks, Doug. I think there's still some chicken soup left in the kitchen. Why don't you go get her some? I'll take it from here," she said brightly.

Doug nodded, returning the smile. Looking at a wide-eyed Dawn, he assured her, "You're going to be ok here. Everyone's nice and we look out for one another." Then he left, closing the door behind her.

Dawn swallowed, looking at the woman who obviously ran the place. "Um, thanks. You know, for letting me stay here and stuff," she said awkwardly.

"No problem. So, care to tell me your last name? Or is it just Dawn?" the woman asked gently, motioning to the empty chair.

She sat, her legs grateful for the rest. "Summers. I'm Dawn Summers. I just moved here from..."

The woman gasped, her eyes widening. "Sunnydale?" she questioned softly.

Dawn nodded, frowning. Glancing towards the door, she began figuring the easiest escape. "How did you know that? Are Willow and Spike here? Because, if they are, you can tell them that I'm *not* going back. They can't make me, either!" she exclaimed, rising to her feet.

"Did you say *Spike*?" the woman replied, all of the color draining from her face. "As in, evil, soulless, *vampire* Spike?"

Dawn shook her head, inching towards the door. "H-He's not evil. Not anymore. Who are you?" she demanded, reaching behind her for the doorknob.

The woman stood, trying to compose herself. "Dawn, please, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just shocked, that's all. Say, you don't happen to have a sister named Buffy, do you?" she questioned.

The former Key swallowed, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. "She's dead," she whispered, looking away.

"Oh, God. I'm so sorry to hear that. I..."

Dawn raised her head, her voice hard. "I'm going to ask you one more time. Then, I’m going to force you to tell me. Who. Are. You?"

"My name's Anne. I knew your sister back in high school. She saved my life."



"Peaches, we're here," Spike called, throwing open the door to the hotel. Walking inside, he paused in the lobby, frowning. "Maybe he didn't hear me," he said.

Willow rolled her eyes, walking in behind him. "Spike, between the slamming on the brakes, the kicking open the door, and the yelling, I think they heard you down the block," she stated, closing the door quietly.

Spike glanced at her, smirking. "Sorry, pet. Not used to being on my best behavior. Might have to give me some incentive," he commented, leering at her.

Willow forced back a smile, maintaining her irritated look. "How's this. If you *don't* behave, you'll never see me naked again," she offered.

"Ouch. Now, that's hitting below the belt, sweetie," a voice stated.

Growling, Spike spun around, relaxing when he saw whom the intruder was. "Lorne," he muttered.

The green-skinned demon nodded, smiling. "Glad to see you remember me, honey bun," he said cheerfully. Looking past the vampire, his smile widened. "And, how are you doing, my dear? Hanging in there okay?"

Willow nodded, returning the smile. "I'm all right. How about you?" she replied.

Before he could answer, Spike cut him off. "Say, you haven't seen my Poof of a Sire around here, have you? Wanted to let him know me and Red made it and are turning in."

"You mean you can't hear the happy couple, even with that super hearing of yours?" Lorne questioned, glancing up the stairs.

Willow blanched, her eyes wide. "I'm not so sure I'd *want* to hear them," she said softly.

Spike paused, listening. Suddenly, he rolled his eyes, sighing. "Yeah, I hear em. They been at it long?" he wondered.

Lorne nodded gravely, sipping his drink. "For about two hours now. Ever since Cordelia got that telephone call. It finally got so bad that I came down here. And I'm three floors away!" he exclaimed.

"Um, that's nice. Still, me? Not wanting to hear them...you know..." Willow spoke up.

Spike grinned, giving his mate a loving look. "Willow, luv," he said gently, "They aren't shagging. They're fighting."

Willow gasped, a blush staining her cheeks. "Oh," she mumbled. Then, as his words sunk in, she exclaimed, "Oh! That's not good! They've been fighting for two *hours*? What happened?"

"I'll tell you what happened!" Cordelia snapped, appearing at the top of the stairs. Taking them two at a time, she continued, "Shay called and invited us to dinner. But, apparently, Mr. Anti-Social doesn't want to go."

"Who's Shay?" Willow asked quietly.

"Sounds like Peaches," Spike commented, patting his pockets for his cigarettes.

"Well, that's my cue to head back to bed. See you kiddies later," Lorne spoke up. Waving to them, he began climbing the stairs.

"Shay is Connor's girlfriend," Cordelia answered Willow, pointedly ignoring Spike and Lorne. "But, since Connor himself didn't invite us, Angel doesn't want to go."

Willow nodded, glancing up at Angel as he came down the stairs, a scowl on his face. "Hey Angel," she murmured softly.

Spike growled, going to stand beside his woman. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled the redhead against him. "Stay out of it, pet," he whispered in her ear. "Trust me. I've seen that look on Peaches' face before. He's half a step away from losing it."

"Hey Willow. Spike," he nodded at them. Then, he turned his attention back to Cordelia. "Cordy, I don't eat. What am I supposed to do at a dinner?" he questioned.

Cordelia rolled her eyes. "Oh, please! You eat!" she argued. Seeing his disbelieving look, she amended, "Ok, so, you *can* eat. You just don't. And, if that's the best excuse you've got, you're out of luck."

Willow swallowed, completely uncomfortable. "Well, it's nice to see you guys. But, if you don't mind, we're going to just head upstairs and turn in. Same room as before?" she asked. When neither answered her, she sighed. Holding Spike's hand, she began leading him upstairs. "Come on. They deserve their privacy," she stated.

Spike pouted, trying to listen to the argument that continued to rage in the lobby. "But, pet, it's fun listening to them! The cheerleader is giving Angelus a what-for!" he whined, grudgingly following behind her.

Willow sighed, a small smile filling her face. "Well, if you *really* want to stay and eavesdrop, be my guest. I'll just go to bed...alone...with nothing to comfort me but some silk sheets and my imagination..." she trailed off, releasing his hand.

An instant later, Spike lifted her up, rushing towards their room. "Let the Poof and cheerleader fight all they want. I'll stick to the shagging," he stated, kicking the door closed behind them.



The sun was just coming up as Connor entered his apartment. Closing the door quietly, he slipped out of his jacket and made his way across the darkened living room. Opening the bedroom door, he paused, smiling.

Shay glanced up from the book she'd been reading, returning the gentle smile. "I'm glad your back. I was about to get worried," she said softly. Closing the book, she placed it on the nightstand.

Connor crossed the room, kissing her gently. Sitting beside her on the bed, he took his boots off, then pulled his shirt over his head. "Sorry," he replied. "I thought you'd be asleep."

Shay shook her head. "You know I can't sleep if you're not here," she answered, her breath catching in her throat as she took in his muscular chest. < It don't matter how many times I see him, I just can't get enough. >

Connor heard her heartbeat speed up and smiled, reaching for her. Pulling her to him, he kissed her gently. "Glad to hear it," he murmured against her lips. Then, he pulled the covers away from her. Lying her back on the bed, he covered her body with his own. "I missed you," he whispered, peering into her eyes.

The Irish woman smiled, running her fingers up and down his back. "I missed you, too. Any luck finding Dawn?" she wondered.

The Miracle Child shook his head, dropping kisses along her jaw line. "No. I searched all of the places I used to live, but no one can remembered her. I guess I'll check out shelters tomorrow night."

Shay opened her mouth to protest, only to moan softly as he began kissing her neck, his hands kneading her breasts. "Em," she managed, trying to collect her thoughts. "Sounds like a plan. Maybe get an earlier start, though. Most places close their doors after a certain time."

Connor murmured his agreement, gasping as she grabbed his ass, pulling him farther against her. Raising his head, he grinned at her flushed face. "Impatient?" he questioned teasingly.

She nodded, her entire body throbbing with need. "Please, Connor," she whispered.

"Shh," he responded. "All in due time." Then, he focused his attention on her body. Lowering his head, he took one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking on it through the thin material of her tank top. Suddenly, he ripped the shirt from her body, exposing her flawless skin to his hungry eyes. He moved back up, his mouth sucking on her neck, biting gently on the skin.

Shay gasped, her eyes widening. She began running her fingers through her hair, holding his head to her neck. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she began rubbing her soaked panties against his denim-clad erection, trying to relieve the pressure that was building deep within her.

Connor groaned, unconsciously matching her thrusts. Realizing what he was doing, he placed his hands on her hips, stilling her movement. He smirked at the soft whimper of protest that escaped her. Then, rising to his feet, he locked eyes with her as he unbuttoned his jeans, quickly pulling them off. Reaching out, he yanked her panties off, tossing them to the floor to join the rest of their clothes.

Once they were both undressed, he laid back over her, kissing her hungrily. "All I could think of while I was out there was being back here, in your warmth," he whispered softly, lacing his fingers with hers.

"Take me, then. Please..." she moaned, her eyes closing in pleasure as she felt him positioned at her entrance.

"Look at me, Shay," he ordered. Once she'd complied, he raised her hands over her head. Holding them in place with one hand, he grabbed her hip with the other. Then, in one swift movement, he buried himself completely inside of her.

She let out a scream as he entered her, filling her completely. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she began meeting him thrust for thrust. "Oh, God," she whispered, whimpering in pleasure when the rhythm became too fast for her to follow. Instead, she just held on, riding out the waves of pleasure that coursed through her body.

Connor watched her face as he began pounding into her at an almost brutal force. Tightening his hold on her hip, he raised her ass off the mattress, so he was hitting the same spot, deep within her, repeatedly. He knew she wouldn't last long at this pace and was relieved, knowing he wasn't too far from release.

Shay gasped as he suddenly released her hands and reached between their bodies, rubbing her clit. She felt her orgasm approaching and tightened her hold on his waist. "Connor," she cried, her entire body going still as she reached her peak.

"That's it baby. Come for me," he whispered, watching the emotions that flickered across her face as she came, his name on her lips. As her muscles clamped down on him, he dropped his head, burying it in her neck. Thrusting once, twice, three more times, he came deep within her.

Collapsing on top of her, he laid there, catching his breath. After a few moments, he raised his head, peering into her face. "I love you," he whispered softly, running his fingers along her cheek. Rolling onto his back, he pulled her so she was lying on top of him. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Shay raised her head, giving him a sleepy smile. "I love you, too, darlin. And, don't worry about things like that. I'm not going anywhere," she assured him, kissing him gently. Then, lying her head against his chest, she closed her eyes, letting sleep claim her.

She forgot all about telling him about the impending visit from his father and Cordelia.



Connor woke a few hours before sunset, although he made no move to get out of bed. Shay was curved around him, her head resting on his chest, her breath hot against his skin, and he could never remember feeling more content. Moving his hand up and down her back, he began making small designs against her smooth skin.

After a few moments, she began moaning softly, slowly raising her head to look at him. "What time's it getting to be?" she questioned sleepily.

Connor turned his head, glancing at the clock on the table. "Almost three thirty," he replied. Looking back at her, he smiled. "I guess I should get going."

Shay nodded, rolling away from him. "Most likely a good idea. There are some things I need to be doing as well," she stated. Sitting up, she smiled at him, her heart skipping a beat at the look he was giving her. "Although, I suppose we don't have to get out of bed *right* this minute," she amended, leaning over him. She kissed him gently, sighing in pleasure when he wrapped his arm around her and held her against him.

"Good," he said, pulling her so she was straddling him. He felt himself harden as he peered up at her, his blue eyes moving to her breasts, which were rising and falling in time with her breathing. Almost lazily, he moved his hands to them, his fingers brushing across her nipples, his gaze going back to her face.

Shay gasped, arching towards his touch. She felt her nipples harden beneath his hands and a jolt of pleasure shot through her body, settling in between her thighs. Biting her lower lip, she began rocking slowly against him, her core pressing into his pelvic bone.

Connor smiled at her reaction, pure masculine pride sweeping over him. Moving his hands, he placed them on her hips, lifting her up. Then, locking eyes with her, he positioned himself at her opening and quickly pulled her onto him, raising his hips off the bed at the same time.

Shay tossed her head back and screamed as he filled her, her hands falling to his chest. She could feel him stretching her walls, going deeper than she was really prepared for. Whimpering, she tightened her muscles around him and placed her hands on top of his, keeping him still as she adjusted.

After a moment, she began riding him, raising up until she was almost completely out, then instantly dropping back down until he was in her as far as he could go. Locking eyes with him, she continued the same punishing rhythm, allowing his hands to guide her.

Suddenly, Connor rolled them so he was on top and grabbed the back of her thighs. Placing them across his shoulders, he continued to pound into her. He heard her sighs and groans change to whimpers and he sped up, increasing his thrusts, his hands digging into the sheets beside her.

"Ugh...Oh, God...Connor..." Shay gasped, her eyes widening as their new position changed the angle of penetration. Now, he was going even deeper into her, the head of his cock feeling almost as if it were in her stomach. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the sensations, her entire body throbbing with the need for release.

"So tight," Connor whispered, his eyes rolling back as she tightened her muscles again, squeezing him nearly to the point of pain. He felt his climax nearing and moved his hand between them, his fingers pinching and twisting at her clit. Watching her face, he allowed the erotic sight of her own orgasm lead him to his.

"Connor!' Shay screamed, thrashing beneath him as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body. She felt him thrust a few more times, before he followed her over the edge. Moving her legs from his shoulders, she allowed him to drop on top of her, smiling as he buried his face in her neck, his breathing labored.

"I love you," she said softly, running her fingers through his hair. Turning her head, she groaned, patting his shoulders. "It's quarter to five, darlin'. Time go get dressed and head out," she whispered.

Connor raised his head, peering into her flushed face. "Do we have to?" he asked, his lips forming into a slight pout. "I'm enjoying this a lot."

Shay nodded. "Aye, I'm enjoying myself, too. But, the shelters aren't checking themselves, are they?" she replied, grinning at him.

The Miracle Child sighed. "I hate it when you're logical," he grumbled good-naturedly. Then, kissing her gently, he got out of bed. Crossing the room, he headed into the bathroom. Looking over his shoulder at her, he grinned. "I'm taking a shower. You *sure* you don't want to join me?" he wondered.

Shay licked her lips, her eyes following his nude form. Realizing that he was talking to her, she raised her eyes to his amused face. "Em...as much as I'd love to, I think you'd better bathe alone. We'll never get ready if I join ya," she replied.

Connor shrugged, a grin still on his face. "Suit yourself," he said. Then, he entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

She sat there for a few minutes, biting her lip as she heard the water start. Images of Connor, soaking wet and covered in soapsuds entered her mind. < If dinner is going to be ready before they get here, I have to start now. >

Groaning softly, she got out of bed, pulled on her robe, and forced herself to leave the bedroom. Shaking her head, she went into the kitchen and began gathering the ingredients for the dinner she'd planned. She sang softly to herself as she chopped up the potatoes, onions, and carrots, her voice carrying through the apartment.

"They say Mother Earth is breathing with each wave that finds the shore. Her soul rises in the evening for to open twilight's door. Her eyes are the stars in heaven watching o'er us all the while. And her heart it is in Ireland, deep within the Emerald Isle..."

Humming the melody, Shay turned to grab a stew pan. Glancing towards the doorway, she dropped the pan and screamed, her hand flying to her throat. Connor was leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest, watching her.

"Connor, what are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?!" she exclaimed, her fear instantly turning to irritation. However, rather than look remorseful, he grinned at her, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Keep singing," he said softly, walking towards her.

Shay rolled her eyes, squatting down to pick up the pan. "You've heard the song at *least* a hundred times already. Don't you know it by now?" she questioned. Not waiting for an answer, she turned back to the counter and began chopping the meat into pieces.

Pressing his chest against her back, Connor wrapped his arms around her, whispering in her ear, "But I like it when you sing it."

The young woman inhaled sharply, the thought that his mouth was inches from her sensitive neck sending shivers of pleasure coursing through her body. However, she refused to back down.

Shaking her head, she stated, "Maybe later. Right now, you have things to do, as do I. So, shoo! Off with ye!"

Connor sighed, releasing her and stepping away. "All right. I'll be back later," he announced. Reaching across her, he picked up a piece of carrot. Popping it in his mouth, he sauntered out of the kitchen.

Shay turned to watch him leave. "Be back by nine. I'm fixing dinner and don't want it to get cold," she said. For some reason, she couldn't bring herself to tell him that Angel and Cordelia were coming. < I do that and he won't come back at all. Can't have that, now can I? >

"All right. See you then," he called. Then, grabbing some stakes, he left. Shay sighed as the door shut. Leaning against the counter, she closed her eyes. < I just hope he'll forgive me for this. >



Dawn still couldn't believe this was happening to her. Of all of the shelters in the city of LA, she just *had* to come to the one that was run by someone who not only knew, but idolized, Buffy. < This is *so* just my luck! Why do these things always happen to me? >

Sighing, the young woman glanced up from the book she'd been reading, locking eyes with Anne. < Ugh. She's been staring at me for the last two hours! What does she want? > Finally deciding that enough was enough, Dawn rose to her feet and made her way across the room.

"Ok, what? Do you, like, want to shake the hand of Buffy's little sister? Or, maybe pick my brain, see what the Slayer was *really* like?" she snapped, stopping directly in front of the blonde.

Anne shook her head, paying no attention to the attitude and sarcasm. "Actually," she replied calmly, "I was just trying to figure out why Buffy never mentioned you. I mean, granted, we were never really close. Or even friends for that matter. But, you'd think that she would have said *something* about her sister when we were trapped in that forced labor camp run by demons."

Dawn focused on keeping her face impassive as she stared at the woman. However, internally, she was freaking out. < Oh my God! The monks didn't give her any memories? Wait, why would they? What were the chances that I would ever meet her. And, Buffy probably didn't talk much about anything from Sunnydale when she met her here in LA. Ok, calm down. It's not the end of the world. >

Anne raised an eyebrow, waiting for some response from the brunette. She knew that something wasn't quite adding up when it came to Dawn Summers. And, the girl's silence only seemed to prove her theory.

Finally, Dawn shrugged. "Well, Buffy had run away. I mean, did she talk about mom? Or Angel? Or..." she had an entire list of names ready to spring at the shelter organizer, only to be cut off.

"Did you say Angel?" Anne questioned, rising to her feet. < Surely, she's talking about a different Angel. It *can't* be the same one. It just *can't*. > However, instinct told her that there was too much coincidence involved for there not to be some connection.

Dawn nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yes, Angel. As in, vampire with a soul, my sister's first love. See, if Buffy didn’t even mention *Angel*, what makes you so sure that she would talk about her little sister?" she pointed out.

Anne sighed, shaking her head. "Ok, would you care to explain why, if you know Angel so well, you're staying here instead of with him?" she wondered.

The youngest Summers paused, unsure what to say. Finally, she opted for the partial truth. "Because he'll make me go back. And, I don't want to. I can't. I won't," she said quietly, looking away.

"All right. That answer will suffice...for now," Anne replied. Then, she smiled. "Ok, as much fun as this has been, I really need to get back to work." Turning, she walked into her office, shutting the door behind her.

Dawn watched her go, sighing in relief. "That was easy," she muttered.

"Yeah, Anne's pretty easy going, for an adult," Doug said, walking up to her. He smiled at her, taking in her appearance. "Well, you certainly look better than you did last night. Amazing what a good night's sleep and some decent food will do, isn't it?"

Dawn nodded, returning his smile. "Yep," she answered. Sitting down, she patted the seat next to her. "So, what's the deal here? I mean, what's up with Anne? Why does she do this?" she questioned.

Doug sat down, his green eyes lighting up at the mention of his benefactor. "Anne's great. She used to live on the streets. Got into some trouble when she was younger. Then, some girl that she knew helped get her on her feet. Gave her a place to stay and a job," he explained.

< I'm guessing Buffy was that girl. No wonder Anne thinks so much of her. > Dawn nodded, motioning him to continue.

Running a hand through his light brown hair, he added, "So, she finally decided to return the favor. She got some financial help from some law firm, and opened the shelter. Any teen that needs a place to stay can come here, no questions asked. The only rules are not to cause any trouble and help out."

Before she could respond, a petite blonde girl approached them. "Hey, Doug," she said, the traces of what sounded like a Boston accent mixing with her words.

Doug looked at her, grinning. "Hey Sam! What's up?" he questioned.

Dawn watched the interaction, almost feeling as if she were interfering. It was obvious that Doug and Sam had known one another for a while. And, where he was outgoing and laid back, something told Dawn that this small wisp of a girl only came out of her shell when surrounded by people she knew. < It's like watching Xander and Willow, back when Willow was still trying to find her backbone. >

Sam glanced over her shoulder, then back at them, her light blue eyes wide with obvious concern. "There's someone here asking about Dawn," she answered softly, as if afraid that someone was going to hear her.

Dawn paled, a feeling of dread filling her. < No, not now. I *like* it here. > Shakily, she quietly asked, "What do they look like? Did you get a name?"

Sam nodded, wringing her hands nervously. "I've met him before. We all have," she answered. Looking pointedly at Doug, she whispered, "It's Connor."

Dawn gasped, completely in shock. "You guys know Connor?" she questioned, her voice louder than she would have liked. < Great move, Dawn! Why don't you just walk out there and wave at him! He has hearing like a vampire, remember? Keep it down! >

Wide eyed, she glanced at Doug, wondering what he was going to do. However, he seemed to have forgotten she was even sitting there. "I don't believe this. He has a lot of nerve, coming here after..." Suddenly remembering *why* the Miracle Child was standing in the shelter, he turned to Sam.

"Take Dawn out the back way. I'll meet you at the spot as soon as I can," he ordered.

Sam swallowed, quickly nodding. "W-What are you going to do?" she asked.

Doug looked at her, his eyes hard. "I'm going to have a little chit-chat with our old friend. Let him know how unwanted he is around here," he answered.

Hearing his words, Dawn snapped out of her shock. "What?" she exclaimed. "Doug, no! Connor is a friend of mine! Well, he's not really *my* friend. More like a friend of the family. And, even then, not so much. But, still! I know him and he's helped save my life before and I *won't* let you go out there and do something stupid like try and pick a fight with him. Because, hey, I'm sure you're a great fighter and all, but he'll *so* wipe the floor with you!" Taking a deep breath, Dawn's eyes grew wide. "And since *when* did I start babbling?"

Doug stared at her, his face unreadable. "Dawn," he spoke slowly, "Thanks for your concern. But, remember? Rule number one. No causing trouble. I'm not about to go out there and get into a fight. At least, not physical. So, go on. I'll see you in a bit." Not waiting for a reply, he walked away.

Dawn watched him go, uncertain what to do. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her arm. Looking down, she saw Sam's pale face peering up at her. "Come on," the girl said, "Let's go. Don't worry about Doug. He's a lot of talk and no action."

Dawn allowed herself to be led out the back door. "Yeah, well, that's the problem. Connor's not," she mumbled. "He'd just as soon hit you as talk to you."



Angel glowered at his mate, a soft growl coming from his chest. Crossing his arms, he looked more like a petulant two-year-old than the nearly three hundred year old vampire that he was.

"You can't make me," he practically pouted, breaking the silence that had settled over their bedroom hours before.

"Yes, I can. And, I will, if I have to," Cordelia responded, not even bothering to look at him. She continued to rifle through his closet, pulling out what few colored shirts she could find. Finally turning around, she rolled her eyes. "Angel, stop it. You look like a child," she chastised him.

Angel shrugged, not changing his pose. "I don't care," he muttered. "If that's what it takes, then that's what I'll do. But, no matter what, I am *not* going, and you can't make me!"

Cordelia shook her head, forcing back a smile. Fixing him with her sternest look, she replied, "Angel, you *are* going, I *can* make you, and if I take it back. You don't look like a child. You look like *Spike*."

Quickly, the former Scourge of Europe uncrossing his arms, letting them fall to his lap. Standing, his eyes flashed yellow as he fixed his Seer with a glare. "Cordelia," he stated, "We *both* know that Connor won't want me there! He can hardly stand to be in the same room with me when we're fighting demons! I'm *sure* he doesn't want to eat a meal with me!"

The former May Queen sighed. "Angel, one of the main reasons that you and Connor don't get along is because you *only* spend time together when there are demons and Apocalypses. It will do you *both* some good to have a nice, normal dinner," she said gently. Then, she added, "Now, either put these clothes on or I'll do it for you! We only have half an hour before we're supposed to be there and I am *not* being late!"

Angel opened his mouth to protest, only to close it with a snap when he saw the look she was giving him. < Ok, I can do this. I have to do this. Because, if I don't, I have the feeling that I'll be spending the rest of eternity sleeping on the couch. > Sighing unnecessarily, he put on the outfit she'd given him. "There," he grumbled.

Cordelia frowned, walking around him in a circle. "Well, it's not exactly GQ, but it will work," she stated. Then, smiling brightly, she exclaimed, "Ok! Let's get going!"

Still glowering, < I do *not* pout. >, Angel followed her down the stairs, nodding at Willow and Spike, who were sitting on the couch, a pile of papers spread between them.

"Ok, guys. We're off. Just make yourselves at home, and call Lorne if you need anything," Cordelia announced.

Willow smiled, nodding at them. "Thanks! And, you guys look great! Have fun!" she stated, forcing back a laugh at the look on Angel's face.

Spike stared at his Sire, his blue eyes shining with amusement. "Yep, you look great there, Poof. Nice to see that the cheerleader has you whipped right and prop--ow!" Looking at Willow, he said, "Pet, why'd you hit me? I didn't do anything!"

Willow raised an eyebrow. "Be nice, Spike. Don't make me have to punish you," she warned, only slightly serious.

Spike grinned, leaning closer to her. "But, Red, you know how much I just *love* it when you punish me. I'm a bad, rude man," he murmured, kissing her.

Angel froze, his hand on the doorknob. Glancing at Cordelia, he muttered, "Can we just pretend that we didn't hear that?"

Cordelia rolled her eyes, pushing against his back. "Oh, please. Like we've never used whips and chains before," she replied. Pushing him out the door, she added, "Or, you and Spike, for that matter."



Connor opened the door the apartment, inhaling deeply. Grinning, he licked his lips, following the smell of home-cooked food to the kitchen. Picking up a spoon, he reached for the lid to the pan, his mouth watering in anticipation.

"Don't you even *think* about it!" Shay exclaimed, walking into the room. Placing her hands on her hips, she fixed him with a glare until his guiltily put the spoon back on the counter. "What were you thinking, Connor? You *know* better than to mess with my stew! It can't be stirred!" she chastised him, her lips curving into a smile at the chastised look on his face.

Connor shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I just smelled it, and I haven't eaten today, and I was hungry..."

Shay sighed, rolling her eyes. "Well, it's only got a few more minutes now. So, why don't you go get cleaned up? By the time you get back, it should be ready," she offered.

He nodded, walking up to her before he left the room. Pulling her against him, he kissed her deeply, only releasing her when they both needed to breathe. "I missed you," he murmured.

Shay grinned, leaning into him. "I missed you, too. Any luck?"

Connor shook his head, stepping back. "No. I looked all over. I even went to Anne's," he answered softly. "There was no sign of Dawn anywhere."

The young woman gasped. "You actually went to *Anne's*?" she questioned. "Was there any trouble?"

"Not really. Doug tried to bully me. Didn't work," he replied. Glancing past her to the simmering food, he smiled. "Well, I'm going to get clean."

Shay watched him walk away, a frown on her face. < I have to tell him! > Biting her lip, she tried to put the words together in her mind. Finally, she just blurted out, "Connor, wait. We need to--"

Before she could finish her sentence, Connor turned back to her. "Why is the table set?" he wondered.

Shay froze, her eyes wide. "What's that then?" she questioned softly.

Connor frowned, taking a step towards her. "The dining room table. It's set. With your nice dishes. Your company dishes. Why?" he repeated.

The young woman sighed, looking away from him. "Because we're having guests for dinner," she answered. Looking back at him, she added, "And, they'll be here any minute. Which means you need to hurry and get presentable!"

He stared at her, trying to figure out what she was hiding. In a calm voice, he asked, "Who's coming?"

Shay paused. "Em..."

Connor groaned, shaking his head. He could hear Cordelia and Angel coming down the corridor, bickering back and forth. "No," he said, giving his girlfriend a dark look. "I can't believe you. You invited my *father* to dinner?!"

Shay nodded slowly. "Aye. I thought it was high time the two of you stopped acting like little children and learned to get along. Now, go get cleaned up," she stated, suddenly finding her nerve again.

Connor glared at her. "Tell them to go away. I'm *not* eating with them!" he ordered, giving her a pointed look when the knock sounded at the front door.

Shay took a deep breath. Not answering him, she walked into the living room. Pausing at the door, she composed herself, placing a smile on her face. Then, she opened the door.

"Hi! You must be Angel. I'm Shay!" she exclaimed, grinning at the vampire. "Why don't you both come in. Connor will be out in a minute and dinner's just about ready."



Chapter 4 Note: Garth Brooks owns the song 'Ireland'. I'm just using part of it here because it fits.