Title: Jarod

Series: Pretending Chapter Two

Author: Xandria

Rating: NC17+ Slash, het m/m/f, Xander/Spike/Anya

Spoiler: All Seasons up to and including four.

Fandom: Buffy / The Pretender

Summary: Xander is a genius, a Pretender, like Jarod. Years ago he was smuggled out and brought up to lead a 'normal life', in hiding. Unfortunately Jarod arrives in Sunnydale, leading the Centre hounds to Xander.

Warning: child abuse, violence

Archive: Ooh, if you like. Anywhere at all. Just let me know so I can look.

Date: Saturday, December 09, 2000

Feedback: Yes please. I love it. And it leads to more stories usually.

E-mail: tonicorn_1@yahoo.com

Notes: Thank you to Little Pinky and Anjxr for answering my questions, and to B3v and Marina for the Russian phrasing and the name especially.

Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine, they belong to Joss, and that's that. *SOB!*. Heck, if I did own them, I'd be in Queensland with all the boys attending to my every little whim! {I can dream can't I?} The idea isn't mine either, it's from the Adopt A Plot Bunny Agency created by PEJA. The plot, however? That's mine *EG* and I have an army of feral Smurfs and rabid teddybears to back me up.



By Xandria



"Practice?! What in Soddin' Hell is bloody going On?!" Spike yelled. A figure suddenly appeared from the shadows, tall, a floor length leather coat, and a rich voice. He came into the light and spoke.

"He's like me." Jarod said. Spike made one abortive move toward him before dropping to the floor clutching his head and howling in agony. Xander and Anya dropped on either side of him and held him.

"Spike, come on. It's not Jarod's fault, he didn't know I was here. How could he?" Anya poked him suddenly and he glared at her.

"Well? Do the spell that stops his pain!" Xander glared at her before glancing quickly at Jarod.

"It's alright, Xander, I already know what you can do, remember? You've had four years to look at Mr Giles book collection." Xander sighed and shut his eyes, mumbling under his breath. Spike gradually relaxed but kept his eyes shut as Anya ran her hands over him, soothing him.

"It's not as if they always worked. I remember Valentines Day a couple of years ago, I blackmailed Amy into putting a love spell on me. And I tried an enhancement spell to make sure it worked."

"Did it?"

"Oh yeah. It worked." Spike snickered and sat up, still holding his head, as both Anya and Xander checked him over. He put his arms around the two of them and they held each other.

"Yeah, had Dru muttering about her clever little Pretty boy for days until Angelus was ready to stake her. She kept going on about what a great childe he would be, so smart. When Angelus figured out she meant Nummy he went barmy. See, Nummy had had years to get his act right...stupid, goofy, clumsy...Angelus couldn't believer Dru's Kitten and Harris were one and the same."

"Good thing too." Xander muttered and Spike glared at him before grinning suddenly and kissing him.

"Yeah, because that warm human body of yours is...moist and delicious." Xander moaned and looked down.

"You're not gonna let me forget that are you? You really are evil." Anya snickered.

"Don't forget, Xander, he's the Big Bad." Spike glared at her and Xander snickered in turn. Jarod cleared his throat and Xander jumped.

"Right. Why they are after me. I'd better start at the beginning, at least to when Jarod turned up."


Xander whistled cheerfully to himself as he parked the utility in the staff car park. The construction company he worked for was in the middle of building a new music studio as the Gentlemen had destroyed it when they took everyone's voices away. As he bounced along, Xander bumped into someone whose papers went flying as they both ended up on the floor.

"Oh man, I'm sorry. Let me get those for you." Muttering under his breath the young man was able to quickly gather all the papers together before handing them over. The other man took them and smiled, lighting up his whole face.

"Thank you. Would you like a Pez?" He held out a Daffy Duck holder and Xander happily grabbed one and put it in his mouth. He closed his eyes in delight and chewed, a big smile on his face.

"Oooh, sugary goodness. Now that's the way to start the day." He opened his eyes to see the other man staring at him as if fascinated, and Xander blushed.

"They are really good aren't they? They're my favourite, I think."

"But what about chocolate? Chocolate is of the good."

"Chocolate? I don't know if I ever had any." Xander stared at him.

"What, you were locked away for years and never got to have chocolate?" Jarod stared.

"How did you..." Xander interrupted him.

"How could you live without trying chocolate? What about Easter? Christmas? Remembrance Day? My friend, to make up for bumping into you I have got to introduce you to chocolate."

"Oh you don't have to bother..."

"No, no bother. No bother at all. I finish work at four and I can take you to the Chocolate Box. It's a combination coffee bar and chocolate shop."

"Well if you want to, that would be good. I finish at half past four, though."

"That's all right, I can come pick you up."

"I'll be in room P2-04."

"Oh, you doing Psyche? My friends are too. I know Buffy was panicking last night because she has no idea what the new lecturer will be like. Willow said to relax, it'll be easier on the first day as Professor Asimov adjusts."

"Not really. I happen to know that the professor intends to give a quiz to see what they know." Xander stared at him.

"You're him aren't you?"

"Well yes. Professor Asimov. But you can call me Jarod." He smiled again and held out his hand. Xander took it and smiled back.
