Title: Mirror, Mirror To the Past

Author: Kate R.

Disclaimer: Own nothing and no one used herein

Rating: PG-13 to R. Maybe NC-17 in parts

Pairings: Spike/Xander Maybe Giles/Ethan at the end

Summary: Two worlds, two Xanders


Mirror, Mirror To the Past
by Kate R.

The Future

The letter with his Sire's mark got his attention. It was in the mail when he saw it on the table. The mark. But for that damnable Mark he could have ignored it. But, the mark was there meaning Sire was not playing.

Something bad had happened. That was the only reason an envelope with The Mark would be on his table.

"Xander," Spike yelled. He looked up as his warrior waked into the kitchen dressed only in his black silk boxers.

"Sire sent this," the bleached vampire said. "Gotta open it cause of the mark and it has your name on it too so you need to be here."

Xander nodded and Spike opened the envelope. He stared down at what fell out of it in shock. Pictures landed on the table. Some face up, others face down Xander picked one up and stared at it looking hard until he realized what he was seeing and then he dropped it like it burned him. Spike handed Xander a letter to read and he stared at in shock not comprehending the words. Spike took it form him and began to read aloud:


I just thought since you ignored Whistler and his warning and you ignored me about saving Buffy you should see what you've caused.

The enclosed Pictures are what Giles' back and chest look like now thanks to you. You resurrected Buffy even though I warned you not to. You ran away instead of doing your duty and taking care of her like the Powers said you were charged with. Well, I hope you're happy. I really hope you are happy with the results. Giles can't walk without a cane any longer. He can't see well at all without his glasses, he is not permitted to sleep often. He is rarely allowed to eat or drink anything but bread and water. You did this Xander. AND you ran away leaving him in the tender mercies of you Precious Buffy. Look long and hard Xander, and if you hurry, maybe you can make it to his funeral.

Because he's dying, boy. This man you called friend is Dying because you ran away from your responsibility. Have a nice fucking Life, Xander. And know every drop of blood is on you fucking hands.


"Giles," Xander whispered.

He looked up at Spike and his eyes were stricken with pain for the first time in years. Spike had known this was needed but been unable to make the boy see. Thankfully his Sire was more than willing to send Living Color slaps in the face.

"Go get packed, luv," Spike said gently. "We need to be on the road as soon s possible. Sunnyhell, Here we come."

Driving and driving and hours flew by. Days, and then they were in California and soon in Sunnydale. Spike drove them to the Mansion. He didn't know how he knew he just knew.

"Sire?!" Spike called as they ran in.

Something was wrong here.

Something was very, very wrong.

"Shut up and come in," the voice spoke from the room ahead of them. Dark and rich and powerful and Spike saw the two bodies lying on the floor in the living room as he led Xander to where his Sire's voice came from.

"Angel we're here," Xander said.

"Good for you," The vampire spoke from the side of the bed. "Sadly though, you're too late. Giles is dead in all but body. His brain was too badly damaged after the last beating. I killed them, Childe. I killed them and drained them both to the dregs. They'll rise tomorrow night and they will be staked out for the sun. But it's too late for Giles. Far too late."

"No," Xander whispered as he saw the man on the bed. "NO! GILES! NOOOOO!!!!"

"Stop it, Xander!" Angel yelled. "He's gone boy, let him rest! He's been begging for that for the last few years. Leave him to his rest, boy. Let him rest."

"I'm sorry," Xander cried against the still as death librarian. "Please, Giles, I'm sorry. Please don't go. Please."

"I'm sorry, Xander," Angel said. "But it's too late. He's gone. Let him go. Let him rest."

Xander looked up seeing that Angel, too, was crying. "Cover him with a blanket, Xander," Angel whispered. "He's cold. Hes been so cold."

Xander nodded and did as Angel bade and then watched as Angel turned off the machines keeping Giles' body alive. A few moments later, the machines all flat lined and Angel, after kissing Giles' forehead, covered him with the sheet.

"He can't be dead," Xander whispered. "He can't be really gone. I'm sorry, please, god, I'm Sorry! He's needed! Please, let me make it better."

"Why should we let you hurt him again, Alexander?" a voice asked. "Another chance to run away and hide? Another chance to let him die like this? Why should we give you this chance?"

"It wasn't his time!" Xander yelled. "It was my fault! It should have been me!"

"Yes, you should have done your job and not run away. However, you are correct, Rupert Giles is needed. We will give you one chance to change this. One Chance to make it right. Do so because you do not get another."

Xander nodded and swallowed hard as he realized everything Angel had told him about resurrected Slayers was true. They should have left Buffy dead.

"Prepare, Alexander," a voice said. "You will meet yourself from the place we will send you. You will have to make him see what will happen should he leave. Take the pictures and show him the abuse that is already begun. Take care, Alexander, come home soon and maybe things will be better if you do."

Xander nodded as a doorway of light appeared in font of him. He stepped through into a place he'd never been before.

"There is a motorcycle out front," a British voce he did not know said. "Take it and go do what you were sent here to do. And boy, if he dies, I'll kill you my bloody self."

Xander nodded and left, taking the keys and helmet and getting on the big dog motorcycle. He was soon on hi way to Sunnydale.

"Soon, Giles," he thought. "Don't worry. I"ll save you. This time it'll be different. This time I'll save you."

