Title: Out of Control Author: Caliadragon caliadragon@yahoo.com Category: AU/Crossover Fandoms: Buffy/Anita Blake Spoilers: Up to the current seasons. Up to Dirty Girls on Buffy. Unfortunately I haven't seen many of this season's Angel. All of the ABVH books. Pairings: Xander/Nathaniel, Oz/Jason AN: I love these different pairings so I'm going to cross them. AN: Buffy, Willow and Faith all died fighting the First. Giles has adopted Dawn and moved to England with her. Cordy and Fred also died in the battle. Spike couldn't stay in Sunnydale and went back to his Sire. Xander and Spike have made peace. Anya and Andrew are living with Angel and Spike in the hotel. Angel being cursed and the whole sending the world to hell thing never happened. The Triumvirate have settled their problems and Asher has taken Larry as his human servant and lover. Mussette has not come to town. I haven't read Cerelun Sins so it won't factor in to this story. The Buffyverse won't play a major part in this story. Oz now lives in St.Louis and is part of the Pack. Everyone knows about vamps, Buffy worked for the Watchers who were an opposing group of the Vampire Council. When vamps were made legal it changed and Buffy only hunted vampires that had been corrupted by the Hellmouth. Summary: Xander has given up on everything and everyone in Sunnydale. He travels to say goodbye to everyone he knew and to find Oz to tell him about Willow. Thanks as always to Edi for the beta. This is for everyone who has supported me in my writing and puts up with my being a WIP wonder. Out of Control By Caliadragon Chapter 1: Goodbyes and Painfull Hellos Xander stood at the grave marker, tears silently streaming down tanned cheeks. The once vibrant young man had lost the light that seemed to fill him. He had already said goodbye to the others. Cordy was his last stop. He had no idea where he was going, or even if he wanted to get there. All he knew was that he was tired, and empty inside. With everyone he cared about either dead or gone, there was no reason for him to stay in Sunnydale. Spike and the others had wanted him to stay in the Hyperion with them, but he just couldn't do it. He needed a break for a while. He needed to go some place where he could deal with the magic that filled him. Right now he had control, but when he got upset the power leaked, and he ended up damaging something. It was painfully ironic to him that he had been blasted by Willow in her last few minutes of life. Giles said that the spell had transfered both her magic and Buffy's slayer skill. So not only was he a danger because of his magic, but he had also had to relearn how to handle his body. He had sold all but a few things, and hoped that wherever he was going, his new powers would be useful. Sighing, he stroked a hand gently down the tombstone and quietly walked away. Climbing in his car he took a deep breath, and took one last look at the last resting place of his former girlfriend and love. Minutes later he was on his way out of LA, and California. One Week Later... Xander stared at the sign in front of him, and laughed in disbelief. Buzz felt a shiver go down his spine. The human's laugh held a brittle edge to it. There was something about him that gave Buzz the creeps. With him being a vampire, that was hard to do. He watched as the human paid his fee and walked into the bar, and was silently grateful that the boy was gone. As Xander walked through the club, he was unaware of the looks that he was receiving. His focus was on finding Oz, telling him about Willow and getting out of town. He was too tired and too lost to care about anything anymore. He found a stool at the bar, and sat quietly waiting for the bartender to notice him. In that time he was being studied by others, one of whom was very interested in a boy who leaked such power. Jean-Claude wondered who the boy was, and why he was in his club. Anita was also watching him. The last thing any of them needed was a powerful enemy. She sincerely hoped that wasn't the case. Oz's reaction surprised them. The normally quiet wolf laughed and raced across the room. "Xander!" The dark haired boy turned and jumped off the stool. They were again surprised when Oz allowed himself to be lifted into a bear hug. "Hey Oz," Xander greeted him, as he placed the smaller man back on to his feet. Oz frowned with worry. Xander's voice was deeper and huskier than he remembered. His friend looked as though he was ready to collapse at any moment. Then there was the fact that he smelled of power and despair. "Xander, what's wrong?" Oz asked, concerned. Agony flashed over Xander's face, and he swayed with grief and exhaustion. "Is there some place quiet we can talk?" "Yeah, let's go to the back," Oz told him, as he led his friend away. He was not surprised when Jason and the others followed him into the break room. Xander didn't notice, and that worried Oz. Xander was one of the most observant people he knew. "What is it?" Oz asked, as they sat down. "Willow and Buffy are dead... they died fighting the First," Xander told him, brokenly. Oz felt the world tilt. "Dead? When?" he whispered. "Two months ago. I've been hunting for you so I could tell you. I'm sorry it wasn't sooner." Xander didn't notice the tears rolling down his face, or the fact that he had begun to shake. Oz noticed though and it worried him. "Xander, when was the last time you slept?" he asked. There was something very wrong with his friend. "I don't remember." He looked up at Oz, and the werewolf was stunned by what he saw. "I left everything behind. My parents hate me. Giles and Dawn are in England. Anya and Spike are with Angel. I had no reason to stay." Xander's voice had dropped into a monotone. "Where are you going?" Oz asked. Xander shrugged. "I haven't planned to go anywhere in particular. I was just searching for you." "You can stay with us," Jason said from behind them. Both men turned to look at the blond werewolf. Xander looked at him, questioningly. "Xander, this is my mate, Jason," Oz told him. Jason tensed, waiting for his reaction. Xander smiled. "Do you think everyone that came out of our group is bi? Buffy and Faith were involved before they died. Willow and Tara. You and him, me and Larry." Xander shook his head in amusement. Oz grinned. It hurt to know his friends were dead, but not as badly as it would have a year ago. Xander was who he was worried about now. "Stay, you need to sleep and I'd like to know what happened. How did the First get defeated, and why are you so powerful now?" All humor bled from Xander's face and he grew serious again. "It was Willow. The First and her minions turned out to be stronger than we thought. She killed Faith first. Then Buffy and Willow began to falter. I was fighting on the fringes of the main battle. I saw the First break Buffy's neck. As she fell, Willow performed a spell and sent Buffy's powers into me. She was the only one the First was focusing on at that time. Then the First plunged her hand through Willow's chest. As she was dying she performed another spell and transfered her powers into me. The First came after me and I used the Spell Of Ends against her. Willow gave me the knowledge, and it caused the First to sort of implode. That was the end." As Xander finished, the room was silent. They were all stunned by what they had heard. They all knew that the First had been coming, but not where. Nor had they known that it had been defeated. Jean-Claude looked at Anita and knew she shared his unease. The Council and the Watchers would hunt this young man down and try to claim him as their own, if they did not do something to protect him. Chapter 2: Reasons for Living The small group sat watching the sleeping man. Oz had yet to take his eyes off his friend, and the were's were all wondering what kind of hold the man had on him. They knew that they were friends, but the others could sense more to the relationship than the young wolf was saying. Oz was a unique wolf by every meaning of the word. The fact that he was a dangerous alpha at his size, and that he was completely immune to vampires had shocked everyone, until he explained that he had been infected and had grown up on the Hellmouth. Oz didn't like to talk about his time in Sunnydale and had, if that were possible, been even quieter than usual since bringing the human home. The pard and those of the pack that were in Anita's inner circle had moved in together after an attack several months earlier. No one really regretted it happening, because the triumverate finally got their act together and both Richard and Anita had taken the 4th mark. It actually eased the tensions between everyone, and got Richard over his self-destructive behavior. Nathaniel was back to being just a member of the pard now that Anita had control of the ardeur. Jason was still a member of the inner circle, but Jean-Claude was no longer in need of a pomme-de-sang. He had three willing lovers and donors now. Jason wasn't upset, because it was around that time that Oz had come to St. Louis and joined the pack. Surprisingly, even Shang-Da didn't mess with the young wolf. Jason was immediately drawn to him. Now they had a new member of their household. One that was powerful, but not a lyco. Nathaniel had been there when Jason and Oz had brought him in. The man had a lifeless gaze, and you could see that he was hurting just by looking into his eyes. The fact that he was handsome was also a distracting factor. He had fallen asleep almost the minute his head hit the pillow. Oz was worried, and hoped he could get some food into Xander when he woke. He was just beginning to absorb the fact that his friends were dead. God it hurt! Xander began to whimper in his sleep, and was crying. Suddenly he sat up with an inhuman scream, sobbing uncontrollably. He looked around him wildly for a minute before his eyes fell on Oz. Oz jumped to his feet and ran to Xander. Xander leaned into Oz and clung to him. "Talk to me Xan, maybe if you tell me what the nightmare was about it will help," Oz said gently. Xander said nothing for several minutes, then began to talk. "A month before the First was defeated I lost an eye. A psycotic priest named Caleb gouged it out. When Willow transfered her powers to me, my eye grew back. I don't know why or how. I wish she were here." Oz held him as he began to sob. The others could only watch as the two held one another. Xander would never really be able to explain, to anyone who wasn't there, what it had been like to fight the First, and Jasmine. He didn't want to think about that. It only reminded him of Cordy's death. A death he hadn't told Oz about. Shifting away from the werewolf, he took a shuddering breath. "Oz... Cordy..." his voice broke. "What about her?" he asked. "She's dead too." Oz pulled Xander tightly into his arms. He knew that Xander had never gotten over what had happened between himself and Cordy. It had been one of the few things that had nearly destroyed his friendship with Willow. It had taken him a long time to forgive her. "I'm sorry Xander." They stayed like that for a long time before Xander finally pulled away. Looking around him, he smiled at everyone weakly. "Hi," he said shyly. The others smiled. "Hey man, you hungry? We were just going to call out for some pizza. There's a place nearby that will deliver to were's," Zane told him from where he sat. Xander frowned over the way he worded his question. "Won't all pizza places deliver?" he asked, confused. Oz shook his head. "Most people hate or fear us." Xander looked at him blankly. "Why? You're not hell hounds and you don't do the whole send the world to hell thing." He was honestly confused. Oz grinned at Xander and looked at the others. They were relaxing a little. "Does this mean that you accept all lyco's, not just Oz?" Nathaniel asked shyly. Xander turned to look at him and said, "Of course, as long as no one tries to hurt me or my friends I don't have a problem with them." Oz watched fascination fill Xander's eyes and knew that his friend was going to start asking questions. Maybe, just maybe, Xander would like it enough to stay here. "What kind of lyco is everyone?" Xander asked, uncertainly. He didn't want to step on any toes. "Most of us are werewolves and the rest are wereleopards and one werefox. I'm a wereleopard. By the way my name's Nathaniel," he told him. Xander smiled shyly at the wereleopard. Xander thought he was very attractive. His eyes were a beautiful violet color and he fascinated Xander. There was something about the younger man that called to Xander. Chapter 3: Planning Three days had passed since Xander's arrival. He had gotten a job and was getting to know more about the people that Oz had made his family. Surprisingly, Xander really liked all of them. Even a couple of the vampires that he had met. Xander was enjoying his new job. He had been surprised by the offer to work with Anita at her new Animating company. Mostly it was freelance work and he had only worked one night. One of the side effects of his new magic was that he didn't need blood to call forth a zombie. Anita was impressed, and Xander had learned it took a lot to impress her. Xander really liked Anita. In many ways she reminded him of Buffy. They had both been caught up in a life that neither of them wanted. The first time he was in her comapany he was amused and saddened by the similarities. \\Flashback// Xander followed Oz down the underground stairway. Oz had needed to meet up with his alpha and hadn't wanted to leave Xander alone. Xander had agreed to come, and wasn't surprised to find that the rest of the household was coming as well. When they reached the main room, Xander could see several vampires in the room as well. He forced himself to relax and remember that these were not contaminated. He wouldn't have to worry about trying to escape. Though he wasn't going to relax in their company. Just because they had souls didn't mean they weren't dangerous. Only fools believed that. Jean-Claude looked up as the young ones came into the room. His attention was drawn to the young man with them. The power in him played across the vampire's skin and caused a delicious pleasure. He could see that Anita, Richard, Asher and Micah could feel the power as well. "Oz, I see you brought your friend," Anita said calmly. Xander looked back at her just as calmly. Richard straightened in his chair, wondering if the boy was going to challenge Anita. They were all surprised when he smiled kindly at her. "I can go back upstairs if you prefer." Anita blinked and smiled in return. "That's okay. I have a few questions for you, anyway," Anita answered. "That's fine, but I don't guarantee to answer," Xander rejoined. Anita raised an eyebrow. "You fought the First?" "Yes." "Did you hunt vampires?" "Yes, mostly contaminated vamps, though." "Do you have a problem living around shifters and vamps?" "No, I've been doing that since I was fifteen." Xander smiled at her in amusement. He knew what she was doing and didn't care. He could understand and had done the same thing over the years. "What vamps did you work with?" she asked in surprise. "Angelus and William the Bloody. Every once in a while, Drusilla," he answered. Everyone, especially the elder vamps, looked at him in stunned silence. They turned to Oz who looked back just as blandly. "You worked with and knew the Scourge of Europe?" Asher asked in stunned bemusement. "Yes," Xander and Oz answered in unison. "Is it true that Angelus goes by the name Angel now?" Jean-Claude asked. "Yes. As long as I've known him," Xander answered. "Do you want to sign on as a vampire slayer? There are still several contaminated vamps and they seem to be converging on St. Louis." Anita asked. Frankly she could use the help. Even Jean-Claude wanted them dead. Xander cocked his head to the side and then shook it. "You have to deal with cops right? I don't really get along with the idiots in blue." Anita bristled at that. She knew several good cops. "The police in St. Louis aren't like the ones in Sunnydale, Xan. You should think about it," Oz told him, surprising the others. Xander looked down at him. "I'm not sure. I still have no control over my magic. Not to mention I don't know how to handle my strength. I'm afraid I'd hurt someone," Xander told him. Anita frowned. "I can help you with your magic. I know a witch that would be willing to help as well. Jason and the pard can help you to adjust to your strength." Oz nodded to back that up. "Stay, Xan, we'll all help you." \\End Flashback// So Xander had stayed. So far he was enjoying it. Being with Oz again was making him realize how lonely he had been for his friend. They had decided that Xander would live in their apartment until he could find a place of his own. Xander was going to rent an apartment as soon as possible. During that time he was going to have a house built on some land that he had found and purchased just an hour earlier. He was hoping he could get Oz to move in with him. Xander had decided to lay wards into the foundation of his house. No one would be able to get in without his permission. They certainly wouldn't be able to get onto the property if they had ill intent. That was something he was going to take care of the next day. Right now he had to meet Anita for another case. Chapter 4 Anita looked up as Xander walked into the office. Their clients looked up as well. So far the two men had been very pleasant, but there was something about them that set off Anita's radar. She didn't think they were what they claimed to be. "Ah, Mr. Harris. I was hoping we would get to talk to you," the older of the two said. Anita's eyes narrowed and she watched as Xander tensed. "Travers, what the hell do you want?" Xander growled, hatred in his eyes. "We would like to hire you and Miss Blake to raise our Slayers." Quetin smiled charmingly. Sure that the boy would want to talk to his friends again. The boy had been the one to bury the two Slayers' remains and hide them. No one, not even Giles or Dawn knew where they were buried. "Get out. You fucking bastard! Get out or I'll kill you," Xander snarled. He couldn't believe the man's gall. Quentin's eyes narrowed. "Come now, young man. Surely you can see the need for the knowledge of the two oldest living Slayers in history. If you won't help us you will tell us where they are buried." He ended on an order. Xander's smile was one of hatred and disdain. "I didn't bury them, they were cremated and I spread their ashes. There is nothing to raise." The man with Quentin shot to his feet. "You're lying!" "No, I'm not. Buffy and Faith made me promise that they would be cremated; they never wanted to be brought back. After you put the whammy on Willow and had Buffy raised from the dead, she never wanted that to happen again. Faith was the same, so the two made me promise. I kept that promise. They're in heaven together and you can do nothing about it," Xander told them spitefully. Anita listened in growing rage and horror. She pulled her gun and held it at her side. These men were dead if they so much as flinched in Xander's direction. In the few weeks she had known Xander, she had come to care deeply for the damaged man. Like her, he had seen too much death and destruction in too little a time. He had been on the edge when he arrived and she had seen how he was slowly beginning to recover. There was no way that she was going to let these two assholes ruin that progress. "You heard him, they're beyond your reach and we both want you out. Leave, now!" Anita warned in a low voice. The two men glowered at them for a few moments before they left. As they were walking out the door, Travers turned back to them. "This isn't over, Mr. Harris. We will be seeing you again." Chapter 5: Settling Oz looked over at Xander and smiled slightly. The younger man was working on the newest addition to their house. It had taken very little time to build the house to Xander's specification. The fact that they used Were strength and magic had a great deal to do with it. It had only been a couple of months since Travers' visit, but Xander seemed to be finally calming down from the whole thing. The young man had had definite ideas about removing several pieces of Travers' anatomy. Oz was hard pressed not to agree with him, but in the end cooler heads had prevailed and Xander hadn't castrated Travers with magic. Another thing that they had all noticed was that Xander's strength had finally settled back to that of a normal human male. Giles felt it was because only females could harness the strength of a Slayer. Xander didn't care. He'd said that he was just glad to be back to his normal strength. Giles had informed him that the magic would stay, though. It turned out th at Xander had a natural aptitude for magic and necromancy, but living on the hellmouth had subdued it. Giles also figured that that was what had made him a demon magnet. Another strange developement was the fact that Nathaniel and Xander spent so much time in each other's company. Xander was doing for Nathaniel what Anita had never been able to do; he was making him stronger. Oz felt it was because they both had a shattering childhood. Oz knew very well that Xander's parents, his father specifically, had made Xander's childhood a nightmare. There was more than one time that Xander smelled of sex and the only other human scent on him had been his father's. After the 'fluke' with Willow, Oz had used the information to hurt Xander, but had quickly felt severe regret when the spell came out. Xander had forgiven him his pettiness, only asking that he never told anyone. Oz had kept that promise, though often wished he hadn't. Now though, Xander was finally settling into his new life. It was fun to watch Xander interact with the various Were's and vamps that their lives led them to. He had even been made into an executioner, but he preferred to help clean up cases then stake vamps. Xander also continued to help them slay the contaminated vampires that were coming through St. Louis regularly. Watching Xander work on the chair made Oz smile. Xander was such a good craftsman that he only took a few zombie raising cases a week and spent most of his time creating and selling the furniture that he made. The last piece he had sold was to Richard. It had been a hand-sculpted penguin, which he'd bought as a gift for Anita. Oz had heard that Anita had been very appreciative. Jean-Claude had ordered her some of Xander's hand-crafted stakes. The elder vamp knew that Anita had been fighting the contaminates alongside Xander and Oz. Micah had already given her an ornate cross carved from a piece of cedar. He had even had it blessed. Needless to say, Anita was very pleased with her lovers. "Hey, Xan, you want to go to the Lunatic Cafe for dinner tonight?" Nathaniel asked as he walked into the workshop. Xander looked up at the other man and grinned, his eyes lighting up with pleasure. "Sure, it sounds like a plan, just let me finish this carving," Xander answered cheerfully. Nathaniel nodded and walked back into the living room to tell everyone where they were having dinner. Oz grinned; Xander preferred the company of Were's and they liked having him around. Oz finished the last coat on his new guitar, a gift from Xander, and started putting away his tools and paints. All in all, things were beginning to settle into place. Oz just hoped they continued to settle and that Travers stayed away. Chapter 6: Dinner and Danger Xander felt the skin on the back of his neck prickle and looked around in confusion. There was something tugging at the back of his mind. A sense of danger that was nearly overwhelming. Beside him, Oz looked up from his dinner and started scenting the air. Like Xander, he could feel the danger in the air. The others looked at them in confusion. They were wondering what was wrong. Xander stood slowly, his eyes scanning the room as he tried to pinpoint the source of his unease. Across the room, at their table, Anita watched Xander stand. She picked up his unease. Later, she would be unable to figure out how or why, but at that moment she felt it. She stood and pulled out her weapon, scanning the room. "Ma Petite?" Jean-Claude asked cautiously. It was never a good thing when his love pulled a weapon. "Something's wrong," she hissed. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blur of white shot across the room and slammed into Xander's chest. He yowled in agony as he felt the bones in his chest crack. Oz howled in rage and lunged at the creature attacking his friend, but was thrown backwards by a wave of magic. When the creature straightened away, Xander screamed in rage and agony. Looking down at him were the vacant eyes of Cordelia Chase. After another brutal blow, Xander lost consciousness. Oz howled again when he saw who and what it was that was attacking Xander. Anita rushed forward and could feel the signature of a necromancer on the creature attacking Xander. She cursed fluidly and wished, not for the first time, that she smoked. "Need a light?" a bland voice asked at her elbow. She spun to face the man in question and swore yet again when she saw Edward. "Burn her, then tell me why you're here!" Anita ordered as she and the nearest Weres started herding the zombie away from Xander. When they were sure that she was far enough away, Anita cast one of the few spells that she had learned from her teacher and contained the creature in one spot. They all had to fight back nausea as the smell of burning flesh and the screams of the zombie filled the air. Through it all, they could still hear Oz's heart-wrenching howls. Oz could only be glad that Xander had been unconscious when they burned what was once his girlfriend. _______ When Xander came to, he was lying on a hospital gurney and was hooked up to a moniter. His chest and back hurt terribly and he was having trouble focusing on anything. When he tried to sit up, a gentle hand restrained him. "Easy man, you're in no shape to be moving," Oz told him as he moved into view. "Cordy?" Xander asked harshly. "Yes, she was destroyed," Oz told him as gently as he could. Xander closed his eyes, but the tears fell just the same. Oz was afraid that this would be the one thing to stop Xander's recovery and maybe even drive Xander over the edge of sanity. The conversation that had taken place after they had gotten to the shifter hospital wasn't going to make things any easier. //Flashback// "All right Edward, why are you here?" Anita asked abruptly. She was in no mood for games or evasions. Looking over at Oz, she worried about the look on his face. The usually stoic young man looked shattered and the sounds of his and Xander's anguish at the sight of the zombie would haunt her for a while. It had been the sound of a soul pushed too far. Now Edward was in town and there was no telling what shit would hit the fan next. "I've been hired to kill your friend, Xander, there," Edward told her impassively. Anita paled as every shifter in the room began to growl and press in around them. Her fear increased as they were joined by the vampires. Through it all Edward, the bastard, stood calmly impassive. "I can't let you do that," Anita told him softly. Edward smirked. "As much as it would entertain me for you to try to stop me, I'm not going to kill the boy. I owe him my life, so until that debt is repaid I can't kill him. No matter how good the money is." Anita and the others backed up slowly, but Anita was still trying to figure out what the hell was happening. "You owe him your life?" she asked, shocked. "He killed a demon that had surprised me while I was on the job. The boy refused any money or anything else. Until I pay him back for it I have to protect him," Edward explained calmly. "Do you know who hired you?" Oz asked, speaking for the first time. "Yeah, it's the same people who had the zombie raised; they call themselves the Council." Oz knew that Xander was going to be hard to control once the truth came out. He just hoped that Xander didn't go insane, the way that Willow had. END PART 6 http://www.brain-insane.com/beyondcanon