Title: Magic's Family

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: not mine and never will be. HP belongs to JKR and Angel belongs to Joss. I only came up with this idea, I make no money on the story, it' for pure enjoyment. So, please do.

Rating: PG-13 to R, Slash

Pairings: Wes/Angel (us)

Summary: Hermione Granger has a brother. When her parents are killed, he comes to take care of her. Who he is, is quite a shock to the Hogwarts Staff. A Bigger shock is who his lover is. (Snigger)

Notes: This is NOT a Willow or Xander centric story. And there may be some not nice comments from Hermione about them later, not sure yet. But you have been warned. Also, Ginny in this AU was sorted into Slytherin, and people, this IS an AU. A Serious AU.

Magic's Family
By Kate R

Prologue: Big Brother Comes

"How is she, Albus?" Minerva McGonnogall asked s she looked into the infirmary where Hermione Granger had been since learning of her parent's deaths. Not even a Death- Eater attack, Albus thought sadly. No, it was rather a Drunk Driver slamming into their car doing about 100 Kilometers. It wasn't a clear accident. It had actually been quite gruesome. The poor girl had to identify the bodies and she'd made it through the funeral but now she was just sitting, staring at nothing and crying. No one had been able to reach.

Not Harry, not Ron. Actually, Ginny Weasley and Draco Malfoy had but Ron had blown up about Malfoy being there. Ginny had glared her older brother into the ground and she and her housemate had left. But they had come back after Ron had left.

"She is still not responding to anyone but Ginny and Mr. Malfoy.

Although, when Mr. Flint came in, he sat with her," Dumbledore admitted. "She held his hand."

"Well, at this point I don't care if it's Lucius Malfoy himself or Remus in wolf form without the potion who makes her respond. I just wish someone could get through to her."

"Well, hopefully her brother will have better luck than we have had," Dumbledore told the Transfiguration Teacher. "I received a rely to the owl this morning, he's on his way now. As a matter of fact, he should be in England by now."

"Do you think he'll be here soon?" McGonnogall asked as she began to brush Hermoine's hair. The girl was not taking care of herself. Even the House Elves had been trying to get her to react and she didn't seem reachable.

"I hope so, Minerva," Dumbledore said softly as he lightly patted Hermione's hand. "I truly hope so."

They were standing lost in thought when the door to infirmary suddenly exploded open and banged against the wall as someone stormed through it.

"Get back here!" They heard Filch growl. "You can't go in there!"

There was the sound of a snarl that had Filch making an eep noise and Dumbledore finally turned and saw their visitors. Something told him one of them was Miss Granger's brother. And he was betting it was not the one with the fangs and golden eyes.

"Wesley Wyndham-Pryce?" Dumbledore asked.

"What?" a man with dark hair and blue eyes demanded as he made his way across the room. He had his back to what was obviously a vampire and did not seem worried so Albus was wondering if he was crazy.

"No I'm not," the man said as he saw their faces. "Angelus, please don't kill the idiot. He's only doing his job."

"Jealous Squib's shouldn't be near student's," the vampire growled. "They like to hurt children who have what they don't."

"I'll show you Squib you monster!" Filch snarled. The stick Filch swung never hit the vampire though. And neither the vampire nor Wesley was what stopped it. No, the School itself did that. Wesley began to laugh at the stunned expressions everyone wore at seeing Filch hanging by his arms in mid air as his stick was suspended there.

"Headmaster Dumbledore," Wesley said. "May I introduce Angelus the Butcher, Scourge of Europe and the last direct descendent of Rowena Ravenclaw. Angelus, this is Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonnogall and this young lady here is Hermione Granger, my little sister and the reason we're here. "Mione, I'm here now, baby girl. Wes is here."

"Wes?" Hermione asked in a croaking voice. He lifted her chin so she could see him and he saw her whole face light up briefly before crumbling as she latched onto him and began to sob. He held her as she finally released all of her pain and he just stood and stroked her hair.

"I know, I know," he soothed. "But I'm here now. You'll be okay. I know it hurts but I'm here."

"And you brought him," she whispered. "You really brought him so I could meet him."

"Of course I did," Wesley said softly. "I did promise after all, didn't I?"

"Yes but I thought you meant when I was older."

"Why would I want to introduce you to a vampire after you had been trained to kill them on sight without thinking? Angelus wanted to meet you too, you know."

"I'd never hurt him, Wes. You love him. Hurting him would be bad."

"In this world they don't care," Wesley said softly. Not that they can use their magic to hurt him being who he is and all but I am afraid for him."

"Then I wont stay in this world," Hermione huffed. "He's been kinder and more loving to you than that asshole who took you away from Mum and hurt you."

"True, he has," Wesley said. "Now, perhaps we should give them back their infirmary? I don't know where I'm supposed to sleep today. Angelus and I both are night people. It's the schedule we live on in LA doing what we do and things."

"Demon Hunting 101," Hermione said with a giggle. "If you've got some clothes and things for me, I'll take a shower and then maybe I can show you a room you can use?"

"I have some jeans and such for you. If you want you can wear one of my shirts," Wesley said. Hermione nodded and Wesley pulled a pair of her jeans and such from his bag and she went into a bathroom to get cleaned up.

"If at all possible, headmaster," Wesley began.

"We have a suite of rooms in the dungeons that you three may use. Hermione has responded better to the Slytherin children anyhow."

"Her Gryffindor friends don't understand," Angelus said softly.

"Godric was an emotional ice block. He couldn't have felt passion if it bit him on the ass. Gryffindors tend to be insensitive bastards at best and cold hearted assholes at worse. Salazar wasn't a bad man. My great to infinity grandmother's books were very informative. Your Godric changed things after Driving Slytherin off. I wont tolerate that. And headmaster, you've already seen that the school will protect me and help me in my goals. Lets not push my buttons. Come on, Hermione, Wes, lets go find out rooms. The School will take us to them I'm sure. Later, Albus."

Angelus chuckled as Wesley and Hermione followed him. He was not impressed with the Headmaster and if what the school was telling him was true, neither was it.

"Alright," he said to himself and to the school. "I'll fix it. Damn."

"Angelus?" Wesley asked.

"Want to see me fix it, Wes?" he asked.

"Really?" Hermione asked. "You can?"

"Yes, I can," Angelus, said. "I can invoke Founder's Rights and take over the school. Would you like to see me do it?"

"Yes please," Hermione said. Angelus nodded. "We'll start at dinner then," he told her. "Wes? Send a message to Giles, Ethan and Spike. I'll need teachers I can trust. Tell them to bring the others. We have a school to run and an Evil to smack down."

And Hermione smiled as she watched her brother go to work. Her brother. Yes. Wesley was Her Brother. And she couldn't have been prouder.

1: Beginning To Fix It

Dinner was a noisy affair, Wesley thought as he and Hermione walked into the dinning hall. Angelus was behind them and he was looking more than ready to begin. The way the school was separated by tables and colors and banners. That wasn't what it had been intended for. No one was supposed to only have friends in their own house; that was wrong. You couldn't have a cohesive society if no one talked to each other or if one house thought they were better than others. Angelus sighed.

"What a mess," he muttered to himself. "Wes, go and take your sister and sit someplace. I don't care where. Because in less than ten minutes? This sit by house is going to change. Big time."

And Angelus moved, stalking up to the front table while Hermione pulled her brother over to where Ginny was frantically waving at her to come sit.

Wesley chuckled as a pale, blond boy made people move so they could sit. Wesley noticed one young man calmly sit by his sister and he gave him the once over. On the outside, he might have looked mean but Wesley was dating the Scourge of Europe so he knew not to judge by an outward appearance. The boy looked concerned about his sister. That was a strong point in his favor. At least to Wesley.

"This is Wesley, Ginny," Hermione was saying. Wesley was surprised by the pride in his sister's voice as she introduced him. "He's the greatest brother in the world."

"Lets not exaggerate," he told her gently. "I'm not perfect. Lord knows I'm not perfect. But I try."

"But you can do magic with out a wand, Wes. Don't you know how special and powerful you have to be to do that? Not even Dumbledore can do that," Hermione said.

"It makes me powerful, dear. Not Special. Others on our team can do more powerful magic even than that. Rupert and Ethan are Order and Chaos. I can do powerful elemental stuff but I can't use the two most primal elements. No one but Rupert and Ethan can do that."

"You can do Wandless Magic?" the pale boy by Ginny whispered in awe. "That's bloody incredible."

"Thank you," Wesley said. "But Angelus can do magic too. That's him speaking to your headmaster right now. My, he looks angry. I wonder why this time?"

"You know," Angel, growled out loud enough for everyone to hear him. "I wasn't going to do it this way unless you left me no choice. And guess what, Albus? You aren't laving me any. So, here is how I'm going to do it. I, Liam Angelus O'Rourke, last Descendent of Rowena Ravenclaw, do here by invoke Founder's Rights and do so declare myself Headmaster of this school until such time as I choose to restore it to a Headmaster or Mistress of my choosing."

There was dead silence as he looked at everyone in the hall and then he gestured and a new chair appeared. This one was even more ornate than the headmaster's and Angelus took it as his own.

"There will be new rules posted tomorrow," he said to the students. "And children, EVERYONE will have to obey them. Disregard them and you won't like what the punishments are." And he sat and waited and sure enough, a goblet of blood appeared in his hand and he downed it. "Classes tomorrow are suspended. There will be a Major resorting and other things once the new rules are posted. You all can go as soon as you've finished your meals. Also, I'll be sending owls to students I think got gypped and offer them continuing education classes so things will be different around here. You all can go, no homework until I finish with the reorganizations. That's all."

And Angelus then walked down to where Wesley was sitting with Hermione and Ginny and a pale boy and another boy who seemed to like Hermione.

"You can sit here from now on if you'd like Hermione. I've had it with segregating by houses. That was never done in my grandmother's time, it won't be done now."

She smiled and nodded so he chuckled and sat at a place hastily vacated for him.

"I'd rather sit with the students. I'll see the teachers every day. I'd like to know the students too. Yes, Ginny is it?"

"I was hoping...Well...could one of those people you send a letter to be my brother Percy? He didn't belong in Gryffindor, he was too much of a scholar but mother insisted and then she pushed and she pushed and he's broken inside and I wanted to know if you could help him."

"Yes, I cans send him an owl. And yes, I will help him."

"And if he can't," Wesley said gently. "I can. I know how it feels to be pushed into a role you don't fit by a parent. We'll help your brother, Ginny. No matter what it takes. I sent the owl to the others. They should be here as soon as they get it because I sent a port key as well."

"Thanks, Wes," Angelus said. He was glad. Soon those he needed to fill in the gaps would be here. That would work. And it would keep him from going homicidal on these idiots. He shuddered as he looked at Sybil Trelawny. Extremely homicidal.

2: New Rules, New Teachers

It was the next day and the students of Hogwarts came own to the great hall for breakfast. They knew the new rules would be hung today as well as lists for new classes and a list for resorting. Ron wanted Ginny resorted. He wanted her out of Slytherin. And if he had to add her name with his own pen than so be it.

He and Harry entered the great hall to find students milling around and not sitting by houses.

"What's this?" Harry asked a Hufflepuff sitting at the Gryffindor table.

"New rules," the Hufflepuff told him. "No more sitting by houses if we don't want to. No more not having friends in other houses."

"The rules are already posted?" Harry exclaimed. "But why didn't they wait for me to come down so I could look them over?"

"Because it isn't about you," a voice said.

Harry turned and found himself looking up at the new Headmaster.

Angelus did not look happy with him. "Another new rule boy," Angelus said. "This school does not bend over backwards to accommodate you. I don't care if Dumbledore did it, I wont. You break these rules and you will be punished. I don't care who you are. You are a student in this school and so are subject to the same rules and penalties as everyone else. You Will respect everyone in this school, you Will obey these rules, and you Will stop hating everyone in a particular house. If you don't? You Will be removed from the Quidditch team, you Will be in detention and you Will be doing chores as punishment. Do I make myself clear? You are not a god or a master or a Lord of anything Harry Potter. You do not order this school and you do not order me. I am the Master of this School for the time Being. I should say Lord, as I do not Own this place. I am merely its caretaker. You are not a Lord of anything, boy. You do not Care for anything but yourself, and your hurts and your whining little problems. Well, there are people in this world a hell of a lot worse off than you who have more problems and more troubles an they do not bitch about it or get all dark and moody as my favored Childe says. You are not half as strong as you'd like o think, or as skilled. I think, boy, you need a lesson in manners and life. You'll be finding them soon."

Angelus abruptly turned away, dismissing the Boy Who Lived, as he sensed something.

"Wes!" He called. "They are here."

"Yes!" Wesley called as he and Angelus and Hermione headed for the doors and the main entrance to the school.

"Hey!" Harry called.

But the new headmaster ignored him, running like a kid himself out of the hall with Hermione and her brother tailing him.

Harry followed with Ron out to the foyer where he saw a group being led in. They had bags with them. Not trunks but regular muggle bags. And one girl had a cd player that was still playing. How was that happening? No one was supposed to be able to do that.

"Good to see you, Angelus," a man with bleached blond hair said as he hugged the headmaster, thumping him on the back.

"Good to see you too, Childe," the Headmaster said. "Hello, Dawn. Rupert, Ethan, I trust the trip went well?"

"It went fine. You called us for a reason?" the man who'd responded to Rupert asked.

"Yes" he said. "I'm in need of new teachers. Things have to change here."

"Well," Ethan said. "I'm up for that. Rupert? Spike?"

"Definitely," Giles said.

Spike nodded.

"So, why am I here?" Dawn asked as they walked towards the school and a set of steps appeared.

"Because you are part of what has to happen to bring about change," Angelus said as they made their way into the school. "Not everyone is here yet but we are coming together. There is still some true magic here. It's been lost, shoved away ignored and almost killed but it's still here. The dreams that told me to come with Wes told me that. Dru told me that."

"Daft bint still entering your dreams, Sire?" Spike asked.

Angelus nodded.

"She said it was time for me to come home and fix the mess. I need all of you to help me do it. Will you?"

"Is why we're here, Sire," Spike said. "What are we teaching?"

"I'll know that after the resorting, Spike," Angelus said. "I'll know that then."

And Spike nodded and trailed Dawn up the flight of steps that had appeared. He was glad to be home too. He could see Giles and Ethan were tense but they were here and they knew they were needed so the lords of Order and Chaos were here.

"Excuse me, Angelus?" Hermione asked.

He looked down at her. "I think I might know something that can help. When you think everyone is here, I'll bring it to you, okay?"

"Most appreciated, finder," he told her. "Very much appreciated. I could sue some help here."

And so Hermione nodded and headed back to the Gryffindor Common Room to gather the notes on her own, secret project. Now was the time, something told her. Now as the time to share what she had learned. And so she would. Soon.

3: Wesley's Charge

Ginny was sitting nervously as the resorting go underway. She was worried, but not about the sorting. She knew instinctively she would not be with her brothers. No, she was worried about Percy. She'd written him but he hadn't answered her. He always answered her. She hoped he wasn't at home. Mom had been so mad about him wanting his own place. She hoped he didn't go back to the house. It would be badness if he had.

"Weasley, Virginia," Giles called.

Ginny walked up to the stool and took the Sorting hat and put it on. Her worry went up a notch as she thought about the weather and a lighting bolt flashed across the sky followed by a crash of thunder.

"Calm down," the hat whispered. "Your brother may be traveling in this, do you want him to get sick?"

"I'm worried," Ginny thought back. "He hasn't answered me. Why do they treat him like that?"

"Because your mother does," the hat said. "I saw something in your brother that had been nearly destroyed when I sorted him. He has what you do only it's for a different purpose. I hope he comes too. I'd love to put him in the house he belongs in and not the one he begged me to put him in."

"Could you if he does come?" Ginny asked. "Please?"

"Yes," the hat told hr. "And now, having read your heart, I say ELEMENTAL!"

And a new table appeared, displacing Gryffindor and Slytherin and everyone stared.

Ginny scampered over to the table and sat down to wait. She waited for the others that she knew would be sorted here. Giles was reading the list off tonight, she knew. Professor McGonnogall was watching them all. She had seemed happy about the changes.

"Granger, Hermione," he called.

Hermione took the stool and she was also sorted Elemental. So it also went for Neville and Dawn. Ginny watched as Giles also sorted himself, Ethan, Professor Lupin? He was back? Wow!

Also, Spike, Wesley and Angelus himself. Professor Snape passed on resorting but they all knew why. It was so he could maintain Slytherin House. However, Fred and George were sorted into the new house too but they looked a bit more serious.

Everyone was resorted and although no one else was put in the new house, it seemed as though there were notes made on each name. Ginny was just getting ready to eat when the doors slammed open and Hagrid came in carrying someone.

"Headmaster!" He called. "I found him in the foyer. It looks like he just collapsed!"

He made his way u to the table carrying the person and Ginny saw Angelus get to his feet and look at the person.

"I know what family he belongs to by his hair but who is he exactly?" the vampire asked.

Professor McGonnogall looked and Ginny saw her apple.

"It's...it's Percy Weasley," she gasped. "My God what's happened to him?"

"Beyond the fever and the wet," Angelus said, "I'd say he's broken inside. Poppy, would you please go with Hagrid to the infirmary? I'll be there presently."

The school nurses nodded and stood, leaving her dinner to go see to her patient. Ginny looked at Headmaster Angelus pleadingly and he nodded for her to go. Fred and George also followed. Neville went as well because it was his House and this was united front thing. He followed the others.

Angelus looked at the other teachers as he saw Dawn go after her new housemates, followed by Draco Malfoy and Marcus Flint and they all stood.

"Minerva or Severus, one of you get the students back to their common rooms then all of you meet me in the teacher's lounge in two hours. I want to know what's going on with that boy. If we have to we'll suspend classes for another day, this is more important."

"Yes headmaster," Professor Flitwick said. He could tell Minerva really wanted to go check on her former student so he said he would help Professor Snape get the students where they needed to go.

Angelus nodded and they left the normal teachers to get the normal students taken care of. This was new to those students. Rarely did the Headmaster see to things like this himself. Normally if it wasn't Harry, he stayed. But Angelus? Angelus was up and running with the other teachers that he had brought for some reason. He followed as fast as he could, his vampire speed getting him to the infirmary just as Percy was laid on a bed.

"He's soaked to the bone," Poppy said as she used a drying charm on the young man. "And he doesn't appear to have eaten in a while."

Angelus saw Ginny watching with a terrified look on her face and he saw Fred and George looking somber. They knew something. All of them knew something. And when he found out what that something was, he had a feeling he was not going to be happy. At all.

He watched as Madam Pomfrey got the young man stripped down and all Angelus could think of as he looked at the boy lying there in just his skivvies was "My Gods, it's Wesley all over again"

He heard a snarl of rage from a human throat and he turned to where Minerva was standing looking down at Percy and holding her wand over him.

It was glowing faintly purple.

"I'm a bit rusty on what that color means, Minnie," he said.

She shot him a look at that nickname but let it go. This was Angelus after all and she knew he was trying to distance himself from Albus in any way that he could so she would tolerate it from him.

"This means there have been two unforgivable curses used on this boy," she whispered as she looked down at him. And maybe age wise he was an adult in the Wizarding World but he looked so young and hurt right now and besides, compared to Angelus' age, he was a boy. "Both were given by the same wand and both were used to try to beak him. It looks like he broke one himself and the other he survived and walked out of. Luckily. He was strong enough. Strong enough to hold on."

"No," George whispered. He approached the bed slowly and looked down at his older brother's face. "Percy, why didn't you tell us? We'd have helped...Done something to make her stop."

"Like what?" Ginny demanded. "You two were as bad as Ron was! You mocked him, you ridiculed him just as much and it wasn't his fault! He didn't want to be in stupid Gryffindor! He wanted to be in Ravenclaw but no, you know Mum! Everything has to be the same, everyone has to be perfect and like she wants them and he tried. He tried so hard and all it ever got him was mocked and teased and hurt! Well, I wouldn't hurt him! He's my favorite Brother! He cares about me and no one else even wrote me while you were at school and he tried so hard to hide how miserable he was and he couldn't! He couldn't..." and she started crying against the young man's chest as she had flung herself across the bed an hugged him. She was sobbing and Fred and George were just standing struck dumb. No one knew what to do until a soft, raspy, hoarse voice spoke.

"Gin," it whispered. "Ginny, stop. It's okay. I'm okay. I'll live."

And she felt a hand stroking her hair and she looked up. He was awake but it seemed only just. And only because of her tears.

"No more tears, Ginny," he said raspily. "I'm okay. You're my favorite too you know. My favorite, who doesn't mock me. Stop crying now, Ginny. I'll be okay. I'm here like you wanted."

"But you aren't okay," she said tearfully. "You're hurt."

"You make me better," he said softly. "Always feel better when I'm with you. Why'd you write me Gin? Seemed important so I came."

"You're a part of it," she said. "And you need to be here. I need you to be here where you're safe. Please? Please say you'll stay? I don't want you to go."

"Stay," he whispered and Ginny could tell he was tired. "I'll stay if you want. Just tired now, Gin. So Tired."

"Okay. You sleep. I'll stay close, Percy. I'll stay right here by you. And wait till you meet my boyfriend. He's..."

"Behind you, I see. Hurt her and die, Malfoy. I don't care about myself but I do care about her. So, you hurt her and I'll kill you."

"I wont hurt her, W...Percy. I won't. Ron's done that more than enough."

"Ron's in it deep with me as it is. Not like I can do much like this but I'll get to him eventually too. Just tired for now."

"Then sleep, Percy," George whispered. "Like Ginny said, we'll be here. You just get some rest. And when you're better, we'll talk about why she wrote you and why we're not in Stupid Gryffindor anymore. Okay?"

"Okay," he whispered.

And as he drifted off, Ginny covered him with a blanket and kissed his forehead like he did for her a lot at home. "Good night, Percy" she said. "I'll be right here."

And then, she turned to face her teachers and the headmaster and her face got a very hard, very Malfoy expression on it. I'm Staying Right Here."

Part 4: Staff Meeting, Summoning and Prophecy Mentioned

He was pacing the staff room with McGonnogall sitting by the fire watching and the others doing other things to vent their anger. Giles was sparring with Spike, Ethan was conjuring and releasing things, Dawn was opening little doorways and closing them, she had control of that now, Wesley was practicing with his weapons. And he had many of those. Many and varied. Poppy was looking into a mirror and she was crying silent tears. Two unforgivable curses and it had been happening for years and she had never seen it. How could she not have seen it? She was a nurse!

The doors opened and the other teachers filed in. They all took seats around the room and everyone gave a wide berth to the angry Headmaster who was now pacing and prowling the room. His entire team looked angry.

"Spike," he finally said. "I want you to call Gunn if you can. I want Everyone here as soon as possible. I need my entire team here to help plan. There will be retaliation for this."

"Yes Sire," Spike said going to send the owl.

Angelus needed the ten or so minutes that would take to get his temper in check. He was angry. Oh, he was so angry. They'd run a check on the boy magically, with Ethan's powers to see if they could detect where the abuse started and how far back it went and it was...It had been going on for years. When Ethan had read that, Angelus had sworn he saw the sorcerer's eyes turn Chaos Rainbow. That was worse than black in Ethan's case. It was a terrible thing for him to unleash full Chaos on anyone. And he'd wanted to so badly. But he hadn't. He'd reined it in and that had impressed Angelus. Giles had traced the abuse back to the abuser once Ethan showed him the line and he'd found to his disgust that it was the boy's own mother. And Only Percy showed any sign of it. This had infuriated Angelus. She knew, he bet. The bitch Knew what he was and she'd try to destroy him.

Well, she'd failed. Ares' Wisdom had kept him going and given him the strength to break the Imperious Curse and to walk away from the Crucio. He'd thrown that curse off which told Angelus he was strong. But he wouldn't admit it or be it for anyone but Ginny. That must have been her mistake; she must have said something he took as a threat to Ginny. Angelus sighed. They had their work cut out for them. Fixing him was going to be time consuming but they'd done it for Wes, they could do it again.

"What was wrong with him?" Remus Lupin asked. He was another of the ones that Angelus had summoned back.

"18 years of Crucio and Imperious all summer long," Angelus said softly. "Lord only knows how he survived it but for his one all consuming thought: Protect Ginny."

"Who?" Mad-Eye Moody demanded to know. "Who did it?"

Moody had come after Albus had left to see what had happened and when he discovered Founder's Rights had been called he'd decided to stay.

"His mother," Ethan growled. "We don't know why, we don't know what she was thinking or anything beyond it was for a punishment and it was here. That's all we know."

"How do you know? No spell can tell that without the caster's wand," Tonks said.

"Wrong again," Giles bit out. "Wands are nothing to Order and Chaos. I can see along the paths Ethan can point out for me. I saw it, I saw it all and I was so sickened by it I actually threw up. And I've seen some disgusting shit ion my life."

"Elemental magic?" Moody said in disbelief. "There haven't been any Elemental Mages in..."

"To everything, there is a season," Angelus said quietly. There will be no classes tomorrow and when they do reconvene, if Mr. Percy Weasley is still sick, you will excuse Ginny, Fred and George from class until he is well. Their schedules are all going to be changed anyway so that may not be an issue but if they or any member of the elemental house is on your list, they are to be excused. Percy is...he needs them around him right now. Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes," everyone said. The two Aurorers were shocked by this.

"I thought Harry was the important one," Tonks began. "No one but he and his friends should be excused by Dumbledore's lights."

"I am NOT Dumbledore," Angelus said. "I have a thing where I treat everyone the same. Those with Percy are taking care of him and doing more to make him well than any medicine can. That is the reasoning behind that order. Now, if you all want to stay here and discuss lesson plans be my guest but I trust you all to know your subjects. By the way, there is no inter-house competition anymore. The only competition I'm allowing is Quidditch. And everyone will use the same broom. Everyone, Mr. Black."

The Black dog in the corner growled so Angelus roared back making no bones about who was Lord of this place.

"They will all be supplied with Nimbus 2001s as soon as I get them ordered. There will be no more of this better broom shit because not everyone at this school is rich. Now, everyone can go or stay as they wish, I have things I have to do yet tonight before I get a few hours of sleep. That is all."

And he turned and left the room. Everyone was looking at each other as they realized he'd bitten off exploring at them for not noticing but now that they thought about it they wondered how they hadn't. It was... The signs were there, how could they have not noticed it? They noticed Poppy crying and Sirius changed back into his human form and walked over to her, trying to comfort her. She shook her head no. She'd betrayed her calling. She was a healer, she should have known.

"None of us could though," Remus said she stood by a plant seeming to listen to what it was saying. "Albus spelled us all so we ignored the signs. Percy will heal though. That I know. He' survived this far and I know he has it in him to make it all the way. Sev, I'm heading to bed, meet you there."

And Remus left the room. They all looked at each other as his words sank in a feeling of betrayal began to settle. How Dare He?

In another room, Spike was speaking to someone through the fire.

"Yes, Charles," he said. Now. Go to the Floo place you dropped us all off at and tell them headmaster Angelus wants you all to come here. This ain't a joke, mate. Something bad happened and he needs us all. Yes, bring Faith too. All right mate thanks. Yeah, see you then. Bye. He put the fire out and went to tell Angelus they others would be arriving in the boardroom and he found Angelus already there with Hermione and a book open on the table. Wesley was leaning against the wall and he looked grim.

"Sire?" he asked as he saw the fireplace come to life.

"Oh, the usual," Angelus said as Spike saw the first people falling out and rolling away. He recognized them and wondered why they were here as he waited for his sire to finish that sentence. It seemed Angelus was waiting for everyone to come through and as soon as the fire went out he finished with: "A prophecy."

5: Prophecy

In a time of darkness
Persecution shall reign
Those gifted with the higher powers
Shall be slaughtered for they were seen as a threat
So the gifts disappeared
However they shall not be gone forever
A time will come when the gifts shall awaken once more
Strengthened by the Gods themselves

A liege shall rule them
Preparing for the final fight

Four to Hunt
Order, Chaos, Truth, Justice
Mages in their own right

One to Heal
Gifted with all forms of healing

One to Protect Spirit
Master of all elements

One to Counter Interference
Balancing the scales against evil

One of the Wild
Ruler of all without a voice

One to Create
Brewer of potions

One to Sing
Key to Changes, great and small

One to Seek
Finding that which was forgotten

Two as One to Guard
Planning the use of all in battle

Once more the old ways shall come forth
Cleansing and reshaping the world
What was truth shall become lies
What were lies shall become truth
Illusions shall be stripped away
That which was dying will be restored
No longer will all abuse magic
The Lords and Ladies will come again
Stepping forth once more to
Guide magic back to the true path intended by the Gods

"Did someone say prophecy?" Buffy Summers said as she got to her feet. "I'm Prophecy Girl."

"This one isn't about you, Buffy," Angelus said. "It's about a specific group of people that are none of you three. Kindly sit down while we work this out. Xander, you try it and the school may kick the shit out of you. Or 'Mione here. She does not like you three. Not after the way you treated her brother."

"Brother?" Xander asked.

"Me," Wesley said from where he was leaning against the wall.

And he saw them all stare at him as he moved forward. No longer the timid young man but now a battle hardened warrior.

"'Mione," he began, "What can you tell me abut Percy so I can try to figure out where he fits in this?"

"Not much, I'm Afraid, We," she said. "I never really got to know him. I'm sad to say I listened to Ron about him."

"Damn, sound like we'll have to ask Ginny. Faith, no, don't hurt them, we may need them. However, for the duration of your stay here, Willow, I Bind Thee."

The red headed Witch gasped as her powers were bound and although she understood why it still rankled a bit.

"You don't trust me?"

"Normally I would but this place is pure magic, Willow. If you are serious about getting over your addiction I can't let you run around here without a ward of some kind. Give me a few hours to work out something else okay?"

"Okay," she said. She did understand now. If this place was pure magic he was trying to curb her temptation.

"Anything we can do?' Buffy asked.

"I'll know once we figure this out," Angelus replied. "Right now I have a very sick Elemental down in the infirmary. I can't afford to deal with any trouble right now so I'm trusting you all not to cause any. Right now I'm in the middle of reorganizing this place back to what it should be."

"Okay, Angel," Buffy said.

"Angelus," he told her. "My name is Angelus. As I said to Xander, you try to stake me and either the school or Wes' sister will get you. Eight now, I'm looking for a healing Charm, Tara. Something to ease a shattered heart so someone can rest. And then I want a vengeance one."

"Why?" Xander asked.

"So I can have revenge on a woman who nearly destroyed her own son in a effort to deny he was truly special. He's very sick and we're trying to ease the pain he's in. Two of the blackest, most Unforgivable curses were used on him. One to take his will and the other to punish him should he fail at anything. He had no way to win. He couldn't be perfect. He came here when his sister, another Elemental, wrote him and asked him to come. He's resting but he's in so much pain right now and I…I am so goddamn angry I want all the others to stay away from me for awhile."

"I can understand that," Buffy said as she saw him tremble with rage as he thought about the boy in the infirmary. Whatever this place was, it was obvious Angelus cared about it and the children who were here.

"It's a school, Buffy," Giles said quietly from the doorway. "A school for magic. Willow, I want you to sit in on some classes and learn the rules. Angelus will release enough of your power for that, okay?"

"Okay," Willow said.

Finally Buffy looked at her watcher. Her throat worked silently for a few minutes and her eyes teared up as she looked at him and saw the changes since he hadn't been in her care. He was healthy and rested and there were no circles under his eyes and he'd put on the weight he lost. And that confirmed what Xander had told her when he saw Spike take Giles. She'd hurt him. "I'm sorry, Giles," she whispered tearfully. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to make you sick."

"I know, Buffy," he whispered. "But this is my pace now. This is where I'm needed. Can you understand that?"

"Yes," she said as she looked at him. He looked so at peace here, so very relaxed and happy. Except for the same rage she saw in Angelus and Wesley and Buffy had a feeling it had to do with the same thing. "How is Ethan?" she asked. She was going to be grown up, dammit. She'd learned the hard lesson when Spike had to take Giles away from her. It was not something she wanted to experience again: that feeling of sickness as she realized how badly she'd treated her watcher. She'd sent Dawn with Spike so she didn't hurt her too.

"I'll call Anya," Xander said as he correctly interpreted the rage. "I could ask her to bring Hallie if I have to. This sounds more like Hallie's realm but you guys are really, really mad so I'll call her for you."

"Thanks, Xander," Angelus said. He turned his attention back to the prophecy and then looked at the Scoobies suddenly hitting on an idea. "You guys up for some research?" he asked. "There are books the students can't look through in the restricted section of the library that I bet you could get to. We need this researched and between running this school and taking care of our sick mage I don't have the time."

"Yeah," Willow said. "I can research it for you. Xand? Buffy? Tara?"

"I'll help," Tara said. Xander nodded and they all looked at Buffy. She knew, had learned that there were times when she had to use the brain she was developing and she knew if Angelus said he needed help then he really did. And by the amount of papers on the table in front of him, this was a big mess. Something aught her eye though and she stopped to look at it.

"That's the symbol for Pain," she said.

Angelus nodded. "Aye, it's a sign for one of the curses used on our boy. It's unforgivable because of what it can cause," Angelus said.

"Who did this?" she asked.

"His mother," Angelus growled out. And he saw the cold look on Buffy's face when he said it.

"Then she doesn't deserve kids," the blond Slayer said. "We'll research your prophecy, Angelus," she told him. "And we'll help with whatever else is going on here."

"Thanks, Buffy," he said as he looked at her. She'd really grown up.

He was about to say more when the door banged open and Ethan came in. "The boy is awake, Angelus," the sorcerer said. "But he's afraid the headmaster you replaced is still here and will contact his mother. We thought it would be best if you came down."

"On it," Angelus stood and gathered the papers.

Tara took them from him and shooed him off. She sat then and began to organize things before she followed him. She placed the papers in her backpack so no one would see them. Something told her this was a special thing. This was in her blood. She caught up with the others as they were walking into the infirmary and Angelus walked to the bed immediately.

"Who're you?" they heard a hoarse voice ask.

"Names Angelus," the vampire told him. "I'm the new Headmaster here."

"Really?" the voice asked. And the hope in it shocked everyone to the core. They saw Angelus nod and then heard a sigh of relief followed by a quiet: "Well, that's good."

6: What Happened to Percy

When he woke up, he wasn't sure where he was. He vaguely remembered soothing Ginny as she cried. And he remembered being told he was safe here but he didn't realize where here was. He knew now though and he was caught somewhere between terror that the Headmaster would tell his mother he was here and relief that Ginny had kept her promise and stayed. He noticed with some surprise that she wasn't the only one. He saw Fred and George and he recognized Malfoy and Flint? Why was Flint still here? And he knew Hermione but he had no idea who the girl with the long brown hair was. He vaguely remembered her being there when he'd been calming Ginny but at that point he'd been unable to ask a question. He'd been too focused on Ginny and making her stop yelling and crying. It was over now and nothing could be done about it.

"Hi Percy," Ginny said from his side where she'd been sleeping.

He'd known she was next to him so he hadn't moved. "Hi Gin," he said in the raspy voice he knew he'd gotten from being sick and rarely speaking anymore. He still felt like he'd have seven barrels of shit kicked out of him but he knew that was due to the last attempt at cursing his mother had tried and his determination to get to Ginny. Her letter had sounded desperate so he hadn't really been dressed for the weather.

"How do you feel?" Ginny asked.

"Like hell, Ginny," he said. "But better than I did before so that's a good sign. Thank you for staying but the headmaster wont let me stay here."

"Yes he will," Ginny told him. "He was so pissed when he saw what happened to you."

"Professor Dumbledore knew," He told his little sister.

"It isn't professor Dumbledore anymore," Ginny replied. "Ethan just went to get him. You'll like him and he wont let anyone hurt you. He'll keep you safe, just like we will. The hat wants to resort you. Wants to put you where you belong, not where you begged to go for a pain free month's sake. Please? Mr. Angelus is offering University level classes for anyone he sent an owl to and I know he sent you one. Please say you'll stay and take the classes? You wont have to work in that hell pit at the ministry. I know you hate it there, and Angelus will let you be Percy. Just plain Percy. The person you are with me."

"Gin, you're babbling," he told her with a slight smile. "I'll stay here and learn if you think it'll do any good. You know I can't refuse you anything."

"Goody," Ginny said grinning evilly. "That means I can get you to change your wardrobe and everything huh?"

"Guess so," Percy said.

Ginny knew he still didn't care about himself so she would care for him until he was well. She looked up as Angelus came in and smiled.

"Percy," this is the headmaster," she said.

Percy looked at the big man...no, vampire...and blinked.

"Who are you?" he heard himself ask and then winced. Stupid Question, Ginny had already told him.

However, the man answered him.

"Name's Angelus," he said in reply. "I'm the new headmaster."

"Oh," Percy heard himself say, "That's good."

"You're safe here, Percy," the vampire said gently. "No one will hurt you here, I promise. Anyone tries and I'll hurt them."

"Get in line," Ginny said darkly as she gripped her brother's extremely thin arm. "This is a Family thing Angelus. Percy is my brother."

"Our Brother," George said. "Percy, you need to rest, okay? We'll take care of you and mum wont touch you again."

"She never touched me," he whispered. "Never touched by anyone. Except Ginny."

"Never?" George asked weakly. "But I thought....Mom said not to touch you because you'd had enough touch for one day."

"Yeah," he said. "With Crucio. Mom never physically touched me, George. No one has ever touched me really. I don't know how to react around people. Mum...When I made her mad...if I did something no one else could....She got so angry with me. I remember summer as pain. I...I wasn't allowed to make any noise....I just....I remember lying in room alone....and I could hear you all talking about me. Laughing about me. I wasn't...I....wasn't..."

"You weren't studying were you, Perce?" Fred asked. "You were in pain and you couldn't move but you weren't studying."

"Not studying," Percy whispered. "And not allowed to play. You have no idea how many times I watched you all playing Quidditch and I would have given anything to be allowed to play too. I hate...I hate this life. I hate having to be perfect. I hate it."

"Then don't be," Ginny said. "Be Percy. Percy is my friend, my brother and he's always there for me. I like him."

"I don't know how to be him all the time," Percy whispered. And Ginny saw the tears slowly leak out of his eyes as he turned away from them. "I don't even know if he's real. No one wants him you know. No one cares about him."

"That's not true, Perce," George said. "We care about him."

"Sure you do," Percy said bitterly. "That's why you never cared that he was never allowed to keep any gifts or why he never played or laughed. No cared about me. No one ever has except Ginny. No one talks to me or touches me or anything. You know I heard every word you ever said about me. Every word, Fred. All I wanted was to be liked but that doesn't happen for me does it? I'm not like everyone else so no one likes me. I'm sorry I can't be like Charlie and Bill or you and George or even Ron. I'm sorry I'm not what you wanted in a big brother. I can't change that. And I tried. Lord knows I tried. And I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

And he curled in on himself and cried and Ginny just stared at Fred and George angrily as she hugged him. She didn't judge him. She was the only one who didn't.

"Happy now?" she asked. "Glad to see how much you hurt him?"

"Gin, we didn't know," Fred said.

"I figured it out, why couldn't you? Why do you think Bill and Charlie left? It's not fair. All he did was be born with more power than Harry will ever have and mom hates him. It isn't his fault and you never helped with your nasty comments. All he wanted was to be liked! That's all!"

"Ginny, stop," Percy said again stopping her from blowing up.

"Nothing can change the past. Just...just please don't keep bringing it up okay?"

"Okay, Percy," Ginny said. She knew how much it hurt him to let that out and she watched him curl up. She saw his hand clutching for something that he had never been allowed to have but that Ginny knew he wanted.

"Drake," she said, "Can you go get my stuffed Ferret? Percy needs something and he's never been allowed to have it before."

Draco nodded and took off. He was back in five minutes with the stuffed ferret he'd bought for her when they talked about Moody and Ginny had laughed telling him she thought Ferrets were cute. Well, okay, so ferrets were cute, he'd be a ferret then for her. And he'd bought her a stuffed one so she knew he was okay with it and if he ever became an Animagi he'd want to be a ferret, just for her. Ferrets were clever and fast and agile and able to get things no one else could because they could get into places no one else could. Draco came back with it and watched as Ginny put it in her brother's arms.

"I know it isn't a teddy bear but he'll keep your dreams safe same as he dos mine," she told her brother. He smiled at her, not being the perfect student any of those in the room remembered, and curled up around the toy and went to sleep. Ginny finally looked up and everyone paled seeing the rage.

"That Bitch!" She hissed. She'd known it was bad but to see the way he shrank in on himself just Majorly pissed her off.

Outside, unbeknownst to her, a bolt of lightening streaked from over Hogwarts to the Burrow and struck the house. It didn't destroy it but it certainly rattled the woman sitting alone as her husband was at work. A bolt of lightening had been hurled at her house form a cloudless sky and with it she'd had an image of very angry Ginny.

"NO!" She denied angrily.

7: Lord of the Dance

He woke up late. He thought it was around midnight but he wasn't sure. He'd been so tired after the staff meeting and he had wanted to rest. He looked next to him at Severus, wondering if Sev had moved and that had woken him but no...it was something else. Something was calling him. He felt the pull on his very soul and stood up to follow it, pulling on his robes as he went, not bothering with anything else, he walked out of the school, into the rain wet grass from Ginny's storm of rage which had finally passed. Remus Lupin was curious as to what was drawing him out of the school and down into the forbidden forest. He did not fight the pull though. Instead he let it lead him where it would.

Deeper into the forest than anyone had ever gone on either side, down to where the sounds died and there was only waiting stillness, into the darkest, most deeply hidden place. Remus Lupin came to a deeply hidden glen that looked as if it had not been touched in forever.

He entered this sheltered place where the trees formed a roof in this living temple and a throne sat where a shaft of moonlight fell. He was drawn to that throne, standing and waiting, he moved to it and obeyed the urge to sit.

Lights came up as soon as he was seated. Lights from something he could not see. Not bright lights but lights that let him see the immediate vicinity of his domain. His domain? Was that right? Thinking about it he nodded.

Yes, it was. His domain. But how was that possible?

His hand touched something next to the throne and he lifted a set of panpipes up and looked at them. They, too, seemed to have been waiting. Remus blew into them gently and a note echoed out. He smiled as he realized the note was perfect in it's clarity and he blew again. He went up and down the scale, listening to each tone as it echoed out over the forbidden forest, going further than it should have. Remus did not understand the sudden urge but he obeyed it.

He got to his feet and blew into the pipes, playing a tune he did not know where came from but it was wild and wonderful and somehow right.

"Come and play," it seemed to say to the creatures of the forbidden forest. "Come and dance with me."

And Remus played the pipes and waited as soon the creatures of the forbidden forest, the Fey, the Centaur, the Pixies…they all came to his glen. His glen, this place was for him and him alone unless he chose to share it. He looked out at the waiting faces of all those who had come to his piping and he smiled at them. He did not know what he was doing but he knew not to fight it. He was standing before his throne, yes it was indeed, His Throne, and he smiled at them all.

"Shall we dance?" he asked quietly bringing the pipes back to his lips. And he began to play the wild tune again. He saw them being to move to his music, a dance as old as time and as young as the newest babe at the same time and he played it: the Song of Rebirth. Something in his mind told him that was what he was playing and he smiled as he watched them dance. He longed to join them but his robes would make him clumsy.

Hands on his shoulders and he turned in surprise, the pipes leaving his lips but the music not stopping. Hands removing the robes and he stood before them as he was.

"Come my lord," a pixie voice said. Let us wash you of old and dress you in new."

Remus obeyed the voices, following them, trusting them to know their job as his instincts had told him his. Down to a pool in the back of this secret, sacred glen they led him. Shimmering water in the moonlight and he stepped into the water, his nudity not bothering him anymore than it bothered the others to be without coverings for the civilized world. This place was not that world. This was the world of the wild, where the creatures of old magic, strong magic, had waited for eons for him.

"Relax, my lord," more voices said. "Let us wash away the old world. It is not a place for you to live. This is your place, Lord. This is your home. Not that place of dead stone and weak, human magic. You are one of the Fairy creatures, you are the Lord of the Fey...The Lord of The Dance...and we have awaited your return for centuries."

"Wash me clean," Remus whispered. "Clothe me new."

"Welcome home, Lord of The Wild," the forest seemed to say as he lay back in the pool of water and allowed his children to wash away the civilized world. "Welcome home."

And the bath, for that's what it was, a bath in purest spring water, seemed to wash away everything the civilized world had forced on him, all the scars from his transformations faded to nothing and he stood soon whole and new in the light of the moon.

"What they have twisted," one of the voices said.

"The water has made clean and whole. Come my lord and dress in the clothes of your station."

Remus left the pool of water, walking forward into the trees where he found clothes waiting for him. Still he heard the music, still the creatures danced. Remus smiled as he dressed in the clothes that were waiting: leather pants, made from softest hide. A long cloak for the cold months, like any Wilde Childe he needed his winter fur, which he would shed in spring and not take up again until the fall. No shoes he noticed but then, shoes were an invention of man and what did he, the Lord of the Wild, need with shoes? He was not meant for those places shoes would be needed. Only the school and it would bend to his will. No longer would he and his children suffer the chains of human domination. Never again.

"Lord," a new voice said. "We are waiting to finish you. Sit here a moment and let us decorate your flesh as you did in days of old."

Remus nodded and sat on a stump, allowing the hands to paint his skin with swirls and symbols that were actually a language known only to those out here, in the wild. And the symbols themselves seemed to breathe new life upon his skin.

"Lord, look up," the voice said. He did and felt the touches to his face where more of the paints of nature were being placed.

"Come Lord," the voices said and he followed. "We are waiting to crown out Lord of the Wild."

Remus nodded and followed them back out to where the throne was now decorated and more ready to receive him. Everyone got deathly quiet as he walked to it, touching each person close to him as he moved he felt them all, for they were all part of him. Finally, he stood before the throne and stopped, waiting as all the others were.

After a moment, he turned to face the audience and sat slowly. From the throne itself, there seemed to be movement and then, he felt something new. He felt something settled upon as his brow as if it had been made from the silver moonlight he sat in and he smiled at the shouts of joy as he felt the silver laurel wreath settle on his head.

"Dance my children," he finally spoke, throwing off his cloak and moving to join them as they danced. "Dance for our new life!"

And the dance began. Flashes he saw as he moved with the group, weaving through, touching all, his pipes at his side and he laughed as the flashes of before came to him. He was Pan/Dionysus/Bacchus/Hearne/The Green Man/Remus.

He was all and he was none, he was that which had come before, that which was now and that which would come again. He was the voice, the hands the face, the heart, the breath and the soul of the forest. He was The Wild Hunt on the cold nights, the feel of hunting and the pounding of the horses' hooves as they chased evil from the world for another year. He was the laughter and the taste of wine, the joy of spring, the languidness of summer, the Harvest of fall, the sleep and the hunt of winter. He was the cycle unbroken, dying and being reborn every year/week/day/hour/minute/second. Cycle unbroken, now returned, he was all and nothing, Dance and rest, life and Death. He was the Lord of the dance.

"Dance my children," he called into the forest with his pipes. "Dance, wherever you may be. For I am the Lord of the Dance. I live in you and you live in me. And I will lead you in Dance."

And the forest breathed and rejoiced and became alive with the music of the Dance returned. The Cycle was unbroken; the Long sleep was over, The Lord of the Dance had returned once again.

Up at Hogwarts, Severus Snape and Rubeus Hagrid watched the lights flickering all over the forbidden forest and Severus smiled gently.

"Dance my love," Snape whispered. "Breathe them to life."

Chapter 8: Lord of the Land meets Lord of the School

Remus woke up the next morning to a purring noise. He turned his head, finding himself laying in the throne and looking out and seeing the party had been cleaned up. There would be another tonight. He was the Lord of Revelry, gaiety followed wherever he was, even after the Wild Hunt, there was a celebration.

"Hello there," Remus said gently to the purring, cooing thing. It hit him after a moment that it was a wyvern.

When he stood and pulled his cloak on after slinging the wine skin on the side over his shoulder. He slid the pipes around his neck and got to his feet.

He lifted a bag with a metal clink to his side and placed it across his other shoulder. Of course, his goblet. He would not use a wine skin at the table.

Remus sighed and walked towards the school feeling better than he had in his whole life, beginning to hum as he walked barefoot and he noticed that the flowers grew wherever he stepped. He saw them in the bright colors of fall and realized they were plants not seen since the founders four. Remus laughed as he waked towards the school thinking he could give something to Professor Sprout. And to Severus, for his potions. He knew the healing properties of these plants as he knew the healing properties of his spring. He would see if Angelus would allow him to bathe Percy in its waters after breakfast.

The school came into sight and he shook his head. It was long past time the barrenness was removed and the Wilderness reclaimed what had been wrongfully taken. He was the Lord of the Land and it was time he took the land back. He made his way up to the doors and they opened before him. A touch of his hand brought the wood back to life and he felt it rejoice. He made his way through the corridors, the flowers still growing up from the cracks as he walked to the Great hall where he could hear the students. Yep, he was late for breakfast.

He felt the wyvern's amusement as he walked and saw the look Filch gave him and his clothes. Filch was being replaced by the boy Xander he knew but he was past tired of the man. Remus smiled and blew a breath of air at him and he sneezed as pollen appeared in it.

'How the hell did I do that?" he asked his companion.

The Wyvern laughed at him mentally and he knew he'd figure it out in his own time. He walked past someone knocking them into the wall but not noticing as he moved. He had to speak with Angelus immediately about Percy.

"Remus!" A voice he recognized but no longer felt important called. He turned and looked seeing Albus Dumbledore watching him looking displeased.

"Don't stand in the middle of the hallway and you wont get run down," Remus told him as he turned back to his course. "I have to see the headmaster about something important and I have no time to dawdle."

Remus walked into the great hall and everything froze as people saw him dressed as he was. He walked forward, not at all intimidated by anyone and came to stand before Angelus. The vampire got to his feet and applauded.

"We welcome you, Lord of the Land," Angelus said. "Join me at table and we will discuss the state of the school's grounds and what you, who they truly belong to, wish to do with them."

"I wish them returned to what they should be," Remus said. "It was not in the agreement that the forest would be pillaged as it has been. Nor was it in the charter that anyone would enslave my children."

"No, it was not," Angelus said as Remus moved to join him at the table and a chair appeared next to Angelus, more wood and carved with vines and berries and Remus set his goblet down. It was immediately filled with nectar. Not even he would drink wine this early.

"We saw the forest was in bloom this morning," Angelus said as Remus sat and a plate appeared before him. "I take it you have restored it?"

"Indeed I have," Remus said. Professor Sprout, Sev, these are for you two to use in your classes. You will find the plants all over the grounds now. Here."

And his hand touched the wood of the table and several flowers of rare and extinct varieties appeared.

"Remus?" Severus asked. Remus chuckled and nodded.

"I am the Lord of the Wild," he said. "With my return has come the return of all those things lost. Angelus, I have a spring that will heal our Mr. Wesley far better than any potion or concoction, no offense Sev. It healed me, removed my scars, removed the lycanthropy and made me whole."

"You believe it will help?" Angelus asked. Remus nodded.

"We will take him after breakfast then," Angelus said. What do you want Albus?"

"Where did Remus get those clothes and those things?"

"I went to my birthright last night, Albus," Remus himself answered. "The Forest has been waiting for The Lord of the Dance for centuries. Now, if you have nothing else to discuss, we have things to do like healing a child you allowed to be hurt. Good day to you."

Remus downed his nectar, placed his goblet back in the bag and walked away.

The rest of the Elemental House followed him, as did Angelus himself after a moment.

"You are no longer welcome here, Dumbledore," Angelus said. "The School rejects your presence. Goodbye."

Angelus walked out, sending everyone to classes and Dumbledore watched as the student gathered their books and walked away. Harry looked down in a major way and Albus asked him what was wrong.

"Angelus won't treat me like I'm special," Harry said. "He wont let me use my Firebolt or anything in Quidditch. I have to use what everyone else does. It's not fair and it sucks."

"I wish I could make it right for you, Harry but the school has acknowledged him. One day it will be better though. I promise. What was that about Percy?"

They know about the unforgivable curses used on him. Ron wrote his mum but she can't get onto the grounds. The school wont let her. Or maybe Remus won't. He's the Lord of the land."

"He shouldn't be," Albus said. "I thought I had arranged it so you would have all those titles but apparently some things even I cannot change. Don't worry though, Harry. You are still the greatest wizarding in the wizarding world."

"The civilized one," Remus' voice came to them. Harry is correct; I am barring that bitch's presence. I'm taking Percy out of the school now. You wont find us so don't try."

And the voice faded and a flower closed and they looked out a window as Remus Lupin carried Percy into the forbidden forest.

"What was that?!" Pansy Parkinson demanded a few moments later as there was a roar.

"It sounded like a dragon," Ron exclaimed. "Maybe Charlie is here to fix everything?"

"I wouldn't count on that, Ronniekins," George growled. "Charlie is a Wild mage too. If he's here its to meet the Lord of his power. Stay out of the way, little brother. You'll get trampled. And so will Harry."

He and Fred walked away and Harry and Ron and Dumbledore stared as they saw the dragon land in the forest.

In the forest, Percy was carried into the water of the healing spring by Remus himself. He'd heard the dragon and he would deal with it soon but for now, his attention was on the child.

"The Spring will give you healing and rebirth," Remus said to the boy in his arms. "A new life is waiting for you and you will have it."

The boy sighed as Remus held him in the water and selkies and other water magic creatures washed him clean s they ah Remus himself the night before.

Once he was clean, Remus wrapped him in a blanket and carried him into the temple like place and laid him on a bed. Coming out to his throne he saw another Wesley standing waiting to see him. As soon as Remus sat, the young man bowed.

"Bill or Charlie?" Remus asked.

"Charlie," he said.

Remus nodded. "Welcome Charlie to my court of the Wild. It's long past time those like you were allowed to practice their craft."

"Thank you, lord," the young man said. "Thank you for the welcome and the care you're giving my brother."

And Remus nodded.

Chapter 9: The Missing Elements

"Dammit!" Hermione Granger swore as she looked at the book. Something was missing. She knew something was missing. Looking she realized a page had been removed and it annoyed her. It was deliberate and just that one page.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked as he looked over her shoulder.

"There's a page missing," Hermione said. "It's here. Between these two pages. There's a passage missing. It's like a whole section was removed because of something in it they don't want anyone to know."

"Let me see the book title," Draco said looking at it. He nodded. "I have this book. My mother sent it to me the other day. Let's see what we have in this section in that book."

Hermione nodded and Draco went and got the book. He brought it back and they looked at it.

"What is this?" Hermione said as she saw the missing page.

One to Balance

The Shadow Dancer

"What does that mean?" Draco asked. Hermione thought.

"It means the Element of Darkness is needed here. It means we have to find its avatar and bring the person here.

"'Half an half he is'," Draco read from the book. "'Darkness is his birthright but he can stand in light.'"

"How do we find him?" Luna Lovegood asked from behind them. "Oh come on, I'm not stupid. I know something is up especially with the return of The Green Man."

"I don't know how we find him, Luna," Draco said. "But we need him."

"Well," Luna said. "I could always ask my father's friend Balthazaar if he can find us this element of darkness."

"Balthazaar?" Hermione asked. Luna nodded.

"Balthazaar. Uncle Cole. He saved me from something bad when I was born because I have mixed blood. He takes care of all half or other bloods when he can. I can ask him if he knows who The Shadow Dancer is."

"Thanks, Luna," Draco said as they gathered their papers and left the library. They didn't see Ron watching with anger on his face. The hate he was feeling right now was directed at a lot of people. From Angelus to Ginny and definitely Percy. God, how he hated them. He hated how they were making everything different. Hated how Harry was losing his specialness and he hated, hated, Ha-Ted that Percy was one of these elementals.

He looked out the window and saw Ginny walking into the Forbidden Forest like she was going to a meeting or something. Probably to wherever Remus had taken Percy. God he hated Percy. Perfect Percy. Bastard.

Ron growled and walked away form the window going to find Harry. He found The Boy Who Lived sitting in the common room reading.

"We should find Remus' glen and crash the party," Ron said. "We could take mum in so she can take Percy home where he belongs."

"I don't know about that, Ron," Harry said. "I'm angry but I really don't want to go against someone who can make magic without a wand."

"We don't know he really can," Ron began. Harry shook his head.

"I looked up The Green Man. He can, Ron and he will if we piss him off. Not even The Ministry wants him angry. Trust me, we don't want to go in there after him."

"I do," Ron said. "Percy doesn't deserve to be in there. He's not good enough." "Look, Ron..." Harry began but then sighed. "Tomorrow, okay? We'll go tomorrow."

Ron grumbled but nodded. Harry looked out at the window and sighed. He did not want to do this. He could fell the power they had. And it scared him.

end part 9